The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-10-14, Page 2SECURITY Those o go down to the sea in ships risk much for our security yet what greater symbol of the nation's safety can be found than these sam; rulers of the waves? As they protect against the enemy that would threaten our shores, so Brantford Roofing protects countless homes against the ravages of the elenaents. But just at present„ because strategic materials go into its making, the supply of Brantford Roofing is limited, Every effort is being made to distribute the ailable production on an equitable basis in rimumities. To simplify- inventories and Ise supplies, all lines have been standardized on a minimum range of colours and styles. When Victors' is ours and hostilities have ceased, Brantford Rooting products will again be available in mple supply for civilian use. Plan now for your home's renovation when the war is done, with Brandord Roofing products for security and smartness. 13ran fa d 'Roofs Btontford Roofing Company Limited Brantford - Ontario amton Hardware S Brought to you each week by the blue coal dealers of Canada ington at Guelph on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Robertson of Kitchener, spent tjre week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rob- ertson on the boundary. " Mr. Clifford Hetherington spent the week-end with his father, brother and wife on the boundary. Mrs. Gordon Hamilton, and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ham- ilton and Mrs. Fred Churchill and son and other friends on the 1st line. inew.y-tornted Seaforth Salt Cenr;,,any.i which nlans to go into prnductien is :1 a few days, are:eared in pollee cnstrn , C43-5C:75.e.1 charged with aggravated .; assandt npron secretary of the czn:Inan:c. Lt is a".leged that Beldan.i 4served with a dire: tor' notice of 'AS-4 In7.52.21 by. Elliott. struck the senretaryl with a sock, inuring him. At his 1 own rear:est, Beldz,n was remanded for 1 a week. and hall :of S',.-5n.n. was renewed. jeiracates Charged Thre,e alleoed nzetmbers ther...?rder I Jawah's Witnesses. an:ested. SF 1 ,R.C.M.P. and provincial police in t,aloderielt Tn.-ants-hip. were charged. in .Manistna-te enttrt with failinn 'report inn tnedical enatthaatinna and antihoritie.s of a ohango of ddress. The =en we:* Ernest illelntosh, sof I'Veolstook„ Antiet. Rainer. of St. Anne, Ont., and Win ,ef randG Variey, %.11.-tet. .1ritosh was :Le spol,-;e4-nt---, He sold ;Charged With Assault R. Red manager of the 't • ThMinister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada offers for public subscription $1,200,000,000 Fifth VICTORY LOAN Bated and bearing interest from 1st November 1943, and offered in two Thnturitin, the choice of whichis optional with the subscriber, as follows • Fa2v-Pthd S:u1Krrip "ori...s---.-Subscaip n for either or both maturities of the loan may be paid in full while the lists are open ta the iss--ne price in each ease without accrued interest. Bearer bonds with coupons will be available for prompt delivery., .F.-...stc.L-rag.'..tnbscriptio--Stbscr:41- tions may also be made payable by instalments, plus accrued interest, as fullo .cs--10 on applinafiers; 18% on 1st December 1943; 18% on 3rd January 1944; ,•p 1S:t.'; on 1st Februaty 1944; 18% on let Alarch 1944; . 1S-i64 -,..7.73 on the 3% bonds or 18.3T% on the 1 i:55 bonds, on let April 1944. The last ,yment •on 1st April 1944, -comers the final payment of principal, plus .64 of 1% in the ease of the ben_i. and .3.7 of 1 in the ease of the 1.%% bonds representing accrued interest to the due antes of the , rpective instalments. dergbn. +.7-7k‘--Efolders Dornirion of Caned Bonds due 15th October 1943 and Dominion of Canada _'773"Bona,--• d 15thOttober 3.915 ,the latter isb-ue called for payment at 100% on 15th October 1943), who have not Itresentei their bonds for payment., may, whiic the subscription lists are open, tender their bonds in lieu of sua,,,clipliorn--, far a Me or grealer par value of bonds of one or both maturities of This loan at the issue vice in ea:2a case. The surrender value of the 5-„-% and Or the 4% bonds will be 100.125% of their parvalue, the resuliinz, adjust:mem to i're paid in each. tThe:Nrki-l'ictlec t mance the right to aeeept or to allot the whizan of it part of the amount of tilts loan sulnsennb' ne for etash for either or loth .maturities if total sitbnerintians are in excem of si,z)n,000me. f this 10.1131 ,1.4ill be used by the A;voralnlICAIL1 to finance, experulil Ure9 AA" war purpose*. schsen-nintions =AT Ine made throurinann -Victory Loan 'Salesman, the. NO tiOttO) War Finance Cont. matte or any-re:penitative thereof, any branch in Canada of oor chortertaltorik, or Mt)" authorized Sartnes litany, Trust or lAvat Company, from whom may he obtained appiticarion forms and epics of the Of Prospectus eontainitur eompltto details of the loan, The Um.; Vitt coca on lath Ontober 1943, 4uill t, ill oose on or about fah November 1.941, stint ot•• itdrhout nonce, at tho disecothut Of the Uinister of Xqrketom 3 rears Old. Neighbors and friends met at the .me of Mr, and Mrs. Basil Edwards,' nsall, to celebrate the 93rd birth- litty of the former's mother, Mrs. Ed- § wards, A. family dinner :narked the' event, after which eards were enjoye Mrs. F.dwards, .win) is the eldest lady in Hay Township, is remarkably smart for her advanced years, and cu.:, present, A .slfort business meeting of ' the W. M. S. was held in the after- 'joys life. noon. Final plans were made for en- Purse .ertaining .the ladies of the W. M. S. Stolen At Dance A young lady from. Kincardinetad ter purse taken front her coat while `tending the dance in Lucknow on Fair Night. 'The purse, with her reg- istration card, NV3.$ found later on the street, but some $1.5.0-0 which it had contained was missing. - Lucke Sentinel. Bears Raid Apple Trees That bears are fond of apples is being shown in the peninsula, north n. of \\9arton, One morning recently, 34.1.ses' Ina and Audrey Welsh spent Laurence Lynch, Dyers Bay,, heard 1 Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. his dog barkinn, .fulinusly, and on in-; estigating found a bear and her cub ; tra one of his apple trees gorging themselves .17.1 his app!enn, 1-le got hem bath -with his gun. This makes the third for his recent bag. Won Goderich Scholarship At the meeting ni the Celln-niate institute board antnancement was made of the award of the Robert Mann' I Kay scholarship of $200 cash to Rnin• • er: Feiss et. This seholarshin is niven, of Knnx. United, Baptist, Boas Pres- loytenian, Anglican Churches, and the W. M. S. at Donnybroak. The ing closed with prayer by the presi- dent, Mrs. Win. McVitti; AC?. Leslie Rodger of Dunnville. spent the week-end at the home -'6f his brother, Mr, E. Rodger and Mrs. Rodger, Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook and chil- dren of Colborne Tewnship, NiSite3. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Rodger. YOUR EYES. NEED ATTENTION Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for 'Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled. R. R. 1, Kincardine Phone: Ripley 30-24_ F. F. HOMUTH Our Point Scientific Exasnic. Minn enables us to give yon clear, Comfortable Vision NV4Isiz. Miss Mae Tunnyy of Brantford, was a week-end guest at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Waiter CeA Mr. and Mrs, Lyman Janlin or To. 1$it(!1 Wit:: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. iardin and w tlaer friends. Mr. pin Gear of Kitchener, spent over the week-end with his twAher, Mrs. Thos. Gear. Mr. Jilt;: Kay of SeatorCh, visited whit her z,lusin, Mr. Murray Mr- Dowel :.tasters Donald Cowan and Pohl)), Vokes, of Illytit, visited at the home Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell. Th e Missian Band met on Sunday with 16 present. The meeting was led by Violet Coo' ripture lesson was read by Ceni Abell. A reading was given by r3eiena Gwyn. The story was told by Mrs. Howard Camp- bell, tottREN0,40 FOR TUNING IN TO CKNX Wed.,8 porn. Tbur414,r, October 14, 1943' to; the Cinderich, =dent taking ligh- t est standir.g, in the upper schnnl, withi , the proxisinn that the student crontinne I liver 1 1 Iris (or her) stnadies in a university cznres. Ribett has entered the Uri- chetrinai engineering. 1 sity of T77.7,73ti3 for a cnurse in; tan .43 41111111•11••=1•1•11=1.1. It Le tries onronsel. S. Row. of Torz...nt?. was unable rtesent, and asheiq lfor and was grzr..3ter.1 a week's adjocrn. me-tt. Bail of Sa.fsiM was fit eaoh 1 ease. arerse3 were n-.r.arrie21 to Awl:par.! ory or, • swea-- WESTFIELD 117. -5 l'a7S.. P.:47:71k% th visited ett 1,Ve,l'neslay ro 1177, 13:r1:1 Mrs. W, ;i:ltentn.lonffl. Wannen Pren-: • r::-.anitninning with and Mrs. 777-tit. 13=5::;n7.1. Mrs. Tnenntatt fts weeks Iron 7it:r 1177%. 47.1.1,Z :1; Mn, an.5 M.... .s., Z. 'E. F•nr.3 and at,C,' AT. Sonn after ats. 2Sth '!",:::.!'1.'..:4 'Berets and 'Peat i Zcz-,....lr. old cralz scz2e3 .,n Tvlarc7:: 11141. The avenant 7onntsennnien -n; ettn‘nty ., 7 ..„..? 14, ."_o--t-,..zz,3 1-,!.' .436d: 3=ex:A 7.:iS Ita.:.1....4: as a .,... . ..4.14- .47;4.44. r. r.‘ "..-lit ah"e ....::, Cgan W....f.a::4 S S. N:4 t,. East Wawa- : Trentor: '''''•••.e.,..1 Rani i;l:::1:7, Tnttr'n.no;. nen '''V' ' '''''' 4"" 4 -a. -- A..t.-a•-i',...-.- •-• j „..., A ,.. - OZ. . .42 ... AA ... -a n. .....• 1/4A ..•. -., ..."" W.I.'2,*-....44 tt..,:l: 1.1.:IisS rear: 4171.i V:".‘;:ZZ'l ttr4. 7.2=4Z fu ZuZt:Ilt.7 .,: :'!' ranntNnrnien. nut ::5 a !n r.„ hat inn' 2.,:e..4= as the tenthen. 3,9,41 'he neznined 'his koltit.•" e rwal- :1 StaiZa,,Y.S erihnsfasto iza,r2:lent , A .:-...41„tr inar...1 ;12,:ls r.,.„151-_-,.±14,- elm. jntlett. 'ltntnan, n. •rnns... Its. U.. g.. :raw Igith Vail Botta 7...,,r,1 eno:4,21 4areen Assoc: fair a 117 ..;:e 'z.:•t: at 1"•::!.e Az:v=1e i'et,.-1 Ilis ttlek. r.ta..1 a "".ang.to b:. its le Itt1T.!. N;r2.; t ..`.. r. As Trssa zo: Fni. nt ntnateherren, att.3 ans..nbertnes non; _ - nn.....n - ..,...73 v c:41:1 IT sz.:::::..=2, Nt.r.::t ....-1) vratt:23 Thrtninlate. Atf, f.t....ep were beartifttll etsl:tat.!::.ro, ..krztlizt «.S on Ile '!.'n al 1Yetrzes. 'ton. .-- Ste:-.11,23 latt".!...te•Est•:', '14:14-.t..-1F-,F4li'el 1::-.=-1 Il-b.. ...t td.i litt .:::.:r-,!.•.• o.t: a•Tzton atti :lc iis,-on -^twititor. l'I.I..e 4.1...,_.z:1 ,7....t: T.i....=-....:263. elotTrzng . Al t, greets ,a.a.:,- ..ven s.,..i:st. ttsas-t. ,•:ls1 : itl•-tt•fra eraftX ntiteta 1-.1.1` tr:C."1.3 47'21 ,t3.t.:7.tZiag t.t±::%St. C.t,3` C.7.173. v ttez, patties titr-szt.,s rot, 'OM ttto.zin, 1.7`A -„,-o 4.11 st.:. 4.1:Atte .1111 Ittfe tt:;;;..S. **Witt, net tile,' tonlik,t taototopOits. late, Stt.tatit l:seta eel itNei tttkfite% *UN i4a.S !heat tit:tale! licriel WINGRAM ADVANCE-TIMES I action in t4e. latest 1R,C,AZ cas- i ratty list. Be was a son M. MoKay, of Brussels. He graduate,. ,zzti January 1943. at an air foroc •• 4.,bservers sate' Qnebee. MORRIS Miss. Tanet Robertson of Brussels, spent the week-end with her mother a*n d brother on the ist line, Mr. Spence and Isobel McKinnon., spent the week-end and Thanksgiving day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKinnon. The McClennan families held their re-'union on Monday at their sister and brother-in-laws, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Trrollenbeck- at Stratford_ Mr. and Mrs. Russel Barnard visit- ed for a week with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs, E. Barnard and other . friends, Mr. -C, Hetherincrtnn and Mr. and Mrs. George Hetherington, attended t'.ae wedding of Mr. Carman Hether- ether Mts*Ig .;nttf. :Mrs. :. NI; tztt.n %- Ewe tece.nezi a nenssane, inznn - stag...;, C:neer IN...nat.:: r11:1 ar.nnistn. !-e :nen, `^` N.' nrnr. % N.'"4"7:4' Z:11.211-.7 '71 $1°21::'1111- annested nt 'est= elan 'fleet. innarn r nt-.3. Mrs W F. Carniher, liCss :"-=? vAz•L'I 3 -1. '::-?: :"-nt la:- Ine hard In •ben: ' Vt"intnitrini, anz .sn.no.Fnnnz :nil- ...I elk " a"-=41 "\i'''tt .an• Enz.': -.i:n.tes Azinnoate. Mr an.) M's 1E :'- t.: ni Si 7.1....nzatn, 1 Intn _ants- - izt. vs:inn:nett n.. Winighara Advance- Imes Pau:heti at 'MIZORAM . ONTARIO Schstription Rate - One Y Six month;, '$1.03 in adva 1.7.. S. A.., per year Foreign rat; S.S.,Dfl per year. Adneretsing rates ea apphimtion. NEWS of the DISTRI.. rialtint*M240=1116,04*1411=MIMMOPISVAN. no:Sher-4- tel--ena !le nnnetten for basi- n-ea on Fenian. mnnaing. Teenntrater Nova. Plam`ed '2,4332 Pine Tenn- In a reizztestEzz pr,:dezt Beim car- t-led out at 1'2s bush Conce:ssii= 116, Pram, lke•evc, Irwin Lzbsinger town pl'anted red rlfae trees las: weak. 'ithese trees which were szonced -.In the. Pennnttrnenn ..f Forests 4 Minns:, are nne .inot in antentZt czurse .07:" ietv years slonl.! - erahly. assist .i.: :V.:or:214:e !n this neck of liera%; Tithes. 4 Se Tons of In • '• ' t.oty wore rrat.::.!1 foe Zar.a..1..an 1. ar.Z1 Tnes.lay • 11:7. it was a rorrerntrr_t y bee vr tarred ...atts and tva,...:t..s assts....ea t'''''''A' Mat" atd .4‘z.t.: zI*'.1!'t4x's '''''''t '='''''t '$'1.':' g".4.:1"4S gt'''''"-1 "irs. 4-43 h`st.1:4, d'iftesuntr Fait za Val`ttitsfay. ;, ,;t to. 'C'n......nntt New: 4,tra'abg-171,"2". Aldo 'zt 117, 7-13 eat fa-= Le• .vi IT:ss Steil Ifintril".tzz ar..il :Mrs etattiv toet ifize ect tIat r...r.r..") are Ir.: the Alci .=3 znIstg. t.1:•.;!.. past 33,11.1 nnnenn,russ.ints za the tn.;:f.titti...,, Lolf zate tuve;3 .P4slitertittin :then rn etzt:::n rifflottstziolt 'Ave vo,:t eat to,..trele.-1 ttlatti:a -of ',The Fine tner.toer v:i...sLt.! at.1.1 'Lave bezt ar. *17,..:1"'.a5,, saTal tleto lave tt:•4:Istlrez, izet1 If±:e A 141.2 trtr-ss 1:43 flre bn.tonnn'tt ni !the W441. =4 a ct.h ert:.47,:lett vz,:t traz Z,::"ttmt soma tz iwwii1.1414.11.16 r.tr=her gtarzts .tali .:it ozoei =.f.er Rev. IR. Stall tte $1.1,4ritt ass MoTtz.oran AS resi i_let-1, Mat. _Viss. • laraszin as se;At! Mr: •J + itegib4 :Jag °MOWS, Zitit Oclotor 1.043, .15 years and moutItc_ Bends Due 1st January 1959 Canal& in or after 1956 Inter payable 1st .January and July Bearer denominations, $S1Zl. $.103, WO, #1.;430(1,$5,00.3.$25.000 Issue Price: 100,0 .1and interest payable in lawful money of Canada; the principal at any agency of the Bank of Canada the interest turi-annuall3-, without charge, at any branch in Canada of any Qaartered ilia-ra-,enctstting that the first interest payment on the 3% Bonds will he for an'nicht months' period and payable 1st July 1944. Bonds:etas be re'stered as to principal or as to principal and interest, as derailed in the Official Prospectus, through any agency of the Bank of Canada. 3 years and 6 months 13A% Bonds Due 1st May 1947 Non-callable to maturity Interest payable 1st May and November Bearer denominations, $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 Issue Price: 100% ;••