HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-03-11, Page 2* r*vmtr* tom les,* Ow", OW reopl* ooa set tow tat** trout Out tintquers AlriNV40,011V4 'unto* %urea wooldeut totthi wipe out , )our hone ‘W,:411Yar AkftViVtgli., %KV Ole fflprouvx14,4i ot Nonon6bilt Insokavt, ttoo, WINCiTIANI ATWCE-TIMES iVattrVAISv IAA "WAS 101,0t heard'. 14'0% 'Rolled by the polioe the YokIng$Ur vottoottiod ig.on.'s nott•oppeatarate,.7 donied all knouled;;,--e of the t:',aievory XV1,2111 lhaa Atm start- but shortly after the -tiT.:111itstatties; ed on the sittulter•traile Souruoy Nettnailwere ropotted to the its,',y's fathor, the' Lear4 tbe• 40.51,11r(.4 411311 tzlissitilt; Purses we"m nturm4--AVAIlk- , 1top, but ,otab irauas unable to do alvtgliug- alone, After makiog his br,z111:tr as eorafortablo possLl)le he Seaforth Spring Show vtorned tor the help of netglthors, UMW ft, t MatLEAN) WINONA/1 GORRIE REPRESENTMG etton Herald-Zitues. ThursdaYA March 1lth9 1943 . •.;I:k :.S.' " "4 ,'IL'•';, j ••••••le...A•eol.• aanampos,... Exeter Man Witites .son L.A.t:. Stan Smith, trumpet soloist, t.;40.1int, siher rwcht. Las writ;01 A soug, l'i.leartor <1.,:talICAt14 L'Abord a Plouife assist - .ng with the' ric. Mit; soug, entit4'd "After a Droate m in make its debut ou the All ttlat g ogion Show in the' Sae Life Auditorium, Montreal, soato time this month. 14:xoter Times M- N...vale. 7.14,0•••••.40, weite inantanoe to.e4vee *elected tiAsnAnohit4N renional reel'Ptitt:v rtitatet%, .ButearY,, noto 000k, a )tot grawnia Ittlsuratteo. Ninti$0041. Aacr-tatce,Time* roVmaita At 'AvAxilittot ttxtivato Stihst*tion Rate On ?oar Si1X-41 h • LO Nst To S. A., *SO 1,tt ytar reireto tate., 441.00 per year. tALAvertiting lAttS or tarstilieldbai. Infant Scalded Th'eze w Srrit'atz, tteafotth this zr:ar, a nweting of the; xeeutive couratitto;.• of the ;3-ea:forth; „kgrieulturai ttety deoided Tuesday afternoon, The Fall Fair will be held ' as usual in Se:pie:nix; the dates for arrauge4.-Seaferth , C41091k 1005 40 sumo% vouns Of chiS fa Eltiii,0065 'Veze O. 4 blf-r4-okig WO Po4 PA le* i * • ,,_ 03 tb. oly vro 't* -Kw, Wad:wattage ova Ise overri.4aae is by tbs. asy4p-aity issitig a fool I VW* 0 1•xer1oas 4kortato 01,Txts a.sa *oafs lat sAatade a k'21413:470,41, 'every pope oiszttspfst sina story boite, ,,,,v,ott„ yncooloa or . Fitt Wits vlyaiaits, saA silycsitue "lobos Mita explatis*--401011Y04 tOxnzli? IC" '2U45 Vxemers--AatZpli, Benito/D:4o. awls 01,114 .0404:, dostvp tki,vsz oitacs, Tgasso proairtm ilia. AP glaefos war tralastkl. SEWS is wa.sg You Do Savo oozy laud of vrit'de astpping. All Iasi Ise vizei tosmillet, -P0124 davagis ess toroiotory meta A01;110'1100 a rassti iiicloriaDalitea. cot. PViiat tr. a glass tor pottAt cotaiiiiet. VAP it,,, A. re4490721°: c'T 1""°1' 9/". 1°U. '''"". otaertoa. IL voupti at %toot- $ovo. 41plevas oillititoirst scrap bit tttsi.yout suede toaotiped or iiscoalsed). Pap separate froze los WOO. Pavlov fats WS lazgles la a cool Piers& P ''' 4-r....1.,. I,. ...., Hanover Dairies Get Subsidy detiver,y •SerViCt dIte tw 1 dairies \Ms. resumeil when a. milk strike of distriet producers was brought to at 'cad in its third dale bY ASSIATA'nCe from Ottawa that the fed - The little two-yeavold dangluer .eral sttbsidY will be paid to Ms. &k loser.% &kelt triet with serious ducerS supplying Hattover with this .and pairtful aeoident on Wednesday. tommodity, I-Ix:toyer Post, :n;nrios from Pr:. Th(..":„ \Voir, of Alt- While playing be: home she tad the: misfortune to fall into A pail of boiling. WeSt BruCte L.O.L. Elects water arna VAS SO serimslY :selildeka The postponed meeting of• West ,Rinearaino Asked ttnertenty Piola that sht Ilka to bo removed to Soo truce County Lodge was held in burn. ,•••••••• • tempt:11g to make an onto:gene:4; land. 'Stara -Alt licton Expositor. the ffsexperieoe,.1 Memorial Hospital, whore she is rest, . Lucknow with County Master Earl' .,,1 durtng the Itzek. ITY AirViAti A$ Ni'ten AS -t01114 !ht. •--1 Tout presiding. The followitw affic-3 N.Eri:ardine offioials have boot in. fers wore re.olected .for thlt eoraing year: County Master, Earl Tont; rote: with dopartratnt tvanspottlXivet„V-Thret Comny Deputy 'Master, Wan, Stanley; :as with A *OW ttStAblie_lit 1 ..1"4. vatorgency landing fielel. ee'lelloata Ined bitetaa,3- .011 Moo- County recording -secretary, C. E. Me-,' samiwaiittilifitititijoiarataiimidalisativitratarafiriasataiaieattrettritatio Stowattos Spt•ttgla Here? healt-h, voa ez,,-esig;ht .ora ttare...-, 1-..Zaol marshal. John Eirtmerton; lecture; If -,s,thor pia:7es .ar,‘, boast .0f intorost in the treats of 'tbe day, Mr. Steve 'Irwin: xleptaty /tett:re; lane 4,z, the sooe,11tentath was born in Scotland, but .1NratolI. Lr....4know Scroitlel. haveet mp.„),1-tt,a CATIA,14, At VI(' Agt SiX year.: t. a ter loath, of Ilreoefield, tounty Chaplain, Jdhn McQuillia; of the day, „March 1s, but still enjoys goorl1.)ona.glq Apeas.-ren• HOaginS3 by Andy CNA: 'last Stuttlay .yver 'ma with e'v:e•Prion e a 'low '&1'115merit ExPr4= DisTRicT :taro snowdrops. Miss ',spelt in the West, has IA 4'an'arku-, The, first shipment to come Aia Air ' ' , - Austin the Sih,ZIOI. O'Ll 1:143411:t the trezteflai .distriot. Express arrived at The local express office last $'riday morning irorn Cal- gary ATherta. The s'hipment left' Tbt 141anner tiat otv of be: --ztseatorth lauron-Expositor. tieciannanetiettruteatemiantietanarniantaitraratairimeatint. a OIVIt‘14,POtt$ SOZZ4.1-: Pohrtiary 26rd that wore pht., piokod :lay o: two p7oViOns. lialT-c:k Roehott.,,t1-1 -of Abt:dotti ono 414 la -4 weok. M. Xt5tt.bati3Otta ri4 re'04 3:A11)Sr:4n had ole- Nit:tail Man Had tlose tasion to go rho bosh to sor.-•.e 'With both foot pinned down by A 'WOK Ana 'who% the.'Y trto. Rory ),"Ia..-Grtgor, farmer, 'Wee nirrg'kettl tttt $t"N.' .i.:zassitoppors. V,troo. 3ili?.t'S, north of .Kintail„ tot one, or A, Iset .;11121teittat, in tht 1:111Z,ty sub-rero !weal:Ian fear theta, hopptig around on the ground ever thre..? before being restmed and apparontjygibtitAtzt4lr&s by his brother, Prod. Mr. "Nla::-Gro.gor,, They wore roal -and the ItttiO1-68..wa-;'; brought to Alvstrdet Hospital teen wtit so nonplussed it is said they -att..;odr:rich, his lo.ft foot badly crash- Itod, gt, fizt hu se ooa look.rind frozen. Ot the otionda, oor.vittoo thomsolvo: The injotvd man 'MIMI tht birSh was s' Nal!.;!. nlono. Ho was ongagod ;ra trimming thts branaes a tree that he hod when a large brattah suddenly 71/C0re/a ll,c/.."1-lorte kkked ner, rtooivoci mokhon1 •brokon o.'ack:•41 aNI hen:: tho ft.ank r011ing over on tilt mon's foot, pirmirtg him down. In his fro: hi.ittrsolf Mr. Ma - did stio:orkti in freeing ont foot. Me, shouted ;11. top of' 'his -voice -at 1 Yout Wife 'Ckte?.-- Poi/laps you don't know that your; w+te. or perhaps it is your mother, is oikolo,c.ist, Rut bei, -,re ly0(1 become alarmed about it, look uP the 'w'r-a tho diotiontury and you .v. -M i•id that ontology is, the science bi houseireep-. ing.Ca1ay oa 'W It'not "is lo s word that Sun. ednesday. aadaabd Toronto by .air on Thursday, dn time •L'O'ATWCI -gill -the late traha to Luck - *now that night and INAS avinable it The 4:ntri town office kui Vriday'racirn- ing. - Lath -now Sentinel. laarty J acks Being Shot HERE IS ROW TO DISPOSE OF FATS AND BONES be Ideal Dealer* Id ins patriodo ggat,„ &to ootoperot439 vas the Garauxesust la Ode Alltazuraciamkt %VIZ MC* COntribtaiStg talgir oiagotas ItiCalim Nor yua CaZt OPOS• q4Tolt T. nza BoOotota tons' one et the ttollomrizm woro :1 'ax =AT IsTAIXIM vitDI poky you.' tist.ositalagva pa..,4, gar gramma faz 3rorx las AcIpping 42703. your *amp at Tau tr.r.32. 1:11,119 aids =army �/ourself tor - $04 isfrsearear 140' tte. •orkk 2 Tim cim swim ma IltOCTILOS eves to or loot! Toleatuy Salvage, Cgs ,.d/� to a registered load Wu Chatty. TOT3 MOSIATE:your ries asal Baxamil 4 TOD CAN COMO= fa Asa* ouf Taut ta your lat-tst,11.Valtratary 'Salvage 'Coosmitteo fats and bases fav adlodAsa )rit .your Strad aro, 4,14=1, ?Aeefy,palle it000, az- Cloar-3.1g ..Dopotizoott where ouzo sr:boo is adtaaaaa, r-varragoardsa<al.0.34pp3amterorrili000tofiattood tester/ Bono, A7,01- traw- -a-,-Zita, Tor yosruittl* move4. Ifs a aoytto.titty job. Your. vootributioto. Tony seem tmoll owl tmaiimpotatt, But -coon tone =moo of Id .dzippiog per pe =tw= 3twek a'will--give to34;0110,036 por.ado of rat stool. ye= az tchmezise. 11414 Rektairetant4-VOSIt4 ttriappatt talleostif dgeetiacil THIS CAMPAIGN IS -FOR THE DURATION OF THE WAR DEPUTY:ENT OF INATION.AL WAR SERVICES .titcrioNAL SALVAGE 'DIVISION kt P...../tary Club there :aprogram for re- 1111.z.' "W:tve'lm Piles of inek ralibits /n/tV Ile seen thalibitation of -soldiers and work - tspktea Ponti;.t Dan FollOwing teetnt dance at the Town IW1 stt•oral yzmug. lady attend- ants who had left their apparel durIng Ihe hop,a...wet:Iva returning to don their be after the ball was -over, that their rash oarriers had bett re- -moved therefrom with all contents. The. tpisode was 'reported to tht auflt- ori;ies nod zontpitiott pointtd to A 10Z4S1 tt1:11-tag:,. Vilth had been ,.-..1,evn about th b. Crt txb-ques-1 almost ark.o day in the store of the lets at the end a the war. Men Arthur Paikers Th buy rhem *et -y ski h IlAnttity-fivp cents each and ship to them Toronto, Where 'by many they are ganaed as quire a delicacy. The jack -z; art very plentiful in this section prtsent, although the deep snow natikes it .4 bit difficult to hunt them. -Arthur 'Enterprise News. 1:1iuc I. .Talks 12elibilitation Lieutenant R. Tomlinson, Irr. ,for Tkuz,o, vylto has bten visiting nt his home in Port "Elgin, outlined to the Ithe post war world will :have for them, be said. Plans =lust he made mow to !care for them. - Kincardine News. !Shot &Iver Fox Ranters _over war Elmira -otie -week had the rare good fortime to ishoot a silver fox. This section of ' Ontario is not the natural habizat tbe sUver fox. That is in -the far his last resting place and the cam- ', north. The theory, therefore, is that natality panse3. to pay tribute to the the fox 7.= tra SO* as 2aT2 mwmfory of Flight Sergeant Maurice raped fox from a ranch. An Ehnira Taltaler who had lost a siker fox was zyc,t able to identify the hide as his, Silver foxes are usually branded or stencille.d 011 the ears, but this fox had ao marking of that kind. He many hare travelled fluke a distance. The pelt was worth S15.00. F-nterprise News. Macardbe Piid 'Tribute To Fier For the first time in war Rincandine serriee man rame home to M. Rowe, Royal Canadian Air Force, who lost his life in a ilying accident near Dartmouth, Nova. Scotia on Wed. nestlay, February 24. The •Clunich of the Messiah was blied to...m.paCity an& naarty waited in the palish hall to :pay their respects. „ -40 Years A Fir-xnasi Forty years strice with he Luck -- MOW Fire Company was recognized at the reErIn-r meth -lig, When R. H. Thampson 74,FN presemed with a. tri- Egitt mid occasional dh Ee as tendered his ".rg.,:mon. R. T. Dg - 1e the „..,..esentaVion. :11111MIM .01••••••10.mamt imam t ammiumait tam•W DON'T MISS YOUR NAME! I it is in any of the advertisements on this page yo will .reeiAre TWO WAR SAVIIsIGS STAMPS FREE!. HOE 77 3 Clark & Son St_taita.ry. Piumb,rq, 'Seat:b.& S'ittsmithirtg and Etvetioughing Ptertaces. Storts. lraptoments 1,rusbing PG'S, 1,11 "Pli-ON Sttootor to.• W, 3. z-,retz- ,; at hAPItly th ariattabta htvea La'Stock of Zring Stylet For The Entire Feraily lits;pect then: 4,1tiii matt your Selection EttrY:y. a, 4 The business people in every conluturi. pay a big e percmtage• oftlie local taxes; their stoats and *iores till the 'them antl 'visitors whether the to -cm, is a progressive nranieipality oris nbe aoldrozcs. The Valghain rnerthants aavertising on this and other pages uf .this paper, are aoingitietr:atznastaufizg these zilticel Zi4ys, to :promote the interests fc& the town by stp*ing surl gooas z&s.4.'re available. They art therefore entitIecl to your support Tula by •;;:zpportimg thm �zi e helPing yon-rself 2=41 also the town. Gasoline: tires ave. prethans at this :juncture, so 3rou =tan save both by &lag your shopping right in Wingharn. 41n many4szanzes pikes are :controlled, so there -1:,- ,,attatily no Object in spwraing money trEMSPOZtalian. THE. PLAN IN A NUTSHELL Each week There will appear in the adveras' ==..ts tads pa..,ge, the u -me s wad addresses Of people a..=iding in the Waugh= Distnt-ct. Simply locate 3rour rtmne :one of the adv-rismomts., :erg) oat: the advertisemwit and present it to the Advance:Times 015oe or' he:are .5te following Thursday and you will receive ..e -WO WAR SAVINGS STAMPS FREE1 STATIONERY AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STOP AT Bert Arnrstrorkg's B. A. Service Station rota. Car Servi=d, 'Tama =a lafbricated By EXPERT MECHANICS Conserve Your Car by laming inspected a Lent:kat:ea at Regular l'nterxrals. 1 Mason & Son Booksellers & Stationers " PatLmt 11,71edicines. Toilet Articles Ptatcy Go:16%s, Sift China - Tobaccos - Magazines - ,Phones 761 - 78W Wrogharo ; G.ROCERIFS. "titiotaitaaaaaamtarautamaaame st,tataat-- 'tataattaata.a.taaatatit4aaa.att.aaanatt CHA, ta .T.,iurnhirkg. Ventilating, l'instnithing, .;$1-trtle.S. vte Ln P alIzittings. tkztek Wustirlt "Phone .n Wini,4hatn. , ARMITAGE'S Dry citEmmts • :GAMIT ZV5t4-..4.LtANI,Mil Ready-Usitle ZIOthing anti Furnishings /iTtrzurl., Lodizt' Eirsittv GEO OLVER 01)=1 Ali maammatounimarameasamaamaatat......tt RU, - 2 F eurautur - Undertaking HAMILTON Optical Co. W. T4. nANTILTON, Optoinetligt For Over Years Appointment Clatozeries, Meat, Fresh Fruits A. Vegt.=ttables mut Are Alvmys .4-nd 1?.ftr,onnh1y litrat jor.p.4,31).int t. VITAVAX Oral ZoldVancine and Vitamins la one rat/A-tile the Modern Tivernpy -for triias lattibbniti1rngStg,114 ,vp.±..L1 stare A j WALKER Quality Furniture Funeral Direttor ovvact RES. /06 ?HONES 224 MERKLEY'SGarage Aetberizea ..serviee Hudson- Tetraplane Repairs to Ail Makes of Cars Gasoline Oils Towin„g - Storage Josephine St. Windham, Otit ba D `ry OiaiVern Wil"1:2A7 1r).+1,001.1V1% Atislt W.TOZAR.V SAR 4 HMV, 'MO& Iktt •Ct...t,an.1" 'Mint* WhAra. -Ott. tut. 1.03,7 Smings Slaropt A LADIES' - MEl'ir WEAR ISARD'S We Attg*htly Itavist.‘ 'early in- .speation and :selection of your Sprio wardrobe. We. ore huppy to announce that our stock is as good :and in some inatunceS tut- Zbsollino $t, •Qualtiy ana Styling. panSeS ,tiat UMW 14:ith:A:Avrtan Etctor MacRay. R. 8. Wirtgluan rmalt telmity Shim* a 'ailits We ,r 10.1:tatl, Ortmtavz bi Semi*, itlultutt, WATSON'S liortil Elul (Grocer -PiSTME thrtite /3113vAinaz , "Praits Artgetablz% ..sy443,11, vista, .1 -1 -rt tri -be 'Phe nt Wingtoun, Ont. , rt.t. .3o4thitte t. eys Dr -4S bird Quality Store 2ur..1943 Stonk AtitattivulY atterre-d Wal*aper is now in.1 Zet /mum .early while range of t` choice is wide. Tglittliai." Seiffisessessmaaasemeasiosarasiseittegias JOHN REAVIE •Soviet Stake anal Cult& Get anort toile* Iler twit* E'Ve tzb put von Atittimobile fr. Top Shoe lining out Iktn3o.rmThb�db Whir- 4etor..at aglittirit Suia. thn1knil DR Go N a da Packers Weitt ilvatftg, 1%•ks.: .47,42)AL:ITS, Tkar4V/71312.- 3 MILT lInctr)). zttii Zatttesass ' I in elte tkilltYt Dtaim 1, Lath, Shinglts ::511Set Sz.:00 Avot rbtl, .:coaat. ims&te, r41-.- alwitwittuo Y41.11 CA -3, *141) - Lirtittral gorrzzikm imm-strnler, 13ALM/ZED l'Egnt A1CTD mom alwirrati ttatzitiz MIXIINCi *int St. Vtinter Truck 'Service ,CREAM POMMY EMS pited Fariners tict.ttperative VOIOTit 271 RAKER' tATzm TAMMY Ail. VINE .11.003MG TOWN WIDE xxiimrst tatitt flp ToA.Standatrig NOt Dolftit 164.11rite. Vhotte Jose,phhte St. )ttfft The Britire nmfty .t 13ADER'S DRY tOtiriS Liktxm ANT) clutzmnij TOOTS tron 'Vise latzliUrn tr4rt" JOB WORK Our Spediall Advance Plott 34