The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-12-02, Page 5ber 24th, when Rota Madeline Staple-
ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Stapleton, Wingharn, became the
bride of Mr. 'ohn Alfred Mason of
East Wawanosh, son of Mr. John
Mason of. East Wawanosh. Rev. John
Lucas officiated. The bride was love-
ly in a mist blue triple sheer dress
with lace trim, shoulder tip silk net
veil with a crown of pink roses. Her
corsage was of Briarcliffe roses and
bouvardia. The bridesmaid, Miss
Mary Mason, wore a Rosemaria rose
dress of alpaca weave rayon. Her ac-
cessories were wine shade and het
flowers 'Chrysantheumus. Private
Kenneth Stapleton of London was
groomsman. Miss Jean Stewart was
organist and Miss Irene Taylor sang,
"Oh Perfect Day." A reception was
held at the home of the bride follow-
ing the ceremony. The young couple
proceeded ,on a wedding trip to points
south the bride wearing a gray and
poppy red two-piece wool suit, maroon
tweed coat with black accessories arid
poppy trim.
Fire Destroyed House
A fire on Concession 9, East Wa-
wanosb, Sunday afternoon, almost
completely destroyed the large stone
house on the farm of 'William Patter-
son of London, operated by Hugh
Rine, The blaze started when a trac-
tor being used to pump water, back-
fired causing damage of $3,000 to the
house and $1,000 to the tractor which.
was totally destroyed. The farm was
formerly owned by the late James
Red Cross Need Sewers
The Belgrave Red Cross Society
met in monthly business session on
Friday afternoon in the work room.
The president, C, R. Coultes, conduc-
ted the meeting, Mrs. John Anderson
acted as secretary, Minutes of the
last meeting were read and adopted.
Mrs. H. Campbell reported on work
done in connection with the sending
of Christmas boxes to local boys in
Canadian camps.
The work of knitting and sewing for
the society was discussed at some
length and it was decided to make
known to the citizens of the tommun.,
ity, the urgent need of more and more
sewers and -litters rook, if the so Id y
is to come near 'keeping up with the
demands being made upon it. Will
those -who. have. knitting out please
have it in by December 10th as
fractured. She is in St, Michaels
Hospital, Toronto. The two ohildren
were not injured but Melvin had his
knee injured.
Friends in this district hope they
will have a rapid recovery.
MrS. Lloyd Magee and son John of
Milverton, were recent guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Brown.
Mrs. J. H. Wade is spending this
week in Goderich the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. E. G. Williams.
Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Maclean spent
the week-end with friends at London.
• Mr. and Mrs. Morris also Mrs. Wil-
son, all of Palmerston, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
'We regret to know that Mr. David
Breckenridge is very ill at his home
in town and trust there may be an
improvement soon.
A new well is being chilled at Wrox-
eter school which is closed owing to
the epidemic of mumps in the village.
Congratulations to Mrs. Wilford
Travis (nee Marjorie Foster), daugh-
ter of Rev. J. L. and Mrs. Foster, for
her clever poem written for the re-
cent Victory Loan and appearing in
the Advance-Times.
LAC. Garry Gibson returned to
Brandon after spending his furlough
with his parents here.
Red Cross Notes
Would all those having sewing or
knitting out from Wroxeter Red Cross
make a special effort to have finished
articles returned to work-rooms on
December 8th as on this date the last
bale will be packed for '1943.
The annual meeting will be held
late in December. .
Wm. Kaakes Dies Suddenly
This village was shocked on Sunday
morning to hear of the sudden death
of Mr, Wm, Kaakes, who suffered a
heart attack about 4 a.m. living only
an hour. Mr, Kaakes who was a
carpenter and employed by the C.P,R.
Railway, had worked last week as
usual returning to his home for the
week-end, A full obituary will appear
next week.
quaker Bread
24 2b. sack 69c
98 lb. sk. 2.45
29c Ea.
Richmello 35c
Morning , 33c
1 lb. pkg.
ka isazammumEmminsom•
Domino BAKING POWDER 16 oz. 15c
Monarch PASTRY FLOUR 7 lb. Bag 27c
EXTRACTS, Vanilla, Lemon,
Almond 2 oz. bottle . . 5c
Icing SUGAR . . . 2 lbs. 19c
Special BROWN SUGAR, 2 lbs. 15c
Pure LARD, lb.. . . . . . 19c
Fleischman's YEAST , . 4c each
Durham CORN STARCH 2 pkgs. 19c
Braeside 'GEE BUTTER . . 37c lb.
Classic CLEANSER . . 2 tins 9c
Domino TEA - 4 oz. 19c - 8 oz. 33c
OXYDOL, Large pkg. . . . 24c
P and G Laundry Soap . 4 bars 19c
LIFEBUOY SOAP . . 3 bars 17c
Washed Carrots . 3 lbs 13c
Cooking ONIONS 4 ibs 25c
Cooking APPLES 6 ibs 25c
POTATOES, pk. . 43c
POTATOES, 75 lb. $2.10
Grapefruit 96's . 4 for 25c
'CABBAGE . 10c to 15c
California GRAPES 21c lb
TURNIPS . 3c lb.
TOMATOES 24c lb.
wills her parents, Ur, and Mrs, Arm•
strong in Winglialn,
Mr. and 'Mrs. J. C, Edgar spent
Monday in Toronto,
Mr. Jas, Douglas and daughter, Mrs.
W. E. Whitfield, and son. Douglas,
spent Thursday in' Harriston.
Mrs, Harry Brown end little
daughter Shirley of "Glonannon, are
spending this week with her sister,
Mrs. John Cathers and 'Mr, Cal:hers.
IVILssrs James Vittie and nephew
Arnold 'Vittie of Welland, spent the
Week-end here with relatives.
Mrs. Robertson of Caperol was the
week-end guest of her friend, Miss 5.
Pearl Stinson.
Mrs, C, Michel and little daughter
Karen, are spending a few days this
week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs. David Dane, Toronto,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, I. Wade. Mr. Wade we
are sorry to report is not so well
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Ellis. Dray-
ton, spent Thursday with his sister,
Mrs, V. Shore and Mr,• Shera,
Passed Away Suddenly
Sympathy is extended to the family
of the late Mrs. W. G. Strong, who
passed away at the home of her son,
W. W. Strong, following months of
illness with a heart attack. However
the deceased has of late been able to
be up and around, dying suddenly on
Sunday morning, Funeral was held
Tuesday from Gorrie United Church
to Gorrie cemetery.
The December meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held on Wed-
nesday next at the home of Mrs.
Koine. Exhibits 'will be displayed of
useful inexpensive Christmas gifts,
Messrs R. H. Carson and son have.
purchased the store of Mrs. Dawson,
We understand they plan on remodel-
ling the two stores into one, large
Congratulations are extended to
Postmaster Gordon Brown who on,
Wednesday last exhibited at Walker-
ton, Winter Fair a load of his Leicester
sheep, bringing home with him 7 first
prizes and 1 second. He also has re-
ceived just recently the trophy don-
ated by the T. Eaton Company at
Harriston Fair.
Mr. Earle King left on Wednesday
for Hamilton where he expects to
spend the winter in the employment
of Mr. Ed. Stewart, electrician.
„ . and may I express my
appreciation of the very excellent
and rather pleasing way in which
you take care of my delinquent
accounts." So wrote a medical
client of many years standing on. November 23rd, too, fik
yoTurbicwpaolusl.type* of 'eervice ie at
Submit your list of accounts at
• r,""1711,
Collection Experts
Orangeville, Ontario
Mr. and Mrs, Ern King, Detroit,
spent the week-end with his parents,
Mr, and Mrs, E. King,
C. G, I. T. Meeting
The C. G, 1, T, held their regular
meeting on Friday, November 26th at
the home of Mrs. A, L, Stephens.
Misg Erland Gregg, and Miss Loreen
King were in charge of the worship.
service. Meeting opened in the cust-
omary manner with the Purpose and
answer, The call to worship was read
by Erland, after which hymn 483,
"He Leadeth Me" was sung. The De-
votional Reading was taken by Paul-
ine Hienmiller, from Revelation 22:
10-17. Helen Irwin led the group in
prayer. At this time Loreen and Ione
sang the hymn "I Would Be True" as
a duet. Erland then closed the wor-
ship service with a devotional poem
"Thou must be true thyself if thou
the truth wouldst teach." "0 Canada"
opened the business meeting, Janice
Strong. president, in time chair. Min-
utes of the last meeting were read and
adopted. In answer to the roll call
each member had to sing, say, or do a
stunt. One number much enjoyed
was a group of girls, Pat. Strong,
Helen Strong, Ione Day, Loreen King
and Erland Gregg singing White
Christmas as their response.
The next meeting will be held on
December 10th, at the home of Miss
Florence Anger, with Greta Hyndman
and Pauline Hienmiller in charge of
the worship service. The girls then
divided into Junior and Senior groups
for play practice and handwork. The
meeting closed with Taps,
Thursday, December 1943
.11111.11111111111111111111111111 .11.11111.11111.1111111.1111.1111M.
Trimmed with
A Wealth of Fur
Styled • Or Beauty
Luxurious furs fashioned into unusual collars and
trims on exquisite wool fabrics ! These fabulously
furred coats reach a new high in style, quality, and
value! Just try them on—your're sure to find a
coat to flatter your figure and to fit your budget.
Because our coat collection is widely varied—and
moderately priced.. Choose from dressy, casual-
arid' sport coats . . . trimmed with all the popular
furs . . . sizes for all.. . ..and a wide range of price
Also a fine selection of non-furred coats.
$19.50 to .$65.00
Isard's eady-too ear
shipment ;mist be made immediately
following that date, The meeting was
closed with God Save the Xing,.
The following quota of children's.
clothing was packed for shipment to
Toronto; 10 coats and caps., 2Q pantie
dresses, 20 pair of socks, all in 4-year
Car Went. Into Ditch LAC. James
McNeil and Wife Severely Hurt •
When he was proceeding from his
station at Trentonto his home in Bel-
more on Saturday evening, LAC.
James McNeil had a very bad acci-
dent. The axle of the car broke and
the wheel came off, the car dived into
the ditch head on. The accident hap-
pened near King. Jim suffered a
broken jaw and fractured ribs and is
in a Military hospital in Toronto, His
wife and„two children and his brother,
Melvin, were with him. Mrs. McNeil Mrs, Thos. Bradnock spent a few
had both legs broken and her skull days in Toronto during the week visit-
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. S,
Ross Anderson, has completed a.
course at Clinton Radio School and
is on furlough with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, J, Anderson, before leaving
far the East Coast,
The 6th line Farm Forum met on
Monday. night in the basement of
Westfield church with 3rd line and
Westfield groups. A most intersting
program was given. The meeting
next Monday evening will be held at
the home of George Wightman.
The pupils of S.S, No, 13, East
Wawanosh and there teacher, Mr.,.
Orton Grain, have a fine program
arranged for their Christmas Tree on
Thursday night,. December 16th, A
one-act play "From Pumpkin Ridge"
will be presented by the young people
of the section.,
ing her niece, Mrs. Norma Lanson.
Mrs. Verne Clarke (nee Blythe
Underwood) left on Friday to join her
husband at Monte-Joli, Quebec, where
he is stationed with his R.C.A.F. unit.
Miss. Arlene Galbraith, London,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Anson Galbraith, Miss
Dons returned with her sister who she
will visit during the week.
Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd Jacques of
Lakelet were Sunday guests with Mrs.
R. A. Ashton.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cowan have
moved to their new home in Gorrie
from their farm at Orangehill. Mrs.
Kent of Fordwich is spending sonic
time with her daughter, Mrs. Cowan,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davison of
Brussels, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. Farrish one clay recently.
Mrs. K. J. Hueston and little
daughter, Ruth Ann, visited last week
Women's Institute
The December meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held on Thurs-
day of this week, 3 p.m., at the home
of Mrs. Vern Denny.
The motto—Scatter gladness, joy
and mirth all along the ways of earth,
Arnold Leonard Safe
The great news came on Monday
to the parents of PO, Arnold Leonard,
who reside on the 6th Concession of
Howick, east of Fordwich, that he is
safe, His friends and relatives were
greatly relieved on the receipt of this
news as it was on Friday last that
word was received that he was miss-
ing overseas,
Arnold who Was well known by
many here, was on the staff of the
Royal Bank, Kitchener, before going
overseas in 1941, In 1942 he was sent
to India and only recently was com-
missioned a Pilot Officer.
Mr s and Mrs. Chester Showers of
Mimico, were visitors in town for a
few days.
Mr. R. A. Spotton has returned
from a business trip to Montreal and
Sherbrooke. Que.
Mrs. Harry Browne is visiting with
her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lance
Brown of Waterloo.
Miss Doris Armitage spent the
week-end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Armitage.
LAC. Jack Lewis of Calgary, is
spending a furlough with his Arents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie S. Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson of
Port Burwell, spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart.
L/Cpl. Marvin Brown of Camp
Borden, spent the week-end at the
home of his patents, Mr. and Mrs,
Wm. Brown.
Mrs. Russel Dennis and little
daughter of Woodstock, spent the
week-end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. H. Finlay.
Mr.. ,and Mrs. Wm. Adair and Mr.
and Mrs. John Robinson of Kincar-
dine, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Walter Jeffrey orMorris.
Mrs, George Spotton has returned
from Toronto where she has been
visiting for the past month with her
daughter, Mrs. T, C. Raunin.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Currie of Isling-
ton, also Mrs, C. E, Steward' of To-
ronto, spent the week-end with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
R. Asselstine and children
Elsie and Kenneth, visited Mr, and
Mrs. C. B, Armitage over the week-
end, Carol who has been visiting here
for some time returned with them.
Miss Lenora Higgins, RN., of Lon-
don and friend, A. E. Millson L/S.A.
of the R.C.N.V.R., home on furlough,
also Mrs, W. G. Millson of St,
Mary's, spent a few days' recently
with the former's parents and brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur IC, Hutchison,
Francis and Bernice of Detroit, visited
front Thursday to Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin.
Wilda Patterson of rordwich spent
Saturday and Sunday at the same
Mason - Stapleton
A very pretty wedding took place in
Wingtairt Baptist Church at two-
thirty o'clock, ofi Wednesday, Novem-
4 ig;, OD 4,444 " N^7v
Held Euchre and Dance
A euchre and dance was held in the
Morris township hall, sponsored by
the Junior Red Cross Society of
School Section a, and the teacher El-
win Hall. Music was supplied by
local orchestras. A draw was made
for a pair of ducks of which Mrs. Jas.
Thynne was the winner. The door
receipts amounted to over $17.90 and
over $13.00 of tickets were sold on the
ducks, Lunch was served by the
ladies of the section,
Honoured on Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Higgins of
concession 3, Mwris, entertained rela-
tives at dinner on. Friday evening in
honour of John Anderson, who cele-
brated a birthday. Guests included:
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and family,
Herbert Wheeler, Miss Velma Wheel-
er, Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Wheeler, Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler, Following
the dinner the evening was spent in
playing cards, Mr. Anderson was
presented with a sweater by the group,
Y. P. U. Name Officers
The Young People's Union of the
United Church held their annual meet-
ing and election of officers in the Sun-
day School room on Friday evening,
with an attendance of 25. •
The program was arranged and
conducted by Miss Barbara Michie,
vice-president, and was based on the
theme "'Visions of Youth" or "Tack-
ling. Life with Courage."
The Bible reading was taken by
Mabel Coultes. A poem "For Youth"
was' read by.Patsy Anderson. George
Michie led in prayer, A poem en-
titled "My Job" was read by Barbara
A paper on Madame Chiang Kai-
Slick, was given by Edith McClen-
aghan and a short . paper on "Youths
Crusades" was given by Russel Kelly.
A short business period was conduc-
ted by the president, George 'Johnston.
The next meeting will be held on De-
cember when it is expected the speak-
er will be Benson Sutter, president of
Huron Presbyterial Young People's
Rev. G. H. Dunlop took charge of
the election of officers which resulted
as follows:
President, Robert IGrasby; 1st vice
president, George Johnston; 2nd vice
president, Barbara Michie; Secretary,
Ross Procter; assistant secretary, An-
nie Cook; treasurer, Mrs. Dunlop;
pianists, Mrs. Dunlop and Mary Proc-
ter; recreation committee, Ruth Mc-
Guire, Mabel Coultes, Mr. Dunlop and
Bill Manning; refres'hmen't committee,
Annie Cook, Laura Yuill, Shirley
Chaniney, Lois Kelly and Mrs. James
The meeting closed with a hymn
and the Mizpah Benediction.
Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson,
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Beeman and
baby of East Wawanosh, spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler.
Miss Annie Baker of Wingharn with
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilkinson,
Mrs. Murdock Ross of Londesboro,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc-
Mr and Mrs. Edwin Miller of Rob-
lin, Manitoba, are ' visiting relatives
after an absence of 45 years in the
West, Mrs, Herbert Knapp of rir-
dale, Manitoba, accompanied them
here, Mrs, Miller and Mrs, Knapp
are sisters of Mrs, Jeremiah ,Brydges
and Mr. Miller is a cousin of Mrs. J.
A. Brandon.
Mrs, Neil Montgomery and children
.Taek and Jill, returned to London on
Sunday after spending several weeks
with her Mother, Mrs, W. J. told,
Aircraftsrnan Charles Procter of
Lachine, Quebec, spent the week-end
Plan Christmas Concert
Trinity Anglican Church Young
People's Association met at the home
of W. G. Nethery on' Friday evening
with 26 present. The president, Clare
Vanaunp, conducted the business and
devotional periods' opening with the
hymn, Stand up for Jesus. Rev. P. H.
Streeter led in prayer.
Minutes of the last meeting were
read by Abner Nethery and Nora Van-
Camp gave the financial report. Mr.
Streeter reported having ordered an
Honour Roll. Plans were made to
hold a Christmas CLicert in the Bel-
grave School on December 17th and
the conveners of the four standing
committees were appointed• to prepare
a program. They are Jane Armstrong,
R. Procter, Beth Brydges and Mrs.
C. Wade.
Elm Nethery announced the social
program as follows: Log book, Ruth
Bradburn; piano duet, Norma Brydges
and Ruth Higgins.; piano solo, Ruth
Higgins, A quiz was conducted by
Glen VanCamp. Lunch was served by
the hostess, Isobelle Nethery, And Mr,
Streeter pronounced the Benediction.
David Anger Passes
This community was shocked on
Monday, Nov. 22, when word was re-
ceived of the sudden and tragic death
of one of its esteemed citizens in the
person of David Anger. Mr. Anger in
company with his son and son-in-law
were cutting logs in the bush owned by
Robert Gibson 2 miles south of Wrox-
eter. A tree being felled struck the
limb of another and snapped it off.
Mr, Anger was struck on the top of
the head by the falling limb fracturing
the skull and causing instant death,
The deceased was in. his 49th year,
was born and spent his entire life in
Howick Township and the past few
years in the village of Wroxeter
where he was highly respected. Sur-
viving are his wife, two sons and
three daughters, George and William,
both employed near Fordwich; (Mary)
Mrs: Phil Archer, Wroxeter; Laura
and Evelyn at home, also surviving
are his mother, James and George of
Gorda, John of Paithertson, Matthew
of Moorefield.
To the sorrowing family and rela-
tives heartfelt sympathy is extended in
their sudden and tragic bereavement,
Funeral services were conducted on
Wednesday afternoon at his late rest.
donee with Rev. J. L, Foster of the
United Cixtirch in dilate, Intettittnit
Was made in Wroxeter Cemetery,
Women's Association
The members of the W. A. United
Church, held their November meeting
on Tuesday of last week in the church
school room. The, afternoon was
spent in quilting with Mrs. J, N. Al-
len and Mrs. Leslie Douglas in charge.
The usual pot luck supper was enjoy-
ed at the close.