The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-05-20, Page 4We, Sell
Top Crop Magazine tells how to grow the best
corn. Ask for one.
We have in stock 95, 105 and 115 day Toperop
Seed Corn.
One Bushel Plants Six Acres.
$6.00 Per Bushel
5-1b.-45c; 10-1b.-80c; 25-1b.--$1.50
50-1b.—$2.50; 100-1b.--$4.00
Lettuce, Cucumbers, Carrots, Beets and Radish
Seeds in bulk.
All Seeds in 5c or 6 for 25c also 10c or 3 for 25c
Golden Bantam Corn lb. 25c
Golden Sunshine Corn lb. 25c
Laxton Progress Garden Peas lb. 25c
Thomas Laxton Peas lb. 25c
American Wonder lb. 25c
Also complete range of package seeds.
Stainton Hardware
co=o, (0s=0=1,
the railway tracks the small brook
-soon was unable to pass through the
huge steel tile and washed away the
earth forcing a path, this caused a
cave-in of the asphalt paved road
leaving a gaping hole some 30 feet
wide and more than %) feet deep.
The men of the community assisted
at the dam which is in connection
with B, j, Maguire's grist mill until
all possible hope of saving it was left.
Between one and two ann, the north
end of the dam-gave way and for
several hours the Gorrie bridge was
thought to he next in line to be swept
away, However, north of the bridge
several sections of side walk were
washed out, easing the pressure
somewhat and the bridge was safe,
Since the dam was first built in
connection with the mill in 1867 by
the Leech Brothers, (the original mill
stands), the dam has gone out at least
3 times, The last time being 13 years
ago. At that' time Fordwich and
Wroxeter 13ere both as unfortunate
and lost their dams as well.
We understand Mr, Maguire will
.shortly begin operations to replace the
Mission Group Had Pot Luck Supper
The May meeting of the Women's
Missionary Society of Gorrie United
Church, was held at Mrs. Geo. Dane's
home. Mrs. Gallaher presiding. The
hymn "Jesus keep me near the Cross"
was sung, The Scripture reading was
1st Timothy 1. 1-13 followed by pray-
er by Mrs, Gallaher. He leadeth me,
was sung and Mr. Copeland then ex-
plained chapter II in the Study Book
which had been omitted, entitled, "The
Church, The City and The Family",
telling the importance of family life,
and the difficulties of family life in
the city, also the duty of the church
to family life. He closed with a poem
entitled, . "The Home". The Lords
Prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs.
Copeland gave an interesting report in
a pleasing manner of the Presbyterial
meeting held in Brussels. The hymn
"Happy the home when God is there",
was sung. The president, Mrs, W. W.
Strong then took the chair for the
business period. Minutes of last meet-
ing read and adopted. Roll call was
answered with a Thought of Mother's
Day. Tile meeting closed with the
Mizpah Benediction. A quilt was
quilted for the Missionary Bale, A
pot luck supper and a social hour was
Red Cross ShipmentS'
The following articles were, shipped
from the Gorrie 'and District Red
Cross Society:
British .Civilian-9 quilts; 14 slips;
1 layette; 4 pinafore dresses and
blouses; 2 girls' dresse S.
Hospital—SO gauze. handkerchiefs.
Seamen's Comforts- 4 pr. seaboots;
1 pr, long stockings; 1 turtle-neck
sweater; 2 turtle-neck tuckins; 1 pr.
mitts; 4 pr. socks.
Army & Airforce-3 pr. gloves; 19
handkerchiefs; 20 prs. socks.
Presbyterial Report Given Auxiliary
The. Evening Auxiliary of the Unit-
ed Church met at the home of Miss
Dorothy Edwards with Group Two in
charge. There were thirty-three ladies
present. The quilting of two quilts
was quickly disposed of and some ex-
tra Red Cross work was done. Presi-
dent, Mrs. E. Whitfield gave a brief
report of the afternoon session of the
Presbyterial held in Brussels. .Min-
htes of April meeting by Mrs. E ,
Carson. Plans were made for -a
"Tulip Tea" and sale of miscellaneous
articles to be held in the basement of
the Church, Saturday, May 29. Tea
from 3 o'clock to 6. Proceeds for
Chinese Relief.
Some articles for the Evening Aux-
iliary bale were on display. These
consisted of 2 quilts, children's cloth-
ing used or new, babies wear etc.
Anoyne wishing to donate to the bale
may leave at E. Whitfield's Store be-
fore the end of May.
Mrs. C. Michel and MiSs Fear had
charge of the Devotional. Period and
chose as their theme "Canadian Youth
in Forces and Factories."
Miss Fear at the piano opened the
service with The National Antheih,
followed by a prayer for the boys at
war by Mrs. Michel and the hymn
"Land of Our Birth." Scripture les-
son, 2nd Timothy, chapter 2, verses
1-7 was read by Miss Dorothy Ed-
wards aird, a poem read by Miss Fear.
Mrs. Michel read prayers for war
woTrkhee mrs.
eeting closed' with the hymn
"Onward Christian Soldiers", Lunch
was served by members...of Group 2,
The June meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs, lack Toner with
Group 3 in charge.
Attended Graduation Exercises
Mrs. Thos. Bradnock was in Guelph
on Thursday and Friday attending the
Graduation and Tea for the General
Hospital Graduating Class of which
Miss ,Marjorie Hbekridge, niece of
Mrs. tratinotk was a member, Mari-
orie's nihny Gorrie friends will regret
learning that she has been oil duty
for nearly five weeks due to illness,
however was able to attend graduation,
All persons having claims against
the estate of John William Fortune
late of the Township orTurnberry in•
the County of Huron, Farmer, de-
ceased, who died on or about the
twenty-third day of February, A, D.
1943, are notified to send to J, H.
Crawford, Wingliam, Ontario, on or
before the. twenty-second day of May,
A, D, 1943, full particulars of their
claims in writing. Immediately after
the said twenty-second day of May,
the assets of the said testator will be
distributed amongst the partita en-
titled thereto, having regard only to
claims of which the executrix: shall
then have notice.
DATED this thirtieth day of April,
A. D. 1.943.
Win el arn, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executrix,
All persons having_ claims againAt
the estate of Mary Stapleton late of
the Township
of Turnberry
in the
County of UrOn,, Married Woman,
who died oft or about the
place without further notice.
W. A. GALBRAT:r ti,
Town Clerk.
The Court of Revision of the
Assessment Roll of the Township of
Turnberry for the year 1943, will be
held in Bluevale, on ,Monday, May
31st, 1943, at 3 o'clock in the after-
All appeals must be in the hands of
the clerk, not later than Monday, May
24th, 1943.
Clerk of Turnberry Twp.
Wingham, Ontario.
[No Steal
License No. 3177
Deliver any time week clays except Saturday's
between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
The Western Foundry Co. Limited
This photograph was made during actual fighting as Allied forcer
mopped-up in Tunis. The soldiers take shelter behind a Bren gun carrier
to clean out snipers.
For An Essential
War Industry!
also other skilled craftsmen interested in develop-.
ing into first classpositions on Aircraft work,
Top wages and good working conditions, in. West,
ern Ontario City. War workers•not
Apply nearest Employment & Selective Service
Office, Refer to R. St 877,
Thursday, May 20th, 194$
0 ino=011=0=01===071=0=0=0===20=OL111
AUCTION SALE — of household FOR SALE — Doors and door cas-
,,, furniture and miscellaneous house- tugs. Apply Russell Walker.
hold items will be held at corner of
John and Edward streets, Wingham,
at 2 p.m., on Saturday, May 22nd.
The following is for sale: dining
room suite, ;chest of drawers, 3
dressers, 2 double beds, 1 single bed,
springs and mattresses, ball seat,
living room sofa, 4 floor lamps with
shades, 5 table Iamps with shades,
2 smoking stands, foot Stool, oak
rocking chair, white porcelain top
table, kithcen cupboard, mantle
clock, several pairs of curtains and
"drapes, taffetta bed spread and
2 pair matching curtains, mirrors,
pictures, ironing board, assortment
of dishes and vases, stretcher, tables,
garden hose and many miscellaneous
household items, TERMS: CASH.
Matt. G4gnor, gnctioneer, J. H. Mc-
1.(aY, Proprietor,
•••":"."."-,'.7"""•••••— • -----
II/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
FARM—For sale or rent, bush, build-
ings, and water supply, convenient
, .,to Gorrie and Wroxeter. Mrs. Wm!
Hastier Gorrie,' Out,
FREE RENT, half of double
house, VOA chicken house and
stable, ih exchange for garden work
etc. Apply Advance-Times.
FOR SALE — Daisy Churn No. 2;
set of stair steps suitable for out
building, in good condition; quiet
small driving mare. Apply Advance-
FOR SALE — Child's Iron. Crib,
baby walker and pram, All in good
condition. Apply Mrs. Gordon
Machan, Josephine St.
GIRL WANTED — For housework
and care of children. Apply Mrs.
H. P, Carmichael,. North End
End Grocery.
LAWN MOWERS —. sharpened and
repaired. Shears and scissors sharp-
ened. Work guaranteed, Lester
Shiell, corner Alfred and Centre Sts,
LAWN MOWERS — Shears, scissors
sharpened and repaired. Apply to
Les4 McDougall.
MAID WANTED — For family of
three adults, general housework.
Apply Advance-Times,
No. 5, Morris. Recent graduates
considered, Apply. stating salary,
experience if any. Apply to Richard
Procter, sec'y-trcas., R. R. No 5,
Brussels, by June 1st,
WANTED — Elderly lady for light
housekeeping. Apply Ito Advance ,
WANTED Second-hand kitchen
table, drop teal preferred. Apply
Mr f,.trle Baker Of Hamilton, is
spending some time with Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Higgins, Mrs, Frank Graham
of Fordwich was also a week-end
guest at the Higgin's home.
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Timm and
children, were week-end guests of To-
ronto friends,
Miss Margaret Moffat spent the
week-end with. her friend, Miss Nor-
ma Brandon at. Toronto.
Mrs. j, H, Wade, who had spent
the past week with Mr, and Mrs. D.
S. MacNaughton, returned to her
home on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Brown also Mr,
and Mrs, W, T. Maclean, were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Magee at Milverton,
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Timm, List-
owel, are spending a few days with
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Timm, 2nd line.
Miss Margaret Spence, , Toronto,
Mrs. C, Bride and son Harvey, New-
bridge, were Sunday callers at the
home of D. S. and Mrs. MacNaughton,
Mrs, Thos. Heimpell was a week-
end guest of Mr. and Mrs, S. Smythe
at Hamilton,
Cliff Denny, who is being trans-
ferred to Crumlin, is ill at his home
here, having suffered a slight attack
of pneumonia, - Cliffs many friends
hope he will soon be completely re-
. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Allen, Mrs. J.
J. Allen, Jimmie and Marjorie, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. FL Allen
at' Brussels.
Mrs. Ross Sanderson and Mrs. Win.
Hart, were Toronto visitors on Mon-
day last,
District Annual
The annual meeting of East Huron
Women's Institutes will be held in
Wroxeter on Wednesday, June 2nd.
Morning session begins at 10 a,m.,
afternoon at 1.30. Owing to the ill-
ness of the president, Mrs. F. Dem-
rnerling of Fordwich, first vice presi-
dent, Miss Olive Scott, Bluevale, will
preside, and the guest speaker' will be
Mrs-. Clarence Hayes of Georgetown.
Delegates are expected from Ford-
wich, Gorrie, Ethel, Bluevale and
Save Waste Fats
Save your waste kitchen fats. Strain
place in a wide-mouthed container and
take to Red CrOss rooms any Wednes-
day afternoon. Mrs. McKenney and
Mrs. Maclean are the committee in
Women's Missionary Society
The May meeting of the Women's
Missionary Society was held on
Thursday afternoon in the church
school room. Mrs. J. Douglas was
in charge and conducted the Devotion-
al period opening with the hymn,
"When Mothers of Salem", followed
by Scripture reading and prayer. The
Topic for the meeting was Christian
Education and dealt with the training
of children in the home. Some of the
points brouglht out by the speaker
were: To have confidence in your
children; allow them to be themselves
twentieth day of March, A. D. 1943,
are notified to send to J. H. Crawford,
Wingham, Ontario, on or before the
twenty-second day of May, A. D. 1943,
full particulars of their claims in writ-
ing. Immediately after the said
twenty-second day of May, the assets
of the said testatrix will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of which
the executor shall then have notice.
DATED this thirtieth day of April,
A. D. 1943.
Winghatn, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executor.
Under and by virtue of the powers
contained in a certain mortgage, which
Will be produced at time of sale, there
will be offered for sale by public
auction" on Saturday the 12th day of
June, A,D., 1943, at the hour of 3
o'clock in the afternoon, at the Law
Office of J. W. Bushfield, in the Town
of Wingham, by the undersigned auc-
tioneer, subject to a reserved bid, the
following property, namely: •
"ALL and singular that certain'
parcel or tract of land and premises
situate lying and being in the Town-
ship of East Wawanosh in the County
of Huron and Province of Ontario and
being composed of the southerly 75%'
acres of Lot No. 36 in the Eleventh
Concession of the said Township of
Eaast Wawanosh".
On the said property there is a
frame bank barn, frame house and con-
siderable hush.
TERMS: 10 per cent of the prin-
cipal money to be paid down at the
time of sale with 'the balance to be
paid within 30 days thereafter.
For further particulars and con-
ditions of sale apply to the under-
signed solicitor.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
18th day of May, A.D., 1943,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Mortgagee.
Mr. Hector MacKay and family
wish to' express their sincere apprec-
iation to their neighbours and friends
for their ads of kindness and expres-
Sibtil bf sympathy during their ber-
eavement of a loving wife and mother.
New Commander-in-Chid
Rear-Admiral L. W. Murray,
R,C,N., who has been appointed
commander - in - chief, Canadian
North West Atlantic, becomes the
first Canadian commander-in-chief
in world war II to assume the
operational direction of a vital war
area. Well schooled in anti-sub-
marine operations, Admiral Murray
knows, from personal experience in
this war and last, the battle of the
and think for themselves; do not be
too severe or strict in your training;
set them a good example. The ,come
is the place to develop character, fit-
ting the child for future life in 'the
church and community. The hymn,
"0 God of Love 0 King of Peace"
and the prayer for peace, brought the
meeting to a close.
Damage By Flood
Wroxeter experienced its - worst
flood in several years last week, when
following the heavy rains, Gorrie clam
gave way, the onrush of water cover-
ing the roadway and surrounding the
homes, of T. Hempen, Win. Hart and
Ken Edgar, while the centre of the
road remainedopassable the sides were
washed out and will require a good
deal of repairing. A good many citiz-
ens remained watching most of the
night. The water was said to be
higher than a previous flood which
took the old bridge away.
Born—to Mr. and Mrs. James
Sanderson (nee Hyslop) in Rosetown,
Sask. hospital, on May 2nd, a son
(Donald Stewart).
Bill Martin, now stationed at Mont-
real, is spending several days with his
mother in town. Miss Edythe Martin,
R.N., Hamilton, was a week-end visit-
or at her home here.
Temperance Sermons Given Sunday
At the morning services in three of
the local churches temperance repre-
sentatives gave the address, Hey. H.
E. Wellwood spoke in the Presbyter-
ian Church, Rev. Mr. Cook in the
Baptist Church and Mr. Fred Lewis
in the United Church.
Rev. Streeter of Blyth occupied the
pulpit in St. Stephens Anglican
Church here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James T, Shera and
Shirley spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Hill at Moorefield.
Mr. B. J. Maguire spent Monday
and Tuesday last week in Toronto.
Pte. Kenneth Underwood of Camp
Ipperwash is spending a couple of
weeks at his thome here:
Miss Janet McKee, Toronto, visited
her sister, Mrs. John Wylie and
brother, Mr. Geo. McKee over the
The Gorrie branch of the Legion
held a very successful dance here on
Friday night when they had Frankie
Banks of London supply the mniic
with outstanding Band. The' event
drew such a large crowd they are
slated for a return. engagement short-
Mrs. Jack R. Farrow of Gorrie left
last week to join her thusband, who has
teen stationed at Sussex, New Bruns-
Stores Closed Wednesday Afternoons
In making the announcement in last
weeks issue re the opening of the
stores here on Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Saturday nights we failed to say
that Wednesday afternoon beginning
this week and until the end of August
will be half holiday. For the past
number of years this has not been a
custom here, so that it will be neces-
sary to keep the holiday in mind,
Graduate At Guelph Hospital
Miss Marjory J, Hoekridge received
her diploma and pin at. th8 graduation
exercises last week for nurses-ht-train-
ing at Guelph General Hospital.
High Water Did Malt Damage
On Tuesday the deluge of rain" did
a great deal of damage to our village,
.following an entire spring season of
repeated rains, the babbling brooks
were very shortly turned into rivers,
churning and Swirling away until cal-
vertS, fences and almost everything
was washed Way in its wake. On the
north end of Italn street just below
An experienced working herdsman,
married man, for well established pure
bred beef. herd, including g show herd.
Good wages and bonus. House, elec-
tric light, telephone and garden. Ap-
ply stating age, experience and wages
expected. Windsweep Farms. Room
704 - 357 Bay Street, Toronto.
Town of Wingham
A Court of Revision on the Assess-
ment Roll of the Town of Wingliam
for the year 1943 will be held at the
Town Hall, on Tuesday evening, May
25th, 1943 at 8;30 o'elock.
Parties having business at the said
Court will attend at the said time and
We feel Howick is worthy of our
heartiest congratulations on being the
highest municipality: in the county in
the Fourth Victory Loan, winning 129
per cent. of their quota. Truly, How-
ick does know how to "Back the
Sgt. Major and Mrs. Bert Able of
Listowel and Mr. and Mrs. Carl New-
ton and sons of Toronto, were Sunday
guests with their brother, Mr. R. G.
and Mrs. Newton.
Mr. and Mrs. Snelling of Listowel,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S.
Mrs. Young (nee Edna Davidson)
of Sebringville, was the week-end
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L.
Pte, Earl Harrison of Camp Ipper-
wash, spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Harrison.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher were
'Brantford visitors on - Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack King and Miss
Jean, Toronto, visited with his mother,
Mrs. Chas. King on Monday.
Killed In. Action,
After 7 weeks of sus en following
the telegram of missing in air oper-
ations, word was received on Wednes-
day last from R.C.A,F. headquarters
in Ottawa by Mr. •and Mrs, R. G.
Newton of the fact that their son,
Flt.-Sgt, John MacArthur Newton was
officially reported killed in Germany
on March 27, To Mr. and Mrs, New-
ton and family go the sympathy of
the entire community. Jack as he was
so well and favourably known here,
joined the R.C.A.F. in 1940, began his
training at Manning Pool, Toronto on
January 1st. His course of training
taking him to Picton, Ottawa, Mont-
real and finally received his wings at
Jarvis, leaving almost immediately for
England where he arrived on Xmas
Day 1940.
During his 10 months of operation-
al flights over occupied territory, he:
had the honour of winning two mem-
orial plaques for excellent work over.
Essen and Brennen, and was mention-
ed as a member of an all Canadian-
crew who hit their targets over Essen•
in the early spring.
Jack, who was the first airman from
Gorrie to have received his wings, was
in his 23rd year and was on. his 31st
trip when his plane crashed. We
understand he was due for 6 months
leave shortly. Jack went overseas as
a wireless gunner, but had two ad-
vancements, being made bomb aimer
and later Flight Sergeant. His edu-
cation was received in Gorrie Public
and Wroxeter 'Continuation Schools..
He leaves his parents, two brothers,.
Sgt. W. E., of PetaWawa and Tom,.
also three sisters, Shirley, Betty and
Nancy, who mourn a loving son and
Female Help
Apply to
National Selective Serv-
ice Office
Listowel, Ont.
Order No. 530