The Wingham Advance-Times, 1943-01-07, Page 4WNGli, ADVANC Thursday, January 7th, too
Fruits and Vegetables
5 for 25c
MacINTOSH APPLES 5 lbs 25c
EATMORE ..... ..... .......... ....... , . ... lb. 27c
P.E.I. POTATOES NO. 1, peck 45c
week with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. John-
ston and daughter.
Mrs. Fred Churchill, spent the
week-end with Mr. and. Mrs. Graham
Chamney and baby at Listowel.
Mr. Chas. Johnston of Fergus,
spent a few days with his father, Bro.
and uncle, 1st line.
Mr. Fleming and Chas. Johnston
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Jones at Auburn.
Mrs. George Wheeler spent the
week-end in Wingham with her
Miss A. Agar spent New Year's
inwithle. Mr, Chas. 'and Etta Agar, 2nd
Misses Mary, Myrtle and Helen
spent the holiday at the home
of their parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mr. Ted Thompson has returned to
Sydney, N.S. ,after a visit With his
parents, Mr and Mrs. Norman Thomp-
Pte. Sam Thompson of Loudon, was
home for New Years.
The Misses Rebecca and Lucy
Thompson and Irene Jefferson have
returned to their school after spend-
ing the Christmas vacation at their
homes here.
Mrs. Arthur Speigleburg and little
son Barkley, of Kitchener, visited with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, A
Liner's Commander
Awarded O.B.E.
master of the Canadian Pacific liner,
Empress' of Asia, before the war and
her commander when she Was hoMbed
and lost at Singapore last February
has been made an °filter of the Order
of the British Empire, according to
word received from London. He is
now Overseas te, take command of an-
other liner, It is nonmed that Cap-
tain Smith was hotrored in recognition
of his exploit at Sintoipore, when,
although ii was impossible to save the
Asia, he manoeuvred the ship so suc-
cessfully under bombing that with
one exchption all crew members but
one Were saved, Captain Smith had
made hips boron' ValleOttVer until the
,gfOrS$ A.04 was taken over by
the Admiralty at the outbreak Of war.
• FOR SALE—Singer Sewing Machine
in Al shape, Appy Advance-
FOR SALE — 1.9 oroung pigs- Apply
to Mrs. C. Jenkins.
FOR SALE — or trade for a tenor
saxaphone--120 Bass Hohner Piano
Accordian; like new; half price; also
tenor banjo; cheap, John Plutntree,
Clinton, Ont.
FOR SALE — Two pair of hockey
skates in splendid condition, sizes 4
and 8, Mrs, Clare Adams, phone
FOR SALE — Size 1 hockey skates
and boats. Excellent condition only
worn six times. $1.75, Mrs. C.
FOR SALE — Good cutter with high
back, Apply to, Alex Rintoul,
Wingham, John St.
—will be received by undersigned,
up to January 19th for 15 cords of
16" hard body wood, beech or maple
for U.S.S. No. 2, Turnberry and
Howick. Wood to be delivered by
March 1st, Eldon Kirton, sec'y-
treas., Bluevale.
Doerr's Shortbread
Lb. 21p
2 lb. carton 7c
Cup or Saucer in Bag
Bag 23c
CANADA DRY (32,oz.)
Ginger Ale .bot. 23c
Plus Deposit
Shortening lb cart. 19c
Coffee .. 1 lb. for 53c
Tea .. 1/z lb. pkt. 35c
Posts Bran Flakes
14-6i. pkg. 2 for 35c
8-oz. pkg. 2 for 19c
11/2 cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
Soups3 10-oz. tins 20c
(Torn., Oxtail, Scotch Broth, Celery)
Ketchup „ 12-oz. hot, 2 - 25c
Chili' Sauce 10-oz, bot, 15c
Tom.. Juice, 20-oz. tins '3 - 25c
Noodles „ 14-oz. pkg, 2., 19c
Bows . , . , 8-oz. .pkg, 2 - 19c
Cornmeal 3 lbs. 14c
TENDERS — for 25 cord of body
hardwood for furnace for supplying
and delivery to U.S.S. No. 17, (Bel-
grave). 16" wood preferred. Tenders
close January 15th. Lowest 'or any
tender not necessarily accepted.
Alex Young, Secretary, Belgrave,
TENDERS — will be received by the
undersigned up to January 20th,
1943, for the supply and delivery by
May 1st to S.S. No. 9, Turnberry,
of 12 cords 16" hardwood, maple
and beech, top not less than 5 inches.
Lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted. W. R. Taylor,
' sec'y-treas., R. R. No. 1, Wingham.
WANTED — Girl for general house-
work.. Apply Advance-Times.
WANTED — a girl or woman for
house work. Steady employment.
Apply to Mrs. Glare Adams, phone
paired to perfect sewing at your
home. Care of phone 227.
The next meeting of the Huron
County Council will be held in the
Council Chambers, Court House, God-
erich commencing Tuesday, January
19th at 2 p.m.
All accounts, notices V deputations
and other business requiring the at-
tention of Council should be in the
hands of the Cotinty Clerk not later
than Saturday, January 16th:
County Cleerk,
Goderich, Ont.
Notice is hereby given that all per-
sons having claims against the estate
the Village of Fordwich, in the Coun-
ty of Huron, Retired Merchant, who
died on or about the 27th day of Nov.
.ember, 1942 ate requested to forward
their claims, (fey proven, to the un-
dersigned on or before the 30th day
of January, 1943.
AND notice is further given that
after the said date the Executrix will
proceed to distribute the estate among
the parties entitled thereto having re-
gard only to such claims of which she
shall then have had notice.
DATED at Clifford this 14th day
of December, A,D. 1942.
Clifford, Ont.
Solicitor for the Executrix. NtAttL, LORINDA WADE,
Fordwich, Ont.
Of Real. Estate in the Township
Of Turnberry
The undersigned has received in-
structions from the executor of the
estate of John C. Currie, deceased, to
sell by Public Auction on Saturday,
:Unitary 16th, at the office of ,j• .11.
'Crawford, Wingliam, at 2 o'clock in
the afternoon, the following real
1. Part of Lot 23 in the 8th Con-
cession of the Township of Turnberry,
containing by aditteasurement 20 acres
of land excepting the portion sold to
The Toronto Grey and Bruce ftaily
way Company for a right-of-way.
2 Part of Lot 23 in the Sth Conces-
sion of the Township of Turnberry,
described as follows: Commencing 40
rods west from the northeaseecorner
of :,aid lot; thence west 10 rods;
thence south 40 rods; thence east 10
rods; thence north 40 rods to the
place of beginning, tontaining 2%
tIvres saving and excepting from the
iliWre 2 11414141 fsltrta 'thereof relttived
o . olgtosoczoll
for the public purposes of the Province
of Ontario.
On the property is a barn and
white brick house, It is situated near
the Town. of Wingham and was
formerly owned by the late john M,
The property will be offered in one
parcel subject to a reserved bid.
TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent.
of the purchase price on the day of
sale and the balance within thirty. days
Further particulars and conditions
of sale will be made known on the:
day of the sale or may be had upon
application to the undersigned,
DATED- this fifth day of January,
A, D. 1943.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for Vendor..
Wingham, Ontario,
All persons having claims against
the estate of Abner 'Cosens, late of the
Town of Wingliam in the County of
Huron, Insurance Agent, who died on
or about the sixteenth day of Decem-
ber, 1942, are notified to send to J. H.
Crawford,- Wingliam, Ontario, on or
before the twenty-third day of Jan-
uary, A.D. 1943, full particulars of
their claims in writing. Immediately
after the said twenty-third day of
January, the assets of the said testator
will be distributed amongst the part-
ies entitled thereto, having regard
only to claims of which the executrices
shall then have notice.
DATED this fifth day of January,
A.D. 1543.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the. Executrices.
The family of the late Mr. Charles
Sanburn wish to thank their friends
and neighbours for the kindness and
sympathy extended to them in their
recent bereavement.
BAIRD—In loving memory of our
dear mother, Mrs. John Baird, who
passed away in Wingham General
Hospital, January 5th, 1942.
One year has passed since that sad
The one we loved was called away,
God took her home it was his Will
But in our hearts she liveth still.
One precious to our hearts has gone
The voice we love is still,
The place made vacant in our home
Can never more be filled.
Ever remembered by her family,
Margaret, Noreen, Russel, Mary.
To Morris Ratepayers:
I -wish to thank you for your sup-
port in electing me as your reeve and
hope I may prove worthy of the con-
fidence you have placed in me.
Sincerely yours,
Cecil Wheeler.
To the electors of Morris Township:
I wish to express my sincere thanks
to the electors of Morris Township
for their splendid support given me at
the polls on Monday, and I will en-
deavour to do my best to prove my-
self worthy of your support.
C. R. Coultes.
-To The Electors of Morris:
I would like to take this opportun-
ity of thanking you for a great effort
as well as your support at the polls
on Monday. I want you to know that
I do appreciate it, You have done
your part now it is up to me to• be
worthy of that support..
Wishing you all a prosperous New
Year. I remain.
Yours truly,
Mr. Harvey Edgar who is stationed.
at Hamilton, spent the New Year's
holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Edgar,
in town,
George Harris of Montreal is spend-
ing a few days leave here where he
was joined by Mrs. Harris of Mount
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny and Miss
Thelma Denny, spent New Year's day
with Mr. and Mrs, N. A. Edgar, of
Miss Margaret Harris, of London,
spent the week-end with her daughter,
Mrs. r. Harris.
Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Gilmour and
family of 'Turnberry, were New Year
guests of Mr, and Mrs. E. Nichol, 4th
Miss Edythe Weir of Oshawa and
Lloyd Weir of Toronto, visited last
week with Mr, and Mrs, Allister Green
and Other friends.
Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
D. S. MaeNaughton this week are,
Mrs. W. S. Ilainstock and Mrs. A,
Brown, both of Shaunanoti, Sack.
Mr. 1,, A, Gilmour of Ifordwich is
,spendlog a few days with Mr. and
,Mrs, G. A, Warring,
Do. Rea Cross Work
Mrs, W. A. Sawtell. opened her
home for the December meeting of the
on Monday evening last,
The president, Lulu Gibson presided,
and opened with the hymn. "0 Come
All Ye Faithful," followed by the
Purpose and Prayer. Scripture les-
son chosen from St, Matthew, eh 22,
verses 1-6, was read by Bonny Gib-
son. Christmas Carlos, It Came Upon
the Midnight Clear and Joy to the
World, were sung, The remaindlog
period was spent in sewing for the
Red 'Cross. Meeting closed by singing
The King and Taps.
Week of Prayer
Zpecial Week of Prayer "is being
observed in our Village this week,
Monday, Wednesday and Friday evepo
ing services will be held in United
Church with Rev. E. M, Caldwell in
charge, Tuesday and Thursday even-
ings in. St, James Anglican Church'
with Rev. I, L, Foster in charge,
Meetings will commence at 8 p.m.
Everyone in the community is/ invited
to attend these services of prayer.
Women's Missionary Society
The first meeting of the W.M.S. for
1943 will be held on Thursday, Jan-
uary 14th, This will be an all-mem-
lbers meeting, Notice of place of
meeting will be announced later,
• Red Cross Meeting
The Red Cross rooms will re-open
for work On Wednesday of this week,
January 6th, when appointment of the
various committees for 1943 will be
made, A full attendance is asked for.
Women's Institute
The January meeting of. the W. I.
will be held on Thursday afternoon of
this week, 3 p.m., at the home of Mrs.
J. N. Allen. Current Events will be
given by Mrs. Thos. Burke. The Roll.
Call to be answered by a Wartime
household economy. The guest speak-
er, Mrs. Gilbert Howes, whose subject
will be "China and its Leaders."
Pte. Kenneth Underwood of List-
owel, spent his New Year's leave with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Underwood. •
Mrs, Edna Nay spent last week with
her. .sister in Kitchener.
Mr. F. C. Taylor is visiting friends
in Morris.
Pte. Wesley Gallaway, Petawawa;
spent New Years with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur. Gallaway,
Bdr, Kenneth Gallaway, Hamilton,
spent his leave with his wife and twin
sons. Pte. Farrow and Mrs. Farrow
of Camp Borden, were New Years
visitors at the same home. •
Mrs. R. H. Stephens, Mr. and Mrs.
Mervin Stephens, Thorndale, and Mr.
and Mrs. D. Hicks, Harriston were
New Years guests of the former's son,
Mr. A. L. Stephens and Mrs. Stephens.
Gnr. Joe Earngey" who has been
stationed at Woodstock, has been
transferred to Petawawa. He spent
his leave with his.. mother, Mrs. Wil-
liam Earngey.
Mrs. Miles, Toronto, spent a few
days last week with her parents, Mr.
and ,Mrs. Isaac Wade,
Mr. George - Copeland, Western
University, London, spent the holiday
with his parents at the parsonage, the
home of Rev, arid Mrs. R, C. Cope-
New Years visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Victor Shera were, 'Pte. C. E.
Shera, Halifax and his bride (Miss
Velma Lennox of Wingham), Mr. and
Mrs. Max Abram of Listowel.
Mrs. Everett Sparling attended the
funeral of her grandfather, the late
Divid Robinson, Ailsa Craig, on Wed-
nesday last.
Miss Madeline Ritchie, Toronto,
spent the holiday with her 'mother,
Mrsr Clara Ritchie.
Y.P.U. Elect
At the annual meeting of the Young
People's Union, held recently in the
Gorrie United ,Xhurch, the following
officers were elected:
Honorary President; Rev. R. C.
Copeland; President, Miss Janice
Strong; Secretary, Walter Heming-
way; Treasurer, Leo Ruttan;
ship, Miss Nellie Ruttan; jt,tissions,
Miss Jean Heibein; Christian Culture,
Miss Phyllis Hemingway; Citizenship,
Dick Carson; Recreation and Social,
Miss Doris Galbraith, Bill Edwards;
Pianist, Miss Phyllis Hemingway;
Assistant, Miss Jean Heibein,
Institute Will Meet January 13
The regular meeting. of the Gorrie
Woman's Institute will be held on
Wednesday next, January 13 at the
home of Mrs. R. G. Newton, Roll
Call, 'My New Years Resolution,' The
members are asked to bring their,
baby pictures, The program Histor-
kat Research will be in charge of Mrs.
W. C. Xing,
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.
Watson 'Were. Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Watson, Fergus, Mr, lla.rry Watson
and friend, Listowel,
Mr. Jasper Fattish is spending
month at the 0.A.C., Guelph, where
, .
he is taking a short course in raultry.
Misses Helen and Annie Auger and
cousin; lcIrs. Andrews, all of Listowel„
spent their holidays with the former's
parents, Mr, and Mrs, James Anger,
Mr, and Mrs, A. L. Stephens,
Bobby ,and Eleanor, attended the
Young - Davidson wedding in Brus,
sets :last Tuesday.. Little Miss Elean-
ore acting as Junior bridesmaid,
Received Sad News
Deepest sympathy. is extended to
Mrs, (Dr..) Armstrong, who received
the sad news of theodeath of her only
son, Russell Wilson, who passed
away in his 'sleep on Wednesday
night last at his home in Winnipeg.
The late Mr. Wilson died of a heart
condition of which he has suffered for
the past several mouths, Burial was
made in Winnipeg on Friday.
Mrs. Allan McKercher and daugh-
ter Ruth, spent a few days with
friends at Bolton.
Mrs. Earl Baker of Toronto, spent
New Year's with Mr. .and Mrs. Ed-
ward Jacklin,
Miss Ruth Campbell of Winthrop,
was a visitor with her sister, Mrs.
Gordon Holt.
Misses Arlene and. Doris Galbraith,
of Gorrie, spent a couple of days last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Selah Breck-
Miss Hazel McPonald is spending
some time at her home here.
• Mr. and Mrs, Roy Koch and baby
of 'Gowanstown, Mr. and Mrs. Russel
Hall and daughter of Harrison, Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey McConnell, also
Vera and Betty Willis, spent New
Year's with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs Laurence Willis.
The McKay families spent the New
Year with Mr. and Mrs. John MC-
Kay, Wingham.
Mr. and. Mrs. Selah Breckenridge,
spent New Year's at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. 'ReubeO Stokes, Glenannan.
Miss Jessie McDonald, spent a few
days holidays with .. Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie Maxwell.
L/Cpl, Norman Rodget of Camp
Borden, spent last week at the home
of his brother, Mi. Emmerson Rodger.
Mr. Ray Vincent R.C.A.F., St.
Thomas, spent the week-end' tinder
the parental roof,
Mr. and Mrs. Alva McDowell, visit-
ed on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Vincent of Belgrave.
Messrs Bert Taylor and W. F.
Campbell attended the funeral at Clin-
ton on Thursday of their aunt, Mrs,
Wm. Hiles.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deans and babe
of Wingham, spent New„ Year's with
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell.
Mrs. Osbaldeston returned home.
Mr. Leslie Rodger and Douglas
Johnston of St. Catherines, spent a
few days with the formers brother,
Mr. E. Rodger and Mrst Rodger.
Visitors at, the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Wightman on New °Year's
Day were, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Math-
ers, Mr. and Mrs. Pharis Mathers and
babe, Miss Hattie Gallagher of Luck-
now, Rev. H, C. and Mrs. Wilson,
Ruth and John of Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gooier spent
New Year's at the ',home of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Caldwell, Master Gerald
returned home with then after spend-
ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Gco, Cook and family
of Belgrave were New Year guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J.
Miss June Buchanan of Orangeville
visited last week with Mt and Mrs,
rack Buchanan arid other friends,
Mr. Clifford Crozier, Mrs, W. P.
Crozier of Crewe, visited on Thursday
whim the tatters father, Mr. W. H.
Campbell, at the borne of Mr, W. A.
Mr. W, P. Campbell was chairman
at the school meeting held on Wed-
nesday afternoon at S. S. No. 6.
Douglas Campbell, the'letiriog trustee
was re-elected, Win. Carter took the
jab of caretaking for another year.
The wood is being put in by Alvin
Snell and the cedar by j. L. Me-
We have a teal opportunity right
tni this locality for active neat ap-
pearing man or woman.. Pull Of
part time. Profits of O and up
per hotte taking orders from our
regular customers. Full instruc-
tions and tales equipment furnished
free4 Write for Particulars Puller
Brush Co., Ltd., tendon, Ont.
Miss Doreen Vincent of Blyth spent
Sunday under the parental roof.
Mr. Gordon McDowell spent a
couple of days last week at the borne
of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Vincent.
Miss Mae Mason, 'gospeler, visited
last week with her pareots, Mr, and
Mrs; Walter Mason.
and Mrs, Mansel Cook arid
children of Colborne Township; we're
New Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.
Rod ger,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell,
Mr. Wm. McDowell, were Goderich
visitors on Saturday..
The Sunday School. Christmas con-
cert, which was held in the Sunday
School room last Thursday afternoon,
was well attended. Rev. W. G.
Rose was chairman. Christmas Carols
were sung. A splendid programme
of solos, duets, quartettes, readings,
piano solo, piano duets, dialogues and
a patriotic drill was presented. At
the close of the program candy was
presented to the children, after which
the National Anthem was sung.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Stonehouse, Mr.
Donald Stonehouse of Goderich, were
New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Taylor.
Mr. Robert Baird spent the Xmas,
holidays with his family in Hamilton.
Christmas Day being his birthday, the
family held a re-union, guests were
there from Ottawa, London, St,
Thomas, Toronto and Kingston, A
toast was drank to Gnr. Allan Baird,
who has been serving with the Armed
Forces Overseas, ,for the past year.
All the family were present but Allan,
Mr. Baird was the recipient of many
lovely gifts.
(Continued from page one)
and the following motion of Reeve
Evans and Councillor Kennedy was
passed unanimously. "That Wingham
L.O.L. be granted permission to hold
the 12th of July celebration here, and
that they be granted the use of the
parks and control of the concessions
including the use of time arena in case
of rain and that full co-operation be
extended to make the day a success.
The clerk read a report from the
Medical Officer of Health, Dr. R. L.
Stewart. He said the:population was
2031 and that their had been 113
births and 45 deaths during the year.
The expense of the board had been
$1550, M.O.H. $150 and Sanitary
$1400. During the year there were
2 cases of mumps and six of scarlet
fever. Children under 14 had been
toxoided. The local Doctors have ex-
amined the school children and :the
local dentists have examined their
teeth. Nine tests of the drinking
water had been sent away during the
year and all tested grade A. The re-
port was adopted on motion of Coun-
cillor Wilkinson and Reeve Evans.
A letter was received from the Lions
Club who sponsor the Boy Scouts,
requesting the usual grant of $15.00.
This request was granted on motion
of Councillors Johnson and VanWyck.
Letters were received from Jack
now on service, expressing their pleas-
ure on receiving gifts of pen arid pen-
cil sets from the town.
Notice was sent council by the ad-
justers, Morden and Helwig, stating
that they had denied liability in regard
to the accidents of Miss Mary Pattison
and Miss Sara Farquharson on behalf
of the town.
A letter was received from the Act-I
ing Salvage Officer enclosing forms
for the release of the old German
guns at the Foundry and the Arm-
ouries. On motion of Councillor
Lloyd and VariWyck, Fire Chief Jas,
Carr was given power to sign these
releases and dispose of the two guns
on the return of the releases from Ot-
Jack Reavie in a letter stated that
the Department of Highways had re-
quested that the town approve of his
being allowed to wreck cars before
they'granted a license to him.
On motion of Cooncillors VanWyek
and Evans permission was granted to
him to wreck motor vehicles provided
a proper place was kept for the stor-
ing of parts and wrecked' cars. This
to be under the supervision of the
Street committee.
The Mayor brought tip the matter
of having a temperature record kept
during the winter months as requested
by thd adjusters. On motion of
Councillors Davidson and Johnson it
was moved that a thermometer be in-
stalled in front of the town hall and
that the necessary reading be 'taken
three times a day as requested and a
record -of same kept on file,
Nil". John Stone was present and lie
'<plaited hiS stand in connection with
a fence on his property and on the
property of John Walker and the- right
way between these lands. The' Street
eorritiaittee were kistrueted to look into
this matter amid report back to time
A number of hills, were ordered
paid on motion of Councillors Wain-
son and 1 e6Ve_.Evarts,
The cleric reported that vital Statis-
tics for 1942 were births 113, thatriag.
Mrs. James Doig of .Drayton, visit-
ed her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. John
Gowdy one day last week,
Misss Hazel and Minnie Weir re-
turned to Toronto to resume their
duties teaching after spending the
holidays with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. L. Weir:
Miss "Lets. Cathers of Toronto spent
New Years with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A, Cathers,
Miss Edythe Weir returned to
Oshawa last Saturday after spending
her holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E, Weir,
Miss Eve Willits of Kincardine and
Miss Kathleen Willits of Brussels,
spent last week with their parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Melvin 'Willits.
Mr. and Mrs. :toile Gowdy spent
New Years Day with Mr. and Mrs,
Harry Gowdy of time B Line, Howick.
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Copeland en-
tertained a number of their friends on
New Year's Day.
Sacrament was observed, in time
church here last Sunday.
Miss' Isabel Douglas of Luckiiow,
visited for a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas, Bosnian and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robertson and
boys and Mr.. and. Mrs. Donald Rob,
ertsoti, spent New Year's with. Mrs.
Wm, Robertson and Campbell, 1st
Mrs. RObt, McCiennan spoilt a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, fonts
at i1/41A rush, °r. Doble returned to her
home at Auburn 'after spending it
Brooms each 39c
Pickled beets 27-oz. jar 25c
BORDENS (16-oz. tin)
Silver Cow Milk .. 2 - 19c
Ivory Snow .... pkg. 24c
Bread, 24-oz.,, 2 loaves 17c
PE:ill07-7'""'"(01=19 Orwi
for breeders. Barred Rocks, New
Hampshires, White Leghorns. Good
price paid. Also flocks to supply
hatching eggs for the 1943 hatching
season. Flocks culled and blood-
tested under Government Super-
vision free of charge. Guaranteed,
bonus.paid for eggs with additional
premiums. Write for full particulars,
Also wanted to purchase pullets.
Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited,
Fergus, Ontario,
es 31, deaths 45.
Cottacillor Davidson for the street
committee said much difficulty had
been experienced with snow plowing
due to the early- snow, the formation
of ice and the heavy rain. The cost
of snow plowing in December had
been $175 and that of snow removal
Councillor Johnson reported that
the sale of season's tickets at the rink
to date had been 70 children and 5
Councillor Evans reported one fam-
ily off the relief list but otherwise no
After spending over $65 on new in-
struments and about a like amount on
instrument repairs, the baud had a bal-
ance at the end of the year of $21.90,
This report was received with consid-
erable satisfaction.
A by-law was passed authorizing
the borrowing of $50,000 on the towns
account and $2,500 on time waterworks
account until the necessary taxes are
The clerk requested that more Herd, R. M, Habkirk and John Wain I cup-
board space be made available in his
office. He found that this would be
necessary as the extra forms in con-
nection with ration board work and
other forms made it 'necessary that
more office cupboard space be had.
His request was granted on motion
of Councillors Davidson and Johnson.