HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-06-10, Page 8Two Shows Saturday Night. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 10, 11, 12 PAT O'BRIEN . BRIAN DONLEVY — In — "Two Yanks At Trinidad" An Action Picture. Also "Short Subjects". Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 14,,15, 16 SPENCER TRACY KATHARINE HEPBURN — In — Keeper Of The Flame" An Unusual Draina. Also "Cartoon" We Sell The Seeds That Grow STILL TIME TO PLANT HYBRID CORN Can be planted as late as June 25 606 Hybrid Seed Corn will mature in 90 days; will produce a heavy tonnage in this area. 355 Hybrid Seed Corn will mature in 75 days. We also have 645 and 531 in stock. All priced $6.00 per bushel. Turnip Seed, Purple King, Perfect Model, Can- adian Gem ... .. . . — lb. 85c Sorghum Seed . „ „ . „ „ 10c lb. Sudan Grass . . . ..... . ........ 10c lb. Rape Seed lto 15 lbs., 25c per pound 15 to 100 lbs.. . ..... ... „ . 23c pound TIME TO PAINT UP C. V. Paint * "You can pay more but you can't buy better". Quarts . $1.15 Gallons .... $3.05 RICHMOND HOUSE PAINT "Really a Good Paine' Quarts — 75c Gallons . , $2.49 RICHMOND ENAMEL 1/4 pints to clear , 15c Yz pints . 25c Quarts „ 85c Gallons .... $2.60 TAINTON frDWARE 41111111111111.1111111111111.11111111 .1n 1111010INIt YOU'LL FEEL $6.9514, KING'S PHONE 161 FREE DELIVERY — AT -- Smith's Economy Food Store KELLOGG'S RICE FOUR O'CLOCK KRISPIES ..... ..... 2 pkgs, 27c BLACK TEA ..... 1/4 -lb. 40e CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S HIGH GRADE THICK SAUCE ....... bottle 25c REX COFFEE ........... lb. 53e IN TOMATO SAUCE s Clover Leaf HERRING IL" 18c JAVEX A CONCENTRATE btl. 15c SHOE POLISH tin 10c LASCO HAWES PASTE CLEANSER „ ,..“ 3 tins 15c FLOOR WAX . “ ... 1-1b. tin 47e STOKLEY'S FANCY QUALITY Honey-Pod PEAS 2 Tins 270 TIP TOP FANCY TOMATO MAPLE LEAF PURE JUICE 20-os. tin 10c Tenderflake LARD ..... lb. 20c NEILSON'S JERSEY VELVEETA OR CHATEAU BRAND COCOA 1-lb. tin 29c CHEESE 1/4 -lb, pkg. 21c Mrs. Luke's Sweet Mixed Pickles 27-oz, jar 29c Mrs. Luke's Pickled Beets r 27-oz. jar 29e PRONTENAC WHITE (70's) PARISAM WAX SERVIETTES ..„,:. 2 pkgs. 25c PAPER ROLLS, 100-ft. , 25c SARI WIME TOILET HOUSEHOLD PAPER TISSUE —..,.....,....-- 4 rolls 25e TOWELS ......,.........,„,. 2 rolls 25c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CALIVORNIA ORANGES .... LEMONS —, GRAPEPRIIIT LETTUCE. ‘..- CARROTS ,--- RAI)/SII — ASPARAGUS RIPE TOMATOES TILLY'S NU-BLACK PAGE EIi WINGNAU ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, June 10th, 1943 church this Thursday at the Church. 'All are invited to conic. Mr, and Mrs. David. Currie. cele- brated the forty-mintit anniversary of their marriage on Sunday at the home of their slaughter, Mrs. Russel Gaunt. Born—In East NVawanosh, on Wed- nesday, June 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs, Lawrenee Taylor, a daughter, Ruth Ann, Mr. and Mrs. john Falconer and • Marjorie, Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer visited with relatives at •Thamesford. on Tuesday last and attended the Y. P. Bible Student Graduation exercises in London that evening. Mr, and Mrs. Ins. Laidlaw received a cable from their son, Pte. Elroy Laidlaw last week stating that he had arrived safely in England, Born—In Wingham General Hosp- ital on Thursday, June 3, to Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, (nee Catharine Mowbray), a son, James McKenzie, Many in this district were' sorry to learn of the passing of the four- months old little daughter, Meryle Joy, of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stewart of S. Kinloss. She-passed. away after a short illness from pneumonia, on Tuesday last'and was buried in S. Kin- loss Cemetery on Friday, with Rev. Mr. Dann having charge of the serv-; ice. Taking advantage of the Health Service for school children, the trus- tees,.Aldin Purdon, Gordon Elliott and Herbert Laidlaw, of U.S,S, No. 14 of W. and E. Wawanosh each took a car-load of school children to Luck- now, to Dr. Little where the thirteen pupils had cavities in their teeth fil- led at an average cost of $3 a pupil, and with the Department of Health paying 30% and the section 70%, All agreed that it was .a good thing to have done.. This was acocmplished through the Farm Forum of the Fed- eration of Agriculture. . Mr and Mrs. Calvin Robinson and Miss Ruth Robinson of Windsor, spent last week with East and West Wawanosh relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John McInnis and three sons of Langside, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Don't forget the Anniversary Serv- ices to be held in Whiteohurch United Church on Sunday next, with Rev. G. H. Dunlop of Belgrave as special speaker. Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m, Mrs. Gordon Rintonl and Leroy of St. Helens, visited over the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Purdon. Mr. 'W. R, Farrier has bought the house and lot owned by Mr, Eli Jacques in the village. Mr. Jacques expects to have a sale of his hotise- hold effects next Tuesday and then Mr. and Mrs. Farrier will get posses- sion. Quite a number from here attended the Federation picnic at the Lions Park, Seaforth, on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leaver, of To- ronto, spent the week-end with friends here, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw, who have been stationed at Fingal, moved this week to Ottawa, where he will work on constreetion work at Camp. Miss June Irwin. of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin, Mrs. Harold Sperling, Wingham, spent Sunday at the home of her brother, Mr. Milian Moore and all visited at Lucknow with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Henderson, to welcome Mr. Lloyd Henderson and his bride, Mrs. A. M. Kirk has been visiting during the past week with Mrs. Robt Carnochan of Seaforth. Mrs. Will Conn and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn and daughter, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Johnston of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Purdon spent Sunday at the home of :their daughter, Mrs. George Tiffin, Langside, and Mr, and Mrs, Jack McIntyre and Grant and Billie spent Sunday with his par- ents, air, and Mrs. Dan McIntyre of Langside, Miss Velma Scott leaves here this Thursday • to take her basic training with the WRENS at Galt, The best wishes of the people of this community will follow Miss Scott, who is the second girl from here to join the forces. Miss Scott was presented with a beautiful cerise dressing gown by the Women's Institute on, Tuesday, spossizszspimsisso lliall Baptist Church Rev. John Lucas, Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 6th Services; 11 a,m, and 7.30 p.m, the Pastor will speak at both services, 10.30 a.m. Sunday School. All are invited, WE SERlig PATTISON Radio Service Phone 171 Westinghouse • RADIO TUBES FOR 'AB I ,T T'S BEST NEW SHIPMENT of English Pipes Received $1.25 & $1.50 Omar Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP held on June 27th, and necessary ar- rangements made. Mrs. W. Brydges was in charge of the program. The roll call was responded to with a favourite . Proverb. A paper on Friendship was given by Mrs. W. VanCamp. A short sewing period was held and lunch served.. United Church W. M. S. and W. A. The United Church Women's Mis- sionary Society and Women's As- sociation met in the church basement with a splendid attendance, The Missionary meeting opened with the president, Mrs. J, Wheeler in the chair and leading in prayer followed by God Save the King, and a, hymn. Minutes of the May meeting and the treasurer's report were read by Mrs. G. Martin and Mrs. J. Miller. - Clothing was received• for the bale which will be packed at an early date. Visits to the ,sick were reported, Mrs, J. Michie and Mrs. E. Wight- man were appointed to conduct the devotional period at the July meeting. It was recided to have a play present- ed by a group from a neighbouring town in the near future. Visits to the sick were reported. Mrs. J. Michie and Mrs. E. Wight- man to conduct the worship service at the July meeting. At the conclusion of the business, Mrs. R. Chamney and Mrs. A. Vincent conducted a fine worship service based on the theme—What is the truth about the Japanese Canadians? Mrs. G. Martin gave the Bible reading and Mrs. Vincent led in prayer. A dialogue illustrating the theme was presented by Mrs. Vincent, Mrs. Chamney, Mrs. J. 'Michie, ,Miss. Shirley and Mrs, R. J. MacKenzie. Prayers were offered by Mrs. J. Miller, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. E. Anderson. The monthly offering was received and the meeting closed with- prayer by Mrs. Chamney. The Women's Association meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Stewart Procter and opened with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer. Min- utes of the May meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. C. Procter and ad- opted, Mrs, J. Anderson gave the financial standing. A congregational social evening was planned to take place shortly. The collection was taken' and the meeting closed with the benediction. Sunday Services In the United Church Sunday morn- ing, the service was conducted by the pastor, Rev, G. IL Dunlop, who took his sermon from the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican. Service in Trinity Anglican Church was .held at 11.30 a,ni. as it will be throughout June and July: Holy Communion was observed with the rector, Rev, P. Streeter in charge of the service and concluding his series of sermons on "The Life GEORGE WILLIAMS JEWELLER First Class Watch Re. pairs at Moderate Prices Alt work guaranteed and done On the premises. 'mortal." Service was withdrawn ilt the Pres- byterian :Church owing to Anniversary Services being held in Calvin Church, East Wawanosh, Mission Band To Hold Tea The Happy Hearts Mission Band of the' United Church met in the school room during the hour of service with the leader, Mrs, T. B. Johnston in charge. The president, Audrey McGuire, conducted the . meeting. God Save the King was followed by a hymn and prayer by Nora Cook. There was an attendance of 27. Muriel Anderson read the scripture. A short story entitled "Soldier Susan" was read by Lloyd Anderson, Min- utes of the last meeting were read by Florence Cook, Audrey and Muriel Anderson sang a duet. It was ,decided to hold a tea on the first Saturday in July. Margaret Procter and Edna Hig- gins were appointed to arrange pro- gram for the next meeting, The story from the study book, We Worship Together" was given by Audrey McGuire. The meeting dosed with a hymn and the benediction, Women's Institute The "Agriculture" meeting of the Women's InsTitute will be held' Tues- day, June 15„ at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs, Rae Crawford. Conveners of . program: Mrs. J. M. Coultes, Mrs. N, Higgins. Address, Mrs. James Michie, Roll Call, How we store our vegetables for winter. Current Events by Mrs. N. Keating. Questionaire an agriculture, conducted by 'Mrs. N. Higgins. The report of the District Annual will be given,. Lunch Com- mittee, Mrs. G. Higgins, Mrs. N, Hig- gins, Mrs. J. M. Coultes. All the ladies of the community are invited to attend. Report Of District Annual Given The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Institute was held' in the school room of the United Church, on Tuesday afternoon. The president, Miss Jean Elliott in the chair. After singing the opening Ode and repeating the Lord's Prayer, the roll .was called, and answered by telling "Why I am a member of the Woinen's Institute". The financial statement showed a bal- ance of 825,00 after sending $5;00 for sugar for jam for Britain, and paying Federation, District and Convention fees. The delegates to the District Annual gave interesting and compre- hensive reports of the meeting. Miss Duff gave a paper on Current Events. Underwent Operation Bernard Lillow is a patient in .the General Hospital, Wingham. Bern- ard was seized with an acute attack of appendicitis on Sunday afternoon and an operation was performed on Mon- day: His condition is favorable. - George Love is in Toronto this week atending the funeral of a rela- tive. Miss Berea Hewitt and Miss Marg- aret Love of Toronto, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton and family before going to St. Catharines to :assist through the fruit season. Mr. and Mrs, William Cole, Mrs. Neil Montgomery and twins Jack and Jill, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith of Kitchener. Martin Grasby, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. James Coultes, visited Sunday with Mr, and, Mrs. Cecil Armstrong of Thorndale. Mrs. J. M. Cottltes, Mrs. G. Hig- gins, Mrs. C. Procter, Mrs, C. R. Coultes and Mrs. N. Keating, attended the District Annual meeting 'of West Huron Women's Institute in Clinton last week. ASHFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Albert Helm, '12th, con., near Zion, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Jim MacKay, near Tiver- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bray, Detroit,' spent a few days last week with their cousins, Mrs, John Mullin, near Bel- fast and Mr. Robert I\Tason, near Kin- tail, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Hunter, Zion, spent Sunday evening with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. John Campbell, of Belfast, Mr. and Mrs, Mason Robinson, near Donnybrook, spent Sunday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A, Cameron, 10th eon. BLYTH Mr. and Mrs.'.Leslie Hilborn visited their daughter, Mrs. Ed, Taylor at Stratford. Mr. Ray Dobbyn left for London this week where he has Secured a position with the Civil Service Com- mission. Glen Tasker who has been stationed at Calgary, has beets tranferred to Kingston. Mrs. Alberta Bender and Miss Lillie Carr of Toronto, attended the funeral on Tuesday of their brother4n-law„ 11/fr. Robert Wightman, Mr. Prank Carr of Ingersol was also in attend- anee. Um Cloy l Wettlaufer left on Wed= itaday for Edmonton, Alberta, where • WHITECHURCI-I Trooper Robert J, Ross of Camp Borden, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ross. Miss Emma and Miss Myrtle Day and Mr. Walter Day of Teeswater, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ross. Pte. Alfred Mason and Lloyd Mas- on of the R.C.O.C., at Camp Borden, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mason and Troop- er Kenneth Mason left on Friday after spending a two-week furlough at nis home here, Mrs. Wm. Robinson spent the week- end at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Kilpatrick of Lucknow. Successful Anniversary Services were held on Sunday at Calvin church with Rev. A. H. Wilson having charge of the service, assisted by Rev, G. H. Dhnlop of Brick church. Serv- ices in the Presbyterian church here were withdrawn for the day. • .AC. Gordon Allee of Port Albert, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Rev. Mr. McCleary of the Bible Society from London, was pres- ent at the 8 p.m. service in the United Church here on Sunday and gave a very interesting talk on the work of the society. He told of Bibles being printed this year in four new trans- lations, with a circulation of seven and with all givings increased, even Coventry doubling their giVings since being bombed. The aim of the Society is to share the Scriptures with all peoples, in all lands, and to pre- pare for the great demand that will come in foreign lands at the conclu- sion of the war. Mr. McCleary show- ed pictures of the devastation of the House of Commons and Westminster Abbey and other noted places in Lon- don through bombing, After the clos- ing of the service, Mrs. Mowbray. was elected as President of the Society in this community, as Miss Merle Wil- son, former president, is away and Miss Annie Kennedy was appointed as secretary. Mr. Jack Gillespie of Centralia, spent the week-end here with his wife and other relatives. Mr. Armstrong of Teeswater, who bought Mr. W. R. Farrier's farm, sold it to Mr. and Mr's. Louis Dalton of Belgrave, who moved there on Mon- day last. We welocme Mr. and Mrs. Dalton to the community, Mr. Eli Jacques and Mr. and Mrs. George Jacques and Sons of Preston, spent the week-end at the formers home here. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Graham of Mt. Forest, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke of Lucknow, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Robt. Carrick. The ladies of the W.M.S.' of Brick United ChurCh are entertaining the ladies of the W.M.S. of 'Westfield, Belgrave, Donnybrook and White- BELGRAVE Anglican Ladies Guild The Ladies Guild of Trinity Angli- can Church held their June meeting at the home of .Mrs, John McGill, Hey. P. H. Streeter opened the meeting with a short worship service. The president; Mrs. R. • McCrea, took the chair for the business period. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Ws. It Procter and adopted, Mrs. C. Wade gave the financial report. Plans were made for cleaning the church in the near future. Donations Were made to the Birthday Copper Contest. Talent, money and monthly fee were paid. Announcement was made regarding he anniversary services which will be her husband is stationed in the air- force. Mr, Grant Johnston, of ,Goderich, is visiting some days with his sister, Mrs. Gordon Elliott. • Mr. and Mrs. Ken Whitmore, cele- brated the fifteenth anniversary of their wedding on Monday, That many years of wedded bliss may be theirs is the wish of all. Miss Betty Campbell will leave on Sunday for Toronto, where she has secured a position with a law trust company. We are pleased to see Mr. Baxter McArter on our 'streets on Tuesday, following his lengthy illness. May he continue to improve is the wish of all. &