HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-07-15, Page 8EIGHT END OF SEASON SALE HIGH QUALITY STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS from a real breeding farm of 4000 Layers Egg prices are moving up. Keep your laying pens going to full Capacity. Sussex x Leghorn and Rock x Leghorn just the right kind for this time of year. Pullets mature faster than, Pure breds ,and will weigh from 6 - 8 lbs. They will mature to this weight quicker than pure heavy breeds. Leghorn pullets 2 wks. old 25e; 3 wks. 30s, Rock x Leghorn and Sussex Leghor pullets 2 wks. 23c; 3 wks. 23e. Rock x Leghorn and tusse n x x Leghorn utixecl 2 wks. 17e; 3 wits. 22c, Special Clean-up Prices on July 14 Hatch SUSSEX X J.,EGHORN• AND ROCK X LEGHORN CHICKS AND PULLETS • Mixed Chicks, day-old or 12c, an wits y time week of July 14.-10e 1 wk. old 2 , old 15e Pullets, day-old 1.8c; 1 wk. old 20e; 2 wks. old 23e Co,R day,old, 10e; 1 wit, old, 12e; 2 wks. old, 15e Leave your order with D. KentteCly, Winghain, Ont. Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros. EXETER, ONTARIO FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ALWAYS FRESH PRICES mom tottligo ottatairi Thursday, July 15th, 1943 VOLUNTEER HELP TO SAVE THE .CROPS FARMERS; If you need help for hoeing, haying, or harvest, phone your requirements, TOWN PEOPLE: If you can spare any time to assist food production, volunteer your serv- ices. VILLAGES & HAMLETS: If you de's'ire' any as- sistance to organize 'in your centre, phone the nearest town headquarters. Goderich — Martin Stewart, Phone 860J Clinton — Fred Ford, Phone 123W Seaforth--- Daly's'. Garage, Phone 102 Exeter — Dr, E. Si"Steiner, Phone 158 Wingham — Ronald Rae, Phone 27 This ad is sponsored by the Huron; Agricultural War Committee., PHONE 161 FREE DELIVERY — AT Smith's Economy Food Store NEILSO.N'S VANCAMP PRE-COOKED JERSEY COCOA, 1-lb, tin 29c BEANS pkg. 17c CALUMET BAKING LIPTON'S NOODLE POWDER ..... 16-oz. tin 25c SOUP ..... ........... 2 pkgs. 25c Maple Leaf Toilet Soap 3 cakes 14c • Maple Leaf Soap Flakes ( family size) 65c PRONTENAC 70's WHITE INTERLAKE PAPER SERVIETTES 2 pkgs. 25c Household Towels .., 2 rolls 29c ..raninmanmemorawirmillsomealt PARA-SAN/ Wax Paper 100 ft. 25c 50 it. 5c Rolls Rolls CLOVER LEAF MRS. LUKE'S SWEET HERRING .„........ (tall tin) 18c Mixed Pickles, 27-oz, jar 29c GROUND FRESH SMITH'S . FOUR O'CLOCK REX COFFEE lb. 53c BLACK TEA 1/2-1b. pkg 40c IT SPREADS AND SLICES Chateau Cheese N;: 75c Ncbg: 2k • AEROXOM FLY COILS 4 for 10e TIP TOP CHOICE NO, 4 PEAS 2 tins 256 HARRY HORNE'S FRENCH MUSTARD . . 10-oz, glass 15c HARRY HORNE'S DOUBLE CREAM CUSTARD pkg, Sc Two Shows Saturday Night Thursday, Friday, Saturday Special— July 15, 16, 17 The Paramount Musical Comedy of All lime! 7 songs that'll soon have you whistling! ana many more of , our fgvorrtesl ft Igk, A Pa,ccncu74 Picture) Starring * BING CROSBY * BOB HOPE * FRED MacMURRAY * FRANCHOT TONE * RAY MILLAND * VICTOR MOORa * DOROTHY LAMOUR * PAULETTE GODDARD VERA ZORINA MARY MARTIN * DICK POWELL * BETTY HUTTON * EDDIE BRACKEN * VERONICA LAKE' * ALAN LADD * ROCHESTER Also "Short Subjects" Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday July 19, 20, 21 CHARLES BO'YER RITA HAYWORTH GINGER ROGERS —In-- 'TALES OF MANHATTAN A multi-starred production with ten stars in five stories. Also "Short Subject". N;l11E2114 William Bendix being presented with a glass key by Alexis Nihon, president Industrial Glass Works Company 'Limited on the occasion of his recent visit to Montreal. Mr. Bendix made his first outstanding hit in the "Glass Key" and is currently creating gales of laughter in the shower bath scene with Bob Hope in Paramount 's newest picture "STAR SPANGLED RHYTHM" accompanied him •home on Friday and will spend a few days with their sons and their families here. Mrs, 'Orville Tiffin has been very ill with measles this week, and Miss Marjory Purdon has also been very ill with them, Mr. Clarence MeClenaghan, who is business manager for the Summer here. Schools, will be at the Goderich Sum- Mr, and Mrs. Fred Clarke, of Luck- mer School the end of this week. He now, Mrs, A. Fox and Mr, R, Y„Car- is also taking the summer supply work rick and Susan, spent Sunday with the for Rev. Mr. Wilson of Brussels for the next few weeks. Mr. Inglis and Miss Paulin spent the week-end in Toronto with the formers daughter, Mrs. Bud Simm, who has not been so well lately. WHITECHURCH Mrs. Eynon and children of London. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Thompson and little daughter of Caledon spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore and other relatives formers aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Gra- ham of Mount Forest. Mr. Relisson Falconer spent a few days last week in Toronto and Mr. and Mrs, John Falconer of Caledon WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Dr. Harold Robinson and his .daugh- ter Sylvia, of Walkerton, have been spending their holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robinson, and assisting with the haying. Mr. and Mrs. ,Melville Beecroft of Otterville are spending their holidays with Mr. John Beecroft and family, Pte, Mae McNeil and his family from Woodstock- spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs, D. H. Martin and other relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. Redge • Scholtz and family of Westfield, spent -Sunday with his brother, Mr, Ezra Scholtz and Donald stayed to spend a week with Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Welwood and Gordon, and Mrs, Murray motored to Galt on Sunday to visit with Wren Jean Welwood and Wren Velnia Scott, and Mr. Robt. Mowbray accompanied them and visited with Mr. Eli Jacques and George at .Paris, Mr, and Mrs. 'Jack Coultes of Morris, visited on .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albers Coultes. Mr, Kenneth Wearer of Paris visit- ed with friends in the village over the week-end. Mis; Pearl Creighton returned to Detroit on Thursday after spending a few days at the home of her aunt, Mrs. J, D. Beecroft. Mrs. St. John and Mr. Thos, Robin- son returned from Port Burwell and Courtland on Friday after visiting with members of his family there, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Kerr and baby Jacqueline of Bluevale, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Laidlaw. Sergt. Melvin McClenaghan of Stratford, spent a few days recently with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. Mr. Donald Watt spent the week- end at the home of his uncle, Mr. Harry McClenaghan of Belgrave. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Robinson spent Sunday with her, parents; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cameron of Ashfield, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson of Courtland attended the funeral of his uncle, the late Hugh Thompson of St. Augustine on Friday. Mr. Russel Ross of Jarvis, spent the week-end with his-parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ross. Mr, and Mrs. Thuritt, Mr. and Mrs. Haggitt of Detroit, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Will Ringler. 11.\,1r. and Mrs. Fred Deacon of To= ronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chamney and. Anne Chamney who had been holidaying in Toronto returned home with them. Mrs, Mac MacLaughlin and Joanne of Detroit, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Jos. Chamney. Mr. Joe Cumberland and daughter Agnes, of Manitou, Manr, are visiting with relatives in East Wawanosh and attending the Cumberland re-union at Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid of Ash- field and their daughter, Miss Lorna Reid, nu rs e-i n-trainin g in Guelph, General Hospital., spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mr. George McClenaghan had two horses killed with lightning during the electrical storm on Sunday even- ing. Pte. Alfred Mason of Camp Borden, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John. Mason. -Mrs. Harold Robinson and children of Walkerton, spent Monday at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Robinson. Mrs. Will Conn and her daughter, Connie Simpson, spent the week-end. in Wingham with the formers sister, Mrs. Sam Hutchison. Miss Ruth and Jean. Irwin of Gode- rich, spent -last week at the home of • their uncle, Mr. Herson Irwin and returned home on Monday with their parents, Mr. and MrS. Edwin Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Caslick of Cul:- ross, spent Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Wallace Conn. ST. HELENS Rev. 5, A. Wa'rcl, is on vacation and there will be no Service in the United church next Sunday'. Mrs. Wilson has received a cable front her husband, Pilot Officer T. F.. Wilson, telling of his safe arrival in Britain, All the ladies are invited to the Red Cross quilting in the Community Hall on Friday afternoon. Miss Dorothy Webb came home from Toronto on Wednesday and on Friday underwent a successful oper- ation for the removal of her appendix in the Wingham Hospital. Private Hugh Rutherford of Orillia was a week-end visitor with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Rutherford Mrs, Gordon McIntyre is a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. 'McIntyre Paisley, t 11.0111.111.1.1111111 1011011011 Baptist Church ' Rev. John Lucas, Pastor SUNDAY, JULY 18th. SERVICES; 11 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. — Special Speaker—Dr. J. W, Mahood, of London, Bible Institute, Evening Service Broadcast over CKNX, WE SERVICE • PATTISON Radio Service Phone 171 Westinghouse RADIO TUBES Liumixastkin.idi pki.INISAL LIES . fa TboieiftrAfc wav Au OPD Heim ,.. ,,,, ::______-- Com A, salmi- h.f -“, . ,----- . WV PO It'd MI a CALL tf 41' LINE 411Ari , 111101 : ---- - , .k. - . , . ILIA LW ....- .. 0,..._ • ......z.........• )11.. .. :. ...., _ Ng tx- . . " , I Pte. Stanley Simpson' and Mrs. iimpson and family of Toronto, spent / ast week with the latter's mother, qrs. Elizabeth Douglas. Mrs. Doug- as and Mr. Archie Douglas returned :o Toronto with them and intend to 'J ,pend the summer there. 4 Mr. Roy Vogan left on Tuesday norning for St. Thomas where he is engaged in'work for a time with Mr. I Duncan McDougall. Elaine Spence of Seaforth, is hall-I laying with her'grandparents ,Mr. and ) drs. James Menzies. i Mr. and Mrs. Winston Morphet and 'rattily of Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lavery and Jack of Bramp- I :on, were recent visitors with Mr. and / Mrs. John McIntosh. v! Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Gowe spent sev-.r• .ral days last week with friends at St. Williams and attended the funeral ) if a friend'. . I A miscellaneous shower was held ast Monday night in' the hall for Mr. ] ind Mrs. Wesley Dodds (nee Mabel '- McKnight), who were recently mar- ried. Mr. and Mrs, Dodds received. 2 many lovely and useful gifts, among 1 them a congoleum rug. and. set of, white handled knives and silver forks ' from their neighbours. The evening was spent in dancin.g The W. M. S. held. their meeting in. : the S. S. rooms on Thursday afternoon. ' with a fair attendance. The meeting ' opened with singing of a hymn „after which business items were discussed.. Mrs. McCarroll Sang a. solo, anti Miss Nellie Doig, who is a student at To- ronto, spoke on Mission Work Among; the Jews. The meeting closed with, singing of a hymn,. after -Which lunch was served, 1 Dodds - McKnight, The marriage took place at Ethel on Saturday, June 2.6th of Mabel Mc- Knight and Wesley Dodds,. with Rev. H. Snell officiating. The bride was attired in pink sheer with white ac- cessories, They were unattended. The wedding trip' was spent at Preston, Niagara and. other points. The War Workers Auxiliary met in the United Church basement on Wed- nesday afterhorm of last week and Salvation Army at Toronto. Mrs. GEORGE WILLIAMS JEWELLER First Class Watch Re- pairs at Moderate Prices All work guaranteed and done on the premises. NEW SHIPMENT of English Pipes Received $L25 & $1.50 1 urriar Omar si selgrove . .t., s SMOKE 'SHOP Ewart McKeroher, vice-pres. had charge of the business period and var- ious itenis were discussed, The fol- lowing items were sent-28 quilts, 22 r. socks, 1 pr. mitts, 3 towels, 3 boys shirts, 31 pr. pyjamas, 7 pr. pillow cases, girls dresses, 11 girls slips, 8 girls panties,. On Friday the ladies of ,the Box Committee met at the home of Mrs. Roy Vogan and packed 11 boxes of comforts and sent to the soldiers from this community who are overseas. Wife: Goodness, George, this is not air baby, This is the wrong carriage, Hubby: Quiet, This earriage has ubber tires. GORRIE Recently Miss Mary B. Fear, was honoured by her Gorrie friends prior to leaving her position as school teacher to be married. The following address was read: Miss Mary Fear:- -You're quite a dear! t's not only Joe who thinks that's so. Batt he seems to be the lucky scout, For certainly it's rumoured about; That you and lie do plan to wed— Sometime next month so 'tis said. You, with your curly, bronzy hair, nd he with his so light and fair, Will help each other to share the load As you travel along life's mutual road. nd since you've followed' the• same profession You must be ready to make concession And when, next year, your Joe does say— 'Mary, dear, we had exams, to:day, But the gang's going out to-night to ski, Will you, please, mark these papers, for me?" Now what will you say in answer to that? You'd better not refuse him flat. nd even if you'd like to cry, Just smile and say, "Yes, Joe, I'll try.. But some future night, you might ar- range To give yourself the happy change. And as you leave your threshold door,, Cell him the surprise you have in store. 'm due at - the club at seven-thirty, nd the supper dishes are still 'quite' dirty, Nash them up like a good little elf,. • nd put them away on the pantry shelf," )h, he'll be willing to help you out.. or you have been as'good a scout. nd so by helping each other along,. our life will be one grand sweet song.. lere'll be plenty of ups, •and some- times a down, W ith here a smile, and there a frown, ut with high ideals and love sincere,, Clue storm of life you need not fear: -sor God will lead you all the way Co the peaceful calm of your happiest day. rid now before, from us,. you, drift,: ulr e wish you, please, to accept this. gift, o be a daily reminder, to: you, f some of the folk in Gorrie, you knew. nd now without any further adieu, We'll all just wish the best for you: he joy that comes from love that's true, [Iday God's richest blessing be granted you two. Red Cross Shipment The following articles were shipped. on July 7th front the Gorrie and Dis- trict Red Cross Society to Head- quarters: Br. Civilian-27 quilts; 6 pinafore dresses and blouses,, a wo- men's nightgowns,. 1 woman's slip, 6 girls slips, 6 girls. dresses. Seamen's Comforts-2 turtrule-neck sweaters, 1 V-neck sweater, 2. pr, seamen's long stockings, 2 p.r. mitts, 23 pr- socks. (Parcel of fur enclosed). Californian Pays Visit Mr. Riheard Kirbyson, a former resident of the 2nd Concession of Howick over 62 years ago,'and now a resident of California, returned to the community to visit his relatives, many of whom he had lost track. Mr. Kirbyson, 82 years young, while he was born near Toronto, Spent his boyhood days on the farm now owned by Mr. Clarence Sparling, when at the age of 'nine years he moved with his family to the state of Michigan, mak- ing but one return trip previous when he was twenty years of age. -He mar- ried and moved to California where he has resided, While he met with many relatives he missed the faces of his school- Mates, Most of all wholiad passed on. 'His mother, the late Mary Hayden, was a sister of the late Mrs, Edward Pyke and 'brother of William and Hezekiali Hayden, While 'at this grand old age, Mr. Xirbysott made the long trip ttn. accompanied and is enjoying the very best of health. Recent guests of be, and Mrs. Armstrong were, Mr. and Mrs. Leaky, Xincardinel Miss Mary Patterson, Or Wingharrq Mr. and Alt's. R. Connell and children of Xewbridge. Pte, and Mrs. Bruce Horn, Toren, MOLESWORTH Mr. and Mrs. Will Petrie and fartill of the Nile, visited. on Sunday wvit i Mr. and Mrs. Case Black, Marin Petrie remained and is holidaying pert Mrs. Sutherland of 8eaverton, I spending the summer with her daugh ter, Mrs. Victor Adair and Mr. Mai and family.. 'been. reported. missing. Mr. and. Mrs., H. V. Holmes and Miss Perkins. are spending the week at their cottage at Bruce Beach. Mr. and. Mrs. William Earngey, of Fergus, spent the week-end. with his aunt, Miss. Kate. Earngey. Mr. Jack Watson, Blyth, is spend- ing a. couple of weeks with his uncle and aunt,. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ash- ton. Mr. Zimmerman, Milverton, Spent Saturday with. his daughter, Mrs. C. Michel 'and Mr. Michel. Mrs.. Edna Nay is spending her vacation with her sister in Kitchener. Mr. and. Mrs. J. T. Shera and daughter, Shirley, spent Monday with friends at Kitchener. Miss McLennan, Toronto, spent a few days during the week with her friend, Miss Bessie Wylie. The Evening Auxiliary which will meet this Friday night at the home of the president, Mrs. W. E. Whitfield, will have as their guest speaker, Mrs. Gowdy of Salem. The methbers are asked to- note the change in date. Master Billy Nay is spending the summer with his grandparents at Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Marshall and little son Jimmie, Stratford, spent Tuesday last with his parents, Mr. and_ Mrs. W. Marshall, Mrs. Hector Ford, Vancouver, is. visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. Bingham: Mrs. Morrow' of Brussels was a recent guest at the same home, Little Miss Mary ,Lou Bates, Hap.- iiston; visited her aunt and uncle, Mr:. and: Mrs, jollies Edwards last week. L.A.C. Gerald Galbraith' of Agin- court and: Mrs, 'Galbraith of Weston, are spending his furlough with' his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Gal- braith, Bdr, Harold Keil and Mrs. Neil',. of Petawawa, are spending a short time with, their parents, A. W. Neil and John Brown. to, were week-end guests with her• mother, Mrs. Clara Ritchie. Mrs. Waugh, Mitchell, was a week- end guest with Mr. and Mrs. John Hyndman. Missionary Society Met Thursday On Thursday, July 8th, the W. M. S. of the United Church met at the home of- Mrs. Howard Ruttan, with the 12 members and fourteen. visitors pres- -ent and Mrs. R. H. Carson presiding. The program opened with hymn— What a friend we have in Jesus, fol- lowed by The Lord's Prayer in uni- son. Mrs. Robt. Ashton read a poem "The Larger Prayer" after which Mrs. Alice Edgar Sr. led in prayer. As. "Worry" was the thought for roll call, Rev. Mr. Copeland gave a very inspiring message on the negative of .Worry, basing his theme on the twenty-third Psalm. No one has ever achieved the point of perfection in life, but if we do God's Will each day and trust in His promises, we will not worry' for to-morrow and its needs but live to-day. Hymn "Will Your Anchor Hold In The Storms of Life" was sung and the president, Mrs. Strong presided' for the business when it was decided to send cheery letters to members who are ill. Rev. Mr. Copeland closed the meet- ing with prayer. The gathering then retired to the lawn where races, contests and . an abundant picnic supper was enjoyed, the younger ladies catering. , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King, Marion and Edward, Detroit, were visitors• last week with their parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Ernest King. Mr. F. C. Taylor is holidaying in Toronto. Mr. Phillip Harding, Toronto; spent a few days here last week. His friends regretted learning that his son, Pilot Officer Clifford Harding, has