HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-11-11, Page 2T CHARTER D BANKS OF CANADA tIE tti'l of Canada keep abredst of the Dominion's expanding needs. 11•11•••••••••i••••0 1. Six times since 1870 'the Bank Act under which the Cba.rtered Banks operate has been revised by parliament—six times in that period the activities of the banks have been rarefuny scrutinized by the people's representatives. Every ten years the Bank Act bas been thus revised. Each one of the six decennial revisions has contributed much to the evolution of the banking system to meet the expanding needs of a developing D,Oellitaiota. Int 1934 the sixth reviston of the Bank Act was made. Fifty mem. bers of the 'louse a comraotis made up the committee, which examined witnesses—among them bank officers, government o Mcials sad reformers — and studied exhibits filed by various individuals and organizations. Findings were submitted to the Honse„ and Later that year the Bank Act was revised in inany important particulars. 1771vnth dettrOcturk ,ofd 4eatiourt, a .Conciefrou isernidtig totwo crown otxt4eso odiorttof fa *nett Oar tpteit tai' fire people, peoVicring a depo troy for scoWngs ,nrid rr some, both tor Coma* ;Etre ecoromk cleere Canada went Over the top 'in the Victory Lome Partners in this sue-; Thieves Strike Twice cces can take pride in this splendid Early Tuesday morning last week, achievement• exactly one mouth after the previous * raid on this village, a quartette of To- Tai, is a young man's war, Major- rento thugs paid another visit to ,Mild- Gen, Gus Simonds in his early thirties t may and stole a 1941 Ford Sedan from is a divisional commander as is Major- Morgan Pletscle broke into the C,N. teen. Chris. Voices tt'W) is 39. R. jigger house, and then. proceeded Wingleau is having a horse show on' north to Pinkerton, where they broke into Roy Cremuns store, which also the evening of November 25th, Get contains the local post office. The art behind this event and make it a fact that both ;Tangs used the saute great success. methods and visited the sante places in * 4 * fituce County, seems to be a strong Observe two minutes silence at indication of an organized ring of aen, Remembrance Day for those that bandi ts i n Toronto, who plan robbery have t heir lives in the last war, 4150 ! raids on country points. fabr hese Who have so gallantly given U all in time present struggle. Uses Hardwood To Make Tire In recent. months Councillor Gib- YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25. Point scientific Examen- Mien enables us to give you eleart Comfortable Vision F. F. I-10MUTI-1 Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston 80 Years Old Rune Farms Believe it or not, Mr, D, A. Mac- Donald, Second Concession, Kinloss, observed his 80th birthday. Better known as "Black Dan", Mr. Mac- Donald, appears years yoenger than his age and is remarkably alert and active, He's busy every day operating his farm, and is working harder than ver, Mr, MacDonald said. — Luck- low Sentinel. Thursday, Nov. nth, 1943 If we all cut our telephone talks b just one Minute .,.it would Savo ,001) hours 110 for WAR CALLS acr y flgy War callsl must come first . • . which means that we should reduce our non- essential use of the telephone to the minimum. Present facilities cannot be increased; your co- operation is needed if war calls are toi go through promptly. CCPlease remember that the wasteful use of telephone time can hold up war business --ands that every second you save counts. telfe1/1111111111111111111111M1111111 ae.efernee4e. SeeZrzece- p,itsti, I XS MAW 140-5014) citi4OCOttp.l. OtS I OD rt3 • vosa ot sett, there ores Wartime restrictions on the use ch tot matelots: then, to roonl trkore peopte today *foot to buy tileAsons C,hocoloe Sots sense tor their ovepeos viacceis. Others, *rho ore *iorking hard, end these So you see lt Is hecouse at the greotiv increased demand tor tleitsores nourishing chocointe liars so heiptut, CheeoVate Vas that them' seen% be,sorcer thou the/ verity cog, Neilson's Quality remains as always the highest! '10 WINOIIAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE TWo is little number, a model of a fourteen-passenger helicopter air bus, was used as a "convincer" by the Greyhound bus lines, Chicago, 111, when it applied for permieion to operate helicopter buses in a local air service over 49,130 miles of routes, at a recent hearing before the MS, civil aeronautics board, This cloud.-bound bus was designed by Raymond Loewy in collaboration with Igor Sikorsky, helicopter Inventor. Wingham Advance-Times Pont seed a WINGHAM - ONTARIO Subscription Rate — One Year S2. Six months, $1.00 in advance To t3, S. A., $2,58 per year Foreign rate, $3.00 per year Advertising tates on application, WHEN WILL GERMANY CRACK? Tees e appeals to be a feeling that Germany will crack before long, 'Ihere may be some foundation for some suet forcastieg but it is well ' heed the voice -of 'Cluareltill who says that the way will be herd and long, Bombing from Britain has and is do- ing a great job. It is estimated that a total of 5,000,00)0 citizens of the Reich have been bombed out or evacu- ated. This awe: have a very telling, effect on the morale anti-the preduen tion < t war material:, Oa top oi dials the Russian steam roller whieh 1, ; making such sensational headway is I giving the Naeie a very bad headache, The Beitish-American army arc mak- um end the Public Sehool Board since both those oreanizetions' inceptions. Kineerditte Principal In New Army Post COL D. A. Sutherland, M.C., a former high school principal at Kin- !. sardine and Lama, has been appointed assistant director of army education for M. D. 1, it was announced, Direc- t for of army education in M. D. I is Major S. F. Maiue, formerly of the ersity of Western Ontario, Ooderich Doctor Retires. Dr. A. H. Mactilin, Ithyeician and surgeon, one of the most estimable citizens of Goderich, who hes practis- ed his profession for nearly 60 years, 38 of them in Gederich, announced his retirement. A native of Guelph, he ; spent most of his boyhood days in Stratford, where he received his pri-• mary and secondary schooling. He graduated in medicine from University . of Toronto in 1906, The same year he set up practice in. Mildmey anti nine years later removed to;Cioderich. Shot Farmer's. Ducks One of the meanest acts -to be re ported_ to us in a long, long time, oc curred on the farm of Mr, Calvert Falconer, Auburn Road_ Mr. Falcone had, a. flock of eleven ducks, and fol- le*ing the daily routine, the flock was turned out of the pen on Sunday outing, About forty rods front the house there is an enticing stream, and the flock made daily visits there, and always returned home safely. Sunday night ',vas adifferent story, however. Just before dark four of the eleven came home, and when the other seven failed to show up, Mr. Falconer in- t estigated. He discovered the seven ducks all dead; strewn along the banks of the stream. Investigation showed that they had been shot. — Myth Standard. Seidler in Sicily Gets Acmes Som. One of the mnst unusual incidents of the war is reported this week Miss K. McCarthy of Chesley had knit pair of socks from yarn provided, by, he Women's Institute, and put her ante on a piece of paper in the sox. The other day site get a. letter from lea nephew, who is serving in Sicily, saying that he bad. gotten the June box of the Women's Institute, and found the name of dais aunt in the sox which were included in the box.. — Claestey; Enterprise, bush in Vestion, had been chased front their nests, Moreover, the do Lad no license to wit at barge.. Fell Under Tractor Wheel James Benne, 64-year-old Elam Ton-0Np farmer, nee eeriettely injur- d in *the barnyard of his home whet lying tractor, hme loll into the path a rear wheel and was run over. His -SOU, Wallace, t'ih“ was working with by father at the time of the accident, summoned aid and the injured man was removed by ambulance to the Listowel Memorial Hospital. He suf- fered a fractured pelvis and severe in- ternal injuries. Four Injured In Crossing Accident A car owned by James Athous and driven by Miss Leona Payne, of Lis- towel, crashed into a standing freight train at the level crossing on Main street at Palmertsore In the car were Mr. Athons, Archie McLeod, Leoaa Payne and. Zella Roth, The four were returning to Listowel and it is thought that risibility was poor at that time as it had been raining. All four oc- cupants of the car were admitted to Palmeeison General Hospital. FORGERY' PROOF SiGNATURES In Mesopotamia, 3000 years befiere.! Christ, official and legal red tape was highly developed Then es now people had to sign on the dotted' line. Al- though the ancient Year East claiins-: the earliest known systems of writing,' its masses remained' illiterate, Docu- ments were written on cla - tabi t b 3 es 3 professional' scribes but "Tolin- Henry's' signature was personally imprinted on soft clay by means of a seal. The • seal was usually in tile form of small stone cylinder, fore-runner of rotary printing machine. It was owned' and worn by- the signatory who; was protected against forgery by the' variety and intricacy of its design: The Royal Ontario Museum lags re- cently put on display a fine collectione hese ancient seats. IMMUNIZATION WEEK NOVEMBER 14 - 2t Health Authorities Suggest Local Health Conferences Local child health conferences, in hicli voluntary community agencies * * ing steady progress in Italy and the Garden Peas in November loss off the Germans in the African Mr, and Mrs. William Blair, Cam- band of iron, and it appears substan- campaign. were of staggering- propor.-a brat road, are enaa freshereenal enough to withstand considerable Batts, Se there is reason to be opts-::seas front their .garden,.E nterprise 'Mrs- Blair wear and abuse, — Arthur mietic wl;en we compare things as l aw. el twat news in July and protect.e,,n. News. they are to-day with blacker 'Sestet' 'j them on recent cold nights, and they days. But let as not for get the warn-1 a.e. . now bearing well-forinea pods.; overcome by Gas ing that the way will be hard and.: Fresh green Peas are decidedly a Miss Minnie Kearney, Miss Lucy knee il arovelty in November. — lGoderich Huber anti Me, John Clancy narrowly 1 Signal Star. escaped death at the home of the lat- HOW ABOUT 'THAT ter near the C.N.R.. depot when they TAIL LIGHT? Ex-Crode erich Clerk Dies were overcome by coal gas emanating In time tenantry papers that come to Death of L. L. Knox, a veteran in 1 from the furnace. About 3 a.m. Miss mar desk we have noticed recently re- to endeipal 'inattees of Chalet-3cl! acid for it Minnie Kearney, who is a niece of Mr. ports of aecidenes due eo a rear light ; .7m-et- SO years its clerk and treasurea ;IClanev, felt ill and while attempting to being lefei off a vehicle. This is al was announced Friday evening 1w go upstairs collapsed and had to be ;very -Jana :teens practice and one not ; Mayor E. D. Brown to the town I assisted up the steps by Mr. Clancy.. Az i3;" i'e ,.'lisregmetinee evi taw bur a •,:vank'ilcors- inunecliat'elY fonowinn the; At ibis time it was also found that bad amide= may reselt, At this time et:oar:61"s adeournment. Reeognie.2.d Miss Lucy Hubea who lives at the of year in particular each aeeident ibr his fellow townspeople as an nulls- ; Clancy home, also felt ill and' while may happen. es it becomes dark et aa iartte on municipal affairs, he had re-; attempting to tenth the bathroom eon early hallo and one may .1), natight heal tired from public life a year ago due elapsed Seeing the plight of the two the early darleass. Remember how-el et a lieezt ailment which iii,,' restiltel women anti not knowing what the teen That this erni nen ceens.e you iitt.i!in his. death.. While eareying em the trouble was, Ma Clancy rushed to a :the eyes of !the law. Help keep euritwedeld &nice of town clerk .and treas-i rear-by phone to call a doctor, While highways and byways safe. Make i: urer.. Mr. Knox had also been eecre- there he also collapsed. — Walkeziorr sure you hare a tell light- after .lark. ,! eery of to Public ninnies Commis- Herald-Times. .. lllll .11Itlitil,11 llll ,10.11 llllllllllllllllll 1.011111 ttttt 111..111M3 'I i son McCallum, of Mount Forest has. i... ii. '' had a series of Itisfortunes which has NEWS - • diminished his supply of tires suffici- Mly to leave him without' a spare. la of the _Thinking it unwise to travel even for - , t. .. .. ii • short distances without some assure I ST II I CT , • once of getting home, he produced the e .- e. - : best war time wooden tire in the die- 0011114.11.11110r11.0,111.011..1011{ ttttttt 1.MIIIMMIP111.111.7 trict. It is a 600-16 size, made of hardwood in several sections, built around the rim aqd encircled by .a 3h Transferred. To War Inclusties During the past three days Mr.. R. T. McMehen of the Regional ()Eke of the Selective Service Board,. Tozeoa- ro, has been in Hanover carrying out :the government's regulation that men now employed here in non-essential 'eln.stries must go to war industries. Notices had been sent out last week io 74 men of Hanover and these men were asked itnerview Mae McMehen, Tuesday and Wednesday. Of the 70- men called tap, Which included the age., group of 15 to 4O, thirty-one are to leave Hanover during next week, that is,,,as soon as ,even days notice has been given their employer. ---Hanover 'Post. Bern Near Hensall Burned The large bank, barn of Mr...Cenaeles • O'Brien, well-known district farmer of I the 4ih coneee-sien of Cshorne, five 7 arinee southeast of Hensel% was burned to the ground. including 41 pins, 125 chickens aril ;:mplemenee, Mr. 0'-; Brien had been out ha the barn [doing I 1.1:4,-.- morning clssses and had reineeeel ,, to the house fee- breast, when he ileoleed slit oi fee wieelew to see sparks ; flying from the barn. Help WaS sn111-t. Motel mid letendeeds ed eteienabere we- i -pnnled, but tee Ere line' aained too; much headway far any help. Sane:' forth Htrva-Emptttitc.r. Sues Farmer Par Sbuuting Dog iana Pieninze, Clint en t,iatu l , tiho.u.alt $a teach ni Lis benelet Itreanel, -Serettee" then' !..le cried when; Le feiin ii elteel. In die betel, mist;, itlireengla the Lead, an June 5, 1942„1 :1 11-le t old z-zii.ze Cestelle this, and mere, i Irene the reanees stand hi IlriS 3 Lti iti'iSl ' ei„:311 Saa against William Sinleins, famer's stes, a mime. who ell'ngelly : shot she len, arel the latlefe father, i tire:71YeTt IletVittS,, W.1.1t7 is enenitie 1 In if:: get ors IP:ricig is suing for $50. I ir:::i..! sass lostel most of The 41-12F- 1. ffur:`,-miu,*.t't wag' treserea. The Pee-i i LInS, fate:" ot3 sz,t, -21zii-,115.ied 'te..til Sleeting lit tat the dog was a f3e-1 val-:t lite.,,,ram,t1-„ and ,t;,'-alt luslitys; v.:11.11 y.tucly hiltrted Ittir eggs it tSe Bee Thieves are Busy Some person is headed for trouble by stealing bees and equipment 'Iron he apiaries of W. A. Macdonald, 'lo- cated on the farms of T. Gleneross, A, MacArthur and P. McMillan in Glen- elg. The penalty for this offence is Gasoline Theft At Teeswater very severe, and a reward is being of-. 'Upon opening up the Vaite Rose fered for information that will cause Service Station, of which he is man- ! the arrest of the culprit. On the ager here, on Thesday fast week, M. Glencross farm. the thief, or thieves, A. McDonald discovered' that one of made away with a whole colony, and the gas pumps had been broken into evidence is pretty clear i n a couple 01. and nearly 10 gallons of the rationed other instances that the thief was dis. fluid stolen. --- Teeswater News, couraged by the 'bees thenv3elvos. — Durham Chronicle. oiars 4.10044it urged to avail themselves of measures to protect their children against such.; communicable; diseases as whooping' cough, diphtheria., smallpox and scar- let fever: The number of cases of these dis- eases- in Canada runs into thousands : annually and the deaths are also coun-; ted in their thousands. might co-operate, would be a useful feature in observance of National Im- munization Week; health authorities observed. "Parents- must be aroused to the eeetiless waste of child:life and. health from preventable: diseases, and this cannot be achieved' by health author- ities atoneee it was:- stated, "It is a task calling for community action." National- Immunization Week_ wilt be observed fronr November 14 to 21, andl daring this, period parents wilt be Diphtheria, once the great killer of childhood, can be eliminated by too- oiding. Whooping cough, which has, taken an increasingly big toll in Can- ada in recent years is an extremely serious disease which can be prerdntect with pertussis vaccine, Smallpox re- mains a threat while it is prevalent in countries which have been brought closer by rapid modern transportation.. In some of the Canadian provinces scarlet fever inoculation• with toxin will be urged as part of the immuni- zation campaign. "Every case of preventable disease is tine to neglect," the health authori- ties declared 'Parents must recog- nize their responsibility to protect their children. They should consult their own doctors or send their chil- dren to municipal clinics for free treatment when available.