The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-01-14, Page 4TENDERS — will be received by the undersigned up till January 20th, for the contract of supplying 20 cords of 18" hardwood for U.S.S. No. 13, Howick and Turnberry. Fred Doubledeei sec'y-treas, TENDERS — for 25 Cord of body hardwood for furnace for supplying and delivery to U.SS. No, 17, (Bel- grave). 16" wood preferred. Tenders close January 15th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Alex Young, Secretary, Belgrave. TENDERS — will be received by the undersigned up to January 20th, 1043, for the supply and delivery by ,May 1st to S.S. No. 9, Turnberry, of 12 cords 16" hardwood, maple and beech, top not less than 5 itches, Lowest or any tender not neees- sarily accepted. W. A. Taylor. sec'y-treas„ R. E. No, 1, Wingham. WANTED — 15 cords of body hard- wood, beeeli or maple 16" (furnace wood) for U,S,S. No. 10, ItiOloss (Whitechurch). Tenders will be re- ceived by undersigned up to Jan. nary 25t1r, 1948. R. C. McClenashan, R.R. No. 6, Lueknow, , WANTED — 20 Cords 14" maple and Beech body wood and two cords of cedar to be delivered' and piled at the school on or before May 1.1943, tenders will be received to February 1948. Apply to Roy Irwin, Sec'y.- eras R• R, o, 2, tucknow, ALL YOU REQUIRE FOR YOUR HORSES CAN BE PURCHASED AT STAINTON'S HARDWARE, Horse Whips . . 25c, 40c, 45c, 75c, $1.00 Whip Lashes „ , , „ . „ „ „ . . . 45c Whip Stocks , . „ .... . .. $1.25 Horse Singers. , . , 50c String of Bells „ . .... ... . $6.95 Team Bells . „ 25c, 30c, 85c, 90c Stwart Electric Clippers ... . , „ . — $22.75 Hand Clippers . • , . ....... +2.95 Raw Oil for Livestock .. . ... sal. $1.25 Raw Oil for Livestock qts, 35c Sheep Shears $1.00, $1.10, $1.95 Pine Tar pts. 25c Zenoleurn Disinfectant, „ , qts. 75c LOGGING SUPPLIES Crosscut Saw--51/2 foot $4,95 Simonds or Imperial Racer-51/2 foot $7.95 Saw Handles , pr. 55c Saw Wedges , 20c, 23c, 25c Splitting Wedges $1.25 Logging Chains $3.75 $4.75, $6.50 Cant Hooks . $3.10 STAINTON Hardware Plan Congregational Supper The Woman's Association of the United 'Church held the January meet-• ing at the home of Mrs. Tavener with an attendance of twenty-three. The president, Mrs. Alex McCracken pre- sided. Following the singing of a hymn, Rev.. C, Tavener led in prayer and Mrs. George Thornton read the scripture lesson. After reading the minutes of the last oneeting-, the Con- stitution of the Association was read. The treasurers' report showed a substantial balance on hand and the sum of $25.00 was voted to the church funds to -which ,Mr. and Mrs. Taven- er expressed appreciation, Details of the annual congregational meeting were discussed when the ladies will serve a supper. The program with hostesses was., arranged.for 1943, A short program followed when readings were given by Mrs. Eliza. Fell, Mrs. S. N. Gallaher, Mrs. Earl Hamilton and Miss Duff. Repeating the Lord's Prayer in uni- son closed the meeting. Assistant hostesses were: Mrs. George Thom- Son and Mrs, Earl Hamilton.. • Church Services At the` morningservice in the Unit- ed Church, Rev. C. Tavener spoke from the text Isa. 54-2, Enlarge the place of thy tents, lengthen thy cords and strengthen tiny stakes.—applying it to enterprises of the New Year. The congregation is having a spec- ial collection on January 24th for the Russian, Children's Relief Fund. Herb- ert Shiell was appointed treasurer of the fund. At Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev. F. G. Fowler spoke from the story of the poor widow's pot of oil being multiplied, showing that if we give our material and talents to God they will be blessed and multiplied. Spence _McKinnon of the Bank of Commerce staff, Waterloo, is having' two weeks holidays. Donald Darling has returned home- from the Wingham General Hospital, having had an operation for appendi- citis. A. D. Smith, R.C.A.F„ of Burtch, Mrs. A. D. Smith and daughter Elean- or, spent' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Berry at Brucefield. John Mundell-spent a few days with his son Gordon and Mrs. Mundell at Gorrie, Red Cross Shipment The following Red. Cross work was shipped on January 12th: 1 quilt; 15 suits men's pyjamas; 15 suits boys pyjamas, size 12 yrs.; 5 suits boys pyjamas, size 6 yrs.;. 5 women's dres- ses, size 38; 1 pr, childs bloomers; 4 pr. service' socks; 2 men's pullovers; 12 children's, sweaters; 1 pr. child's socks. MORRIS Mivand Mrs. Chas, Boman and son visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McKinney, and family, Mr, and Mrs. Morrison Sharpin visited on Friday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs, Stewart McCleunan, The 'little daughter of 'Mr. and ;Mrs. Carl Johnston, was ,on the sick list and had a had cold and under the. Doctor's care. Glad to hear she is better again, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, McClennan and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mn', and Mrs, Stewart MeClennan, 1st litre, Mrs. iii T , 1izoarotFiteol! i s visiting With friends The two thildret! of Mr, and Mrs, a'sMnicdektvaii rliisect gettinga'Nfri'adthl bettereari (t s illP a a with ye sbaettelt bad o rih colds the Mr, Spence 1V1c1(huton of the batik staff at Waterloo, is sliettding his holidays with his, parents, 1 Mr, and Mr's, Rrkt. MeXintion at 11nevale, • BLUEVALE Men's Club Organized A meeting for the purpose of org• anizing a men's club for Bluevale and community was held in Knox Presby- terian church on Thursday evening. In spite of the cold night there was a good attendance, Rev. Campbell Tav- ener acted as chairman arid Rev. F. G. Fowler outlined the plan and pur- pose of the organization and steps leading tip to it, Officers were elected as follows: President, J. C. Higgins; vice-presi- dent, W. J. Johnston; secretary, Geo. Thomson; treasurer, Stanley Moffatt. All men of the surrounding district irrespective of race or religion are el- igible for membership. Tire meetings will be held monthly, alternately in the Presbyterian and the United Church , The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 8rd, in the hall of the United Church, A good program is in preparation and further announcements will be made later. 1Y2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. =a1====l0=01=0)=0====01=01=20=011 ALL ACCOUNTS — owing to the late James Thynne must be paid by February 1, 1943, to the adminis- trator of the estate, Jack Thynne, R. R. No. 5, Brussels, Ont, FOR SALE — Good cutter with high back. Apply to Alex Rintoul, Wingliam, John St. FOR SALE — 9 Pigs 9 weeks old. Apply to Vernon Hamilton, Blue- vale Station. FOR SALE -- Hockey skates, size 1, in excellent condition, Apply to Advance-Times. FOR SALE 28 pigs, 5 weeks old, Russel Kelly, 13elgrave, phone Brus- sels 13X5. FOR SALE — Forty pigs—shoats and chunks. W. J. Campbell, Turnberry, Phone 60385, FOR RENT — 5 roomed apartment, centrally located on John St. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE — Pair figure skates and shoes, size -6, in excellent condition. Apply Iona Terry at CKNX, Wing- tram, FOR SALE, — York sow due Feb- ruary 1st. Apply W. R. Farrier, 628R21, Wingham, Speed Up Oki Dobbin os=o===:aocso====sacaa====cn=v , WINAl\T ADVANCE-T • GORRIE Miss June Brown who is attending Normal School, Stratford, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown. Mr. and Mr's. Gordon Edgar, spent Friday with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. B. Robinabn at Teeswater. Mr, Harold Edgar, Toronto, who spent a few .days last week with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Edgar, •has reterned to the city. Mr, and Mrs, Jim Newton of Clif- ford, and Mrs, Gosteck of Elora, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Percy Ashton on Saturday, ', Mr, attd Mrs, Ernest Ding returned home on Thui-sclay after spending the past couple of. weeks in Toronto visit- ing their daughter, Mrs, Percy Calmer and Mr, Calmer, Mrs, David Dane, Toronto, is spend- ing some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade, Mr; Wade, we are pleased to report is i inproving nicely, Mr, Cecil Johfison and daughter of London are visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Steve King, Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Finley and Mr, Harold Finlay spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs, McGill and Mr. Me- Gill 'hear Wingham, • Mt', David Isleilson spent a few 'days in London last Week. Mr. and Mrs, R, W. Carson Spent Monday in Toronto. PIANO TUNING — tuning price $3.00, repairs extra. By Wingham Bandmaster, Geo. J. Wright. Must leave orders at Advance-Times. WANTED COCKERELS — suitable for breeders. Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Leghorns, Good price paid. Also flocks to supply hatching eggs for the 1943 hatching season. Flocks culled and blood- tested tinder Government Super- vision free of charge. Guaranteed bonus paid for eggs with additional preniiums. Write for full particulars. Also wanted to purchase pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. YOUR SEWING MACHINE — re- paired to perfect sewing at your home. Care of phone 227. TENDERS FOR WOOD Sealed tenders, plainly marked tenders for wood, for the supply and delivery at Wingham High School of 20 cords of 16" body wood, beech and maple, will be received by the under- signed up to January 23rd, 1943, Low- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. W. A. Galbraith, Sec'y., Winghanf, Ontario. • ALL persons having claims against the estate of James; 'Thynne late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the seventh day of August, A.D. 1942, are notified to send to J, I3, Craw- ford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the 80th day of January, A.D, 1943, full particulars of their claims in writ- ing. Immediately after the said 30th day of January, the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which the ad- ministrator shall then have notice. DATED this .1.1th day of January, A,D. 1943. J. H. ,CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for, the Administrator. NOTICE TO: CREDITORS ALL persons having elaitits against the estate of John Conites late of the Village of lgelgrave in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on of about the sixth .day of September, 1942, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Whelan!, Ontario, on or before the 80th day of Jafntary, A.D., 1948, fullparticulars of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said 30th day of January, the assets of the Said testator will 436 distributed ,amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to:claims of which the executora shall then have riotiee. ryiTtn this 11th day of January, A.D. 1943. H, CRAWFORD, Witt 'halt, Ontario, Solicitor Or the Executors, WROXETER Mrs. Sissan of Strathroy was a re- cent guest of her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Robertson and Mr. Robertson. Mr. And Mrs, Ed. Wightman and Uab daubhter Margaret, of Belgray.e„ were recent guests of Mrs. D. W. Rae • Mr, and Mrs, .M, Sellers who have spent the past weeks with their slaugh- ter in Toronto, are expected home this week, Mrs, 'W. S. Halostock and Mrs. A. Brown, both of Shatmanan, Sash., spent ;a few days last week with Mr, and ,Mrs, D. S. MacNaughton. Mr, juo,. Adams spent the week-end in Toronto visiting, Mrs, Adams who is a patient in St. Michaels Hospital. Many from the community visited the plane which made a forced land- ing on Friday morning on the farm of Mr. 3. J. Elliott. Fortunately none of the occupants were injured though the plane suffered some damage. • Miss Dorothy Tomer; of Selby, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown. ' Cliff Denny, R.C,A,F. and Mrs. Denny of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs, Vert Denny. Born—At Sault Ste. Marie, on Sat- urday, December 26th, •to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shearer, a son, Thomas Frederick, Born --AtIngersol Hospital, on Saturday, January 9th, to Mr. and Mrs, F. EdWard Harris,. Brownsville (nee Evelyn Gamble), twins, son and daughter. Wroxeter North War Workers Mrs. , Melvin Willits opened her home for the meeting of the Wrox- eter North War 1Vorkers on Decem- ber 29th. 11 were present and the afternoon was spent qUilting. Reports of the years work were received and are as follows: Knitting: Scarves 10, Service socks 20, seamen's socks 14 ins, 14 pairs, seamen's socks, 26 in, 12 pairs, V neck sweaters 1, mitts3. Quilts: Quilts 9, besides this 5 quilts were quilted to raise funds. Sewing:' Blazer suits with long trousers 31, men's night gowns 9, pyjamas 3, boy's shirts 2, girls' blous- es '2, 'girls' jumpers 2. Athount of cash EXECUTOR'S SALE Of Real Estate in the Township of Turnberry The undersigned has received in- structions from the executor of the estate of John C. Currie, deceased, to sell by Public Auction on Saturday, January 16th, at the office of J .FI. Crawford, Wingham; at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following real property: 1, Part of Lot 23 in the 8th Con- cession of the Township of Turnherry, containing by admeasurement 20 acres of land excepting the portion sold to The Toronto Grey and Bruce Rail- Way Company for a right-of-way. . 2 Part of Lot 23 in the 8th Conces- Sion of the ToWnship of Turnberry, described as follows: Commencing 40 rods west from the northeast corner of said lot; thence west 10 rods; thence south 40 rods; thence east 10 rods; thence north 40 rods to the place of beginning, containing 2% acres saving and excepting from the above 2 parcels parts thereof required for the public purposes of the Province of Ontario. On the property is a barn and white brick house. It is situated near the Town of Wingbath and was formerly owned by the late John M. Fisher. The property will be offered in one parcel subject to a reserved bid. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. of the purchase price on the day of sale and the balance within_thirty days thereafter. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of the sale or may be had upon application to the undersigned. DATED this fifth day of January, A. D. 1943. ' J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for Vendor, THOMAS FELLS, Wingham, Ontario, • Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Abner Cosens, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Insurance Agent, who died on or about the sixteenth day of Decem- ber, 1942, are notified to send to 3, H. Crawford,. Wingham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-third day of Jan- uary, A,D. 1948, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty-third day of January, the assets of the said' testator will be distributed amongst-the part- ies entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrices shall then have notice. , DATED this fifth day of January, A.D. 1943. J, H, CRAWFORD, Winghatn, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrices. HURON COUNTY - COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, God- &fell commencing Tuesday, January 19th at 2 pm, All accounts, notices of deputations and other business reatilring the at- Widen of 'Council should be In the hands of the County Clerk not later thatt Saturday, anuary 16tb, W. MiLLin. County `Clark, Goderich, Out. Miss Elizabeth. Griffith of Wroxeter WAS the Week-end guest of her friends, Misses Jean and Wilma Heibein, Miss Nellie Bel, Toronto, has. been- spending the past couple of weeks. with her cousin, Miss Mina Ball, and: other friends in the, community. .Fordwi44 Rh* 'Won Fergus. '.Speit At the 107th annual Fergus .13ons- st4i1 bale last week, the Pordwielt rink of E, G, Williams, E, E. Denny, T, A, Wilson, W. R, Patterson, skip, carried off top honors by 'winning three straight games; Red Cross Shipment The following avtciles comprised the Red Cross shipment for Decem- ber: 1 v-neck sweater, 2 turtle neck sweaters, 5 pairs whole mitts, 4 rib- bed helmets, 3 tuck-ins, 3 prs, scea- men's stockings, 3 prs. seaboots, 36 prs, socks, 5 alternate caps, 8 pairs gloves, 1 long, scarf, 54 hot water bot- tle covers, 1 pr. pillows, 94 khaki hdkfs., 13 quilts, 210 .gauze hdkfs., pre. child's bloomers, 8 bonnets, 1 coat, 5 girls dresses, 2 suits pyjamas, 10 boys shirts, 1 pr. boys socks. Women's Auxiliary Had Good Meeting St. Stephen's W A. held their regs ular meeting at the home of Mrs. Wilf, King on Thursday last, January 7th, with a small attendance. Work of the meeting 'was making patches for a Red Cross quilt, also a W, A. quilt, and much was accomplished, Mrs. Holmes, president, presided over the devotional part with prayers, after Which minutes and Roll Call was an- swered by a thought on the Epiphany. Bible reading, St, Matt., chapter 2, verses 1-12 was read by Miss Al, Kaine, The theme for next meeting to be "The Boyhood of Jesus", With Miss Kahle giving the paper. Mrs, Holmes gave a very interesting talk Oh the Epiphany also to renew loyalty to the W. A. with a greater service in the New Year, with new enthusiasm. Let us bear one another's burdens,. 'and with a faith that will not shrink go forth in faith and hope looking unto Him in the New Year and do more for our Society as God would wish us to. Closing prayers were given by the president after which lunch was 'serv- ed by the hostess while all enjoyed a social half hour. BLYTH Ordinary Seaman Jack McElroy of London, spent the week-end at his home, Mrs. Edward Taylor of Campbell- ford, is visiting her father, Mr. Ben- jamin Taylor. The annual meeting of the Red Cross Society was held Thursday. Splendid reports of the years activities were received. Election of officers for 1943 was, held: Pres., Miss Wood- cock; ,1st Vice, Mrs. McLean; 2nd vice, Mrs. McKay; treas., Mrs. Philip; sec- retary, Miss Rogersbn; conveners, Mrs. Cowan; packing hospital supplies, Mrs. Herrington; refugee work, Mrs. Johnston; knitting, Mrs. Robert John- ston; auditors, Mrs. Durward, Mrs. Smith. Nominations Monday Municipal -nominations to fill the offices of Reeve, ,one councillor and two school trustees wilt be held on Monday, January 18 from 12 o'clock until 1 p.m. Ex-Reeve Morritt has already signified his intention to con- test the reeveship and we have not heard of anyone else desiring this office. Ex-councillor Taylor, who re- signed from the council has repeately stated that he does hot covet the reeveship and would not consider it, if anyone else desires the office. Mr. Taylor is a very busy man, particular- ly so, since,his partner in the planing mill business has been indisposed for some time. Mr. Harold Phillips , has stated that he will offer himself for the vacancy on the council board. No one has been mentioned so far as can be learned to fill the vacancies on the school board. Mr. John Marries,. a life long resi- dent Of.131yth, died at the home of his daughter, Mirs, Bryant,. in Stratford oil Sunday. The remains were brought to Blyth and funeral service Will be held in the 'United Church oir Wed iresday afternoon, followed by ihter- trient in the Union Cemetery, WESTFIELD • CAMPBELL,--Arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell on Friday morning, January 8th, a baby boy, John Douglas. arm J. L. McDowell visited last week at the home of her daughter, Mtg. Gordon Smith of Go‘lerich. Reeve R, R, Redmond attended a Good Roads meeting at Goderich on Friday, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Smith and babe were Clinton visitors on Thors- tlay. The ,Mission Band meeting Was held Sunday alteration ,in the school room with 11 present. The meeting was led by Violet Cook. The scripture lesson was read by Pranklitt Campbell, A NOY Yeara talk was given by Mrs, W, I. Hear Fine Address The January meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was .held. on Thurs- day afternoon last at the home of Mrs, 3, N. Allen, The president opened the meeting by the 'singing of the Ode and repeating the Lord's Prayer in uhison. Mrs, Wylie reported for the Christmas Gift 'Committee-4 boxes were sent overseas and 15 gifts to all parts of Canada, The secretary read several, letters of appreciation froth the boys for these gifts, Current events were prepared by Mrs. Thos, Bulke and read by Mrs. Allen Munroe bring- ing many interesting bits of informa- tion. The Roll Call was answered by a war-time household economy which 'included inexpensive recipes,. hints on butter saving, tips an how to save ,hy- dro and many others, Mrs. Frank Sanderson prepared and took charge of a questionaire on First Aid, in re,- view on the Home Nursing Course taken in October. The guest speaker was' Mrs. Gilbert Howes and her sub- ject "China and its Leaders." The speaker in an inspiring address traced the history of t he Chinese Nation many centuries ago, their habits, pol- itical life, culture, their Christian lead- ers, were as truly guided by a Higher- Hand as was Moses and foshawa in the olden days and prophesized China would hold a' leadipg place among the nations in the coming' years. Miss Agnes and Miss Margaret Wearring sang a duet "Loves Old Sweet Song", Miss K. Hazelwood as acconipanist. During the business, period, donations were noted for seeds for Britain Fund, Mobile Kitchen Fund, also Russian relief- fund. The singing of "0 Can- ada" and the National Anthem closed the meeting.. Following, tea was serv- ed, Mrs. W. Durst and Mrs. H. Mc- Kenney assisting the hostess, Canadian Girls In Training Mrs. A. Meahen opened her home on Thursday evening: of last week for the C.G.I.T. meeting. The president, Lulu Gibson preSided and opened the meeting with the hymn "Standing at the Portal of -Another Year." The Purpose and Prayer were repeated. Helen Sawtell favored with a piano solo, "In Old Vienna." The scripture lesson read by the leader was Psalm 113. • Alice Howes led in. prayer, "When Mothers of Salem" was the second hymn. Agnes Wearring con- tributed -a piano solo "The tells of St. Mary's." • -' A period of games was enjoyed with Audrey Wade and Edith MacDonald in charge, Meeting was closed with Taps and the singing 'of the National Anthem: Women's Missionary Society The first meeting of the W. M, S. will 'be held at 3 p.m., Thursday of this week, January 14t1i, at the home of Mrs. Hector Knight, This will be an all-members programme, raised $134,22, donations being made. to Wroxeter Red Crois also Salvation. Army, iiMrs. John Gowdy presided for the election of officers, 'rile following workers will carry on for 1943r Bresideut, Airs, Morrison SharpinL Sec'y., Mrs, John Gowdy; Treas., Mrs. Win. Bolt; Work Convener, Miss Myrtle Cathers, Airs, J. Harris offered her home for the next meeting, January 12th. Tea. WAS. served at the close, OW hostess being assisted by Mrs, Waldo Weir, Mrs. D. Weir, Mrs,. K. Bennett. ' Red Cross Tea January 20th is the date set for the first Red Cross Tea of the season— will be served from 5 to 7,30 p.m. Everyone cordially invited. to be pres-. put. January Sale Special Clearing Prices On all lines of Women's and Misses Winter Garments, Buy now at a saving of 15 to 25 per cent, off Dresses, Sweaters, House -Coat*, Suits, Fur Trimmed, Plain Cloth and. Fancy Tweed Coats, CLEARING OUT All our Women's Seal Fur Coats regardless of cost price. ISARD STORES Yhursclay, nuarY 14, 104 a O O O FOR SALE — Folding baby carriage. Apply Mrs. 3, Baker, Centre Street, Wingham. TO MORRIS ELECTORS I take this opportunity to express my thanks to the electors of Morris Township for the splendid vote given to me in the recent elections. SEALED TENDERS FOR WOOD May your confidence be fulfilled. —will be received by undersigned, Thanks again. up to January 19th for 15 cords of Harvey C. Johnston, 16" hard body wood, beech or maple • for U.S,S, No. 2, Turnberry and NOTICE TO CREDITORS Howick. Wood to be delivered by March 1st. Eldon Kirton, sec'y- treas., Bluevale. Norman McDowell. Reading, by Lois Campbell. The chapter in study book was taken by Mrs. Howard Campbell. The regular monthly meeting of the East Wawanosh Unit of the Federa- tion of Agriculture was held at the home of Mr. Arthur Scott, director of S.S. No, 8 on the 9th concession, on Monday, January 4th. Owing to the inclement weather and bad roads sev- eral of the members of the board of directors were unable to be present, 11 members being present, The min- cites of the December meeting were read and adopted. Mr. A. D. Camp- bell was re-appointed sec'y-treas. for the year 1943. Mr, Orval McGowan, township radio forum organizer, was appointed a seat on the board of dir- ectors. At the annual township federation meeting which was held on October 23rd, 1942, two sections in. the town- ship failed to have representatives present to make their nominations for a member to the board of directors, so at this meeting the following appoint- ments were made: Director for U.S.S. No. 17, Mr. Edwin Wightman; for U. S.S. 16, Mr. Alex Nesbit. Mr. H. L. Sturdy was again appointed to repre- sent the township on the County Fed- eration. directory. Mr. Orval Taylor was appOinted delegate to the Provin- cial Federation Convention being held in Toronto, January 7th and 8th. Mr. Simon Hallahan extended an invitation to the executive and directors of the unit to meet at his home for the Feb- ruary meeting. Guests 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightnian over the week-end were Miss Margaret Wightman of Goderich and L.A,C. Fred Barlow ,Of Port Albert. Mr, Will Carter received word on Sunday of the sudden death of his uncle, Mr. Sam Carter of Seaforth, Rev. Fowler Addressed W. M. S. Mrs. Peter S. iMacEwan opened her home on Thursday afternoon: for the regular meeting of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society of Knox Presbyterian church, The president, Mrs, Raymond Elliott, presided, The scripture les- son was read by Mrs. R,' P. Garniss and Mrs, Archie Messer 'offered pray- er, The treasurer reported that the al- location had been raised and the sup- ply allocation in money was over- subscribed, Mrs. 11, S. MatEwen read an article on prayer and a poem for the New Year was read by Mrs. R, F .Garrifss, The Glad Tidings' prayer Was read by Mrs, G. A, Love, Rev, F, Fowler was the guest Speaker', ne stressed the importance of 'harmony, and Unity, showing how AtteeeSS could be achieved by persons' and ,organizations working in co-oper- Jaattaiisaii..t.i.:7- •