HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-07-08, Page 4Mr, and Mrs, Smith Robertson of Kitchener, spent Sunday with . and Mrs. W. J. Robertson.. Mr. and. Mrs. Raymond Elliott, Miss Florence Fowler and Elmer Fowler, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Dale, at the hoMe of Mrs. j, Taylor at Wal- ton. Mr. and Mrs, G.. A. Love spent Sun- day with friends at .cr oderieb, WHITECHURCH Mr. Jas. Laidlaw had the misfor- tune to have a cow step on his foot last Thursday and break a bone in the foot. He has it in a cast at: present, Mrs. Ed. St, John left on Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs, Joe Thompson to spend a few days with relatives at Cdurtland and Port Burwell and Til- sonburg. Miss Connie Simpson of Teeswater, is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs, Will Conn. Additional Whitechurch News on page 6. . • BELMORE A speaker on Temperance occupied the pulpit in the United Church on Sunday. The rain. Saturday evening put a damper on haying operations. Mr, Omar Stokes has done a good work in the village in putting tip a barbed wire fence now Bossy keeps at a safe distance. We will all have to get barbed wire. Mr. Gordon Mulvey is working in Fergus for some time and will move his family there in the near future. We are sorry to lose Gordon and his family. The Red Cross workers Met on Mrs. Hackney's lawn on Thursday after- noon and did some quilting. The day was cool so they. made) some quick work, Miss Elva Reid now that school is over will join her parents in Kitchener, Reggie going later on. ',Miss Edna Johann and Jean Inglis, Toronto, visited their parents over the week-end. Mr. Nick Willie and family from the States are visiting his mother and s Time For. A Change John w, .Hanna, .Progres, sive COriservative candidate for Huron-Bruce, has thus far in his career followed the footsteps of his father. His. father served as counci'lor. and mayor of Wingham' and John has had a sirnflar ex- perience, having been on the Council ..for eight years—five as mayor. Like his father his whole . life has been lived in this district and for.sixty,.. Hanna has years the name has been symbolic of merch- andising Wingham. Busi- ness has changed much since • the early days, but John went through the butter and egg stage of the general store. His experience in this rural area has well equipped him to understand the problems . of the farmer and he is well aware tha, we must have a prosperous agriculture to have real prosperity in this district or throughout Ontario. Worthwhile Objectives A square deal for the farmers, who in my opinion, have never had one. Reconstruction program following the war to include equal rights for the farmer. Electric Lights and Power on every farm at reasonable rates. A live reforestation policy for Ontario. Relief 'of farm labour shortage. Ceiling on farm produce raised to a level that will give'4* prosperity. If elected I promise to the best of my ability to carry above pledges. out JOHN W. HANNA Mr. Edward McGrogGan,visited at M. Jeffray's on Sunday evening. When asked about his idea of strategy, the recruit replied, "It's when you're out of ammunition, but keep right on firing." Lock Balancing E Fruits and Vegetables • ORANGES, 288 . 33c doz. LEMONS .6 for 25c CARROTS . 2 for 25c Green ONIONS, bun. 10c New BEETS . 2 bun. 23c. Green BEANS - 15c 11). SELF SERVE DOWINIIION S TOQE.S • LIMIT'Et) SELF SERVE DOMINION BREAD LOAVES 2 1 OC SUNCREST MILK 16 Oz. Tin 9c RICHMELLO COFFEE 35c lb. Pastry FLOUR - 24 lb. sack . • 69c Macaroni and Spaghetti . 2 Paitr. 19c Palmolive SOAP Reg. 2 for 1 lc Giant 8c Princess FLAKES . large 23c pkg. SUPER SUDS - Reg. . 20c pkg. SUPER SUDS - Giant . 39c pkg: Ivory Gloss STARCH, 16 oz. . 11c Newport FLUFFS, .8 qt. . 25c Newport FLUFFS, 13 qt. . . 39c Green, Giant PEAS, 16 oz. tin . 15c Extract VANILLA, 8 oz... . 10c Bright's TOMATO JUICE 20 oz. 9c Catelli Egg Wheat Noodles 2 for 29c Kellogg's CORN FLAKES 2 for 15c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 for 23c NAVY TISSUE 4 Rolls 25c PURE LARD 17c lb. WINOTIAMADVANC-TMES Thursday, July 8th,. 1943 summers in Quebec brought first hand knowledge of the country, its scenic beauty, its people, their kindness and hospitality, their love of the church, their love of, the French language, Many pictures were shown, the speak- er hoped for a bettter understanding between the English speaking and the the French in Canada, Words of ap- preciation were expressed to Mrs. Hetherington for the delightful talk also to the committee who carried out the programme and to the hostess and her daughters for their fine hospital- ity. Lunch was served, as a special treat the hostess served fresh strawberries from her own garden with homemade rolls. Pictures were taken of the group, bringing a Happy afternoon to a close. BLUEVALE Flowers Presented To Mrs. Tavener The monthly meeting of the Mission Band was held in the school room of the United church on Wednesday af- ternoon, with the president, Muriel Smith, presiding. The Lord's 'prayer and the Mission Band Purpose was re- peated in unison, During the Worship period Eleanor Smith and Berva laher sang. The theme of the meeting was "Beauty" teaching the lesson, of Thankfulness to God for the Beauty of Nature. Miss Margaret Curtis read the story "Doris Goes To Camp" illustrated by two posters, one of a meadow scene, showing a small girl and a flock of sheep, illustrating kindness to dumb animals, the other a pleasure resort on their superintendent, Mrs. C. Tav- ener, who is under the doctor's care at present and presented her with two beautiful bouquets. The president read a short address and Eleanor Smith and Berva. Gallaher presented Lord's Supper was dispensed follow- ing the morning sefvice. St. James service at 9,30 on Sunday morning, Communion service was held by' the rector, Rev, E. M. 'Caldwell. During t4e offertory Harold Gordon Watts sang as an offertory selection "In the „Garden." Women's Missionary Society Mrs. Hector, Knight will be in charge of the W. M, S. meeting on Thursday of this 'week in the church school room. The subject is whole- some recreation and the roll call to be answered by a verse of a favourite hymn. Baptismal Service Edith Elcanora, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold G, Watts of Mimic° was baptized on Sunday, July 4th., at St. James Anglican church. Rev. E. M. Caldwell officiated, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McKenney of Wroxeter were God parents, Following the service a re- ception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McKenney, for which Mrs. W. T. MacLean had made the Baptismal cake. • Mr. and Mrs. Watts wish to thank their many friends in Wroxeter for their kindness in making this such a happy occasion. Concert and Presentation The school at S. S. No, 1, Turn- was the scene of a happy gatherig on berry was the secne of a happy gather- ing on Friday evening last, when the teacher and students put on a splendid concert and chorus singing of patri- otic songs and a group of hymns was a feature. Recitations, solos, duets, Pantomime and a dialogue, "A quiet Evening at Borne" the whollb pro- gramme refletcing great credit on the teacher and pupils. Mr. Jim Elliott made a genial chairman. At the close of the concert. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Wheeler were called for- ward, Mrs. Eldred Nichol reading the following address. Dear Harry and Reifa.— We your friends and neighbours have gathered tonight to express our deep regret at your leaving us and our the flowers, community. Always during your life, you have shared our sorrows and joys Woman's Association Held Picnic FOR RENT—Half Double House on John St., Aug. 1st. Apply. Advance- Times. FOR SALE—One Yorkshire Sow, due to farrow soon, Apply R. H. Cord- . tes, R. R. 5, Brussels. FOR SALE— Five Yorkshire Sows, first litter due in, September, Apply to Stanley Snell, 10th line, East Wa- wanosh, or phone 615r12. FOR SALE—Cabin Trailer, wired for hydro, ice box, built in cupboards. , Modern design. Apply V. S. Durn- in, Brown's factory. FOR SALE—Stucco house with gar- age and Store handling flour, feeds, hardware, etc., also gasoline pumps in Village of Belgrave. Apply to Mrs. Robert E. McKenzie, Belgrave Ont, HELP WANTED — six girls, age 18 to 25, to learn woollen carding, and mule spinning, night work, town in ,Western Ontario. Refer to order No. 536 National Selective Service, Listowel, Ontario. PIANO TUNING — tuning price 148.0, repairs extra, Bgham Bandmaster, Geo. J. Wrightrht. Must ' leave orders at Advance-Times. STALLION -- The Percheron Stal- lion "Brillion", registered, owned by Levi Good Sr., is standing for serv- ice at Lot 35, concession 4, East Wawanosh, Service charge $10.00 due March 1st next. Due to illness I in family proprietor cannot leave home, TELEPHONE BOOTH — For Sale Cheap. Apply Advance-Times. TENDERS—Will be received for the cleaning and levelling all .or part of the Bluevale Cemetery, 1 acre more or less. Tenders ..elose July 19th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C, F. Johnston, Secretary Bluevale, Ont. TENT)r.RS — will .be received by the undersigned up to and including July 15th, 1943, for the painting of the exterior of Belgrave United Church, two coats. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ernest Alichie, Sec'y., R.R. No. 4, Brussels. STRAYED—To Lot 16, Con. A, How- ick, two yearling cattle. OWner may ,have same by proving property and paying expenses, John Lane, Wrox- eter. WANTED TO BUY — Garage that can be moved. Apply E. E. Httpfer, Wroxeter, WANTED TO PURCHASE — pul- lets all breeds and ages four weeks Asp to 20 weeks. High prices paid, Write for full details. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. $2000—Bargain Cash, immediate sale, Wingham, solid brick 8 rooms, all conveniences, garage, garden, fruit. Apply Box 3, Advance-Times. NOTICE TO CREDITORS • All persons having claims against the estate of Edwin Gaunt late of the. Village of Whitechurch itt the County cif Bruce, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the thirty-first play of May,. A.D. 1943, are notified to send to 3. H. Crawford, Wingham, On- tairo, on or before the twenty-four day or july, 1943, full particulars of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said twenty-four day of July, the assets of the said testator will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrix shall then have notioe. Dated this sixth day of July A.D., 1943. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario Solicitor for the Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate. of Benjamin Smith late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Labourer, deceased, who died on or about the 26th days of June, 1048, are notified to send to 5. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-fourth day of july, A.D. I943, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said tweny.fourth day of PAY the assets, of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having 'regard only to claims of which the executrix shall then have notice. Dated this sixth day of July A.D„ 1943. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons . having claims against the estate of Margaret McLaughlin late of the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased who died on or about the twenty- fourth day of May, A.D., 1943, are notified to send to A. H. McTavish, Teeswater, Ontario, on or before the tenth of uly, A.D. 1943, full particu- lars of their claims in writing. Im- mediately after the said tenth of July the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entit- led thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. Dated this twenty-first day of June, A.D. 1943, A. H. ,McTAVISH, Teeswater, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, AUCTION SALE Of REAL ESTATE WROXETER, ONTARIO Belonging to the Estate of Mary Carmichael, deceased. Property locat- ed on south side of Mills Street being Lots' 7 and 8, Village of Wroxeter de- scribed as a two storey, red brick ven- eer six room house. Sale subject to existing tenancies. The undersigned auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell the above real estate by public auction for the Public Trustee on Wednesday, July 14th, 1943. This property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Terms—The purchaser shall at the time of sale pay a deposit of 10% of the amount of the purchase money and the sale shall be completed within thir- ty days thereafter when the balance of the said monies shall be paid. Sale commences on the property at 2.30 o'clock sharp. The Public Trustee, Thomas Fells, Osgoode Hall, Auctioneer, Toronto, Administrator of the Estate of Mary Carmichae, deceased. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Wells and fam- ily take this opportunity of thanking their friends and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy during their recent bereavement. Also to those who so kindly loaned cars and to Rev. W. A. Beecroft. WROXETER Miss Elsie Davidson, Newton, and formerly of the Continuation School staff here was a week-end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Douglas. Mr. Watt of Toronto, was a holiday visitor with Mrs. Watt and Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McKenney, Mrs, J. MacDonald, Mrs, Stewart and Mrs. Alex MacDonald all of Molesworth, spent Dominion Day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sangster. Mr. and Mrs, L, F. McLaughlin and spending a few days at their home here, Mr, and Mrs. J, L. Hetherington and Sharon Leslie are spending part 'Of their vacation with Mr. and Mrs, M. Sellers and other friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wheeler and Lloyd moved to their new home last week. They will reside on the Arthur Wheeler farm, Mr. Wheeler retiring on account of ill 'health, Mrs. J. IL Wade, F`orclwich was a week-end guest at the home of D. S. and Mrs, Maeblatighton, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bowker and daughter, Patsy, Toronto, also Mrs. Metcalf from Glenarman spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. f, Wylie, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Timtn and family, Mr, Dill Timm also Mrs, Lloyd Felker and children attended the Ged- elle re-union on Thursday tit the home of Mr. joint Gedehe Fordwielt. Rev. J, L. and Mrs, Poster also Mrs. Alvin Moffat were in Vordwich on Fri<lay evening attending the induttion of the Rev. Hugh goorehouse to the Fordwich and Ncwbridge charge. Rev. Mr. Johnston having retired from the active ministry and with Mrs. John- ston moved to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. N. Durst, Mrs, Mc- Kenney went to Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Watts and baby who have been. the guests of Mrs, McKen, ney returned home, Holy Commullion Service During morning service at the Unit- ed church which was conducted by the pastor, Rev, 3. L. Foster, Mr. Thomas Shearer was inducted tis an elder, taking the place of the late Mr. Robert Stocks, The sacrament of the and have lent a helping hand. Our loss is someone else's gain and we know you will do your ful part in another community, you Reifa, will be much missed in your war work, you Harry, will be greatly missed in the school. We ask you to accept these gifts as a remembrance from your friends. Signed on behalf of friends and neighbours. Harold Grant Eldred Nichol Mrs. C. Henning Mr. Grant and Mr. Nichol then presented an Electric Iron, a woollen blanket and pillow cases. iMiss Thack- er, then caled Lloyd Wheeler forward, June Felker reading the following ad- dress Dear Lloyd:— We your school chums and teacher wish you happiness in your new school. We are going to miss you in our work and play here, now we ask you to ac- cept this small token by which you are to remember us. Signed on behalf of your school chums and teacher. Little Billy Henning then presented Lloyd with a pen and pencil set, Lloyd making a suitable reply. All joined in singing 'For They Are Jolly Good Fellows," Another interesting feature of the evening was drawing a ticket for an Afghan made by the pupils. Little Jimmie MacLaughlin made the draw and Morrison Sharpin held the lucky ticket, The proceeds of th evening with the sale of tickets on the Afghan realized almost $60,00 which will be forwarded to Junior Red Cross, Lunch was served consisting of sandwiches and coffee. Dancing was enjoyed for the remainder of the even- ing. Annual Institute Picnic Mrs, Sangster gave the use of her home and lovely grounds for the an. nual picnic of the Women's Institute. The day was fine and more than 40 were present. The programme was conducted by Mrs. Harold Durst, as- sisted by other members of the com- mittee, Mrs. McKenney and Mrs. H. Wylie, Mrs. Thirst conducted a quizz contest. A candy and string contest was won by Mrs. George Newton. Mrs, Neil Carr made the nearest guess on a jar of beans. Mrs. Sangster won the graceful walking prize. The higlight of the programme was an address by Mrs. Leslie Ilethetinkton of Tortinto, on "Prenbe- Canada.'" Mrs, Itetheringtort who has spent several ewsonahle Requirements FROM Staintoils Harclware C V. Paint qt. $1.15 gal $3,95 "You can pay more but you can't buy better" Richmond Paint • , . qt. 75c gal. $2,49 Bug Finish (20-lb. bag) ,, . ... . , 60c King Special Bug Killer (50-1b. bag) $1.88 Maple Leaf Field Hoes, true temper $1.00 Hand Sprayers 29c, 39c, 50c, 75c Cattle Spray (128-oz. can) . $1.00 Unolene Cattle Spray (128-oz. can) $1.15 Stockaid Cattle Spray (160-oz. can) ... . $1.39 Roof Coating gal. 79c Hay Loader Rope lb. 30c Less than /4 cents a foot. Clean Your Furnace The Modern Way By — FURNACE VACUUM. No Dirt — No Dust W. J. Clark & Son The meeting of the Woman's Assoc- iation of the United Church, on Thurs- day afternoon, took the form of a pic- nic. The president, Mrs. Alex Mc- Cracken, presided for a short devotion- al and business session. Prayer was offered by Mrs. George Thornton and Mrs. George Fell read a passage of Scripture. Three new members were received:- The 72nd. psalm was read to commemorate the naming of (Air Dominion. Singing the- National An- them. and repeating the Lord's Prayer closed the meeting. Then all went to the church grounds and.enjoyed a pro- gramme of races and contests and a picnic lunch. Mission Band Presented Program The president, Mrs. R. Elliott, con- ducted the opening exercises' of the W. M, S. in the school room of Knox Presbyterian church on Thursday af- ternoon, followed by a program pre- sented by members of the Mission Band. The president, Margaret Mes- ser, presided and Nora Shaw, read the scripture lesson. Prayers were read by Frances Shaw, Ruth McKercher and Norma Moffatt. Recitations were given by Billy Robertson, Bobbie Mc- Murray, Doris McIntosh and Eileen McKinney, Billy and Bruce Robertson contributed a vocal duet and vocal numbers were sung by the Junior and senior members. Rev. E. G. Fowler gave an interesting talk on the archi- tecture of churches, mentioning in particular St Paul's cathedral in Eng- land and St. Peter's in Rome, • The Band has arranged to hold the bazaar on the afternoon of July 24th. Guests from a distance attending the Groves-Hall wedding on Saturday included, Mr. Earl Groves, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Westlake and Mr, Thom-i as Schbff, St( Catharines, Mrs, James 'Masters and Miss Hazel Masters, Parkhill, Miss Evelyn Masters, Reg. Nurse, Hamilton, Miss Louise Patton, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. Sparks and two daughters, Mrs. Hugh Cinnamon arid Mrs. 3. 13, Wildfong, Wingham, and Mr, and Mrs. G, Henderson, Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. James Peacoek, Mr. and Mrs, W, j. Johnston, Miss Emma Johnston, Mr, and Mrs. Edward John- ston attended the Johnston family re- union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey' 'Johnston near Walton on Sat. iirday. Mrs. Harold Harris and two sons of Mount Forest are with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs". Edward John- ston, And attended the lamity gathering, There were abbot fifty in attendance, with children in the foreground. At ire brother Paul. Mr. George Merkley has purchased close, of the meeting, the assistant the Orange Hall -and turned it into a leaders, Mrs. W. J. Johnston and Miss Curtis along with the members called 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. the pig pen. Miss Hazel Dickson of Toronto, and Miss M. Jeffray visited on Monday at James Darlings'. Mr. Orval Schurter of Walkerton, visited at the Hu,nkin home for a couple of days last week.,