The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-11-18, Page 2"Victory over the White Plague
can only be won by the united effort of
Queen Alexandra Sanatorium needs the help
Large or Small
of every home and business concern
Please send contributions to
Christmas Seal Committee - $82 Wellington St., LOndon
Helpful Heating
Hints—a Resole
Feature of
8,00 P.M.
c KN X Li
. —
Kincardine Flier Again Decorated '
In one of its 'biggest list of decora,
flans for Canadian airmen, the R.. C.
A.F. announced the award of one bar
to the Distinguished Flying Cross, 28
Distinguished Flying Crosses and four
Distinguished Flying Medals to R. C:
A. F. men overseas. The list of win-
ners included: Bar to D.F.C.:
Lt. D, W. Henry, D,F.C., Mrs. Ade-
line Henry (mother) Kincardine.
One Policeman For Walkerton.
The Walkerton Town Council" held
a special meeting following the Court
of Revision and introduced a new pol-
ice syStem for Walkerton. The new
system will be conducted by one
policeman who will be in charge, df
all policing duties in Walkerton, being
on call 24 hours a day. Mr. Gilchrist,
who has • been night 'constable and
watchman for the past couple 'of years,
will be the new police chief, succeed;
ing 5. Ferguson, who has been: chief.
of police in Walkerton for the' past,
number of years, Mr. Ferguson will.
continue his duties as caretaker. of. the.
town hall and other duties, ,
(Iva Gallaher).:
Here's to our boys of thei Navy„.
So stalwart, upright attd, true,,
They fight with our ships on, ithe
By serving the red„white and ,bleeo
Their duties are many ancLeoarageous,,
They are ready to die, if need be,,
Let us raise our beta to these boys„
Who guard our. ships on, the sea,.
Here's to the boys of the. Asmo,
Who take their, place on, Ow land;,
f3y serving this great Empire,,
For them, my: friends, let us stanch
Their hardships. and trials are many,
They never falter, complain or give
Let us show. these boys. we are 'thank-
For we know they will coagner and
Here!s, to the 'boys of the Airforce,
\ Who fly by day and by night,
They fight in the air for Britain,
With Germany their target in flight.
May God give theM power to finish,
The task they have so 'bravely be-
For we know they will all do their
Until right over wrong has been
Morris Township Cottocil met on
November 8th in the township hall,
with all the members present, The
Reeve presided.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted on motion of
Jas. Michie and Harvey Johnston,
The minutes of the special meeting
of November 3rd, were read and ad-
opted on motion' of C. R. Coultes and.
Moved by C, R., Coultes seconded
by Jas. Mettle that Byr,law No. 5 set-
ting the place and time for holding
Nomination be passed. Carried,
Moved bye Ylarvey jOhtistem seconds'
tet 1111t111.;;1,...Shn.,
THE fellows who are in there pitching at the Axis
didn't need any forinal invitation to race into this
scrap and they're beginning to wonder what
happened to you. Those fellows are in the thick of
things smooth-working teams of fighters ... each
man doing his part.
Besides real he-man action and adventure, you'll get
skilled technical training and experience that em-
ployers will rate highly after the war,
If you really want to pull your fair share, and if
you're fit, there's not a thing in the world to hold
you back. You can go aircrew today. You can win
your wings in a few short months under the guidance
of veteran airmen. What about it, brother?
'Recruiting Centres ate located In all the principal cities in Cana&
Mobile rddrultht0 Unite Velt•ehlaller centitit regularly*
ON '
Every mile in every tire is precious
nowt Guard those miles well by
having tire repairs made promptly
at the first sign of need. We are trained
tire repair specialists. We use modern'
equipment, Goodyear materials and
Goodyear factory methods.
For complele satisfaction in work-
manship, service and prices have
your tires repaired NOM
'Armstrong's Vulcanizing &
Service Station
Wingham, Ont. Telephone Wingham 181
Wingham Advance-Times
Published at
Subscription Rate — One Year $2.00
Six months, $1.00 in advance
To U. S. A., $2.50 per year
Foreign rate, $3.00 per year.
Adiertising rates on application.'
Each • and every year we have a
great many weeks; set apart for vari-
ous activities or objectives. Some of
these are of vital importance to so-
ciety or at least a portion of our
people. This week, November 14th -
20th, has been set aside by the Health
League of Canada as Immunization
Week and it is a most important one.
The, health of our people is our coun-
tries greatest asset and to-day we can
assure the health of many of our
people who would not otherwise en-
joy such benefit by Immunization. In
the old days people died like flies -dur-
ing an epidemic of smallpox , while
now in countries and, places where the
vaccine is used and other necessary
precautions are taken this disease is
a rarity. All children should be treat-
ed that they need not fear contracting
this disease. On of the most notable
forward steps in immunization is that
against diphtheria. Tthose who are
properly toxoided are immune to this
life-taking scourge, Whooping cough
and scarlet fever can also be stopped
in its march of death by preventative
measures. Parents should be alive to
the fact that these diseases are all
avoidable and in time they could be
eliminated. If you have not had your
children so protected full information'
can be had from your doctor or from
the medical officer of health. Make
it a Point this week to give this matter
'your consideration.
*, *
According to information from the
Queen Alexandra Sanatorium, Lon-
don, it was in 1903, forty years ago,
that Einar Holbein, a humble Danish
postmaster, first introduced the Christ-
mas Seal in order that help might be
'given to those whose lives were sail-
The opening session of the DomitIP-
ion-Provincial Conference on Labour
Called by the Dominion Department
of Labour, was officially started by
Dominion Labour Minister, the Hon,
litimplirey Mitchell, who welcomed
delegates from eoery province in the
Dominion. To the left of ;Nit'. Mitchell
at the head table is Mr. A, Mac-
Namara, to his right is Mr, Nail Mar-
tin, 3.1,P., parliamentary ,assistant to
the Minister of Labour. PurpOse of
the 'Conference was an exhaustive dis-
ettSsion of the MacTagne Report,
Delekates are: Mr. A. Brown; Mr,
M, MacLean; Mr: James Thom-
son — B.C.; Hon. iGeo, S, Pearson
B.C.; Mr. Adam Bell — B.C.; Mr. W.
I). King — Alta; Me, Clayton Adams
— Alta.; Hon. J, W. Estey Sask„
Hon, It, J, M. Parker — Sask.; Mr.
C, A. Scott — Sask.; Mr. James Leslie.
Marto Moo. E. F. Willis — Man.;
Mr, W. J. Waines -,- Man.; Mr, V,
C. Phelan, Ottawa; Mr. 5. fr, Marsh
— Ontario; Hon. Charles Daley
Ontario; Hon, L. B. Blackwell — Ott-
tario; Mr. 7. O'Connell-Maher
of the law is found severe pogishment
should be meted out to the offenders.
o *
Now they have pink pills for 3ea-
siciintMS, Those that travel the ocean
ways in the future will ltaVe lost about
fifty percent of the topics for 'conver-
sation regarding their voyage, but will
have retained the. expensive food they
consumed during the trip, Alas, the
poor fish,
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of the
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To Close Listowel Barracks
Last week The Banner published
a news item that the Barracks at Lis-
towel and, Stratford were not 'to be
closed, as was rumored, This was on
the assurance given by Col, the Hon,
J. L. Ralston, Minister of National
Defence, to F. G. Sandehon, M.P., for
Perth. Gn Monday, however, accord-
ing to announcement'made by Colonel
W, G. Hagarty, D.S,O,, acting district
officer commanding M.D. No. 1, the
Listowel Barracks will be closed and
the closing order also effects the Strat-
ford Barracks.—Listowel Banner.
Hit and Run Drivers
Police are in search of a hit-and-run
driver who early Saturday evening ran
down a young man on a bicycle about
two miles south of Exeter and then
left the scene in a hurry. Mr, Albert
Hackney was on his way to Exeter
riding his bicycle about seven o'clock,
in the evening when he was struck
by a car and thrown to the pavement,
.Fortunately the young man escaped
with bruises te, his forehead and two,
badly scraped knees—Exeter Times-
Motorist Failed to Stop
Mrs. W: S. McAfee is suffering
from a dislocated shoulder and shock
at her home as a result of a hit and.
run driver colliding with the McAfee
car, driven by Mr. McAfee. Mr. and
Mrs. McAfee were returning from
Dunham, when a car approached them
from the opposite direction, about
Hutton's Hill, and sideswiped the Mc-
Afee .car, badly damaging it,—Han-
over Post.
Hit By Car Fractured Leg.
While out walking on Tuesday
evening Mr. Bert Kerr,. well-known
figure in this town,. was struck hy a
car and as a result is in hospital/where
he is suffering from a badly broken
leg and seriotts head injuries. The ac-
cident .occurred at the corner of•WiI-
liam and Ontario streets on No,
highway. Mr. Kerr it is believed
stepped off the curb and started across
when' he was struck and knocked down
by a car driven by Eric Gardiner, of
Hamilton who was going to Goderich
to see his mother who is in ‘the hos-
pital' them—Clinton. News Record.
Partridge the Easy Way
Jim Campbell had' a pkrtrktge din-
ner the other day and he didn't have
to go gunning for the bird, It came
to town itself, and met an untimely
end by fracturing its neck upon crash-
ing into the plate glass window' at
Finlayson'S Store,—Lucknow Sentinel,
Missing Overseas
Councillor and Mrs. D. A. Me-
Donald' were advised' by the R.C.A.F..
Quebec; Mr, Louis Phillippc Pigeon.
—Quebec; Mr. Charles Hughes —N.
IL; Mr N. D. Cochrane * N.B.; Hon,
5, A., Doocet N.B.; Hon. I, IL :Me-
Nair N.11,; L, b. Currie
l'aT.So Hon. Horace Wright -- P.E.Io
Mr, V, C. MacDonald — Ottawa;
Miss M. Mackintosh --- Ottawa; iMr,
Trottier (E, C. Desotarteaux) —
Ottawa; •Mr, Bernard Wilson — Ot-
tawa; Mr; Louis Fine — Ontario; Mr,
J, 11, Metzler -4- Ontario; Mr, IL H.
Neilatati Ottawa;• Mr, Paul Gottiet
casualties officer, Ottawa, that their
son, Flight-Sergeant Collin Murray
McDonald, an air-gunner, was Missing
in action over enemy territory, as of
November 4, This young man is well
known in this section, He ,enlisted in
the R.C.A.F. in July, 1941 and after
training in various centres, went over-
seas in January of this year. During
the past summer he was mentioned in
despatches regarding his gallant work
in operational• flights. — Kincardine
Prisoner of War Promoted
Mr. and Mrs. R. 5, Bell of Victoria
Street, Hanover, received notification
from R,C,A.F, headquarters at Ot-
tawa, this week, that their son Elmer
Bell, who has been a prisoner of war
in Germany for the past year and a
half, has been promoted to Pilot
Officeo—Hanover Post.
The Meanest Thief
For months past, milk bottles have
been-placed in the local stores, banks,
and the CY.R. and C.N.R. stations, as
a receptacle for donations to the Lions,
Overseas Cigarett Fund, Over a long
period these bottles have been. respec-'
tett and so far as is known, not one
penny has been taken from them until
recently, when the bottle which was
placed in the Post Office was emptied
of the cash it contained (about $1.00).
This is a mean despicable theft and
it in hoped that the identity of the cul-
prit will be discovered, The amount
lost is insignificant but the Lions Club
would welcome arty information which
would lead' to the. exposure of the thief.
—Milverton Sum
59th, Wedding Anniversary
The Expositor joins a. host of Seas
forth. and. district friends in extending
congratulations and, best -wishes, to Mr.
and Mrs. 5. M.,„ of town,
who, celebrated their 59th wedding
anniversary at their home on East
William St.. Both Mr.. and. Mix. Gov-
enlock are in, excellent health and en-
joy just as. active. a life as they' did
in years. past.:—Seaforth. Hitoan-Expos-
i toe,.
Injuries, Tin Farmer Fatal
Internal injuries.,, suffered Wednes-
day,. Noveniber 3, when he fell from a
tractor into the path of the rear: wheel
and was- rust over, were fatal to'fames
Baillie, 6.1syear-old. Erma: township
farmer,. who passed away Tuesday
evening,. November 9,, 1943, in the Lis-
towel Memorial Hospital,, where he
was taken immediately following the
accident,—Listowel Banner.
Tara School Board,
Wants. Curfew
There .is a moventent on foot,
sponsored by the School Board to
have a. curfew by-law passed by the
Connell, making it compulsory that all
teen age children be off the streets at
o'clock in the evening. Such a law
is past due in Tara, as orally .children
may be seen almost any night roaming
the stractg until late hours, when they
should be at home under the guidance
of, their parents, The matter will
probably come before the. Coin-tell at
their meeting in December. — Tara
Hot Drinks For
Lucknow Students
At, the regular meeting of the sehool
board it was planned to serve a hot
drink at the noon hour each day to
high and public school students Who
bring their lunch. This was recom-
mended by the inspector and Mrs, W,
Anderson and. Mrs, Morgan Hend-
erson, members of the board, were ap-
pointed to work In conjunction with
Miss F. E, McLean, principal of the
:high school, to arrange details and se-
cure necessary equipment to .01-n-
1110.0e December I.
PILE protruding. tides S_ sb eo fide' egkr sria
Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the 'cause
at its source. Money back if the
first 'bottle drOeS not satisfy. Buy
front your loom druggist.
Centralia .Flier Missing
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks, of'
Centralia, have received word from
Ottawa that their son, Flight Lieut.
Donald Hicks, is missing in. operations
over Germany on November 3, and
failed to return, Donald has been in
the air force for about .four years, re-
ceiving his initial training at Sky
Harbor airport, Goderich. Following
his graduation he acted as att,• instruc-
tor at various airports for about a year
and a half and in January of this year
'went overseas,
Killed in Fall Down Stairs
Isdrs, Harry W. -Graham, Telephone.
road, Goderich township, met instant
death as she was about to descend the
stairs to the ground floor of her home,
she lost her. footing and fell to the
foot of the stairs, sustaining a broken
neck. She had been attending her hus-
band Who :is ill with pneumonia con-
tracted after a fall in which he suffer-
ed side injuries, Mr. Graham beard
the noise of her falling and managed'
to get to the telephone and summon
Gets Penitentiary Sentence'
Leonard Eloor, aged 22, arid G..
Dobbie, aged 27 years, Toronto, were
sentenced to terms in Kingston Peni-
tentiary by Magistrate F, W. Walker,
a Walkerton, after pleading guilty to
a number of charges of breaking and:
entering and theft. The two were ar-
rested by provincial police following
the break in :and theft early in October
at Paisley Sunoco gas station. Dobbie
was arrested at Tillsonburg last week
and Elnor was arrested by Toronto
several weekso, ago. Stewart
Rowe and Gordon Hunter, also of To-
ronto, who were arrested in Bramp-
ton last week following the break in
and theft of post office and general
store at Pinkerton, were remanded: for
one week,
Thuriayt Nov; 18th, 1943
$4,00; Lyle Hopper selecting jurors),
$4,00; Geo. Martin (selecting jurors).
$4.00; Fred Logan, (aftercare) $7.00;
Mrs. Geo. Gross (relief) $15.00; Dr.
Crawford OM.O.H.) $20.00; Cecil'
'Wheeler (I3.0,I1.) $3.00; John Craig
(B.O,H.) $3.00; Geo. Martin (B,Q.H.)
$3.00; Wes. Had:well (care of Walton.
Lights) $9.30.
Geo. C. Martin, Clerk,
ed by Sas, Michie' that the meeting
adjourn to meet again on • December
1.5, 1943, at 10 a.m. Carried.
The folloWing accounts were paid:
County of Huron (Mrs, Jas, Camp-
bell) $7.85; Hydro Electric Power
Commission (Street Lights) $110.45;
Mrs. Geo, Edgar (damage to sheep)
$2,00; Wallace Agar (sheep valuator)
$1.50; Cecil Wheeler (selecting jurors)
:doled by a breakdown in. health. The
idea spread rapidly and before the
I present war, forty countries of the
world were using the Christmas Seal
for the purpose of raising funds to
eliminate man's • most devastating
scourge—Tuberoulos,is. The people of
Western Ontario are being given an
opportunity to take part in this great
idea. The Queen Alexandria Sanitori-
um has launched its sixteenth annual
campaign and some forty thousand
letters have been mailed throughout
Western. Ontario, When these beauti-
ful seals reach your home, buy them
in order that your Western Ontario
Sanatorium may continue its valiant
fight for victory over the White
Plague. It was but a few weeks ago
that we visited this fine institution at
Byron-, near London, and we Caine
away with the impression that the
work there is being carried on effici-
ently hut in a most humane manner.
We talked with some of the patients
and they were all loud in their praises
of the treatment, both medical and
otherwise, that they were receiving.
This disease is public enemy No. 1,
and all can take part in its elimination
by assisting our own Sanitorium carry
on its work to relieve and cure those
who are stricken and make a deter-
mined effort to stamp it out. Your
purchases of seals are solicited but
:larger donations would be very wel-
come indeed.
* * *
Wingham Horse Show is Thursday
evening, 'November 25th. Meet and
greet your friends at this great event.
* *
The Women's Institute of Western.
Ontario passed a resolution asking for
legislation requiring certificates of
physical examination for all applicants
for marriage licenses. Our women
may not be the first to press for this
advanced step in social welfare but
their voice will add much weight to-
ward having the idea adopted.
a *
In the issues of the weekly papers
that liave come to our desk this week
at least two of them record a news
item of a hit-and-run driver, Such
offences should be given thorough in-
vestigation and if wilful disobedience