HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-03-11, Page 8BELGRAVE Farmers' Club Make Donation 'The Beigrave Farmers' Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wick- -stead 3rd concession, Morris, for the regular March meeting. Cards were Baptist Church Rev. John Lucas, Pastor SUNDAY, MARCH 14 11 a.m. — "The Christian Life" 7.30 p.m. — "God's Way of Salvation". 10 a.m. — Sunday School. We invite you to attend church.. • 411111111011111111WISIfik HIGH QUALITY-LOW PRICES Complete Eye Comfort Awaits you by wearing Reid's Glasses. Banish headaches, see clearly any distance and read or sew with satisfaction. Consult— R. A. Reid, R.o. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Stratford's Leading Optometrist for over 24 years. At Wingham Office, Williams Jewelry Store every Wednesday morning 9.30 to 12.00 noon. Phone 5W for appointment. magnimosammentri New Shipment Men's Pony Horsehide Windbreakers and Coats also Suede Jackets for those who wish to pur- chase for next winter. This merchandise is scarce but our stock is complete for the next few days. Colours—Dark Browns, Greens, Blacks, Navy Sizes 36 to 46. t Prices $10.50 to $14.50 lianna & Co. Ltd. ing with 'God Save the King and pray- er. Mrs. G. Martin read the minutes and Mrs, 3. M=iller gave the monthly financial report, A gat 'committee reported one quilt completed for the June bale. Arrangements were made for the Auxiliaries pare in the World. Day; of Prayer on March 12, which will be held in the United church. The Easter Thank-offering meeting was also planned and it was decided to bald same on the regular meeting day, A Committee was instructed to ,Secure a speaker. Letters of thanks for messages of sympathy, were read and visits to the sick reported. Mrs, H, Wheeler conducted the worship service based on the theme, Building Community Neighbourliness by Love and Friendship. Time call to worshiip and prayer was followed 4y the hymn "Thy Ceasless Unexhausted Love." Our Lord's Summary of the Law was read responsively. :Mrs. G. Martin read the poem, "More Statelp Man- sions", from the Missionary Monthly' Mrs. R. Nicholson read the 13th chapter of 1st Corinthians and Mrs, 3, Wheeler and Mrs. 1-1, Campbell led in prayer. • These were followed by the hymn "More Love to Thee". Mrs. N, Keating reviewed a chapter from the study book closing with a ques- tionaire. The monthly offering was received followed by the hymn 14 0 brother man, fold to thy heart thy brother," and the Benedietion. Holiday Bells Distributed The Wome.n's Association meeting- was conducted by the president, Mrs. Stewart Procter and opened with a hymn and praper.' Mrs. J. M. Coultes was at the piano for both meetings, Minutes and treasurer's report were read by Mrs. C. Procter and Mrs. J. Anderson. Letters of thanks for flowers and messages of sympathy were read. Holiday Bells were distributed. The Roll Call was responded to and col- lection taken. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Benediction. Boost Cigarette Fund The third in a series of euchre and dances sponsored by local young men in aid of the overseas cigarette fund, was held in the Forester's Hall. Prize winners were Mr. and Mrs.' Harold Walsh, whd received war • savings stamps. Arthur's Orchestra supplied the music and a refreshment booth was well patronized. To Entertain A. Y. P. A. The Uniteq. Church Y. P. U. met in the basement of the Church on Fri- day evening with George Michie in the chair and giving the call to wor- ship.. 'The theme of the meeting was, Becoming aware of God, and learning how to live. Short readings relating to the theme were giVen by Lois ,Mc- Guire, Lois Kelly, Velma. Wheeler and Bob Grasby. Mrs. N. Keating' read the scripture lesson and Mrs. James Coultes led in prayer.. - A social will, be held on Friday, March 12, when the society will have as their guests the members of the Belgrave A .Y. P. A Words of appreciation were .spoken by George Michie to Ross Anderson, a valued member who has' enlisted with the R,C.A.F. and leaves Monday morning for Hamilton where he will enter West Dale Technical School. Miss Dorothy Golley gave a paper entitled "The Joy of Living." Mrs. George Johnston and Mrs, N. Keating sang a duet, The offering was receiv- ed' and the meeting colesd with a hymn and the Mizpah Benediction. Quilting Held Red Cross quiltings were held dur- ing the Week at the home of Mrs. John Wickstead and Mrs. Herman Nethery, 3rd line Morris. JUST ,ARRIVED Radio B. and Flashlight Batteries Pattison Raclin Service Phone 171 VS= Give - HUMAN SUFFERING IS GREATER THAN EVER Nowt The need was great last year. It's infinitely greater today. YOUR Red Cross dollars must keep up the work. Give fullyt Canadian Red Cross $10,000,000 needed March 1-20, 1943 This space donated by GEORGE WILLIAMS JEWELLER 'IN WINGHAM IT'S Omar Haselgrove's SMOI(E SHOP . For— Magazines, Tobacco Smokers Sundries Curtainsand praperies BE READY FOR SPRING. BRIGHTEN YOUR ROOMS WITH FRESH CURTAINS, NEW DRAPES. MARQUISETTE CURTAINS Frilled styles, Crisscross, Martha Washingtons, Cottage Sets , . in plain ivory pr attractive colours. $1.29 to. $1.75. pr. Plain. Tailored Ivory Curtains $2.25; NET CURTAINS Rayon and: Tuscan Nets in a big variety of patterns, to. suit your rooms.. $t.1'9 to $4.95 or:: DRAPERIES --- Home Spuns, Shadow Cloths, Chintzes, Rayons 50" wide ....... . . ... $1.50 yd. KING'S — Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Seedless Grapefruit .“.„ 4 for 25c Green Oelety ..... bunch '15c Head Lettuce 2 for 25c Cooking Onions 4 lbs. 23c Choice Lemons 4 for Ile E. O. Apples ....... 3 for 17c Ripe TomatoeS lb. 29c Spanish Onions lbs. 19e rich,, and: Harvey of Sea:forth; one' daughter, Fannie,. Mrs. W. N. Watson, died: in 1918; one Sister,. Mrs.. Martha Gray' and four 'grandchildren., De- ceased was a faithful; niem.ber' of the United, Church. • 4 A. private service was. held at her late home on Saturday„ in charge of Rev. Arthur Sinclair;, pastor of the United: Church. Pallbearers were Mr. j.. H. Elliott, Robert Watt, Albert. T'aylar;. R. D Philip,. George Brad- ford,.,Thomas Taylor. Interment in fatuity Riot in Union Cemetery.. Vill•••••10211. Toronto has two hundred teachers serving with the forces. Mr. Roland. H. MaCKay,: Withrow Ave. School,. has applied for leave of absence to, :the Board of Education to serve with. the armed forces. Roland is a brother- , of Mrs. Harvey ,Mason. Mrs. David Cowan passed away at. her home Tuesday evening in her 89th year. Two daughters, Mrs. Dick of Brandon; Man., and Margaret at home, one son, Walter of Detroit surviVe.. Services were. conducted by Rev. A. Sinclair at her late home on Satehrday- with interment in Union Cemetery: MANY FLOWER MAPLE LEAF SOAP TOILET SOAP 4 cakes 18c FLAKES large pkg. 65c LIFEEUOY HEALTH SANL.WHITE' TOILET SOAP .. „. 3, cakes 20c TISSUE .... 4 rolls 25c SPECIAL! ROBIN HOOD Quick Cooking Oats lb, bag 29c ••••••••••••mrero MONARCH SWEET I AYLMER TOMATO Mixed PICKLES, 24-oz. jar 29c JUICE 12-of. tin 12c FOR THAT Spgelm, MEAL TRY ,A..),intatnrams:rmmn YORK FROSTED FOODS FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Aylmer Vegetable Or Tomato, Soup tin', 10c cniosommiesiiirm k Lipton's Noodle Soup Mix 2 pkgs. 25'c FREE DELIVERY ---- AT Smith's Economy Food Store man PETER PAN MAPLE LEAF TENDER NO. 3 PEAS 2 tins 25c FLAKE LARD , lb. 20e HAND PICKED . KRAFT WHITE BEANS 4 lbs. 25c DINNER . .... pkg. 19,c rAGE HT WII\TGI-IAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, Marlt"11•th,t 1943 meeting; The next regular meeting will be held on March 26,, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D Armstrong, Jane *Armstrong anilijaek Vancamp will arrange the program. Beth l3rydges will 'prepare the log book, The fol- lowing program was presented—a duet by Marguerite and Elizabeth Poung; solo,'VY Jean Streeter. The remainder of the evening was spent in games. Lunch was .served and. the meeting closed with a hymn and the Benedic- tion by Mr. Streeter, Articles Received For Bale. The March meeting of the Presby- terian Women's Missionary Society, was held at the home of Mrs„ W. J. Geddes with a good \attendance. Mrs. A, Scott and Mrs. Geddes took the opening exercises. Minutes of Feb- ruary meeting were read and approv- ed, A communication received from the Provincial W.M.S. treasurer giving in- structions regarding the different funds of Auxiliaries was read and commented on. Visits to the sick were reported and acknowledgements received from sick members for re- membrances, Many lovely articles were received in response to a request for a shower of baby clothes for bale. Further contributions will be made at the next meeting. A.delayed report of the annual bus- iness meeting of Huron Presbyterial was given by Mrs. J. Dunbar. Mrs. R. 3. Scott read items of interest from the Glad Tidings•, Mrs, A. Young led in prayer. , A paper ,entitled—The Presbyterian Mission to the Jews, was read !by the president, Mrs. Scott, The Roll, Call was responded to with sentence pray- ers. The singing of a hymn and pray- er by the president, closed the meet- ing, after which lunch was served by the hostess and a social time enjoyed. A iieartp vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Geddes and Miss Anne Geddes for their hospitality. Miss Lois ,McGuire of London, with. her parents ,Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- Guire. Mrs. Bernard tvith her parents, Wheeler. Ross Anderson, son 'of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson has enlisted with the R.C.A,F, and left Monday morning for Hamilton, where lie will attend West Dale Technical School. Institute. Meets. March 16 The regular meeting of the- Bel- grave. Women's. Institute will be held. at the home of Mrs, James. .Coultes on Tuesday,. March 16, at 2.30.. Roll Call! —An Easter Thought.. Address — Rev. G. H. Dunlop. Motto—Spring- time, Mrs. J. Wheeler: Lunch GUM- mittee—Miss E. Procter,. Mrs, C.. R. Coultes, Mrs, 3. Coates.. All the; lad- ies are nivited to attend. ORDER FERTILIZERS NOW Farmers in Eastern Canada are' urged by the Dominion Department of Agriculture not to delay placing their orders for their fertilizer require- ments and accepting shipments well in advance of seeding time. • To move the available 40.0,000 tons of fertilizers required this year try farmers in the five Eastern. provinces will require 14,000 fully loaded freight tars. If shipments do not start at once; there will 'be many farmers who won't get deliveries in time to be of any use for their 1943 crops, the De- partment explains. When a fellow says his home town is no good you can rest assured he does not amount to much there. BLYTH' Mrs. Gordon Elliott and ,Master John spent over the week-end with the former's parents in Goderich. Pte, Ross Thuell of Petawawa Camp, is spending some days with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Thuell. At a special meeting of the Council on Monday night, Gordon Elliott was appointed clerk and R., D, Philip as treasurer. , It is not known r at this time whether they will accept. There were two, applications, one from Geo. Simi, farmer, FIullett Township and the other from Mrs. Mabel Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wettlattier, are visiting thd former's :parents at 3urg- essvilie. Over 1200 ration books were dig.- tributed at this centre. Ration !looks. can still be obtained, Miss Hilda Nesbitt of Toronto, spent the week-end at her horrid. Mrs. Ben Mason After an illness extending over several months, Mrs, Berk Mason pas- sed away at her home on Wednesday evening in her 17th year.. Her bus- band passed on a few Months ago. SUrviving are two sons, Ed, of Gode- Two Shows Saturday Night Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 11, 12, 13 — Double Bill WILLIAM BOYD & ANDY CLYDE In "Twilight On The Trail" And JUDY CANOVA & ALLAN JONES In "True To The Army" Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, March 15, 16, 17 BETTE DAVIS PAUL HENREID CLAUDE RAINS , In "NOW VOYAGER" Bette Davis in one of her greatest roles. Also "Cartoon". enjoped as the crowd' gathered, The president, Lyle Hopper, called the group to order and opened the meet- ing with "0 Canada" followed by a period of group songs. Minutes of the February meeting were read by the secretary, C. R. Coultes, and adop- ted, $40 was donated to the Beigrave Red Cross Campaign for funds. $5.00 was donated .to the Belgrave School Fair for prizes which are to be the same as last year namely: Grades 1 and 2—Dutch Set Onions; Grades 3 and 4—Bouquet for living room; Grades 5, 6, 7, 8—Collectionof vege- tables from the Home Garden. A resolution is to be drafted by Lyle Hopper and C, R. Coultes: "That a Hog Producers Association be form- ed," and forwarded to the Township and County Federation of Agriculture. Miss Dorothy Golley and George Michie led a discussion on Township School Boards, in which many ideas for and against were brought forth. This discussion will be continued at the next meeting which is to be held at the honie of Mr. and Mrs. James Michie. A committee was appointed to secure an 'outside speaker for the occasion. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Day Of Prayer Friday Committees from the Presbyterian, Anglican and United Churches met at the home of Mrs. H. Wheeler and arranged for the annual World Day of Prayer on March 12, which will be held in the United Church at 2,30 p.m. on the above date. W. M. S. Plan, Thank-offering. The United Church 'Women's Mis- sionary Society and Women's Assoc- iation held their March meeting in the basement of the church. Mrs, J. Wheeler opened the Missionary meet- School Children, Broadcast Fifteen pupils of the Beigrave School, under the direction of their, teacher, Mrs. John Howard and music teacher, Miss Velma Wheeler, took Part , in. a broadcast over station CKNX in a series of programs by public school children, sponsored by the War Finance Committee, to pro- mote the sale of War Savings Stamps and Certificates, The pupils of Belgrave school are buying stamps ill a systematic manner. $300.00 worth is their objective for the present term and they have subscribed over $200.00 to date, A. Y. P. A. Accept Invitation The regular Meeting of the A: Y. P. A. Was held at the 'home of Mrs. R. Owens and Miss Verna Johnston, on Friday evening, March 5th. There was an attendance of 20 'in spite of* poor road conditions. The meeting opened with the hymn "Ye Servants' of the Lord" after which Rev. P. H. Streetr led in praper. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Jean Streeter. Minutes of the last meeting were read and; adopted and treasurer's report given, An invitation front the United Church Y. U. to Meet With thorn Friday ni March 12 was accepted with thanks. Shirley Nethery and Elizabeth Young are to prepare the log book The that Crellin of Londdn, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil