The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-11-04, Page 2VihatI OUVIaittl°1
P ltt
Helpf u l Heating
Hints—a Regular!
Feature of
8.00 P.M.
A.A11010 tttttt ,,,,, ,,, ' ttt ,,,,,,,,
of the
ttttt AA ,,,,, 141111.1.141,11 11 1AA11411*AIAIOAIIIIAIIIIIMA1111,11 ,,,,,,,
Left Estate To Hospital
Miss Agues Lillian Pack, daughter
of the late ,Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Dack
If Kincardine and Walkerton, who
Wingharu Advance-Times.
Published at
W411011414 - ONTARIO
Injured. In Fall
While sweeping off the roof of the
barn after threshing had been com-
pleted, Mr. W. V. Jefferson fell 27
feet to the cement floor of time barn
below and was badly shaken up. Mr.
Jefferson is 72 years of age and stood.
the ordeal very well, but is walking
aenSr slowly these days. — Seeforth
Huron Expositor.
Truck, Car Met Head On
One of the trucks owned by George
Radford, Blyth, and driven by Orval
Cook, collided with a coupe owned
• and driven by Joseph Riley,. Hallett
township, On the county road, r unning
east and west from Londesboro. Mr.
Cook was approaching the briA'7 0
Caldwell's hill, going west, when he
met Mr, Riley coining east. Neither
driver saw the other -until it was too •
ki te to avoid a collision, The Riley
car struck near the front end of the
neck, scraping along the side meil it
hit the rear wheel, When the impact
was so great the dual wheels were
torn off and the truck thrown into the
ditch, Time coupe was turned around
by time collision and hit a pole, where
it came to a stop. Mr. Riley received
a severe shaking up and his car is a
complete wreck. Mr, Cook is unhurt,
and Mr. Redierd is undecided whether
to repair time truck or `not, Traffic
Officer Lever investigated and no
charges were laid.
Thursday, Ncrgorube 4, 1943
We levee just finished reading a.
'bulletin front Victory Loan Head-
.oluarters" at Goderich and to say the
least we received quite a shock. We
noticed that the sales of Victory
Bonds in most districts were low in
Ottlparktnt to the same time in prev-
ious loans. This does not mean that •
all districts are not up to scratch bet
it does not mean that most every dis.
trict in this part of the county I.
lagging. We had just finished read-
ing this bulletin when we read an arti-
cle in one of our dailies which told
of the death of Col, Kennedy in Italy.
Col. Ketniedy hales front Owen Sound.
He thad taken over a Canadian hat-.
ealion in Sicily and was wounded but
rept eup the fight only to meet his
death while leading his men. There
are Many such men and the nundh,re
Of those who pay the supreme sacri-
fice will increase as the battles con-
tinue with greater vigor. Several
boys front this area have given their
Eves in this great struggle for right
against might. We are asked to loan
money that their sacrifice may not be
in vain and in order that the war may
be continued with an unrelenting force.
Rave a talk with yourself. Have you
done all you can do in the matter of
purchasing Victory Bonds? For those
who have not the cash there are d
(erred payment plans,. Make sure
that you have your MI share in
Speeding the Victory. Remember the
most you can do is the least you
should do,
* *
YOU DID WELL NEIGHBOR r ing home about one o'clock on Satur-
When we published the news that) '1a-3: morning• just after he passed
the Teeswater Fair had an attendance iherd's farm on the; outskirts of Tara
this year of 17,000- we felt, as we „have i a large buck jumped the fence and
for some years, that this neighbor of crashed into the front of the car. The
ours , - something for which they 'leer liras badly hurt and. the car re- post for many months. He was re-
have a right to be very proud. Andl. ....eilvet damage: to about cently joined by his wife, a
no doubt they are very proud of the '•*•6t,. the radiator, headlight and one graduate pharmacist, and is now act- , badly smas mei .— „ ee es • • being
fact that their fair is the largest in, • mg in that capacity in time Canol Hoe-
rural Ontario. It is a great thing tel! Enter p rise- •pital, Their place of abode is a "nice — lob cabin", Gordon says. — Lucknow be taps in such a venture and the Thick Crashes Wagon
have learned that this society- is purca.. ' Road ,_11:1,:esit.e.,...Itlilten. S_iegri, e r 'tst,ga,t e: Two Sons Overseas
.. Sentinel.
directors and management are to h .
An aceident occurred on the Elora co t aerated. Since that time we
asing $3000 \earth of Victery Bonds. Way, that. , have b r.e. A. H. McKaeue received word And this is not all, they gave we to !by very sermons results. Jack Miguht--ed" If -
the Salvation Army Red Shield Feed inn, accompanied by Ray Mahood and h the safearrivalofher son Ross, over-
all of Howick, wags
caule on Tuesday of this week of
and will pay the cost of Christmar.0 An5CAn Wolfe, Ross is attached to the Royal boxes to every matt in Tees:water and ..41iving iris truck down the hihway,
i seas.
Air Force. An elder son Cuirose now serving overseas. On top IA hen he overtook a farm. wagon driy- Tames, is overseas as a Lieutenant in en by Lloyd Klein, which he failedi of, all that they will pay the eosts oil.
see in tnne to avoid a eallienin ea i the Canadian Army. — Teeswater
a earieect which win, be held. in the ii t':'
near future in aid ef their laca" Red impect the wagon was ba dtrrNews
Cress Sesiety. The activities of this smagletttanrdecittnhiree(hl•te.aser=evs"ofina- I Continues As Quiz Winner
society are not confined to that short ittritte John Thompson, son of Mr. and
space of time near fair day. During' vete 7illaree Lloyd escaped with light"s'
the year they have sPensered seed! head wounds. Mr. Mighton was pain Mrs- John Thompson, Downie, and
clubs, colt clubs, calf, and sonw il fully crushed about the chest, when 1 prewincial winner of the Fourth Vic-
Loan quiz, was winner of the ',his truck upset into the deep ditch, t ':' other worthwhile undertakingte Hats eounty finals held at Mitchell in the off to you our neighbor*. You are land he had to be removed tc., trio; g town halt with five urban centres and
doing a grand job. 1,." hospital for treatment. His compan-
* * * * fens escaped tinizurt. The ..a' maetes tolt il t°s'yns'lliPs• represented. .. • t
Buy attd Wear a Po pm i. the trnek were not heavy. — Ifitimay! .' Kincardine Township Flier
* * * *
Have ent a Stake in Victory, Tne t'
Fifth Vieter,y• 1.ean is Ett its last week.
Dig klymtt bronner.
et id *
Have stot tee= coal? That
seemi to be the burr:foe r non-
beirning• let:test:inn teve.
* * 4 *
To retiree sure Celt we suf-
ii.tierdt tetentastion in 1944. the
dewentereent lave to move ottiek li -
Mans- seeete are being stringh-
teed. The farrz.-.1 eettnet Ere enceetted
to tams the lead altne.
*It is a sheet Irene? knee nise eaten:et
Veen:, the; Lawn =noo' is neet. t the '
cellar n'herG we stoke thet-
tenter. *
Men new Lave cults en Cede rattle ti
Se tern as ten enemy iL" rot pmat then,'
tette eta the ceii the taVees to it net
Ii Otto '
Listaners Oldest Citizen Passes
c41.iiest eit?e,en-, Ahrallterti
11011deee, de3 at the 17,-,:zo- of his
lettnittette Thee 1. tather„ V:'"ttta
wzknn nano Seen 'el years.
Ott tut Mambo II. Keen of mind
Subscription Rate One Year $2,00
She Months, $1,00 in advance
To U. S. A. $2,50 per year
Foreign rate, 8.00 per year,
Advertising rates on application,
Bey Listowel Station Property
At a special meeting the town coun-
cil decided to sell the former C,P.1 .
property, and adjoining land, to the
Maitland Spinning Mills, Ltd., for the
sum of $1,000, This matter had been
before the council a couple of months
ago, and at, that time time members
felt that $1,000 was not enough. Some
thought the price should be $1,500,
but agreed on $1250, and the matter
was referred back to the company.—
Listowel Banner.
Our 25 Point Scientific Examin-
ation enables us to give you
elem., Comfortable Vision
Photte 118 Harriston
lied in Toronto recently, bequeathed t as itelsank, banks on the roadside were
her entire estate outright to. Bruce heaved up about four feet. The cavity
County Hospital at \Vaikerotn, ac- became a small lake and a twenty-one
cording to her recently probated. foot rod that was plunged into the
Miss Daele's father was the treasurer hole failed to reach solid ground. —
ef thi hospital at Walkerton and sup- Luekno.w Sentinel.
ed it liberally,—Arthur Enterprise
Luctmow Man and Wife at Carlo!
Last week we received a copy of the Deer Jumped Onto Car "Canol Piper'', a little four page
Grant Legge of Elderslie met with mimeograph newspaper published
a most unusual accident when return- about 1600 miles from the North Pole.
The sender was Gordon Thompson,
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M.
Thompson of Lucknow. Gordon has
been in the employ of the United
States War Department at this outi -
that weighed 110 pounds. Ira:ndoni
could boast of four police en a beat.
* * *
Apple butter is now elf the ration
list. Many considered it being a
rationed antic e Suer tee meet aesde
saute anyway,
* * * *
Like many others we hepe that the
lei= who 1,•redi4.-Is car Ott winter is ;
ioneette, Onilied, One Missing Overseas *
A weekly' paper btasts of a swan!' • k Two Kincardine Township homes
have received word of mishaps to their
airmen sons. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Alexander, of Bervie district, were in- t
iformed that their son, LAC. Malcolm
Alexander., was killed Thursday in anti
lain:raft aecident He in training
at Regina. Mr. and Mrs. John Ferris e t
o af Cilatnis area. learned. from air head-1
:tuarters that their Son, Sergeant Sher-1
mail Ferris is missing after a raid over
; the esintinent.
Radio Owners Charged
Nineteen radii set owners, .11 in/
eGsiderieli Towns sip and eight in Crn-i. • tons nave been charged with failing to
•;,take out 1943 radio licenses. Sixteen
have so far paid their iiees.
Spine Fractured
Robert Diseen one of the seen-
!•!,tenewn Bisset Brothers, Saltford.
Heights dairymen, butter and ice •:
,erearn mannfacturees. is in Aiexandra.
suffering from a frattureed
;soitt e as a result of a fall out of an
apple tree. He has been placed in a
cast and doctors state be Win be laid - • ;,up ter three tiLlacss.
* *
that eeml!acett ziettr,le if
have sat.% a.. fes:.'nr:g.
1444 tnycv o".,& fay.z:1131:.e
"tt-W.1,;r1 f,l,ritIttc.i# b7:6n3 us, to
the ZMIlto.t.;ity of thz, toe bean tie:'
A trath ments,..,t reeled tite
iorring fvnt ote <-4 !73 Ir
'sl1/4rn terorr wort ti
Crkgte's i. 101,e4 he strt$.lo voltt-t
spat tolut ?grett. tavler
Irto *tit* or Crirejsr
Welcomed Back Froth Overseas
invalided back home from overseas.
"where he has served for two years„,
Bombardier Gordon iln..tat was givemi
!a warm we!c:me. by Rl;rz.ardine people
when be arrived home en the train'
Friday afternesen. Theennie the t •
vas -mere than two hears late, a crowd
of- nearly 150 was en asend for its
firet thatee *to extend a ettblie
teem te., a :seal man bask front the
and in fairly good health considering
his advanced years, "Mr.t. Bailey had
been confined to his bed since Sunday
night when he fell front his bed,
service by Elliott upon Beldon notice are faced with a shortage of feed
of his dismissal and in which a rock! grains, but are being encouraged to
and an .axe produced in court figured. purchase Western grain ..while the
Beldon pleaded extreme provocation transportation facilities are more fae-
and after listening to his dramatic (nimble than in the winter months.
story from the witness stand Magis- The number of hogs on Canadian
trite Makins expressed sympathy and" farms reached a new high record on
extended suspended sentence on pay- June 1, 1943-, the survey a that date
ment of court costs. " showing that there were 8,148,000
Manager Guilty In Assault Case
William R. Beldon, r5-year-old,
managing director of Seaford' Salt
Industries Ltd., was convicted of
assaulting W. Earl Elliott, secretary-
treasurer of the company, during an
altercation immediately following the
Girl Has 16th Fracture
Ruth Nafaiger, who is 12, was driv-
leg home in a ear owned by ter par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Nafziger,
91. John street east, Waterloo, for-
merly of Milverton. Friday, when .a
sudden stop hurled her forward and
broke her leg, But this experience
was nothing new for Ruth. She has
suffered broken legs 16 times, Ruth
is really a remarkable girl and gains
top billing for sheer courage and- de-
termination. Broken limbs don't
bother her. In fact site has rarely been
Hog production prospects hi the new
1043o4e hog marketing year commenc-
ing October 1 are now being apprais- -
ed, states the Current Review of Ag-
ricultural Conditions in Canada. Com-
iparatively heavy marketines are antici-
pated during time first quarter when
pigs farrowed in the spring and sum-
mer of 1943 win reach marketable
age, it is estimated that the increase
in this period may run from `2,0 to 25
per cent. Some increase in the fall
pig crop is in prospect for. Western
Canada, but comparatively heavy
marketings of sows and a light feed
grain crop in Eastern Canada may
serve to indicate some reduction is in
prospect. Nu estimates as to the
probable size of the 1944...spring, pig
:sop . are available as yet.
Hog producers in Eastern Canada
head, This is more than a million in-
crease since June 1, 1942, and double
the amount of hogs on farms at June
1, 1939. Also an increase of 38 per
cent for all Canada in time number of
sows expected to farrow in the fall is
estimated. The increase in time num-
PART of the Canadian Pacific
Railway's campaign for rigid
conservation of coal during this heat-
ing season . is a special booklet of
instructions, the front cover of which
is illustrated above and which all
those immediately responsible for
handling company coal must follow.
Scpp12.rnenting the booklet a general
appeal on home saying possible has
gone to the almost 70,000 employees
of the company and the subject will
be kept alive by a continuing intra-
company educational series. All
phases of the campaign, announced
•-- • -
ger of hogs was common to all prov-
laces except in Ontario where only a
!minor change was recorded. All the
provinces, except Ontario, participated,
in the increase of sows expected to
farrow, Ontario showing a slight de-
by VI, M. Neal, the vice-preselenn
are expected to save 500,000 tons of
coal throughout time system itself,
with the home savings by Canadian
Pacific people expected to add con-
siderably even to that impressive
figure. The company saving will be
10 per cent, on the approximate
5,000,000 tons of coal required annu-
ally— a remarkable saving, when
considered in the light of the Cana-
dian Pacific's own conservation cam-
paign to increase operating eflic:ency,
which has been intensively pursued
for 10 years,
IKE hundreds of other tittle girls and boys,
when she says '*Goodnight, Daddy', she says It to
a photograph. These Mite ones have never known the
thrill of a teal, live, hold-you-close-in-his-arms daddy.
Their daddies are over there fighting so that you cart live
comfort and safety. When you think of these kiddies,
ask yoctself if you are investing au you can to Speed the
ifictegy which will bring home the daddies they are missing.
These children want and need the love and affection, the comfort
and pleasure that only daddies can give. It is in your power to
- magic
? help make thei
wand that will help bring these Ntrdboarti daddies** back
to eciger young arms. eite iteeellte,
r dreams come true., flake the Victory Bonds you buy
Wawanosh Road Now a Sink-hole
Sink-holes are not uncommon in this
district, but time suddenness with
which one developed an the Ninth
Concession of West Wawanosh, has
caused a flurry of excitement and is
creating a repair problem to again
make the road fit for traffic. In the
meantime a temporary road of rails
of er swampy ground, skirts the sink- without one. The first came when
hole. The trouble developed on time she was only one year old. It was
County road just east of the farm of 'then that her parents learned their
James Purdon, West Wawanosh 1 daughter was fated to have soft bones
Township road. superintendent. For and would have to use the utmost
A distance of several rods the bottom caution. However, even extreme care
literally dropped out of time road, and and constant attentiip could not pre-
vent her from periodically entering