HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-12-23, Page 4MIMIPAMtrIPAVAVV-VrAMM
of the
, The same old greeting, in the same old way
' —but it carries our heartfelt hope and sincerest
wishes for Holiday Happiness for you and yours.
Stainton Hardware
fwl ftt row,, 4 el Km at el t at§goag
hi. rsday, Dec. 23rd, 4
The Spirit
There's more than enough Christmas Joy to
go around , . . so we're dividing our share ,into "
generous portions, and sending you a good measure
in the wish—A Merry Christmas.
H. E. Isard & Co.
veitogAzave, "4-444e.-0044-M-WiiiMAK.
Bradburn; Solo—"The Gift", Nora
VanCamp; Recitation—Murray Brad-
burn; Solo, "Q little .town of Bethle-
hem", Donna VanCamp; Chorus —
"Goad King Wenesclans"; Solo —
"'Away in a Manger" Harry Brydges;
Piano Duet—Mrs. C. Wade and Nora,
VanCamp; Recitation—Shirley Brad-
burn; Highland Fling—Peggy Neth-
ery, Irene Logan and Muriel Brydges;
Reading—Jean Streeter; Vocal Duet
—"The Road to Mandalay", Mrs. C,'
Wade and Dorothy Wade; Reading—
Mr. Streeter; Carols "The First Noel'
and "Joy .to the World". God Save
the King closed the program after
which lunch was served by ladies of
the congregation.
Red. Cross Shipment
The Red Cross Society packed the
following shipment on Friday: Knit-
ting for seamen-11 turtle-neck sweat-
ers, 20 tuckins, 5 pair socks, 5 ribbed
helmets. For the army, 3 pair gloves.
For the airforce, 5 turtle-neck Sweat-
ers, 5 pair gloves,' 5 pair socks.
Women's Auxiliary, 10 pr. of sookees,
10 calots, 7 pair gloves„ 12 quilts, 159'
bed pads.
Important Changes
There will be certain changes in
train service between December
24th and. January 2nd.
Consult your local C.N.R. Agent
for full information,
Canadian National Rlys.
FOR SALE—Domestic Spy Apples, I
fine quality. $2.00 per buShel. Stain-
ton Hardware.
FOR SALE—Roan Bull, 7 months
old. Apply to James S, McBurney,
R,R. No. 1, Wingham, Wroxeter
require breeding flocks all breeds
to supply us with hatching eggs for
1944 hatching season. Flocks cul-
led and bloodtested free, Guaran-
teed premium paid. Also additional
hatchability 'premium. Also turkey
flocks wanted to supply hatching
eggs. It will pay you to write for
full details immediately. Tweddle
Chick Hatcheries Limited., Fergus,
mas potted plants and cut flowers,
Cyclamen, Poinsettias, Saint Panne
(Blue Boy), 'Miniature Begonias,
and Ferns. May we have your co-
operation by having deliveries made
on the 22nd and 23rd when possible.
Lewis 'Greenhouse, phone 101.
and effective. Two sizes $1 and $5,
at ,McKibbon's Drug Store.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Robert Richard Culliton,
late of the Township of Turnberry in
the County of Huron, Farmer, who
died on or about the twenty-third day
of November, A D. 1943, are notified
to, send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham,
Ontario, on or before the third day
of January, A. D. 1944, full particulars
of their claims in writing. Immediate-
ly after the said third day of January,
the assets of the said testator will be
distributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims
of which the executors shall then have
DATED this tenth ,day of Decem-
ber, A. D. 1943.
Winghaip, Ontario,
Solicitor for the executors.
The family of the late Mrs. Edwin
Smith wish, to express their appreci-
ation to their neighbors and friends
for the kindness and many expressions
of sympathy extended to them in their
recent bereavement.
Miss Minnie Snell of Hamilton, is
spending the week at the home of her
sister, Mrs. J. .L. McDowell and Mr.
,Mr. John Gear of Kitchener, spent
Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Thos.
Mr. W. H. Campbell is visiting at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. P.
Crozier of Crewe.
There was a good attendance at the
Young People's meeting on Wednes-
day night. The program was in
charge of Mildred. Thornton. The
scripture lesson was read by Eileen
Taylor. Comments on the scripture
was given by Miss Pearl Jamieson.
Prayer by 'Gordon McDowell with the
Lord's Prayer in unison. Topic on
Health Service in the United Church
was given by Margaret Wightman.
Christmas carols were sung. The
meeting closed with the Mizpab Bene-
diction. The president, Gordon Mc-
Dowell, conducted the business. It
was decided to have a watch night
service on New Year's Eve. $10,00
was voted for the objective for mis-
sions for 1944. It was decided each
member should pay 10c membership
The Red Cross members Met in the
basement oft he church on Wednes-
day morning. 3 quilts were completed
after which the W. M. S. held their
Christmas service. Christmas Carols
were sung with Mrs, Howard Camp-
bell at the piano. The program was
in charge of Mrs, F. 1. Cook. The
scripture was read by Mrs. Norman
McDowell, Prayer by Mrs. F. Camp
bell, Mrs. McVittie, Readings were
given by Mrs, Jack Buchanan, Mrs,
WM. Govier, Winnifred Campbell,
The president, Mrs. MeVittie, was in
charge of the business, She reported
for the Red Cross that 31 quilts had
.been made daring the year, 12 little
girls dresses, 6 ladies dresses, 22 pr.
socks, 4 helmets, 21 pr. pyjamas, 16
sheets, 2 pr. pillow cases. Mrs. Me-
Vittie was re-appointed as Red Cross
representative for the Westfield unit.
The election of officers took place
with Mrs. J. L. McDowell in the
chair, with the following ofifcers el-
ected. Pres., Mrs. Wm. McVittie, 1st
vice pres., Mrs. R. Vincent; recording
sec'y., Mrs. Marvin McDowell; treas.,
Mrs. Stanley Cook; assistant secretary-
treasurer, Winnifred Campbell; W. A.
treasurer, Mrs. Alva McDowell, as-
sistant, Mrs. R. Vincent; cor. sec'y,,
Mrs. Frank Campbell; Christian stew-
ardship, Mrs. F, J. Cook; strangers
sec'y., Mrs. Wm. Govier; supply sec'y.,
Mrs. Walter Cook; mission band, Mrs.
Howard Campbell; baby band, Mrs.
Norman Radford; temperance, Mrs. J.
L. McDowell; missionary monthly,
Mrs. Jack Buchanan; press sec'y., Mrs.
Stanley Cook; pianist; Mrs. Win. Wal-
den, Mrs. F. W. Cook, Mrs. Howard
Campbell; group committee, Mrs.
Howard Campbell, Mrs. F. J. Cook.
The Red Cross had a donation of
$2.60, making a total of $23.25 on
hand, which will be used to send boxes
to the boys in uniform, The meeting
was closed with prayer by the presi-
Mr. Lloyd Walden, Mr. Charles
Smith, Mrs. Walter Cook, were Lon-
don visitors on Monday.
Mrs. Win, Walden spent Monday
with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Mar-
bourn of Hensall.
A very Merry Christmas to all the
readers of the Advance-Times.
The annual Sunday School meeting
was held on Thursday afternoon, with
Rev. Harold Snell in charge. The
scripture lesson was read from Isiah,
chap. 40. Jack Buchanan was ap-
pointed sec'y. for the meeting. Min-
utes were read and approved. Mr.
Norman McDowell was elected super-
intendent for 1944, with Mr.„W. F.
Campbell as assistant superintendent.
sec'y.-treas., Murray McDowell, assist.,
Roberta McVittie; pianist, Winnifred,
Campbell, Phyllis Cook, Edith Cook,
Gwen Cook, Graeme McDowell, Arn-
old Cook; temperance supt., Rev. H.
Snell; cradle roll supt., Mrs. Walter
Cook, Mrs. Hugh Blair; missionary,
Mrs. N. Radford; representative to of-
ficial board, Mr. A, E. Walsh; teach-
ers, Adult's Bible Class, Mt. Howard
Campbell, convenor; Young People's
classy Mr. Norman McDowell, Mr.
Douglas Campbell; Jr. Boys class, Mr.
J. L. McDowell, assistant, Mr. Norm-
an Radford, Mr. Harvey McDowell;
Sunshine class, Mrs. Marvin Mc-
Dowell, Mrs. J. L. McDowell; Jr.
class, Mrs. R, Vincent, Miss Winnifred
Campbell; Primary, Mrs. W. P. Camp-
bell, Mrs. Howard Campbell; Begin-
ners class, Mrs. Jack Buchanan, Mrs.
F. 5, Cook. Mr. Norman McDowell
closed the meeting with prayer.
The last council meeting of the year
was held at Belgrave on December
15th, After the meeting, Reeve R. R.
Redmond invited all the councillors
and officials to a ,fowl supper, at
Which the council presented Mr. Red-
mond -with a club bag for which Mr.
Redmond expressed his appreciation,
Mrs, Sholtz of Dungannon, has re-
turned ,home after nursing Mrs. Lloyd
Walden and babe.
Miss Elva Hunher, Sullitiry, arrived
on Saturday and will spend tile Christ-
Inas vacation with her mother, Mrs.
Robert Huphet,
Mrs. Wilford Travis, Cornish, is
spending this week with her parents,
Rev. 5, L. and Mrs, roster.
All Meetings Cancelled
Owing to the unusual amount of ill,
ness in the community clattehts,
schools, all public meetings 'have been
cancelled for two weeks beginning
Saturday, December 1.8th,
Miss Mary Utetronaid and IV/Is
Kay Irwin of the school staff, are
spending the vacation at their homes
at Ripley,
Friends here learned with regret of
the illness of Robert Nay at Ford-:
wick but are glad to know he is mak-
ing a good recovery.
AC1 Cliff Denny of Crundin, spent
a day last week. with Mrs. Denny M
Mr, Alvin Hudson, a former resi-
dent, now of Toronto, will spend
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
A welcome Christmas visitor in the
village will he John Howes of Bala.
John Who started in with Mr, H. V.
McKenney, local C.P.R, agent, was
last *dig given a position as assis-
tant station agent at Bala. John ex-
pects to return to Bala for the winter
Sympathy of many friends is ex.-
tended to Mrs. Hector Knight, who,
last week receivel word_ of the death
of her mother at Ripley,
The Christmas service in St. James
Church which was to have been con-
ducted by Rural Dean, E. 0. Galla-
gher: of Wingharn, has been postponed
owing to all public meetings being
acncelled in the village for a period of
two weeks.
Mrs. Joseph Lambert
This whole community was, shocked
on Saturday morning when it learned
of the sudden passing- of Mrs. Joseph
Lambert of the Brussels Road. Mrs.
Lambert was busy at her household
duties when she was seized with a
violent pain in her head from which
she failed to rally, A full obituary
will be given next week.
Christmas Entertainment
' United Church Sunday School held
their annual Christmas Entertainment
in the church school room on Friday
night, with good attendance. Rev.
J. L. Foster was chairman and the
following numbers were given by the
pupils of the various classes:
Opening chorus, Silent Night;
chairman's address; Christmas Story,
by Mrs. 'Alien Munroe's class; piano
instrumental, Helen Sawtell; reading,
Ken Kaake; chorus, Miss MaeDon-
ald's class; dialogue, "Beauty and the
Beast", Mrs. Wright and Mr. Moffat's
claps; piano instrumental, Mary Mea-
hen; "Their Gifts" by Alice Howes
class; chorus, Rev. J. L. Foster's
class; recitation, Shirley McMichael;
duet, Bonnie Gibson and Mary Mea-
hen accompanied by Agnes Wearring
at the piano; recitation, Evelyn Anger;
reading, Alice Howes; Christmas
Sharing Band by Miss MacDonald's
class; piano instrumental, by Agnes
Wearring; Stump speeches on many
subjects of interest were a feature.
In due time Santa Claus arrived
and distributed gifts and treats to the
children. A lovely lunch was served
by the teachers and ladies of the con-
gregation and a social hour enjoyed
by all.
W. I. Hold Delightful Party
Thirty-five guests were in attend-
ance at the Red Cross rooms on Tues-
day evening of last week when the
Institute .members held a Christmas
party, Progressive euchre, ,chinese
checkers and crokinole were enjoyed.
Mrs. J. H, Wylie won the ladies'
prize for highest score; Mr. Vern
Denny was winner of the gentlemen's
price. Mr. H. V. McKenney and Mrs.
Ken Edgar won the lucky couple
prize, Lucky number prizes were
won by Mr, Wearring, Mr. MacDon-
ald, K. Irwin, Mrs. W. Woods, M,
MacNaughton. This part of the pro-
gramme was very capably handled by
Mrs. F. H. Scherk. Mrs. H. Durst
and Mrs. H. V. McKenney were in
charge of the refreshments. The
singing of Christmas Carols was a
feature. Mr. H. V, McKenney ex-
pressed the appreciation of the hus-
bands and other guests. The presi-
dent of the W. I., "Mrs. D. S. Mac-
Naughton, replied for the members
thanking those present for their help
in any community effort undertaken
by the. W. I. 'The singing of God
Save the King brought the evening
to a close.
• Christmas Cheer Donations
Will the members of the Women's
Institute please leave their donations
to the Christmas „cheer boxes at,
Central office not later than Wednes-
day, December 29th.
W. A. Had Good Year
The December meeting of the Wo-
men's Association of United Church
was held on Tuesday of last week in
the church school room, The presi-
dent, Mrs. Charles MeCtitcheon, was
in the chair and opened the nteetiag
with the Christmas hymn, "While
Shepherds Watched. Their Flocks by
MOO Rev. 5. L. Poster led in
prayer, The Scripture lesson was
taken from St, Dakea Gospel, chapter
g, verses 1-20. As it was the annual
meeting, report of the treasurer was
given 'by Mrs, 3, N, Allen, who re-
ported $180.00 in the bank at present.
Mts, Hart in reporting as secretary;
said there were g1 members, it meet•
nits held during the year' with an
'average attendance of 15. 12 mints
were quilted. The members catered
for a chicken dinner 4teld by the .Liens
Club when 200 gues4 were present.
$25.00 was given to the 'General
Church funds and25,c.I0 given to the
property Blind,
Rev. J, L. FOster then conducted the
election of officers which aro as fOl-
tows;: President, Mrs, Charles Me-
CMCIleon; vice president, Mrs, Wm.
Hart; secretary, Mrs. Leslie. Douglas;
assistant secretary, Mrs, A, Green;
pianist, Mrs. J. N. Allen; manse corm,
Mrs. Hemphill, Mrs, J. N. Allen, Mrs,
J, Douglas; flower corn., Mrs. J.
Douglas, Mrs. 5. N. Allen; coin. to
care for dishes, Mrs. J., N, Allen, Mrs,
Wm, Hart; care of cutlery nom., Miss
U, Jardine; auditors, Mrs, H. Mc-
Michael, Mrs. T. G, Hemphill; press
see)", Mrs, -Vern MacDonald,
The singing of the Carol "Ci Little
Town of Bethlehem" and the repeating
of the Lord's Prayer in unison brought
the meeting to a elos6,
January W, I. Meeting
Write on your hearts that every day
is the best day of the year. Date
January 6th, 1944. Home, Mrs. J. N.
Allen; current events, Mrs. T. Burke;
roll call, Health hint; topic, Blood
plasma, by Mrs, P. H, Scherk; music
period, Mrs. H. Durst; hostesses, Mrs.
J. N. Allen, Mrs. G. A, Wearring.
Annual Red Cross Meeting
The annual meeting of the local
Red Cross Society will be held on the
evening of January 11th (Tuesday) at
8 p.m. Everyone interested in the Red
Cross are urged to attend this meeting
when reports of the wdle will be given
and officers elected for the coming
Week of Prayer -
A week of prayer services will be
held in the school room of United
'Church, commencing January 2nd at
8 p.m. to which everyone in the 'corn-
munitf is invited.
(Continued from page one)
self an accomplished violinist. For
several years he directed a dramatic
Reeve Redmond was taken copletely
by surprise but after regaining his
composure stated that he appreciated
this friendly act on the part of the
council and officials. I have enjoyed
very much, he said, working with the
council members and their assistance
at all times made the council a most
co-operative one, one that works with
harmony. He said that during the
years in the council he had endeavour-
ed to serve with fairness and common
sense and he hoped that his efforts
had been of some value to the folk of
the township. He spoke in glowing
terms' of the officials of the township
and thanked them for their faithful
manner with which they carried on
their respective duties. I4e congratu-
lated the reeve-elect, Mr. Beecroft,
and wished him and the council every
success and made the offer to assist
them in any way if they so desired.
Councillors Black, McDowell and
Ruddy, all expressed their regrets
that Mr. Redmond was leaving the
township and all who spoke extended
their sincere wish that lie would have
a great measure of success and happi-
ness in his now environment,
Other speakers included Rev. Dun-
lop; Road Superintendent, Stuart Mc-
Burney; Frank Thompson, auditor;
W, F. Campbell, a former councillor
and a member of the Board of Health;
Dr. Weir, medical officer of health,
and W, W. Armstrong,
A Merry Xmas to the Advance-
Times and its readers.
Mr, Donald Weir of London, 'has
come to spend his Xmas vacation with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, D. L.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy attended
the Silver 'Wedding anniversary of
their daughter, Mrs. Fred Hyndman
and Mr. Hyndmari in Gorrie last Sat-
Mr. Thomas McMichael has sold
his farm to Mr. Stanley Gallaher, who
resides on the 2nd' of Turnberry, near
The concert which Was held in Lan-
themselves, The Program was well
rendered and the teacher and scholars
are to be congratulated on having it
Owing to the flu epidetnic, the
church has been closed here for an
indefinite period.
We were sorry to heat Mr. and Mrs,
Arthur Wheeler had the flue, Pneu-
monia developed and they were taken
to Wingham Hospital last week, We
are glad to hear they are sortie better.
Mrs. Veciceljohri and daughter, are
visiting with her patents, Mr. and Mrs.
Allan RamsaY, 1st line,
Mr. George and Iteleti ThOmpsoli, of
[London University, are spending a
week's holidays with their parents, Mr.
and. Mrs. George Thompson of Blue-
vale< "
Mr, Spence McKinnon of Waterloo,
spent the week-end with .'h'is parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Robt. 'Mckinnon at
Mr. Allan. Barnard of Kitchener,
spent the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barnard.
Mr. and Mrs, Lee, Breckenridge and
Mrs, George Wheeler, attended the
funeral of the late Mrs, Wm. Wright
on Monday afternoon,
Here are the dates on which ration
coupons are due:
Butter coupons 38 to 41 now valid;
42 to 43 valid December 23.
Sugar coupons to 22 now valid.
"D" preserve coupons 1 to 9 now
Tea, coffee coupons 1 to 25 now
Meat coupons 26 to 30 are Valid;
31 valid on December 23; 32 valid on
December 30.
The following coupons expire on
December 31st: Butter coupons Nos.
38, 39, 40, 41; Meat coupons Nos. 26,
27, 28, 29; Sugar and Tea-Coffee cou-
pons Nos. 1 to 13; All canning sugar
Dec, 15, 1943
Morris Council met on Wednesday,
December 15th, in the Township Hall
with all the members present. The
Reeve presided.
'The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted on motion of
Jas, Michie and Win, Speir.
Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded
by 'Wm. Speir, that the Road Super-
intendent be instructed to purchase
two thousand (2000) feet of snow
fence.' Carried.
Moved by Harvey Johnston, second-
ed by Wm. Speir, that By-law No. 6,
appointing Deputy Returning Officers
and Poll Clerks be passed. Carried.
Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded
by Harvey Johnston, that the meeting
adjourn to meet again on January 10,
1944, at 10 a.m. Carried.
The following accounts were paid:
Dept. of Health (insulin) $4.60;
County of Huron '(indigent fee of Jos.
Hogg) $45.50; Village of Blyth (Div-
ision Court) $20.00; A. H. Erskine
(fees for collecting taxes) $99.53rJno.
McGill (inspection of Mustard drain)
$3.00; County of Huron (taxes) $15,-
080.39; Brussels Telephone $2,420.55;
Bly,th Telephone $768,00; McKillop
Telephone $12.00; Cecil Wheeler
(salary) $100.00; Harvey Johnston
(salary) $65,00; Chas. Coultes (salary)
$65.00; Jas. Miohie (salary) $65,00;
Wm. Speir (salary) $65,00; Nelson
Higgins (salary) $154,00; Nelson Hig-
gins (relief officer $25.00; Nelson
Higgins (school attendance officer)
$12.00; Nelson Higgins (financial
statement) $10.00; Nelson Higgins
(provincial audit) $5.00; Nelson Hig-
gins (stamps, stationery, etc.) $10.00;
George Martin (salary) $222.75;
George Martin (postage) $25,00;
George Martin (drains) $10.00; Fred
Logan (aftercare) $7.00; Mrs. George
Gross (relief) $15.00; Brussels Post
(contract of printing) $95,00; Howicic
Fire Insurance Co. (ins. on grader)
$7.20; Ivan McArter (caretaking)
$15.00; Ivan McArter (repairs to hall)
$5.50; Municipal Wdrld (supplies
George Martin, Clerk.
that of the United Farmers' Co-op-
erative Company and the Ontario
Federation of Agriculture.
The Belgrave Club decided to carry
on in the future as in the past and col-
lect $1.00 membership fees which is
to be used for educational purposes.
Two young people are to be sent
to the Agricultural course to be held
in Guelph December 27 - 31.
James lvlichie and Harold Vincent
were appointed as delegates to attend
the annual meeting' of the Federation
of Agriculture in Toronto in Janmiry.
Martin Grasby }vas appointed as
representative to the Huron County
Federation of Agriculture meetings in
Clinton. Lunch was then served.
The next meeting will be held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Higgins
in January. -
Packed Boxes For Soldiers
A committee with Mrs, Harry
Campbell as convener, met in the Red
Cross work rooms last week and pack-
ed 23 Christmas boxes for 'local boys
in Canadian camps.
Anglican Church Christmas Tree
Trinity Anglican Sunday School and
Young People's Association, held a
Christmas tree and entertainment in
the Belgrave Public School on Friday
evening. The gaily decorated tree
held gifts, for the children from the
Sunday School. The rector, Rev. P.
H. Streeter, was chairman and the
program was as follows. Solo—"It
came upon the midnight clear", Irene
Logan. Recitation—Terry Nethery;
Dance — "The Irish Lilt", Shirley
I wish I could greet each _friend in person,
Lacking that, please accept this as my expression
of the season's sentiments.
Takes Pleasure In Wishing You and Yours
Farmer& Club Held Annual
The Belgrave Farmers' Club re-
elected Lyle Hopper as their Presi-
dent at the annual meeting of the
organization held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Anderson. There were
24 present, Reports of the annual
convention of the United Farmers' of
Ontario held in Toronto were given
by four delegates.
Other officers elected Were: Vice-
president, Albert Vincent; Directors,
C. R. Coultes, Martin Grasby, SteWart
Procter, Harold Vincent, Richard
Procter, R. 5, Scott and Nelson Hig-
gins; Program cotrunittee, Mrs. Earl
Anderson, Mrs, J. M. Coultes, Mrs.
e's school last Friday night, was well Cecil Wheeler, George Miehie, George
attended, All those present enjoyed 11,1cNichol, William Spiers.
The secretary, C. 12., Goalies, re-
viewed the years' work, which netted
a substantial profit,
Harold Procter gave the auditors'
report and Martin Grasby--condueted
the election of officers. C. R. Coultes
gave a report of the United Fanners'
eXecOtive meeting held in Toronto in
November, Martin Graaby gave a re,
port of the annual meeting of the
Huron County Federation of Agricul-
ture held in Clinton, Mrs. Carl Proc-
ter and Mrs. A. Vincent gave reports
of the 'United Farm Women's meet-
ings and R. Procter and N. Higgins
repotted on the Men's meeting, where
it was decided that the United Partn-
er's of Ontario Would disband and
that its work should be 'merged With PAW