The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-10-28, Page 8PAGE EIS
Pherson. Motto—Early to bed and
early to rise, makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise, by Mrs. McKenzie
Webb. Hostess—Mrs. W. A. Hum-
phrey and Mrs. R. J. Woods, -
The Community Hall was filled to
capacity Monday night for the Victory
Loan Quiz Contest for the township-
of West Wawanosh. Rev. J. A.
Ward was chairman, Durnin
Phillips, quiz master and Messrs Jas.
Laidlaw, Everett Finnigan and Wal-
lace Miller acted .as judges: The
The contests were intersPersed by
musical numbers under the direction
of Miss McDonald, musical director,
by the six schools competing and by
a duet by Mr. and MrS. E. W. 'Rice
and a solo by Mr. Rice. In his chair-
man's address Mr. Ward spoke of the
Victory Loan. There were four con-
testants in group C (grades I, II, and
III) and the winner was Ruth Moss
of S.SA:' No. 2, with Mary Smith of
S.S, No. ,3 as runner up. In group B
(grade IV, V, and VI) there were 3'
contestants with Donald .Andrews of
S.S. No. 2 as winner and Keith Mc-
Allister of No. 3, second. Walter
Elliott of S.S. No, 14, was winner in
group A (grades VII, VIII and IX),
while Don Cameron of No, 3 was
runner up. There were 5 contestants
in this group. Each winner will re-
ceive. a War Savings Certificate from
the township of West Wawanosh,
English Pipes,
Pouches, Billfolds
and Key Cases
— at --
Haselgrove s
WIN GHAU ADVA NCE-TIMES Thursday, 049ber 28, 1043
Miss Leah Currie of Toronto, has
ieturnea home to spend the winter
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, David
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Anderson of
Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr. and
,Mrs. Robt. Pitt-don and other West
Wawanosh relatives.
Miss Mildred i McClenaghan, nurse-
in-training at Guelph General hospital,
spent the week-end. with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George McClenaghan.
Mra. Elliott Johnston and little
daughter of Windsor, have been visit-
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Hershom Johnston during the past
week. Mr. Elliott Johnston left last
week to enlist in the army at Landon.
Mrs..Jas. Cornelius had the misfor-
tune to slip on an icy step at the back
door, last Thursday and fell and broke
.the big bone in her right wrist in two
places. Her arm has been very pain-
Mr, John Beecisoft left last Friday
morning to go to his brother; Mr.
David Beecroft, who has been 5erinus-
ly ill in Epworth Hospital, South
Bend, Indiana. His niece, Miss Myrs
tle Beecroft of New London, Conn.,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 28, 29, 30
— Special —
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, November 1, 2, 3
— In —
Dresses—including fall merch-
andise—in smart styles, silks, wools
and fancy styles.
$3.95 Values for $1.98
$8.75 Values for $4.95
One group of better dresses at $6.95
Ladies; belts including wines, greys, ,s,
blues and browns.
Special Price $1.00
Skirts on Sale . — . — , $1.98 and $2.49
,Fancy Blouses on Sale, sheers And broadcloths
YYrti nn
Hanna's Ladies Shop
Discontinued Lines
Also "Short Subjects".
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
‘The:4 Powers l iGirl"
Comedy, Music and Glamour.
Two Shows Saturday Night
Also "Short Subjects".
to the boys overSeas. Most of these
were packed last week. it was plan I -
nod to send a delegate to the Conven-
tion at Guelph next month, The little
son of Mrs. Jas. Wilson and the little
daughter of Mrs. Geo. Fisher, received
the customary gift,, a book with g 'dot-
lars worth of war saving stamps, from
the Institute. Mrs. Schultz then gave
a piano solo, Mrs, Dawson Craig and
• Mrs, Garnet Farrier sang, "Beautiful
Dreamer," . Plans were ;made to have
the winter meetings held in the homes,
The National Anthem then closed the
meeting. The ladies then turned to
the Bazaar, and the table was quickly
cleared of homemade baking and
vegetables. Ten cent tea was served
and all enjoyed the social time. Over
$21 was realized by the Institute.
During the meeting . letter was read
from Norman Welwood in Germany,
and Norman wished his mother to
thank the many people who have writ-
ten him. He said he had received al.
letters since his mail started coining
to him a few months ago, . He asked
to send him a new pair of shoes. So
he must have been able to step out a
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes
family, spent Sunday with Mr„
Mrs. Robt. Powell of Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Welwood
Gordon, spent Sunday with Mr.
Mrs. Pinkerton of Walkerton,
Mrs, A. Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Beecroft, attended the funeral of
the late Mrs. George Irwin at Dun-
gannon on Saturday.
The regular monthly meeting of the
W. M. S. of the United Church, irag
held at the home of Mrs. Fox on
Tuesday of last week, with the presi-
dent, Mrs. J. G. Gillespie, in charge.
The theme of the meeting Was, "The
Bible for all of Life" and the 19th
Psalm was read responsively, and the
fact, we shall reap what we, sow, was
stressed, as one sees that hate, in-
justice, carelessness and indifference,
brings bloodshed and destruction,
Mrs, Ezra Scholta gave the report
of the Sectional meeting held at Brus-
sels recently, and Mrs. Lott led in
prayer, and Mrs, Milian Moore closed
the Meeting with prayer.
Quite a number from our commun-
ity are working now at the Aircraft
factory in Lucknow. Miss Eileen Mc-
Clenaghan is the latest one to start
work there from here,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moss of Glen-
coe, spent - the week-end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan.
LAW. Doris McClenghan, who has
been stationed at Rivers, Man., for the
past nine months, will report at
Hagersville, on November 3, where
she will be dietitian in the Military
Hospital there.
All the young people of the com-
munity are invited to attend the Hal-
loween social in the basement of the
United Church ,.on Friday evening..
Come in costume. -
The Golden Jubilee meeting of the
W.M,S. , of Langside - Presbyterian
Church was held on Friday evening
with guests present from Teeswater,
Whitechurch and Calvin. The Presi-
dent, Mrs. Neil MacDonald, was in
the chair. Greetings were brought
from the Presbyterial by Mrs. Guthrie
of Teeswater, and from the other
societies by Mrs. Mowbray of White-
church. Mrs, McWhinney of Dun-
gannon gave a history of the progress
of the society, and Mrs. John Pollock
of Wingham; gave reminiscences of
former (lays, when she took part in
the work of the society. The only
member -living, who was one of the
original members is Miss 'Kate Mc
Lennan of Teeswater. Mrs, John Mc-
Gee, whose mother was the first secre-
tary was asked to sing one of her
motbeelasfavourite hymnssand she and.
Mr. McGee sang, 0 Happy Days Mrs.
Dawson Craig apd Miss Eileen Yeo-
mans also sang a duet, Lunch was
served by the Langside ladies, and the
birthday cake was lighted by fifty
candles. The people of this commun-
ity extend greetings also, to this
society which ,has kept its light shin-
ing..through difficult and successful
times alike. • • '
Mr. Jas. -Richardson was a blood.
donor at Teeswater on Tuesday.
The Red Cross Society is holding
a quilting at the home. of Mrs. Albert
Martin this Thursday,
Mrs. Thos. Irwin and son, Len and
Alvin, and his son Bobbie, of Luck-
now, spent Sunday with their aunt,
Mrs. Jas. Cornelius,
Mrs. Robert Gibson, Mrs: J,
Wylie, Mrs. Thos. Burke, Mrs. Gil-
bert Howes and Miss Mamie Gibson,
spent l,'st Thursday in London.
Mrs, A. Sanderson has returned.
from Detroit where she enjoyed a visit
with her sister,
AC. Cliff Denny spent the week-end
with his wife and baby daughter,
Nancy Elaine,
Mrs. 13. Martin left last week 'for
Hamilton where she will reside for
the winter season,
Mr, W. 'G, ,Gibsott returned front
S t, Joseph's Hospital, London on. Sat-
urday, where he wag a patient for the
past 10 days.
Baptist Church
Rey,J9bn Lucas, Fastor
10 a.m,—Sunday School.
a.m,—"What Brings Reward
in Heaven?"
7.30 p.m. "'After conversion,
All are invited,
Mr, and' Mrs, Wm. 13aehlor also
Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Hilbert and chil-
dren, all of Fordwich, were Sunday
gueslis of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Timm,
Mrs. Ewart MeKercher Who is a
Patient at Victoria Hospital, London,
is still in a serious conditiots Her
many friends here hope for an early
Mr, and Mrs. T. ()aim- and children
of Listowel, were Sunday visitors of
Mrs, Eli Bolt,
Wroxeter lost one of its well known
and highly esteemed citizens when on
Saturday evening the death took place
of Mr. W, T, Elliott, 2nd line, TurnL
berry. Mr, Elliott had been in poor
health for some years, but his condi-
tion became very serious on Sunday
of last week. A full obituary will be
given next week,
Mr. and Mrs. H. V, McKenney were
in Markdale over the week-end and
on Saturday evening attended a party
given in honour of Mr. Donald Mur-
dock, for 40 years a section foreman
and known to many here. During a
very pleasant evening an address and
Purse of money was presented to Mr.
Murdock, who is retiring. 60 were. in
Mrs. Harold Durst spent the week-
end in Markdale where she formerly
lived and renewed old acquaintances,
also visited her uncle, Mr. Joseph
England, who is in business there.
Dean Gibson of the R.C.A.F. Train-
'rig School at St. Thomas, is spending
a few days here with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. W. G. Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Townsend had for
their guests last week a brother from
the R,C.A.F. Training School at Re-
gina with his wife, also Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Townsend of • Bellwood. •
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. MoWbray and
daughter Roberta, Whitechurch, were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gord-
on Gibson.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Ed. Wightman and-
little daughter, Margaret, of Belgrave,
were Sunday guests of Mrs. D. W.
Clark Sharpin who is stationed at
Camp Borden spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and , Mrs. Ward
Mr. Henning is in poor health hay-
'ng been in bed during ,the past two
weeks. His many riends hope he may
soon be .restored to 'good health.
Red CrOss Notes
The work committee of the local
Red Cross are anxious that more
workers be on hand to take care of .
a large quota of sewing and knitting.
The bulletin sent from headquarters
stresess the need for knitted comforts
for the men stationed at Newfound-
land. On Wednesday of this week
a bale will be sent out, Please come
and help. •
Save Waste Fats
The need for waste fats is still great,
Every small quantity helps. Bring
your donation to the • Red. Cross.
-ooms any Wednesday; where a com-
mittee are in charge.
T3.orn—In Strathroy Hospital, on
Monday, October 18th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Robertson, West Lorne,
formerly of Wroxeter; a daughter, a
sister for Joan,
Mrs. W. Ao Saarteit who for the past
two weeks has been a patient in St,
Joseph's Hospital; London, is making
splendid progress and is expected
home this week.
Autumn Thank-offering
Mrs. Campbell Tavetter will be the
SPerv,rivE VICTOR?
guest speaker at the Autumn Thank-,
offering meeting .of the Women's.
Missionary` Society which will be held
at 11' a.m. in United Church. Every-
one in the community is invited to
this special meeting of the W, M. S.
celebrates 92nd Birthday
The congratulations and good. wish-
es of the whole community are _ex-
tended to one of our giand eitizens
in the person of Mrs, James Rae, who
on Thursday last, celebrated her 92nd
birthday. Mrs, Rae was bop in
Blenheim and in 1872 came to their
farm home near the village, following
the death of her husband 25 years ago,
she retired to the village where she has
continued to reside.-
Mrs, Rae is enjoying splendid
health and on her birthday'' received
many callers and so we say, "Many
Happy Returns."
November W. I. Meeting
The November meeting of the
Wroxeter Women's Institute will be
an open meeting to which everyone is
initved. It 'will be held on the evens'
ing of November 2nd (Tuesday) in
the Town Hall. A good programme
is being prepared also a debate, Young
and old are invited to spend a social
evening with their 'z'sneighbors and
Victory Loan Quiz Held
At the Victory Loan quiz held in
the Forester's Hall Monday evening
by the public schools gf East Wawa,-
nosh, Violet Cook of S.S. No. 6,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Cook, was the Winner in the 'Senior
group and will go to Clinton on Wed-
nesday night to compete for County
championship. Others competing in
group A were: Doris Young, Wilfred
Shiell and Audrey Cook.- Barbara
Irwin of S,S. No, 11, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Hersin Irwin, was the win-
ner of group B, included in the group
were, James ,Buchanan, A. Johnston,
Irene- Logan, Barbara Gaunt. Time
winner of group C was James !Gaunt
U.S.S. No, 7, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Gaunt, This group included,
Donna Anderson, Billy Irwin, Shirley
Bradburn and. Israel Good,
Reeve Raps-fond' Redmond was the
chairman and Rev. G. H. Dunlop. con-
ducted the quiz.
The judges were Mrs. G. H. Dun-
lop, Mrs. Leslie Wightman and Mrs.
Norman Keating. Charles Roberts of
Wingham was guest 'speaker for the
evening, and spoke in ttheSinterests of
the Fifth Victory Loan. The program
opened with "0 Canada", followed by
pictures shown by H. J. VandewLer,
Huron County organizer.
Recitations were given by 'Elinore
Wightman and Billy Taylor.' Pupils
of Belgrave school sang a chorus and
were accompanied' by Miss Elore Mc-
Gowan, teacher- of S.S. No. 11. Other
speakers included, Inspector J. H.
Kinkead of Goderich and East Wa-
wanosh Loan Salesmen, Alex Porters'
field and John Scott.
Interest was shown in the quiz and
loan program by the large crowd in
Mrs. Joseph Hall, who has been
visiting her niece, Mrs. David Eadie,
returned to her home in Toronto ,on
Messrs Peter and George Muir of
Toronto, and Capt. Norman Muir of
Ipperwash, were week-end guests with
their sister, Mrs. Thos. Wallace and
Another, Mrs. Muir.
JvIrs, Stewart Jeffray of Winghatn,
was a week:mid guest with Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Jeffray,
Master George Bacon ,of Belgrave,
spent a few days last week with his
grandparents, Mr. and - Mrs. Wm.
Capt. Norrnart Muir and his mother,
Mrs. Muir, visited on Thursda7y with
the latter's sister, Mrs. Walpole at
Paisley. -
Miss Bernice Appleby spent Sunday
visiting friends at Wessels.. -
,Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Marshall, who
have spent the past couple of weeks
visiting with friends on the tenth, have
returned to their home in Gorrie.
The annual Thank-offering of the
W. Zvi. S., will be held in the United
Church -next Sunday at 11 a.m. Rev:.
Mr. Dunlop of Belgrave will be the
guest speaker.
Members of the beef ring note that
meat oupons 'V, 18, 19, 20 and 21
are due this week,
Mni and Mts. • Will Rutherford,-
Hugh, Mae and Joint and Mrs. Gord
on McPherson were Week-end visitors
itt Toronto.
The November Meeting of the Wo,
men's Institute will be held in the
community hall on Thursday, govern,.
ber 4th. Roll Call—Wartime supper
dish. Subject Historical Research,
In charge of Mrs, Gordon, Prostam
'Committee'—Mrs, Thom, Mrs. G. Mc-
Cambridge Clothes
the choice of the well-dressed man and woman.
Your opportunity for a special display of
this outstanding- line of clothing, and for a special
fitting is.
- Monday, November 1st
Mr. R. E. McKenzie, representing CAM-
BRIDGE CLOTHES, will be in our store on that' •
day. You are invited to see this year's samples, EIS
styled by CAMBRIDGE, for your. new, made-to-
measure suit or coat.
— AT —
Sinith's Economy Food Store
CORN STARCH pkg. 11c ALL-BRAN pkg.. 24c
ALL PURPOSE, FLOUR 77e POWDER •1-1b. tin 25c
Noodle Soup Mix . 2 Pkgs. 25c
OATS .......... 5-1b. bag 29c GRAIN RICE 2 lbs. 25c
READY-CUT ° SUNNY BOY (2-1b.• pkg.)
Catelli Cheesa Roni
Pkg. 19c
TOILET TISSUE 4 rolls 250 1.,ATJNDRIZ SOAP .,. 5 bars 19c
HOLD 'TOWELS .,. 2 rolls 29e TOILET SOAP ... g cakes 14c,
Aylmer Tomato Soup . .
Neilson's Jersey Brand Cocoa • .
Brand Chicken Had& .
. . Mb, tin 29c
.. . . tin 38c
— ... .. tin 10c
Goderich Iodized Salt . 2.413. pkg. 8c
Sugar, Nos. 1 to 18. Tea & 'Coffee,Nos. to 10. Butter, 'No's.
28 to 35. Meat, Nos, 17 to 23.
Preservies, Not 1, to 5.
Futter, MS. go,• 29, go, al, 82,33. Meat, Nos. It 1E4 19, 20,- 21.
sast asSOSs7
Now Is The
Time For
By bringing in your set you save
Radio Service
has been with him for the past two
Miss Ariel Johnston left this week
to secure work in Landon for the
winter months.
Miss Marjorie Purdon spent a few
days last week in Stratford.
The fall thank-offering meeting of
the W,J1s1.S. of the Presbyterian church
was held last Thursday with Mrs. Al-
best Walters in the chair, Mrs. Robt.
Ross read. the Scripture lesson and
Mrs, Murray led in prayer. During
the meditation period, Mrs. Johnston
Conn read a version of .the Lord's
Prayer. Mrs. Robt. Ross and• Mrs.
_Jas. Laidlaw sang, "Only a beam of
sunshine," and Mrs. J. S, Craig led
in prayer for the missionaries, The
guest speaker was Mrs. Fowler of
Bluevale, and she spoke of the mis-
sionary work in the world, and gave
a vision of the world consecrated by
the gospel message and the good
accomplished by missionary work.
She spoke of the value of this work,
as seen by our soldiers in different
lands, and was moved a vote of Cranks
for her splendid talk. Mrs. Walters
closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch
was served and a social half hour en-
joyed by all.
Rev. J. H. Wilson preached at Bel-
grave on Sunday morning, and Mr.
Earle Anderson of Belgrave was in
charge of the service here.
Mrs. Wtn. Dawson met with a nasty
accident on Wednesday last, when she
was helping Mr, Dawson get a new
calf into the stable away from its
mother. As she stood in the stable-
door, the heifer made a lunge at her
with its head, and struck her in the
stomach, knocking her over. Mr.
Dawson saved her from it, as it came
at her again. Although no ribs were
broken, she has suffered considerably.
The regular meeting of the Women's
Institute was held on Friday last with
Mrs. Thos. Morrison in charges After
the opening exercises, the ladies made
plans for sending the Christmas boxes
SPAM botrAnri
illy m s Jewellery
egassommons •