HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-08-26, Page 2/so' ow THE TRUTH zi)/ 71—doc CONSERMT/ON? /TS, cvre Awe 441.97;FR/44 4/114:424- ohr . 7E14 ME /!TURF 480ar r///8 CONVERg4770/1/ 810/NESS, 4pr ?TOPA V, r#/8 (./4457" CONSERVAT/ON. tooe 4r TI/47" 8/1Z-7 golhei)./ / 8E7' YOU COULD HELP 7W M'AR TVS 14,443roo. 718. ois/Poyaa ace r///s-SamisfeR mom* FOR (11414 P WHY, /7311 WONPERRIL /DEA. yes, /21 CERTAINLY DO /T. tiateaus /21 WOW YOU. CO' I" (A/kw 7o, Thr keiVIVIC DEFEAT INFLATION IN YOUR HOME Inflation :that's when prices ' go skyrocketing up so's wages can never catch them is caused by a lot of pcopie want- ing to buy more things than we can spare the men, machinesor material to make. especiallyin wartime. We can help defeat inflation and protect the Price — Ceiling by making do with what we have. Besides, the :Loney we don't spend now will buy us better things after the war; JOHN LABATT LIMITED AN, DON'T MISS YOUR NAME! If it is in any of the advertisements on this page you will receive TWO WAR SAVINGS STAMPS FREE! PLUMBING - HEATING W. J. Clark & Son Sanitary, Plumbing, Heating, Roofing, Tinsmithing and Eavetroughing Furnaces, Stoves, Implements Electric Washing Machines BUS. RES. 141 PHONES 255J SHOE STORE CLEARANCE SALE — of — SUMMER SHOES Buy Now — at — Dunlop's Shoe Store Successor to W. J. Greer THE PLAN IN A NUTSHELL Each week there will appear in the advertisements on this page the names and addresses of people residing in the Wingham District. Simply locate your name in one of the advertisements, clip out the advertisement and present it to the Advance-Times Office on or before the following Thursday and youswill receive TWO WAR SAVINGS STAMPS FREE! AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STOP AT Bert Armstrong's B. A. Service Station Your Car Serviced, Tuned and Lubricated by EXPERT MECHANICS Conserve Your Car by Having It Inspected & Lubricated at Regular Intervals. STATIONERY • J. Mason & Son Booksellers & Stationers Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles Fancy. Goods, Gift China — Tobaccos - Magazines -- Phone 78. Residence 221, ••• AW; TWO WINOHAIVII ADVANCE-T rS Thursday, August :29t1), 1943 111114.111...M.P•MR.0•11.01,....pP.A.RP*1000•01,011.1 Wingham Advance-Times Ptabliahed at WINGSAM a ONTARIO Sqa set-lotion Rate -a, One Year V..00 ix .monthS, ,$140. in advance To U. S. A., $.2.610 per year foreign rate, PO per year. Advertising rates on application. COAL WILL BE ,SCARCE Government officials and those coo- meted with the coal business have !warned all that coal will be difficult to obtain this year and have asked all to conserve as much of this fuel as possible, during the coming winter sea- sou, From time to time various sug- gestions have been issued giving hints 'On the conservation of coal, It is .*Aggested that temperatures in homes uod public, buildings be regulated to 68 degrees in place of higher temper- atures. Other suggestions have been,. Ones kept clean, windows kept closed ns much aa, possible only open for ' necessary airing, the heating only of those portions of building's that re- quire heat. There are many ways to save heat, insulation, caulking wind- work to do there, So we say good-- bye Mary but come back and se e us again some time. l'HEY FOUGHT WELL The conquest of Sicily is over and the Canadian people can be proud in- deed of. the part the. Canadian First Division played in this island battle, The lads from this land of the Maple were with the first troops to land and as they wont forward and as things got hotter and resistance was greater they continued to acquit themselves like veterans and they proved beyond a doubt that our boys make wonder- ful soldiers, second to none. Gen. Sir Harold Alexander, commander of the 15th Allied ArMy group in bicily, said the Canadian Forces had done ex- tremely well and Gen, "Aronty" Mont- gomery the 8th Army Commander, to which they were attached, was loud in his praises of their efforts saying. they fought like veterans and that the long period of training .,khielt they under- went bore splendid fruit. Naturally we are all proud of their achievements, of their bravery. Let us not forget however that their fine showing was not without cost. From July 10 to NEWS of the DISTRICT Hospital Supt. Resigns Miss Elizabeth Ward, who has been- superintendent of the Bruce County Hospital for some time, has resigned her position owing to the illness of her mother and is leaving shortly for her home at Kemble, near Owen Sound. A special meeting of the Hospital Board Was held on Tuesday evening of this week but no definite action was taken to appoint a new superintendent. Walkerton Herald-Times, Saw White Sparrow Last week Mr, James Hockley of the 5th, concession, saw something which few people are privileged to witness. -It was an albino sparrow. The little bird stood out quite promi- nently front its dark brown buddies, and was entirely white with the ex- ception of a Span dark feather in each shoulder.—Teeswater News, Married In England The marriage of Lieut. J. Innes Johnston, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Johnston, of Mildmay, to Miss Margaret Organ, F. N, Y. of Bris- tol, England took place in that city on Thursday, July 29th. Lieut. joloiston has been in England for thirteen months and. is serving as a driving attd maintenance instructor.—Mild- may Gazette, shot Horse In Head A horse belonging to Harvey Vol- lick shot through the neck by a rifle bullet. Some village boys were seen about that time on this farm, armed with a gun, and it is sus- pected that they were the guilty par- ties. The matter has been reported to the .4)ellice and it is expected that some drastic action may result. Boys of 14 ,and 15 years of age should not be allowed to carry dangerous fire- arms.—Ifildmay Gazette. Give Life For Country Sadness came to another Hanover home of a local boy, who laid his life upon the altar of a nation's service and will not return to us. It was Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Caskanette, who were sorely grieved and shocked to receive the following brief cablegram of their son's death which read: Regret deeply Pte. John Albert Andrew Caskanette officially reported, died July 25th., 1948, cause of death not yet available. Further information follows when re- ceived,—Hanover Post. More Cabins For Kincardine With Kincardine's tourist camp en- joying a boom season, Councillor M, L. Gregg proposed at the meeting of the town council that work be com- menced as soon as possible on at least four more cabins, to accommodate a larger percentage of those who would like to spend some time at the camp.— Kincardine News. Son Is In Italy ,Mr. and Mrs, L. E. McCauley re- cently received' a cablegram from their House Struck By Lightning A violent storm struck this district with a combination of . high winds, a downpour of rain and thunder and lightning. The residence of Kenneth Cameron in West Wawanosh was struck by lightning. Although fire didn't break out the telephone and ra- dio were put out of working order and. dishes in a china cabinet shattered.— Lucknow Sentinel. Potato-Tomato Grown In. Fergus Albert Giles of Fergus, has some- thing unusual in the vegetable, line this year, and brought a sample for the editor to see last night. This was a large potato plant, measuring over five feet in length, with potatoes as usual on the underground part, but also a good crop of what appeared' to be green tomatoes on the stalks. The fruits were probably containers of 'po- tato seeds, a fairly rare phenomenon, but were far larger than anything of that kind we had ever-seen. Even the leaves on part of the potato plant look- ed more like tomato leaves than those of the potato. The bunches of fruit appeared on more than one plant, and' Mr. Giles had a handful' of them to prove it, Perhaps he has a cross be- tween potato and tomato in his gar- den,—,Fergus News Record, Unusual Accident Mrs, Louise - Murray was attending the funeral of Mrs, Bridget Doyle and when she was getting out of a carat the residence of Mr., and Mrs. Joseph Downey, McKillop,, she caught her heel and tripped and the car passed over her leg, fracturing her ankle in two places, She was taken at once to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seafortio where X-rays were taken and medical attention given`. Seaforth Huron Expositor.. Harvests On 91st Birthday Joseph Appleton, one of Listowel's oldest citizens,. observed his 91st birth- day at the home of his daughter,, Mrs,. E. A. Hayward. There was no cele- bration to mark the occasion but by the way' of a little extra exercise Mr. Appleton assisted his daughter and son-in-law in sorting and carrying is their crop of potatoes. Every day he makes a practice of cutting and bring- ingin the wood, making the fires and cooking the dinner, Clifford Bond Found At Simcoe Appearing in police court on achar- ge of receiving a $1,000 Victory Loan Bond, knowing it to be stolen, James. Radesy and George Hall, joint propri- etors of a confectionery store and; pool room in Waterford, were remanded in custody for one week at the request of Crown Attorney W. E. Kelley, K. C. The bond was stolen from J. T.' Mc- Guire, of Clifford, Ont., and allegedly- was found by police in the premises of the accused when a search was made by provincial police. Ps Auburn Flier Killed. In Action: Mr. and Mrs. John litreston, of Col- borne Township; near Auburn, have been officially notified of the- death of their son, Sgt. James Hueston, R.C.A. F., while in action over enemy terri- torry. He had previously been- report- ed missing. son, Lance Corporal Lorne McCauley, from somewhere in Italy sending best wishes to all at home and- informing them that he was well and fit,—Bruss sels Post, Enters -98th Year Continuing in good health, consider- ing his advanced years, Mr. 'William D. Bell, Citesley's "grand old man" entered upon‘his 98th year last Thors- day, and, as usual, there were a good- ly number of callers doting the day. and evening to extend feliciiations- on reaching such a great age,--Chesley Enterprise. Clinton Flier Missing Commissioner and Mrs. W. T. Haw- kins, Clinton, were advised by wire on Thursday-that their younger son, Bomber John Hawkins. R. C. A. F., is missing. John enlisted shortly after war broke out,, and after training in Toronto and other centres -went, over- seas early in 1942. He has been men- tioned in dispatches for effective bombing of enemy fortifications. Two other members of the family are on active service, Hugh as Ordinance in- structor, and Miss Madeline in the Women's Division R. C. A, F. sider. *. A WOMAN AMBASSADOR At the Quebec conference there is a lady guest who has. made a decided hit, We refer to Mary Churchill, daughter of the British Prime Minister. She captured the newspaper reporters and photograph- ers with her charm, On the trip to the LTnited States to visit President Roosevelt, with her distinguished father, she won the affection of those with Whom she came in contact and her visit will live long in the memory of those she met, In Quebec she was not only good copy but her utter naturalness won the hearts of every- one: She is not a tall girl but she carries herself erect and her pictures prove her most graceous in her uni- form of Britain's Auxiliary Territorial Service. ,At the C.W.A.C.'s Training 'School, Kitchener, which she visited oon Friday last, Miss Churchill was welcomed in a big way but the im- pression she left behind following her 'hurried visit far out-shone the great Teception which was accorded her. 'Canada will be very sorry to see her go home -but as a subaltern in the Auxiliary Territorial Service she has vows, repairing broken window panes, August 4 casualties totaled 1,895 men, etc. During this summer the churches made up of 1,200 wounded and, 310 of town have been holding combined missing, The boys that paid the services. Services of this nature would !m1Preme sacrifice will not come back be a great coal saver in the winter l and we cannot 410 much for them, we time, This is an idea that our church may for their bereaved relatives, but officials and ministers might well con- â some will come back from that theatre of war wounded, some broken in spirit, some will spend many days, weeks or months in hospitals or con- valescent homes homes, some will be cripples or invalids for life. We must do all in our power for those lads.-that come back. And remember this is only the beginning. Our casualty lists will grow bigger and this must make us the more determined to give our every assistance for the successful prosecution of the war so that. their efforts will not have been in vain. CUT COARSE FOR THE PIPE CUT FINE FOR CIGARETTES "M. FREE! = WAR SAVINGS STAMPS = F • Money Can Be Saved By Buying At Home The business people in every community pay a large percentage of the local taxes; their stocks- and stores tell the citizens and visitors whether the town is a progressive municipality or is in the doldrums. The Wingham merchants advertising on this and other pages of this paper, are doing their utmost during these critical days, to promote the interests of the town by stocking such goods as are available. They are therefore entitled to your support and by supporting them you are helping yourself and also the town. Gasoline and tires are precious at this juncture, so. you can save both by doing your shopping right in Wingham. In many instances prices are controlled, so there is actually no object in spending money for transportation. MACHAN BROS. Sanitary, Plumbing, Heating & Ventilating, Tinstnithing, Stoves, Etc. Iron and Lead Pipe and Fittings -- Electric Washers — Phone S8 Wingham. Gromoterip.wwwwwimpsw.........mommonsomommilma DAIRIES .FOXTON DAIRY And Dairy Bar QUALITY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Visit Our MODERN DAIRY BAR :'Horne Made Tee Cream" Phone 9.` Wingham, Out. Buy War Savings Stamps ALL 14 TERvirs DAIRY When Minting For HIGH 0UALIT? PASTEUR. IZED DAIRY PRODUCTS With Prompt and Courteous Solite t in the Paige Stitrapi CLEANING - PRESSING ARMITAGE'S Dry Cleaners QUALITY DRY CLEANING Men's Ready-Made Clothing and Furnishings Mercury Ladies' Hosiery Josephine St. Phone 172. Thos. Bower, Wingham BEAUTY PALOUR Personality Beauty Shoppe at — RUSH Ladies Wear Miss B. McLeod, Operator Specializing In, All tines Of Beauty Culture Phone 33 Josephine St. LUMBER & COAL MacLean Lumber & Coal Dealers In Coal. Ice, Lath, Shingles and Plbre Board Local Dealer* iti•BLUE COAL Trade Marked For Your Protection. Phones; Mill aq. bide* 64W. GROCERIES GEO. OLVER Groceries, Meat, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables That Are Always Fresh And Reasonably Priced Phone 116 Josephine Stt. CARMICHAEL'S North End Grocer SUPERIOR STORE Choice Groceries - Provisions Pruits & Vegetables Pith, Fresh and Cooked Meats., Free Prompt Delivery. Phone 193 FEEDS Canada Packers Limited stitriwAIN PEED SERVICE BALANCED FEEDS AND FLOUR CHOPPING ROLLING AND MIXING osep'lune St, Phone' OPTICIAN HAMILTON Optical Co. \FA' R. HAMILTON, R. 0. Optometrist For Over 25 Years PHONE 37 For Appointment, CREAMERIES HOLMDALE CREAMERY (W. M. DAVIS) CASH BUYERS OF Cream Eggs Poultry Phone 90 t Wingham Truck Service CREAM POULTRY EGGS United Farmers Co-operative Abate 271 DRUG STORES Purtest Plenamins supply your daily reguirement of Vitamins, together with Liver and Iron — for a few cents a day, McKibben's Drug. Store 13„, McAvoys Drug Store Nyal. Quality Store Films are scarce, — To insure getting the best results with them leave them at McAvby's for developing, printing or enlargements. PHONE 18 Mrs. 5. Darting, Glenannan BAKERY GIBSON'S BAKERY BREAD - CAKES PASTRY ALL. PINE BAKING TOWN WIDE DELIVERY We Bake Up to A Standard Not Down To A Price, Phone 145 Josephine St. Furiiiture Undertaking A. J. WALKER Quality Furniture Funeral Director OFFICE RES. 106 PHONES 224 LADIES' - MEN'S WEAR ISARD'S We urgently advise early in- spection and selection of your Spring wardrobe. We are happy to announce that our stock is as good and in some instances sur- passes our usual High Standard in Qualtiy and Styling. Josephine St. Wingham ••••••••••miminsioiw DRY GOODS Outfit The Entire Family At BADER'S DRY GOODS MEN'S, LADlE'S AND CHILDREN'S WEAR BOOTS & SHOES Our Ladies and Childrens White Shoe lints are how complete Buy Early 4. MERKLEY'S Garage Authorized Service Hudson - Terraplane Repairs to All Makes of Cars Shell Gasoline & Oils Towing — Storage Josephine St. Phone, 84 Wingham, Ont. 1.0immeammume. JOHN REAVIE Seririce Station and Garage Get *tore miles per 4 unit. Have us, put you Atittnntibile in Tip-Top Shape using our Modern Method of Carbur- etor & Ignition Service. PRINTING JOB WORK Our Specialty Advance *Times Phone 34