HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-12-31, Page 4PAGE FOUR ipS .;kritrAVNAMMOr2Worr l Happy New . Year NEW YEAR'S WISH May the New. Year 1943 be one that will be full ofi the best things in life for all of use. May you each and all enjoy a year of health and prosperity. H. E Isard /8z Co Mr-foVag-r -Akr.75,41X-M r a—,P0.-470'1",Warrikri%ralart.add4g HAPPY NEW YEAR Our sincere New Year's wish is that you have good health and good 'luck in 1942. M. BADER g ra At ttAtr•-. 4t-cpsa-ogt GERALD STEWART Newly elected president of Huron County Junior Association of Toronto Sgt. E. W. Newton who has been transferred front Sault St. Marie to Petawawa, is spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. G. New- ton. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Farrish and family spent Christmas with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Farrish in Ashfield. Mr, Jasper Farrish re- mained for the week. Mr. Jack Par- rish is spnding the week with his cousins here. Mrs. Olive May and Miss Edna Laurence, Toronto, spent the week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Laurence. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Earls of Lon- don, are spending the week with her I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Doig. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Doig and little son of Kincardine were Christmas visitors at the same home. Miss Arlene Galbraith, FerguS, is spending her vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Galbraith. Miss Bessie Wylie, Toronto, is holidaying with her mother, Mrs. Jno. Wylie. Mrs. Edna Nay and son Billy, spent Xmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cooke at Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Cooke and daughter Fern, spent the week-end at Laklet and Clifford. , • • Fordyce, W. Wawanosh. After living a few years in TorontG and vicinity she was engaged by the Home Mission department of the Methodist Church to teach domestic., science in the Indian' Industrial School. at Red Deer, Alta., and later at Mor- ley, Alta., where (she married Mr. Arthur E. Kent, the farming instruc- tor of the same institution. For•many years they made their home in Alberta. living at Content, Delburne and Ed- W. monton moving to the milder climate of Vancouver five years ago. Mrs. Kent was always an ardent, church worker and with a keen inter- est in those around her, lived a life• of devotion. She is survived by her husband also• three children, Cpl. Edgar Kent of Edmonton, also Leslie and Myrtle of Vancouver. Internment at Vancouver, Monday,,, December 28th. Mr. Bent Wellwood of town is a: brother and the late Mrs. Frank How- son was a sister. Mrs. William Brandon Mrs. Catharine Elizabeth Brandon,. of Rayfield, widow of William Bran- don died at her 'home in Bayfield in. her 81st year. Death came as the re= sult of a paralytic storke. Mrs. Bran- don was a daughter of the late Thom- as Brydges and Sara McCallum, of a. family of eleven children born on the. 3rd concession of Ail:orris Township. After her marriage, she resided in Bel- grave, where her husband conducted a butcher shop. Moving latpr to Bay- field, where he engaged in the same business until ,his death in 1905. Mrs. Brandon is survived by four sons, Thomas, of Kitchener; William,. of Torontor Abraham, Of Clinton and, Harold of Bayfield; two brothers and two sisters, Archibald and Thomas, of Belgrave, Mrs. Thomas Shoebottotn, of Belgrave and Mrs, John Grasby, of Blyth. The funeral was held from Bayfielct Anglican Church, the service beingi conducted by Rev. John Graham. Burial took place in Bayfield Cem- etery. Nelson MacRitchie Mr. and Mrs, John T. Currie receiv- ed word of the death of their son-in- law, Nelson MacRitchie of Devlin, Ont. He was in poor health most of the summer but ;became critically ill only three weeks prior' to his death. He is survived by his wife, the former Mina Currie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.- John T. Currie, East Wawanosh. The funeral Service was held from Devlin United Church and was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Bray, The sympathy of this community goes out to Mrs. Mac- Ritchie, PIANO TUNING tuning price $3.00, repairs extra. By Wingham Bandmaster, Geo. J. Wright. Must leave orders at Advance-Times. WANTED a home in town where a high school girl could do light house work for board or care for children. Apply Advance-Times. WANTED — Woman or girl for housekeeping in country home. Start at once, Apply Advance- Times. WANTED — Flocks all breeds to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1943 hatching season. Flocks culled and bloodtested under Gov- ernment Supervision free of charge. Guaranteed bonus over Grade A large price with additional hatching premiums. Your chance to make up to 25c per dozen premium over the price of Grade A large. Also turkey flocks wanted for hatching. Also wanted pullets all breeds and ages, yearling hens, cockerels suit- able for breeding. Write for full particulars. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. CARD OF THANKS Mr, Albert Gallaher and family wish to thank their many friends and neigh- bours for their kindness during the past eight months and during their recent sad bereavement. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against the estate of JOSEPH HENRY WADE, late of the Village of Fordwich, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Retired Merchant, who died on or about the 27th day of Nov. ember, 1942 are requested to forward their claims, duly proven, to the un- dersigned on or before the 30th day of January, 1943. AND notice is further given that after the said date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the estate among the parties entitled thereto having re- gard only to such claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Clifford this 14th day of December, A.D. 1942. By DONALD M, McKENZIE, Clifford, Ont, Solicitor for the Executrix. 'MABEL LORINDA WADE, Executrix, Fordwich, Ont, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Eliza Marshall late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the 30th day of October, A. D. 1942, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the second day of January, 1943, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said second day of January, the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administratrix shall then have notice. DATED this tenth day of Decem- ber, A, D. 1942, J. H. CRAW FORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estates of Martha Forgie late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 29th day ,of June, 1989, and of Lancelot. F'orgie late of the said Township of Turnberry, farmer, who died on or about the 13th day of, October, 1942, are notified to send to I, H. Crawford, 'Win hate; Ontario, on or before the second day of January, 1948, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said second day of January, the asset's of the said Martha Vorgie and Lancelot Porgie will be distributed amongst the part- ies entitled thereto, having regard onl y . to elaints of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this tenth day of December A. D., 1942, 3. IL CRAWVORD, Wingham, Ontario, golfettor for the Executors. FOR SALE — Eleven pigs, seven weeks old, Apply to Mrs. F. Churchill, Bluevale, GORRIE. Had Narrow Escape On Tuesday afternoon Miss Mable Irwin, daughter of Mr. Charles Irwin, of the alth concession, Howick, had a narrow escape from serious injuries and possible death when driving her horse and cutter to the village, were directly in the path of a runaway team. The team whose driver was walking at the back of the sleigh be- came frightened when a car approach- ed from the rear blowing the horn. The teamster, Mr. Mack Newton mis- sed his footing, climbing onto the sleigh when the team bolted. Catch- ing up with Miss Irwin the horses went one on either side of the cutter taking Miss Irwin onto the tongue and whiffle trees of the sleigh, she having presence of mind enough to stop the horses. Parts of the cutter which was broken into match wood were scattered along the road for over a half mile. Miss Irwin's head was hurt as well as being badly shaken up, however was able to return home the same ev- ening. The horse she was driving was well over the thirty year mark. Pte. and Mrs. D. H. McRae of St, Thomas, were recent guests of Mn, and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. David Dane, Toronto, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade. Mr. Wade's condition is unchanged. iGnr, Harold Keil, Petawawa, spent his Christmas leave with his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Keil. Mr. and Mrs. Telford Montgomery and family, Kitchener, spent the holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. John Mont- gomeery and her mother, Mrs. W. G. Strong. Miss Alma Nash, R.N., Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos, Nash. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Stephens of T,horndale, spent a couple of daYS in Gorrie last week. Mr, and Mrs, Carl Pennington and family of Teeswater, also Mr, and Mrs. Jim Strong, Fordwich, were Christmas guests of Mrs, J. T. Strong and Mr. Roy Strong. Mr. Ed. Bricker, Brantford, spent the Christmas holidays in Gorrie, Miss Janeto Watson, Toronto, is spending her holidays with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs, Ira McLean and daughters, St. Thomas, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. McDonald, Molesworth, Mrs. Grainger and daughter, Mrs. Work- matt of Brussels, were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Has- tie, " Misses Annie and Helen Anger, of Listowet, spent their holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Anger. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton and son, Ronald, Toronto, spent Christmas with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Anson Galbraith, L.A,C, Gerald Galbraith, of Arnprior and Mrs. Galbraith of Weston, were guests over the week- end with his parents too.o Miss J. Pearl Stinson and niece, Miss Marlene Barton, spent Christmas with her aunt, Miss Burns near Mc. Intosh, Pte. Harold Townsend, Chatham, and Mr. William Townsend of Tor- onto, spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Townsend, Mr. Harold Edgar, TOrOlito, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. "Gordon Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Percy, Coltner and GLENANNAN AND TURNBERRY Miss Adeline Vansickle, Nurse-in- training at St, Joseph Hospital, at Guelph, spent her Xmas vacation with her sister, Mrs. Win. Elliott. Mrs. Harry Brown and little daugh- ter Shirley, also Mrs. Ken Hergert, were in Hamilton last week bidding Mr, Harry Brown farewell, Mr. Walter Dunkin of Toronto, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dunkin. Misses Lois Appleby and Elizabeth Paisley of Fergus are spending a few days with their parents here. Mr. Stewart Mulvey of the Military Police, Camp Borden, spent Xmas with his sister,. Mrs. David Bardie. Mrs. Maud Hodgkinson spent a week visiting her daughter in Clinton. Mrs. George Shaw also Mr. Arno Metcalfe of Toronto, are spending a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe. Mr. Wm. 'Hastings of liespeler spent his Xmas vacation with his par- ents,' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hastings. Mr. Robert Muir of Fort William is at present visiting his .mother, Mrs. Muir and sister, Mrs, Thos. Wallace. Mr. Norman Hastings of Toronto, was a holiday visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alicia Hastings, Miss Mary Thornton of Gorrie is spending her holidays with her sister, Mrs. Thos, 'Stokes. Misses Margaret, Dorothy Mc- Tavish of Toronto, spent Xmas with their mother and uncle, Mr. Peter Mc- Dougall, Mr. Raymond Henning spent a day in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer and ,Muriel Henning, spent Xmas with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Henning. Miss Lenora Higgins, R,N., of Vic- toria Hospital, London, spent Xmas day with her parents and brother. We are very sorry to hear that Mrs. Allan Fratick is not improving as fast as her many friends would wish. Miss Jean and Mary liralick and Mr, and Mrs, Wilbert Pralick and baby spent Xmas with their parents. OBITUARY Charles Warren Sanburn Mr. Charles Warren Sanburn, a highly respected resident of East Wawanosh passed away at his home on the 14th concession on Christmas morning after an illness of a few days. He was in his 88th Year, the son of. late Mr_and Mrs. Reuben Sanburn, who resided for many years in Turn- berry, but he was born at, Dorchester, where the family resided before com-. ing to this community. Over sixty- one years ago he married his now ber- eaved wife, Jessie Watcher. Their tvlio- sons, Meldrum of Turnberry and War- ren, and their daughter Lorinda, at home, survive. They have six grand- children. He had four brothers and one sister, who predeceased him. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon to Wingham Cemetery, with his past- or, Rev, W. A. Beecroft of the United Churchill charge of the services. This fcaommillny.unity extends sympathy to the Mrs. Albert Gallaher Following an eight month illness, Mrs. Mary Rose Gallaher, wife of Al- bert Gallaher, Wroxeter, passed away at her home Thursday, December 24, Deceased was in her 66th year and had been a life long ,resident of How- ick Township. Before her marriage 43 years ago, she was formerly Mary Rose Jacques, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Jacques of Clifford. Mrs,, Gallaher was a member of the Salem United Church, Besides her husband she leaves to mourn two daughters and two sons, Alba (Mrs, Acteson) )of London; Iva, at home; Elmer of Toronto and George at hOme. One son Jack pre- deceased her five years ago; also two sisters and two brothers survive, Mrs. R, Ashton, Gorrie; Elsie Jacques, of Clifford; Edgar jacques, Clifford and Rev, Ernest Jacques, Caledonia, Funeral Service was held 'Saturday, December 26, Following a short serv- ice at the house, aervicea.were held in the United Church, Wroxeter, Rev. Foster in charge, Pallbearers were six nephews of the deceased, Stanley Gallaher, Ernest Harris, John Iltyans, Wm, Gallaher,, Bert Hubbard and Lloyd Jacques, , Interment took place in Wroxeter Cemetery. TO THE MORRIS ELECTORS I am standing for re-election as Councillor for the year 1948. I leave my past record with you and if elected will continue to do my best in the interests of the township. Wishing you one and all the comp- liments of the season. Yours fatly, HARVEY C., JOHNSTON asmassammarimsmi TO THE ELECTORS OF MORRIS F.4 Thursday', Dec, 31st, 1942. WINGI-LAM ADVANCE-TINIE$ I W. Purdon are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs, Robert McQuillin at Ham, 0uleits°tsn from a distance at the Wil- son-Miller wedding on Christmas Eve included; Mrs, Wilson and Miss Merle Wilson of Wingham; Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Wilson of Whitechurch; Miss Agnes Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norman and Miss Jean Thom of To- , ronto; Mr. Walter Ferguson; Mr, and Mrs, W, D. Simpson and Mr. Doug- las Simpson of Teeswater; Private Hugh Simpson of London; Miss Margaret Sebben of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Rothwell of Norwood. A very successful entertainment was held in the United Church on Tues- day evening under the auspices of the Sunday School, with the superinten- dent, Mr. Lorne Woods presiding. The program included a chorus by the scholars; recitation by Don Cameron, Joan Forester, Irma Forester, Kath- leen Forester, Lorna Humphrey, Mac Rutherford, Lloyd Humphrey; a read- ing, "Why the Chimes Rang" by Mrs. McKenzie Webb; duets by Anne Todd and Isobelle McPherson, by Barry and Ivan McQuillin; a solo by Murray Gaunt; a tableau; a matron song and several dialogues. At the conclusion Santaotri. Claus appeared and the even- ing closed with lunch and social h tr`;-1VglreAriatirrest*MANAW,440% Mr. Glenn King, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest King, who returned to Toronto with them for the week, Misses Mary and Grace Greer, of Toronto, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Greer, Misses Margaret and Dorothy,Ars- cott, Toronto, spent the holiday with their grandmother, Mrs, Alex Miller. Miss Ruth Brown, Toronto, went the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Brown. Pte. Jim Pritchard, Chatham, and Roy Pritchard, R,C.N.V.R., Toronto, spent Christmas with their grand- father, Mr. 'Thos. Vittie. Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman and son Jack, Milverton, Mr. and Mrs. Vodden and sons, Ethel, Messrs Clam Michel of Ethel and Willard Michel, R.C.N. V.R., Halifax, also Mrs. Michel, Gode- rich, were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. C, Michel. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera, spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Ellis in Guelph. Mr, and Mrs. Carson Watson and baby of Georgetown, spent the holi- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Galbraith. Messrs William Grainger, Toronto, and Clarence Grainger, Walton, were Christmas Day visitors with their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaine and son Keith, of North Bay, are spending the week with his mother, Mrs, Pearl Kaine, On Tuesday evening last, the mem- bers of the St. Stephen's Anglican Sunday School held their annual Christmas concert and At Home in the Orange hall. The successful event consisted of song, recitations, and carol singing, with the usual treats as well as the prizes awarded each class for regular attendance. WE HOPE— tf That 1943 will bring you the best of all things—Health, Happiness and Prosperity. nie with Harry and. Mrs, Press; Mr, and Mrs. Norman Newans and boys Mrs. Vera Newans, Mrs. Hackney at Will Curles; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cul- liton and girls of Glenannan; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Purdon and daughter alsp Yvonne Douglas of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tuck and Nancy, M. Jef- fray at R. J, Douglas. Miss Kings scholars put on a de- lightful concert in the school house, Monday evening, December 22. The United Church Sabbath School held their entertainment in the church Wednesday afternoon. The singing of carols, recitations, a. dialogue, skit made a varied program. Culross headed Santa Claus for Belmore to treat the children. The Missionary meeting will be held this Wednesday afternoon at Mrs. Hackneys. Death came as a happy release from suffering to Mrs. Albert Gallagher in Howick last week. The rink is again open to skaters and curlers. Here's hoping it don't collapse with the weight of snow. Stainton Hardware mogwifsmarwr„.‘woz=roa-ofm-rez-4gAirob JAMESTOWN The teacher, Miss Beattie and her pupils of S. S. No, 4, Grey, held their Christmas entertainment in the school on Friday night, December 18th. They are to be congratulated on having such a splendid program and a good crowd turned out to enjoy it. The pro- ceeds amountd to $14.00. Mrs. Ned Thompson of Toronto, is spending the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. David McLennan. Miss Vera Willis of Listowel, spent the week-end at her home here. Misses Margaret Layh and Jacque- line Schaab of Toronto, spent Christ- mas with their friend, Miss Dorothea McLeod. The McKay familieS spent Christ- mas with friends in Wingham. Vernon Snell of the R.C.A,P. spent the holiday with friends in these parts. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker, also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham, spent Satur- day with Mr .and Mrs. Edward jack- lin. Mr. and Mrs, Laurence Willis, Lola, Bill and Vera, had Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Hall in Harriston. sawarsziosamomommilimmar TO THE ELECTORS OF MORRIS TOWNSHIP Your support in my favour as Reeve of Morris for the coming year would be greatly appreciated. If you favour me with your confi- dence I will do my best to serve you faithfully and to the best of my ability. ROBERT WALLACE TO THE RATEPAYERS OF 'MORRIS Having been your Councillor for a number of years I am now letting my name go before you for Reeve. I wish to thank you very much for your past support and would apprec- iate it again at this time. If elected I will endeavour to serve you to the best of my ability. CECIL WHEELER TO THE RATEPAYERS OF MORRIS TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen: I appreciated the splendid support given me at the polls two years ago and I have again allowed my name to appear on the ballot for the position of Councillor for the coming year. Your vote and influence will again be appreciated and if elected I will endeavour to serve the Township to the best of my ability during my term of office. C. R. COULTES TO THE ELECTORS OF MORRIS I 'take this opportunity of soliciting your vote and influence for the 1943 Council on Monday next. If elected I will do my very best in administer- ing the affairs of the Township. Wishing you all Health and Pros- perity. WM. JOS. HENDERSON TO THE ELECTORS OF HOW ICK After serving you for five years on time Council board I now ask your sup- port as Deputy Reeve for the coming year. Your vote will be greatly apprec- iated and if elected I will do my ut- most to carry out my duties to the best of my ability, E. HARTWELL STRONG 111111111111.1111111111111111111111 1111111 ST. HELENS ARENA Activities rir 2.943 eel SKATINC, SEASON Skating Monday, Wednesday & Saturday Band Wed. Nights Season Tickets — Adults!' $2.50 Student got Child: $1,50 Now Available At Towit Clerk's Oftlee, Your vote and influence on my be. half as 1943 Councillor would be great- ly appreciated. If you favour me with your confi- dence I will erideavouritas in the past to give the affairs of the Township careful consideration. JAMES MICHig TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS I am a eandidate for Councillor in the coming election. If elected I hope I may prove worthy of the confidence you have plated in me. Wishing you the compliments of the season. Holiday visitors in the community included; A.C. Russel Webb of La- chine, Quc.; L.A.C. Frank MeQuillin of Mont Joli, Otte.; A.C.2 Ivan iMagof- fin of Hamilton; L/C HarOld Woods; Private Angus McDonald and Ronald Cranston of Petawawa; Miss W. D. Rutherford of Kirkland• Lake; Mrs. Ramage of 'Porters Hill; Miss Ruth Ramage of Bancroft; Miss Nornia Weatherhead of Stayner; Miss Vera Taylor of London;. Messrs Murray Taylor and Allan Miller of Port Al- bert;' Miss Jean Thom of Toronto; , Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Rothwell of Norwood with Mr. and Mrs. E., j. Thom; Mrs. D. j. McIntosh of St. Catherines with Mr. and Mrs, n. Todd; Mr. and Mrs. Mel Brown of Kitchener with Mr. anti Mrs. R. Woods; Miss• Mae McDonald of Wing. ham with Mr, and Mrs. D. C, IVIeDon. aid; Mr. and Mrs, Robert McQuillin of Hamilton with Mr. Vilna, and Was Ileattlee M.46111111, Miss tettete MeOnillift and Mrs. Mary Jane Wellwood Passed away at her home in Van- couver on Wednesday, December 23 hi her 7/th year and following an ill- ness which extended through the year, She was the oldest daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. William Wellwood and spent -her early life around the home farm and rieiglitiortkryed hear DELMORE Holiday visitors; Mr. Bob Curie, Mrs, Stevenson and little son of To- ronto. Mr. Jack Holland of London, with friends. Those taking Christmas dinner: The 1-lankin family at Exeter, The tumsteatt family with friends; Mr, and Mrs, Cecil 'McNeil, Lloyd and, Melvin; Mr, and Mrs. James MeNelel' and children, Ed. Lawrence at Mc- Neils; Jack Reid of Waterloo with his family; Mr. and. Mrs, Playter and Hon- WM. SKIERS