The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-08-12, Page 8GUST 'SALE
White Gloves in Net .or Silk, Col-
oured Silks and Chamoisettes,. regu-
. lary priced at $1,00 and $1.25.
Here is outstanding value in ladies'
styles a limited number of Stetson.
models coffered At a special clearing
price. -
Our regular Remnant Cleara.nces
mean substantial savings on all kinds
of materials.
25c up
Three only shades, made to special
order and not called.for. Size 644 in.
wide by 31Y4 in. long.
Regular price $6.85 each.
Misses' Print Play Suits in attract-
ive prints for your leisure hours. Made
with shorts and separate skirts.
Ladies' Summer Straw Hats, regu-
larly selling at $3.50, $3.95.
Is your old bag shabby? Here's a
chance fhr a sitart new one at a bar-
gain price. Whites and Pastels,
° Two only Women's White. Wool
.Polo Coats. Full length, box style.
Regular price $14.50.
Price reductions of 20% are applied
on special groups of better Summer
Dresses, including Seercuckers, Print-
ed and Plain Crepes,
Special Rack of Dresses $1.00
Replenish your stock of Ties. Ar-
row and Forsyth style leaders, reou-
larly selling at 65crand $1.00 are offer-
ed in our August Sale
2 for $1.00
Children's Dressmaker Cottons and
Wool Suits. 'Reg. price $L00.
Ladies' Suits and Men's Trunks
Less 20%
Odd Balls of assorted yarns, regu-
larly priced at 20c and 15c ball.
10c ball
Two Shows. Saturday Night
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 12, 13, 14
In —
A drama of the air filmed in teclMicolour.
Also "Short Subjects"
Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 16, 17, 18
— In
"The Immortal Sergeant"
The story of -patrol action in Libya.
Also, "Short Subjects".
Radio Service
Phone lit
BEANS, pkg. ..1.7c FLAKE LARD, lb. ....—.......,.20c
CHEESE, /2 lb., pkg. ..... .........21c Robin Hood FLOUR 24 lb....77c , .
XXX SPIRIT or CIDER VINEGAR, gal. . .. .49c
HEAVY METAL JAR RINGS, dozen ...... ,29c
WAR GRADE RUBBER RINGS, 4 dozen . . . .25c
PICKLING SPICE, lb. 35c PLY COILS, 4 for .... .....
IODIZEDSALT, 2 lb. pkg. „.8c SERVIETTES ..... 2 pkgs. 25c
Newport Fluffs 6 °. 19c " °. 39C pkg. pkg.
WHEAT ... 2 pkgs. 25c
Wheat NUGGETS 8 qt. pkg. 15e
CORN FLAKES 3 pkgs, 27c
OLD ENGLISH FLOOR WAX, 1 lb. tin . , 49c
— AT —
Smith's Economy Food Store
The August meeting of the Evening
Auxiliary will be held one week
later than usual on Monday, August
16th„ at the home of Mrs. Cloyne
Michel, with Group 2• in charge of the
programme, The guest speaker will
be Miss Nell Doig of Toronto and
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Strong, Misses
Janice an Patricia, spent the week-end
at "Amberley, Beach,
Mr. Copeland, London, spent the
week-end with Mr, and Mrs. W. B.
Stewart also visiting with Mrs. Neil-
son and David,
Little Miss Jean Hobbs is spending
her vacation with her cousins in Alton.
Mrs. John Wylie is spending a week
with her son Mr, J. B. Wylie and Mrs.
Wylie in Leaside.
Mrs. Ellis, Guelph, is visiting with
her daughter, Mrs, V. Shera and Mr.
Shera this week.
Miss Marjorie Hill, R. C. A. F„ Pat-
ricia Bay, B. C,, was a recent guest of
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Newton,
Mrs. Dilworth has returned to her
home at Ethel, after spending a few
week's with her daughter, Mrs. Harold
Hyndman and ,Mr. Hyndman.
Mrs. C. 'Lawrence who has been
confined to her home through illness
for the past six weeks returned home
with her daughter, Mrs. H, L. Jen-
nings to Morpeth, where we trust she
will fully regain her health.
Mrs. Agnes Earls left on Saturday
for Hamilton, where she will visit with
her borthers and sisters for the month.
Mr. and Mrs. James Barton, Dray-
ton, and Miss Elsie of Toronto, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Edwards one
day recently. •
Mr. and Mrs., R. Hemingway and
Jean have returned after spending
their vacation with relatives in Scot-
Mr. Earl King spent the week-end
with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Stewart, Stoney Creek.
Mrs. E. J. Famish and sister, Mrs..
Long of Holstein, spent the past week
at the Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Shera and Mrs.
Ellis visited the latter's son, Mr. and
Mrs. Campbell Ellis at Drayton on
ating with the county in the system
of collecting finances through the
taxes, td ,support the 'Federation was
discussed and will be uP for further
discussion at the next meeting, Sub-
scriptions were received for the Fed-
eration paper, the Rural Co-Operator..
Other means of raising money for the
local unit were discussed and a mot-
ion was passed. to sponsor a dance at
the 10th concession bridges
The next meeting will be held at the
home of Mr„. and Mrs. Leslie Wight-.
man, 10th concession.
• Died Following Operation
Frederick Johnston only son of the
the late Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnston
of Saskatoon, formerly of Bluevale,
died in a Saskatoon Hospital on Sat-
=day morning following a major op-
eration. He was 56 years of age. No
iturnediate relatives survive, His father
and mother both died within the last
ew years. J. A. Geddes of Belgrave,
and Mrs. Mary Solts of Goderich, an
aunt of the departed man. A cousin,
Mrs. Kenneth Howard of Toronto, left
Saturday night for Saskatoon to take
charge of the funeral which will be
held there with burial in a Sask9toon
Mr. Johnston was a member of the
United church.
Missionary Group Meets
"The Presbyterian church Women's
'Missionary society held their regular
meeting in the church. The President,
Mrs. R. J. Scott, conducted the meet-
ing which opened with the daily pray-
er. The scripture lesson was read by
Mrs. Athol Bruce. Mrs.(0. G. Ander-
son led in prayer. Clippings from the
Glad Tidings were read by Mrs. J.
Dunbar. The Glad Tidings prayer
was taken by Mrs. J. Leitch,
Minutes of the last meeting were
read by the secretary, Mrs. A. Porter-
field. Mn.i J. Dunbar gave the finan-
cial report.
A paper on "Time" was given by
Mrs. R. J. Scott and was intermingled
with Bible readings by several mem-
bers. A discussion of the topic follow-
ed in which many of the members
Miss Agnes Mason brought thanks
from her mother for messages of con-
Special Services
— At the —
Salvation Army
---On —
Sunday, Auge 15
11 a.m.—Subject: "The Power
of God".
7.30 p.m.—Subject: "Seven Men
In a Hurry".
gratuations on the recent occasion of
Mr. and Mrs. Mason's golden wedding
anniversary. Thanks for fruit receiv-
ed during ,11ness was brought from
Mrs. J. Scott by her daughter, Mrs. A.
Bruce. The meeting closed with pray-
er by the President.
Red Cross Workers Needed
Workers are urgently needed to do
sewing and knitting for the Red Cross.
During the early summer season scar-
cely any work was taken out. Since
then a few have found time to do a
fair share but many more .are needed
at once if the Society is to continue
filling the quotas asked for by head-
quarters. A large number of cut out
garments are on hand at the work
rooms also yarn for knitting.
Mrs. Frank Stark of Detroit, with
her sister, Mrs. Stewart Procter.
Cameron Geddes of Chatham, with
his mother, Mrs. W. J. Geddes.
Mr. and Mrs. George McKenzie and
daughter, Patricia, of Windsor, with
his mother, Mrs. R. E. McKenzie.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Procter and Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Vincent spent a day
with friends at Point Clark.
Rev. James and Mrs. Scobie and
son, Mitchell of Wilton Grove, with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Manning.
Mrs. Stewart McGee of Wingham,
with Mr. and Mrs., J. A. Geddes.
Mrs. William Finlayson and daugh-
ters, Yvonne and Sandra, of London,
spent a few days with Mrs. J. A. Bran-
don and Mrs. Finlayson's mother, Mrs.
Hodder who is spending a few weeks
with Mrs. Brandon, Mr. Finlayson
spent the week-end with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Finlayson and their
daughters and Mrs. Hodder are spend-
ing this week at Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. William Douglas and
daughter, Isabel of Lucknow, with
Mrs, John VanCamp.
Mrs. C, Logan and Patsy, 'Mrs. A.
Vincent, Mrs. L. Vincent and Marlene,
Mrs, Roy McSween, vent the week
at Bruce Beach,
Mr. ands Mrs. Norman Wightman
and family of Welland, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank McDonald and family of Clin-
tom with Mr. and Mrs. A, Young.
Plan Cemetery Permanent Care
A community meeting was held in
the Forester's hall, Thursday evening
to consider the question of perpetual
care for the Brandon cemetery. W, A,
Galbraith of Wingham was guest
speaker and he outlined the plan fol-
lowed for the past 20 years in the
Wingham cemetery, A motion was
passed authorizing the trustee board
of the Brandon cemetery to proceed
in establishing a system of perpetual
care for the Brandon cernete'ry, As a
preliminary step, notices will be sent
to each lot owner requesting the pay-
ment of a stated amount for perpetual
care or an annual fee for yearly up-
keep, Stewart Procter, chairman of
the board of .trustees was:'in charge of
the meeting.
Guild Held Missionary Meeting
Miss Eliza Procter opened her home
on Thursday afternoon for the annual
Missionary meeting of the Ladies'
Guild of ' Trinity Anglican church.
There was a good attendance and a
very interesting and enjoyable meet-
ing was geld, The junior members of
the congregation were in charge of the
program. The president, Mrs. R. Mc-
Crea was in the chair for the devotion-
al service and business part of the
meeting, The hymn, "Yield Not To
Temptation", was sung and the Lord's
prayer repeated in unison. The Bible
reading was taken by Beth tryclges,
The roll call was responded to with a
question, Birthday money was dot-
ated arid a special missionary offering
taken. Audrey nradbutn was in
charge of the. program arid announced
the numbers as follows4, solo, Shirley
tradbuttt; .reading, Ruth Higgins, A
paper on missions was given by Ruth
Bradburn. Other numbers were: reci-
tation, Shirley Bradbnrn; piano duct,
Norma Brydges and Ruth Higgins;
recitation, Muriel Brydges. Two con-
tests conducted by Ruth and Audrey
Bradburn and a reading by Norma
Brydges, The meeting closed with
the National anthem and prayer after
which a pot luck lunch was served.
Entertained Baby Band
The United Church Women's Mis-
sionary Society entertained the mem-
bers of the. Baby Band and their
mothers at a well attended meeting
and birthday party in the basement
of the church on Wednesday after-
noon. The president, Mrs. J. Wheeler
welcomed the guests and conducted
the opening exercises and business
part of the meeting.
' The minutes of the last meeting
were read by Mrs, •G, Martin and Mrs.
j, Millar gave the financial report. It
was decided to hold a quilting at the
church on Tuesday, August 10th, It
was also decided to send for the new
study book "For All of Life," bytipr.
and Mrs. W. H, Wiser; Mrs. Cyrus
Scott and Mrs. John Scott were ap-
pointed to conduct worship service at
next meeting. Mrs. Carl Procter took
the chair for the worship period which
was based on the theme, "The Stew-
ardship of Time" and was presented in
dialogue and discussion by Mrs. Proc-
ter, Mrs. J, Wheeler, Mrs. C. Wheeler,
Mrs. J, Michie and Mrs. R. Chamney.
Short talks were given on how to
avoid wasting time, Duties of time,
use of the Sabbath, time for rest, rec-
reation, reading and prayer. Mrs. G.
Johnston and Mrs. N. Keating sang
the Cradle Song, by Brahms, Mrs.
Procter closed the meeting' with pray-
Work Of Manse Reported
The 'Women's Association followed
with Mrs. S. Procter in the chair. A
hymn was sung and the Lord's Prayer
repeated in unison. Minutes were read
by Mrs. C. Procter and the treasurer,
Mrs. J. Anderson reported a substan-
tial balance. A report of papering and
painting done at the manse was given
by Mrs. L. Hopper.
A committee composed of Mrs. R.
Nicholson, Mrs. H. Campbell and
Mrs. J. Anderson was appointed to
see about floor covering. The roll call
was responded to and collection taken.
A vote of thanks was given Mrs.
Scott and Mrs. C. Welsh. The presi-
dent pronounced the benediction after
which a lunch of sandwiches and cook-
ies were served.
Girls' Institute To Meet
The Girls Meeting of the Belgrave
Women's Institute will be held at the
home of Mrs. Joseph Yuill on Tues-
day, August 17th. Conveners of Pro-
gram, Mae Frisby, Laura Yuihl;
Questionaire—Mae Frisby; Address
—Mabel Coultes; Lunch Com.—Girl
members of the 'branch. Roll Call—
A Dollar Well Spent.
East Wawanosh Federation
The regular monthly meeting of the
East Wawanosh unit of the Federa-
tion of Agriculture was held at the
home of Victor Youngblut, director
of U. S. S. No. 5. There were fifteen
members of the executive and direct-
orate present.
The President, H. L. Sturdy was in
charge of the meeting. Minutes of the
last meeting were read by the Secre-
tary, Douglas Campbell and adopted
on motion of A. Purdon and E. Hic-
kingbottom. The question of co-oper-
Thursday, August 12th, 1943
Great Welcome Home
— Of —
Captain Bennett
Thurs. Evening, Aug. 19
— Also —
,Farewell of Envoy J. Sykes of
Buffalo, N. Y,
I Come 'and Bring Your Friends.
All Seats Free.
Baptist Church ',
Rev. John Luctis,Pastor
10 a.m.—Sunday School.
11 a.m.—"What Is Real Faith"
7.30 p.m.—The Seeking Saviour'
Au Are Welcome.
First Class Watch Re-
pairs at Moderate Prices
Ali work guaranteed and done
on the premises,
Haselgrove s
Smokers' Sundries
Blyth Fall Fair will be held Sept.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Durward
spent the weeke-nd with friends at
Grand Bend.
Flt. Lieut. Norman Sinclair of Ot-
tawa, visited his parents, Rev. Arthur
and Mrs. Sinclair.
Sgt. Fred Crawford spent the week-
end with his wife.
Miss Clita Watson, R. N., is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. N. Wat-
Mrs. Lloyd Wettlaufer is visiting
with Toronto relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Sundercock of
ery Township,• were in. our village
luring the week; inspecting some pro-
>erities with the intention of becom-
ng permanent esidents.
The condition of Mrs. Haughton,
other of Mrs, Frank Rogerson, is
b ite serious with small hope of recov-
Mrs. William Robertson of Blue-
ale accompanied by her sister, Mrs.
John Robinson of Kiheardine, spent
the voek-end with their brother in
The monthly meeting, of the Wom-
en's Association of the United church,
was held in the Sunday School room,
The president, Mrs, Alex McCracken
presided, Mrs. Edward Johnston led
in prayer and'the scripture lesson was
read by Mrs, R. Shaw. The report of
the treasurer showed a most satisfas-
tory cash on hancto Readings by Mrs.
E.liza Fell and Mrs. Earl Hamilton
were enjoyed, All joined in singing,
"He Leadeth Me," and repeating the
Lord's prayer.
W. M. 5, Home Helpers Met
Mrs. F. G. rOWler opened her home
this week for the "Home Helpers" W.
M. S. meeting, The ,President, Mrs. R.
Elliott presided. The scripture lesson
from psalm 0.1 was read by Mrs,
Harry Elliott and Mrs. Walter Stull-
lie offered prayer. The Glad Tidings
prayer was read by Mrs. Eldon kir-
ton. Mrs. Will Mundell, the }tome
Helpers' secretary, introduced the
guest speaker, Mrs. Charles 1VIeCarroll
of Molesworth, who spoke on the sub-
ject, "God in the Home." Her closing
message was ''Godly Homes Make a
Godly Nation."
Vocal duets were sung by Mrs.
Stanley Moffatt and Miss Ruth Lucas,
accompanied by Mrs. Donald Robert-
son. Lunch was served and a social
time enjoyed.
Plan. Sewing and Tea
The Morris Group of the Ladies'
Aid Society of Knox Presbyterian
church met this week at the home of
Mrs. R. J. McMurray with' an attend-
ance of 12 ladies. The president, Mrs.
Roy Turvey presided and opened the
meeting with prayer, A scripture pas-•
sage was read by Mrs. McMurray, The
main item of business discussed was
the arrangements for serving a 15 cent
tea at the September quarterly meet-
ing in the church. The afternoon was
spent quilting and piecing quilt blocks.
Mrs. W. S., Davidson invited the group
to her home for the 'next meeting.
The hostess served- a dainty lunch,
Bride and Groom Showered
Mr, and Mrs Harvey Groves of
Wingham, who were recently married
were honoured one evening during, the
past week at the home of Mrs. Groves'
Parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hall,
where friends and relatives gathered
and 'presented them with many useful
and pretty gifts. A complimentary
address was read by Miss Margaret
Curtis and Miss Jean McLennan made
the presentation. •
Airman and Bride Honoured
The Browntown schoolhouse was
the scene of a comtnunity social on
Friday evening when friends ht large
numbers met to honour Aircraftsmari
Elmer Sellers of S. Thomas and his
bride., They were the recipients of
many beautiful gifts and a substantial
stint of money. Mr. Sellers made a
very suitable reply, Dancing was en-
joyed to music provided by Jack
Thynne and Mrs. Brewer, The -ladies
served Sandwich and tea and all en-
joyed a pleasant evening.
Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Aitcheson of
Ripley, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. McLennan, °
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Volz of Wel-
land, spent a part of their wedding
tour with Miss Duff. Mrs, Aitken and
Miss Dorothy Aitken.
Mayor Thomas E. Henry and Mrs.
Henry of Stratford and Mrs. Ashton
of Boston
'.1. S. A., were week-end
guests 'at the Sanderson home,
Mr, arid Mrs. George Peacoek of
Ottawa are with Mr. arid Mrs. James
Mr, Ina Mrs. As, Masters of Park-
hill were Sunday visitOrs With Mr. and
Mrs, Iolifi
•swommetegsmadommamormeiarisexen ,
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Brewer and son,
Fred and Mrs. Wheeler of London,
were week-end visitors with Miss
Luella Brewer, George and Charles.
Aircraftsfnan Elmer Sellers of St.
Thomas 'and Mrs. Sellers spent the
week-end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Sellers,
Mrs. James C. Falconer of Hamil-
ton, spent a few days in the village,
making some business arrangements
regarding the store, recently vacated
by George A. Love.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turnbull and
two children of Byron with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston.
Robert Watson, R. C. A. F., Mrs.
Watson and baby of Gladstone, Man-
itoba, Mrs. Milton Watson and Miss
Dorothy Watson of Gorrie, with Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Johnson,
Donna perrie of Wingham is visit-
ing at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Har-
ry Elliott,
Rex. F. G. Fowler preached in Mel-
ville Presbyterian church, Brussels on
Sunday. Rev. S. Kerr occupied the
pulpit of Knox Presbyterian church.-
Next Sunday the service will be con-
ducted by Rev. F. Scott McKenzie,
principal of Montreal College. Ser-
vice at 11.15.