HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-07-08, Page 5SPARKLING NE
FELT BASE -7----
Floor Coverings
Stainless Sheen
2 Yards Wide 3 Yards Wide
Square Yard 75c Square Yard 81c
This is a heavyweight felt base floor cover-
ing with stainless sheen finish and a heavy enamel-
ed surface: Just the floor covering to give you easy
cleaning and years of service. The designs are
clean, colorful modern tile effects . . . carpet pat-
terns . . . and new marble patterns in a beautiful
colour range.
Inlaid Linoleum
2 Yards Wide. $1.39 Square Yard.
Now made on a special asphalted felt. base
. instead of burlap.. All colours are solid to the base,
so you know the pattern lasts. Suitable for any
room, as it does not mark up readily and is easy to
keep clean. ,
Durable Inlaid Marboleum
2 Yards Wide. $1.59 Square Yard
Marboleum is the same construction on a
special asphalted base but the surface is heavier and
noted for its durability in attractive marbled
At present we"have one 'of the largest stocks
of 2-yard-wide and 3-yard-wide floor coverings we
have ever shown.
TeleiShone 36 Wingham, Ont.
RED FRONT GRocERrwhoell eioelitf
SUPER TOILET TISSUES pure SUDS — replar size - ...... 19c white, ,0 large rolls for 17c
LIFE13u0Y or PALMOLIVE EWINGS CREAMY SOAP, reg. "size price 6c cake CUSTARD , 2 for 9e
CERTO for preserving (fruit pectin) 8- oz, bt. 25c
RED ROSE COFFEE , 1/2-1b. tin 22e, 1-11). tin 43c
GOLD MEDAL COFFEE, Yellow Label „ .
1/2-1b. tin 21c 1-1b. tin 39c
48-oz. pkg. 23c 16-oz, pkg. 9c
2 pkgs. and free glass tumbler
2 pkgs. 24e
(VanCamps) 2 for 19c
CAKE FLOUR pkg. 25c
SANI-FLUSH, for toilet bowls, small 13c lge. 25c
RINSO, makes clothes white, large size .. pkg. 23c
DINNER, with cheese 17c
more or Hemphill 5-lb. sack 23c
COCOA ..... 1-lb. tin for 23c
(Puffed Wheat) 5 qt. bag, 2 - 13c
%2-lb. pkg. 19c 2-lb. box for 69c
PURE LARD, Coleman's Epicure 1-1b.. carton 18c
SHORTENINGS, Domestic or Jewel 1-lb. cart. 19c
Robin Hood for $2.59
Manitoba Rose $2.49
-24-lb. sack Huron 69c
Pat-a-Pan 75c
Calla Lilly
ORANGES — Californian
Sunkist 39c - 45c to 59c doz.
We Sell You These at Whole-
82c sale Prices.
We acknowledge Stewart, and ap-
preciate the sacrifices you are being
called upon to make, in behalf of all
of us, in your service to our country,
and we hope when these troubled
times are at an end you and Eileen
will return to our community to estab-
lish a more permanent home.
We ask you to accept these gifts,
not for their intrinsic value but as a
Slight token of the esteem in which
you both are held,
Signed on behalf of your many
Mrs, Harry Brown
Miss Margaret Stokes
Mrs. Muir, Mrs. Thos. Wallace and
Misses Marion and Florence Wallace,
also Mr. Robt. Muir, spent the week-
end in Toronto and attended the Muir-
Ball wedding.
kiss Kathleen Lathers and Bobbie
Cathers of Gorrie, spent a few days
fast week with their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Lincoln,
Bdr, Gordon Bryce of .Petawawa,
was a weekend guest with his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Bryce.
Mr, and Mrs. John Cathers spent
Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln.
Mrs. Ken Hergott of Elora, visited
a couple of days last week with her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Harry Brown.
Mr, Robert Muir of Fort William, is
home to spend the holidays with his
mother, Mrs. Muir.
Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalf attended
the Stevenson re-union at hayfield on
Mon day.
On Tuesday evening friends and
neighbours gathered at the Glenannan
school in honour of Sergt. Stewart Jef-
fray and his bride, who were recently
married. After lunch was served a
short,address was read'and the bride
and groom were presented with a sil-
ver bread tray and a purse of money.
Stewart then thanked the many pres-
ent for their kindness shown them.
The evening was spent in dancing.
Music was supplied by the Gully
Municipality Date of Sitting Places of Sitting
The Ontario Election, August 4th, 1943
TAKE NOTICE that the sittings of the Revising Officers for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with,
-regard to the Voters' Lists to be used at the pending Election of a member of the Legislative Assembly for each of
the Electoral Districts of Huron-Bruce, and Huron, will be held for the respective municipalities in said Districts, at
the following times and places, mentioned in the schedule below, with the names of the Clerk of the Revising Officer
for Each Municipality, and the last date for making complaints or appeals to the said Clerk.
By His Honour Judge Costello
Grey Township
Howick Township
Wingham Town
Brussels Village
Mildmay Village
Carrick Township
Huron Township
Ripley Village
Culross Township
Teeswater Village
Morris Township
Turnberry Township
East Wawanosh Twp.
Blyth Village
Ashfield Township
Colborne\ Township
West Wawanosh Twp.
Lucknow Village
Kinloss Township
July 10th Township Hall, Ethel 10.00 a.m.
12th Township Hall, Gorrie 10.00 a,m
17th Town Hall, Wingham 10.00 a.m.
14th Town Hall, Brussels 3,30 p.m.
13th J. A. Johnston's Off., Mildmay 10 a.m.
16th 3. A. Johnston's Off., Mildmay 10 a.m.
15th Township Hall, Ripley .,... ..... 3.30 p.m.
20th Council Chambers, Ripley 3.30 p.ni,
21st Town Hall, Teeswater 10.00 a.m.
19th Town Hall, Teeswater 3.30 p.m.
21st Township Hall, Morris 3.30 p.m.
By D. E. Holmes, Esq.
20th Township Hall, Bluevale 2.00 p.m.
13th Foresters' Hall, Belgrave 2.00 p.m.
12th Community Hall, Blyth 2,00 p.m.
14th Township Hall, Ashfield 2.00 p.m,
15th Township Hall, Carlow 10.30 a.m.
13th Twp Hall, West Wawanosh 10,30 ,nn.
17th Town Hall, Lucknow 10.30 a.m.
16th Township Hall, Holyrood 2,00 p.m.
Date of Sitting Places
of Sitting Time of Sitting Clerk of Last Day for
Revising Officer Complaints
J. H. Fear Ethel ....... ....... ..... July 7th
Isaac Gamble, Fordwich
W. A.Galbraith, Wingham
R. S. Warwick, Brussels
J. E. Johnston, Mildmay
J. E. Johnston, Mildmay
Donald McKay, R. 3, Ripley
Gideon H. Ruttle, Ripley
J. S. McDonald, Teeswater
M. Jacklin, Teeswater
George Martin, Brussels, 4
By His Honour Judge Costello
Hay Township July 14th
Hallett Township " 13th
McKillop Township " 16th
" Stanley Townhsip 10th
Stephen Township " 17th
Tuckersmith Township " 12th
" Usborne Township 15th
Seaforth Town " 19th
Exeter Village " 20th
Goderich Town " 21st
Goderich Town ....-...- ... , „ 22nd
Township Hall, Zurich 10.00 a,m,
Community Hall Londesboro 3,30 p.m.
Carnegie Lib'y Hall, Seaforth 3.30 p.m,
Township Hall, Varna
3Township Hall, Crediton 3,10
Walker's Hall, 13rucefield 3.30 p.m,
Township Hall, Elimville.. . 10.00 am,
Town Hall, Seaforth 10.00 Lill,
Village Hall, Exeter 10,00 a.m.
Court House, Goderich 8:00 pan.
Court House, Goderich 8,00 p,m,
Time of Sitting Clerk of Last Day for
Revising Officer Complaints
A, F. Hess, Zurich July 10th
Jas. W. McCool, Londesboro " 9th
John McNay, Seaforth No. 2 " 13th
C. C. Pilgrim, Varna " 7th
H. K. Eilber, Crediton ..... _ " 14th
D. F, McGregor, Seaforth 3 " 8th
A, W, Morgan, Hensall, 1 " 12th
D. H, Wilson, Seaforth " 16th
C. V. Pickard, Exeter " 17th
S. H. Blake, Goderich • " 17th
S. H. Blake, Goderich 19th
Goderich Town
Goderich Town
Hensall Village
Clinton Town
Goderich Twp
By D. E. Holmes, Esq.
July 20th Court House, Goderich 10.30 a.m. " 21st Court House, Goderich 10,30 a,nt, " 19th Town Hall, Hensall ..... ..... 2.00 p.m. " 21st Town Hall, Clinton 2 p.m. & 8 p.m,
July 22nd Miss S Acheson's Res. Hohnesville 10.30 amt.
S. H. Blake, Goderich July 16th
S. H. Blake, Goderich --- " 17th
James A. Paterson, Hensall , P 15th
M. T. Carless, Clinton " 17th
R, G, Thompson, Clinton..,„ " 19tla
W. R. Cruikshank, Wingham
Alex. Porterfield, Belgrave 1
Gordon Elliott, Blyth
C, E. McDonagh, Lucknow 3
Wm. Sallows, Goderich No ,,5
Dural Phillips, Lucknow''
J. E. Agnew, Lucknow
J. R. Lane, R. 2, Holyrood
July Chicks & Pullets
at ReducedF Prices
We can book orders for day-old Leghorns, Rock x Leghorns,
Sussex x Leghorns, on July 6, July 9 and July 14.
Sussex, Sussex x New Hatttp., and Barred Rocks for July 14.
Leghorn, Sussex x Leghorn. and Rock, x Leghorn pullets 23c
Mixed Chicks 12 1/2 c.
Started Leghorn and Hybrid Pullets 1 /and 2 weeks old.
Egg prices are moving' BOOK NOW
Leave your order with D. Kennedy, Wingham, Ont.
or send direct tom
Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros.
Thursday, '.1/41y 1943, WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
(Continued from page one)
use of this white coal even to that of
heating homes,
There is great difference in the
agricultural condition of this province
and it is not all due to war conditions,
The province, he said, had paid out
$7;000,000 in direct subsidies to agri-
culture to ensure production of bacon,
butter, sugar beets, cheese, the use of
fertilizer and the movement of grain.
This system' of paying bonuses by
Ontario' has been. a great incentive to
increase food production. Price ceil-
ings are in order in wartime but floor
prkes should 'be set to 'stop them go-
ing down in times of depression. Never
as long as I have anything to do with
it 'will the price 'of agricultural pro-
.ducts be set by the small exportable
surplus, he said.
He vigorously defended the calling
of an election at this time and said
that Mr. Drew had voted against the
extension of the life of the legislature.
There is no precedent where a govern-
ment hung onto office when the op-
position opposed the extention. He
charged that Mr. Drew was inconsis-
tent and said he had no appology to
make for calling an election at this
Proxy voting has been on our elec-
tion act for some time and it is by
this means that sailors voted. Mr,
Drew, he said, was on the committee
that extended this proxy vote to the
armed forces. It was carried with
little change and became law. Mr.
Drew did not Move an amendment so
it comes with poor grace for him to
oppose this method of voting and .call
it trickery. He said the Imperial
government has adopted such a sys-
tem of voting and South Africa were
using it in their election.
Mr. Murdock Mathieson was chair-
man for the meeting until the voting
started and. then William Watson was
named chairman. Other speakers be-
side the candidates and Mr. Nixon
were, Mr. Angus Dickson of Perth,
Reeve Tuckey of Huron.
Pte. Ward Cameron of Ipperwash,
is home on furlough. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dalton spent
the week-end at Kingsbridge.
John Crawford is attending the Y.
M. C. A. camp at Fisher's Glen,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Currie from Is-
lington, are visiting in Wingham,
Lieut, Jas. McKague of Petawawa,
is spending a furlough at his home.
The Misses Fisher of Toronto, have
opened their home here for the sum-
B. 8, M. Bert Mitchell of Petawawa,
is spending a furlough at his home
Major R, S. HetheringtOn of Peta-
wawa, spent the week-end at his home
B, S. K Earl Grey of Petawawa,
is spending a furlough with friends in
Joan and Patsy Hopper of Exeter,
are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. W. W.
Sgt. Fred Howson of Petawawa, is
spending a furlough, with his wife and
Col. John Brendt of Kingston, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J, H,
.Cpl. Jim Lee of Petawawa, is visit-
ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wee Lee.
Mr. Robert Johnston of Brant,
ford, visited over the week-end with
his family,
Rev. and Mrs. John Lucas and their
daughter are visiting yvith her parents
in Toronto.
Col, J. R. M. Spittal, of Petawawa,
is spending a furlough, with his wife
and family.
Mr, and. Mrs. Ken Johnson of Tor-
onto, visited over the holiday with
their parents.
Mr. Carl Clarke of Detroit, is visit-
ing with his grandfather, Mr. .J. J.
Casemore, John St.
L. A. C. W. H. Cantelon, R. C, A.
F. Station, Bogotville, Quebec, is
home on furlough.
Lieut. Richard Roberts of Peta-
wawa, is visiting with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Roberts.
Sgt. Ted Elliott of Petawawa, is
spending a furough with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Elliott.
Mrs. S. Ziegler of Kitchener, was a
visitor with her mother, Mrs. W. Wil-
liamson, over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stuckey and
family are spending this week on
Georgian Bay near Midland.
Mr. R. H. Lloyd who has been on
a business, trip to British Columbia,
has returned home last week.
Ptes. Arnold Dennis of Ipperwash,
and Kenneth Stapleton of London,
were home for the week-end.
Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon attended the
wedding of her neice, Miss Marjorie
Hall, at Bluevale, on Saturday.
LAC George Lloyd of Toronto, is
spending a couple of days with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H, Lloyd.
Mrs. Bridges and two little daugh-
ters of Preston, are holidaying with
her mother, Mrs. Jack Wright.
Mr. Bruce Campbell of London, vis-
ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Campbell, over the week-end.
Miss Pauline Cowan is spending her
vacation visiting with her cousin, Miss
Margaret Easterbrook at Brantford.
Joy Cowan is at present visiting at
the home of her aunt, Mrs. Harry
Browne, and other relatives in Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McNevin and
Mr. Purdie of Goderich,. visited Sun-
day .with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Deyell.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burgess of
Toronto, spent the week-end, with his
parents,.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgess.
Mr. Elliott Fells of Smooth Rock
Falls and Miss -Fairy Fells of Glen
Allan are horn for the summer vaca-
Mrs. G. T. Gregory of Cookstown,
is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Geo.
Mason. Mr. Gregory was here over the
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Park, Miss
Joyce Stewart and Mr, jack Park of
Dungannon, visited at Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Deyell's.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell and
daughter of Toronto, alsO their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Don Nasmith, are spending
a holiday here.
Mr. Wellington Edwards of Flint,
and Mr. Harold Edwards of Detroit,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. W. Wellwood,
Bandsman Claire Neirgarth, return-
ed to Victoria, B. C., and was accom-
panied as far as Toronto by Mr. and
Mrs. Neirgarth, Mr. Chandler, Mrs. C.
Miss Catharine Armstrong of Lon-
don, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. T.
C. King. Miss Kate King of Sarnia,
is spending her vacation with her
Mr, J, J. McNevin, Master George
and Miss Marion of Dundas, visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Deyell. Miss Marion. staying for her
Mr. and Mrs. W, B, Murray and
daughter, Marilyn of Toronto, spent
the week-end at the home her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J: S. Isard The latter
returning 'with theft for a visit in To-
A quiet but pretty wetld'ng took
place at the 'United Chore Manse,
Bluevale, on Saturday, Jul 3rd,, at
12 o'clock noon, when ,Marjorie 1ath-
leen, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Hall, Bluevale, and Mr. liar-
evy Earl Groves, son of Mr, Earl and
the late Mrs. Groves of Wingham were
united in marriage, Rev. Campbell
Tavener officiated, The bride was at-
tired in 4 turquoise blue silk Jersey
dress with a corsage of pink roses and
fern, The attendants were 'Mr. and
Mrs. Will Hall of Fordwich. Mrs.
Hall wore a rose crepe dress and a
corsage of red roses.
After ,the ceremony the dinner was
served at the home of the bride's par-
ents, The dining room was decorated
with pink and white streamers, a
three story cake centred the bride's
table, Later the bride and bridegroom
left by motor for Parkhill, London,
Hamilton, Toronto and St, Catharines,
The bride travelling in a black and
white silk crepe ensemble with match-
ing hat and accessories. On their re-
turn they will reside in Wingham.
Among the guests were the grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall and
Mr. William McMichael of 13luealve;
Mr, David Schoff of Akron, Ohio.
Other guests were present from Ham-
ilton, St. Catharines, Toronto, Park-
hill, Brussels a'nd
A pretty June wedding took place
at 3 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon at
McIntosh United Church, when Beat-
rice Rose, second daughter of. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Dustow, of Mildmay,
became the bride of Mr. Harvey El-
liott Robb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos,
Robb of Amberley. Rev. Hewitt per-
formed the ceremony. The bride given
in marriage by her father,' wore an'
attractive gown of pale pink French
Organdy de Soie, with floral brocad-
ing. The long torso skirt and sweet-
heart neckline were trimmed with
dainty powder blue velvet ribbon.
Her veil was of new fingertip length
with scalloped edge of Molyneaux and
was held in place by a wreath of rose-
buds. She carried an arm bouquet of
briar-cliffe roses and maiden-hair fern'.
The bridesmaid was Mrs. Gordon
Grant, sister of the bride, and was at-
tired in a floor-length gown of blue
net over tafetta with full skirt and
velvet top with sweetheart neckline.
Her flowers were yellow roses and
fern. Mr. Wilmer Robb, brother of
the groom, was best man. Mrs. Rus-
sel Nickel, played the wedding music
and during the signing of the register,
Mrs. H. Ferguson and Mr, Gordon
Wright sang, "I Love You Truly."
The ushers were Mr. Orville Elliot
and Mr. Carl Douglas,
Following the ceremony the buffett
luncheon was served for the immediate
guests. At the reception held at the
bride's home, the bride's mother re-
ceived in a blue printed silk with white
accessories and corsage. of pink roses.
Assisting was the groom's mother in
a two piece black lace dress with white
accessories and corsage of cream
roses. The bride and groonv left the
following clay on a brief honeymoon.
For going away the bride chose a red
figured sheer in redingote style. They
will reside in Hamilton.
Samuel Willis
Samuel Willis, of 765 Talbot street,
London., died Saturday im his 75th
year in St. Joseph's Hospital, after an
illness of five weeks. Mr. Willis re-
sided in London for 44 years, and was
a native of Wroxeter, Ont. He was a
member of Empress Avenue United
Mr. Willis is survived by his wife,
Mrs. Annie Willis; one daughter, Mrs.
V. T. Wyant, of London; and two
sons, Charles L., and Ross B., both of
London; one brother, J. Willis, of
London, and five sister's, Mrs. J.
Barnard, city; Mrs. Charles King,
Gorrie, Ont.; Mrs. John Gibson, of
Wroxeter; Mrs. George Forsythe, of
Prince Albert, Sask.; and Mrs. J. Bal-
lantyne, of Rosthern, Sask.
The funeral was held from the Har-
rison and Skinner funeral home on
Monday afterneron. Burial took place
in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, London:
On Tuesday evening, June 29th., a
number of friends gathered at the
Glenannan Public School in honour
of Sergt, Stewa't jeffray of Petawawa,
and his bride, formerly Eileen Knox
of Wingham. The evening was spent
in dancing to the music of the 'Gully
Itimpers Orchestra. At the lunch hour,
the happy couple were called forward
to hear an address read by Mrs. Harry
Brown, after which Margaret Stokes
presented them with a lovely silver
tray on which rested an envelope con-
taining twenty-seven dollars. The
groom made A fitting reply, thanking
the friends present for the good wish-
es and for the .gifts, just received.
The following is the address;
Dear Stewart and lrilecnE-
On this happy occasion, we your
friends of this district, are gathered
here to spend a few soial hours with
you and to extend to you Mir very
best wishes for the future.
All persons are called upon to examine the Voters' List to ascertain that their names are correctly entered therein,
AN.r) FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the list to be so revised is part I and part III of the Voters' List prepared for the above mentioned municipalities,
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter in any of time said municipalities who desires to complain that his name or the name of any person entitled to be entered on the said list for that municipality has been omitted
from the same, or that the names of any persons who are not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon, may
as aboveset out apply, complain or appeal to hav6 his name or the name of any other person entered on or removed from the list,
AND vukTRER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by, notice in, writing in, the prescribed form (in
duplicate) signed by the complainant, and given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer or left for him at his addresn
as stated above.
And further take notice that all Agents holding Appointments as PrOxies for Active Service Voters Must sub, snit their appointment fronts to the Revising Officer at the proper sittings at the titne and place above set forth for tonfirmation of such appointments as required by Sections 20 and 80 of the Active Service Eleetiert Act, 1942.
The lists of Voters• may be seen at the office of the Clerks of the Revising Officer ht each municipality as above.
Por further information Write to Mrs. J. 8. Reynolds, Box 444, Goderich, Clerk for the Election Board, of the County of Huron,
•T, 1v1. COSTMAO, Dated at Goderich the 3rd day of July, Chairman for the Election Board of th%C\County of Huron.