The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-09-30, Page 4a U a 4e" We cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 2*c. 001=20 azgaU TERMS OF SALE: 10 per cent of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within 30 days there- after The property will be offered subject to a reserved bid. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on application to the undersigned, DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this twenty-first day of September, A. D, 1943, J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingharn, Ontario, Vendor's Solicitor. THOS. FELLS, Wingham., Ontario, Auctioneer, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Thomas Burke, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustee Aa that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Thomas Burke, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to 5, W. Bushfield, the solicitor for the execu- trix of the said estate, on or before the sixteenth day of October, A. D., 1943, and that after such date the ex- ecutrix will proceed to distribute the said Estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingharn, Ontario, this twenty-eighth .day of September, A. D., 1943. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingharn, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of William Moore, late of the Town of Wingharn, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late William Moore, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W. Bushfield, the solicitor for the execu- tor of the said estate, on or before the sixteenth day of October, A. D., 1943, and that after such date the executor will proceed to distribute the said es- tate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario; this ttkenty-eighth -day of September, A, D., 1943. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. CARD OF THANKS ,,Mrs. Charles Carter and family wish to express their appreciation and thank their many friends and nqigh.bors for the many acts of kindness and sym- pathy shown during their recent bet- eavement, IN MEMORIAM ROBINSON—In loving memory of Ernest W. Robinson, who passed away, Sept, 26th., 1942. Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep, From which none ever wakes to weep. —Remembered by Mother, Dad and family. IN MEMORIAM • BAKER—In loving memory of -a dear husband and father, Thomas J. Bak- er, who passed away, September 27, 1942. With tears I watched you sinking, I watched you pass away, I tended you with loving care, But 'could not make- you stay, I watched beside your bedside, As the lonely hours passed, And how our hearts were broken, When we saw you breathe your last, We leave him in God's keeping The rough road is safely o'er, He is not lost to toeing hearts, But only gone before, —Sadly missed by his wife and family. 'FIELD DAY AT PUBLIC SCHOOL (Continued from page one) The following are the winners in the different events: Senior Girls Race Lois Lockridge, Betty Mae Hutchinson, Mary Ross. Softball Throw — Lois LoLkridge, Violet Bowman, Norma Stacey. Book on Head Race—Vivien Ernest, Ake Laidlaw, Margaret MacDonald. Running Broad Jump—Lois Lock- ridge, Violet Bowman, Florence Wil- loughby. Hop, Step and Jump—Jean Adair, Marjorie. Copeland, Mary Ross, Three Legged Race —?aye Angus and Gladys Shiell, Betty May Hutchi- son and Helen Torttlinton, Mary Sloss and Gwen MacLean, ' Relay Race—Lois Lockridge, Jean Adair, Ruth Lockridge, Helen Tomlin- son; Connie Pryfogle, Betty Mae Hut- ellinson, Violet Bowman, Phyllis Mc- Clure; Eleanor °Oen) Panzit. Chain. pion, Gwen Illatchford, Marjorie Cope- land. Running Idler Punp--Phyllis Me- Chiret Violet Doman, lean Adair. Standing 'Broad jornp Lois "Lock- 4,11W . %la r tiel POTATOES . WASHED CARROTS . COOKING ONIONS . CABBAGE . . 10c to 15c Head LETTUCE 2 for 19c APPLES . . 4 lbs 25c LEMONS . 6 for 25c Red Malaga Grapes 21c lb. CELERY . 2 bunches 19c Spanish ONIONS 2 lbs 19c • . Peck 47c ▪ . 3 lbs. 14c . , 4 lbs. 25c Home Arrive rrapes Daily Grown NJ Pepper SQUASH 2 for 25c TURNIPS . . lb. 4c SWEET POTATOES . 2 lbs. 19c Vinegar =gal. 39c SUPERSUDS Reg. . Prince SOAPFLAKES Odex SOAP . . . . . 2 for 11c DR. JACKSON'S PRODUCTS ROMAN MEAL, LISHUS, 9fI BEKUS, PUDDY, KOFY-SUB LOC CERTO - 8-oz. bottle . . 24c CERTO CRYSTALS pkg. 2 for 23c RUBBER RINGS . . . 2 fort 11c ZINC RINGS . . ; doz. 25c MACARONI AND SPAGHETTI, 16-oz. pkg. 2 for 17c SELF SERVE RED ROSE COFFEE 1/2 lb. . . 23c 1 Coupon I. lb. . . 42c 2 Coupons 11111111•1111=1111111111111111•111111161111=311F, PALMOLIVE SOAP Reg. 2 for lic GIANT Sc . 20c • 23c OUR WINGNAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, Sept. 30th,, 190 AUCTION SALE—Of Horses, Cat- tie, Implements, Household Effects, awill be held at the C. P. R. Stock Yards, Victoria St., Wingham, at g p. in. on Friday, Oct. 8th, Terms sash. T. A. Cassel, Prop., Donald Blue, Auct. FOR SALE—Lovely 7 room, 2 storey Red Brick Home, good location on Victoria St, Goderich, New hot wat- er heating, newly decorated. Wired for electric stove, oak floors, posses- sion Oct. 20th., 1943. Priced to sell, owner leaving town. E Astle, 38 Victoria St, Goderich ,ANY PERSON having a double drive Pump Jack for sale. Please con- tact J. A. Armstrong, R.R, 4, Brus- sels, 'phone 36-8. COASTER WAGON WANTED— Second hand, strong, in good con- dition. Phone 61.0r3. COULD ACCOMMODATE — Two Boarders or 3 Students in a warm, comfortable home, Phone 308w, FOR SALE — Electric cook stove in first class condition; set of Books of Knowledge, twenty books in all; also splendid auto rug, new, and several other articles. Apply Mrs. W. H. Willis, 'phone 195, Wingham, FOR SALE—Good driving mare also Oliver riding plow. Apply to Geo. Glonsher, Lower Town. FOR SALE—Liniited quantity of Green Mountain Potatoes. Apply to Wen. Robinson, Phone 616r11. FOR SALE-50 Leghorn Pullets, also 100 year old leghorn hens. Tel. 11r5, Ross Smith, Brussels. FOR SALE-3 Angus Bulls, 7 mon- ths old. Apply to Robert Hislop, Wroxeter. FOR SALE,—'29 Chev. sedan, recent- ly overhauled, fairly good tires. Apply Joseph Moir, 'phone 602R23. FOR SALE—Daisy Churn, in good condition. , Apply Advance-Times. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL—Wants Room and Board in exchange for housework or care of children, Ap- ply to Wm. T. Thompson, R. R. 5, Brussels. HUNDREDS OF UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS RECOMMEN- DING KLEEREX—"A Quick Healing Salve" for Eczema, Psorias- is, Erythema, Impetigo, Itch, Boils, Chaps, etc. 50c; $1,00; $2.00. (Med- ium and strong). Sold by McKib- bon's Drug Store. WANTED TO PURCHASE-- pul- lets all ages and breeds, good prices paid. Write Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of William A. Irwin, late of the Village of Gorrie in the County of Huron, Retired, Postmaster, who , died on or about the thirtieth day of Aug- ust, A. D., 1943, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingharn, Ontario, on or before the ninth day of October, A. D. 1943, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said ninth day of October, the as- sets of the said testator will be distrib- uted amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrix shall then have notice. DATED this twentieth day of Sep- tember, A. D., 1943. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. ember, A. D., 1943, of sale contained in a certain mortgage ick, in the County of Huron, who died NOTICE TO CREDITORS of ust, A, D. 1943, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingharn, Ontario, sets of the said testator will be distrib- of which the executors shall then have which will be ,produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by the estate of William Albert Hays, on or about the sixteenth day of Aug- A. D. 1943, full particulars of their the said ninth day of October, the as- of Patin Property in the ToWnship Farmer, late of the Township of Hoev- on or before the ninth day of October, claims in writing. Immediately after thereto, having regard only to claims notice, Med amongst the parties entitled Under and by virtue of the powers DATED this twentieth day of Sept- All persons having claims against MORTGAGE SALE J. H. CRAWFORD, Solicitor for the Executors. Turnberry Wingharn, Ontario, public auction at the office of J. H. Crawford, Winghatri 1 on Friday, the StetSte of tday of October, A. D. 1048, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, by Thos. Fells, Auctioneer, the following prop- erty y namely: All and singular that certain parcel Or tract Of land and premises situate, lying, and being in the Township of Turnerry in the County of Heron, and being composed of Lot number Twenty-three in the Eleventh Conces- Mon of the said TOWitaltift, containing One hundred acres of land more or less, On the property is a frame barn on stone foundation and a stone, house. This farm is welt located on a good toad COrwortient to ttehO61 and timed, And time, to the Tottett Witightutt, ridge, Phyllis McClure, ,Mary Ross. Novelty Race — Violet Bowman, Florence Willoughby, Eleanor DeYell. Intermediate Girls Running High Jump—Maxine Cow- an, Alice Buckman, Marion Gerrie, Standing Broad Jump—Maxine Co- wan, Lois Hayden, Donna Chittick, Running Broad Jump—Maxine Cow- an, Donna Chittlek, Lois Cruickshank, Hop, Step and Jmnp—Marion Irwin, Lois Hayden, Maxine Cowan. Running Race—Maxine Cowan, Al- ice Parish, Alice Buckman. tt Relay Race—Maxine Cowan, Marion Irwin, Bonnie Willoughby, Alice Par- ish; Loise Cruickshank, Alice Buck- man, Marion Gerrie, Donna 'Ohittick; Mary Crawford, Joyce Sanderson, Bar bare Stainton, Esther BoWman, Three Legged Race—Maxine Cowan and Marion Irwin; Lois Cruickshank and Alice Buckman. Bonnie Willough- by and Alice Parish. Novelty Race—Donna Chittick, Ma- rion Irwin, Alice Buckman, Softball Throw — Marie Sparling, Maxine Cowan, Lois Cruickshank. Book on Head Race—Marie Sperl- ing, Marion Irwin, Alice Buckman. Junior Girls Running Broad Jump—Shirley Lock ridge, Mary Tofting, Eileen Sparks. Standing Broad Jump—Mary Tuft- ing, Shirley Lockridge, Eileen Sparks. 100 Yd. Dash—Shirley Lockridge, Mary Tofting, Mary Bushfield. Running High Jump—Mary Tofting, Shirley Lockridge, Marjory Tucker. Three Legged Race—Betty Bell and Jacqueline Currie; Ruth.. Lucas and Mary Tofting; Claire Smith and Mari- lyn Newman, Softball Throw — Mary Tofting, Shirley Lockridge, Dorothy Sanderson Novelty Race — Betty Bell, Mary Tofting, Shirley Lockridge, Book on Head—Barbara MacKay, Mary Tofting, Grace Campbell. Relay Race—Jacqueline Currie, Bet ey Bell, Mary Bushfield, Claire Smith; Eileen Sparks, Marilyn Newman, Bar- gara MacKay, Marjery Tucker; Ruth Lucas, Mary Tofting, Shirley Lock- ridge, Jessie Scott, Senior Boys High Jump — Bud Wild, Murray Stainton and Bill Wells (tie), Donald Hopper. Pole Vault-.--Wilf Seli, Jack . Har- court, Murray Stainton. Relay Race—Donald Hopper, Ross Hilbert, Roland Marton, Bill Wells; Gerald Smith, Murray Stainton, Lionel Gallagher, Clare Hopper; Douglas Sparling, Bob Colborne, Bill Johnston, Wally Haselgrove. Three Legged Race—Ernest Buck- man and Jack Harcourt; Wally Hasel- grove and Bob Colborne; Jack Hend- erson and Allan Wild. Hop, Step and Jump—Bob Mundy, Bud Wild, Murray Stainton. Running Broad Jump—Bill Wells, -Bob Mundy, Murray Stainton. Soft Ball Throw—Wilf Seli, George Calvert, Bill Wells, 100 Yd. Dash — Murray Stainton, Bill Wells, Gerald Smith. Hop, Step and Jump—Murray Stain- ton, Bud Wild, Ken Hingston. Standing Broad Jump—Bud Wild, Wilf Seli, Murray Stainton. Intermediate Boys Three Legged Race—Fred Riehl and Bill Lockridge; Billie Pollock and Don aid Henderson; John Sibthorpe and Benny Wells. Running High Jump—Fred Rich], Bill Lockridge and Bob Kress (tie), Benny Wells. Pole Vault—Bob Kress, Fred Riehl and John Sibthorpe (tie), George Gammage. Race—John .Sibthorpe, Fred Riehl, Bob Kress, Standing Broad Jump—(Geo. Gam- mage, Bob Kress, John Sibthorpe. Running Hop, Step'and Jump—Fred Riehl, Bill Lockridge, Bob Kress. Softball Throw --- Bill Lockridge, Desmond Brophy, George Gammage. Standing Hop, Step and Jump—Fred Rich', Bill Lockridge, Bob Kress. Running Broad Jump—Bob Kress, John Sibthorpe, Fred. Riehl. Junior Boys Wheelbarrow Race—LeVerne New- man and Floyd Jenkins; Kenneth Mc- Lean and John Hanna; Billie Waine and Raymond Merkley. Race—LeVerne Newman, Kenneth MacLean, Ronald Holman, Running Broad Jump—Billie Waine, Rayrhond Merkley, Ronald Holman, Running High Jump—Maurice Stain- ton, Ronald Holman, Raymond Merke ley, Three Legged Race—Robert Siena- mon and Ronald Holman; LeVerne Newman and Floyd Jenkins.; Kenneth MacLean and john Hanna, Hop, Step and Jump—Ronald Hol- man, John Hanna, LeVerne Newman, Standing Broad Jump—Billie Waine Maurice Stainton, Floyd Jenkins, Softball Throw—john Hanna, Maur.. lee Stainton, Robert Sinnamon, Grades I, II, III, IV Grade IV, Auttuing—Girls — Gloria Sibtliorpe Iris' Newell, Shirley Temp- leari; Boys—Geraldrn Gerrit, Ronald Murray, Ronald Richey, Grade III,. ktinnimp-..Girls—Helena Skims, Betty Calvert, Mildred Redman, tr4i—latMeth SOdOri, Jack Hilbert, Billie Saridertilqi. 4rade /I, Attnnittg-,-Oirts - Audrey Wilson, Joan Seddon, Nancy SPittall Boys—Bobby Carrick, Fred Hopper,' Robert Gammage. Grade I, Running — Girls-edvadel Sparks, Betty Newman, Marylin Mil- ler; Boys—Geo, Waine, Billy Carrick, Douglas Murray. HONORED aY FRIENDS Marie King, bride-to-be was enter, tained at the home of Mrs. H. B. Allen, where the hostesses, Mrs, Doug- las Hemingway, Mrs, Norman Hoover and Mrs, Allen had plaimed a social evening, She was surprisingly greeted at the door by her many friends who ushered her to an artistically decorated chair, It was placed beneath an umbrella of delicate pink with streamers flowing to the floor and laden with confetti which was showered on the guest -of honor after the reading of the address by Mrs. Hemingway, Marie, quite overcome, thanked her friends for the beautiful walnut gate- leg table and sauce pan of flame-ware. The bride's book which passed through the stages of life of the bride and groom-to-be's childhood. to 40 years of marriage was cleverly pre- pared by Margaret Smith. The remainder of the evening was spent in playing many interesting gain- es and the -evening ended with a sum- ptuous lunch. Mrs. D. A Rann, Mrs. Wm. Spier, Mrs ,McCurdy Lowry and Mrs. Dr. Jamieson helped the hostess- es serve the lunch—Brussels Post. Miss King is a, granddaughter of Mrs. H. A. McCall of town, and is a former teacher of Junction school, WESTFIELD A number from this vicinity attend- ed the blood clinic in Wingham on Wednesday last. Mrs. Boyd of Walton, ;Mrs. A, Wal- per of Auburn spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snell. Miss Eileen Walsh has commneced a nurses' training course at Wingham. We wish her success, Mr. and Mrs, Jack, Kershaw of St. Louis, Carman Morrish of Toronto, Mt. and Mrs. Frank Kershaw, Miss Jean of Goderich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell. Miss Margaret Wigh.tman visited with her friend, Miss Thelma Snell of Goderich. Mr, and ,Mrs. Norman McDowell and children, were London visitors over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith and Barbara, of Goderich, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mc- Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell, Mrs. W H. Campbell visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. W. P. Crozier of Crewe: , LAC. Geo. Lee of Port Albert, was a week-end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman.' Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent of Walkerburn, Mrs. James Annis and daughter, Isabel of Vancouver, visited with Mr, and Mrs. R. Vincent on Sun- day. Miss Jean Campbell of Sky •Har- bour Air Port, spent the week-end under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Snell and Har- vey, 'visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook of 'Colborne Town- ship. Miss Annie Clarke is visiting her brother, Mr. J. Clarke and Mrs. Clarke of Toronto. Mr, William McDowell visited on Sunday at the Kelly of Seaforth. The Westfield Sunday School has purchased a new piano from 4Mr. Blackstone of Owen Sound, which was placed in the school room on Saturday. The farmers are busy silo filling, the corn seemed to be a good crop. The potato crop is fair. Some of the farmers say they are fairly good, while others seem to find amnumber of rot- ten ones in the ground. SALEM Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dane of Gerrie, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weir and fam- ily of Lonodon, spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir. Mr. Walter Lott of London, visited over Sunday with Mr. Edwin Palmer and other friends. A large number horn this commun- ity attended the anniversary services in Wroxeter on Sunday last. Miss Kay Willits of Brussels, visit Sell Your Farm List it with the agency that will guarantee to place it before the LargeSt Marktf of Boob #ido Buyers in Canada. Every lane listed and accepted is advertised in our own publication, If you have a farm or Other property that Youwent to sellewtita °redo Dorr n leallt lea it tbildritio ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Willits last week-end. Mr. Percy Copeland had a very suc- cessful sale last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques from near Lakelet called on Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir one night last week, Miss Irene Finlay • of the B. Line, Howick, spent a few days last week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Cathers, Miss Edythe. Weir and Patsy Brid- gman spent last week with Mr. and Mrs.' Lloyd Jacques of Lakelet vicin- ity. WROXETER Corp. William Parks and Mrs. Parks of Montreal, are spending a few days with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Grochen and family of Moorefield, Mrs, G. O. Hardy of Lis- towel, were guests during the past few days of Mrs, James Douglas. Mrs, W. E. Hainstock of Fordwich, was a week-end +visitor of 'Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McNaughton. Born—In Wingham General Hospit- al on Friday, Sept, 24th., to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Denny, (nee Margaret Chaplin) of Wroxeter, a daughter, Nancy Elaine. Mr, Clarlc Sharpin of Camp Borden, was a week-end guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Sharpin, Mt. and Mrs, Wilford Mellis and Mr. and Mrs. Butt of Kippen were Sunday guests at the Sharpie home. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. MeKenney spent the week-end with friends at Gitelph, Mr, and Mrs. ?rank Stamper, Wen- dell and Zeima have moved from the 2nd, line of Turnberry to their reSid- trice in Bilievale last week, The friends and neighbors of the Stamper family regret their leaving and wish them happiness and prosperity hi their new home, Mr. and Mrs, Peter MacEwen, Sud- bury visited Miss Ellen and Mr. see, MacEwen over the week-end. Mrs. W. T. MacLean and Mrs. II. McMichael were in charge of the W. A,. meeting held in the church school room Tuesday of last week,. Ouilting was the order of the day with the us. hal pot luck supper served at the close. ktnivertary Services Milted church, its chancel beautiful with an artistic arrangement Of cglof. late summer flowers was a fine setting for the Anniversary services on Sun- day . last, Sept. 26th. Rev. Hugh Moor- house of Fordwich, was -the guest speaker and at the morning service spoke from the words, "The Lord is Thy Shield and Buckler" pointing out that Faith in God is the only hope of the world and that is the lesson being taught -the pople of the world in these days of confusion. In the evening, the speaker spoke from the words 'And we know that all things work together. for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to his pur- Pose,' Romans, Chap-ter 8, verse' 28. The choir under the direction of Mr. G. A. Wearring with Miss Mary Gib- son as organist sang -two anthems at morning service. Let the Heavens Rejoice and Praise be to God with- Miss Mary MacDonald taking the solo part. God calling yet was the words of the quartette, Messrs. G. A. Wear- ring, and Arthur Gibson, Misses Thel- ma Denny and Agnes Wearring. At the evening service the choir con- tributed an anthem with the words of the Hymn "0 Master let Me Walk With Thee" Mr, John Reavie of Wingharn was guest soloist and sang very beautifully, "Beyond the Stars" Rev. J, L, Foster was present at the evening service and spoke words of welcome to all visitors. The stewards of the United church are deeply 'grate- ful to the speaker, Rev. Hugh Moor- house, the Choir and Guest Soloist, Mr. Reavie, Mrs. 5, Douglas and Mrs, J. N. Allen for their' flower arrange- ment all of which helped to make An- niversary Day a memorable one, Guild 'told Social The Women's Guild of St. James Anglican church held an enjoyable social evening on Monday evening last. Gaines being played and 'AVM'S won by Mrs. P. Kaitte and Mrs. Musgrove of Gorrie alto Mrs, E. M. Caldwell and Mr. Wm. MacDonald, Rev, E. M. Caldwell entertained with organ solos. Long distance guests were Me. Hayes and Mr, George !Chet of Akron, Ohio, It was decided to donate part of pro- cceds for war Work, Dainty refresh- ments -were enjoyed by all. Invited To Office& Pally Members of the local Wornen's In- stitute are invited to be guests of the, gluevale, traria -at the OffleOta" gaily 0 he halt) 0* 7A,16 'kin, to -4 ,pari. Mrs. Clarence Hayes of St. George,. will be in charge. Mrs. Glossop and daughter, Betty Ann of Listowel, are visiting the for- mer's sister, Mrs, Harold Durst and. Mr. Durst. Dinner guests on Tuesday at the home of Mr. and-Mrs. H. 'V. McKen- ney were Miss Mae Davidson, Mr.. Hayes and Mr. George Mines who are guests of Mr. Wm. Mines in town. Mrs. H. Hodginson, Neepawa, Man.,, spent a few days recently with her nephew Mr. A. Meehan and Mrs.. Meehan. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMullen and, Joyce of Fort Erie, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs; A. Meahan, ST. HELENS Rally Day was observed in the Uni- ted Church on Sunday with the-super- intendent, Mr. Lorne Woods in charge. The theme of the service was "Giving Our Best" and those taking part were Donald Cameron, Verna McDonald, Miss W. I. Rutherford and Rev, 5, A. Ward, who gave the address. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice favored with an ap- propriate duet, Next Sunday the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed and the following Sunday, October 10th , will be the Anniversary with Rev. Mr. Stewart of Lucknow, as guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Shiekluna and little daughter of Port Colborne, are visitors with Mrs. Jas. Gaunt The October meeting of the Wo- men's 'esthete will be'. held iii the Community Hall, on Thursday, Octo- ber 7. Roll Call—Some promiment Matt of woman of to-day. Subject in charge -of Mrs. Ward, Program corn- mittee—Mrs. D. Todd, Mrs, F, G. Todd, Motto---Procrastination is the thief •of time, by Mrs. W. A. Miller. Hostesses—Mrs, H. Gaunt, .and Mrs ThOm, Mrs. Gordon Miller, Mr. amid Mrs. Wendell and Mies Marjory Chute, of London, and Mr. Murray Taylor, of Port Albert, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Chester Taylor. Mrs, )3qvid Todd attended the fun., era! of her brother-in-law, Mr. Klein- smith, at Pigtok Mich!, last week. Mrs, Alvin ,Miller and children of Wingbam, were week=end guests of Mr. attd IcArt. Pied' Ma tfi lxirr, home of Mrs. Wm.