HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-11-11, Page 8ROBIN HOOD VITA-B WHEAT- . QUICK OATS —. 5-1b, bag 29c GERM CEREAL 3-lb. bag 25c READY-CUT I KELLOGG'S s MACARONI .__.. ..... 4 lbs. 26c ALL-BRAN _..... (1g. pkg.) 24e l LIPTON'S CONTINPNTAL NOODLE SOUP MIX 2 Pkgs. 25c ri Y. P. U. Had Charge of Service The Young People's Union of the United Church were in charge of a service held in the basement of the church Sunday evening with the presi- dent, George Johnston, in the chair. An address was given by the min- ister, Rev. G. H. Dunlop, on the sub- ject "Run' the Good Race of Faith," The meeting opened with a sing- song, The scripture reading was taken by the president. Miss Barbara Michie led in prayer. Ross Procter sang a solo. The business included plans for a social to be held Friday evening of this week in the basement of the church. The meeting closed with a hymn and 'the Mizpah Bene- diction. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shaddich and daughter Marilyn of Clinton, visited recently with Mrs. John VanCamp and' Mrs. R. Owens. AC2. Charles. Procter, son of Mr. and, Mrs. Stewart, Procter,. has completed a course at Westdale Technical School at Hamilton,/and has been transferred. to. Lachine, Quebec for basic training, Mr.. and Mrs. David Armstrong spent a few days in, Thorndale and London,. returning home Saturday ev- ening accompanied by their son, Cecil and. Mrs. Armstrong. of Thorndale, who spent the week-end here, also with his parents for the week-end. was AC1, Jack Armstrong, and friend, Paul Linch, of Centralia. AC2: Ross, Anderson of the Radio. School,, Clinton,. spent the week-end with, his parents,. Mr. and Mrs.. Anderson. A.C2, Mel Keating, of, Centralia,, with. iis wife at the: home of her parents,: Mr.. and. Mrs. Dt. Clianmey. - Private Roy- :Ma'cSween of Londlon., with Mrs, ManSween. at the home of her; parents, Mr: and., Mrs. A. Vincent. Sapper Thomas. G'a,ruiss of PetalWa- wa- is on. a week? furlough with his vife at the home• of her parents. Mr. and'. MIS, Lyle. Hopper and his par- erns; Mr: and Mrs,. John Garniss., Mrs, Wilson, of, Saskatoon, spent a couple of. days. with, Mr. and MiTS. 5.. A. Geddes.. . • Mrs.. R. Mani:son with her sister„ Mrs„ 5..Mustar of Browntown. Mrs. B,. Staples, of. London, with, her aunt, Mrs.. Alex Manning. Mrs. Cecil Black,, of Molesworth, formerly Miss. Mary Wiglitman of Belgrave;. is in Listowel Hospital, having undergone an operation. Mrs. S. A. Brandon is a patient in the Wine:Am General Hospital', Mrs. Jerry Burke of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McArter and Me. and Mrs. Earl Anderson, Alex Young of London, with Mrs, Young and family for the week-end. Clifford 'Logan is recovering from a sereve attack of tottsilitis, Institute To Meet November 16 The Publicity meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held Tuesday, November 16th, at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. J. S. Procter; convener 11211111111011M1311011111011NOWN11111111~119 Baptist Church Rev. John Lucas, Pastor SUNDAY NOV. 14th 10 aan,.--Sututay School, 11 a.m..—What the early church believed about the Lord's Sapper. 7.30 p.M. — Learning the hard way. , All are Invited, 4' PAW', IGNT WINGHAM ADVANCg-TIMg$ Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP c>-.47r, piitie"-01;1. art tZ0 s)0 .. 0‘5. 0,as ; and Parts for all makes of Radios Pattison Radio Service Phone 171 Tubes ris and East Wawanosh held a meet- ing in the .Belgrave School on Friday afternoon with twenty-two teachers and Inspector J. H. Kinkead of Godc- rich, in attendance. Clarence Grain- ger, teacher at Walton, acted as chair- man, There was a round table conference at which the following subjects were discussed — New Books, Teaching Methods, Course of Study. A demonstration, on "How. to start a fire by primitive methods" was giv- en by George Kirkby. At six-thirty the group were served A ohicken dinner in the basement of the United Church, by the Women's Association of the church, , Mr. Grainger again acted as master of ceremonies, Between courses all joined in.a period of gram) singing. It was decided to hold another meet- ing between Christmas and Easter. A vote of thanks was extended the ladies of the church by Mr. Kirkby, replied to by Mrs, S, Procter. V 1 I Miss. Pearl Jamieson, teacher of S. S. 6,, East Wawanosh, attended the embers convention 'at Belgrave ow Friday.. Mr. W. A. Campbell spent die veek-end with Hamilton friends. Rev. Harold Snell was a Toronto isitor on Thursday. Mr. 'and Mr's. Thos. Kernick of myth, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell. •.• , Mrs. J. L. McDowell visited her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Smith of Gode- ich„ last week. Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Walsh, MA..N. Radford, Mrs. Walter Cook, were ,oncion visitors on Friday, LAC. Donald Stonehouse, who was on furlough before leaving an Eastern, Port from where he expects 'to be' posted shortly and his mother, Mrs. R, Stonehouse of Goderioh, visited on Tuesday at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Bert Taylor and .Mr. and Mrs. W.. F. Campbell. Mr. Alex Atiderson of „Toronto, visited recently with Mr. W. H. Camp-, bell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchanan were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Taube of London. The Y. P.' 17, met on Thursday, evening with 31 present, The „meeting was in charge of Mildred Thornton,, Phyllis Cook presided at the piano. Scripture lesSon was read by Havey Wighttnan. The report pf the tally held at Seaforth recently, was given by Margaret Wightman on "Christ- ian Citi2enship", on,, "Christian COI., ture" by Murray' McDowell, “lVfis- sions", by Phyllis Conk, "Christian Fellowship" by Mildred' Thornton. and "Administration" 'by 'Gordon McDow- ell, it was decided to have the meet-, trig on Wednesday 'evenings. The games were under the. leadership of Rev. 14, Snell. The meeting eloSed of Pro,„ 11frs. N. Keating. 12,01.1 "What good the Institute has done in, is doing or could do this 'commit- Motto, "Living as we -go" by Mrs.' B. Anderson. Current Events, Ars, A. Young. Address, by Mrs. W, J. Henderson, the district president. - Hunch Com.—Mrs. N. Keating, Mrs. ConitiQs, Mrs. W. Armstrong. All the ladies of the community are invited to attend, • The Farm Forum group of the 6th line of East Wawanosh met Monday evening at the home of Hugh Blair, Twenty-five were present, A good discussion was held. The Forum will meet next Monday night at the home of Cyrus Scott, LI •• W WI a a a a • • a a a 111 a a a a a a U a a a a a a U a a a a a PHONE 161 Capital Paste Floor Wax SnowFlake Ammonia PULLOVERS—. . Pullovers with crew' neck or• zipper fastening. in attractive colours. Sizes 2 - 6 . ..... 9'8.c and' $1.25 Sizes 6 -17 $1.49 and: OM 1-1b. tin Z9c 3 pkgs. 15c Wonderful Laundry Soap 5 bars 19c GROUND FRESH WHILE YOU WAIT REX COFFEE SUITS— Durable Tweeds in smart boys' styles.. Two pant models,. sizes 6 - 15. $9.50 - $16.50, COMBINATIONS— - Watsons Combinations with long- sleeves, ankle length, are good protection. for' winter. $1.29 per,., GOLF pSOCKS— Popular style for breeks axe' Penman's wool and cotton golf socks. Sizes 772.- 1O. 69c pr. WINDBREAKERS— "All wool Windbreakers. ; v ari aus weights and colours, Sizes 8 14: $2.50 to, $4'.95. OVERCOATS— Heavy wool coats. with, plaid lining in pop- ular .13almacan style. $izeS 12 - 17. $15.95 - $17.95 KING'S FREE DELIVERY mmonnommommowammamnrsol. lb. 53c with the Mizpah• Benediction, family,, visited with Mr. and, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman an&IPharis. Mathers on Sunday. day morning at Epworth Hospital, South Bend, Indiana. Mr. Beecroft had been ill for the past few months. He made his home in Scarsdale, New York City, and at South Bend. For many years he had been on the execu- tive of the Bendix Corporation. His wife, the former Charlotte Stacey of. St, Thomas, passed away two years ago. He leaves to mourn him, one brother, Mr. John Deecroft of East Wawanosh, who has been with him for the past two weeks, and one sis- ter,- Mrs. Henry McGee, also of East' Wawanosh, His niece, Miss Myrtle., Beecroft of New London, Conn., had also been with him for the past month. He was a past president of the American Society of Automobile En- gineers and was known from coast to coast for his work in this regard. One of the messages of condolence came. from Capt. Eddy Rickenbacker, who was his great friend. The funeral was held from Thorpe's Funeral Home in Brantford on Mon- day afternoon. Those from here who attended the funeral were, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft, Miss Beatrice Beecroft, Mrs. W. Dow, Mr, and Mrs. Henry McGee and Gordon, and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft, Miss May McBurneY of Turnberry, Mr. and Mrs. H. Campbell of Wingham and Mrs. J. Wightman of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Farrier and baby Marion of Preston, spent the week-end with his father, Mr. W. R. Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. John...Gillespie, and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hod- gins of Kinlough. • Mrs. J. F. McLean is visiting this week at the home 'of her son, Mr. Earle McLean of Sarnia. Mr. Alex Anderson of Toronto, re- turned home on Saturday after spend- ing two weeks at the home of Bert Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft visited' with their daughter Florence ,in To- ronto on Monday. BELGRAVE W. M. S. Had Fine Meeting Knox Presbyterian Church Wo- men's Missionary Society held their regular meeting in the church, The president, :Mrs. R. J. Scott, conducted the meeting, The scripture reading was taken by Mrs. Joseph Dunbar and Mrs, Athol Bruce led in pracyr, The Glad. Tid- ings prayer was taken by Mrs. Agnes Mason. During the business period a letter of thanks was read from Mrs. Garner Nicholson for fruit sent her by the auxiliary when she was in hospital. NOminations for the 1044 Presbyterial executive were made and will, be for- warded to the Presbyterial Nomin- ating Committee. A , paper entitled: "A ,day of good tidings" was given by Mrs. R. J. Scott. The monthly offer- ing was received and the meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. Boosted cigarette Fund A Bingo and Dance to assist in the work of seeding chocolates and .clgar- ettes to the boys overseas was held in the Forester's Hall on Thursday even- ing, with a fairly good crowd in at- tendance. Arthur's Orchestra sup- plied the music, The Bingo was well eatro.nized and good prizes were awarded, A refreshment booth was bet up in the hall., Mrs, Streeter Entertained Ladies' Guild Mrs. P. H. Streeter of Blyth, enter- tained the Ladies' Guild of Trinity Church, Belgrave, at the Rectory on Thursday afternoon, when there was a splendid attendance, , The regular meeting was held with the president Mrs, R. McCrea, in charge. A special feature was an auction sale of articles donated by the members, which realized between $9 and $10.Rev. P, H. Streeter acted,,,as auctioneer. Also worthy of mention was the attendance of Miss Margaret McClelland, formerly of Belgrave, Who enjoyed meeting old friends all of whom were pleased to welcome her to the meeting. A good paper on "Madame Chiang Kai-Shek", was giv- en by Mrs. Cooper Nethery. Mrs. William Erydges conducted the worship period and read the scripture lesson. Rey. P. H. Streeter led in prayer. The business period included the reading of the minutes by Mrs. R. Procter and the treasurers' report by Mrs, J. McGill. The roll call was responded to -with donations to the sale which was held at the close of the meeting. All the articles were sold. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Streeter, assisted by Miss Alice Rog- erson.. Report of Sectional Meeting Held A joint meeting of Knox United Women's Missionary Society and Wo- men's Aisociation held in the church basement, was attended by eighteen ladies and was one of great interest. A report of the Sectional meeting held recently in Brussels was given,. with Mrs. C. Procter reporting for the morning session and Mrs. G.. Martin for the 'afternoon session. Ln addition, two chapters of the Study Book "For all of Life" was given. Mrs. E. Anderson reviewed the first chapter which deals with "The Light of Knowledge" part of which was il- lustrated in dialogue form by two of the members. The second chapter which is on "Health" was taken by Mrs, T. B. Johnston. The Missionary meeting opened. with the president, Mrs. J. Wheeler, conducting the business. A nominating committee composed of Mrs. A. Vincent, frs. J. Miller and' Mrs. G. Martin, was appointed to draft a slate of offi,iers to be voted on at the December meeting. The president was asked to conduct the Christmas worship service at that. meeting. A letter of thanks was read from the, minister, Rev. G. H. Dunlop, for flowers, and expressions of sympathy. following the death of his mother. The auxiliary decided to provide, the. required. number of World Friend's for tile Mission Band for 1944. A number of booklets entitled' "What it Takes" will be purchased. for men of the congregation who• are: in the armed forces. Mrs. Dunlop took the chair for the worship service based on the theme., "The-Bible—The Foundation, Stone of the New Order," and was assisted by Mrs. J. Anderson in a program. of re- sponsive reading. Leading in prayer were, Mrs,. T., 'Weide, Mrs. R. Chamney• and, Mrs, Dunlop. During the study period, the- dia- logue part was taken by Mrs. J. IVIichie and Mrs. A. Vincent, who, told of the work of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Peck in India.. The roll call was responded to with a verse on "Peace." 'Plan to Serve Dinner Mrs. S. Procter presided for the Wonteri's Association meeting when plans were completed for the dinner which was served at the . choreh on Friday evening for the Public School teachers -of .East Wawa nosh and Mew- tis. The meeting opened with a hymn - tut prayer by the president. Bible reading was taken by Mrs. 'Harold Procter. The roll call for the next Meeting will be—"A Christmas thought or Verse," Officers for 1944 Will be elected, The meeting closed with a hymn and .prayer, Schotil"Teachers Held Keating, The Public School teachers of IV(or- a i ) a a U a a a a a a ill a a a a a a. a. a .4; i „ a a a. WHITECFIURCH Mrs. Calvin Robinson of Windsor, is spending this week with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Purdon of St, Helens. Miss Beatrice Beeeroft of Alma College, St, Thomas, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bee- croft. Mrs, Joe Thompson of Courtland and son Ross, who is recuperating from an appendix operation, visited for a few days last week at the home of her father, Mr. Thos. Robinson. and other relatives. Mr. Robinson return- ed home with them on Saturday, Mr. Clarence ,McClenaghan was in' charge of the services in Exeter Unit- ed Church on Sunday. Mrs. 'George McClenaghan, Mrs. Milian Moore and Miss Edith Mc- Clenaghan, spent Saturday with Miss Mildred McClenaghan at Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Ezekial Phillips of Auburn, spent Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. A. Fox. Mrs. Bert Eynon left on Monday for Toronto to get her little 3-year- old son Bruce,' who spent the past' three weeks in the Sick Children's Hospital after his operation. David Beecroft Passes David Beecroft, youngest son, of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Beecroft of E. Wawanosh, passed away on Satur- English Pipes, Pouches, Billfolds and Key Cases — at sio•••••••••••0•40 GEORGE WILLIAMS JEWELLER First Class Watch Re- pairs at Moderate Prices All work guaranteed and done on the premises. mitimithismei SALEM Miss Reta Cathers "of Toronto, spent • the week-end with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cathers, Messrs, Everett Cathers and John Lane, visited over the. week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weir and family of London visited over Sunday with the -former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir. Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy spent one day last week with 'friends near Tees- water.. '..Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Weir of Pitts- burgh,. Penn.,, spent a few days recent- ly with the former's mother, Mr's: Wm. Weir and. otheF friends. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dane and Mr. James Douglas.„ of Gorrie, called on. 'Mr. and Mrs. John GoWdy- last Sun- day.. The. W., A. met in the church one afternoon: last week. and did some, quiltin ;.- • - . • Mr:. and Mrs., Allister; Green from near Wroxeter called on the latter's parents,. Mr., and Mrs,. W. E. Weir,' on Saturday night WESTFIELD Thursday, Nov. '11th, 1943 Smith's Economy Food Store MAPLE LEAF , PAT-A-PAN" PASTRY TENDERFLAKE LARD lb 20c, FLOUR 24-1b. bag 79c. CROSBY'S FAMILY CALUMET BAKING MOLASSES ....... .... qt. 25c: POWDER 1-1b. tin 25c AYLMER POUR O'CLOCK TOMATO SOUP . . .. . tin 10c BLACK TEA 1/2 -1b. 40c SEA-NYMPH•: NEILSON'SJERSEY CHICKEN HADDIE tin 33c BRAND COCOA 1 lb. tin 29c o RATION COUPONS VALM THURDSAY NOVEMBER 11 Sugar No 1 to 20. Tea Nos, 1 to 21, Preserves i'ios. 1 to 7, Butter N'os. 34 to 37, Meat Nos. 22 to 25. wisinnsituipsnowanamilinsimmammilmniiimunisintiminialln It's the early Shopper who has the most complete choice of Christmas cards. . Choose yours now so that you're sure to get exactly what you want—and then you'll be certain to have them early though for your farthest-away addresses. So wide a variety 'is presented in our exciting new Collection that you'll find fast what you want —at just the price you wish to payt Melci.Obons j 0,42,...tLck).0 ;vivo HURRY IN! Two Shows Saturday Night Thursday, Friday, Saturday, November 11, 12, 13 ROBERT DONAT ROBERT MORLEY "The Young Mr. Pitt" An historical drama.. Also "News" Matiriee Satliritay afternoon at 2.30 p.m. 4 Moi;day, Tuesday, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 16, 17 BOBBY' READICK WILLIAM GARGAN — In "Harr.igan's Kid" • A Racing Story. Also "Short Subjects" ussiasseameasimallen, mem BLYTH 131yth went over the top in the Vic- tory Loan, Their allotment was $46,- 500 and a total of $47,000 was sub- scribed, Mrs. C, H, Rothera, of Thessalon, is the guest of Mrs. J, R. Elliott, Benjamin Taylor, a life-long resi- dent of this section, pasied away on Monday at his home on Westmoreland street in his 89th year. The funeral, which will be private, will take place on Wednesday, with internment in St. Helen's Cemetery. DATES RATION COUPONS VALID Here are the dates on which ration coupons are due: Butter coupons 34 and 35 now valid; 36 and 37 valid November 11. Spgar coupons to 1.8 now valid; 19 and 20 valid November 11. ' "D" preserve coupons 1 to 5 now valid; 6 and '7 valid.,,November 11. Tea, coffee coupons 1 to 21, now valid. Meat coupons 22 to 24 are valid; 25 becomes valid November 11. Dietician: "An exclusive vegetable diet would give you a trim figure." Patient (skeptically): "Did you ever take a good look at a hippopotamus?"