HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-12-16, Page 1BATTLE OF BRITAIN PICTURES WERE SHOWN At LIONS CLUB MEETING LADIES' AUXILIARY TO T ENJOYED A HE LEMON MOST SUCCESSFUL YEAR FIRE BRIGADE. HAD RUN TO TURNBERRY Chimney Fire At The Home Of ,Cntuicillor Percy King st, With a storm blowing in real winter fashion Friday evening the chimney at the farm ,home of Percy King took fire about 6 p.m. Large pieces of burning soot were belching from the chimney and 'blowing toward the barn. It was feared the barn would take fire so the Wingham Fire Brigade was called. Fortunately the other biuld- ings did not take fire and willing neighbors had the ohimeny fire well cut in wick time. There was no damage. Mr. King was greatly surprised at the short time it took the firemen from here to respond to his sump-ions for help, It is three miles from town to his borne, Lot 27, Concession 12 and the firemen were there in record time, he said. NOVEMBER SHIPMENT BY THE RED CROSS The following is a list of the work shipped by the Wingham Red Cross to headquarters for November. Hospital-59 hot water bottle cov- ers; 7 suits pyjamas; 2 _hasp. gowns; 46 triangular bandages; 5 cony. jack- ets; 5 surgeons caps; 108 rolled band- ages; 1160 compresses. Airforce-8 turtle-neck sweaters; 9 pr. gloves; 25 helmets; 34 pr. socks. Army-7 sleeveless V-neck sweat, ers; 2 pr. socks; 10 ribbed helmets; 5 pr. gloves; 2 toques; 2 gray sweat- ers. British Civilian-12 boys coats; 2 girls nightdresses; 21 pr. boys pants; 21 pr. braces; 4 girls sweaters; 5 boys, sweaters; 25 quilts; 5 afghans, Attended Military Examination Lieut. J. H. Crawford of the 21st (Res.) Field Regiment, R.C.A., was in Kitchener on' Saturday writing an ex- amination on Common to All Arms...t. Xmas Tree and Entertainment In Ebenezer Church, Wednesday evening, December 22nd:' Every ef- fort is being made to make this a most enjoyable evening. Proceeds in aid of the Sabbath School. Donated Picture `)4, Mrs. W. W. Armstrong donated one of her paintings to the Ladies' Auxil- iary to the Toronto Retail Druggists Association and they realized $95.50 from-the sale of tickets. The proceeds were used by the auxiliary) for their ditty bag fund. Bride Honored at Shower ‘1,;A delightful evening was spent at the home of Mrs. E. Lewis last Wed- nesday evening, when her daughter Hazel held a miscellaneous shower for Mrs. Alfred Mason who was married last month. Many •friends gathered and the bride received many beautiful gifts which were wheeled to 'her in a nicely' decorated doll carriage.S. Mrs, Mason then thanked the girls with some well chosen words, The re- mainder of the evening was spent in playing games. The girls then enjoy- ed a dainty lunch served on a very attractively decorated table. DISTRICT ORANGEMEN SELECT OFFICERS Amnia Meeting Held Here Last Week Orangemen from North Huron met at Wingham Orange Hall last week for their annual meeting, Officers elected for the ensuing year were: County Master, Harold Love, Ethel. D.C.M,, Rev) E. O. Gallagher, Wingham. • Chaplain, Charles Stewart, Blyth, Wrn. Peacock Bluevale, Seey„ T. Grasby, Treasurer, B. Finnegan, Dungannon. Marshal, H: Ruskin, Londesborce 1st Lecturer, Walter Dickenson, Dungannon. 2nd Lecturer, 11.4 Squires, Dungan. non. It was decided to telebrate the Twelfth of, July next year at Listowet. A resolution was passed urging the Canadian Broadcasting COrpOration that patriotic programs be ineorpor, Med in their lists on and at national teterieletie, ANEW MINISTER ELECTED MODERATOR Maitland and Huron Presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church to be Merged Rev. Dr, William Barclay, of Ham- ilton, was nominated by Maitland Presbytery of the Presbyterian ChUrch to be Knox College principal for a year. Presbytery meeting in Melville Presbyterian Church, Brussels, sec- =mended no permanent appointment be made at present. Rey. Dr. W. 0. Rhoad, of Ashffeld, was elected moderator. The presbytery asked the synod o4 Hamilton and London to complete steps fer the merger of Maitland and Huron Presbytereis in May next year, Members recommended no oppoine- rnents be made to the posts of synocli- eal missionaries for the' western prov- inces and Northern Ontario and for boys' work secretary vacancy, and went on record as opposed to estab- lishment of a faculty of divinity at McGill University. Conunitfee conveners appointed were: Sunday school and Y. P. S., Rev, IT. G. Fowler, Bluevale; budget, Rev. H. F. Dann, South Kinloss; missions, colleges, Rev. Dr. W. 0: Rhoad; evangelism, Rev. C. H. Mac- Donald, Lucicnow; remits, Rev, S. M. Scott, ICincardine; sustentation. Rev. Samuel Kerr, Brussels; standing com- mitteese. Rev. K. MacLean, Wingham. FREE MATINEE FOR KIDDIES SATURDAY The Lyceum Theatre is holding a free children's matinee on Saturday afternoon this week at 2.30 p.m. As this show is for children only adults will please refrain from attending, This treat is extended to the chil- dren each year by the Lyceum Thea- tre and • is always appreciated by the kiddies. STORES WILL OPEN NIGHTS NEXT WEEK Starting on Monday evening next week the stores of town will remain open in the evenings until Christmas. This will give the public five con- secutive evenings for Christmas shop- ping. The public are also reminded that the Monday following Christmas will be observed as Boxing Day, ST. ANDREW'S W,M.S. OFFICERS INSTALLED Papers Pertaining to Christmas Were Given The annual meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held at the home of the president, Mrs, Donald Rae, on Wednesday last week. The meeting opened with a hymn and Mrs, P. D. King gave the scripture read- ing from Matthew 2:1-16. Mrs. E. R. Harrison led in prayer from the Glad Tidings. The annual report of the secretaries were given and showed a most suc- cessful year •for the society, The offer- ing was dedicated in prayer by Mrs. J. Raby. Mrs. H. F. MdGee gave two short paper "Our Christmas Gifts to Him" and "A Christmas Message". Mrs. X. MacLean• installed the of- ficers and the meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by Miss B. Graham. Officers for 1944 Hon, Presidents—Mrs. K. MacLean, Mrs. A. E. Lloyd. Past President—Mrs. D. Rae. President—Ure. W. A. Russel. 1st, Vice-Pres.—Mrs. Jas. Taylor. 2nd Vice-Pres.--Mrs. P. D. Xing. 3rd Vice-Pres.—Mrs, J. Raby. Secretary--Mrs. T. C. King, Press Reporter—Mrs. H. F. McGee. ,Glad Tidings Seey.—Miss /3. Gra- ham. Lit. & Library See'y.—Miss M. Graham, Supply Sec'y.—Mrs. S. Porter, Social Convener.-Mrs. 14, C. Macs Lean. Organist—Mrs. X. MacLean. Home Helpers E, Har- rison, assistant, Miss C, McBurney; Welcome and welfare cont.—Mrs, b. Rae,. Mrs, ),W), Hatranend, Mrs. J. CUrriei Mrs, Nominating Conanittee—Mies Vran- tes Wilson, Miss Annie McBurney., Anditort—Miss Verna, McLatighlin, Miss May ttettitneY, MEM LEGION HELD ANNUAL MEETING Officers Were Elected For The Ensuing, .Year Wingham Legion, Branch No. 180, British Empire Service League, held its annual meeting last week with the following officers being elected for the ensuing year; President, W. H, Hamilton. Past Pres., C, R. Coultes. 1st Vice-Pres., W. W. Armstrong, 2nd Vice-Pres., E. 1). Lobsinger, 3rd Vice-Pres,, E. R. Thompson, Teeswater, Secretary, Lloyd Hingston, Treasurer, H, H. (Bert) Isard, Sgt. at Arms, R, H. Burbridge. Chaplain, Rev, W. A. Beecroft. Standard Bearers, Percy Harris, Tenant Henderson, Escort to Colors, A, Manning, W. H. Mason. Adjustment Officer, Duncan Ken- nedy, Auditors, A. Peebles, G. E. North- wood. The various committees will be selected by the executive prior to the January 'meeting. It was noted that the Branch had had a very successful year. Cigaret- tes had been sent to those serving overseas and by means of bottles and bingos the overseas tobacco fund has now over, three hundred dollars and cigarettes will again be sent starting after the New Year. Much work has been carried on by the various officers and committees and it is interesting to note that 99 per cent of the activity among sol- diers and veterans has to do with those of the present army. Following the meeting the members entertained 'the Ladies' Auxiliary to a short program and lunch. s' Presented With Silver Tray 1. Recently the Officers and Board of Directors of the United Drug Com- pany presented Mr. J. W..MeKibboe with a beautiful Sheffield reproduc- tion silver tray suitably engraved. The tray was presented to Mr. Mc- Kibbon in appreciation of his 25 years of valuable service as a member of the board, X MISSIONARY SOCIETY OFFICERS INSTALLED Candle-lighting Ceremony Held By the United Church W. M. 8, Christmas decorations and a special Christmas program featured the De- cember meeting of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society of Wingham United Church. Mrs. 'Griffin had *lined the arrangements and was the (leader. A special candle-lighting ceremony was held with' one large candle symboliz- ing the Light of the Knowledge of God. Other candles representing mis- sionaries of the Christian Church were lighted by Mrs. Lewis. Mrs. Chas. Hopper, Mrs. W. G, Hamilton and Mrs. K A. Coutts. Candies to each member were then lighted which showed the carrying of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all lands. During this impressive service Christmas 'Carols were sung by Mrs. Lewis and Miss Dorothy Hamilton with Mrs. L. Hise- ler at the piano.' Rev, W. A. Beecroft spoke briefly telling of the valuable work the wo- men are doing for missions ith the church, He then conducted the instal- lation service, dedicating the following officers for 1944: Past Pres.--,Mrs. W, J. Greer. President—Mrs. Win. Field, Vice Presidents—Mrs, Griffin, Mrs. Tiffin, Mre. Hiseler, Treasurer—Mrs. W. VanWyck, Rec. SeCy.—Mrs, W, J, 'Adams. Corr. Seesee—Mrs. W. Reughan, Systematic Giving Seey.—Mrs, Geo. Ross, Mrs. Chas. Hopper, Christian Stewardship Sec'y.—Mrs. S, Campbell. Literature Sec'y.—Miss M. Turner. Supply Sec'y.—Mrs, A. Cosens, Community Friendship SeCy.—Miss Reynolds, Temperance See'y...-Mrs, Griffin. Associate Helper's Sec'ef.—Mrs, Cruikshank, Social Sec),.—Mrs. A, W. Anderton, Sec'y. of Communion—Mrs. 12, L, Stewart. Press SeCy...-Mrs, W, J. drat, Pianist—Mrs, 'M A. Beecroft, Mission Rand Slot, —Mrs. t. Hite, letaby Band P. Mit*, man, Christmas Spirit Prevailed At The Meeting The Regular Lions luncheon was held at the Royal-T on Friday even- ing last, with a good attendance, Guests of the Club were Flying Offic- er M. Brown, and Aircraftsman Frank Jones *from the R.C.A,F. Recruiting Centre at London, Oat; Mr. R, Lloyd and Gal, Geo. Howson. The Christmas spirit prevailed throughout the meeting after Tail- twitter Gord Buchanan announced that fines were out for the night. All the politicians and statesmen were singled out for special attention and the following responded, Elston Car- diff, M.P,; Jack Hanna, M,P.P,; Mayor-elect Fred Davidson; Fred Spry Counoillor elect; A. J. Walker, Commissioner; Harley Crawford, Mayor; School Trustee, Clarence Armitage, They lined up and march- ed around the tables singing "Jingle Bells". When Lion George North- wood gave his occupation as "Gentle- man" during the roll call, consider- able discussion arose but the Tail- twister managed to restore order. Lion Elston Cardiff gave a fine rendering of "Home on the Range" and all joined in the chorus. Lion Jack McKibbon favored with a solo number, "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" which was also very much enjoyed. A sing-song followed with Lion Tamer George Northwood lead- ing and Lion Harold Victor Pym at the piano. All the fine old Christmas hyrnns were sung by the whole Club. The meeting then adjourned to the Council Chamber at the Town Hall where Flying Officer Brown erected a talkie projector and ran several very fine films. The film "The Battle of Britain" was particularly fine and gave a very realistic view of the des- truction caused by the bombings of the Nazis. Several other fine war films were shoWn and the 99th Battery were invited in to tee them. Some of the pictures were made from propa- ganda films' captured from the Nazis. The thanks of the Club was expressed to' Flying Officer Brown and Air- craftsman Jones for bringing the films and showing them. Two More Boys In Italy Mr. and Mrs. George Orvis have re- ceived word that their son Jack is in Italy.' A similar message has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hollo- way regarding their son Stewart. 4,, Belgrave School Concert Will be held on Tuesday, Decem- ber 21st, at 8.30 p.m., in the Foresters' Hall, The main feature will pe a can- tata 'entitled "The Christmas Secret." Admission 25 cents, children free, Arrived Overseas 0. )( Mrs. W. A. Heughan has received from Craig Nightingale word that the is now 'overseas. Craig, prior to en- listment in the R.C,A.F., was manager of the Dominion store here. He is now a Sergeant navigator. ee Christmas Party There will be a Christmas party at the Salvation Army Citadel on Friday evening, There will be carol singing, readings and a play by the R.S.W.A. members entitled, "The Mechanical Home Steward". There will also be a Christmas Tree, and treats for the Sunday School children. Admission, silver collection. Listed Among The Missing Word has been received by Miss Ann Van,Wyek * that Frank Hill is missing following air operations, Frank was one of that class of navi- gators that attended a course at Port Albert and who returned to England in October last year.X The boys of this class were well known as they spent most of their time off here. This is the sixth casualty of this group. BRIDGE CLUB Seven and a half tables took part in the play at the Wingham Bridge Club on Thursday evening, The results were: North and South*lst„ Mrs, R. S. Hetherington and Mrs. H, Camp- bell; 2nd., Gordon, MacKay and C. H. McAvoy; 3rd„ Mrs. J, H. Crawford and br. J, Brown; 4th., Mrs. W. W. Armstrong and Miss M. McCallum. East and West—ist., Dune Kennedy and. Harley Crawford; 2nd,, Mrs. H. C. MacLean and Miss Yvonne Mc- Pherson; trd,, Mrs, Art Wilson and C. E. Ritchie; 4th., Mrs, J, Brown and Mrs, A, R. DnVal, Officers Were Elected and Reports Presented at Annual Meeting The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Cana- dian Legion,' held their annual meeting and elected the following slate of officers presented by Mrs. W. Hamilton, convenor of the nominating committee; President, Mrs. W. W, Armstrong. 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. W. G. Hamil- ton. 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs, C, Coultes, Secretary, Mrs. H. Campbell, • Treasurer, Miss M, MacLean. Standard Bearer, Mrs. H. Brown, Visiting Committee, Mrs. W. H. French, Mrs. F. Spry, Mrs. H. Ross, Mrs, F. Edgar, Social Committee, Mrs. Ed Bell, Mrs, R. S. Hetherington, Mrs. A. Ir- win. Mrs, L. Kress., Relief Offic'er, Mrs. A. Peebles. Red Cross Work—Sewing, Mrs. L. Hingston; Knitting, Mrs. H. Ross, Auditors, Mrs. W. VanWyck, Mrs, W. G. Hamilton. Pianist, Mrs. G. Ross. It was decided to send Christmas gifts to members of the Veterans' Guard and a donation of $25 to the Navy' League. A gift to the hospital was planned and two woollen quilts for the Minesweepers were displayed. One donated by Miss Alma Davidson and the other made by Mrs. Howard from the blocks brought in to the meetings. . The reports were read and showed a splendid year, twenty new members bringing the membership up to 72. The Red Cross sewing conevnor re- ported 244 articles completed and the keitting' convenor 184 articles knitted, 2 afghans, 2 sweaters and 1 cap made and donated to the Red Cross and 5 pair of socks to the Navy League. Eight woollen quilts were sent to the Minesweepers as well as Other wool- len articles, and a large box of cloth- ing was given to the Red Shield. Six ditty bags were sent to the Navy League and 6 to the Red Shield. Several times during the year parc- els of 'cigarettes and chocolates were sent to the men overseas and to those in hospital. Fruit, candy or cards were sent to the cotrtrades who have been Social activities were restricted but on four occasions a social hour was enjoyed. The total receipts for the year were $510.33 and the following donations were made: • To Russian 'Relief fund, $25.00; Red Cross $50.00; Lord Mayor's fund, $10,00; Greek Relief .Fund $10.00; Overseas Parcels, $73.50; Navy Lea- gue and Red Shield for ditty bags, $26.35; Minesayeepers Auxiliary $10.- 00; Navy' League, $25.00; Veterans' Guard, comforts, $6.00; Minesweepers Auxiliary by individual effort and donations from the comrades, $141.- 95.‘ Besides this a $50.00 Victory Bond was purchased to be' used Din post-war work, At the close of the meeting a pleas- ant social' hour was spent when he members of the Legion were hosts to the ladies. Winter For Sure • On Friday last) the wind took on blizzard proportions and carried with it a snow storm and cold temperature. Friday night the temperature dropped to zero and each night since had been about that except for Sunday night when it went to six below. Since the starlet, on Friday we have had more snow added each day. King Winter has apparently taken over, See Motion Pictures of India Interesting triotiori pictures of India will be shown in Grace Chapel at 8 o'clock Wednesday night this week. These ate new pictures depicting India as affected by the war, Rev, J. Har- old Slim* of ICitchener, will give the address of explanation and on Thurs- day evening at 8 p.m. will present motion pictures of Missionary work of other lands, A hearty welcome is ex- tended to all. Free will offering for Indian relief. 8 MORE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING DAYS Santa will soon be here, There are just S more days lit which to shop until he eel-Ives, Here's a tip: 'The Winglarn stores despite these strin- gent times have many surprises for you it' the way of Christmas gift pur- chased. Se do your shopping at the Wittgliam StoteS, MAILING LIST CORRECTED Please Examine Your Label The labels on the papers have been corrected up to and including Satur- day last week, December 11th. Would you please look at the yellow clip on your paper. If you find that you are in arrears an early settlement of your account would be greatly appreciated. If you find that there is an error please notify this office as soon as possible. Papers dated Dec. 1943 arc now due' and any dated previous to that time are in arrears, Your co-operation in keeping our list up-to-date is request- ed. FIRE' EXTINGUISHED IN QUICK ORDER What might have been a very seri- ous fire at the Canada Packers plant here, was brought quickly under con- trol, and quickly extinguished, About 9,30 on Tuesday morning Gordon Yoe was thawing some frozen pipes in the engine room of the plant. A com- pressed air tube broke and the escap- ing air spread the torch flame all over the engine room. The fire brigade was called and they quickly brought the fire under control and in a very short time had it out. The fire was confined to the engine room and the small part of the cellar adjoining. The diesel engine that was in the room was not damaged but the belt was destroyed and the walls were charred. Some of the pullies were scorched but little other damage was done. The mill was only out of oper- ation an hour. Mrs. C. Bates and baby are visiting with her mother, Mrs. George Wil- liams, Mr, Williams who suffered a heart attack about a week' and a half ago is in Victoria 'Hospital, London. Stone School Concert S.S. No. 7, Morris, will hold their Christmas Concert on Monday, De- cember 20th at 8.30 pen. Recitations, drills and play. Grandmother Passes Mr, G. LaDunlop received word on Tuesday morning that his grand- mother had passed on. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop were in Alvinston on Sunday to see her, She was in her 90th year. A Christmas Entertainment Will be presented by Bluevale Pub- lic School and the United Church Sunday School in the basement of the church, Monday evening, December 20th, at 8.30 p.m. Proceeds for the Sunday School and Junior Red Cross Society. Admission 25 cents, children free. Heads Sarnia Life Underwriters `A former Wingham boy, Percy Kerr, son of Mrs. John Kerr and the late-Mr. Kerr, was elected president of the Sarnia Life Underwriters and will as such attend the annual meeting of the Dominion Association in Jan- uary,Y Mrs. Benson Cruikshank and Mrs, (Dr.) Hoffman of town ere sis- ters. VETERAN FARM LOANS ARE NOW INCREASED Loan Amami Raised000 From $4800 to $ 6 The amount of money which may be loaned to war veterans under terms of the soldiers' settlement bill has been increased by a special order-in- council from $4,800 to $6,000. . A resources department official said war veterans could now be loaned $4,800 for purchase of farm land and building materials and $1,200 for Stock and equipment. Under the original act passed at the last session of Parliament, veterans were permitted to borrow $3,600 for lasd and building materials and 020 for stock. The official said Parliament will be asked at 1,ts next session to incorpor- ate the 'amendment into the act, which is aimed at 'helping qualified veterans ifi a back-to-the-land movement. Under the act, veterans are loaned money at low rates of inteeeet. Re- payment of the loans "extended over long period. MERTON COUPLE'S GOLDEN 'MOM Mr. •and Mrs, W. Ohm, Parents of Fred Ohm of Wingham, Celebrated 50th Anniversary Mr, and Mrs, William Olim, of Mil, verton, received congratulation and best wishes on the occasion of their golden wedding which they observed. quietly at their' home Tuesday last week. They were married at the home of Mrs, Ohm's parents, Mr, and. Mrs. Conrad Ratz, at Rostock by Rev, Mr. Dierlam, of Milverton. on Dec. 7th, 1897, and Mr. Ohm recalls that while there was some snow at the time sleighing was not very good. Their wedding was,, a quiet affair with only the immediate families and grand- parents present. The attendants were John Rehberg and Elizabeth Rata (now Mrs, Con Decker, of Lucknow) and Henry Chisner and Sarah Ohm now Mrs. Frank Stale of Minnesota). Following their marriage they resided in Rostock until 1912 and after corn- ing to Milverton Mr. Ohm entered the employ of the local plant of the Grosch Shoe Felt Company where he was foreman for twenty-four years until .his retirement two years ago. Mr. Ohm is seventy-four and ins wife seventy and we are pleased to report both are enjoying comparatively good health. They have three of a family, two sons, Fred, of Wingham, and Stanley, of Milverton; one daughter, (Charlotte) Mrs. Wilfred Bundseho, of Delhi; eight grandchildren and one great. grandchild. Mr. Ohm has five sisters and one brother and Mrs. Ohm, the former Annie Ratz, has five brothers and three sisters. I SP With. Which Is Amalgamated The G rue Vidette and Wroxeter News. :Single Copies Five Cent5 WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1943 Subscriptions $2,00 Per Yves GRADUATED AS AN OFFICER SATURDAY Among the graduates at the Cana- dian Officers' Training Centre, Brock- ville on Saturday, was E, W. Neir- garth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Neirgarth of Wingham. Prior to his entering the army Lieut. Neigarth was an electrical engineer with the Bell Telephone Company at Quebec. tie is with the Royal Corp of Signals and will, after a visit at his home here, report to Vimy Barracks, Barriefield. Mr. and Mrs. Neigarth have another son in the forces, Claire, being in the R,C.A.F. on the West Coast. h0FORTI1 AUXILIARY ELECTED OFFICERS Final Chapter of the Study Book "Goforths of China" Was Read The December meeting of the Go- forth Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, was held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Kenneth MacLean. The meeting opened with a hymn, a prayer by Mrs, T. Currie following. The scripture reading from Luks 2:1-19, was given by Miss K, Pringle, Mrs. Horace Aitchison read e the last chapter "Sunset" of the Go- forths of China", and Mrs. R. H. Lloyd dedicated the offering. A, very interesting feature of the evening was the presentation of a Life Membership to Miss Christine Isbis- ter. Mrs. K, MacLean took the chair for the election and installation of officers for 1944. They are as follows; Hon. Presidents—Mrs, A, E. Lloyd, Mrs. K. MacLean, President—Mrs. John P. McKibbon, 1st Vice-Pres.—Mrs. D. Murray. 2nd Vice-Pres.—Mrs. PL Aitchison. Treasurer—Miss Agnes Williamson., Secretary—Mrs. G. Scott. Supply Seey.—Mrs, C. MacLean. Welcome and Welfare Committee—, Mrs. .d W. I-I, Gurney, Mrs> R. H. L Honte Helpers Committee—Mrs. H. Aitchison,itItilnisgss D. Glad eLelyo.y—dm. rs. B. Norrrtehstvsoosd. eciy.: Mrs. W. A. MeXib- bpn. Pianist—Mrs, W. W. Gurney. Leaders of Marion Williamson Girls Auxiliary,--Mrs. W. W. Gurney, Mrs. 8.,NI.Oltnate° i:ait'ing Committee — Miss C. Isbister, Mrs, George Scott, Mrs. T. Currie, Auditors--Mrs. NfaeLeatt and Mrs. T. Currie. After the conclusion of the bushiest, the meeting closed with a 'hymn, fol. lowed by a prayer by Mrs. Mee .1%tbbort. The usual social half hour was spent. 1.11' , ktIlt1