HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-12-16, Page 4-.mopormompAir,00rdrivoc,,
For a Real
Christmas Thrill
Give a Gift from
The lasting quality of a gift of
jewelery will give the recipient an'',
added thrill when he o*- she unwraps
the things that Santa has left,
Williams Jewelery Store offers scores
of ideas for gifts in very price range.-
In spite of Wartime conditions
we think that our display this Year is
'as good as ever. Come in and look
Bulova, Roman, Westfield and Vadis Watches,
moderately priced.
Rogers and Community Plate — still some in
Glass,, China, Bluebird Diamonds, Leather 0,11
Goods and a host of other suggestions too numer- 0. to mention.
4.47-wiipf;acig +;.;tattg,:50sig.e4M4.raitti jraig%4471 • A.*, • • • .• SGyytSi
• • Williams' Jewellery Store
on or before the eighteenth day of
December, 1943, full particulars of
their claims in writing. Immediately
after the said eighteenth day of De-
cember, the assets of the said testator
will be distributed amongst the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only to
claims of which the executrix shall
then have notice.
DATED this thirtieth day of No
vember, 1943. •
' Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Ekecutrices.
e., Phone 171...
and have your Radio re-
stored to its hest
Radio Service
-41000 Or; -WM:AM -Ar,a 04%10410 -VOA WA . • ,t
'tints of the
hristmas GiftVaines
It You Shop at the
Isard Stores
A great variety of fine gifts
for every member of the family.
House Coats—Fancy Sweat-
ers — Pullovers — Gloves —
Hosiery — Purses — Scarfs —
Lingerie — Handkerchiefs —
Dresses — Fur Coats. @
Dressing Gowns and House Coats — Ties — Handkerchiefs — Scarfs —
Shirts — Sweaters Underwear — Braces — Gloves.
Your boy would appreciate a new Suit or Overcoat.
H. E. 'BARD Cy' CO. Phone
• W K-e;A ''Age4g - r:+k .ZA:ket
8 Series Sets $1.09
Multiple Sets .. .. . .. . . . $1.29
2 for 15c
"Gifts afore at Stainton's Store"
Sleighs - Wagons
Sno.Flex Sleighs
$2.25, $2.50, $2.75
• Pal Transport Wagons $1.50
Station Wagons $1.50
Carving Sets $2.95
Butcher Knives . . 59c to $1.25
Coffee Spoons (6 in set) . . $1.25
Skiis and Ski Poles
3- ft. $1.19
5 ft. $2.39
5 ft. 6 inches $2.39
6t ft. $6.25
6. ft. 6 inches • $6.25, $6.39
Poles $3.35, $2.50, $1.95
Childs Skiis and Poles $1.50
Hockey Sticks 30c - 35c - 50c - 65c - 75c - $1.00
Wooden Kiddie Cars $2.50, $2.89
Reliable Full Dress Dolls, 21" . $1.00
Teddy Bears $1.79
Novelty Stuffed Dolls . . . $2.75
Wheel Barrows , . $2.50
Boxing. Gloves (sets - 2 pair) •%44
"4444 $3.75, $4.75
Four 'O'Clock Tea Sets—choice of
4 colors 60c, $1.00
Pastry Sets .. . . . . 20c, 40c
Sewing Sets $1.19, $1.45
Drums . — . . . 65c
Dolly's`Bath Sets
Toy Sign Writers — 49c
Lawn Chairs 23c
Building Blocks, set , 49c
Paint Boxes 25c
Lotto 65c
Michey Monk , 25c
Swing Skittles „ .... „ . 25c
Slates . . 90c, $1.39
Table Tennis 59c, $1.39
Kiddies Snow Shovels — _ 25c
Doctor Sets 50c, 98c
Chemistry Sets . $4.25
Checkers and Board .. . . .. 25c
Microscopic Sets — . ... , $4.25
Stainton's Hardware
Mrs. Richard Culliton and family
wish to express their sincere appreci-
ation to their neighbors and friends
for the thoughtfulness and kindness
during their recent sad bereavement,
We take this opportunity of expres-
sing our appreciation to our neighbors
for their assistance at the chimney
fire at our home on Friday. We also
wish to express our thanks to the
Wingham Fire Brigade for their quick
response and to Central for her effic-
ient work at the switch-board.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy King.
We take this opportunity of expres-
sing our thanks to our friends and
neighbors for their kindness and e f-
pressions of sympathy during our
recent bereavement, We also wish to
express our appreciation to the staff
of Wingham General Hospital for
their kindly services. .
Mr, and Mrs. Marshall Stonehouse,
Mrs. R. C, Copeland is spending a
few weeks in London with her
Miss Marlene Barton spent the
Week-end with her father in `Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. William Earngey of
Fergus, and son Dean, R.C.N.V.R.,
Halifax, spent the week-end with the
former's aunt, Miss Kate Earngey.
There will be a special Carol Serv-
ice in the United Church on Sunday
evening commencing at 8 p.m., to
which the public are extended an in-
The Sunday School Christmas eon-
eerts of the Gorrie churches, will be
held on the following dateS1 The ,
Presbjiterian, which will Consist of a
lecture and slides on the Birth of
Christ, will he on Tuesday evening,
December 21st in, the elturch, and the
United Church concert will he held
in the town hall on the evening of
Thursday, Decenther 28. To both
concerts the pnblie are extended a
cordial invitation,
Owing to the fin epidetnic'the cony--
rnittee in charge of the Santa Claus
Day Which was to be field here on
Saturday, December 18th, has been
Thursday, Dec. 16th, 1943
AU persons having (claims against
the estate of James 11irekrille Campbell
late of the Township of Morris in the
County of Huron, farmer, who died on
"or about the twenty-third day of Oc-
tober, 1943, are notified to send to J.
H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on
or before the eighteenth day of De-
cember, 1943, full particulars of their
claims in writing. Immediately after
the said -ighteenth day of December,
the assets of the said testator will be
distributed amongst he panics entitled
FOR SALE — Set of tire chains in fixeren.; having regard only to claims
good condition, Apply Horace of which the executrix shall then
Aitchison, Leopold St, J, have notice. DATED this thirtieth day of No-
purse containing sum vember, A. D. 1943.
(fmoney, Advance-Times. J. H, CRAWFORD,
Wingham, Ontario,
FOR SALE —10 or 12 acres of hard- Solicitor for the Executrix.
wood bush. Beech and maple. Ap-
ply P.O. Box 422, Wingham.
attended to anywhere. For a suc-
cessful sale phone or write Matt.
Gaynor, Lecknow, phone Lucknow
FOR SALE—House, Hydro in house
and barn, acre of garden and five
acre field, cement hen house, House
has shingled exterior. Located on
North Street, Wingham. Apply to
Mrs. Annie Lewis.
.FOR ,S&L About 100 tree tops,
hard and soft wood. To be sold on
the premises in part or whole, Lot
88, 'Concessiors 2, Kinloss. Apply
to T.171. Moore, phone 612R3.
FOR SALE—Ladies skating outfit,
skates on white !boots, size 4. Apply
FOR SALE — Heintzman piano in
good condition, also Princess Pat
,kitchen range, good as new. Apply
to Airs. Alex Dark, phone 347.
FOR SALE — Mason and Rich piano
in good cOntliti9n: Apply Wm. Field,
,txliope 294,
require breeding flocks all breeds
to supply us with hatching eggs for
1944 hatching season. Flocks cul-
led and bloodtested free. Guaran-
teed premium paid. Also additional
hatchability premium. Also turkey
flocks wanted to supply hatching
eggs. It will pay you to write for
full details immediately. Tweddle
Chick Hatcheries Limited., Fergus,
LOST — Pair rimless glasses on.
Horse Show night. Finder please
leave at Advance-Times. Reward. .•
MAKE THIS — a Merry Christmas
by buying your auto and sporting
needs at Campbell's garage, Cana-
dian Tire Corporation Store, Wing-
WANTED — Man to work on farm.
Free house, fuel, hydro, milk and
eggs. Good wages. Apply Advance-
WANTED — Girl for general house-
work. Apply to Mrs. Gibson Rin-
toul, John Street.
WE STILL t HAVE three finished
Silver Fox Furs at last year's
prices. We will retail no more furs
for the duration, Laidlaw Fur
AB persons having claims against
the estate of Robert Richard Culliton,
late of the Township of Turnberry in
the County of Huron, Farmer, who
died on or about the twenty-third day
of November, A. D. 1948, arc notified
to send to J, H. Crawford, Wingham,
Ontario, on or before the third day
of January, A. D. 1944, full particulars
of their claims in writing. Immediate-
ly after the said third day of January,
the assets of the said testator will be
distributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims
of which the executors shall then have
DATED this tenth day of Detem-
ber, A. 1), 1948,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the executors.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Luke Kitig late of the
Township of Turnberry in the County
of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who
died on or about the twentieth day of
November, 1948, are notified to send
to J. H. Crawford, Wingliam, Ontario,
. Oa I, T, Meeting
The Gorrie G. C. L T, meeting was
held Friday at the home of Florence
Anger. The ,meeting opened with the
Purpose and answer. Greta Hyndman
and Pauline Heiiimiller, were in charge
Of the worship service, Hymn "Jesus-
Calls Us; O'er the Tumult" was sung.
The scripture reading was tagen by
Betty Ifeinmiller, Psalms 4111-6
followed with a prayer by Wilma
Heihein, A reading was given by
Greta and Pauline, hymn "0 Love
that Wilt not let Me go" was sung.
The warship service closed with the
hymn -"Onward Christian Soldiers,"
The bnsiness period opened with
Greta reading the minutes of the last
meeting. The roll call "A Scotch song
or story" was answered by 14 mem-
bers. It was deCided that Jean King
and June Brown would have charge
of the program for the Christmas
meeting being held at the home of
Greta hyndman, Wednesday, Decem-
ber 29th, with Greta and Eleanore
Carson in charge of the lunch, It was
decided also that a separate collection
be taken, for War Savings Stamps.
The meeting closed with play practice
and plans for the Vesper Service
which was held in the United Church
on Sunday afternoon. '
Howick Lions' Club Entertain Ladies
The Howick Lions' Club met in the
Anglican Church basement, Thursday,
December 9th. Approximately fifty
Lions and their wives sat down to a
banquet supper.
The tailtwister was much in evi-
dence with his "Fine Box" which
seemed to find reason to be presented
to almOst every lion during the course
of4 the supper. Five names . were
drawn from a box. and these men
found themselves decked out in very
becoming costume. Larry O'Dwyer
became Grandma, with a lovely white
wig, black beaded bonnet and cape,
with spectacles, It was shocking to
see Grandma smoking just like the
modern girls. Ken Hastie donned a
fine wig made of binder twine, red
goatee and straw hat, and was Grand-
ma's husband. ' Harvey McMichael
was their little girl and he wore some-
thing which I doubt he has worn for
sometime, a lovely big red hair rib-
bon: on top of his head. Very effect-
ive! Harold Townsend made a very
attractive Junior in an Eton collar,
big red tie, and a cute little black felt
hat. He resembled "Little Bobby
Shatftoe". The 'baby of the family
was Knowlson Hueston. He was very
fetching in a pretty white" baby bon-
net, with a bib as well. He was given
a high chair of suitable dimensions,
'granite Plate and cup, baby spoon, and
a bottle or milk for his supper. He
was quite the baby, dropping his
playthings, and even throwing things
around, He was certainly a very good
sport, for plenty of ribbing came his
way. Doe. Irwin wore a cute little
hat which refused to stay put. These
Baptist Church
Rev. John Lucas, Pastor
10 a.m.—Sunday School,
Special Christmas Messages
11 a.m.—Conte and See,
7,30 p.m. — The Two Census
Christmas Entertainment Mon-
day, December 20th, 8 p.m.
All are welcome.
Private Albert Lindsay of Fort
011' Appelle, who is stationed at Lon-
don, was a week-end visitor with his
friend, Mr. Wm. McQuillin,
The annual meeting of the Beef
Ring will be held on' Thursday night.
All members are urged to attend.
Donnie, little son, of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Gaunt is home after spending
a few days in the Wingham Hospital
when he underwent an operation.
Mrs. Tom Wilson has received a
cable from her husband telling of his
promotion to Flying Officer, Torn has
been overseas since early in July.
In our issue of last week we report-
ed that Dr. and Mrs. Crawford had
donated a beautiful picture to the hos-
pital which would be hung in the
Eastern Star room." We should have
reported that the picture was present-
ed to the Eastern Star who will hang
it in the Eastern Star room at the
hospital, In connection 'with a trio at
the High School Capimencement we
mentioned the name of Elizabeth Hare,
this should have read -Elizabeth Young.
CASEMORE—In Turiiberry,-on Fri-
day, December 10th, Mary Anne
McPherson, widow of the late Wil-
liam Casemore, in her 87th year.
The funeral was! held at the resi-
dence of her son-in-law; Oliver
Gallaway, Lot 4, Concession 7,
Turnberry, on Sunday afternoon,
December 12th. Interment in the
Wroxeter Cemetery.
JOHNSTON—In Wingham General
WILLIAMSON — In Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital, on Thursday, Decem-
ber 9th, to Sgt, Neil and Mrs.
Williamson, Wingham, a son, James
Mr. Walter Bush of Wingliarn
locality, spent the week-end with
friends around here
The church service was withdrawn
here last Sunday owing to the funeral
of the late Mrs, Wm, Casemate which
was held to the Wroxeter cemetery:
The sorrowing friends have the• sytiv,
pathy of the community. The deceas-
ed was in her 87th year.
Mn and Mrs. Thomas Martin spent
Friday evening with Mr. and Atis„
Percy Copeland.
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Emmett visit-
ed last Sunday afternoon 'with Mr.
and Mrs, Arnold Nalladay of the 13
tine, Howlek.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin Jr.,
of Toronto, visited Ur., and gra,
Thomas Martin Sr., for a short while
Lions in, costume favored the mem-
bers and guests with a chorus led by
the Lion Tamer, Tom Burke.
The manner of responding to the
roll call was interesting to the ladies
who discovered that their htisbands
gave very unique occupations as their
way of making a living. Lion Mac,
McKinney was fined for putting in a
very flowery plug for the C.P.R.
After the toast to the King, Presi-
dent Howard Wylie, conducted the
business of the evening. Mr. Sawtell
very graciously welcomed the ladies,
and expressed the hope that the occa-
sion might become an annual event,
Mrs. Torn Wilson, of Fordwich made
a very fitting reply, The program
chairman, Mr. McKinney,' announced
that the Red Cross rooms were ready
for the company to adjourn for a
social game of euchre, The rest of Hospital, on Sunday, December
, the evening was spent in this manlier, 12th, Charles Johnston, in his 84th
year. Service at the residence of
his niece, Mrs. Mary J, Shoebottom,
Lot 36, Concession 9, East Wawa-
nosh, on Wednesday afternoon, De-
cember 15th. Interment in Brandon
nine tables playing, The winners of
the prizes were, high lady, MrS. Ken,
Hastie, high man, TOM. Burke, . low
lady, Mrs, Tom Burke,. low man,
Larry O'Dwyer,
4111114 4,444 1••••
Evening AtnciliarY Christmas Meeting
The Board Room of the United
Church was festive with. Christmas
decorations for the regular meeting of
the Evening Auxiliary.. Eighteen
members and associate members were
present. The meeting started with the
hymn "Joy to the World," and, the
Lord's prayer repeated in unison.
Mrs. Whitfield presided over the busi-
ness period. Minutes were read and
adopted. The 'treasurer's report was
given showing that the society's allo-
cation had been sent to the Presby-
wry treasurer and a fine 'balance re-
maining on hand, It was decided for
the benefit of more members in the
country to change the date of our
meeting. Starting January, the meet-
ings will be held on the first Wednes-
day in the month, The January meet-
ing will be held at the home of the
new president, Mrs. Victor Shera, on
Wednesday, January 5th. Will all the
ladies interested in the Auxiliary
please make note of this change!
Mr. Copeland conducted the 'instal-
lation of the new executive. The re-
tiring president made a very gracious
address thanking the members for
their co-operation during her term of
office, and solicited the same for her
Watson - Weiler 4 •
On Saturday evening at the United
Church parsonage, Rev. R. C. Cope-
land 'united in marriage, Mrs. Jennie
Weiler and Mr. Harold Watson, son
of Mr. and ,Mrs. Milton Watson.
They were assisted by Mr. and Mrs.
John Laurence of Harriston, daughter
and son-in-law of the bride. They' will
reside on the 6th concession of How-
1.4 -I'