The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-03-25, Page 8WAGE
Two Shows Saturday Night
Thursday, Fridays Saturday, March 25, 26, 27
Another thrilling mystery story by Dashiell
Also "Cartoon" "Animal Subject" "News"
Matinee Saturday afternoon, at 2.30 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wedneday, March 29, 30, 31
— In —
A Satirical Comedy of Life w the Campus.
Also "Musical Subject".
. .„
High quality cloths for Spring tailored to
your .exact
Showing.. the newest styles for men and
young men. Also ladies' coats and suits made-to-
Samples now on display,
Priced $22.50 to $45.00
Our boys' department including youths and
boys suits, long and shorts in tweeds and worsteds.
These wear well and make them feel manly.
'Thursday; March 25thip, 194$
For P. Lovely Gift, or just to replenish your own
home supplies, there is nothing like John S.
Brown's Linens, Their quality stands for
the best you can buy',
TOWELLING — Just in is a shipment of all
linen towelling with check design in Red,
Blue or Green , 39c yd.
Other lines of towelling in both fine and
lievy weaves 45c to 55c yd.,
DAMASK CLOTHS — beautiful designs in ' 4
cloths with a fine sheen, Your favourite
patterns are here — Rose, Chrysanthe-
mum, Apple Blossom, Adams ... $6.95 - $13.50
GIFT SET — a specially boxed damask cloth
with matching napkins, guaranteed for
years of service . $15.00
TEA NAPKINS — Just the thing to use with ;
your lace cloth. These ecru linen napkins.;
make an ideal gift. Drawn-work design
in corner 59c
TOWELS — fancy guest towels in coloured
linen ,
65c, 79c ea.
White linen with hemstitched edge 59c, 98c ea.
TOWEL SETS — Boxed sets in coloured linen
with embroidery $2.50
HANDKERCHIEFS—Men's pure linen white
handkerchiefs in a new inexpensive
line 25c ea.
SHORTENING ..... .... lb. 20c
REX COFFEE .... lb. 53c
DALY GRANGE (/ lb. pkg.)
STANDARD TEA .... . 40c
—,- AT —
Smith's Economy Food Store
CHOICE PEAS 2 tins 25c VEGETABLE SOUP 2 tins 25c
LIMA BEANS - 2 tins 29c PURE LARD ..... ...... lb. 20c
Kraft Dinner, cooks in 7 minis.. pkg. 19c
McCormick's Butter Cream Sodas . . . , lb. 16c
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
FLORIDA ORANGES doz. 37c TEXAS CARROTS, 2 bchs 23c GRAPEFRUIT ,...„„.., 4 for 25c CHOICE LEMONS .,. 4 for 17e HEAD LETTUCE „h,.2 for 29e RIPE TOMATOES lb. 32c GREEN CELERY „, bunch 17c ONT. POTATOES „.„ peck 39c
Delicious Apples , , . Dozen 240
-Y.P.U. Conducted Service
The evening service in the United
Church was in charge of the Y.17.U.
The president, Fleming Johnston pre-
sided and opened the meeting with
prayer, followed by a song service
with Mrs, W. J. Johnston presiding at
Radio B.
Pa thson
Radio Service
Phone 171
"The Lost .Sheep." The minutes were
read by the secretary, Mrs, Stanley.
During the business session, places
of meeting and hostesses were arrang-
ed, ,Mrs, Burns Moffatt and Mrs. El-
dred Nichol was named a committee
to arrange for quilting or some kind of
work for the meetings. Mrs, K, F,
Garniss assisted the hostess at the
lunch hour, The greater part of the
afternoon was spent doing Red Cross
Box Social Well Attended
The St. Patrick Box Social sponsor-
ed by the Y.P.U. of the United Church
and the Junior Red Cross of Bluevale
School, was well attended, A devotion-
al period was followed by a short pro-
gram. Members of the Junior Red
Cross presented a broadcast, which in-
eluded a description 'of Red Cross
activities. Choruses, recitations, news
broadcast and advertising were also
given, Shirley Seiling acted as an-
nouncer, Mary Darling as news com-
mentator and Muriel Smith accompan-
1st, Recitations were giVen by Delores
Hamilton; Sherwood Mann and Phyllis
Hamilton, Percilla Mann and 'George
Thomson gave Irish readings. Mrs.
Geo, Hetherington sang an Irish song
and gave an exhibition of club swing-
ing with Mrs. 12, H. McKinnon as
accompanist. Mrs, Geo. Thomson
conducted interesting games and con-
tests. The attractive boxes brought
goOd prices. Geo. Hetherington acted
as auctioneer, The funds will be used
for Red Cross work.
. Mr ,and Mrs, Hugh Berry of
Brucefield, spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. A. D. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Hemingway
of Brussels, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Turvey.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mann, have
returned home after spending a few
weeks with members of their family
at Fordwich. •
A. D. Smith R.C.A.F., Burtch, spent
the week-end at his home here.
Mrs. Laura Kirton spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol in
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott and
Mrs. A. D, Scott of Seaforth, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
G. A. Love.
Lorne McCrackin of Seaforth spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex McCrackin.
Miss Isobell McKinnon and Spence
McKinnon, Waterloo, with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon.
First Class Watch Re-
pairs at Moderate Prices
All worm guaranteed and done
on the premises,
For —
Magazines, Tobacco
Smokers Sundries.
Miss Arlene Galbraith, Fergus,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Galbraith,
A.C,2 Hector Hamilton, with the
R.C,A.F. in Newfoundland, spent a
couple of .days with Mr, and Mrs. K
W. Carson last week.
Mr. Willard Michael R.C,N,V,R.,
with the S. S. Corn Wallis, is
spending a few clays with his brother
Mr. Cloyne Michael and Mrs, Michael,
Lenten Services of St. StePhens
Anglican Church were held on Thurs-
day night last at the home of Mr. F.
C. Taylor,
Mr. Merviin Stephens, Thornetale,
spent the week-end with his brother,
Mr, Arthur Stephens and Mrs.
The many friends of Mrs. C, E.
Gregg will be glad to learn she was
able to return from Listowel Hospital
on Friday last, and is improving nice-
Team Bolted, Two Injured
When his team, hitched to the sleight
took fright and ran away while he was
loading the milk into the sleigh on
Monday morning, Mr. Harvey Sparl-
ing, 4th concession, was dragged for
some distance before being freed from
the sleigh. Miss Jean Snarling, his
daughter who was in the sleigh assist-
ing, was thrown clear and received
sortie cuts, while as yet it is not learn-
ed how badly Mr. .Sparling was hurt.
He is at home very badly bruised.
, Sister Has Spinal Meningitis
Miss Doris Semple,' who for the past
few years has made her home with
leer aunt, Mrs. Jas. Armstrong and Dr,
Armstrong, received a call front
Swift Current, Sask., to the effect her
sister was in a critical condition suf-
fering from spinal meningitis and 'left
on Monday to be cisrith her, Miss
Semple has been. taking a course in
Wine:am Hospital for the past few
Wedding bells are ringing.
Miss Louise Martin of Kincardine,
spent a few days last week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin,
Miss Annie Keith spent the weeks
end at the hoine of her uncle, r.
Duncan McLeod` of Luekuow.
Quite a crowd gathered at the 1-Tall
last Friday for the euchre and dance
put on by the Women's Institute. Mrs.
Cecil Falconer and Mr. Joe Tiffin were
winners at the games, and Archie
Purdon received the low prize. The
ladies are holding a concert, in the
Hall this Friday evening and a good
program is being prepared,
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Keiswetter moved
last week to Walkerton to be with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Keis-
Red Cross meetings were held last
week at the homes of Mrs. Jas. St.
Marie; Mrs, W. R. Farrier, Miss Annie
Laidlaw, Mrs. Lance Grain, Mrs. Mc-
Quillan and Mrs. Joins Richardson,
and, this week at Mrs. Thos, O'Mal-
Complete Eye Comfort
Awaits yott by wearing Reld's
Glasses. Banish headaches, see
dearly any distance and read or
sew with Satisfaction, Conatilt—
R. A. Reid, R.O.
Stratford's Leading Optometrist
for over 24 years.
At Wingharn Office, Williams
Jewelry Store every Wednesday
'Morning 9.30 to 12.00 noon.
Phone 5W for appointntent,
ley's, Mrs, Eddie Waddell's and Mrs,
Miles McMillan.
Mr, A. E. Visrtion and Mr. George
Kennedy unloaded a car of 'Canada'
Packers Fertilizer at the station here
last week.
A.C. Clifford Purdon and Mrs, Fur-
don of Centralia, have been spending
the past week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Aitelieson and his
parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Purdon.
Born--- In Preston Hospital on
March 10, to Mr. and Mrs, Russel
Moore, a daughter,
Bore -^ Wingham General hoss
petal, on March 10, to Mr, and Mrs,
John Angus Kennedy of Culross,
Mrs, Walter Richardson and son
Wallace of 'Llelmore, spent Sunday, at
the home of her sister, heirs, Eddie
The of the United Church
held a social evening in the church on
Friday evening with - the president,
Mr, Carman. Farrier ine charge, and
giving several Irish re•adings with
community singing of Irish songs,
During the evening all enjoyed the
moving pictures ,secured by Mr. Clar-
ence MeClenagban, The travel pic-
tures, Across Canada, and the Cabot
Trail, The Nature Study pictures of
Birds of 'Canada, and Grey Owl, The
Indian Naturalist, with his tame
beavers, were very interesting and in-
structive. The recreation period was
in, charge of the president, Lunch
was served and a social time enjoyed
by all.
The regular monthly meeting of.
the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian church
was held on Thursday at the home of
Mrs. J. F. McLean, with the president,
Mrs. A. Pateison in the chair. The
Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Al-
bert Walters. Mrs. EzrasWelwood led
in prayer. The meditation period on,
Trusting and doing good, was in
charge of Miss Annie Laidlaw, Miss'
Annie Kennedy had the topic, Italians
in Canada. Mrs. McInnis led in pray-
er for the missionaries, and Mrs. Robt,
Mowbray introduced the new study
book, Canadians All, Mrs. Albert
Walters was appointed president for
the remainder of the year and the
meeting was closed with The Lord's
Prayer , in unison.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Burchill of Cul-
ross, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ezra Welwood. •
The regular monthly meeting of the
W.M.S. df the Untied Church met last
Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ezra
Sclioltz with Mrs. Jas. Falconer, 1st
vice president in charge, and. leading
the worship service responsively. Mrs.
Scholtz gave a reading and Mrs, Fal-
coner led in prayer. Mrs. • Lott sang,
Breathe on me, Breath of God, and
Mrs. Milian Moore gave a splendid
talk on the chapter from the 'study
book, Recreation for Young and Old.
Mrs. Tiffin and' Mrs. Cox gave short
summaries from the Missionary
Monthly, and Mrs. Beecroft led in
prayer. The Temperance readings
were given and the meeting closed
with prayer by the president,
The young people of Kinloss held
a St. Patrick Social in the Langside
Hall on Wednesday last.
Mr. and Mrs, Elwood Barbour and
family of Fordyce, spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan.
Mrs. Wallace Conn and daughter,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Earle Caslick of Culross.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry and little
daughter have been moving back to
Castle Hill Farm during the past
week. We welcome them back to this
con', munity.
The 10th Con. Farm Forum. met on
Monday night at the home of IVfie
Leslie Wightman and the next meet-
ing will be held at Mr, Chas. Shell's,
Last week. Mr. Orval Taylor gave his
report of the Federation meeting held
recently at Toronto, while Mr.. Simon.
Hallahan gave a talk on, Larger
School Areas,
Mr, Richard Irsein,, who has been
ailing for some time, is seriously ill
at present, He is at the home of his
son, Mr. Herson Irwin and his other
son, Mr. Edmund Irwin of Goderich
is also there with him,
Miss Verna Thompson and Mr.
Kenneth Currie, Wingham, spent Sun-
day at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Russel Gaunt.
Mr e and ;Mrs. Will Cranston of Dun-
gammon, spent Sunday with her par-
ents, Mr and Mrs. John Kennedy,
The East Wawanosh Farm Forum
met on Monday night at the home of
Mr. Cecil Falconer, The final Meets
ing next week wilt be held at ' e home
of Mr, John Purdon, when a pot luck
supper will be held,
A helping word
often like a switch
--ran inch between
rolling prosperity.
Sunday Services
At the morning service in the Unit-
ed; Church, Rev, Campbell Tavener
spoke from John 19 chapter, verses 41
and 42, on the subject, The Tomb in
the Garden." Being Temperance
Sunday in the Sunday School, Earl
Hamilton read, an article on the sub-
In Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev.
F. G. Fowler spoke from the text "In
the day when God shall judge the
secrets of men by Jesus Christ, accord-
ing to my Gospel."
the piano, The scripture lesson was
read by George Hetherington. Mrs.
Carl Johnston spoke on the topic,
"Service to Others." Mrs. George
Hetherington and Mrs. Alex Mc-
Cracken sang a duet, The meeting
closing with repeating the Lord's'
Prayer in unison.
W.M.S. Had Good Meeting
Mrs. Edward Johnston opened her
home on Thursday afternoon for the
monthly meeting of tha Women's
Missionary Society of the United
Church. The president, Mrs. W. J.
Johnston presided.
The programme, on the theme,
Co-operating with God's purposes for
my community" as outlined in the
Missionary Monthly was followed.
• The president had charge of the
Worship Service, assisted by Mrs.
George Fell reading the scripture
passages and Mrs. George Hethering-
ton singing a solo. Eleven ladies ans-
wered. in response to the. Roll Call.
The discussion period from the
study on "Providing wholesome .re-
creation for all" was led by Miss
Margaret Curtis and Mrs. George Fell.
After singing "Land, of our Birth,"
Rev. Campbell Tavener offered the
closing prayer,
Ladies' Aid Did Red Cross Work
The triple group of the Ladies' Aid
Society of Knox Presbyterian Church
held the regular meeting at the home
of Miss Olive Scott with eleven ladies
present. The president, Mrs. R. F.
Garniss presided and offered the open-
ing prayers. After singing a hymn,
Mrs. George Love read the parable of
St. Stephens Auxiliary Did Quilting
The regular meeting of St. Stephens
Women's Auxiliary met at the resi-
dence of Mrs. Holmes and Miss Per-
kins on Thursday last, when the lad-
ies worked at piecing a quilt during
the afternoon.
The devotional period was conduc-
ted by the president, who led in the
Members' Prayer, Lord's Prayer and
Circle Prayer. Roll Call was answer-
ed by a verse on Self-denial or Some-
thing pertaining to Lent, The Scrip-
sere lesson, "Christ's Temptation in
the Wilderness" was read by Mrs.
Jennings, The president gave an ac-
count of the bazaar held on the prev-
ious Saturday, which showed a sub-
stantial increase from former years.
Mrs. Laurence gave an interesting
talk on Self-denial, illustrating hi a
very touching manner by telling of ant
incident which she witnessed itt Eng-
land, of a man, who after receiving his
minister's and doctor's degree offered
himself and his life and went to the
Leper Colony, which indeed was giv-
ing his all,"as he would never return,
Closing prayers were pronounce/I by
the president after which a dainty
lunch was served by the hostesses
while all enjoyed a social half hour,
Mrs, W. J. Greer, Wingham, was
a guest with Mr, and Mrs, H. V.
Holmes on Thursday.
Mrs. Bessie Arscott returned to her
home in Toronto after spending a
couple of weeks with her mother, Mr's.
A. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs, Laurence Short and
son Ronnie, Fergus, spent the week-
end with her mother, Mrs. W. Earn-
Mrs. Wm. Doig is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Prank Earls and Mr.
Earls in London,
Mrs, H. L. Jennings returned to her
home non Saturday in Thedfotd after
spending a week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Laurence,
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Tot
route, spent the `week-end with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ashton.
Mrs, R. R. Stephens is spending a
few weeks with her son Arthur and
Mrs. Stephens, after spending the past
few months with tier son Mervie. and
Mrs. Stephens en Thorndale,
Mrs. Alex /Marshall and little sOn
Jimmie, Stratford, are spending a few
days with Mr, and Mrs. W. Marshall,
Mr. Robt, Graham, spent last week
hi Toronto, attending the Uederwrit-
er'a Association Convention.
Mr, and Mrs, J. G, Mundell and son
Ian, spent Sunday with friends hi
to one in trouble is
art a railroad track•
wreck and 811100th-
11. W. Becolier,
Activities this week — Red Cross
quilting at the home of lilts. Ballagh
Thursday afternoon, when two quilts
were quilted, those belonging to Mrs.
The saute afternoon visiting curlers
participated in a Bonspeil on the rink,
Gorrie captured first prize,, l elntore
2nd and 3rd in war savings stamps.
Supper and dinner were served at the
The ice was in splendid condition
for the carnival Friday evening. Mrs.
Bumstead and Mr. Plater as judges
awarded the following prizes: Child's
fancy dress, girls' Irene King, boys,
Orval Shorter; ladies fancy dress,
Mae Johann, gents, Myrtle Cathers;
Child's comic costume, girls, Elva
Reide boys, Jack Mulvey; ladies comic
costume, Bill Cathers; national cos-
tume, childs, Florence Horton, ladies,
Marion Inglis; best dressed couple
under 15, Betty Hunkin and Joyce.
Holton; best dressed couple over 15,
Mrs. Playter, Miss King; youngest
skater in costume, Ruth Hewitt; old-
est, Myrtle Ballagh; lucky ticket draw,
Katherine Kennedy; race, girls under
15, Sada Mulvey, boys, Harry Abram;
ladies over 15, Mary Abram, boys,
Matt, Kennedy.
Mr. Lyle Fitch and Lloyd McNeil
of Tottenham, spent the week-end with
Jack Reid of Waterloo with , his
Mission Band Saturday afternoon at
the manse.
Mrs. Alvin Fitch and Earl took
dinner Sunday with Mary and Han-
nah Stokes. M. Jeffrey tea, with Mrs.
Reid and family.
Mr: Hunkin, Audrey, Billy and Carl
Douglas set out for Exeter Saturday
but returned home after getting as far
as Brussels.
Mrs. Gordon Mulvey attended the
shower at Clifford 'on Thursday even-
ing held in• honour of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Metcalf, recently married at
Baptist Church
Rev. John Lucas, Pastor
11 a.m. --"The Potterl and his
Marred Vessel."
7.30 iont. --"The 'Voice of the
Good Shepherd."
10 am, — Sunday School.