HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-07-29, Page 4ta,
:PA rtg,,TR,
For Factory Work
Beginning about August 25th
Make Application To
Libby, McNeill & Libby
Application from those engaged in war work will
not be considered.
cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
Thursday, July 9th, 190
Isard's Sale
vices Down
Clearance of Women's and.
Misses' Spring and
Summer Dresses
A Large Range of Fancy Printed Materials,
Choice of new Floral Patterns and many
other designs.
Complete range of sizes at Our Clearance
Sale Prices. Now only
$1.95 - $2.50 $2,95 - $3.95 - $4.75
All higher priced dresses also on Sale
Greatly Reduced.
Isardst Ready-to-Wear
41111111111111111Er ABMs
of Birmingham,. Mich.
Master Bob Leaver left on Monday
for his home in Toronto and he and
his mother are spending a week with
friends in Belleville.
Mr. Aitcheson of cheslpy is spend-
ing this week at the home of Mrs.
Wm, Taylor.
Mrs. Will Conn and Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Conn and daughter, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Johnston of Lneknow.
Additional Whiteehurch on page 3,
A special Orange Service for Brus-
sels L.O.L. No, 774; Ethel L.O.L. No,
631 and Bluevale and other members.
of district lodges, will be held in St,
John's Anglican Church, Brussels, on
Sunday, August 1st at 7 p.m, The
brethren will assemble at the Brus-
sels Lodge Hall, at 6.46 p.m. and par-
ade to St. John's Church. Rev. M, T.
Oldham will give the sermon and be
in charge of the service, All Orange-
men cordially invited,
Mr. and Mrs, McKenzie Webb and
Billy, were week-end visitors with re-
atives at 'Guelph.
The August meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will be held in the
community hall on Thursday, August
5th at 2.30. Roll call—"My favourite
radio program." Subject—Social Wel-
fare, in charge of Mrs. Rice. (Motto
',..-More Hurry, Less Speed, by Mrs.
John Cameron. Programme Commit-
tee—Mrs. D, Phillip, Mrs. McKenzie
Webb, Hostesses—Miss A. Durgin,
Mrs. L. Durnin,
Rev, Mr, Watt, of Grimsby, will
preach in the United Church next
Sunday, Morning service commences
at 11.15.
Mr, and Mrs. John.. Gardner and
daughters, Misses Kathleen and Caryl
of Zion, were recent guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Woods and Mrs.' Helm.
Gunner Gordon McIntyre on leave
from Barrie Field, Kingston, and Mrs.
;McIntyre, spent the week-end at
Mrs. Lawrence and Joan, of Fort
William, were visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Webb.
Carrots Delicious As Canned
If Victory Garden crops were to be
rated according to the quantity of
vitamins they are likely to contribute
to the family diet all season long, the
carrot would probably be rated next
to the tomato,
'Carrots are definitely a health food.
They say that pilots of the Royal Air
Force are required to eat them nearly
every day to keep their eyesight keen.
But not everybody likes carrots.
If your family belongs to the anti-
carrot faction, do not omit carrots
from the schedule just because of that
Prejudice. If you have never eaten
carrots fresh from your garden then
you have not idea how delicious they
can ,be. They make a pleasing and
colorful addition when .shredded into
salads: Children often prefer carrots
raw to cooked.
Let the carrots grow without thin-
ning until they are as thick as lead
:pencils, then begin to thin out and
cook the excess roots. You will be
amazed at the flavor and tenderness
to these tiny carrots, and from then on
your prejudice will disappear.
While carrots are most delicious
when they are young, they still re-
main tender and sweet after they have
grown all summe'r. They will mature
well standing so close in a row at to
touch each other, But the best plan
is to make successive sowings, and
harvest them before they are full
If you wish to can carrots, the
smaller they are, the more delicious
you will find them next winter, It is
a good plan to sow a special row for
canning and harvest them when they
reach the desired size.
When carrots are allowed to mature
they should be pulled when the tops
begin to turn yellow. If left in the
ground they will lose quality,
Mother: Sonny, go over and find
how old Mrs. Harris is this morning.
Sonny (on return): She says today
she's 13 years, 6 months and 2 days.
Wire Preservers
ero041,01 k
A Don't lean heavily or Out any teiivy
eisht An *Yen door. It mOit fit tight.
tor,001;414 ind to kap hoot Mira,
PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lb. bag •
NAVY TISSUE, 4 rolls
• •
Suncrest MILK
.2 126 tinsozB.ox e s
ZINC RINGS, doz. • 0 • •
CERTO, 8 oz. bottle' . • •
Plain or Iodized SALT . 2 2 lb. box
WAX PAPER, 100 ft. • • • ..
CORN FLAKES, Kelloggs .2 •For
anc,,F2D MUSTARD . . • •
Cider or White VINEGAR, gal. 39c FIVE Flour ROSES Kirk's CASTILE SOAP . 3 for 14c
Domino Soap FLAKES Family3sizefor 3197:
, , STAR AMMONIA, pkg. . 5c
41:4" d Beans
2 5 oz. Tins 1 We
Fruitt and Vegetables
Juicy Oranges 176's Doz, 55c I .TOMATOESt 2 lbs. 25c
LEMONS . . 6 for 28c I CABBAGE, Head 10c a 15c
2 lbs. 33c
Macaroni or
2 16 oz. pkg, x, 7c
S oz. 16 oz.
23c 42c
24 lb. Bar 98 lb. Bag
98c $2.79 CAMAY SOAP . • . • 3'for 17c
APARTMENT—for rent over Bondi's
store. Apply at Bondi's Fruit, Store
CALF FOR SALE—Apply to George
H. Tervit, Phone 632R3,
FARM FOR SALE — 150 acres,
Turnberry Township, three miles
from Wingham. This farm has
well-improved bank barn, two dril-
led wells, cement stabling, comfort-
able house. Will sell growing
crops; possession could be given on
short notice, For' full particulars
apply J. H. Crawford,
FARM FOR SALE — or will trade
for smaller farm, Lot 11, Conces-
sion 4, Grey, 100 acres, good pasture,
never failing spring, all seeded but
10 acres. Mrs. Louise Sidling, R,R.
No, 2, Bind:ale,
FARM FOR SALE — 150 acres,
good stock and grain farm West
Wawanosh.. Charles Straughan, Au-
turn, Ont.
FARM FOR SALE — 72 acres, extra
productive, Mullett, close to station
and village. Charles Straughan,
Auburn, Ont.
FOR SALE — White threshing separ-
ator complete with drive belt, grain
blower. In good shape, ready for
work. Cheap, A. J. Pearson, Ethel,
Ontario, Phone 22-7 Brussels.
FOR SALE — Massey-Harris six-foot
binder in good repair. Apply Henry
Wheeler, Wroxeter, Phone 16R9..
FOR RENT — House. in Beigrave
with hydro, 1 acre land, garage.
Reasonable rate to responsible ten-
ant for 3 to 4 year term, possession
September 1st. Apply C. H. Wade.
FOR SALE — One year old register-
ed shorthorn bull of serviceable age.
Woods breed. Apply to Torrance
Dundas, R,R. No. 2, Blyth, phone
FOR PAINTING, graining & paper-
ing— see Charles Potter, Lower
FOR SALE — Frame Garage and
Residence, in the village of Bluevale.
Apply J. H. Crawford,
Farm, Wingham.
Quick-Healing Salve for Summer
Skin aihnents. Sunburn. Poison Ivy,
Mosquito Bites, Cuts, Burns, Impe-
tigo. Also heals Boils, Pimples,
Eczema, Psoriasis, etc. 60c; $1,00;
$2.00. (Medium and Strong). Re-
commended and sold by McKibbon's
Drug Store.
LOST — White gold wrist watch on
the 12th of July. Either in the
stores or on main street. Make of
watch "Americas" with white gold
-mist band. Finder please write to
lliss Winnifred Ahrens 20419 Stot-
ter Ave., Detroit, Michigan, and re
ccive liberal reward.
LOST—Chain purse containing regis-
tration and driver's permit. Between
Clark 'Wrecker's and Dominion.
Store. Mrs. G. N. Johnston.
LOS"('—tined Smock off running
board of ear. Leave at Advance-
Times. ..„ •
rich coverings and colourings at
Sellout & Sons, Mildinay. Free
delivery — Bargain prices Easy
ferns. Also 15 it4onttitioned piatiOs
Schueu & Sons, Mildmay
d Mt, Porest,
PIANO TUNING — tuning price
$3,00, repairs extra. By Wingham
Bandmaster, Geo. 3. Wright. Must
leave orders at Advance-Times.
on liver, kidneys and bowels. Gives
you that peppy feeling. Sold at
Mason's-50c and $1.00.
STALLION — The Percheron Stal-
lion "Brillion", registered, owned by
Levi Good Sr., is standing for serv-
ice at Lot 35, concession 4, East
Wawanosh. Service charge $10.00
due March 1st next. Due to illness
in family proprietor cannot leave
WANTED TO BUY — for wrecking,
barn or building in town or within a
few miles of town. 'Reply stating.
price to Advance-Times.
WANTED — Used electric two-burn-
er hot plate in good condition. W.
R. Farrier, Whitechurch, phone
lets all breeds and ages four weeks
up to 20 weeks. High prices paid.
Write for full details. Tweddle
Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus,
$2000—Bargain Cash, immediate sale,
Wingham, solid brick 8 rooms, all
conveniences, garage, garden, fruit.
Apply Box 3. Advance-Times.
Mr. and Mrs. David Chamney and
Villetta take this opportunity of ex-
pressing their appreciation to their
neighbours and friends for the kind-
ness and sympathy extended to them
in their recent sad bereavement.
Of Farm Property In The Township
Of East Wawanosh
Under and by virtue of the powers
of sale contained in a certain mortgage
which will be produced at the time of
sale there will be offered for sale by
Public Auction at the office of 5. H.
Crawford, Wingham, on Friday, Aug-
ust 6th, 1943, at 2 o'clock in the after-
noon, by Thos. Fells, Auctioneer, the
following property, namely: All and
singular that certain parcel or tract of
land and premises situate, lying and
being in the Township of East Wawa-
nosh in the County of Huron, and be-
ing composed of the north half of Lot
number Thirty-nine in the Twelfth
Concession of the said Township,
containing 100 acres more or less.
On this property is said to be a
frame house and a bank barn. The
property is well situated on a good
road, convenient to school and not far
from the Town of Wingham. There is
said to be a gravel pit on the property.
TERMS OF SALE: 10 per cent
of the purchase money on the day of
sale and thrbalance within 30 days
thereafter. The property will be of-
fered subject to a reserved bid.
Further particulars and conditions of
sale will be made known on the day
of sale or may be, had on application
to the undersigned.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
nineteenth day of July A. D., 1943.
Winghain, Ontario,
5, a CRAWPOR11,
WInkhait, Ontario
Vendor's Solicitor,
Mrs. Edith Sloan of Toronto, is
visiting friends in this vicinity.
Our local Firemen held. another of
their successful bingos on Sattuday
evening when splendid prizes were
A. number from this vicinity attend
ed the Wightician. re-union held on
TUesday at the old homestead, East
W.awanosiz, now occupied by Mr. Geo,
Wightman. Among friends from a dis-
tance were, Mrs, Harry Hyde of Ed-
mouton and Mrs, Edmund Sachricler
of New Liskeard.
Rev. Mr. Elston of Brigden, had
charge of the services in the United
Church on Sunday,
Mrs. Lloyd Wettlaufer returned
nonce on Monday from. Edmonton,
Alberta, where she was visiting with
her husband. Mr, Wettlaufer is now
stationed with the airforce at Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Rath, of Harrow, are
visiting at the home of the latter's
mother, Mrs, Edwards.
The condition of Mr. Benj. Taylor
is not improving, He seems to be
growing weaker, with little hope for
Mr. Ross Robinson of Port Burwell,
is visiting with his father, Mr. Thos.
Robinson and other relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cameron, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cameron of Ash-
field, also Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Purdon
and Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Purdon, all of St. Helens, spent Sun:-
day with Mr. and Mrs, Aldin Purdon,
Mr. Walter Dodds of London, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
MeClenaghan and Mr. and Mrs, J. H.
Pollock and babies' from Fordwich,
spent Sunday there also.
Mr. Richard Terriff of Toronto, is
spending this week with his nieces,
Miss 0, Terriff and Mrs. G. 0. Cox.
Trooper Donald Ross and Trooper
Robert Ross, both from Camp Borden,
spent the week-end at their respective
homes here.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A, Cox of Palm-
erston, spent Wednesday last with
Mrs. G. 0, Cox and her daughters, at
the home of Mr., and Mrs. Mac Ross.
Mr. Peter Davis of Toronto, is as-
sisting Mr. Lawrence Taylor during
the harvest season.
Mr. and Mrs. John McBurney and
children, spent Sunday with friends in
Miss June Irwin returned to Toron-
to on Sunday after spending her
days at her home here, and little Miss
Barbara returned with her for a two-
weeks visit.
Rev. A. H. Wilson, at the morning
service of the Presbyterian church
here, on Sunday, presented WREN
Velma Scott with a writing-paper
folder and pen and pencil set, as a re-
membrance from her home church,
Mrs. A. Kirk is visiting this Week
with her daughter, Mrs. Creighton of
Detroit, and with Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Kirk of Louisville, Kentucky, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs: Oliver Kirk
Tenders for the contract of building
two bridges in the Township of
Morris will be received up to and until
2 p,m., August 9th, 1943, The one
bridge to be built on Concession 8
and the other on the centre sideroad
between concessions 9 and 10. The
bridges are to be of cement construc-
tion, re-enforced with steel, For plans
and specifications see the road super-
intendent, Russell' Currie. The lowest
or any tender not necessarily accepted.
R.R. No. 4, Brussels,
Clerk of Brussels.
Of Real Property, Implements and
Household Furniture
To close the estate of the late
Benjamin Smith, there will be offered
for sale by public auction on Wednes-
day, August 4th, at 2 o'clock in the
afternoon at the premises by Thos.
Fells, Auctioneer, the following prop-
erty, namely: Lot number fifty-two
on the west side of Mary Street and
Lot number Sixty-one on the east side
of West Street, Government Survey of
the Town Plot of Wingham in the
Township of Turnberry, containing
twelve acres of land more or less.
On the property is situate a frame
house and a barn both of which are
said to be in good repair.
The property will be offered subject
to a reserved bid.
TERMS OF SALE; Ten per cent.
on the day of sale and the balance 'in
thirty days thereafter.
At the, said time and place there
will 'be offered for sale the following
farm stock and implements:
Stock-1 horse, 2 pigs and about 30
Implements-1 wagon, 1 sleigh and
Household furniture and effects, and
other articles too numerous to men-
TERMS OF SALE for chattels
conditions of sale will be made known
on the day of sale or may be had on
application to the undersigned.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
26th day of July, A. D. 1943.
Wingham, Ontario,
Wingharn, Ontario,
'Vendor's Solicitor.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Jones of Auburn
visited last Thursday with Mr. and
Mrs. Robt, McClennan and family, 1st
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston and
daughter spent Sunday afternoon with
his father, brother and sister-in-law„
i sT John .Ilelens MrBrown of Brussels spent
a few days last week with her son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Tar-
vey Robertson and son, 1st line.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Moses, sons and
daughter, also Miss Pearl Mothers,
spent Sunday afternoon, with Mr,
Henry Mathers and sister' and cousin.
Miss Isabel McKinnon of Kitchener
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Robt, McKinnon at
Mr, and Mrs, Smith Robertson of
Kitchener, spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Rob-
ertson and brother Wildon.
Many congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Jones over the arrival of,
a baby boy in Clinton hospital last
Miss Olive Casemore is visiting in
Mrs, W. J. Greer is visiting with
friends at Bruce Beach.
Pte. Wm. Leppard of London, spent
a couple of days at Ids home here,
Mr. Earl Groves of St. Catharines,
is • spending a week's holiday at his
home here,
Mrs. 011ie Thompson of Listowel is
visiting with her daughter, Mrs, R, S.
LAC. James Hamilton of Crumlin,
visited with his 'parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. G. Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibson and
children, spent the week-end with rel-
atives in Kitcheneri
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Metcalfe, Brian
and Verbe, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Cecil Walpole.
Miss Helen Louise Pocock is visit-
ing at the home of Mr. Harry Mc-
Clenaghan, ,Belgrave,
Mrs. Headly, Ian and Rae Hether-
ington, are visiting with Mrs. T. L.
Torrance at Bruce Beach.
Pte. William Lediett has returned
to London after spending>two weeks
furlough at his home here.
LAC. Murray Rae of Hagersville, is
spending a furlough with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rae,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Effting and
son Charles of Chicago are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs.' E. M. Snell,
Mr. and Mrs. George Northwood
returned on Saturday from a.vacation
at their cottage, Victoria Harbour.
Pte, Arnold Dennis of Ipperwash
and Pte. Kenneth Stapleton of Lon-
don, were 'home for the week-end.
Pte. Donald Fitt of Wolsley Bar-
racks, London, spent the week-end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Clifton S. Walsh of the R,C,N.V.R.,
London Division, spent the week-end
with his parents, Mr: and Mrs,
Gordon Walsh,
Misses Grace Parker and Joyce
Walker of the Farm Service Force,
Kingsville, spent the week-end at their
respective homes,
Miss Mary Elizabeth McKibbon of
Wellesley hospital, Toronto, is visit-
ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. McKibbon,
Miss Betty Lloyd and LAC, George
Lloyd of Toronto, were week-end
visitors with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard H, Lloyd,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grimm, Galt,
visited with his brother, George and
Mrs, Haller. Visitors at this home
last week also were Mr. and Mrs, Cliff
Hingston of Guelph.
Burned In Car Accident
John Brock, Elinwille, who was
severely burned when the car in which
he was travelling caught fire on the
county road south of Staffa early Fri-
day morning, died Saturday in Sea-
forth Memorial Hospital. Coroner
Dr. F. J. Burrows, Seaforth, decided
no inquest was necessary, •