HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-08-26, Page 4 I (0=0) 40 <
1Y2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
a day?
DRINK 6 glasses of water ALL GOES WELL AT
Help liver, kidneys and ___
with Svvisserb 711, At PETAWAWA CAMP
50c, $1.00,
FARM FOR SALE - 70 acres of
good land adjoining town of Wing-
ham. 111 health reason for selling.
Possession at once if desired. Terms
reasonable. Call and see it, Apply
FOR SALE-1241/2 acre farm with
24 acres of grass and bush, good
'buildings. Three miles west of
Lucknow on the boundary. Immed-
iate possession with crop, Apply
C. M. Raymond, R, R. 3, Lucknow,
FARMS WANTED-50 to 100 acres,
cultivated and in good fertility: Not
snore than seven miles from market,
Serviceable buildings and good wat-
er supply. Price range from $3,000
to $4,000. All cash. Owners only.
; Give full! particulars to Box No, D.
FOR RENT-Half a double house,
modern conveniences, hot water
heating, Apply to Wm. Field,
Phone 394.
FOR SALE-Dawson's Golden Chaff
Fall Wheat. Apply to Geo. Ken-
nedy, Lucknow, R. R. No, 1, or
Duncan Kennedy, Canada Packers
FOR. SALE-500 Pullets, 150 Leg-
horn hens. Apply to George T. Rob-
ertson, Phone 152,', Wingham.
FOR SALE-1938 Ford Coupe V. 8-
60 H. P. Good tires and finish. Ap-
ply to G. E. Northwood, Phone 178.
FOR SALE-1942 Crosley Combina-
--ation Radio-Phonograph with large
number of records. Standard and
short wave broadcasts, magic eye
tuning automatic volume control.
Priced right for immediate sale.
Apply Advance-Times.
FOR SALE-Six pigs, ready to wean.
Apply to W. R. Farrier, White-
church, Wingham phone 611R31.
F;QR SALE-Some choice pieces of
sine china. Apply Advance-
FOR SALE-Sow and ten pigs. Ap-
ply to John Potter, Lower Wing-
FOR SALE-Tenders will 'be received
by the undersigned until September
6th, at 12 noon for the purchase of
Lot 27, in the 2nd. concession of
Kinloss. Township. This is a grass
farm, watered by a spring and there
is a nice piece of bush on the prop-
erty. Highest or any tender not nec-
essarily accepted. J. H. Crawford,
Barrister, Wingliam.
FOR SALE-A Wilton Rug, 3x31/2.
also Chesterfield and pair of double
Velour. Portiers. Phone Wingham,
238. .
For Your
A beauty in its own
right, with a, soft drap-
ed bodice caught at the
side with intereking,
heart clips. A good bas-
ic dress of lovey rayon
crepe, to use as a back-
ground for glittering
costume jewelry, frilly
lingerie touches, and
bright accessories.
Also a range of dress-
es in new Autumn colors
$6.95 t°$9.95
FOR THAT NEW-Foundation gar-
ment you will be needing, see your
Spirella representative, 'Mrs. Wm. C.
Murray, Minnie St., for a free dem-'
onstrati.on. You will enjoy its won-
derful freedom and support.
Sold in two strengths - Medium and
Strong. Relieves Sunburn, Poison
Ivy, Mosquito Bites, Burns, Cuts,
Also heals Eczema, Psoriasis, Pim-
ples, Impetigo, Itch: 50c; $1,00;
$2.00. Recommended and sold by,
McKibbon's Drug Store.
lets all ages and breeds, good prices
paid. Write Tweddle Chick Hatch-
eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario.
WANTED-Used Baby Crib, Iron or
wood. Apply to Advance-Times.
WANTED-Used Tricycle. Call Mrs.
Fred Howson, Phone 225.
good feed mixing and grinding bus-
iness? This is a profitable business,
making progress yearly. If ,inter-
ested, please write Box C., Advance-
Times. We hate several excellent
The family of the late Bert Van-
sickle, also Mr. and Mrs. Alex Reid,
take this opportunity of expressing
their sincere appreciation to their
friends and neighbours for the kind-
ness and sympathy extended to them
in their recent bereavement.
Mr. Patrick Lynett and family take
this opportunity to extend their sin-
eere appreciation to their neighbours
and friends for the kindness and sym-
.tathy shown them in their recent ber-
IN Iiii.EMoRAtil
IvIcT;RAN-In loving Memory of John
Lowry, (jack) Mclean, who passed
away, August 30th., 1.042,
Cone is the face we loved so dear,
Silent the voice we loved to heat,
Too far away for sight or speech
But not too far for thought to reach
Sweet to remember him who once was
Anti who the is absent is just .as', dear.:
Sadly missed by parents, 'brothers,
.gird sisters.
Home Nursing Review
The September meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be' held at the
Borne of Mrs, Frank Sanderson, on
Thursday, Sept. 2nd., at 3 p, m. Cur-
rent events will be given by Mrs. Al-
len Munroe. Roll Call, Demonstra-
tion of First Aid Kits, each kit to con-
tain the 12 most essentials required
for a First Aid Kit at a cost not to ex-
ceed $2.00 with a list of the articles
to be enclosed. Prizes will be given
for the .best, A Home Nursing Re-
view will be conducted by Mrs. San-
derson. Hostesses, Mrs. 'Scherk, Mrs.
Sellers and Mrs. D. W. Rae.
St. James 'Ohm. eh
Rev. E. M. Caldwell is expected to
return this week from his vacation at
Nova Scotia and service will be con-
ducted by the rector on Sunday next,
August 20th. at 4.30 p. in., in St. Jam-
es church.
Bride and''Oroom Presented
There was a large numbef of friends
present at Town Hall on Priday even-
ing when a party was held in honour
of Mr. and Mrs, Allister Elliott, (nee
Kat. Nicklin) who were recently mar.,
tied, The McIntosh Orchestra from
111olesworth provided excellent music
for dancing and following the serving
of refreshments Mr, and Mrs. Elliott
were called forward-, Miss Jean Cowdy
reading the following address,
Dear Xat and Allister:
at this
is also
time of year, To farmers it.
a troublesome invader. The'
League of Canada is waging a-
campaign to eradicate the plant,
Destroy this plant where you find
it. It is ragweed, pollen of . 'which
causes acute suffering to Many thou-
sands of hayfever victims in Ontario
on SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st these Ration Coupons Expire
MEAT-Nos. 8 to 12 BUTTER-Nos. 20 to 23
CERTO . . . 8-oz. bottle 25c
RUBBER RINGS . • . • 2 doz. 11c
PAROWAX . . . 1-lb. pkg. 14C
Kellogg's Corn Flakes' . . 2 8-°z• Pkgs• 15c
MUFFETS . .. . pkg. 2 for 19c
Five Roses FLOUR . 7-lb. bag 25c
Five Roses FLOUR . 24-lb bag 79c
Fleishman's YEAST . . cake 4c
Yellow Pea 2 for 19c Green Pea 2 for 25c Bean 2 for iSc
VINEGAR . gallon 39c
doz. 25c
Fruits and Vegetables
5 lbs: - 39c
10 lbs. - 78c.
r 24 Oz.
4-oz. pkg. 19c
8-oz. pkg. 33c
TOMATOES Arrive daily
LEMONS . 6 for 25c
Head LETTUCE,2 for 19c
Celery STALKS, 2 for 15c
Washed Carrots 4-lbs 19e
Cooking Onions, 4-lbs 25c
CABBAGE . 10c to' 15c
APPLES 3 ibs.-25c
Thursday, August 26th„ 194$
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allen and son,
George of Toronto, were week-end
guests of ME and Mrs. George Allen.
;Mrs J. J. Allen, Marjorie and Jim-
mie, Mrs. Ross, Miss Ross and Mrs.
J. N. Allen, are spending a week at
Point Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Rae and children
of Waterloo, spent last Monday with
the former's-mother, Mrs, D. W. Rae.
Miss Evans of Aylmer, spent part of
last week with Miss R. VanVelsor.
Mrs. Mitchell of Toronto, is a guest
of her sister, Mrs. J. Sangster and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. A, Munroe-and Win-
nie, also. Mr. J. N. Allen, spent Sunday
at Point Clarke.
Miss Mae Davidson is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Davidson at Bite-
Rev. 3. L.' Foster returned on •Sat-
urclay and took the service in his
church Sunday morning, Mrs. Foster,
who has been a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, is expected home!
this week much improved we are very
pleased to say. .
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McKenney,
were Markdale visitors over the week-
Mr. and Mrs. Gay. Davidson who
have spent several weeks vacation here
returned to their home in Oshawa on
Garry Gibson. who is stationed in
the West is spending a furlough with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gib-
(Continued from page one)
bail that some remained on the ground
for a couple of hours after the storm.
R. Q. M. S. Walker claims no rela-
tion to Noah so that when the Quar-
ter stores were surrounded by water
and in fact partially under he was ex-
cused for not being prepared by in-
cluding boats in his equipment.
The Colonel In Solitary Confinement
Just prior to the hailstorm Lt. Col,
Howson paid a visit to one of the
buildings that are usually 100 yards
from the cook house, and by doing so
placed himself in solitary confinement.
He was inuoh perturbed as to which
exit he might have to use when the
roof commenced leaking,
Meals Are The Best
We have always appreciated our
wives' or mothers' cooking at home.
It is so good. At camp our Quar-
termaster Geo, Ross is doing a mag-
nificent job so that along thiS line we
have no excuse for homesickness.
Possibly if it were not for rationing
we might expect more liberal helpings
of bacon, butter; sugar, etc„ when we
get back home. Imagine, for 'break-
fast we even had a glass of grapefruit
juice, unheard of, isn't it.
Chesley Flier Missing
A member of the famous Wolf
squadron, Flt. Sgt, Graham Shouldice,
18-year-old son of MI-. and Mrs. Mil-
ton Shouldice of Chesley, who has de-
troyed two' German planes and shared
in the destruction of two others, is
missing after air operations, his par-
ents were notified.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lintner and
family visited with Mr. Lee Orvis and
their cousins.
Visitors with Mrs. R. J. Woods, are
Mr. and Mrs. Doherty and Gwen, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson Woods and children
of Guelph, Mary Whitham of Galt and
Mr. G. E. Stevenson.,
Mrs. McIntyre left on Saturday for
Kingston to join her husband, Gunner
G. S. McIntyre who is stationed at
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Brown of Kit-
chener, were week-end guests with
Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods. Mrs, Brown
remained for a longer visit.
Bombadier Gordon Miller and his
his bride, formerly Miss Vera Taylor,
were honoured at a gathering in the
Community Hall recently. Dancing
was enjoyed to music by the Tiffin
Orchestra, During the lunch hour,
Mr, and Mrs. Miller 'were presented
with a purse of money. An address
was read by 'Dick Weatherhead• and
the presentation made by Gordon Mc-
Bdr. Gordon Miller has returned to
the East Coast and Mrs. Miller re-
turned to London.
Charles McQuillan of the R. C. A.
M. C., who is on the Hospital ship,
the Lady 'Nelson, was home for a few
days furlough last week.
ALL MEN 16 TO 40
Plan For Dominion's Employment
Transfer Extended
Labour Minister 'Mitchell announced
that all 'youths and men age 16 to 40,
have been made subject to existing
and further compulsory employment
transfer orders under a recent order-
Previously the orders-used to shift
workers from non-essential industries
to essential - applied only to men de-
signated for the compulsory military
call-up and to youths aged 16, 17 and
18. Now they apply to all youths and
men aged 16 to 40, inclusive, whether
married or single and whether or not
liable to military call-up,
The order which will relate only to
the occupations and industries induct.
ed in the first five orders, will bring
under the previous orders all youths
and men from 16 to 40 who not al-
ready been covered.
Mr. Mitchell said the recent order
-m-council amends Section 210 of the
National Selective Service Civilian
Regulations to read as follows:
"(1) The minister may, by order,
forbid any employer or group or class
of employees to retain in employment
after a specified date any male person
Or group 1:)t" claSS of Male persons)
Who has attained or who tate *aing
his 10th birthday and who has not a
his 41st, birthday, unless such person
has presented to the employer a per-
mit in prescribed form issued by a
Selective Service officer: or may re-
quire any employer, or group or class
of ent•Aoyers to terminate, at such
time and in such manner as he may
specify, the employment of such per-
son or group or class of such persons."
Mr. Mitchell added that it was in-
tended to "go carefully into the cir-
cumstances" surrounding the employ-
ment of all men from 16 to 40 in a
large number of occupations and in-
Agricultural Societies' Fairs aed
bibitions, 1943.
Brampton ... .. Sept. 4,6
Dryden Sept. 3, 4
Durham .... - ... Sept. 9, 10
Elmira ... ' • Sept. 3-6
Fergus Sept 10, 11
Georgetown ..... ....... Sept, 10, 11
Milverton ..... - .......... ..... Sept. 9, 10
Tavistock, Sept. 10, 11
Acton .....-...._ _..»..._..._._..Sept. 17, 18
Blyth . • • Sept. 14, 15
Exeter ..... .......... --...... ...... Sept. 15, 16
Hanover Sept. 15, 16
Kincardine Sept, 16, 17
Lions Head Sept. 14, 15
Midland Sept. 15, 18
Mildmay ..... ....... ...... Sept. 13, 14
New Hamburg ..... Sept. 17, 18
Orangeville Sept, 14, 15
Palmerston ..... ...... Sept. 17, 18
Sept. 17, 18
Strathroy Sept. 13, 15
Underwood Sept 14
Wiarton . Sept. 16, 17
Ay t on Sept, 24, 25
Clifford .. Sept. 27, 28
Collingwood Sept, 23, 25
Drayton Sept. 21, 22
Embro Sept. 20
Galt Sept. 23, 25
Grand Valley Sept, 24, 25
Harriston ..... .......... Sept. 23, 24
Holstein M Sept. 23, 24
Listowel Sept. 22, 23
Lucknow ..... ......... Sept. 22, 23
Milton Sept. 24, 25
Paisley ..... ............. Sept. 20, 21
Port Elgin Sept. 24, 25
Seaforth ..... ......... ..... Sept. 23, 24
Shelburne Sept, 21, 22
Stratford . Sept. 20, 23
Arthur ..... ....... Sept. 30, Oct, 1
Bayfield Sept. 28, 29
Caledon Oct. 1, 2
Cooksville Sept. 28, 29
Dundalk Sept. 28, 29
Dun Bannon Sept. 30, Oct. 1
Elmvale Sept. 27, 20
Gorrie ... .. ........ .............. Oct. 1, 2
Ilderton .... Sept, 29
Meaford ..... .......... Sept. 29, 30
Mitchell ',Sept. 28, '29
Mount Forest Sept. 29, 30
Owen Sound Sept. 27, 29
St. Marys Sept. 29, 30
Zurioh Sept. 27, 28
Aberfoyle -Oct. 5, 6
Atwood Oct. 8, 9
Erin Oct. 9, 11
Tara ..... ..................... .... Oct. 6, '7
Teeswater Oct. 5, 6
Tiverton Oct. 4, 5
Woodbridge 9, 11
Walkerton Nov. 24
Frantic enquiry from Japanese in.-
telligence officer on Attu to Tokio
reads: "Are we on Attu? Americans
going around shouting 'Attaboy.'"
As time goes on the jags will no
doubt discover that their ideas about
conquest are all "Aleutianations."
Mr, and Mrs. L. F. McLaughlin of
Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Gay, Davidson, here.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurie VanVelsor of
Hamilton, returned home on Sunday
following a two weeks vacation with
the former's parents, also going on a
motor trip as far as North Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gedche, Ford-
wich, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Timm.
and Mrs. Andrew Shearer and
.children, Audrene and Freddie, who
have spent several weeks at the Shear-
er some returned to Sault Ste. Marie,
last week.
Mrs, Mary ,McKentiett spent a few
days recently with Toronto friends.
M. and Mrs. D. 'S. MacNaughton
and John, also Mrs. John MacNaugh-
ton spent Sunday with Mrs, J.
Wade at Fordwich.
Miss Meta McLaughlin of Wing-
ham, was a visitor part of last week
with Miss Margaret Harris,
l ifl'ever have we been more pleased to
ea tend our heartiest congratulations
than those we wish to you on your
recent marriage.
We have all been interested in your
romance its development into love, en-
gagement, and now you have crossed
the marriage threshold and are stand-
ing within the sanctuary of wedded
bliss. We feel that the home, the
church, the community spirit are the
three essentials of a well ordered life
We know that you will put' into each
y%f u tiri
Clilyo yurovu ery best at all times, To
will bring love, to your
church loyalty, and your community
your ability to be a good neighbour,
To you Kae will go the task of mak-
ing and keeping a home. May you
take into it your bright and happy per-
sonality, your energetic spirit and
your ability to do your work as effic-
iently as you have carried on your
work in the • office, choir, Sunday
School and other activities both in
the church and community, We will
miss you here but are so happy that
you are to be so near.
To you Allister goes the privilege
of making a home, a very great privi-
lege indeed, We all wish you great
success and we want you to know that
our interests and prayers will follow
you as you go along through life.
May God bless you both.
To make these wishes to you seem
more real we would ask you to accept
these gifts. May they be a constant
reminder of your many friends here in
this community.
Signed on behalf of all your friends,
Jean Gowdy, Gladys Green, Frances
Wylie, Mrs. Gordon Edgar, Bill Mar-
tin, Mrs, H. Wylie, Mrs. W. Wright,
Mamie Gibson, Allen Griffith, Alice
Haines, Mrs, Wilfred King, Laura
Munroe, Ted Smith, Muriel Henning.
Girl friends then presented a wal-
nut chest and bedroom chair, unlock-
ing the chest and a beautiful basket of
flowers. Contents of the chest were
presented to the bride which included
a Baby Doll and complete trousseau,
also a bouquet of weeds tied with a
bright red ribbon. To the groom was
presented a broom and dust pan and
finally a rolling pin. The latter gifts,
causing surprises and merriment for
everyone present.
The bride and groom spoke briefly,
thanking their friends and giving a
cordial invitation to visit them in their
new home. All sang "For they are
Jolly Good Fellows". A shower of
confetti completed the picture, Danc-
ing was resumed for the remainder of
the evening.
Wroxeter North Group
The War Workers Group of Wrox-
Many of us have met together before
to celebrate jOictis Occasions, but
eter North have resumed their work
meetings the first of which was held
at the home of Mrs. Morrison Sharp-
in with 14 present. The afternoon
was spent quilting. During the busi-
ness .period it was decided to give
$20.00 to the Wroxeter branch of the
Red Cross; $10.00 to the Salvation
Army; and to the Russian Relief,
$10.00. Tea was served at the close.
Miss Myrtle Cathers assisting the hos-
Miss Mary McDonald of Lucknow,
was a guest of friends here on Friday.
Miss Jean Sharpin of the Dominion
Bank is spending her vacation with
her parents on the 4th. line.
Mrs. Frank Mexan of Illinois, U.
S..A., spent the past week visiting rel-
atives here. Mrs. Mexan was the for-
mer Bertha Sharpin,
PaSsed Music Examinations •
In the recent midsummer examina-
tions of the Toronto Conservatory of
Music, pupils of Arnold Earl received
the following standing:
Doreen Menzies, Gd. II, Honors;
Gilberta Howes, Gd. III, First Class.
Honors; Everitt Ashton. Gd. IV, Hon-
ors; Margaret Wearring, Gd. V., First
Class Honors; Helen Sawtell, Gd. V.,.
Honors; Agnes Wearring, Gd. VI.,.
Ronald Love, Gd. II, First Class
SrOots • Limirto