HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-12-31, Page 7S
1 g 43,
Thursday, Dec, - 31st, 1943. WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGU V
Ingham, Merchants Extend New Years Greetin
We extend to our patrons as the old year passes, the
wish that they may enjoy a Happy 'and Prosperous New
May 1943 Bring You
Health and. Happiness. We could take a thousand words—
and not express our wish any more sin-
cerely or better—Happy New Year. '
United Farmers Co-Operative
Here's Hoping—that you all will be
flying on top of the world during 1943.
Happy New Year to all.
. nye words our pen must
write. Here they are
Let's not bog down with
disappointment . . . let's
cheer up and have fun . .
and let's increase our en-
ergies to finish the job
we're doing. Let's make
this the happiest New
Year yet.
Let's face 1943 with
confidence, but let's get off
to a good start at the very
beginning. Here's to a suc-
cessful year for all !
How lucky we are to
start a New Year and to
have the opportunity to
wish you success in your
endeavors and the happin-
ess that comes with
Let's cheer the arrival of
another momentous year.
Life's exciting . . . yet ser-
ious — may this year be a
most successful one.
George Olver
To you in the best of
everything to make' your
cup of happiness run over.
On 1942's departure, we
have big hopes of bright
and successful year ahead
for you.
Canadian Tire Products
A. Currie
Success and Happiness
to you in 1943... may this
year be the best in history
for you and .for our coun-
try . . . this is our New
Year's wish.
Harry Browne
C. N. Merkley
So long 1942 ! God Bless
You 1943 ! We join in wel-
' coming this New Year as
a new opportunity to fin-
ish the job we are in, and
to bring success and hap-
piness to all of us every-
Gibson's Bakery
We don't know what the year
".!....: holds in store for you—but if wishes
I come true, our wishes will ensure you
the grandest year you've ever had.
Donald Rae & Son
We are looking to-1943
to be a year of fine achieve-
me4 We hope it brings
you the fullest share of
bright prospects and sub-
stantial prosperity and
C. Templeman
%44kregAgW.4-A104,41M-iggsWe g--.Z-W4K-MM-a
Let's make this New
Year's eve a real celebra-
tion, and then let's buckle
down again to great tasks
a head of us. This will be
a truly Happy New Year
if each of us contributes
his utmost to its success.
E. J. Nash
W.A. Heughan
Sunoco Dealer
Mr. and Mrs.
H. L. Sherbondy
HAPPY 1943
Council Concurred In Suggestion That
Ross Orvis Be Appointed As
`Genie Warden
—4 Statutory Meethlg of the Town
Council was held last week. All mem-
hers present except Councillor Iten-
edy. His Worship Mayor Crawford
Was in) the chair. Minutes of the last
meeting were amiroved,as printed.
'w A letter as read from Lieutenant
C. Coutts now stationed 'in Eng,
and thanking Council for the pen and
penal set received.,
A letter was read from M. P., Craig
nightingale stationed at the R.C.A,V.
Mantling Depot at Lachine, Oue,,
thanking Council for his pen and pen,
ell set.
A certificate was presented front the
Department of Health showing that
a test of. Town water on beeenther
'7, 1942 was grade
A letter wks received from Reeve
Roland Grain thanking Council for the
use of the Conneil ClitChangers for oc-
casional meetings during the year.
A letter was read front Mr, Petty
Stainton, Secretary of the Witighatit
Fish and Game Club, requesting the
Council to suggest to, the Department
of Game and Fisheries, the appoint-
ment of a Game Warden. The name
of/Mr. Ross OrVis was suggested as
a suitable appointee, Moved by
Councillor Johnson, seconded by.
Councillor Wilkinson "That we rec-
ommend to the Department of Game
and Fisheries the appointment of Mr,
Reiss Orvis as Game Warden," Car-
A letter was read from the Wood
Fuel AdMinistration branch of the
Wartitne Prioes and Trade Board
suggesting that the Council look into
the matter of, a supply of wood fuel
for the winter of 194844 as a short-
age was anticipated, Moved by Conn-
calor Lloyd, seeortded 1y Councillor
Davidson 'That Mr, ,Falconer be in,
terviewed with respect to the letter of
theVartime ?rites :and Trade Board."
Mr. Clayton Vryfogle addressed the
Council with respect to the grant for
keepitig his 'stable Open for use of the
farmers during the winter. Moved by
Councillor VatiWyek, seconded by
Cettridillef LlOyd "That the grant of
$50 be matte to Mr. Clayton Vryfegle,
the came as last yor,"
The Finance Committee re-ported a
number of accounts properly certified
and recommended payment. Moved
by Councillor Wilkinson, seconded by
Reeve Evans "That the accounts as
read be paid," Carried,
Councillor Davidson reported for
the Streets Committee that the sthets
had been plowed and the snow along
Main Street, removed. The condilon
of the road at Victoria Street after
the Plow had passed was reported to
be bad as the snow piled, up on the
Diagonal Road, The Clerk was in-
structed to write the operator, Mervin
Grainger, Bluevale, Ont„ of the plow
and see if this could be remedied.
Councillor Johnson reported on
Plans for the Arena. A change of
skating nights was suggested. Moved
by Councillor Johnson, seconded by
councillor VanWyck "That Monday,
Wednesday and Saturday be skating
nights." Carried.
Councillor Lloyd reported for the
Cemetery -Committee that the Care-
taker had been sick for a few days
and Mt Stoakley had carried on with
necessary work,
Councillor Lloyd reported that The
Band was furnishing a list of expentit,
Wet and that S01116 girls Were being
trained on the instruments. The in-
struments were all in good condition
and kept tinder proper supervision,
Discussion of the matter of a suit-
able shed for use of farmers, took
The 'Clerk reported that Miss Alice
Reading had Complained of being im-
properly assessed for sanitary tax dur-
ing 1942 and for a number of years
back. Moved by Councillor Evans,
seconded by Councillor Wilkinson
"That the Sanitary Tax for 1942 be
refunded to Miss Reading." Carried.
Moved by Councillor Lloyd, secon-
ded by Councillor Johnson "That we
pay Mr, G, beyelt $175 far work at
the Arena and ha finds all the help
he needs, Rate to be $10 weekly and
balance, if any, at the end of season,"
The meeting then adjourned.
Guests at the bottle of Mr, and Mrs.
W, A, Campbell for Christmas vaea-
tion were, Mrs, 3' .. Vittgeralti of Dun.
gantlet', Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Splegle.
berg and Barkley of ItitChdfidt.MISS
lean Campbell of Sky Harbor, Gode-
Miss Fern McDowell of Hamilton,
spent Christmas week with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Alva McDowell.
Reeve R. R, Redmond was a guest
over Christmas at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Patrick O'Malley of Toronto.
Mr. Warren Bamford of Toronto, is
spending the vacation under the par-
ental roof,
Mr. Ray Vincent, R.C.A.F., St,
Thomas, spent a few days with his
parentS, Mr, and Mrs. R. Vincent.
Owing to the storm last Tuesday,
the Christmas Concert was postponed
to be' held in the Sunday School
room on Thursday of this week,
weather permitting.
Mr. John Gear of Hamilton, spent
Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Thos.
We are ;sorry to hear .that Mr, W.
H. Campbell is on the sick list.
On Thursday, Mt. and Mrs. Norman
McDowell and children, Mrs, Osbald-
cstom Mr. Wm, McDowell, visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deans
Of Wirt gliant.
Guests from a distance at the Xmas'
gathering at the ionic of Mr. and Mrs.
McDowell were: Mr. and Mrs.
tort Vincent, Mr, And Mrs. Cliff tog-
aft and Patsy Mr. find Mrs. Legit
Vincent and babe of Delgrave, Mr. and
Mrs. Robt, Snell and family of Gode-
rich, Mr, Jim Snell, Mr. and Mrs,
Gordon Smith and Barbara of Gode-
rich, Mr. and Mrs, Roy McSween of
Hamilton and Miss Minnie Snell of
Miss Doreen Vincent of Blyth, Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Vincent of Walker-
burn, spent Christmas with Mr, and
Mrs. R. Vincent.
At the School Concert a collection
was taken,' which amounted to over
$6.00, and was forwarded to Jim
Hunter for the Childrens War Vic-
tims' Fund,
Mr, and Mrs, Fred J. Cook and
family spent Christmas with Mr, and
Mrs. George Cook and family of Bel-
Mr. Gordon Boman of Wingham
and Pte. Harold Bosman of London,
spent Christmas with their :parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bosnian.
Mr, and Mrs, Reg. /muting and
family of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Sid.
McClinchey of Auburn, were Christ-
mas guests at the home 'of Mr. and
Mrs. Wtn, Walden.
• Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor, Eileen
and 'Ronald, spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. R. Stonehouse of Goderich.
Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Campbell,
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs..
Wm. Miller of Goderich.
Miss Margaret Wightman of Gode-
rich is spending the vacation with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Wight-
A Happy New Year to all the read-
ers of the Advance-Times.
Pte: R. B. Nunn of Chatham, spent
Christmas week with his wife, Mrs,
Nunn at the home of Mr. Hiram Lind,.