HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-06-10, Page 2PM*: Two Winghon AdVAIIICO*M1011 1obliohe4 ttt WINOltANE MAIM But kt ue not beeome etimplacent about this matter as inuott damage is being done itt tide metier itt the tiltt Land, and metty lives. ate beim/ ,„„ lost 311t1 many are Made hontelees, Subscription Rue one NM* fumy Tin, non is not attemptieg latex, scale Itielithal $140 ht atItsnot aid„ .41 the ttla Comate, but inekee ro XL S. A., $2,50 pot you. \Oat c,tlica peisanee raids. Voreigt tAto, OA per you. Theee adds, thottnh fete inetiective Ativortioing ritto on sopliotion, tTht ALL sAtzta NOT SM..% \\awe we war wink, N0A1'N 011111 -WI' Wrm in 11n, 11A1M1 of wrililinn Nollit, tom, st the Briaish Isles stilt si4att as vompared le the pasting th.,. Germane inR, do a 130t ilitti1.1.146, the war peogreeses we beetene more avenstonted to eatiotts war ectivities„ ilia lk tett let the, go too tareeour nf tee eettool vaeation With au Im1/4•10. WhO eolialbgt'd NIOle in A #1113.0 .0,mm% ftntatio tewn, ike zoite) 1,41iVer MIK boys we had. dentine opibione aboet Nome %It the ettneee thief woo, on about the Nivea, Vow tliat eme mellowed a bit we tan we that ie wtoet Nees mtele tiOtt and that vin inn& M\111100 lit fin' iaea that A fihihNit thing tO, tweets, eetwesn es and th,,fituL * * * DLOOD DONOR CLINCS As this article ie being Printi'ill Men WO111O11. are aivitte, their blood tit the elan hall hear, that the lives /If eotrie saiiors, sobliors or &de- nim may bewssavee, °rho, vcopk, are doing a ver,Y intleortant wt work. Mit Cantiliar With the nee. leave tier eeste eeevipts fee tbs. eay, .•ettey of heving these elinies. For the ens eals teat was portents les y„..ileses thV haek of the ',tote Ile ffeettld tteNe hv leitve the Monte, there that ttwant businos. wonht tavvy it paw4,:!,. sntaeh WI bill*, mnelt damage. Of ksoursi., POITtil all With Ow NItlkAhin "Wit\ infortuation of any who are in this elase we wish to PASg kln this brfor. minion whielt was contained in OM isNln, Oi OW Red Cross jourual, write G11%4,04111 Rot cr,,ss has 4001 asked by the Government to raise its quota of blood to MOM ttotiatiotvi a 1100 4 N.:.'0 At Alrf' Well here wife the week itt 194. "w ree`vrd week le' 43nswtm.. .e),,, ,,,,,h, ,, ii„, 0,,,,,i ‘,1,a dm:, is S,t147 donntiom; from Mareh 112. 'the boeles eottle Ite ;;.4\1‘4 ih 0,3:;3 of : 27, and ain0 On tht weelely don - sit ,A,Milvw: i3 this Li,,A, ,rh,.. safc, AtiOnS has. fallen below 11,909. This ie aambineitae was lies" saenss ,,,,ss „al ,..otle: iseetethitele, ot oar eourttry's oh - tight otd oh the :safe lioor lettole butts teetwe and many utore .genetoos t'Att- v, eava on whiok les following. was adianat /oust voloutter it ne Are to wttttcn, 'This sak not loAcct kttP tht blooa 1.)4‘k btinutting." aocs not comma arty mou‘3%),, The need ie grat And ,tiviNh to 01)(11 A jusi, /um ow Nook., tivt. flouetione art Items:etre- to make 4,111 titc. ,t„ tiot \\,<, ohe trAtt,ingot, YeNit 1111.11k of a Vero prompted to WI this smo As WO i'Aril\l° w4Y "s4" 4 Ilk?" tivig Ow. tonom,ilir!;34 ibt Atth. R. in. seeeeyeeeekteteeleeefeoweemeetweameeneeeel TiodAle eAlle off A/elates leteio re,: MN% %WI 1'410,0,14y 4,1‘isilK 1113Oin Vitt Eilk WO 1q0110: MAN* A D110 Of SOAN, 433ViSt's, 111001 V"n• sitg4,Z0,s11011 i' 10, Rotel 11101Wy ihv Sak, atel )eaw t",.,\A dom. naloeked so that tee tarn Alms ,414,,), kskvA this Aitholll NEWS of the DISTRICT 4 'tl.0.10 zz.uut,,Iiiult 3490111kWAV0130e0i*illtMii,011,341A30.013,11,3111,030ktOorintiveNtyl,f, tttty,a13,alatits- haw btort 110t CIVA,Ut 1141.111,00ns, 10 31:•011.1.1.i. Mt& 1.110,n1AS Of Centralie, ato I eione A 'NA S'11.\‘‘‘S, th0 til'!41111`0& (it,4111OrstA, * WAN badee sauca bcn s..otoc. bot "10.11 HU," LONDON e• rrant ,Z3:311w, on14,,:l with biz; body, Tee alawa th„t .411 N• it3. Senith WAS takitec 44. M.0 tlUk ofItOr .01'4111, iYon1 Ont3 of fhlt. eats, when It ft it is the IICAatng AT1ii103S WOM, Wr-Mg Alta the thee aye neaten almost tine eeete'ted eon(' of whielt went under Old Level. 'We in 'Catunle find it .1'r,e eiethenee Vva esealded ou the , ININNhatiV Ishonta ha& Ana Ad1 ebotet tee: beenbieg elle koittel eoeete. it -iii As l'A0 ,0011 10 NIV4,iifl'AVAMNAMI WINGHAM ADVANMMIES ottt Xirleton, was struck' by a car &Nee by A, Davidson of Lestowei when he Nipped ftff 4 Wagon directlY ahead of the eortlabound eare one. half mile south of Kirkten. The young lad was tahon Victoria Hospital where it naS kliSCOY01.01,1 1)0 WAS 1111110 seriouel) Wined. Ills leg u as broken etitd he had suffered laceration.: of the skulla-Mitchell Advovate. Free Dental Service For Ashfield Pupils Free dentel serf ice for the pupils of all the sehoole of the Township IN Ashfield was unanimously decided upon at a meeting Lehi at the request nonrti of How& for the Township of Ashfield. A keen interest in the utIOStiOt1 was manifest front the fart that every echool eeetiott in the township eeeept one wits represented, teaohere as well as trustees anti rate- payere being preeent. Inspector J. IL Kinkead Also was present, So It Was In 192-t Yes, the season is very late, but so it was in 1924, end that year, from. the agrieulturist's standpoint, was quite a etteeessful otte. Mr, John R. MArtill, IN3't Luther as 3 stos,sy keeps records of ettele things, The yeer IOU was the latest since he roue - mowed farming. In that year he did kis first work 'on the laud oh May 29, lie finished seeding on june 11, and t September 19 took out bis binder to do his first %noting. His crop was nitre but when it WAS eakly Itervested told threshed there wasn't much of a breathing, spelt before win- ter eet in. Last week, %fit Saturday,. Wee 29, lee did hie first cultivating! of the season, Good erope may still be. in store for Wellington North, That does oot meau that 4 late season is nOt whhOnt kliSadVatitAges.--Arth, nr Fenerpriet Newe. Sentenced For Belt Theft tor sentowe after pleeding gnilty to the theft of a $290 thein etaeltint belt, Ror Wett, 36, was efoltetvisa to si.\• months' &finite and three month? indefinite in an Ontario, reformetory. His pztrtner erimte 3:tnits Honeteen, IS, was given VI ay.$. stm., ••••••••••••••••••••1.1. Listowel Legion Buys Property At the regular foto/tee of Boatel 259t Canadian leegion, Ustowel, 'AAS ,kaata. to Pneehase the Prorate', known ea. 11m/fiord BrOS,. planing MM. 131111ding Will to t0V11 401W11 4.14311' a modern bolting tretted providing %tootle, andieSeinna for the nee ot retell -teed aneie. The itlatte,41 sat- .kitned Path Of Car v0,1 front tbc preeent building mill vittr No4Y5r. thlvAlith 1Zen lentsee eeeed "ate eir. C.1 be used 'where saltabee tee the aew. • •• YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION our 25 :Pout Scientific Examine ation, enables ns'to giv.o yote door. Ootnfortttble -Vtalert F. F. HOMOTH 'optometrist f)1100,0.- liarriston building. The new legion building - will provide every aceommotletion. 1)—Listowel Stnuthu'd, Soathampton Principal Resigns The resignation ot Mr, John Mc- Laren AS principal of the Southamptbn Continuation School. was presented end accepted with regret at tee meet- itg. of the School Board on Monday evening last, Mr. McLaren etas ae- eepted a positiou on the staff of the London Technieat School and wilt etunmence his new duties At the fall flu.—Soutbamptou Deem, Brant ToWnship May Lose DeptItyeReeee The question as to the legality of Braet Township beime entitled to DelintY-Reeve as member of Bruce County Council, will come up for dis- cussion at the Jane session o the Couuty Council, which opened at Port Elgin on Monday,' At the January sessiou, the Warden's Committee was authorized to look into the matter end report et the cetaing session. 'rids report is now ready, after careful set -Witty In order to entitle any nunieipality to a deputy -reeve, there must' be 1,009 qualified electors, and aceording to the committee the Town- ship falls short about fifty votes of the required number.—Mittlmay Gaz- ette. Groendhog Attack Child Doreen, the little daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Withheld 'Weiss, formerly of Carrick, but now resitting on the Pt-ell/larger farm in Greenock, had a distressing experience. Doreen took a little pail of drinking water to her father, whO was working in a field ad- joining the hush and she wandered a little way into the bush to gather some flowers, A little later her father ExaMotris'Reeves Tires Slashed heard her frightened screams , -and ite The tires on the ear owned 1)). hastened to the scene. To his amaze- Dttnen; former Reeve e'f 'Ift'rris., were meet he found a groundhog with both as front feet tightly around the little girl's leg, and viciously attempting to bite her. The attacker was driven off by Mr, Weiss' dog, which quickly put badly Meshed he- someone on Tuesday evening. It happened ,eoutetitne be- tween ten and ten -thirty oheloelsio the. evening when- the ear was Parked in front of tykes F. Mt:Naughton% where It out of business, Groundhogs are ?Airs. Duncan wee visiting. Mr. Dun- rarely knOW11 fi4 atfaCk a person, ex - ran wa.s. down.lown,.. 1%1icing that cept in cases of self defence.—Afild- one. tire ants fiat, Mr. Duncan hunted4may Gazette. up a pump to fix it and then discover- ed that all his tires had he.en badly eut, Charged After Dance Hall Raid sotne deeply mai least four inches Aeting on complaints whioit long. County eonstable Fox is in- ed a series of prior objections, police paid a surprise visit to I.O.O.F. hall t Bervie while a dance was in pro - Dies Prone Fall gress and placed three men, two from 'While climbing the ladder in a barn Xineardine and one from Tiverton oat his son's farm, Mr. Jatiob Brintiley under arrest. Taken to the tounty slipped and fell. In the resulting fall jail at Walkerton, they were later re - he sustained fracture of the neck kesed bail. Charges of creating tend euperfiumts cuts. Dr, eet, H. a disturbance hat -e been laid against vestigatinge—lheassele Poste, GI.Wes was intmeeiettly summoned the trio. Five other district residents, but the heirared mar, \vas beyond medea' four of them udaors, two of them girls are eharged with illegal censumption under fife Liquor Control Att and a Slled „Year, resided with his szsza 'charge :et toattributing to juvenile de - Fred, the 1)est eouple yearee—Tfte-' Bog/le:icy has been Said against one of vat- News, ' the quintet.—Rincardine New. eat aid aud passed affe-ay in a very stunt time.. Br'indley, w11.0 \rat , You Ron Them BeitterWifh OGDENST1 CIGARETTE TOBACCO Must Dispose of Dog \Veen Mrs. Edith Tremblay, Gode- licit reported that she was unable to 'find a farm home for her collie dog, 1Reneter, as she Waz.'z, Ordered to do one eweele. ago, Magistrate J. A. Makind pronaptly paeeed the death sentence on the eanine, it to be destroyed atter 24 Thursday, -June .10thi 1943 /00 Wa ea 44: Rai t Ages 17 - 18 years, who have completed Pubik School or better, to— Learn a Trade in the Canadian Active Army These selected young soldiers will be given a three months' qualifying course consisting of the follow- ing subjects: English Ma• thematics Current Affairs Draughting Woodwork Electricity General Science Metal Work Motor Mechanics During this time allocation will be made for Trades Training in the following General Trades Groups: ELECTRICAL AUTOMOTIVE MACHINIST DRAUGHTING and SURVEY CLERICAL • For full information and application forms, apply to the army recruiting stations at— WINDSOR — OUELLETTE AVE., AT THE TUNNEL KITCHENER CITY HALL SQUARE LONDON 379 RICHMOND STREET or contact the Mobile Recruiting Unit in your locality. hours. The woman pleadd for more time but without avail for the pet of her soldier son now overseas. eRe- cently Mrs. Tremblay was convicted of permitting the dog to bite Mrs. 3. C. Cutt, a neighbor. Softball Player Injured Alexander Menzies, son of Rev. A. and Mrs. :Menzies, Londesboro, met -with an unfortunate accident in Blyth, Thursday evening, while participating in a softball game between Birth and Londesboro schoolboys. He was struck with a bat as it flew from the batter's hand, and it was necessary to remove him to Clinton hospital. Fif- teen stitches were required to close the wound above the right eye. Were After Churchill London, — Belief prev-ailed in some quarters here that the Germans were gunning for Prime Minister Churchill when they hot down a Britain -bound airliner bringing Leslie Howard and 12 other passengers from Lisbon on Tuesday last week. The Prime Min- ister arrived back in England early Saturday morning after a visit to Africa on his way home from seeing President Roosevelt. AR SAVINGS STAMPS mu FREE! DON'T MISS YOUR NAME! f it is irt WV' a tilt advertisements on this pug will receive TWO WAR SAVINGS STAMPS FREE! LADIES MAN/TIMF.: SHOS:$ re4rt War 47,Niwa13,:elts% Dunlop's Shoe Store W. 3. -esve• N BROS. voktrc,, Zaritettim, l'Iv4;:tzt Vteetitkeesg, Tiereelaleaeag. Seeeret, "Pst. teem tete! teee Xp: 4z2a rtlitzt Vi:',Watrt • W;tehutt. VON DAIRY and Ditty* tar kVA:1'2NT T'Arritviatitt) zArK, CR•OZTIVII$ , ‘box ');t0x1Mrs? nx.m. Wat*, : 4130111t. Ittlat 3:0 C.Zialte • tit* A Wit1:01im Ogit. /MR' tro:rto :Iirpt; IttoZiot latelSRVIR01%* IsIttthilt 40,414tostts&os *titititt *VOA *A 6tt rifttle 3010 V.* *iikOtigtk EANING- PRESSING, „uk ARMITAGE'S Dry Cleaners 01,:ikIXT17 :MT Nteriit 1.,.*:Ne.k )4We 'Oot-hitsg Waa 11:N.74.11. igteIVS. Rtfr•MrS,' .3,4vAllNitt.. Vetent 14'11. • strib',ITe "Wok, 1 WOW ‘,61),vaitIst -41ifititiX Ati ttitUnit • 4 hbvt ZZ)tae,t :1 '" teettght4:1Atvelet ottet tgoil "Niter% trZt, • It31-.1ersa Tzt Qatar Iltroortirttt, 'Money Can Be Saved By Buying. At Home The business people 'in every community pay a large :percentage of the local taxes; their stocks and stores tell the citizens and visitors whether the town is a progressive municipality or is in the doldriuns. The Vaught= raerchants advertising, on this mad other pages a this paper, are doing their utmost claring,, these critical days, to promote the interests of the town by •stocking such goods as are available. They are therefore entitled to your support and by supporting them you are helping yourself and also the town. Gasoline and Ares are precious at this juncture, so you can save both by doing your shopping riglit Wingharn. In to instartces prices are controlled, so there is actually no abbe in spending money for transportation. GROCERIES GEO. OLVER Groceries, Meat, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables MItt Are AlwavazteA Rteesectibly Itirta :011611 tatt zmoirat st CR Nord) 'End Gre'Yozr 4SrETZ:`,M SZTMV, Ch•Sitx,, catzmiim Itzveom r'4-16. Vt,trettiblft V:regh rult, Trm)1 tbskta lattret, to. nada Pat Vasited vtrzgAixv,/, ratzzzrwrimxt zoklimzz zitrtztt nerrm oatistrx RitatelSke " Ale*Tei VIVO ,,Nottkatielt. note 4 • OPTICIAN HAMILTON Optical Co. moraamtm Octornetrist For Over - 25 Years NS at l'eor Arozilettrate. atEAMERIES HOLMDALE CREAMERY tv.A.vm CASH BUMS OF Cream - Eggs - ?ochry tbb viotr ' trIL. Utated farm cototforkitift nu** st DR' TOES ?rotect Your Woolens! A .,oreet.f. stoo: et tp.ratent r>age, Meath 1'1=1ga:ft and Moth P.rzosvir urthas cinhonis Drog Store tkroys DrugStore Nyit Quality Store krt;Sterte. — to Zneere begt evab. • rA leave there a't IlltAvetes 4evel ;tering, vt-Azsg CANONS BAKERY 1Skiab CAltat tlattota , 7010714 NVIVet DEVIVIRV ' Wit IkArk -106 X &Witte Ifttit took ivai Abbe 1 $tAtitatit THE PLAN IN A NUTSHELL Eath week there will appear in the advertisements on this page the names and addresses of people.residing in the Wingham District.Simply locate your name sn one of the advertisements, clip out the advertisement and present it to the Advance-Tfines Office on or before the following Thursday and you. will receive TWO WAR SAVINGS STAMPS FREE/ STATIONERY J. Mason & Son Booksellers &Stationers Patent ltfeadnes, Toilet Articles Pa.M.Sr Goads, Gift China — Tobateos - Magazines nes rei - 7SW Wingham Furniture - Under a trig A. J. WALKER Quality :Furniture Funeral Director •••••••••1*,...1% Pir/CR RES. . tlet IES EN'S it E ISARD'S NV* urovalst tdrist tti.rbp fat - veal= and telettiOa zN.Int vor,,Nti..iba. We ate harpy tZ) W21,0=Z6 ThAt our Mock it te tbzia ate srAtlt instoicts sub- lgsatf4.tS ettUStid Ri)th tUrrattO itt'Quilft at Stliitit, 'hate ft, Wiogbatt 00 atilt The Entire Pottrlks, BADER'S DRY GOODS tart, LAMM AN:b 011/1.DRAN't \into Yowl t116.V4 r Witt %,,,?,,t1Z,Ltrtiett WhIte :St tit:it§ Olt tV00 i.S6Wirattt •44431*, R,Ws, , AININIme AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STOP AT Bert Armstrong's B. A. Service Station Your Car Serviced, Tuned and Lubricated by EXPERT MECHANICS Conserve Your Car by Having It Inspected & Lubric.atecl at Regular Intervals. - ,1•11111•111111.111i MERICLEY'S Garage Authorized Service HeidS011.-, Terraplane Repairs to &1 eralres of Cars Shell Gasoline a Oils Towing Storage oseplioe St. Phone St Winglaeane, Ont. JOHN REAVIE Service Station and Garage oats snore tales Ilate -Us Vat VOnt ituattxtratee *rts, shape var4r tat It&Oderlt Method 4ot Cetilner- et*t;& Unikket Urvite, PR NT NG JO Our Spahr Advance.Times nowt 34