The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-04-22, Page 4YOUR. WILL Must Keep Pace With Changing Conditions The experienced service and assistance of our Estates Department are at the command of yourself and your lawyer in planning your Will so that it will reflect your present desires and assure their execution, The Grey & Bruce Trust & Savings Co. Owen Sound, Ont. tra=110 I=1 ANYONE WANTING TO ROOM OR BOARD — rates very low, wanted more for company, Apply to Mrs. Stuart Henry. FOR SALE — a number of sucking pigs and also some chunks, about 110 lbs. Apply to R. & R. Procter, Brussels, Phone 13-4 or 13-15. FOR SALE — Home-made bread and buns, muffins and other baking such as pie and cakes, cookies and dough- nuts. Made on . orders. Leave your orders at the house please, or phone 327 Wingham. Also washings and ironing clone at reasonable rates. Apply to ,Mrs. M. Parish, Alfred St., Wingham. FOR SALE — Two young sows, due to farrow middle of May, J. Paisley, R. R. 1, iGlena.nnon. FOR SALE — 5 or 7 acres of bush, also grass to rent, running water. Apply Charles Potter, Lower Wing- ham. • FOR SALE — two cows due in July, one cow freshened last of March. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE — Ten pure-bread York- shire sows due to farrow in June. Price $50.00 each. Apply to Geo. Kennedy, Lucknow, R. R. 1. FOR SALE — 25 colonies of bees in good shape, new boxes, no disease. If sold soon can be bad at a right price. Harry Forgie, R. R. 1, Wingham, Ont. LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION AGENT —Part time. Commission. Either man or woman. When applying state what experience you have had, Apply "The. F'armer's Advocate", London, Ontario, 1VANTEI5 — a building suitable for garage 10 x 20. Apply Advance- Times, WANTED — Used car any model '36 to '41. State condition of tires and lowest price. Apply to Box G. Advance-Times. WANTED TO PURCHASE — pul- lets all breeds and ages 4 weeks up , to 20 weeks, High prices paid. Write for full details. — Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. TENDERS WANTED Township of Turnberry Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until noon, May 3rd, 1943, for the crushing and spread- ing of 3500 yards of gravel (1 or 2 sets) 1 inch round screen or ga inch square screen to be used. Marked ..cheque for 10 per cent of the contract price to accompany each tender. "Work to commence at discretion of road superintendent and to be completed not later than September 1st, 1943. Lowest or any tender not notes- aarily accepted. W. R, CRUIKSHANK, Township Clerk, BoX 274, Wingham. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned for crusting, trucking and spreading 5000 yards, or more, of gravel anywhere upon the roads within Howiek Township during 1943, a one- inch screen to be used. A marked cheque for $100.00 must accompany the tender. All tenders must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than twelve o'clock, noon, on the 30th day of April 1943. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Signed, ISAAC GAMBLE, Clerk of Howick 'Twp., Fordwieh, Ontario. TENDERS Township Of East. WaWanosh Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned tip until 1 o'clock Tuesday, May 4th, 1943. for the crush- ing and spreading of 5000 yards of gravel, 7/8 in. screen to be used. Marked cheque for $200. must ac- company each tender, Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Alex Porterfield, Clerk, R, R. N. 1, Belgtave. Stuart McRurney, Rawl Superintendent, It. R. No. 8,, Wingharn. Miss Myrtle Short has resumed her duties as ,assistant post mistress fol- lowing two- weeks illness with a severe cold, Delegates Nazdtio7t, W. A. Convention 'The regular meeting of St. Stephens Women's Auxiliary, was held Thurs- day afternoon last at the home of Mrs. W. C. King, with a good number in attendance. Work of the afternoon was piecing a suilt -for the Deanery Bale, after which the devotional period was pre- sided over by, the president, Mrs. Holmes, who led in members prayer and Lord's prayer in unison. Roll Call was answered by verses or thoughts onn "Prayer" and St. Matt, 6th chap., verses 1 - 15 were read by Mrs. Cald- well. The delegates' appointed to at- tend the annual W. A, Convention in London on May 4th and 5th are — Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Geo. King. A paper on the thenie, "Prayer" was very ably prepared and given by Mrs. Geo. King, which made a deep sig- nificance in the hearts of all present. People do not always get what they pray for, because often they cannot get in close communion with God (which is the real meaning of prayer). Often too, their thoughts are far away when their lips form the words in a half-hearted manner and it is only when they are in trouble they try to turn to God. God is always ready to hear and answer petitions which are for our own good. Mrs. N. Wade read a poem—"We 'must Unite." She also said that in the Island of Malta they have set aside a particular time each day for prayer. Mrs. Armstrong read a poem "Easter Joys". Following the WANTED MOULDERS and Foundry Labourers GOOD PAY with Cost of Living Points Modern Plant Cafeteria & Social Shower Paths &l Rest Rooms Living accommodation available near plant Mote now employed' in war work need not apply. Apply nearest Employment and selettive Service Office Refer to R.O. 622 sissialasass is Lead the Easter Parade in these hand-picked fashions, sel- ected for you in the season's latest models, yet not expensive. ISARD'S Ready-to-Wear Spring Coats in up-to-date materials and styles $10.50 Colorful spring dresses in pleasing styles $8.50 and $10.50 A range of dresses styled for duty and for charm. Yes you can buy these go- everywhere dresses at $12.95 Dresses in rayon crepes or failles,• or soft woollens. Styled with a fresh youth- ful air ... and such values at only $14.95 SPECIAL BROADCAST to the Citizens of Huron County ON MONDAY, APRIL 26th,, AT 8 A.M.. Be sure to tune in. .pointed as delegate to the Presbyterial to be held at Brussels on April 20th, The meeting was closed. with prayer, ASHFIELD Sorry to report that Mr, John Mac- Donald, 12th con., is gradually getting weaker, and no hope of his recovery is looked for. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Twamley and son, Tom Twamley, attended the fun- eral of Mrs. Twamley's sister's hus- band on Friday afternoon, in Wing- ham. ,Mr. and Mrs. Dynes Campbell and son Harold, spent Sunday afternoon with the ladie's aunt, Mrs. Andy Cul- bert and Mr. Culbert, Lothain, 12th concession. Miss Janie Alton, RN, Hamilton, is spending a few weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alton at Belfast. The Misses Grace and Louise Camp- bell, Lucknow, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Campbell,, 10th concession. The weather does not look any ibet- ter for the bdginning of this week than it did a week ago.. The maple syrup season will soon be over. The grass where it is sheltered from the nasty east winds has a green shade on, but it will be a late seeding. DATES COUPONS BECOME VALID Here are dates when ration coupons become valid and expire: Butter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, now valid; ex- pire April 30. No. 6, valid April 1'7; expires May 31. Sugar, 1, 2, 3, 4,, now valid (no ex- piry date). Nos. 5 and 6, not valid until May 1. Blue No. 1 Spare B) is good for one pound sugar for use before June 1 with home grown rhu- barb. Tea or coffee, 1, 2, 3, 4, now valid. Nos. 5, and 6 not valid ,until May 1 (no expiry date). ST. HELENS The weekly meeting of the Y. P. U. was held at Tom Todd's on Monday evening with Stanley Todd in charge. Mrs. Gordon McPherson read the Scripture Lesson and Margaret Mc- Pherson favoured with a solo. The topic, "Vision plus. Courage" was taken by Lorne Woods. and. Stanley Todd led the discussion. • Mrs. Ward, Mrs, Gordbm and ATIss. M, Q. Rutherford attended: the annual Presbyterial of the W. M. S. at Bata- sels on Tuesday, while Rev.. 5, A, Ward was in attendance at, the Pres-, bytery meeting held in. Brussels, also. Pilot Officer and Mrs, T; II Wilson of Portage La Prairie,. Manitoba,`" are spending a two-week leave with Mr. Wilson's parents, Mr. and*Mis: W. A, Miller and Whitechurelt relatives. Members of the Reef,' Ring please. note—that the first Meat will be avail-. able Thursday morning,. April WOMEN WANTED FOR ACTIVE. SERVICE National Selective Service Head- quarters, Ottawa, considers that one of it's most recent and important orders -to it's officers has, been to as-- list in'-every possible way the women's: recruiting campaign for the Navy, Army and Airforce, Recently, selected officers of the Employment. Bureau were. sent to a.. school where they learned all about the kinds of women wanted by the armed forces and the occupations women are expected to fill. Visits were paid to the recruiting offices, ex- aming stations, manning depots, bar- ap racks, cafeterias, hospitals, training_ lir centres and later to the depots where trained women have been posted for duty.. It was intended that these schools should give Employment Of- ficials first hand knoWledge of the armed services' needs and the care• given to women who come forward to serve their country in this way. In one center forty young women in the airforce uniform were receiving twenty weeks intensive training in. secretarial and stenographic work. They received their regular pay as air- women, clothing, board, hospital and dental care and free tuition in a pro- fession that will serve them to the ends of their lives. The training received- in the armed services has good "carry-over" value into civilian life. Thousands of women are wanted' and further details can he had if in- terested persons wish to write or drop into their nearest Employment Office, Listowel, Miss Gee; Mr. Wilson Mgr. Men, of Huron & Bruce Don't Pass the Buck JOIN UP with the 99th Battery (Reserve) at Wingham It you can't go active You CAN Go Reserve! YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE NOW Summer Camp Training is not compulsory if you are in a vital industry or a key position where your absence would hamper maximum production or' service in Canada's all-out war effort. Let's join Up NOW and Train to *Keep Canada Free Call any clay or Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings at the Armouries, Wingham, li PAGE: rOUR WING1-.1AIVI ADVANCE-.TIMES Thursday, April 22ncl., 19a 11/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. 50; 16th and 17th . $59,60; Gorrie $4735; ,County of Huron Grant .$600,00 making a grand total .of. $1503.65. Institute Name Officers On Wednesday last, the annual meeting of the. Gorrie Women's Insti- tute was held at the home of Miss Dorothy Edwards with a fair attend- ance. The president, Mrs. Everett Sparling presiding, The meeting open- ed with the Ode and Lord's Prayer. Minutes were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. John Gathers, and correspondence dealt with. In, respon- se to the aid for funds to carry on the Jam for Britain, $10,00 was grant- ed, The treasurer reported 29 pairs U of sox had been knit of which 12 pr. were sent to our local boys overseas. The co-operative program was out- lined, and choices made for both the District and local Institutes. It was brought to the attention of the members that we as mabers as well as others in the community could extend a welcoming hand to the sol- dier lads who are far from home and stationed at the training ecntres at Clinton, Goderich and Port Albert, by inviting some to our homes for a week-end. For this undertaking, a committee was named, anyone desir- ing to learn more, should contact the secretary, Mrs. John Cathers. Mrs. 5. W. Hyndman gave the Current Events, bringing interesting items of ,news. Mrs. Arthur' Stephens gave the Nominating Committees report which g is the list was accepted. Following e 1943 - 44 of officers elected 'for the year: y Bell; Vice President, Mrs, Morley N. Wade; 2nd President, Mrs. R. W. N Vice President, Mrs. Percy Ashton; Secretary, Mrs. John Cathers, re-lec- C. King, re- Treasurer, Mrs. W. elected; District Director, Mrs. E. Sparling; Directors, Mrs. Kaine, Mrs. E. H. Strong, Mrs. B. Stewart, Mrs. Melvin Taylor; Pianist, Mrs. J. G. R. Heming-Mundell; Assistant, Mrs. way; Auditors, Mrs. J. W. Hyndman and Mrs. Hemingway. Mrs, Laurence Short and soil Ron- ald,t week with spent a few days las her mother, Mrs. W. Earngey. ended to Mr. Friday the Congratulations are extended S. W. Ferguson, who, on birthday. 16th, celebrated his 90th Sgt. E. W. Newton returned to Petawawa Camp on Saturday after spending his furlough with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Newton. Miss Arlene Galbraith, of Fergus, spent the week-end with her parents, lbraith. Mr, and Mrs, Anson Ga TENDERS FOR COAL & COKE Federal Buildings—Province of Ontario Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tenders for Coal," will be received until 3 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), Thursday, April 29, 1943, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be obtain- ed from the Purchasing Agent, De- partment of Public Works, Ottawa; and the Supervising Architect, 36 Ade- laide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made' on the forms supplied by the Department and in acordance with departmental speci- fications and conditions attached there- to. Coal dealers' licence numbers mast, n given when tendering. The Department reserves the right to demand from any successful tender- er; before awarding the order, a secur- ity deposit lit the form of a certified. cheque on a chartered bank in CUM.! da, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the . amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the 'Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constituent companies uncon- ditionally guaranteed as to principal and. interest by the Dominion of Cana- da, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make up. an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guar- antee for the proper fulfilment of the contract, By order, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. Department of Public 'Works, Ottawa, April 15, 1943. CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. John Gillespie, \Vhite- church, take this opportunity of ex- pressing their sincere thanks to the Reeve, Council and Officials of the Township of East Wawanosh for their kindly congratulation on our 62nd Wedding Anniversary which we re- cently celebrated. Your thoughtful gesture of passing such a motion in council has touched us deeply. Once again we say thank you. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Robert Currie and Mrs. Clare Adams wish to thank their neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent' bereavement, for the floral tributes and those who so kindly loaned their cars, CARD OF THANKS The brothers of the late Arthur E. _Angus lake this opportunity of expres- sing their sincere thanks to their friends and neighbors for the kindness and expression of sympathy extended to them during their recent bereave-. ment in the death of their brother. GORRIE Red Cross Total $1593.55 Following is the report of the recent canvass for the Red Cross, completed in this district, with Mr, R. W. N. Wade as chairman of the campaign for Gerrie and district, and for which Mr. Wade wishes to thank his can- vassers and all those who contributed to this worthy cause: C. Line-443.00; 1st Line-429.15; 2nd and 3rd Line $21.00; 4th and 5th — $145.50; Gth and ith $07.16; 8th and Otis $61.- 00; 10th and 11th $53.50; 12th and 13411 $62,0k 14th and 15th Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ilia:,, London, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Paul 'Bertrand and daughter, Isabel, of Cochrane, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Fred 5, • Cook, Miss Madeline Vickers of Gealeriph, spent the week-end with her friend, Miss Margaret Wightman, Mr. and Mrs. W, A, Campbell visit- ed their daughter, Miss Jean at code- rich .on Wednesday, prior to her leav- ing for a week-end visit at Ottawa, Mrs, W. I-I, Sheppard of Goderich, Mr. Reid Sheppard of R.C.N.V.R., Halifax were guests on Wednesday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman, Mr. W. H. Wilson of Dungannon, visited last week at the home of his nice, Mrs. M. Bosman and Mr, Bos- man. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Govier, on Thursday evening in honor of the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Govier. The presentation was made by Mr. Jack Buchanan. Alter the gifts were opened-by the newlyweds, Bob thanked those ' present for the gifts and best wishes. A social time was spent. Miss Mary Snell, Westfield, an- nounces the engagement of her neice, Elsie Anne Jane Snell, of Toronto, only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Snell, Westfield, to Lyman Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Jardin of Toronto. The marriage to take place at 7.30 p.m., Saturday, May 8th in Donlands Cnited Church, To- rontO, We are pleased to know that little Donna Walden was able to return home from the Childrens Hospital at London last week, where she had been a patient, for some weeks. The Monthly Red Cross quilting was held 'Wednesday in the basement of the Church. A pot luck dinner was served. After the four quilts were completed the W.M.S. meeting was held with 17 present. The Devotional program was led by' groupleader, Mrs. J. L. McDowell. The Easter program- was followed. The scripture lesson on "The Resurrection" was read by Mrs. McDowell. Mrs. Howard Camp- 'bell presided at the piano. Duet, "He was nailed to the cross" was rendered by Mrs. Wm, Walden and Winnifred Campbell. Reading "The better way" was given by -Mrs. Wm, McVittie. The president, Mrs. McVittie was in charge of the business. The Easter offering was received. The roll call was answered with a verse with ref- erence to the Resurrection. Temper- ance reading was given by Mrs. Jack Buchanan. Mrs. R. Vincent was ap- This applies to Men not subject to call between the ages of 0 =0=0=01 SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by 'the undersigned up to Monday noon, April 26th., 1943, for' the purchase ,of the 100 acre farm of Mrs. Ellen Holmes, being Lot No. 13 in the Fifth Con- cession of the Township of Turnberry. The highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. DATED at Wingham, 'Ontario, this fifteenth day of April, A.D., 1943. , J. W. -BUSHFIELD, Solicitor, Wingham, Ontario, closing prayers, the hostess served lunch, while all enjoyed a social ball hour. Mr. Harold Edgar, Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edagr, Mr. and Mrs. David A. Ritchie and son Laverne, of Teeswater, were re- cent guests of Dr, and Mrs, Jas. Arm- strong, Mrs. McCarron took the service in the Presbyterian Church here, on Sun- day, in the absence of Mr. McCarron. There will be no Good Friday serv- ices in Gorrie this year. Auxiliary Held Easter Meeting The Easter meeting of the Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of :Nil's. K. J. Hueston on Monday night, with a fair attendance. Group 1 were in charge when Mrs. E. W. Whitfield took charge of a short devotional service followed by an Easter program with a theme, "Africa" with Mrs. Shera, Mrs. A. A. Taylor, Mrs. C. R. Black, Mrs, T. Bradnoch, Mrs. Mich- ael, Mrs. Downey,' Misses Margaret Dane and Dorothy Edwards assisting. Miss Fear was the pianist. Mrs. A. L. Stephens very ably presented an outline of a pamphlet entitled "As a Soling, after which she gave each Sharpened Tool," by Daniel Chivale present one of their own to read. Roll Call was responded to by an Easter Thought. The president pre- sided over the business. Mrs. E. W. Carson's minutes were approved as. read. There were two quilts reported finished and at the close of the meet- ing another top was donated for the lining already on hand. Prayer coked the meeting after which a social half hour was enjoyed over the tea cups. WESTFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman visit- ed ,Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse, of trucefield, and attended the fun- eral of a cousin, Miss Mae Wight/tan of Seaforth, on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Cook and family visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook of Eel- grave, Pte, Harold Rosman of London, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rosman, or who cannot go Active Army or have received na- tional deferment. 17 to 50