The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-09-02, Page 8PAGE.
Two Shows Saturday Night
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 2, 3, 4
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
— In —
September 6, 7, 8
"Life Begins At 8.30"
A picture with sophisticated wit and aecomplished
Also "Short Subjects".
See' about your coat-now while stocks are cow-
$45.00 $23.50
a if•ng's
Untrimmed tweeds are increasingly popular
for rail and Winter, Smart in appearance, warm and
comfortable, they're the ideal coat for general wear
and will lasting service.
Parts for all
makes of
Radio Service
Phone 171
! • •!. ••• P•%! ••
Musical Scaled To Please
The Whole family
, Starting Sept. 5th and Every
Sunday Night Over Station
CKNX 9.30 to 10.00
rut sia„
Great tenor tenor of opera, radio, stage and screen.
Lovely Songstress Star of the New York Musical Comedy
"OKLAHOMA` ., the greclest hit of the season.
English Pipes,
Pouches, Billfolds
and Key Cases
— at —
First Class Watch Re-
pairs at Moderate Prices.
All work guaranteed and done
on the premises.
bridge at 11 a.m. In the evening the
service will be taken by the pastor of
the church, Rev, Stanley Brenton, at
7.30 p.m.
Baptist Church
Rev. John Lucas, Pastor
10 a.m.—Sunday School,
la a.m.. Special Season of
Prayer. The Pastor will
preach. The Lords Supper
Will be. observed.
7,30 p.m. — Special Season of
Prayer;, The -Pastor will
'The Missionary Drama en-
titled "Untouchables" is to be
repeated Thursday, September
16th at 8 p.m. Do not miss see-
ing this, stirring presentation of
life in India as it is. to-day.
Native costumes will be' worn by
those takbie part.
Keep this date before you,
--- AT 7
Smith's Economy Food Store
POWDER ......... 14b. tin 25c
25w - 40w - 60w
EDISON LAMPS ..... ea. 15e
LA FRANCE ..... ... pkg. 15c
SATINA pkg. 7c
XXX Spirit or Cider. Vinegar gal. 49c
War Gride Rubber Rrings . 4 dozen 25c
Heavy Metal Jar Rings e dozen 29c
TENDERFLAKE FOUR O'CLOCK PURE LARD lb. 200 BLACK TEA ....„ 1/2 -lb. pkg. 40c
KRAFT. DINNER, pkg. 19c
CORN FLAKES • 3 pkgs. 27c
WITH PRE-A/11.71A (3 -qt. pkg.)
TOILET TISSUE 4 rolls 2k
TOILET SOAP _.. 3 cakes 14c
Neilson's Cocoa :Li' 19c V.' 29c
Thursday, September 3, 1943
Petawawa Camp on Thursday
out at home.
Mrs. A. Fox and Miss Kate
of Hamilton, spent last 'week-end with
Miss Grace Stewart of Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Contts, Wing-
ham, spent the week-end with Mr, and
!Mrs. Robert Ross,
Cpl. Fred Newman has been trans-
ferred from Brantford to Ottawa and
Mrs. Newman spent the week-end with
her sister in Hamilton.
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Colqultoun, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Colnuhoun also Mr.
• and Mrs, Harold C0141410411, all of
Staffa, visited on Sunday with Mr,
Thos, H. Moore and daughter, Mrs,
H. H. Sperling of Wingham,
Mrs, Mundell and daughter, Mary-
in and Miss Lilian Paterson of Ayr,
who spent last week with her 'brother,
Mr. F, MCI, Paterson, left on Mon.
day for Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Paterson and Jack and Patsy, and Mr.
Scott Paterson and Miss Hazel Wal-
ters of Detroit, spent last week-end
with his father,.114r. Paterson and Jack
and his pal, Walter Wreiss stayed for
the week, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Pater-
son Of Galt and Mrs, Harry Taylor of
Niagara Falls, N,Y., and Mn. Percy
Paterson of Toronto, also visited there
last week,
Mr, and Mrs, John Burke and
daughter, Peggy of Toronto; spent a
few days last week with Charles
Miss Winnifred Farrier and Mrs. J.
D. i3eecroft gave out 283 ration books
on Friday afternoon at Mr, J. F, Mc-
Lean's store,
• Miss Betty Gillespie from Kinlough,
is spending this week with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie,
and Mr. Chas. Gillespie and Miss
Louise Martin returned to Kincardine
on Sunday. •
Mrs. Rhys Pollock and Richard and
Mrs. Jack McIntyre and sons, return- ! ted home from Point Clarke on Sunday
lafter spending three weeks there.
I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson have
been spending a few days at the lake
!with Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick,
1Lucknow. • •
The W. M. S. of the United church
are holding a tea and quilting at the
home of Mrs. Scholtz this Wednes-
day, and the Red Cross are quilting on
Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ezra
Miss Myrtle Yuill, who spent her
holidays at Toronto working in a war
,holidaying there spent -Thursday last
with Mr, and Mrs, John Purdon.
Miss Jessie Vinlay•son of KiPnen,
spent the week-end with Mrs, Frank
`Thompson of hest Wawanosh.
Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Anderson and
three children front 'Kenmore, New
York, spent a few days last week with
her mother, Mrs, Jas. MacGregor and
other relatives here,
The young people of the Presby-
terian Church had charge of the serv-
ice on Sunday, with Mr, Jas, Wilson
in the chair and reading the scripture
lesson. Mr, Jas, Laidlaw led in prayer
and Mr, Dawson Craig had charge of
the topic and spoke on "The Life of
Jesus." Rev, A, H, McLean will have
charge of the services next Sunday.
Mr. and , Mrs, Clarence _Cox spent
Sunday vy.W.his parents, Mr. and ./11.S.
San' cox of Goderich,
Little Richard n' St. Helens,
spent last week with his grandparents,
Mr. and -Mrs, Robt, Purdon, as his
mpther was laid up with a bad attack
of measles. - .
Mr, and .Mrs. Harry -McGee and
Gordon; spent Sunday with, Mr, and
Mrs, W. J.. !Coulter. • . •
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and
son Leroy, of St. Helens, spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Purdon.
Mr, Peter Steele and Mr. and Mrs.
Amos Cornelius, spent Tuesday last in
Goderich with the former's'sister, Mrs.
Jesse Gray and his nieces, MrS, Len
Westbrook and Mrs. Thos. Carrick.
Mr. Steele and his grandson, Norman
Baker, who ihave spent the past month
with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Cornelius,
return this week to their home in To-
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Letner and
three children of Toronto, spent the
week-end at the home of ,her brother,
Mr. John Boyle. Mr. Letner returned
home on Monday, but the others are
staying here this week,
Mrs. WiddiS and two children of
Kinloss and Miss Grace Richardson,
spent last week with' friends at Lon-
don, Ridgetown and Windsor.
Mrs. Archie Paterson left here on
Tuesday for her home at Kapuskasing.
Mrs. Paterson will Pack her house-
hold' effects, and bring them to To-
ronto, where she will live for the
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Waddel and
Aildren spent Sunday with her par-
3nts, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Caskenette,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston of
Lucknow, and Mrs. Hardie Simpson
A Teeswater, spent Sunday with their
Bother, Mrs. Wm. Conn. •
Mrs. Mac MacLaughlin and daugh-
.er, Joanne of Detroit, have been visit-
ng at the home of her mother, Mrs.
jos, Chamney and on Sunday. they and
Mr. and Mrs,- Clarence Chamney and
.laughter, went to Crewe to visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond- Finnigan,
Miss Anne Chamney accompanied
;hem and is staying there for a few
Mrs. Clarke of Hensall, has been
visiting with her daughter, Mrs. John
Mason for the past, two weeks, and
Miss Mary Mason, Reg. N., from
Welland, also spent a few days there
last week, and Lloyd Mason of the
R.C.O.C. was home over -the week-end.
and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Leslie of
Stamper, visited there on Sunday.
AC. Mel. Keating who has been
vending a two-Week furlough with
his wife at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
David Chamney, returned to his work
at Centralia on -Monday.
Misses Shirley and Beverley Case-
more,spent a few clays last week with
their aunt, Mrs. Ed. Marsh of Wing-
ham Junction, • returning home with
Mr. and Mrs. Marsh on Sunday.
476 Ration Books Issued
A. local distributing depot for the
new Ration Books was..set up in the
Red Cross rooms, under the leadership
of Alex Porterfield, from which 476
books were issued. Assisting in the
work were Mrs. Porterf•ield,. Miss
Shirley Chamney and Miss Marguer-
ite Young.
Fleming Johnston Injured.
George Johnston is in Toronto with
his brother Fleming Johnston of Blue-
vale, who was severely injured while
backing a drill out of his barn. Some
part of the implement caught in the
ground, causing the tonatie to fly up
and strike Mr, Johnston. on the face.
He is in the 'General Hospital.
• —.
Red Cross Send Boxes
The monthly business meeting of
the Belgrave Red, Cross Society was
held on Friday afternoon in the work-
room with a fairly good attendance..
The president, .C. R. Coultes was in
the chair and Mrs. Leslie Wightman
acted as secretary in the absence of,
Rev. G. H. 'Dunlop. The meeting
opened with "0 God Our Help in
Ages Past" and the Daily Prayer re-
peated in unison. A recommendation
was passed and will be forwarded-. to.
the Finance Committee that a. Produce
Sale be held again this year, A sale•
of homemade baking will be held. on
the day of the' School Fair, September
14 with the following committee in
charge. Mrs. D. Armstrong, Mrs,
Alex Bryans, Mrs, J, McGill, Mrs.
George ,Coultes. The. representative
on all the lines are asked to notify the
people along their own. line about this
The folloWing. committee was ap-
pointed to pack Christmas, boxes for
local boys overseas.: Mrs, G. Walsh,
Mrs, J. Coultes,. Miss,. L. Wightman,
Mrs. H. Campbell; Mrs: F.. Thomp-
son, Mrs. S. Cook;, Mrs. G. Martin,
Mrs. W. Procter, Mrs. L. Hopper,
Mrs. L. Stonehouse;, Mrs. R. Higgins,
Mrs, Harry cool's, Mrs, C. Wheeler,.
Mrs. J. McGill: TO pack boxes for
those in Canada:. Mrs. R. Nicholson,
Mrs. J. Miller, Miss E. Procter, Mrs.
H. Wheeler; Mrs. A. Manning, Mrs.
C. Wade, Mrs., H. Perdue, Mrs. N.
Keating,. Mrs. G. Johnston, Mrs. G.
Jordan, Mrs. W Dunbar,
A letter of thanks was read, from
Alvin Higgins for gift of knitting, The
meeting dosed with 'God Save the
Sunday Services.
In the Presbyterian Church Sunday
afternoon Rev, .Kennedy of Southamp-
ton, was in charge of the service and
preached from the Story of the Prodi-
gal Son. The girls' choir sang a
Rev, G, H, Dunlop of the United
Church has returned from a few weeks
holidays and conducted the service on
Sunday morning and spoke on the sub-
ject "Nameless' Longings," The choir
sang an anthem.
The annual church holiday was ob-
served by the congregation of Trinity
Anglican church. •
Mr, and Mrs. Donald Young and
family, Mrs. James Young and Alex
Young of London, spent the week-
end with Mrs, A. Young and family.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wightrnan and
family of Listowel, spent Sunday With
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong of
Thorndale, spent a week With relatives,
James McCrea of Toronto, with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert McCrea.
Miss Irene VanCamp, Reg. N., of
London, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. jr,
'anCamp of Elteter, visited with her
cousin, Miss Nora VanCamp,
Mr. arid Mis, Cecil slack and son
Charles, spent, Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Alex Manning,
11/4/trs. Sa.rrtuel Jordan, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Groves arid two children of
Clinton, visited Sunday With Mr. 4nd
There has been quite a lot of sick-
tress in our community during the past
week. Mrs. Wallace Conn and Mrs.
Thos. Moore, each went through an
operation in Wingham Hospital re-
cently for appendicitis; Mr. John Gil-
lespie was under the Doctor's care dur-
ing the week, and Mrs. Jos. Tiffin
and Mrs, Herbert Laidlaw have both
plant, spent a few days last week at
been ill during the past few weeks.1 the home of ,Mr. and Mrs. Russel
We wish all a speedy recovery. !Gaunt, and leaves this week for a boat
Mrs. Fred Newman and family of trip from Owen Sound.
Wingham, spent a few days last week! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Russel and
with Mrs. Aldin Purdon. 1 two' sons, Clarence and Russel from
Mr, Thos. Gaunt had the misfortune iWaubaushene, spent the week-end
to break a rib one day last week, andi with her mother, Mrs. MacGregor and
Harold Gaunt returned home froml other relatives here.
to help j Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Bolt and
1 Mrs. Harold Cook of Marnoch and
Smith Mrs. Fox of London, who has been
Mrs. George Jordan, Mrs. jOrdan re
mained. for a. few weeks:
Mr, and Mrs. R, J. McKenzie, spent
Sunday with friends in Teeswater and
attended the funeral of the late John.
A, Aitken.
Miss Lois McGuire of Belgrave, who
recently completed a Secretarial course
at London Business Institute, has
accepted a position with The Canadian
Oil Companies,. Limited.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert' Tasker and
family of Blyth, with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry McGuire,
Miss Agatha Coultes, Resident
Nurse at Alma College, St. Thomas,
who has been nursing in the Galt
hospital during the vacation maths,
is spending a couple of weeks with
her parents, Mr. and; Mrs. Robert
Cbuttes, concession 10,•-East Wawan-
oi'h, prior to resuming her duties at
Alma College.
Mrs: Johns of Toronto, visited with
her cousin, Mrs. R, McCrea and other
Mrs, Wallace and' son. Bert, also.,Mr.
Robinson of Detroit,. spent a few days
with Mr. and' Mrs, Laurence Willis.
Born—in Listowel. Memorial hose
pita). on Tuesday, August 24th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Mervin Grainger,:. a, son.
Mrs.. T. C Wilson;, who spent a
couple of weeks with reintives at ant
Carling, has returned home.
Born—in Listowel Memorial' hos-
pital oa Wednesday,. August 25-, to.
Private Earl and Mrs:. Baker,• a son,
The anniversary of Roes. Church
will' be. held. on Sinutar,, September 12:.
The, morning service will be coridne-
ted by Rev, Reid rip•ond of Trow-