The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-04-01, Page 3SIR EDWARD BEATTY DIES . Sir Edward Beatty, G.B.E., K.C., a well-known figure In the Canadian business world, and president of. the Canadian Pacific railway through its expansion period, died in the Royal Victoria hospital, Montreal, after a lengthy illness. Sir Edward resigned as president of the C.P.R. year aeo. He was 65 yeans of age and a native of Thorold, Ont. 041101.0 IMIDD.AA World Wide News In Brief Form sumer, The varlotts cuts are listed as fresh, cured, smoked. and 'cooked pro- ducts, and a price differential is speci- fied for the 15. zones in. Canada cor- responding to those set out in earlier beef price control orders. 141nt Na Federal gipptimx This Year Ottawa, •—• Information from Gov- ernment circles that the redistribution bill will not he brought into the House of 'Commons for some time — likely not until after the Easter recess — is taken as an indication that Premier King does not plan .a general election. this year. Under the constitution a redistribution of the Federal constitu- encies based on the latest census shall be made every 10 years, One official said Mr, •King was so par.lcular in following the practices of the consti- tution that he would not consent to a general election until a redistribution based on the census of 1941 is com- pleted. THE REI) CRQ$S AT HOME Eden Will Address Commons On April 1 Ottawa, — Anthony Eden, British foreign secretary, will address mem- bers of the House of Commons and Senate on Thursday, April 1, Senator J. H. King, Government Senate leader, informed members of the Upper House. Mr, Eden's address will be given in the Commons chamber and members of the Senate will be ac- commodated on the floor of the House. Premier Mackenzie King announced some time ago that Mr. Eden had been invited to address the two Houses of Parliament. when he came to Canada. Legal Profession Protests Nt?,w Film New Haven, Conn.,—"The Meanest Man in the World," Jack Benny's latest film, goes into court for judicial review, on complaint 9f five attorneys that "it mocks the legal profession and prints a very indecent picture of the profession to the public' eye." The at- torneys contend the film should be barred from New Haven theatres and seek an injunction to that effect, Only Minimum Number To Get Leaves For Farms Toronto,—Only a minimum number of army personnel will be granted leave for sowing of crops and aiding in other seasonal farm occupations, officials of M. D. 2 said. The strength of any operational. unit will not be reduced any more than five per cent, and all men will have returned to their units by June 15, officials said. Price Ceiling On Pork Ottawa, — The Prices Board issued an order, effective Friday, establish- ing maximum wholesale and retail prices for dressed hogs and cuts of pork sold in all parts of Canada. Schedules accompttaying the order specify the maximum wholesale prices which may be charged for each of the cuts into , which a carcass of pork is divided before it reaches the con- HERE'S WHAT TO DO LISTEN TO Javex WIFE PRESERVERS Over Station KN X MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY (1045 a.m. - 10.30 a.m,) Comedy • Cash Prizes Household Hints • Music avex CQ N C EN T RATE REMOVES STAINS From Sinks and Drainboards armirmaggimemosimi Thursday, April 1st, 1043 WINGHA.M ADVANCE-TIMES PA(11: Paid $68,091 For Broadcasts Toronto, —, The Travel and Pub- licity Bureau of the Ontario Govern- 4nent spent $147,417 on 13 radio broad- casts for the purpose of attracting tourists' during 1942, it was shown in a return, tabled in the Legislature. A total Of $68,091 was spent on five pro- grams featuring ..Ned Sparks, the St. Thomas-born movie comedian. Mr. Sparks, the return said, was engaged originally as producer and master of ceremonies but he failed to satisfy and his services were discontinued 'after five programs. Couldn't 'Promise Load Both Ways Norwich, Conn., T C. A. Gager ap- plied to the office of defence Trans- portation for a supplemental gasoline ration to drive from Norwich to De- troit and return. He was told he would have tb be sure of a load both ways for each trip of his ,vehicle. Gager gave up, He's an undertaker and his vehicle is a hearse. Many Affected By Ammunition Restrictions Toronto, — An official of time Ont- ario Department of Game and Fish- eries estimated that more-than 130,000 casual hunters in Ontario will be affec- ted by the Prices Board order restric- ting the use of small arms ammo- ition. Time order provides that only persons who can show essential needs can obtain ammunition. Retail Price Of Beef Advanced At Toronto Toronto, — The Prices' Board an- nounced that effective last Friday re- tail prices on. cuts of beef in the To- ronto area will be increased from one to four cents a pound, according to the quality of meat sold. The board announced the increase' in price fol- loWing its permission to wholesalers to boost their prices by 50 cents per hundredweight. Only other centre in Canada to be effected by the increase will be Winnipeg, the Prices Board said. Many More Canadians .To Get Chance To Serve Ottawa, — Defence headquarters announced that "many thousands" of Canadians who have been barred from the army now may join up for active service through a new plan of curing "remediable defects." The plan speci- fically lists hernia and varicose veins, so far responsible for more than 10 per cent ()rah army rejections. Sim- Ultaneously it was announced that standards for vision and hearing have been changed to permit enlistMent of short-sighted men for certain seden- tary duties. These men will be sup- plied with glasses by the army, Men previously rejected for defective vision and hearing now may apply for en- listment and be accepted, the an- nouncement- said. • More Gasoline For Tourists Is Requested • Toronto, — The Ontario Legisla- ture's Fish and Game Committee pas- sed a resolution asking Federal author- ities for a "more equitable supply" of gasoline for United States tourists coming to Canada. ' The resolution; which suggested that the present tourist allowance of 12 gallons of gasoline, be increased to 75 gallons, followed assurance from Premier Gordon Conant that he would do all in his power to 'obtain a larier ration so the Ontario tourist 'trade would not be obliterated this summer, Train Travel Rationing Unlikely, Says Official Halifax, — Although the railroads are handling a "tremendouS" volume of passenger business there is no pros- pect of train travel rationing in the immediate future, J. F. Pringle, gen- eral manager Atlantic region, Domin- ion Atlantic Railways, told reporters here. Ontario Extends Subsidies On. Cheese And Hogs For Year . Toronto, — Hon. P. 1M„ Dewan, agriculture minister, introduced into the Ontario Legislature a bill provid Mg for extension for a one-year per- iod of the Cheese and Hog Subsidy LOOK UT FOR YOUR LIVER! • Buck it up right now and feel like a new person] Your liver is the largest organ in your body and most important to your health. It pours out bile to digest food, gets rid of waste, supplies new energy, allows proper nourishment to reach your blood. When your liver gets out of order food decomposes in your' intestines. You be- come constipated, stomach and kidneys can't work properly. You feel "rotten"—headachy, backachy, dizzy, dragged out all time time. Thousands have won prompt relief with "Fruit-a-tives:" So can you NOW. Try "Fruit- a-tives" Canada's largest selling liver tablets. You'll be delighted'how quickly you'll feel like a new person, happy and well again. 25c, 50c. FRU 1TM/11;ES 471.1.,1 sr. Act, 1941, Mr. Dewan also introduc- ed a bill which would provide for the payment of a subsidy of 55 cents a ton on sugar beets grown under a con- ti act for a processor. The subsidy was announced some weeks ago and with a change in the excise payment set-up, the farmer will be allowed $10 a ton for sugar beets testing 16 per cent. In connection" with cheese and hog subsidies, time government has been paying two cents a pound on cheese and $1 a hundredweight for gralle 2 hogs and 50 cents for grade No. B-1. Mothers' Allowances In Ontario To Increase 20 Per Cent Toronto, — Commencing April 1 mothers' allowances in Ontario will be increased 20--r per cent., Premier Conant told the Legislature. The in- crease means that a mother with one child now receiving $35 a month will, after April 1, receive $42 a month," said Mr. Conant, amid applause. "A mother with three children, considered the average-sized -family, now receiv- ing. $45 will receive $54 per month. This will take care of time cost-of-living increase and leave a margin to meet increases that may occur during the next year, becauSe it would not be feasible to adjust mothers' allowances in accordance with the cost-of-living increases more than once a year." Russia and Japan Renew Fishing Privileges London, — Japan and Russia, not at war against each other 'but fighting On opposite sides in the world struggle, have signed an agreement extending Japanese fishing privileges in Soviet Ear Eastern-waters, it was announced. Ontario To Protect • Troops, Dependents Toronto, — Premier Gordon Conant introduced to the Ontario Legislature an act to provide relief for members of the armed forces and their depend- ents who get into financial difficulties in respect to mortgages and other en- cumbrances, taxes and rent of their homes. The bill is entitled the Active Service Moratorium Act. Sell Birthplace of Mary Pickford Toronto, The Toronto birthplace of Mary Pickford; Hollywood screen star, is one of a group of buildings soon to be torn down to give way to a modern $1,250,000 hospital, it was learned. Time hospital is planned by Toronto's Jewish community. It is to have .a 250-bed capacity and will be operated on a non-sectarian basis. It will be known as the new Mount Sinai Hospital. Former C. P. R. President Sir Edward Beatty, Dies Montreal, — Sir Edward Beatty, 65, a dominant figure in time Canadian business world who resigned a year ago as president of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, died last Wednesday in the Royal Victoria Hospital here. His death ended one of time most brilliant careers in Canada's business world—a career which saw him work up through time legal depart- ment to become executive chief of the world's greatest privately-owned trans- portation system in his 40th year, Al- though he resigned the presidency last year, he still remained as chairman of the railway's .executive board. SUPPLIES, SUBSIDIES PRICE FERTILIZERS What is the fertilizer situation for this year? The Dominion Department of Agri- culture announces it has made ar- rangements for supplies equal to those used in Canada last year. L he 1943 demand for fertilizers is greater than that of 1942, it May be necessary to prevent their use for other than es- sential food crops. Itbowing this, tar-sighted farmers shOuld take dey livery of their fertilizers as soon as possible to make sure of getting them. The Fertilizer Administrator, Grant Feart, gives the good news 'that Can- ada 'in 1943 will have .the lowest priced fertilizers of any of the United. Nations, While farmers in one of the allied ,countries will have to pay Per. cent more for 1,943 fertilizers than they did last Year, farmers in Canada• will actually pay less than they did in 1942, This 'saving to the Canadian farmer is a result of orders issued by the Fertilizer Administration which have completely eliminated eompeti-• live warehouses, reduced the number of grades of mixed fertilizers made in time faetories, established f.o.b, selling from factories and factory zones of distribution, and have reduced the cost of -manufacture and distribution, Farmers of Canada's five eastern provinces buying the same amount of fertilizers they did a year ago will make their purchases at an estimated saving of $640,000, What about subsidies? The Dom- inion Department of Agriculture's fertilizer subsidy has proved so pop- ular with farmers that it will lie con- tinued in'1943, Here then, in brief, is time fertilizer situation at present: supplies equal to those of 1942, continued subsidies, and lower price. • START FIGHT NOW AGAINST HEEL FLIES Warble or heel flies and their grubs cause an annual loss of many millions of dollars to the live stock industry in Canada, in the present state of NV F economy; the loss in beef, hides and milk, due ' to warbles, is of national concern; states the Division of Entomology, Dominion Department of Agriculture. Heel flies are about a half an inch or slightly more in length and have somewhat the appearance of small bumble bees, During spring and early summer they attach their egg to the legs and under-parts of cattle, and though they do not sting or bite, stock become terrified and run for shelter. Heel flies seem to avoid shade, so, where possible adequate shelter should be provided for the herd. When the eggs hatch, the small grubs penetrate through the skin, causnig sores, and work their way through the body toward the region of time gullet. Then they m (We up- ward to the back where they fora? cysts or warbles. They cut a small breathing hole through the skin and remain there for several weeks. While in time baCk of the cattle they may be easily destroyed by the application of a warble wash containing rotenone. Proprietary warble powders ready to use are available. fly and the' illness, and occasional The running of cattle by the heel death, caused by the migration of time grubs through time animal's body, re- sult in tremendous losses in weight, finish and milk flow. In addition, the holes cut in the hide by the grubs spoil the best portion used in the manufacture of leather. These materials are all vitally need- ed now. Labour is scarce, but there is probably no way in which greater returns can be obtained, at such small cost in time, effort and money, than by warble control. .In. the Prairie Provinces and most of Eastern Canada the first applica- tion of derris wash should be applied about time third week of March. In British Columbia and other milder parts of the Dominion it may be ap- plied as early as time middle of Feb- ruary. Three, and preferably four, applications should be applied at 30- day intervals. Provincial Departments of Agricul- ture have further information on Warble Fly Control and the Publicity and Extension Division of the Dom- The lunch problem has been solved for thousands of Ottawa's war work- ers through the establishment of a number of cafeterias and lunch rooms which are run by volunteergroups. In the cafeteria in which this picture was taken as many as 2,000 meals are served in a single day, and profits are turned over to the Red Cross. Recent- ly a number of smaller lunch rooms TEETH NEED YOUR GREATEST CARE "Teeth are like wives. Neglect 'em and yoU're headed for trouble," declares a pamphlet entitled "Be Kind to Your Teeth", just released 'by the Industrial Division of the Health League of Canada for distribution among industrial workers. Accomp- anying the pamphlet is a striking car- toon-style poster illustrating how even a toothache can cut down vital war production, which is available for use on factory notice boards at a nominal charge. "Be Kind To Your Teeth" points out that a decayed tooth, if neglected, may lead to chronic, serious, or even fatal illness. Such foods as candy, sugar, cakes, pastry (the refined carbo- hydrate foods) should, be used in strict moderation as their excessive use con- tribute to dental decay. On the other handy the pamphlet advises, uncooked foods such as green vegetables, raw fruits and dairy products are good for time teeth. Meat and eggs are needed for vitamin's—except vitamin D which is provided by sunlight in the summer, During the fall and winter months cod liver oil or other fish oil added to the diet furnishes vitamin D. Exercise for the teeth is necessary if they are to be healthy, it is stated. . Vigorous chew- ing of food does time trick. Proper care of time teeth, it emphas- izes, includes . brushing them after each meal, using a small toothbrush with well separated tufts; the use of dental floss or cotton thread drawn be- tween the teeth to remove food part- icles; brushing- time Upper teeth down- ward and the lower teeth upward; brushing vigorously the top surface of back teeth, and washing the mouth out with clean water. Periodic examinations by a careful dentist are essential, it is stated. At least one visit a year is necessary. A good dentist will stress prevention have been opened in downtown churches, These lunch rooms give ! practical expression- to Canada's nat- ional nutrition program by providing nutritious lunches at very moderate prices to a group who would other- wise find it difficult to get an adequate lunch. Establishment of similar lunch rooms in communities where adequate restaurant facilities do not exist should meet with equal success. You can take your fat drip- pings, scrap fat and bones to4 your meat dealer. He wilt pay you the established price' for the dripping and the' scrap fat. If you wish, yout can turn this money over to your local Voluntary Salvage Com.nittee or Registered Local. War Charity, or— You can clonal. your fat drip- ping, scrap fa, and bones to your local Voluntary Salvage Committee if they collect them in your community, or— You can continue to place out your Fats and Bones for col- lection by your Street Clean- ing Department where such a system is in effect. SF 424 DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES NATIONAL SALVAGE DIVISION mernite(IRovrir FENPFOR EXPLOSIVE'S' SCUTTLED TOULON FLEET, DECKS AWASH once a part of the great Prendli fleet, these .snialt. 41telf ,detita awash, A Nakaleht4i'foolo-ert the' 000 iestroyers rest on the bottom of the .111s Amato didn't:jot. thow aMtlo IF ItEstil Send tor your copy today!, 'to aet your VitE.t copy of i'Eat.io.NSIorlc-ie. 411130,4 WO send your name Dad addres, Oeurty pr‘oi 0 a s, i° ortouttIon fovVieteryli, itot 600,10100o, \ Canada. inion, Department of Agriculture, Ot• frequent cleaning of the teeth, the fill- tawa, Ont., has a special pamphlet on ing of small cavities, early recognition the subject. I and treatment of infection. of the gums. 2 3 MOTHERS MOBILIZE TO BRING HEALTH TO FAMILIES! Hundreds of women enlist in "Nutrition for Victory" Drive bring health and stamina to families especially war workers! You too, can play an important part in this vital national need. Health and stamina are needed now for Victory • always for full happiness. Governtnent surveys reveal that even those who can afford the best are often ill-fed, according to the standards of true nutrition. Here is an opportunity of learning an easy and interesting way to improve your family's health, through better nutrition ... an opportunity of getting your copy of the booklet "Iat.to.Work-to-Win". at absolutely tio Cost. So don't delay! Send for your Plat, copy NOW ! *abt nutritional oedema:II fmi "Eat-lo-Trork-lo.lrk" are acceptable to Ntutilloo Strokes, Deparittreut of Persians Natioal acceptable °firma, for the C'alladian Nutrition Progernove,) Sponsored by THE. 13R1IWING INDUSTRY (ONTAR/O) India lateRifi' a nutrition and licaTeh as an aidto Victory. •a.