HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-06-17, Page 2•.; IWItt TWO Wiugbiugk4oce-Timiti roub,44 WINWIAM c*trit.K0 .., ....y.t. .• ;,.... , ,.,,,., ,. „,..,,t :1•1 SINN fl,„..; -,, ‘,,, .,,,. eel-ere:el 1 tree teeeht to eeere eet tee.,-, ee:.,..444 /.7,..,, '-.:-.Jie malneeed te serenelele erre aril $, ix,„?.."; 71:„Afitt ,,,Ii ,...;xt.v.c.t., t Nt othgr, c.iita•Q mai.: ex.-..rild ..... r sosctipkim 44;114 vev v,(!oi .;:tx.ttes from the leibene!,-, tee:wee...le% trKe w4e i'qt+.1 CV.: 1>y Arty 1t4;eQn;., $tv„ vgAttcli, 4140 ixi, 44.0,40, i '-',1,V.; gave hien a neeet magniiezient 'll''' 114:"Peu.1.3- te' 1) t'eir• Ttw gia.i. ,..; c.„.1,7.. s, .A,„. witt. R,,,,,, yw. ni,1„,,..vitx in, tree lea.e.ereeke. „....4c.g,, :,47. tift1Tg" X1,....*act t'.?q• VICQ;rtit fQ; the.iv g.:,,:th,,tr ko:1 a.telea...etntly hes. teee eeeee. gpi:),.. 41K,';`. ."" Keeover Poet, ion es. tee did nt N httrki044 taXs. ow anlicapion, i le..e. ieteetiteu Actree keeveenolene's terox whqn 0,1.s. mi4ttvr t NPgiq. Oa Ra,mpa4,...e, At lianover } w4q. bro,leat a:). by ttlq eag.n. tp:N.rie.,e...7. A. enteeeal in:lel:eat which ml.e.;et 4,11, 1)QAV' Rm. Kr. cenane. Weaee 'ie. tee ei,..,t, hue en4ed seeieusly, took. pleeze up Tfre irk4reatdu4: iu/PQrt•ArKe Ql.' Air; think that the vote Iti peeee_e toe te.1., tetlim Qn Ttle:.:elaY afternoork when a, rcmor in the- WA* beeterees. elearer; I.)e.V* overSeee'e '' the ri41tt. wa.le qf. (1Q. ,. 'hz)nt bad a-Pi)3'71taY wa,.n&red naleb day. lei- ttne battle for 'runieia'., izt4 this bee/..teees, there is little doubt .4!QL,, 4(1, '*1.lbie,....,(", '1. 1.,.4ttir'e 1441'llg VUZ- Ali,es. 1,),..i•th stkirerior air power to! big Orat thi.S• Metiu,4. WEI k lksed as(t)Pe(4' IP; tft,?‘vf11, 4,ir:Q173 that of our enetne working in elosei the ProNieS 3,':e Thretr t.)Yer5.eaS and. the. :,."4.,""• ',."'1, '`4':,,,,,,,,sreY i("414',,i'v'e':, harmony with one other fortzes., iksgislatnN int 1.04,1 endorsed thhs. ',..,,--;,' *,',,,,- 7:::',"'e 4.,7,_"',,:4":Pe`4. t? t4''' broniebt the proud t.lortualet ..10ti ital.! -"'-erew,Y idea, Little 110, beqq eeeed ,e'. l't°15'.;.."‘ 4-4 "^ " 4 t,'`.34. WOCK ape gal, igns to. thei.... knees, e)0 Yrithee tine i'. tl' iQuer l?%ernier Mitehel/ Hep, ,"-. 49 the *ideWallt, re:shine: be - tittle. italian Qa::ivst ,x.' Pautellerial 1'4'11 Q'Z late. end it will be interesting tw.eee 411(1 t'rl'iY1'43. tw"°41"t Qrie .. , , , , ,.. , . t or whom was pu...-..-/' Ong a, peraMbulator. we. 1., ... . ,.0, . ,,. 4:,,,,r .54,,,,,, stibt,..44.1.4. to 44= t.,..) see It at, w..to ...as pouttes ttowtng 1,74k.1.4.... to tiw road axain, avz 1:1cli,se l • 2$ 4.4`-'141' 4.,sa,,Itt iw ne.q.:iy 34 44,ys. The thrPt,'4,• •ws-• lieitte- aetl whoee Utters 44Ozes- et' this. sznan island i',.!rtress , 3110. tilo. rieoPle (...1 this. provinee Wq!,t.. 4p 11V '7':'"1:i0444 its"- gallop tick. ,vwl. a/s,..? f.,,inunQt,s4 by tho ,..tom., ,,,.,,,, t q4 fo, ocza, cay 4.3,..tala. Ins. texin c.,i, : to its. stable. — Has/over Post. •••••,,,,FIRMO. f L ifitN wil' tako• any. pa.rt r lee eon - Navel seeps. bett tee white Flag was ,, ' e, Bureed By Gaeolizze Plunge, hoisted witewat eeound troope takiee, l't.,s,nt tQ ''''''74‘tc11 t'34. Q/"..'>116- tlevelol) On . :Its farm neat'• $t. Thomas. c'ol. Drew, )jr. Ford Sothern, Ntlastapr of the Rart in the ttsan''..t. .V.14..3.Sey-1-ix.,ris wa.rehoese here. bed a • . ree eppoeition leader is a. niagnifieient ee ; -.• Durin4 thk: PuSt mout'as the al': ' , ,.. ' ... thrt...eng and pa.inul experience while a4tivity o•vcr ette,m,y Nvritqry in eecaker, arean er much eeeertenee anti .4„;,4ting INIr. Jim FalliSi. this assistant. Europe has. inereased and these la-ge contr4a-e. He is titoroughly eouversant witil ow.. The,,, w.r. woll,n_ ..,,,_ Scee ra'..,,N a're gradually deetroyete , wit tl.'ae affairs of the province and , 014 car when an 'alat;tr'lic lisil't 1;11'm" thq. zaq;.aie q: z ,h,,,,q twit:es. an4 arc ;:.,. ,,„, , P a 1-N ea , lfo.t. on. ,ma.shea- ,At top of tile c..ar lg.:rating .,. , bcirti-ina: h..>pe to tile coutlucred nat- "a7r3r "NIX" -41 16.' ac-1:tbt-t in 4'mtl• 1-11' .4qsoline fumes. which almost envelop- -.'‘," 'I fit 'MI' ' .'ii.- 1!1.f'w3- been a member of :he Ontario ed the car in flaatee. The flametz 1244 squat eat; necessity Qf the other be Was '''$ Years e1,11' ' [Nett e:Ittinguislied by being smothered , branehee of the eerviee but ,,ele'''' nt."'" 44, During thnt tit.ne• ;viol eLj, bags, e,te., when Mr. Sothern enet. F.,/ieeellet t'he 'fl t) in22.)011;ant 3'18' 11.44 4 g"re4t "P.art4n11)" al .,111$' picked ua some of the bazs to uhrow _ „ 1 • . . paet that air :vowel- is ;,./:k tne in Allied '.1'4‘.• -•••il;o=llet in to oe- I . teen/ t. It appeaeee the bage ere steatee:y. Teat ol)t;ve-... untet 7,,,z eonze eonvereant with tho Pr'klent$. 'le still on fire, enough to ignite gasoline softeated up appears to he well under- ' `.vill fate' I'' will be a great battlealtlil fume:: whieh were Atill traaPed ineide stood' by reae, .1,1Itee -I- ev and as tee ' 't it' '""zlitli-'. soon we are told, i Mr, fetethern's right pant lege The ine lea:. eregresssee anti ee..az.e.otts• take pluee, there is an _tee/teed piae-e- 111..eteenettee. blistered, --- Harrieton Review. " e side ef his leg was badly burned and evente for eter: artillery :And 11fer/try.; re . ,.. but air power wed he used to- the i 3 g !. OM A.z.thur or Wtiette Play leaele P. BuschIene ert old A.rtitur -.1! bey end gretleate of the A.Ii.S., !lee follawing literary pursuits U1 Lofl s- . .7 e.; elngeles for eozne time, He is the - X_ le writer of a oiay whieh le eitartly tO ; 71,0 R. -educed in New Y.ork. — Art/um WINGIIAls1 ArwANctaums ketztieal: geehetieg el'eves 1$493e weee I'eleeeeesd tee t'ee Atertenee.: Ike:see:1e `; eeetieeet tIee tfreiverette Kart: 1-1..*•as;:. t!?-ree tr'e i;Jas.s. micre v..txtttect... S'weple Over Pam heve ene.....„!:, trageee '..ezeeeeeet. eeleen tee; girete. orel. reseee.ee oe. t..fte t.tattt"i„s. tett stadet.en lezet, eveee • • .aNamie • been veteee. 3t:t.' 414 tae ctrrent fullest extent r„tos.s:h:e. QLRtO SQ. -QX?• 4iSpat.61 1..roitto says timt Quiaeio Iaaee eletnikee •.)iJule 27. It has. been :14nCitire,A1 that as soon the ..)roxy ,.-Qte can lae taite,n treer- ; N-aws seas Qntaria lecide on its 4overn- Has Preetieed Thttr :Fifty 'Yearese YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Ou.r. in Zmanattl+ atiort te,ab',..e4 us to giv,eyoxx clear. ComFortah.t VIston F F HOMUTR tgmetrist Harriston t• eine advantage of ree eresent fe:e weefiter tee try wad reel,. N." eeereZetten.; • • • t::::e• senving of t"Tee• flax traeteee were beley eta kteGete; feeett •the nertleerr. eerren:lty eef the 1 virege. Tee! •Ceneeeny Lee tine eet'zee •':;. farm andee keeet. Sttenderd. hie decieion• to ae.te dae previrefial 9.-4V4.suer .$ dte...t..rttr,t'ttt t*.,:t revoke the rieettee Q Bervie ea:tee eetee time 4.S ie provided. The decision/ was reeeheet alter a feared eeeSton Q. ur which *even. young men, ie.= Kinea.rd!ne,. Tiverton axtd Riversda!e were cQ/altics. tea of ereeting dieterbanee there on May 2$ eta 2$ and one was freed err the some charge, — .Kineartliete News, laildenay'S Teieenne Dividemt The MildIzzay. MunicipeI treaeurer title week received a eliesetzeQF - 42:01. f.ront the. Outerio Lieettoe Corte • reed Board, which a.tnount re.peesente per. cent a' the dieted autherikv tem ollected, by the. Beard from the two "Miltimay 1ZQtel, Milelmay Gazette. Tacks SteeVezt tete Main Street Me.. Chris.. Luker, etaker at the Exeterpost office,, deserves the thanks of many motorists for a good, deed' done. Someone,, malieiouely or other'. wise, had dropped, 'ewe taeles ote the Pamentent just outside :le poSt oifitte. They were fairly well sew:tered. U. Luker's attentiOn wee ealled to them andwith beeene. and dueeean Ile gethe ered them up. There, were eueneh to fill a Small. box. t was aeound.ix o'cle•ck in the. e.verting. We- haven't heard ef any- tires being punctured bete there were enough nicks ecettered, -round to giVe- quite a few tnotori.ets a naety- headaelte, — Ener Thues Advocate, Molested on Mildinay Street A young lady- ottats, vtilai;.,e was returning :tome when site was attack., ed by ebeee. vine youths, who- were hiding on.the roadside. The assail, ants-, !Mew that- tbis. girl weuld be im.s- seng that way- on her way time and. their attack, wae carefully pIa.ntted The matter b been reported to the Pence and it iS expected that they will he faded with a serious eharge. The three offendersare well !mown here. —Zeildrnay Gazette rnent for the nese few years, Some Dr F. 5, Bureows wae in Toronto mageeteate Would ciszse, DatlOe Tian Traetora 14V-Oirtt, On Qnt Far= „„ • . • . people concnr with this. idea ae. our ea t erten ire .nt.mhers cr+ F. 1A, . Waller announced The Gordon Flax, Company are telt- itr its report to shareholders reveals - Hip rectured Archie Ballitte. Herrieten, fe::ctt'11 sidewaflitinfrentuE Warde Titari.)-er t113`.1. fractured t lain. He wee taken re eat!' leerne of Iets deetehtee, Ure. Pave (lettrare Leg Badly Sealded Uiss,Iittyfieoghan, eldest dangle ter' of Pe:strizaetee add Mrs. A. I. lieu -ghat; was the vietim of a. painful miehap whieh ehe received a badly 'scalded leg. Betty wae engaged in. eleaning, a. quart sealer and, unaware of any dareger, peured boiling water into the jae• with the reiult Plat the bottem droppect out end the scalding liquid spilled over her leg. Walker- tott Herald; Times. Leaving Ludenerve. Nerenan. S Calvert who has. been .ort the Lucknow high schoel etaff. Tor the past 1.01 years, has resigned, to accept a. poeition- on the stall of the Pads seltoctl. Mr. Calvert was- the third resignation from the. staff ]erre4 liPCSe% Wrer-liect Cat- • anotori'st and laver passengers f.rcarr. Clinton- narrowly eecaped serioue injury when a. car was ditched in order. to, avoid two horses. wandering on 'SQ. 4 highavey a mile south at LAIMUT. In- formetion, received by Highway Tref- fie Offiter Harry. Lemon who investi- gated wee., that a car drives/ by Wilbur Glidden of Clinton- was gaing north when teliddensaw one horse in the centre- of the rote:rand another nearest the east ditch. ' He. chose dle east diteh, rather than. try to. stop. or take the far side of the road. Ni persons, were inhered and the Car was fairly exteneively dumaged lanee. Crash In Mid-air A collieion f two Anson bombere in, mid -ah- over. the Bruce Peninsula few days ago qualifies for the nar- .:rowesqueakeof-the week department or none or the crew of either plane wa hurt,. both machines. making eale, f landinge., one at Pert Albert ern! the ther at: Mount lierpe, in Hamilton. Both bombers were feenzz. Mount. Hope and were. on regular exereise , wnen thetail ruder of one was struck !by the wing tip of the other., Godekik Elev.ator Profit $73;5141 Goderich Elevator and Transit Co. Thursdsy, June FARMERS: Do You Need Money? ICARM PRODUCTS are a first -essential in the I' United Nolione* drive for Victory. Cartada's fanners have met this &Along. ancl are doing everything possible to still further increase their production of hogs, beef, poultry, and, dairy products. lif„, to carry outYOUR programme, von need ra017,e72, Oa arta discuss your needs on your xtext trip to town. We welcome applications oris resporisibie fanneas for loons to Immo* pzotataction. ,THE DOMINION BANK ESTAS4.1.12:gp 2E11 WI:ugh= Branch — G. C. Cammage, Manager SIX net profit for the year ending March J1 et $73,5/13.7R, after payment of 471,- 30a in income and emcess pEn taxes. Dividettds of 75. cents r.:er share re- quired $.63,004. Balanze Esurprue account was. increased $79,,058, by da:on of $1.0,a06 trem. profit aril Lass and $.6.3.551 over -provided in excess profits taxes during 1940, 1941 and 124.2. Current assets are !ted at $354,- 304 and current liabilitieeat $75,710., leaving working. capital at $2.74,594 compared with $1.80,277 a year ago. ST. HELENS Bora — At the Stratford. General; Hospital, en Wednesday, Tune Z to Mr. and Mrs. Neely Todd„ a son.; totrtiqrtf... FL DON'T MISS YOUR NAME!' in any Qf the 4dit4rtis1tuellt,Qn thia, paa4 you, win receive TWO WAR SAVINGS: STAMPS. FREE NHEATING,. C ark, Sew:gory, Plumbing, Heating,: anoint& Tinsatithiug and Illavetroughing .ceees.e. ImplettientS, Me.c.f.rie. Wasg Machines R.ess 141 PHONES 2eeej guy. Plumbing,. Heating Ventilating, Theemitieng, Ir 'old Lead Pie =4 /fittings lite4tric. Walkers wi OXTON DAIRY luta Dairy Bar QUALITY rATR!a 2,41ire PROMICTS Visit Out MODERN' DAIRY BAR "Mane ed 1c *tea" Vtiotae �, wingttam, Ont. Buy War Savings Stamps, %.14.,4,q• 1.1, 2'eeeteeate HOE ST LeA.D.W.$ PLAYTIME :5}OE$ mreP4. Leather wati Wocctiko Dunlop's Shoe Store Snoceesor to W., 3, Omer EAN NG F'RESSING ITAGE Dry Cleaners qtri4a, rrY tR CLIWIllia Mates Ready -Made I.Otiling and 1:Nkfrti*bings" Mercury LadieS' litteierY 2Osee`hine Ste Phone 172. TY PALOU rsonality Btautr $6910' at USH Ladies 'Near uk„T.zod. aperatpr iiirrt Liats Of 7:fea1ty Chita -re. one 33 SOscollint $t. MBER COAL WIth Tittotitg 1 I QUALrrif PASTEUR-, ZXZ AIRY PRODLIM We Ptonlpt and C..*ten Setvikt rp.foot ;*.ta !?tetnee VilaWatkv" umunr Dealtsstt Clg, tack minots 3•14i riltte, loom hailers Eamr, 1404:041 ItAftg Prs*CtiOltir in At iloine The business people bt. every coranumity:pay a large percentage of: thelocal taxes;, their stocb, armt $te 1t the ciKtert* mut viato.r* whether the town. fs a proa:ressiVe nunticiperity or- ia in the clohliums.:., T.he. Wham merchants acIvertising- onthis arta other pageS of this paper, are doing. their utmost diming these crilicat. day. t promote the- interests of the town by stocking. such goosla is are available, They are therefare entitleti to -your support anti h.y- supp.orting them you are belting yourself ault Giaaeline and : tiro* ore, pmciiIusat this.;- 14mb:re; 30 you,. cart save haft by- eking Your shoPpiog right In: man instances- prices are controlled:, so., there ia a.oUtailY no object im spending money for trsnsportatiom GROCERIsES GEa. OLVER Gro.‘Tries, Aite.at, Frealr Fruits a Vegetables- ThatAre AlWays- Fresh And Reasonably Priced XtXZ 110 Itfse-PktitW CARMICHAEL'S North -End Grocer $.1IPERXCIfk $T0fM ChOiOe Orecaries Proviti6net Fruits togeublts PreshPiPreski 04010,f1 Meat 13 Wingbanr,. Oat* FEZIS :a411; Limited ▪ AIf non' aERVICZ 0.U0 1-01=St AND Vt.OUR* NO It0/4/0INO NXT XXN0 TON- icat C� Z.. Cf. OPtornetrist For ()Vex ZS. Year PILONE- at R4.- Appoitittnent CREAMERJES 1-0LMDALE CREAMERY (W M DAVIS) CASH BUYERS: OF Cream - Egos PtralttY Phone 9,41( Whigliarn Truck Service- cREAst POULTRY MOS' Unit Farmers comverottive No* VA MUG; STORES Protect Your Woolens! A complete stock of Garrheztt Rags,. Moth Fumigants. and Moth Proofing Liquids at Mho's, bug Star MeAvoysDrugStore NYal Quality Store. Eneu am scarce. — 're insure getting the best results. with them leave the at MiAVOy'S for deveiopinge printin' g or enlargements, PILIONt: (David Hogarth). Pilot Officer and Mee. T. P. Wil - who have been at ,Portage La Prairie, Man., are visitors with Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Miller and with rela- tives at Whitechurch, The June meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the Community Hall, with the vice president, Mrs. Harold Gaunt in the chair. The roll call was responded to by "How I stretch ney sugar ration." Mrs. Gord- on read a poem "Housewivee" and. Mrs. Ward read one "Out Pi Fug". The report of the District Annual held at Clinton, was read by Mrs. Thorn. It was decided to sell tickets on a War Savings Certificate. It was agreed to continue having lunch at the meetings with each one bringing some. FREE! • AlilnimmoN../.••••••••1•11-. THE PLAN IN A NUTSHELL Each week there will appear in the advertisements On fti; page; tile names an addresses a: people; residing in the Wing:haat Distzdet..- Shindy locate your name in one of the advertisements, clip, out the advertisement an present it to the Advance -Threes Office on -or .• before- the foil -awing Thursday and yea will receive Two. wAR. SAVINGS STAMPa PREM.; 41•111101•1•1k. STATIONERY Mason & Son Booksellers & StatialettrS- Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles Fancy Guar/S, Gift China — Tobaccos - Magazines. — Phones 781 - 78W Winghaut AUTOMOBILE SERVICE Fiarniture- Undrtng AL ALKER •••••••.., Quality Furoiture Funeral Director OFFICE RES. 108. PaculEs LADIES' - MEWS W • STOP AT• Bert Armstrong's B. k Service Statical Your Car ,5'etNicett„, TurtedI and Lubricated by EXPERT ME MAIMS Conserve Year car by Having I1 Inepected Lubricated' at Regular Intetvale, We utgoutly, ativisn eta* ifis- spection andselection! a. youtt. Weareliappy•- - teartiattnntg: that.. one: attack:it gobd. 'and in anue instnnets:: pattseir our usual JEW Staudhrtt qoaitiy and: Sfyiing, ) Asephitte St, %Indian, t MERKLEY'SGara AutlioriZed Service Nitci400,- Terraplane xeptlit$ Au Makes, of Cum Shell' Gasoline' /?4, TOwing, Storege Tosephitte Ste Whturte Ont..VIkQEW REAV1E pith yeen el.titteltniabile;ft Tip..Top, Shape using ram Modern: Method, of CarlazO*, etot toititert. $traite4: leliteitelle \\Ingham. GIBSON'S BAKERY /4=AD - CAE:BM PAVRY. •ALL Intit AAIttil0 TOWN WIDE: ntlaVbfIr Wc.latikelhe TO A_ Vadat* Net ilituits.TO. &Prieto. Metgarre:•fit..: Outfit Tim; 1ntlt nni1Ate EfADER DRY GOODS, litIEN14d atintairtaws•liv.traur noterg- a, mow Latliett end Childtent Whit She* lima to now etleggetee tar*, JOE 'WORK Our Specialty, Advance . Times myna, • •