HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-11-25, Page 2*, PAGE TWO WINGRAM ADVANCE -T.110$ No BAN ON TIRE REPAIRS! Tire repairs promptly made will help you keep your car rolling longer. We specialize in tire repair work, use only the Most modern factory nsethods and best quality Goodyear repair materials. Come in and see our "tire -savers" at work. When you need repairs .. see us. Armstrong's Vulcanizing & Service Station <Bert Armstrong) Wiagha, Z. 'Phone L. Winghant Advance -Times Pulalished. • WINOPLANI - ONTARIO Sobser4tion Rate — One Year V.00 Six moths, $1.00 in advance U. S. A, V.50 Per Year Foreign rate, 52,00 per year. Advertising rates on application. SOVIET FRIENDSHIP '' Chian 'We,. vireo de than Mr. Fesieine presented as stineup pie-. eante, ':7.31.1 as' AtV elat VeTi+. SOW eie,irete. Queen ir,"7 abet% 71 ea.. The M eseetv Wit7,7akated rento: Ministor Veitesteen tr entefie• nese Vttar. c,-,:lltnan4c...z, .1. Me : Tie ten eele, fee tie setzeoesfal eera, Raherts, in-teaer c.e.e7ity eleek, and Fla 1.Ilona-all, feetner,.. ;I' se is te „enenber Ceenta Cormeil, o No Great Hog Prerainta MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS •"‘‘i2-.) 'th‘7' StaiStatiti,41 assiet. :Cho. week evel s'ar'n t•net wet ls - anee beine seen .in eceineetion with so,. mans rearnicipahties tiiis oh:anis:1'i feed eests and View tVi the faint- ,' all theie nomination tekeetlees., eolotienaldip 'between feed eoets. la the first step ill :2117 dett etal lent peiees,i seems ',hardly , e,eteen and the nalalia es:ea:nal that are lei) atetien NV.....),ga he taken I seeefhi eviderete ine)re inteeest than is this time." the Thipartenent Aeri- l•-on Pael- lieete• cl.t.tstre we,ae in answer to a resoht- lt .7,1;as ,,.1).-c4M our rriviledee dneita, tion submitted by Hueon Conine- nuttaber .i years te attend matey Ceeneil at the Jute session in which, neoetlee tins area end a neve** 'was made for a'. additional'. Ni2T,I: '• .%11,0) et-era:U:111t UCrel" Vvv.t per peund , -"led that the reeteCrigs are V.Cry Vs,'..0.1".. ,eatetteed, It apewaea teat there'.Te• beundaries of S.S. 17 of Howe inns« lee seine very unetatial hapnettine eel.; are. the subjeet of a resolutien for- el'eate itttereet nr.mieillal wara b T%e Townsbip Connell from ! elantld riot be the ease. Eleetors tee 'Snarl of' treatees requesting that eheuld avail themselves of tee' eeper. - bettenianies of the section be re- ' tenite of keeping in toueli wife their ad:Meted. In a letter j, M. Game, own affaire for more than one reaeon. publie inspecter, 'describes the Theo.. win have tite fates aral rantours benineaeles as -gnesele- inequetable:* • net eeed sway sthee „se en mane es petit:eel irorn Fenielevich, ,enclosed .7e-eat:ions. At esteie meetings by yeur - in a letter, asks that the boundaries be ;presenee ,yeet eau ahow y,mr tepprozi- left as at presem. ' mien of the effort...1 of aitear eleeted -lis"..keriff Nelson Hill wrote eztelosing e-epreetentatives or ean eibmin from a peovenciali spei report on the them enoper e\ aa varioee -omens' jail. The total zomminnents. e a -tit ea. It is very diseeerrateing foe 'in 1941-2 weee '5, and eight frorni „ fathers to halve to ghee , • 1948. to ,:inne, tilt, same as the/ their neperta v.. a few Calk at the baek. :previous year. of the hall. A bulletin front the Department * * * * Municipal Affaire contained 4 Suri - The Navy Leagne is i',la week ash- ..,Inarai eennizipal and scheol legislaP asistate- Thele is a worthy rezently enaeted, seme 'Width aml deserves retie enplane. is given belew: The Aaseesneent Act as teed re- Headed by W. eaendent eintres a.dd t the as- of blur= County Federation of Agri- : aes:tmera reld the value •of any build- eunnre, a urge delegation was preeent ing widela after the nevem .e.f the Tell Ito ask Vaal a system zd health servize ereztezl, altered r,enlarge& or be effeateel Heinen county. In in- whieh zeased to be exempt, The traducing the eepresentatives, fordt of Revieionayeane'el Or re-1Whyte stated that they were !tare on Thursday, Nov. 25t1t, 194 Nor ir mi mum 5)/ 71-149P No 25 Xtege hi2TZE44.4), Thleagmsta 777/6,SEawge1iie WOW Aar Ye xi kIWY/1427P74$2019,11V 64-0449 AstwaY NOW, /24't44'87z;, ,w4575 rifa- ktifin' eiNP .PAreVIVaZPc4227g7 tea '11-!11111- • YOg /7.14" (4,10,e442 7a liAgirAWYAVit oette NA,Reke,:e W4R/ .:0•44 ea, \ • te tele eke ent • ."..• thhirnijl te• AN INTERNATIONAL SUPPLY MEETING ••:•zir c. kleo• #04- GYir ezie 6.577,1f4re BOW AW 7147;S 770- Af4VI/VW( QUAlirriTy arra/ WE AP r 101W/rale ciwikw (/6.4 - WRY wha,r/ ger /Maw /wow swiP arioRrEP /Rom gaiwymv rRoiceg ,rati Aremi illeiGher ,ITtay 07/440410 Sr4PRI/Fr rffr /Y /7044-4Y • You Arieo f/avaezaS yeta m/4a a457 7747-/ 1 F". Polltillin aleenese 0 YOU waste THEY want! Itmayseemtough,v;henyou're making good wages, to go on wearing old ulothes. But it would be a good deal tougher if our boys overseas didn't get the supplies they need. So please remember the United Nations have only so marr., ships, trains and machines. Anything wasted here means shortage somewhere else. Save now. .. spend when, the war is won. JOHN LABATT LIMITED Landon Canada game warden for Hue= over -9e000 books were being ex- ;stating he bad enjoyed his one year essary jobs were undertakee. eitaneed. in the conned, said that he would not J Since last session," the report sta- ted, the Cunningham bridgeeast of Brussels VMS struck by a. truck and. eollapsed. The truck owner has en- tered action for damages, and it is proposed to enter a counter -claim. for loss of the bridge. It bad been plan- ned previously .to rebuild the Ethel bridge, but, as a temporary bridge ex- isted:there, it was -deemed advisable to ire9build the Cunningham bridge thie year and poStpone the Ethel job till 4t A culvert at Gorrie was washed out under a deep •fill, and replaced at a. cost of $2,6/8.89. Generally maintenance of roads and bridges was carried on as formerly, though it is apparent that more gravel is needed on many roads, Ask For Health Service * * * * • It is enly a month tretil Cleriseinaa. The eld aayine, it is better te give that to eecelve, still helds eased. * * Carada geowire up rat. 1..n,,a,e4 States bas new an anfbaeaalee at Ot- tawa and we Itat'e •Cttle in Washington * * 1)o not f' -et the Mineitten Henze Show on Thursday tivenine this week. It nee be wed attereline. The police rommittee :reported at be back next year. the =Drain:LI' sessien that Traffic Plan Road Improvements Officer'Norman Lever bad been trans- 'Before the war this county had a 1 leered inpral the rads c..cattraisslott te...' program of road improvement that ;the police conamitte.e, as re onnnen planned the reconstruction and sue- VasinviJaucende. cin :.j1..euly$Oelli-:!tcrle.:::-.0. -lie-:-;edli :avearii7,70,4%, aelll.,737 tcyortssst,ashoreept ueret I envy ,constabulary at the sante sal- read. It co/Ahmed: "It is probable taxes levied against a building_ behaie af. the children of Harem coan_ • that !ma been -rased b... tee cs (neer- wise. The zentneils of local menizipalities 1. mast have the first meeting not later ty. The propaeal is to start work gradually with lone or fire full-time nurses who would Visit the schools eegula.rly and do the necessary 101- n seem 1 NI nide • in Tannanv • te low -up woek. The systemWMld re - CONDENSED REPORT county zeeencils no: Liter than the sstire an expenditure ,1.1,42001). The third Tuesday im Janeary. A section plan is, approved by the Ontario OF HURON COUNCIL '-)f the Mtralzillal Az1 --Prc'vides that a Government, which nays one-third of eautoy jail may be alaed for l-ap the aeste I nreoszei- b3 are- nmniciPali13"- A see- hire. Anderson, Wingleani, nreaident Si00 Granted to Wingham Horse ariF aric'wriaze as the cther z•C:4212- that war conditions will warrant an cables. accelermed pace of construction so George Feagan. IteountlY 1:1-7ne &hat it naybe that such a program sPeeten rePortea 7-1131 tet) 4ezths 1'i should be completed in about eight Jannar7Y- There were years,together with the reconstruction of old bridges.. seen new adonrtamceseand at present there are 95 inmates. Plewirag is eractizally all done, and.. the heme is in plod conditien, with plenty of coal ball& To .Arbitrate Howick. Dispa±e Show tionis added tL,e at gi.63.1g 1°1"741.- the United Farm Women streseed A warning that thee is an -ander- ships lite authmitY add me -fifth o ethe need as did 5. 3.i. Kinkead, publir enrrent of diasadsfactien n :me of the.• ; Warden Beneen Teteseee hie erne ettill to the tax rate on ecertani school %evertor. largest townshiPsoi Hnron county— programand as watch as possible car - Ain effort is being ltraele throngh -.aath'ess. at file eeseion et' Hier- . ratepayers eta membership fees in the Other membees.of the-dele.gationwito Howiek,—eospled with the anggeetion re d out each year, depending upon, most dentoeratie eanntriee to litnee a ieezi Ceemes Co nneil laet week, expres- Fedoeratien ,of Agrieillture- svolre were L. E. Cardiff, M.P,V H. that ibe feeling is strong among!, to. stihgdies,.• .rme''' els and. labor available. greater nederatanding of our Allies, sed is pride in Hmens a,anaeitee ArZ1-A new sub-,:.7eztIon in The Sanatori2- Golding, M.P.., leas. Taylor, 5. W. lleadto thunglits i SeCe4ii.zi333. 'eldest =elan municipalities are ale' Soviet Resteia„ This is A very ateees- effeen during the year in anbseribing listr Cesne-nroPrives Ate gives- the min- Hanna, North Huron; and ;Wr,e zoThrideratian is shown by tbe': lowing their reba.tes to accernulate• to ▪ trY'r.1734Zertaking. ,as we are litikedi '$6=666-460 to the 'IWO Vic.totis." Loans.ter'°f !lean the 7)7Iwe'r tc' eTitezt Bert Lobb, farmer, and a trits.tee ineeeents .cennzil, was voiced at yespren provide a inn& fur some substantial, 'lEhis program wonld involve the fallowing expenditures: reconstruction beidges, S1;03-6,000; no miles of E. -reeling and gea-rellinz, ;2,000,000; 0 miles of surfacing, $1,400,000--a total of ;4430_00. All this work should be considered in a. post-war them in this great sage and nill Hurer, Ceenty Cozened lead aethorized that a Patlent, vitzz, has been alsetharg- Goderiel township. be Sittzii4:; att!le az..e. tab:ei: with • a total perthase in 1143 oi.$7.Se000„ and ael from a sartatorintn bet who is not I This will be. considered at the titmn after the *wee i•F, It.,'On. 2.1lost of. LOU' '!,o7,,IS ;105,000 •in Viretoey Bands. :bale adeenatell-' Cara f.' -..r. shall be nary meeting. ras haze a g -at vii,;trIst ,z,7:7 Kassa for ' Besides supporta:as tee vieloey rotor:Led to the samatoriam, the ex- , Market lIzny Hogs tzars years ard it is our belief that ' Loon eampaigns, tlie C="2,7!'i: spent Penses of'. •his retarn and treatment to is es ',- ' ne hearer aglicua-, theal -epee- haa tz,, have sereh ;24 2.41i.". patriotie eiken, by be borne by the rarituctraet3.- =table ter ; sentative. irenarted that ten farm esenat tone 'to the tell owraen leave after -am -C. 1.r.acae 1 Canada. st,g)i-4.: ceinese The 'minimum age limit for opera- 1=lazidtte nrses wr'ere 1Teld* A seed • - led that - - Bat -we mast take tieSnes. ae they are in this that ellaeging vniold. Rasaia has nude an effort Smite, the N'S'ae Relief, $1,000; Al le Rneeia t•':•%; of 1.11°I°7rellitle'-' is Teal:7774'd Iront le., --epee; are ee., nem_ vast few years to co-operate with the bend, iR2.,.000; Red ....z11..ield, $e',000: 16 to 16 ',man. and fzer arivere of Pldb- `a -e--,,,--.‘" e'',e—eee-,,s--- in A--1„s4—a-j.„')*,m;"„.zi_.,.Bnr.-,-- .Allits and the Anie-.--. in tern have Queen. Canaan Fend, S--'500: Brit- :;-..-- Vellkl-e. fr°111 .21 't° ig years. ,---: A---' 7.,,. , — 1'3: -4'''''''''".''.-t. Zr': I done all in their power to aid 11,...i:A ieh Red Ceose. Sordetiee ir. the -corn- ' t)ther legislatiee provides 107 the ".if," -Cr"." "",,s heat ""nv."'• 3:2P. j -1/1 -- great eiourane that is making much a ta„ $12,-303; fe:ezele N%,n.1" Relief, :$1.0Sin Purnent -74 a e'-'.bsi:13 .1° 'elT.i.S. Per.i"012 ..11'.4-:irt::::,rwIrl'n•v„.,:rnS1....,t, nrCII)in 14127°171' ,°1'&"rfal s-'-zoNying az:Ai:1$/ the Xstri Rea ,S1'.-1' not= Fram Drien, $500; wine prodnres -.near beets m Ontario; el./12114% ,‘I'uu "es.'"ess be -Lug harvested heteies. That the people et C'anadaleaie net:test prizes ..;128.7 advertishie an -2 eorgraels 'with 'a Persem 'Cll'-'—e6111.1S- ''''‘e.a.'n Snn,se_ snre dellY':Iratel 117'T r. , i s have every ee,inteenties. fee the Russian' 1.,, 1-,t".•+ ----1-"',*°"::. Sli 4. br'',--- '3 in the btLs'-uei" '1'1 'Prxiessin.i.; i'llgaT ‘4i-eli.2;,-ear.olz'i7....Zi,In. EL% -.,,,' ilrl,..a.,..i„. a -e' approximately ;2.610 is ate to be e-ae beete Imo nngar- eenac-a. onno•se Dt....-r Shoot 1 gra,aeS 4',A.", ant 50 -per cent, as eBeel. peopie vra,..7, amply dereematrated in the Aid -..•;;A• Rnesia <campaign lied toward the end „eel latest year and the fieat this 'ever. aelenee ane eleteies, peered nano jar,r.ar!. • t SI, 4.41 at tee Slettentesday evean, ree,0004 and the neospersf„. at the evertor. and Reeve R. R. intadenareersThe that tee -ether with Redmond o ne zouttry :had othcr 11.1 ycar, 4.7onn17, Treaettree k H. -easen tier deer Hr.ner, zieurtty, iree- sras a shortage fl wheat in iieror, Preis' Drew Pot Hoeitnt CIA o he, dietresa estimates r ba'ean et mernine eession ruled aeolinst :pen East eed this „voar win he 31:5:00a. Th.ere akripea,,,,*„1 e;4thast, ne.7,„-, can feek:tte stilted tut weeeld appear ;retiree a motion 10 the ,and farmers. are sated with t•ther 14,Tri_val .cotnity coittazii Iiiaaed (.41, neve!. J....hasten their 7.7s *Wee renet tiat a- a- bt:ance fevet- nelnultrien't 43atle :At a Feri; thez etodk or britring reeorclthe appeeeineansed be 'members have menial zee-gee:alien 1!":t. "elioriselerfra. eine be • was pes- tl-en = epan season be derlared western ▪ Prernier GeLV•Ze Drew and *eenembees of the Ainee ere) we ;roe.- • t allet ie:ftzer :the peezia.se 1,n3o.i.loo in atr..on ee-earey for twe days* sbootinr„ vs..a$ -*e to rztti)=2.. ,ich ira_Ezectric rower commissizter have thie enlese Vi.:1".ry Banda in :lit general ater.enet ttsi-eat eitenestmee Pl'evidlner a itn- Ther,31.ii;511 1;.e vanzait_iza• ottorin rtaiu.tion 13.dro trzs.,t one ea seeletee Retest', hae erel the hieiasaye Lea tine .entr..41.01:1•C I'Mr3rrs were Le -painted. • — "Se tee., that the zeetted , us a rtti,olation to the item:tees. which -will be evelogeeese reeeep! an2,, 1.-.F-7.4: T,-it.-•;ei 1 a n.1.7-41zim. „",tat ratsprnelTs. re e haIszalc havz, ENk:tu,, .sza1, .„.1.7, appoint " ennart, a, ;subsidized to a degree where et will ;I "We appeal to you to give some ibe Profitable fee *him to rniSe ..5ao,grs. rausitteration to the totem. and vil-; Appraval ata :to the Ilagete as 're feel that the high rate ezerentiteels retnentnerteatienet that the ; tharged is enoldbiting induatries from agelealtroal oifize and the prebliz , lozatimer in Hu -an cannter, the anal= ezhool inspeetato 4,rgraare the ezbesee 1 reel...rah:re- the app.:refill:be zentlineed. children foe the zener.tiora ed benne- :I Grates of ;511 to the 'Weetern On - hair, needed 7e, war ata that tatia Dairanatena. Associatiem 'MD to fan= antse schaals be held this I the Mangle= Horet Shoe; and an wirdee in 'Gland Bend Elieneellin Hen- i oreaee "irk the salary ef 'Miss Margaret Clinton, Gaderiele ifeeneremmare' Ceeper to Sesli nmealt, were reasheriz- Kintadl„, 1'i:reenter. and Ltti the recenontenimiat ei file ea- I Welton. Seed ettevesa, will be etireit- erntive zeiteetnittet. ned, The 'men-abr.:I-% "attt,tatzi the tekee.eing I Enelorsatian was given to a 7rnealte ef the Fefineation of Ageirultnee nt • ith= the e.inntit arts the': th. :elates] in The a:le-mere to bear 3..lon. AiLartierne Priezie and Trade Bound be T. L. Kerenedy, Acreittni- 'petitiened -meet the etiline, prize. on tre-e. 7brztdzrtis to perredt the darns- ' Ilene C:nureee Cr et -included its - ;eel' sern!"e •-:4-72n Pariag 1.94-11 eine-liana on 3,--rIelay ,teAd:Zei" 2,nts-'ii•=m,t With thoPe Paid tse fere stij:etartraneett no. ItettberF,' t•tr.;17::,,F.P.v.. 12,2nstr,p; nn - a res:*- tr,innth tl,6 a!! they arenid not seek re-; -tizen Water).K", r-r12t-12.e t:tte eiretiett as reeves oi their mespel- Federal blieiat% Agri:el:toe ves.ttr., ,"7"),.tret .11.5ht.tf. *Tittner. :aase'ed dean the rnenril, and nt rt the Ylre'ratt 7C.,aunty 1.7,bnist° ereetlein, whn tam for temeeor 1-Usze.titIti."-in Przoritg 4,11="trz ed •ltitthee. he lees. beenee ; peat satiefeettien te the ending. prablir miseebee !pi' -The Crazty 5:7,.-Jitot_,tn in- 14 I ••-f z:IttrItY vas' the oPltirm 4",f years and htra at %Maze. 13 different ; ge J. 11"1: -..s.5.= -7-e- the ,trilrihits.. 1. -le lea been '2,5 Sten it eonety renrestettatiet thet IINtrettl 11-tt.ritg tr.v. ttz.m."'heti: stn.- ter Szerr.f.,znon A eirsadtting lihriatee. The resPied Teed:mond endred tht rivptzrittint 4,r.lptess ttmzit 1)3r 11=0 USSbeatitlit r-tslarrkt 1114.), rounly Itht, two yer..4 sinte :it was 'formed ia Mt. *.n.tratt kitt 3,1t1X3tt.15., tittdiereted by the :iatt that le 1041 vpprilgt, trftvt 'ix serer:4 ,140?".A 11),:iks vet Fit etteit'6`t.; vtatS, alsn, antontreii his Ittirtntent; ;19.42 thtte r,lta IS)43 ▪ gtrtt vt_ Reia., Seaf:eleh, ttt Ot high igyrniity; Olt per cent. are Aftee le -est -ming the finanzial atatts By a .eezeeeled vote of 21 /"1".,..T-. nIns. Huzaz marketed 000.: last day's census- eomecil Seii•SiiD11 'here 1317. Isaar Gamble, clerk of Few:eke His.. rernarkS were made in carknectdon with, the appeaeanze of delegations fron. two snhool eeztions of :be township. •,whe presented opposing sides of a nzlaraispate. Clerk -Gamble said. was net reakreenting Miller side hi e disepette, but matedthe arrfGiati3z4 arbittratone.neereile en the ene,dion. After delegations- front two school see,tions of Hawick tresendeelp had -been. hearer regarding a bonedary disprae, and asking the council to apptint a. beard- cdaeltitratoree the- it:Mowing were =used on- the reremmendatiort of the nnation eneaulttee„ the enema- Naze, the =Mt seheol opiniz.-n it - in/meta-esteem. Rebates due are as fol- lows:, Clinton, -$925.,8: Seatiorth, ;San; Ilcinghante $3,909,73; Myth $S50.31; Brussels, $1,939.17; Exete.r, FIS9-37; 1;Tieneall, $1„:5nso;total - $12,017ZOST T.ots1 expenditures to date by the toad commission were ec,103,590,29. The government subsidk will astionnt to about ;-55.;000; and a. surphts. of 22,000 shoadd exist at the end of the year. The commission plans to keep roads open as far as available equipment will permit. The past year has bee* dif- fictOt ow ime to enatesial and labor shortages, se that only the most nec- MANY KILLED IN ROM ••••••••••••••100 ED LONDON DANCE HALL • ,4 Irmar.site e slant% U.11 *Neil Nqtt Ott ty-rozples :inr.Inding Canadians vane steins ad rtz.:171tosit .* -4tert Zuting attrradi ,rmer itte '4me- at Ihe 100231:1114. MeV Verb kalea Loodtitt. togista. an Seamier *ight, Zioyeatkor avund. • "Dazing the year equipment was purehased, as follows: one ,,cement mixer, $1,145; one valve -grinding =chine, ;225; one pump, $131.20; and orders have been placed for the sup- ply of a tractor snowplow at ;UM. - '60, andone trunk for: $2;209,32."-• The ConntY Home -committee re- ported that a new sun porch had been, built at the Home at a cost of $841.96; a new walk at $15$; and a new brictr. front to - the boiler at $32322, The payment of 10 per cent. of the total -pension to old pensioners, regardless -of- increases or &creases in tbe pen- sion, was recommeadect. The- Children's Aid Society sub- mitted a stketmtary of its activities by' the superintendent, H. T. Edwards. Froni April, 1943, to •October there were. SO visits and 300 *Eike inter- views. There were 37 cesessof ulaild protection, 25 coml.. attendances, 37 warsupervised, and 1, non -wards, (Continned on page three) if .we 0.11 cut • out only one nonii-.essential caii u, clay ittial tar nearly HALF A MILLION WYWar ADDITIONAL WAR CMAS War calls must come first ih -whieh means that Ice should rehu te our non- essential use of lit telephook to the minimum. Present iiiks raunot increased; your eo- operation is needed it 'Wftll mils are to go through promptly.. ((Please remember that the 'a:astern' u.se of telephone time van hold up war business and that every steond you $aVe mum. 0 •