HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-09-02, Page 2ors PLUMBING - HEATING Clark & Son Sanitary, Plumbing, lita'6.%-t.g, Roofing, TinsmithMg and Eaven-cughing Furnaces, Stovm, Implements ElectricElectric Washing Maehines BUS. 141 PHONES MACHAN *gRWS7 ittry. Phrtabing, Heating Ventlating, Ta.nsmithLng, Stoves, Etc, d Lead Pipe and ratthags Electric Washers — Winghana, DAIRIES FOXTON DAIRY And Dairy Bar Ql.tALITY PAsrooRtzttt DAIRY PROD'CCTS Visit tnn MODERN DAIRY 'FAR 411=1e Made Ite Cream" Phone S. Viroglretn, Ott, lituy War Savings Stamps 74 TERVT1 Y Wlt 141D ti For TOGA OI.TAIn"t PASTEUR, WED DAIRY PRODUCTS PreaPt lood OtioUttblOnt Service • htsie SHOE STORE 'CLEARANCE SALE — of — SUMMER SHOES Buy Now — at — Dunlop's Shoe Store Sueressor to W. 3. Greer CLEANING - PREgSING ARMITAGE S Dry Cleaners TrY DRY CLEANING Men's Ready- Made Clothing and Furnishings Mwoury Ladies' Hosiery J'oseplzxrre St. Phone 172. AU PALOUR Pe CARMICHAEL'S North End Grocer SUPERIOR STORE rfr e 'Groceri. - Provisions Fruits is Vegetables Fresh and Cooked Meats. tee Prompt Delivery. Phone M RUSE Ladies Wear lEiss E. McLeod; Operator S.pecsttlixtt* Its. All Lines Of Beauty CnItare joseplinr HAMILTON Optical Co. W. R. HAMILTON, R. A Optometrist For Over 25 Years PHONE 37 For Appoirr=ent. .laugh V.. 1, Belgrave CREAMERIES HOLMDALE CREAMERY ItAvis) CASH BUYERS OF Cream x Eggs - Poultry vrza Truck Service . POULTRY EGGS ed Farmers rah* McAvoys Drug Store Nyal Quality Store Films are scarce. To insure •getthag the best results with them leave them at licAvoes for developing, printing or enlargements. PROM 18 ftAIERY. GIBSON'S BAKERY RE.At) CAI= 'PASTRY ILIA. DINE BAKIVG TOWN VIDS DB.LIVEIrr e Bake ttp To 4%. Sortaird Not Doiva To A ?Ste. 361001132e St. STATIONERY J. Mason & Son Booksellers & Stationers Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles Fancy Goods, Gift China — Tobaccos - Magazines -- Phone 78, Residence 221. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STOP AT Bert Armstrong's B. A. Service Station Your Car Serviced, Tuned and Lubricated by EXPERT MECHANICS Conserve Your Car by Having It Inspected & Lubricated - at Regtilar Intervals. MERKLEY'S Garage Authorized Service - Hudson - Terraptane Repairs to All Makes of Cars Shell Gasoline & Oils Towing -- Storage Josephine St.toPla tie St Wiuthatn, Ont. Mrs. Waliate, R., '2, \\Ingham Purtest Pienarnins strisAy your: daily reguirement of Vitamins, together with Liver and Iron — for a few cents a. McKibben's Drug :Store. PRICE 1496 PHONES JOHN REAVIE Service Station and Garage Oet more miles Per unit- Have us put you Autorttabile itt 'PP-Top Shape using our Modena Method ot Carbur. tear -& Ignition Sweet. '''ParTaro' av TWO WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, September L, 194L TR hlalai AdvancerTimela. . .. .....,.. „ .....„ _. . Poo10;40 it WIN5R*14 ' '9147.41°9 . that at titnes May have iected the s doused before :much damage re- produetton but all the people the farms, the mothers, datighter o sons, even very small rIllidren Ila":: talten their part as have, many aged. ) 1 c p,e 4.a. any nation mast -be well ed to fight or produce. Canada is SEPT.EMBER 2ND . . . ....., .. . ... . . , A RED LETTER DAY ' :Than)ta O Allied alleeessea Ott - lanxi, RA AO. Sit turd to our ship-buildere ISALADA! Tee" ling a great job in amity ways data Be stilted. Almost a month to the day lat- ,c,r, August 21at, or early Sunday torning another attempt was made to e;oroy :C. P. R, property. This time! le blaze was started in the pimp hoese.—Teeswater News. „. When you order Cocoa 2 a. ii/ MAP SO ask lox 'Ilanfil ,. /iliiii)'"'" .$01:geriPtion. Rate -,, One Year ;4 Six •montbs, 'P,00, in 44vancc To V. $„A., t2,0 per Year FO reign rate, PA per year, • Advertising rates PR aPplieatioa, tg these war torn years but none: more outstanding than the •effort pat: ortit by our farm population,. .* * * * WOMEN OF. 'THE suRvicEs lovers will be able to enjoy A Shird Ortore of their favourite beverage starting Septeniker2na, '''Tlais maatta Alb, of '..SALADA1 every *weeks instead of every ( Qtit By Threshing Machine mr. Earl Coopet, who has been as-, stating with. threshing operations on th e farm of Harry Mitohell, Goderich Township had the Misfortune to ,get '1, ..C Ye 1115 141 JERSEY 0 014 'w 10 C 0 'VI, et sons /,,,i, . 1,0,... „pi 11:5 P 14 ,,, / • ort..R..$ CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOST The Nazi boasted that they would bomb Britain into subm ission, Th ey boast. They were the people that had the planes, the crews tha t w000f a llow the world Low the ai r bli tz work ed, They got their first lesson in Sapient- 4Or 1940, when that hautiful of gaant l4 Royal Air Force boys drove them. bark to the continent out of the sky. The handful of fliers matte a name for gal- lantry that may never be equalled. Tilley won the plaudits of the whole civilized world, in fact they may have saved eiyilization and democracy. Churchill said of these men, "Never in the field of conflict h ave so many awe d so much to .so 'few," Th e pro- gres$ of aviation th roughout t he Al_ tied countries since that time has been spectacular. And to-day we read 500 planes leaving' Britain for the ion anent almost n i ght ly. Getata„ city af_ er German city has been laid waste ay these great bombing raids. The shoe is ,on the other foot since Hitler made his boast of bombing Britain i mhinissioit. It is now drought by many authorities that the bombing Metics of the Allies will shorten the Evan by many months, .i.i riot a greater period. It is reported that the Ger- man government has moved most . ts departments further away to escape • :tae pounding from the skies. Hitleras thickens' are coming •home to roost, * * -* * FARMERS ARE DOING GREAT JOB anadian faers ats off to the 'Canadian rm For the splendid war job they are do- ing. Recently it was announced that aow seems probable that Canadian pro- lueers will achieve an objective of sttppriyag tri:75,0000:0 pounds of bac_., au to the United Kingdom in the year enaing agovember. Th e growth of the the Old Land reads like a fairy tale, The contract it, 1939-40 was 330a000„. 000 pounds. What makes this accomp- lialament the mare outstanding is that it 'haa been done under circumstances laaiata have bean most trying to eayl Pl... /..,,,. T ..-.'6..-0. 1,!3::: 1-..g.n. nr.-011:nn It is ..a most fitting time to say .t caught on one of the knives. of he repeated time and time again this municipal the women in the services well don But the need .for greater numbers of in girls and young ladies the wrens ° officials have been investi- pachine, badly cutting his leg.--Glin- ton News Record- bk.;11/Ipa, Millir isl'ai. oh,. , 'ne ..Chocalate &"': .Cocoa ,/, gating methods of secession front the -----, C. W. A. C's and R. C. A. F, Women's Division is !becoming more apparent county following a possible unfavour- able decision, Last week Mayor Speer Distract Men Head Gas Company The annual meeting of the share- Children "'.... .0).., A a ac,c.c.rr .l111 -~ --40/0/01/1// thrive en it ......_ every day. The ladles of the Airforce. have a slogan "We serve that men Reeve Ball, Deputy-Reeve W. Bruege- man, Councillor Ed. Faelker, and. holders of the Domestic Gas and. Oil. Company was held in Odd Fellows 44113 might fly", and girls that joie the Clerk 0, D. Brigham, went to St. Hall, Goderich on Wednesday after- Other two women's for ces replace men ao that they can carry out more actin- les, Women are carrying -on in SO to assist in the war effort, many ways Mary's to interview officials there, re- garding the financing of that town as a separated munielpality„—Hanover Post. noon, The following were elected to the board of directors: G. H., Smith, J. H, R. Elliott, Myth; R. Bowman: Brussels; Dr- William on in, the barn on his farm. He alighted on a pile of stones and fractured his collar bone and several ribs. His head - --- ter air operations overseas, now is pre- slimed dead. Born on May 24th„ 1922, in ;Morris Township, he tvas educated home Wednesday, Mra Buntateatral mother is also a visitor in the village. Rev, Stanley Keast after a pleasaal farms, factories, millions of other jobs. But these girls in the various services are leaving their regular way of life for that more disciplined experience — Thieves Steal 200 Chickens ,Mrs, Harvey Reilly of 20th. con., Greenock Township opposite jackson"s school, was victimized by thicken J. Geiger, Waterloo; A. H. Erskine, God- erich, At a -subsequent meeting of the directors, A, H, Erskine was elected president, and .Gortloir Elliott, secre- was badly bruised and gashed and several stitches were required to close the out. He was in the hospital for nearly a week.—Mildrnay Gazette. in Brussels schools, He enlisted in the R. C. A. F. in September, 1940, and trained at Toronto, St. Hubert, Que., Crumlin and Uplands. He re- Up- visit with -acquaintances, left for his work on Wednesday, The Red Cross quilting will be, held at the home of Mrs. Win, Edwards: The Glenannan School ha$ become and of them we must be most proud. The Canadaian Womens Arin'y Corps is now celebrating two years of set- vice and the growth 'has been steady that to-day they are ready for so thieves about 10 days ago when mid- night marauders got away with nearly. 200 fine young birds which were just ready for market. —Paisley Advocate, tory-treasurer. The Dominion Gas and Oil company operates 23 oil wells at Bothwell, and 20 gas wella around. Hagersvi. lle and Dunnville. . — — Water High In: Lake' Huron: Water in Lake Huron, now 38 inoh- es above normal, covers the greater of the bathing beach ax Gaderich, • part ceived his wings in May, 1941, at' lands, and was commissioned a pilot officer. He went overseas the follow- log month and was promoted to the rank of flying officer early in 1942, quite popular as a pleasure_ mort— so if you have a quarter to spend. you know Where to go—they will use you right. is — • has- and' marooned, shade trees and — Rev. Stanley Keast - spoke in the greater expansion, This also true of the Wrens and the Women', ' Div- , TO Transport School Children County Barn. Burned pillars of the beach pavilion, originally Huratt Holstein On Test 'Presbyterial. Church, Sunday. ision of the Airforce. A$ we noted ' above women are taking their part in big in but A. new bus service according to an. announcement from the Ontario De. partment of Education, will be in op- .built Fire of unknown origin completely destroyed the '89,000 County House of Refuge main barn near Strathr .y. The ' well back of the water line. The water is. the highest since 1929. .: W. Herne Glutton, Goderich, has W. received. a Record of Performance cer- . We were quite. interested. in. K.ere Pennington's letter from overseas: We admired him leaving his beer on. the a way our war effort none in as a direct anti efficient way as =Roe girls of the three services, : oration during the coming •scheoi rear' for the, transportation of pupils front the secondary schools, Nos. 2, 3, 6 and building, one of the largest barns in the district, was filled to the rafters, with recently harvested grain. The — Listowel.S'oldier Killed: In Sicily:. ll'rs, Chas. Dicks; Listowel, has titivate from the Federal Dept, of Agriculture; Ottawa, that credits his pure-bred Holstein, Meadow Glade bar—but the, guy who says Wingham is nearer Heaven than any other town has a kick coming. 04014111,M14411M11.11 OOOOOOOO .1grffili.111.1.11MNO*10101$1.1.1 ..... ? i NEws -.„. '7, of Hibbert Township, to Mitchell HightSchool. : '''5 pupils will be accom- n' modated.-Seaforth Huron-Expositor, loSs, close. to 12;000 is, completely coy- ered, by insurance. Firemen were un- able to get sufficient water pressure to extinguish the blaze-that had gotten been notifi ed that her huSband; Priv-- a,e Charles William Joseph Dicks, serving with the 48th. Highlanders,. Toronto, was killed' in action against Colantha Posch with a production of 11553. lbs,. milk containing 410 lbs. butterfat in 305 days. She began her test as a six-year-old and was milked Our visitors in and , oat. of, the yil, lege: Mrs. Alex Marshall and Jimmie of Stratford, . at Wm, Curies; Mrs. .1- - of the i Breaks Hip In Fall 'O'Brien reported. headway by the time they arrived it -ved was the enemy on July 18th, He was be- to have taken part in the in- twice daily throughout. Thos. Applebee of Glenan.nan„. with Hannah and .Mary Stokes; Jean Ruth, airs. Jane Brien .83 year-old resi- vasion of Sicily. He was married' to erford of Goderich, with Mrs. Press; DisTRIcT `evening dent of Mary street fell on Sunday at her home and broke her . — Tripie:Y•tiked7 Egg Ella May Buckley on April .2601., BELMORE . Mrs. Elliott and little son. of 'Miliiinay „*„„,„„„,,„.„„„,„‘„,,„„;,,„„,..„„„„,,,,,,, Mount Forest Stays Wet ... ,,,, ; Hat hip, She was alone at the time and. was not found until the milkman call-': .ed in the morning. Neighbors then Some time ago a United: States Farm Magazine and other Yankee periodicals went a, into ecstasies when 1940, at Toronto. In addition to his wife, he is survived' by his father and a brother, who reside in England.Mr. qwi • to the busy time the attena , - ng ' ante at the Missionary meet in g held Mrs. Fred Johann's 'Wednesday at Paul Willies; M. Jeffray with Alma old at the Brick Church, and Mrs, Wm. Edwards motor- ed to St. Marys. last• week to visit the Canadian farmers ate snaking • a good job of the bacon .Contracts and it..News Beverage rooms will remain in the town of Mount Forest, as the result • ed once nitre, with local option ballot- assisted and called a doctor who took her to the hospital. She is now doing as well as can be expected.—Clinton Record, —a of voting, last week. The "drys' fail-teacher rural woman reported' finding a t-iple- aoIked egg among the lienfruit pro- minced' on her ranch, and'alie rarity was mach publicized'-with illustrations and of reading matter, copious amount F. Five Day-Week For Kincardine: Stores Effective September 1, Kincardine business places will observe a five- day week, stores closing air day Mon- afternoon was not so large. Meeting opened with singing and prayer. Mrs, Roy Rutherford as leader, Mrs. Nor- man Newans at the piano. Roll Call, "prom- was answered with a verse of their daughter-inlaw, tailing on Miss Anna Fax. Miss Bate was the village for years andhada. hume °")us way of punishment, being no Shipmenta of bacon from Canada to diary I tog- to secure ellougil support to erad- irate the beer parlors, voting being sous test seven years ago. The vote, • Affirmative (wet) 594; rooms was: Two Fires At -Teeswater Station Police and railway officials are working on one of 'the toughest pro- blems they have encountereda--incen- fires at the local C. P. R. yards. mote decisive than it was in the prey-,Mr. n the question of retaining beverage made But that Canadian chickens are not to be outdone by their •thuains to tbe. south was demonstrated' at the farm of - Mr, Arthur Dickison on the 12th ton- cession of Carrick recently, when- his day. Hours will be 6 p. m daily exa • cept Saturday when stores will remain open till 10 p. ni_ to the year's end, From January 1st. to March alst. next, Saturday closing hours will be ise of guidance"; readings, Mrs. Thos. Abral ' • Mrs. McLean and M. jef- fray—How a tittle taper was used by the lighthouse keeper to light the lard- • er light, saving the life of many on the small woman she just sat on them She was a splendid' teacher. Bumsteadis to be congratulated on the wonderful improvement he Tin's. on-his dWelling. nt;ative (dry) -134, Saturday'tight of July 24th., an at- birds produced no less than four trip- Herald: 7' p. m. . :. — . water. Prayer, Mrs. Arthur Fitch. "How • . — by tempt was made some person or. le-yolked eggs.—Walkerton Brussels Officer Noy.? Pretamed Dead? 3frs. Fraser Donated a beautiful quilt, may one obtain a good pos- Hanover May Secede From Grey 'persons to -destroy the main station • by igniting at the base of oily waste Times. Mr. and Mrs-. J, G. Spier of Erin- i the piecing of this would require many hours thousands It is and of stitches. • 'one ture?":read of the-questions in the physiology examination, Pending the appeal regarding the , the freight shed doer, The fire was etlualizazion of assessment between ] getting nicely under way when noticed 1 Hannvtr and the County of Grey, local ' by an employee of the Railway. It Felt Through Barn Floor Alex Waark received very painful injuries when he fell through the floor sell, have received official notification `,hoped 'that their son, F. O. John Garfield Spier, previously reported' missing af- to' realize a tidy sum and thanks to Mrs. Frase r for he r donation, Mrs.. Hewitt's mother left for her _ One of' the'sturients, a country lad, wrote: • "Keep the- cows off' and' let it crow .uo•awhile.", WAR SAVINGS STAMPS - FREE DON'T MISS YOUR NAME! it is in any of the advertisements on this page you will receive TWO WAR SAVINGS STAMPS FREE! Money Can B Saved By Buying At Home The business people in every comnumitypay a. large percentage of the local taxes; their stocks and stores tell the citizens and visitors Whether the town is a progressive- municipality or is in the doldrums. The Wingham merchants advertising on this and other 'pages of this paper, are doing their utmost during these critical days, to ppomote the interests of the town by stocking such goods'as are available. They are therefore entitled to your support.and by supporting them you are helping yourself amdalso the town. Gasoline and tires are precious, at this juncture, so you can save both by doing your shopping right in Wingham. In many instances prices are controlled, so there is actually no object in spending money for transportation. SEEDS Pa6kers Limited IIwEPEED SERV= b nuns Amin nou ROLLING 14/ THE PLAN IN' A NUTSHEr.r Each week there will appear in the advertisements on this page the names and addresses of people residing, in the Wii/glum District. Simply locate your name in one of the advertisements, clip' out the advertisement and present it to- the Advance-Tim:es Office on or before the following Thursday and you will receive - TWO WAR SAVINGS, STAMPS. T.R-Frgt AM' LADIES' - MEN'S WEAR ISARD'S We urgently advise early in- spection and selection of Your Spring'Wardrobe. We are happy to announce that our stock is as good and in sate instances stir- passes our usual High Standard in Qualtiy and Styling. 3obephine St. Wingham OODS it The Entire Family At BAI3ER'S DRY GOODS MEN, LAMB'S AND CRILDRBN'S WEAR BOOTS & MOBS 'Out LarliPt and Childress White Shoe lines *re now notuplete Frig 'garb.' ..*Maiitaialariaaa..a.asaia:****SealainaWaa B R . COAL attean Lumber &Coal Dwer. Lath. Shingles Boatd in BLUE 'CO alt At- l Veit Vottr rattctiot. lift W. take GROCERIES GEO. OLVER Groceries, Meat, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables That Ate. Always Fresh And. Re.asonably Priced Phone 116 Josephine St. OPTICIAN • DRUG STORES Furniture Undertaking