HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-06-03, Page 2and Successful Farming aLTCCESS usually follows good management. Farming is a business that involves planned financing if it is to be a success. To carry on your farming operations with profit it is at times both necessary and wise to seek assistance from your Bank. This Bank is ready to make loans on the most favourable terms for all legitimate farm requirements. Consult,our nearest Branch Manager if you need money to carry, out a profitable programme. DOMINIONr: BANK Wingham Branch — G. C. Gammage, Manager mp . I...“..mmININMWIMOMIMIURIN llllllll RI llll t114 l 4! l fi lllll 1 ll 4 l NEWS of the DISTRICT CIGARETTE TOBACCO YOUR EYES. NEED ATTENTION. Our 25 Point Scientific Examin- ation, enables us to give you clear, Comfortable Vision F. F. HOMUTH Optometrist. Phone 118 Harriston THE PLAN IN A NUTSHELL Each week there will appear in the advertisements on this page the names and addresses of people residing in the Wingham District. Simply locate your name in one of the advertisements, clip out the advertisement and present it to the Advance-Times Office on or before the following Thursday and you will receive TWO WAR SAVINGS STAMPS FREE! STATIONERY J. Mason & Son Booksellers & Stationers Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles Fancy Goods, Gift China — Tobaccos - Magazines — Phones 78J - 78W Wingham Furniture - Undertaking AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STOP AT Bert Armstrong's B. A. Service Station Your Car Serviced, Tuned and Lubricated by EXPERT MECHANICS Conserve Your Car by Having It Inspected & Lubricated ,at Regular Intervals. Elmer Hastings, R. 4, Wingham WINGliA:11/1 ADVANCE-TI1OS Thursday, June 3rd., 1943 Wingham Advance-Time" l'utollobed at WIN0/141V1 ONTARIO Subscription Rate -- One Year $2,00 Six. Months, $1,00 in advance To U. S. A., $2.50 per year Foreign rate, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates on application, 'COD BANKS Canada has been known for many years as a land of plenty. We have Other parts of the Empire also in been called the grainary of the Empire, Other parts of the Empire also pro- duce' certain food products in such large quantities that they require an export market to consume the surplus. Many parts of the world, not parts of the Empire, also have high production incertain classes of produce or food products. It. is now proposed by the British delegation to the World Food Conference in session at Hot Springs, Va,, that there be established an inter- national-financed buffer stock or stocks of primary products built up in the' years of plenty to tide the world over in lean years, This would also have the effect of stabalizing prices. Action such as this would be somewhat simi- lar to the action taken in Egypt in Bibical days. The saying still goes the rounds, "There is corn in Egypt." During the depression years Canada had great surpluses of food products, especially wheat. At the same time some countries were at the point of starvation and could not purchase this wheat and other products as they had not the exchange. This is a matter that should receive the attention of this conference. also. What good would food banks do if the goods could not be distributed to the places that re- quire it urgently, We have found that we can co-operate in war against a common enemy. We must learn to co-operate one with the other in peace. * * * THE STARVING GREEKS Under the auspices of the Mayor of Wingham and the council subscription lists are being opened here for the Greek War Relief Fund. The Greeks though a conquered country, fight on. just how long they can continue rest -to a great ertent on us, the more fay- . Oured peoples. We who have not had our country over run by the enemy or our cities and towns bombed from the skies. These valiant Greek allies of ours must have food and we must do our part in supplying the money with which to purchase it. Through the Red Cross with what shipping is available wheat and other food stuffs can be sent to these starving folk. Let us do our Part by leaving a donation at either bank as soon as possible. /140.1441pum lll m11114044 ll 1! . 4 .... 4 4701441! . 4 . ! . 44044044444 4404144144d Scarlet Fever In Ashfield Priscilla and Billie Rhoad, children of Rev. and Mrs, 'NV, O. Rhoad of Ash- field Presbyterian Church, are under quarantine with scarlet fever. It is believed to be the only two cases in the district and how these children oentracted the disease is a mystery.— Lucknow Sentinel. Wants Dept. To Pay For Right-of-Way Representatives of four municipali- ties, the Towns of Kincardine and Goderich and the Townships Of Hur- on and Ashfield, held a meeting in Goderich to discuss ways and means of disposing of the right-of-way of the ill-fated and defunct Ontario West Shore Railway, now forming part of the Blue Water highway, (No. 21), to the Ontario Department of Highways. This matter has been hanging fire for many years and the municipalities in- terested are anxious to have it cleaned up once and for all.—Goderich Signal- Star. Perch At Southampton After several false starts, te perch ave finally arrived and last week-end some splendid catches were made by fishermen who were fortunate enough te strike te right spot. On Sunday one group had fine luck about four mil- es north of the river and the first of this week some catches were made at the "mud hole." the "mud hple."—Southampton-Beac- on. Girls Work At Cemetery The shortage of manpower has been felt in getting a caretaker for the Cesley cemetery, but the problem was solved when the Town Clerk engaged a number of girls to cut the grass and look after te flower beds. We under- stand the girls are making a real job of it, too.—Chesley Enterprise. Arthur Creamery Robbed An entrance was forced into the Wellington County creamery. The safe was removed, placed on the truck of the Mutual Supply Company, whioh had been expropriated for the occas- sion 1, West Garafraxa, about a mile below the'highway, There the safe was rolled off into the ditch, opened and the contents riffled. The safe contained the „envelopes which were filled with cash for the patrons on the creamery's routtes through the adjac- ent townships, for delivery on the fol- lowing day, along with other sums of money. Mr. Lloyd Brownlee estimat- es that about $1,400 was stolen. One ledger which contained $400 was over- looked. The cash was insured up to $1,000.—Arthur Enterprise News. McKillop Farmer Injured Mr. John Beattie, well known '11Z- Killop farmer, suffered near fatal in- juries in an accident at his home on Tuesday morning, In company with his sou, he was on top of a load of straw, unloading it on the barn floor, when he lost his balance and fell a distance of seven or eight feet, alight- ing on his head. In the fall he suf- fered a fracture dislocation of his neck, causing paralysis of both arms and legs.—Seaforth Huron Expositor. Kincardine Starts Garbage Collection Collection of garbage throughout Kincardine under the new system by which collection costs are added ' to taxes at the rate of $2 per annum for each residence apartment, flat or place of business on Monday, May 31, A collection schedule has been drafted by Charles Wall, named at the last meeting of the town council to the position of collector.--K incar dine News. 9 Pound Sucker Fishing in the Sanble river for suck- ers and pike is a popular pasttime these days, and many good catches have been made, Last week Ken. Cummings snared a sticker, weighing nine pounds, possibly the biggest ever taken out of the river.—Tara Leader, Named Lions' District Governor Harold G, Meir, barrister and solici- tor, Seaforth, was elected deputy dis- trict governor of International Lions Club, zone 3, at a meeting of represen- tatives of Clinton, Goderich, Milver- ton, Mitchell, Seaforth, St. Marys and Stratford held on Thursday night. Mr. Meir succeeds A. W. Blowes, Miitchell who served as deputy district govern- or for the 1942-43 term. Tractor Wheel Runs Over Child While cultivating with his tractor, Norman Ahrens, of Brodhagen, failed to notice the approadh of his little daughter, Helen, who had been play- ing in ,the field. He felt a bump and on investigating, found that tlie front wheel of the tractor had passed over the child's body. So far no ill effects outside of bruises, have been noticed. Exeter Flier Decorated Air 'Force Headquarters at Ottawa, announced that the Distinguished Fly- ing Cross had been awarded to Ft. Lieut. Ezra Lorne Howey, of Exeter, together with five other members of the R. C, A, F, serving overseas.—Ex- eter Times Advocate. Touches Live Wire Mr. William Vogt, who is employ- ed by Mr. Alex George, received a severe electric shock when he picked up a broken live wire in the yard of F. W. Lippert's marble works. Although knocked off his feet by the jolt, the victim sustained. no serious after ef- fects from the shock.—Walkerton Herald-Times. Disorderly Conduct Alleged Two young men in uniform, -both former residents of this section, Har- vey Darling and Fred Mahood, cut up quite a dido here. According to the information, they tried to take over the management of a local hotel and their ibad behaviour attracted quite a crowd. They were arrested and plac- ed in the county jail, but 'were released on Sunday on bail furnished by a Car- rick friend. They received a sentence of $10J00 and costs—Mildmay Gazette. term, is giving up teaching we under- stand,—Lucknow Sentinel. Appointed Health Nurse At Goderich At a special meeting of the Board of Health, the application of Miss Cleaver, Haileybury, was accepted as Public Health Nurse for Goderich, Miss Cleaver who has had some years' experience at Haileybury, is expected to assume her duties here on August 1. Must Get Rid Of Dog Mrs, Edith Tremblay, charged with unlawfully permitting a dog to bite Mrs. J, C. Cutt, was ordered by Mag- istrate J, A, Makins at Goderich, to pay the court costs., and was given a week to get the dog out of town. Blyth Flier To Marry An engagement of local interest, which was recently announced in the Vancouver papers, was that of Kath- leen Darling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Darling, to F, 0. H, Lay- ton Bray, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. M, Bray of Blyth, Ontario.—Blyth Stan- dard. Sumps Husband With Alarm Clock Thinking that her husband had al- ready arisen and gone to his post in a local factory, a Walkerton matron seized a buzzing alarm clock that was kicking up a most raucous racket at her ear an in an awakened fit of tem- per swung it with terrific force on what she supposed was the empty pil- low that she believed her husband al- ready deserted, but which landed with such eclat on her hiisband's dome as to knock him completely but- and to render him unable and unfit for any industrial activities that day.—Walker- ton Herald-Times. Flier Crashed Into River When his Tiger Moth trainer failed to pull out of a spin, a student pilot from No. 12, S. F. T, S., Sky Harbor, crashed into the Maitland River, five miles from Goderich. The student crawled out of the cockpit and waded ashore in three feet of water, The plane was badly wrecked. Scores of villagers of Benmiller witnessed the crash and were amazed to see the student wade ashore. The wrecked plane was,removed to its base within a few hours. Remanded On Stealing Charge Roy Watt, 36, and James Houston, 21, formerly of Holyrood, Bruce County, pleaded guilty to the theft of a threshing machine belt, valued at $200, from Marshall Gibson., Ashfield Township thresher. They were re- manded to jail for one week for sen- tence after a plea for leniency had been made by Counsel W. A. Suther- land, Both have previous theft con- victions against them, Crown Attorney Holmes said, David Houston, father of James, charged with retaining stolen property, knowing it to be stolen, had his case adjourned one week, The stolen belting was found in his house. He pleaded 'not guilty. Dear Health Editor: Every time I have a cup of tea I get stabbing pain in my right eye. What shall I do? Answer; Take the spoon out of the cup. * * * "Stand up, soldier!" "I am, sir—it's the uniform that makes you think I'm sitting down!" STICKS OF LIGHTNING At the Royal Ontario Museum we noticed examples of an odd mineral called "fulgurite" or "lechatelierite." They were hollow, white tubes, smooth on the inside and rough on the out- side. We found that when lightning strikes the earth it tries to go straight down, seeking its opposite electrical pole. In going through sand, the in- tense heat sometimes fuses together the quartz grains of which the sand is composed, leaving 'behind these thin cylinders which can be picked out and removed, In some parts of the world where sand dunes are prevalent there are numerous fulgurites, some many feet long—fragile, fantastic sticks of "lightning in sand." Two Lucknow Teachers Resign The Lucknow Board of Education has received the resignations of Miss Ruth Matthews and Miss Isabel Kalb- fleisch, both members of the High School teaching staff. Miss Matthews, who has been on the staff here for three years, has accepted a position on the Port Hope staff at a much more remunerative salary. Miss Kalbfleisch I who has been on the staff for the past 11•111111 WA SAVINGS STAM DON'T MISS YOUR NAME! If, it is in any of the advertisements on this page you will receive TWO WAR SAVINGS STAMPS FREE! PLUMBING - HEATING W. J. Clark & Son Sanitary, Plumbing, Heating, Roofing, Tinsmithing and Eavetroughing Furnaces, Stoves, Implements Electric Washing Machines BUS. RES. 141 PHONES 255J CLEANING - PRESSING Money Can Be Saved By Buying At Home The business people in every community pay a large percentage of the local taxes; their stocks and stores tell the citizens and visitors whether the town is a progressive municipality or is in the doldrums. The Wingham merchants advertising on this and other pages of this paper, are doing their utmost during these critical days, to promote the interests of the town by stocking such goods as are available. They are therefore entitled to your support and by supporting them you are helping yourself and also the town. Gasoline and tires are precious at this juncture, so you can save both by doing your shopping right in' Wingham. In many instances prices are controlled, so there is actually no object in spending money for transportation. +110•111111•••••••• GROCERIES OPTICIAN DRUG STORES SHOE STORE LADIES PLAYTIME SHOES For Sport Wear Leather and Wooden Soles Dunlop's Shoe Store Successor to W. J. Greer John Miller, Wingham MACHAN Sanitary, Plumbing, Heating & Ventilating, Tinsmithing, Stoves, Etc. Iron and Lead Pipe and Fittings — Electric Washers — Phone 58 Wingham. DAIRIES FOXTON DAIRY And Dairy Bar QUALITY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Visit Our MODERN DAIRY BAR "Home Made Ice Create Phone 9. Wingham,' Ont. Buy War Savings Stamps CALL 74 TERVIT'S DAIRY When Hunting For- HIGH QUALITY PASTEUR- /ZED DAIRY PBornicrs With Prentpt and CourteOus Service Invest in the Future Buy War Savings Stamps ARMITAGE'S Dry Cleaners QUALITY DRY CLEANING Men's Ready-Made Clothing and Furnishings Mercury Ladies' Hosiery Josephine St. Phone 172. BEAUTY PALOUR Personality Beauty Shoppe — at — RUSH Ladies Wear Miss B. McLeod, Operator Specializing In All Lines Of Beauty Culture Phone 33 Josephine St. MacLean Lumber & Coal Dealers In Coal, Ice, Lath, Shingles and Fibre Board Local Dealers in BLUE COAL Trade Marked For Your Protection, Phones: Mill eq. • Office 64W. GEO. OLVER Groceries, Meat, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables That Are Always Fresh And Reasonably Priced Phone 116 Josephine St. CARMICHAEL'S North End Grocer SUPERIOR STORE Choice Groceries - Provisions Fruits & Vegetables Fresh Fish, Fresh & Cooked Meats. Phone 193. Wingham, Ont. Canada Packers Limited SHUR-GAIN PEED SERVICE BALANCED FEEDS AND 'FLOUR CHOPPING ROLLING AND MIXING Josephine St. Phone 142 HAMILTON Optical Co. W. R. HAMILTON, R. 0. Optometrist' For Over 25 Years PHONE 37 For Appointment. CREAMERIES HOLMDALE CREAMERY (W. M, DAVIS) CASH BUYERS OF Cream - Eggs - Poultry Phone 90 Wingham Truck Service CREAM - POULTRY EGGS United Farmers Co-operative Phone 271 Protect Your Woolens! A complete stock of Garment Bags, Moth Fumigants and Moth Proofing Liquids at MoKibboo's Drug Store Sabre McAvoys Drug Store Nyal Quality Store Films are scarce, -- To insure getting the best results with them leave them at McAvoy's for developing, printing or enlargements. PHONE 18 BAKERY GIBSON'S BAKERY BREAD - CAKES - PASTRY ALL FINE BAKING TOWN WIDE DEL/VERY We Bake . Up To A Standard Not town To A Price. Phone 145 Josephine St. A. J. WALKER Quality Furniture Funeral Director OFFICE RES. 106 PHONES 224 LADIES' - MEN'S WEAR ISARD'S We .urgently advise early, in- spection and selection of your Spring wardrobe. We are happy to announce that our stock is as good and in some instances sur- passes our usual High Standard in Qualtiy and Styling. Josephine St. Wingham 1.11111MINIMIN. DRY GOODS meilmlawdowlo Outfit The Entire Family At BADER'S DRY GOODS MEN'S, LADIE'S AND CHILDREN'S WEAR BOOTS & SHOES Our Spring and Summer Line Are Complete BUY 'VICTORY BONDS MERKLEY'S Garage Authorized Service Hudson - Terraplane Repairs to All Makes of Cars Shell Gasoline & Oils Towing 7 Storage Josephine St. Phone 84 Wingham, Ont, JOHN REAVIE Service Station and Garage Get more miles per unit. Have us put you Automobile in Tip-Top Shape using our Modern Method of Carbur- etor & Ignition Service. 'PRINTING JOB WORK Our Specialty Advance -.Times Phone 34 LUMBER & COAL FEEDS