HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-12-09, Page 9.'norklayi :December 9, 1943 WI N G. HA WI Al3VA Nth iTIMES c. Children's Coats Lined and Interlined Sizes 7 to 14x Extra Special . . $9.95 Coat Clearance SPECIAL RACKS $39.50 values for $26.33 29.50 values for 19.67 24.95 values for 16.63 ifx-.10-..mk"..7torpim,--.20..,:orv/pbt,or..- "API- oorto,, y s Telephone 36 OBITUARY David Breckenridge There passed away in Wroxeter, on Wednesday morning, December 1st., one of its esteemed citizens in the person .of David Breckenridge in his 76th year. The deceased was born on December 24th, 1867 on the 2nd line of Grey. He farmed mostly all his life in Morris and Grey Town- ships, retiring to Wroxeter 13 years ago. • , Mr. Breckenridge hadn't been en- joying the best of health for some- time, but had bee;i going about until the week before his death, when he was confined to his bed, and passed peacefully away. David Breckenridge was one of a family of nine, and was a son of the late David and Mrs. Breckenridge. Those surviving are two sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Cowan (Amelia) of Port Huron; Mrs. Robert Messer (Annie) of Brussels; William of Turnberry, and James of Nashville, Tenn. In the year 1894 he was married ,to Martha Orvis and to this union was born five children of whom three sur- vive. Those who mourn his passing are his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Wil- li= Close (Elizabeth) of Grey town- ship; Mrs. Cameron Edgar (Mary) of Gorrie, and one son Selah of Grey township. Two daughters passed away a 'number of years ago, Annie, aged 19. and Margaret, aged 17 years. The deceased was a member of the Wroxeter United Church. The services were ,conducted at his late residence and the grave by the Rev. J. L. Foster. Interment to Wroxeter Cemetery. The pallbearers were: James Doug- las, Howard Wylie, William McDon- ald, Gordon Holt, Alex McDonald, and Thomas Brown. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr, Robert Johnston of Brantford, was a week-end visitor with his wife and baby. Mrs, Louis Storey spent the week- tnd in Blyth with her' sister, Mrs, Bert Knecktile, Mrs, E. Zeigler of Kitchener, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Williamson. Dr. and Mrs, J. Brown of Wood- stotk, are visiting with Mayor and Mrs, 5, H. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. George Dagleish and daughter Joyce, of Stratford, were week-end guests of his mother. Miss Ann VariWyck of Toronto, spent the week-end with her patois, Mr. and Mrs. Walter VanWyck. Pte. Pere Deyell of Camp Ipper- wash, was a week-end visitors at his home here. Mrs. 011ie Thompson of Listowel. was a week-end visitors with her daughter, Mrs. R. S. Hetherington. Miss Mae Coulter of Goderich and Mr. Jim Coulter of Dunchurch, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. H. Coulter. Mr. and Mrs. A. Boe, daughter Norma and son Ronald, visited with their daughter, Miss Audrey- Boe and attended the High School Commence- ment Exercises. GORRIE Red Cross Shipment The following bale was shipped by the Gorrie and District Red Cross Society for November: Br. Civilian-112 quilts; 11 pr. childs panties; 2 boys suits; 4 pr. boys py- jamas; 7 girls blouses and skirts; 7 blouses; 1 pr. stockings. Hospital-2 hospital quilts. Seamen's Comforts-1 pr. gloves; 4 turtle-neck sweaters;, 2 pr. seamen's long stockings; 1 pr. socks. Army and Airforce — 170 khaki handkerchiefs; 1 pr, gloves, khaki, Following is the donations received at the Red Cross rooms for the month of November: 10th Line Patriotic Group-2 quilts; 4th Line Busy Bee-1 hospital quilt; 5th and 9th Line Group-4 quilts; 4th Line War Workers-1 quilt; 12th Line Group-1 quilt, donation made by Mrs. Mable Allen; Murray's School Group —2 quilts; Gorrie Red Cross Group- 2 quilts; 14th and 15th Line Group- 1 pr. pyjamas, donation by Mrs. J. Wylie, 3 pr. child's pyjamas, by group. W. M. S. Elected Officers The monthly meeting of the W. M, S. was held at the parsonage, on Thursday, December 2nd, when Mrs, W. 5, Gallaher presided for a Christ- mas program. Call to worship "The Service of WorShip" was followed by hymn "0 Little Town of Bethlehem" and prayer led by Mrs, L, Ruttan, The leader read Scriptural Christmas passages and all sang hymn "Thou whose Almighty word as a prayer," Mrs, R. Ashton explained. and led in "The Candle Lighting' Ceremony", which symbolized the ,light of the knowledge of God which has come to mankind in and through .Jesus Christ. Missionaries of the Christian 'Church Wingham, Ont. catch the flame and carry the gospel to many lands. As we look out on a world at war we feel that the lights of the gospel have gone out, but they are burning all over the world, even in the midst of darkness, and it our Christmas faith that the darkness connot put them out. Christmas carols, "Joy to the World" and "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" were sung and all sang "Lord of light, whose Name out- shineth" as prayer hymn. Rev. Mr. Copeland presented the second chapter of the study book deal- ing with the health of the Chinese people and the advancement being made towards a healthier and more spiritual nation. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Copeland' presided for business ses- sion, Roll call was responded to by eleven members, with a Christmas thought. Mr., Copeland had charge of the election of officers, which resulted with the following slate for 1944: President, Mrs, W. W. Strong; 1st vice-president. Mrs. Copeland; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. W. Whitfie'ld; Rec. Secretary, Mrs. L. Rattan; Ass't Secretary, Mrs. R. Ashton; Corr, Sec- retary, . Mrs. A, Edgar; Treas., Mrs. R. H. Carson; Christian Stew. Secre- tary, Mrs. R. Dine; Literature Secre- tary, Mrs. H. Sparling; Supp Secre- tary, Mrs. G. Dane; Miss. Monthly Secretary, Mrs. 'W. J. Gallaher; Press Secretary, Mrs. R. Ashton; Strangers Secretary, Mrs, Gallaher; Associate Helpers Secretary, Mrs. J. Wylie; Temperance Secretary, Mrs. H. Ash- ton; Finance Com„ Mrs, Carson, Mrs, Whitley, Mrs. G. Day and Mrs. H. Ashton. Mr. Copeland closed the meeting with the Benediction. The Gorrie Public School plan on holding their Annual Christmas Con- cert in the Township Hall here on the evening of December 17th. Plan now to attend and encourage the chil- dren in their work, Mrs. Clara Ritchie spent a few days in Toronto during the week with her daughters, Mrs. B. Horne and Miss Madeline, Sympathy is extended to 'Mr, Jas. Walker, Messrs Lorne and Mervin Walker in the logs of wife and mother, Caroline Hueston Walker, whO pass- ed on after Months of being a semi- invalid, on Thursday noon. Funeral Was held on Saturday afternoon from her late resideate to Gorrie Cemetery. OBITUARY mr.p., W., 0. Strong There passed away suddenly at the home of her son Wellesley, on Sun- day, November 28, Mrs. W. G. Strong, The deceased who was in her 74th year was born at Weiburne, East Nisouri, the daughter of the late James Warull And Arabella Perry who moved to Lot 13, Concession 1.2., Howiek when, she was four years old. On September 1.2., 1.894 she was mar- ried to William G, Strong who pre- deceased her on 'January 1.st, 1935 and ,ived on Lot 10, Concession 10, How- ick, until moving to the farm now occupied by her son John W,. Strong. She was a faithful member of the Methodist and later the 'United church At Gorrie where she was an active and ,valued member of the Women's As- sociation being president for some time. She is survived, by three sons Wil- liam W. on the homestead, James A. "Canadian Attache" Buenos Aires, South America; John W. on the 9th Concession, and one daughter, Elf re- da, Mrs. T, E, Montgomery, Kitch- ener, One daughter Margaret Ellen, passed away in 1906, aged 4 years. There are also nine grandchildren, The funeral was conducted by her pastor, Rev. R. C. Copeland in Gorrie United Church with internment in the Gorrie cemetery. The ,pallbearers were Thos. Padfield, Knowlson Hues- ton, James Warrell, Pilot Officer Frank Warrell, R.C,A.F., Robert Barnard, and Alex Taylor. The flowers were carried by her four granddaughters, Janice, Helen, Patri- cia Strong and Lois Montgomery. Mrs. James Walker 'For 74 years a resident of Gorrie, Mrs. James Walker passed away at the home of her son Lorne, on De- cember 2nd, in her 82nd year. She was 'born at Escott in the United Counti4 of Leeds and Grenville on May 19, 1862, later moving to Mallory town near Brockville. She came to Gorrie with her parents; the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hueston at the age of seven years, coming to Seaforth by train and stage from there to Gorrie where her father started a tannery. She was married' on December 5th, 1886 to Jas. Walker. She leaves a husband and two sons, Lorne at Gorrie and Mervin of Cold- water, Ont. Two brothers, William and Austin predeceased her some years ago. Mr. J. H. King has purchased the Butcher business from Mr. William Wright, taking possession on Tuesday morning. Everyone is welcomed to the Pres- byterian. Christmas Concert which is being held in the church on the even- ing of Tuesday, December 21„ com- mencing at 8.15 p.m. The concert will consist of a lecture with accompanying slides as well as other numbers. There is no charge being made. The Evening Auxiliary December meeting will be held in the United Church parlor on Monday, December 13, with group 3 in charge of the Christmas program. Every lady who has a Holiday Bell is asked to bring the bell in to this meeting. A wel- come is extended to all who can come. Sgt. Jack Musgrove who has been seriously ill at Debert, N,S., for the past six weeks, arrived home on sick leave on Saturday. Jack's many friends are pleased to see him as well at he is. Mrs. W. C, King and mother, Mrs. Agnes Earls, spent Thursday with the latter's daughter, Mrs. T. J. Mac- Donald at Molesworth, Lloyd Hockridge, R.C,N,V,R., sta- tioned at Vancouver, B.C., arrived here on Saturday and spent the week-end with his aunt, Mrs. Thos. Bradnock and Mr, Bradnock, Teachers of Howick were at Walk- erton on Thursday morning at the clinic, ' Miss Cora Scott, hostess At Clinton Radio School, spent the week-end with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stephens, Mrs. R. H. Stephens, who has spent the past few weeks at Bowmanville, returned home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Newton, spent the week-end in Newtonbrook with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Carl New- ton. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King and Mrs. Earls, spent Saturday visiting friends at Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Short and son Ronnie, Fergus, spent the week- end with her mother, Mrs. Earngey, Mrs, W. Jacques, Miss Grace of Orangeville, were Friday guests with Mrs. R, Ashton, Miss Elsie Jacques, also of Laklet, is spending a short time with her sister, Mrs. Ashton. The United Church concert is being held in the 'Town Hall on December 23, with an original program under Way. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walliten of Toronto (nee Marjorie Hockridge of Guelph), On their recent marriage. They were guests of her aunt, Mrs. Thos. Brad- noek and Mr, Bradtioek a couple of days last week, No 'Christmas Tree Is Complete Without SLIPPERS Slippers are just plain) "P'art of Christmas" . . . . as much as Santa, himself . . always have been, always will be, Your family and your friends will, one and all, appreciate these thoughtful remem- brances that truly "Warm the Sole"! Slipper Comfort For Her AN IDEAL GIFT 65c to $3.00 vksosy Slippers FOR THE CHILDREN 59c t $1.50 A fine assortment from which to choose. He Will Enjoy HOUSE SL1PPERS_, Opera Style, Romeos, Zipper Style and Felts. 98c to $4.00 ADD THESE TO YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST Goloshes - Overshoes - Oxfords - Spats - Socks - Dress Shoes SKATING OUTFITS For Girls $2.98 to $7.50 HOCKEY OUTFITS $2.98 to $8.00 Call and See Our Fine Assortment of Footwear unlop's Shoe Store re-Christmas Clearance Ready-To-Wear Think of the savings when you still have a whole winter ahead to wear them. HIGH GRADE WINTER COATS Less • 33%% • Less Dress Clearance SPECIAL RACKS $3.94 values for $3.49 2.98 values for 2.49 These are all this season dresses. Millinery Clearance 2 Tables Values to 3.95 for $1.98 Values to 2.98 for $1.00 Children's Felt Hats To Clear Table 1 - $1,./ Table 2 - 79c 6 WALKER STORES, °MUTED 11,4 a'AVr'44K-r4r-e4V..K-goVXiSMW_A'M-WOg: For The Great Outdoors LADIES' SKI BOOTS $5.00 MEN'S SKI BOOTS $4,95 eilogoke s.a-Kikezoom