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With Which Is Amalgamated The Ginnie Vidette and Wroxeter News.
'Single Copies Five Cents Subscriptions S2,00 Per IWO WINGHAM, .ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31st, 1942
S .
Cecil Wheeler and Robert 4,,allace in
Field for Reeve and Five k Four
Council Seats -
Will Be Contest For Reeve, Deputy
Reeve and Council -Mr. and Mrs,' William J. Carrie
r‘eceived Congratulations 'From A
Multitude of Friends Last Mon-
day, their Golden Wedding Day
Morris Township will have a new
reeve in 1943 as Francis Duncan,
reeve for the past three year did not
qualify following Mondays nomin-
ations, There will be a contest for
this position howeveras Cecil Wheeler
and Robert Wallace qualified.
For four seats on the council, five
will seek election, Charles Coultes,
Harvey Johnston and James Michie
present councillors and two pew men,
William Joseph Henderson and Wil-
liam Spiers,
The following is the Ce;,74olete list
of nominations held Monday':
For Reeve
Charles Coultes, by W. J. Hender-
son and W. J. McMurray,
Francis Duncan, by Geo. Bone and
Russel B. Currie.
Robert Wallace, by James Wilmot
and John McNichol.
Cecil Wheeler, by M. Grasby and
James Clark.
p For Council
Charles Coultes, by R. McMurray
and R. J. McKenzie.
Wm. Joseph Henderson by C. R.
Coultes and R. J. McMurray,
James Michie, by Joe Holmes and
James Clark.
Cecil Wheeler, by Jas. Clark and
M. Grasby.
Robert McMurray, by Robert Wal-
lace and James W. Scott.
Robert Wallace, by James W. Scott
and John McNichol.
Harvey Johnston, by 'Joseph Bew-
ley and Ed. 13ryans.
Wm. Spiers, by R. J. Mckenzie and
M. Grasby.
Stewart Proctor, by Ivan McArter
and Lyle Hopper.
(Continued on page 'two)
May 1943 iv
llictorions Mut
for tip
liniteb Nations
We are grateful for this opportunity to wish you all that is best .
for the New Year. And we hope 'the year to come will bring to'
us all happier times.
11 1.
Monday was a great day in the life
of .Mr. and •Mrs. William J. Currie of
East Wawanosh, as it was their Gol-
,cden Wedding Day. This pioneer
couple, despite the fact that due to
poor health and that they had plan-
ned to spend the day quietly were de-,
iluged . with flowers, cards and phone
-calls. On Christmas Day practically
all the family were home and this
gathering was considered by them a
part of their celebration.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Currie are nat-
ives of this district. Mr, Currie .was
iborn in. East Wawanosh and .has spent
his entire life in the township. Mrs.
Currie, Isabelle Taylor, was born in
Kinloss and since her marriage 60
years ago has lived in East Wawan-
They were married December 28th,
-56 years ago, at the home of the bride
and since that time have lived on the
12th concession of East Wawanosh,
for 23 years on the farm on which
they now reside, 'across the road from
Currie's school.
Mr. Currie besides his vocation as a
iarmer had two other outlets for his
great energy, municipal politics' and
Sunday School work. For 9 years he
was member of the East Wawanesh
Council, two of which he 'was Reeve.
Be was superintendent of Mizpah
$nriday School for many years and
.also taught the Bible Class.
Mrs. Currie also took her part in the
community life being the first woman
trustee of S. S. No, 9, Currie's School.
She also took a great interest in the
Sunday School and was a teacher for
years and years.
Mr. .Currie is in his 81st year and
was the son of the late Mr. 'and Mrs.
Robert Currie. Mrs. Currie is in her
- '73rd year and she is the daughter ,of
the late Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor.
One of the -callers they had on Mon-
. clay was aqr. Andrew Currie who was
bestman at their wedding so many
years ago. The bridesmaid at this
happy event was Mrs. Prentice,
Richel 'Taylor, who passed on some
years ago, '
Mr, and Mrs. Currie had a family
of eight children. They are Mrs. Hil-
ton (Laura) Ogden of Whaleri; Cpl.
George Currie, R.C.A.F., Toronto;
liarold of Culross; Mrs. Rush (Annie)
McElroy, Ray, Ind., U.S.A.; ,Miss
Rachel of Galt and John at home. Two
children had passed on, Catharine in
1905 and Charles in the West in 1922.
On behalf of the citizens of this dis-
trict We extend to this fine pioneer
couple sincere congratulations.
ingllant Ithuantr-Eintrs fttif
The Red Cross work room which
has been closed over the holiday sea-
son will open on Tuesday afternoon
next week, January 5th. As there is
much work to do it is hoped that a
large number will be present.
War Certifica*tes Suggested As
Christmas Presents
Application For Special Permits To
Be Made To Kitchener or London
Giraud Who Made Three Escapes
From German Prisons Was Chosen
High Commissioner To Succeed
Assassinated Admiral Dail=
_ •
The annual meeting and election Of
'officers of the Wingham Branch of
the Red Cross will be held in the
Council Chambers on Monday evening,
jantiary 11 at 8 o'clock. Reports of
the year's work will be presented and
everyone 'interested in the Red Cross.
is urged to attend.
Employees Entertained By Director*
and ManAgeoaeot
About,, 100 employees and ;other
guests were present on Wednesday
evening at the Brunswich Hotel by in-
vitation of the Directors and Manage-
ment of The Western Foundry Cp.
Ltd. The occasion was the Christ-
mas Dinner Party now an annual
event with the Foundry folk.
Following an excellent repast Mr.,
C. A. Roberts, superintendent, took
over as chairman and toastmaster.
The first toast was to "The King's '
proposed by Mr. Roberts and respond-
ed to by the hearty singing of the
National Anthem. '
In a brief chairman's address the
guests were welcomed -and workers
were thanked for their efforts in 1942.
That the Foundry business is not
exclusively a man's game any more
was evidenced by the number of lady
employees present, and in appreciation
of this development the ne tt t94st IY?:s
one to "The Ladies". Proposed by"
Mr. G, W. Tiffin, Office Manager,
this toast was replied to by Otte of
the guests, Mr. Geo. E. Northwood,
who told of the increasing share wo-
men are taking in business and indus,
try these days.
Two prominent military men of
Foundry connections presented the,
next toast, Major H. C. MacLean,
Vice-President of the Company pro-
posed a toast to "The Armed Forces."
It was also his privilege to read the
names of the4. 26 Western Foundry
employees who have enlVted in the
Armed Forces since war broke out in
1939. Capt. H. H. Towne, who was
a Foundry foreman before entering
Active Service in 1940, responded.
The final toast to "The Foundry"
gave the gathering a chance to hear
from another . guest, Mayor J. H.
Crawford, IVIayor Crawford spoke
appreciatively of the value of the
Foundry to Wingliam and of the
management's efforts to make it an
increasingly successful asset.
The reply was ably presented by
Mr. F. W. Spry, General Manager,
who gave a full report on the year's
activities. He stressed the complete
necessity of a spirit of partnership be-
tween workers and management and
renewed his pledge to share to the
fullest extent any advantages accruing
from this partnership.
Christmas bonuses distributed dur-
ing the evening were a token of the
established practice of profit sharing.
A telegram was received from the
company's Secretary-Treasurer, Mr.
W. E. Levan of Toronto, expressing
regret at his inability to be present.
Throughout the evening periods of
community singing were enjoyed with
Mr, H. V. Pym at the piano and Mr.
G. E. Northwood as song leader, Mr.
Northwood also favored with a solo
number. Musical selections much
appreciated by everyone were present-
ed by Messrs Borden and Floyd Jen-
kins, Kenny Baker and Francis Frie-.
The electors of Howick will on
Monday vote o,n a full slate as there
will be elections held for the office of
Reeve, Deputy Reeve and three coun-
cil seats.
David L. Weir, who was deputy
Reeve and later appointed Reeve on
the death of Reeve Gamble will be
opposed by Albert E. Toner, a former
councillor and deputy reeve.
Ernest Hartwell Strong who has
been on the council for five years and
was appointed deputy reeve in the
shuffle following Mr. Weir being ap-
pointed reeve will have as his oppos-
ition James Ingles, a newcomer to the
municipal field.
For the three seats on the council
there will be o.n the ballot, John Win-
ter and Ed. McCallum, present coun-
cillors, also Charles Black and Elmer
At the close of the nominations, the
clerk, Isaac Gamble, read the names
of those nominated together with their
movers and seconders.
For Reeve
David L. Weir, by Jas. Douglas and
3, C. Thompson,
Albert E. Toner, by W. E. Mc-
Cracken and Glad, Edgar.
Deputy Reeve
James Ingles, by Thos. Bradnock,
and Chas. Black,
Ernest Hartwell Strong, by Nor-
man Wade, and M. D. Irwin.
John Winter, by Reuben Harding
and Milton Leonard,
For Council
Ernest Hartwell Strong, by W. C.
King and Melford Nash.
Charles Black, by David Cathers
and W. S. Burns Stewart.
Robert Baker, by Thos. Bradnock,
and Wilford King.
Elmer Farrish, by Wilford King and
T-hos. Bradnock.
John Winter, by Warren Zurbrig-g-
and Wm. Campbell.
Edward McCallum, by Glad Edgar
and W. E. McCracken.
Mr. Reuben Harding was appointed
chairman, and on assuming the chair
asked the gathering to rise for a min-
ute of silence in memory of the late
reeve, J. W. Gamble.
The speakers were:
David L. Weir
He explained how owing to the
death of the reeve, legal advice had
been secured in regards to filling the
His remarks were confined mainly
to county matters. There are more
than 425 miles of county roads and
this year only about half of the usual
expenditure for their upkeep had been
made. The county machinery had been
(Continued on page six)
Farmers' Club Meets Tuesday
The January meeting of the Bel-
grave Farmers' Club will he held at
Wm, McMurray's on Tuesday evening,
January. 5th.
Local Girl 'Now A Sergeant •
The only girl to enlist in the Wo-
men's Division of the R.C.A.F., or
Army from -here, Ann Pletch, is now
a Sergeant in the W.D. of the R.C.A.F.
Ann enlisted as a clerk but recently
graduated in code work! , She sent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Matt.
Bell and her parents in Morris. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Spry spent
the Christmas week-end with their
daughters in Toronto. TURNBERRY MEN ON
Wholesalers and retailers may ob-
tain special permits to replenish their
normal stocks of butter. Up to Jan-
uary 16th merchants, on application to
the local ration officer in Kitchener
or London may secure special permits
allowing them to complete their nor-
mal stock requirements.
Due to some merchants not being
able, through butter shortage to bring
their normal stocks into line during
the past week, the Board is prepared
to issue special permits for this pur-
In other words, if the merchant's
normal stock is 500 pounds, and last
week he was only able. to purchase
for resale 200 pounds he would only
have sufficient coupons for, the re-
placement of 200 pounds, So in view
of this situation and his need of 300
pounds to bring his stock to normal,
the Board upon receiving his appli-
cation is prepared to grant him a per-
mit for this 300 pounds he needs.
This permit, coupled with his coupons
for 200 pounds, will place him in a
normal position.
Services Start Monday January 4th
Fractured Bones In Hand
Mr. Hugh Bell fell on Monday
evening oti the sidewalk near the
Walker Stores and fractured two
bones in his band.
Post Office To Observe
Bali Holidays
The local post 'office will in future
*observe the weekly Wednesday half
holiday the same as the stores. The
wicket will open from 2 to 3. This
will remind shoppers that the Weclues-
'day half holiday will be observed all
next year except during the month of,
Reeve—James Ross (acel.).
Council—A. L. Strome, A. Hanshaw
G•. Bannermant F. Pratt (accl.).
Reeve—J. W. Joynt (accl.).
Council — Thomas I3oyes, Austin
Soloman, Temple Clark, j, S. Kilpat-
rick (acels.).
For Reeve — Thomas Wilson and
John McNabb, qualified. Others nom-
inated, Walter Broadfoot, Henry Key-
es„ Thomas Dougherty,
For Deputy Reeve--tAleX Alxander
(met.) also nominated, George Mc-
For Council — Stanley Machan,
George McDonald, Percy Ward, Wit-
Haiti Spierian, Clifford Roland (three
to be elected), Others nominated,
Henry Keyes, Thomas Ward.
Trustees, — Cameron Edgar, Evart :
Whitfield, Geo, MelCee (acti.), Others
nominated,. Nnowlson Rueston, Vic.
tor Shertt, R, j, Newton, R. Cathers,
Robert Ferguson.
Trustees-4om Wilson, Earl Fat,
terson, Wardle Schaefer (keel).
Howick Federation Annual Tuesday
The annual meeting of the Howick
Federation of Agriculture, will be held
in the Township Hall, IGorrie, at 2.30
p.m., on Tuesday, January 5th,
Local Girls In Car Accident
Two local girls in training at Strat-
ford General Hospital has an exper-
ience they will not forget for some
time. Thursday afternoon they were
coming by -ear to Wingham when the
car went into the ditch and turned,
over, imprisoning them in the car.
They were freed by a passing motor-
ist. T.he car was driven by a Donald
Jones of Stratford and other passen-
gers were, Doris Ritchie of Lueknow
-and Arthur Essay of London. The
only one injured was Miss Edgar who
-suffered slight lacerations on her knee.
The Ministerial Asaociation of
Wingham again calls the citizens of
the Community to observe the Uni-
versal Week of Prayer, during the
first week of January. In the week
of prayer we shall arm ourselves for
a New Campaign to crown Him Lord
of all- We come before God as =tu-
bers of the whole family of mankiad,
and as we pray and worship, on the
mount, we see the pattern of His
Kingdom, The plan of a new world
is to be found, not in ourselves but
in God, and in what He [can make of
us. By worshipping Him, we learn
to know ourselvea, as we are, and as
He would have us be, and to offer
ourselves, soul and body, through
Christ to His Service,
The. services of the week with . the
speaker and subject are as follows;
Monday,. January 4 — Salvation
Artily, Rev, W. A. Beecroft, "The
World's nileinmar."
Tuesday, January 5 Baptist
Churth, Rev, K. MacLean, "The Rope
of the World,"
Wednesday, January 6--.[-St. Paul's
Church, tient, Bennett, "Christ's Min-
istry to the World."
Thursday, January 't United
Church, Rev. B. 0. Gallagher, "The
Vriday, January -g 444.. Presbyterian'
Church, Rev, 3, B. LfictiS, "A New
Creation in Christ jobs."
The services Will begin at 8 o'clock
each evening,
Gen, Henri Honore Giraud, famous
French warrior who has escaped from
German prisons in two wars, was
named unanimously by the French
Imperial Council to succeed Admiral
Jean DarIan as high commissioner of
French Africa and was granted full
military and civil powers. Admiral
Darlan was shot at Algiers by a 22-
year-old student who faced a firing
squad for his treacherous act. •
The selection by the council govern-
ing the vast African Empire of the
French was made a few hours after an
impressive funeral was given his as-
sassinated predesessor, a funeral in
which Giraud himself paid his final
tribute to Dalian.
iGiraud, thus given full power as
high commissioner and commander-in-
chief of the French land, sea and air
forces in French Africa, called for
unity in an order of the day issued
immediately after his selection was
announced. The order follows:
"Assuming the functions of high
commissioner of French Africa after
the tragedy which cost Admiral Darl-
an's life, I ask all to stand united be-
hind inc to assure, with the snoport
of our Allies, the success of our arm-
"Only one thing counts: France and
her empire; there is but one aim:
The order was signed by Giraud as
"general of the army, high commis-
sioner in French Africa, commander-
in-chief of the land, sea and air forc-
Attending the council meeting at
which the famous soldier, now in his
60s, was' chosen were Giraud, Gen,
Auguste- 'Rogues, governor 'of French
Morocco, Pierre BOiSSOti, governor-
general of French West Africa who
recently opened the important port of
Dakar to the Allies, Yves Chatel,
governor of Algeria, and Gen. jean
Marie Bergeret, former aviation' secre-
tary in the Vichy French Cabinet.
Their decision was unanimous,
Mr. and Mrs, Matt Sell of town re,
teived a cable informing them. that
etch; daughter Ntirsing Sister Lieut.
Nora Bell, Reg, N,, had arrived in
$nglartd, 114r, and Mrs. Bert Collar
also received a cable that their son
Frank H. was one of the recent con,
voy to land, in the Old Land.
Mr. and Mrs. Bell noW have three
of their Children overseas, Their son§
Matt and Andrew went over with the
1st Division and 110W their danghter
Nora is doing duty over there, Art.
Other son, flughie, is in the army in
Canada which Makea four of this
'family doing active service,
The weekly meeting of the, Wing-
ham Bridge Club was held on ,the
evening of Boxing Day last -week, with
six tables taking part in a Howell
movement. The results were; 1st
Mrs, 3. H. Crawford and Mrs. W. H.
French; 211d—Mrs. R. S. Hetherington
and Mrs. 0, Colborne; 3rd—Mrs, Geo.
Ross and W. H. Preach; 4tb—Mrs. A.
R. DuVal and Major R. S. Hethering-
tton; 5tb--Ilert Porter and W. W.
Artnstrong; 6tit—Art Wilson and Rae
The game this week is being planed
to-night (Wednesday).
Mr. A. J. McMurray, chairman Of
the Huron County National War Fin-
ance Committee, announces that Mr.
R :K. Wurtele of Goderich has accept-
ed the chairmanship for the county
of the War Savings Stamp Commit-
tee. This Committee will promote the
sale of stamps through schools, merc'h-
ants, clubs and the Miss Canada girls.
Mr. McCurray points out that there
is no commission or remuneration to
anyone on the sale of war savings
stamps and appeals for the support
of merchants and businessmen in pro-
moting a continuous sales campaign.
The following gentlemen are re-
spOnsible for their resPective districts:
C. E. Ritcbie — Wingham,
K, J. Hueston — Gorrie.
H. J, Wylie — yroxeter.
Robt. Bowman — Brussels.
J, R. Elliott — Blyth,
j, A, Stewart — Seaforth
A. Knight — Clinton.
R. H. Middleton — Hensall.
W. A. Siebert — Zurich.
F. A. May — Exeter.
H. K. Eilber — Crediton.
Sales of War Savings Certificates
for the month of October in Huron
County amounted to $14,344.00 as
compared with $16,952,00 for the
month of September and $15,776.00
for August.
Many, employers and citizens of the
County have indicated that they will
be giving war savings certificttes for
Christmas presents, and it is hoped
there will be A substantial increase in
sales for the month of December.
Sales of War Savings Certificates
throughout the various postal districts
in the County are as follows:
13lyth, $384; Brussels, .$368; Ethel,
$68; Bltievale, $88; Walton, $156;
Clinton, $1,832; Bayfield, $72; Lond-
esborottglk $68; Varna, $48; Exeter,
0,544; Dashwood, $224; Grand Send,
$88; Kirktmi, $80; Crediton, $212';
Godetich, $3,280; Dungannon, $44;
Port Albert, $86; Auburn-Kintail,
$160; Rensall, $1,044; ICippen, $180;
Seaforth, $i42S fl rticcfietd, $220;
Egmontiville, $20; Wingham,, 0.788;
l3elgrave, $68; Piordwith, $108; Gotrie,
$68; Wroxeter, $206; Delmore-Glen-
tiannon, $12; Zurich, $860.
Each Man Presented With Pen And
Pencil Set
The , following is a list containing
the names of the men from Turnberry
who are on active service. Each man
has been or will shortly receive a pen
and pencil set from the council on be-
half of the people of the townshiP.
Pleas examine this list and if you
find any name missing please notify
the Mulberry Reeye, a member of
the council or the township clerk.
Pte, Win, M. Abram Spr. Wesley
B. Abram, Sgt, J, Leslie Adair, Cpl.
Ralph Baird, Pte. C. Bellsmith, Dr.
j, Arthur Bryce, tad,. Gordon A.
Bryce, AC. 'Darrell H. Biggs, P.O.
Percy Biggs, Pte. john T, Brooks,
Pte, Lloyd Casernore, Pte. Prank I.
Cassidy, E.S.M. Alex Corriyan, Gnr,
E. R. Chandler, Pte. Ward Cameron,
Pte. Herman •Casernore, Sgt.. Observer
John L. Campbell, Pte, J. Arnold Den -
Ids, Sgt. Edward Elliott, jno, W. For-
tune, AC Don W. Portune, apt, Mil-
ford Poxton, Sgt. J. A, Gibson, Sgt,
Gordon Greig, Harry Ganniss, Pte
Stuart P. Holloway, Ed. Holloway,
H. Holloway, Pte. Russel W. Holmes,
Ptc, Wilbur Ham Bdr. Stewart fef-
fray, Gnr. Clifford E. Jinkitis, • John
C. Jenkins, Get. John H. Johnston,
Cadet Arno Xelly, A.C. L. Arnold
A.C. John M. tillow,
R., McArthur, Pte, A, MeGue, Lieut.
Norman Muir, Pte., /no. C. °Nis, Pte.,
,A, B. Potter, Pte, Stewart kitehie,
CO, Albert !Waal, A.C, A. D. Smith,
Ptg, Clarke S. Shatpla, Sgt. George C
Tervit, VA George H. Wheeler, Pte.
,R. Willets, [Yohrt Wettlauhr,
Another Overseas- Arrival
Sgt. Observer John L. Campbell
has arrived safely in England accord-
jug to A cable received by his father,
Mr. W. j, Campbell, of Turnherry.
Hospital Auxiliary Meets 1VIenday
The rebtar meeting of thd We-
triateS Auxiliary to Wingitam Hospital
will be held in the Council Chambers
Ott Monday afternoon, jaiittary 4th at
Minister Called To 13olgrave Circuit
A call has been extended to Rey.
Dr. A. O. Thompson of Canoe Cove,-
Prince Edward /stand by the -congre-
gations of Delgrave, 13lyth, Auburn
and Carlow Presbyterian churches.
The vacancy was created by Rev, A,
M. Boyle accepting a eall to Caledon