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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-12-24, Page 6
GE WIN GH.Am ADvAN-a-Tuags Thursday* Dec 24th: 194Z A Mg TWA' NO. she would always have of her .staY there, God Save the King closed the program, After Mich Santa arrived. in duo time to distribute the gifts from the well laden tree. $17.00 was taken in at the door, into a cold oven. Turn switch to. BAKE and set COntrOl for .825', Col,* timing turkey 20 minutes per lb. If a /arger, turkey,. lower temperature to 800' and cook 18 'minutes, per lb, An old turkey should be cooked for a longer period --- 20 to 25 minutes per Turkey Soup Break turkey earc4s in pieces, re- moving all stuffing; put in kettle with any bits of meat that may have been . left over. Cover with cold water, bring slowly to boiling point and mer 2 hours with switch, turned to -"Low." Strain, cool, remove Eat, and Season with salt and pepper, One or two outer stalks of celery may be cooked with carcass to give additional flavour. rillWRH(Winill4iiiiii . „ . ,„ .. , . , „,.„,„„,„i• I Mats On . I i FashionsI ' .. 1, 4. if‘,00,004,50 .441-4V0Ar 14xtra Train 'Service FOR XMAS - NEW YEAR'S OWEN SOUND — WIARTON — DURHAM — SOUTHAMPTON — KINCARDINE — WINGHAM PALMERSTON TO STRATFORD — LONDON — GUELPH -- HAMILTON — TORONTO SUN., DEC. 27 Lv, Owen Sound 4,40 P.M. Lv. Wiarton , ,,,,,,, ,,,,, 4,30 P.M. Ar. Palmerston ........ 7.05 P,M, Ar. Palmerston 4,55 P.M. Lv. Durham 5,50 P.M, Lv. Southampton 4,50 P.M. Ar. Palmerston 6.55 P.M. Ar. Palmerston ..... 6,50 P.M. Lv. KINCARDINE ..... .... 4.15 P.M. Lv. WINGHAM ..... ..... 5.14 P.M, Ar. PALMERSTON 6.40 P.M. —Connection at Palmerston— _THE MIXING BOWL Or Man ALLAN *eft 114)04 hus THIS IS CHRISTMAS A Joyous Christmas to everyone! And, as Tiy Tim observed, "God bless us every one!" Let's remember the happier things for a spell and dwell on the spirit of good fellowship, ,of thought for others, of heart warmth and old-fashioned cheer — for this is BELGRAVE Belgrave School Concert The annual Christmas tree and en- tertainment of the Belgrave school was held in the Foresters hall and in spite of extremely snowy weather and roads the attendance was good. Rev. G, H, Dunlop of the United Church acted is chair/An. The Program was under the direction of the teacher, Miss Mina Bryan and music teacher, Miss Velma Wheeler. During the evening Miss Bryan who is giving up the school at Christmas was called to the stage and presented with two wall plaques and an address of appreciation in honor of her approached marriage. Miss Wheeler received a beautiful cup . and saucer. The programme consisted of the following numbers: Opening recitation by Billy Coultes; recitation, Marlene McKenzie; tableau, a carol service; recitation, Raymond Bennett; vocal duet, the Little Soldier and the Red Cross Maid, Muriel Brydges and Tom- my Wade; chairman's address; junior rhythm band, singing gaily, twinkle, twinkle little star, and Mary had. a little lamb; songs by the school Christmas song (2 parts) and Land of Hope and IGIory; recitation, Donna Shiells; Dutch Dance, - Marguerite Young and Audrey McGuire; recita- tion, Linetta Bennett; cantata, Santa J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages. Wingham Ontario 25, Hint 27,1foretiever 30Incentive 01. Plays with, as a baby 33., Possessor 85. Pseudonym of G. W. Russell 36. Cause to flow 87. A wrinkie 38, Level 39. Hindi deity 40. Royal Air Force HARRY FRYFOGLE Licensed Emymer and Funeral Director 7. Monster S. Male name 10. Tale 11. Seize 15, Masurium 4.sym.) 17. Sudden outburst 18. Ventilated 19. Semblante 21. Detests 22. Make amends for 23, Clans, in Eire 1+415 molfro 400 PEET iiiq+k, R,Ule oui-61141s. Lou. Or POLAND'S MANY OKKLEFIELDS,N A moi4uMf.u1* KosCiUstico 1. ALVIN. FOX Licensed Drugless Practitioner CHIROPRACTIC - DRUGLESS `THERAPY - RADIO= EQUIPMENT Hours by Appointment. Phone 191 Wingham 4 %PAPP ,Ok A. H. McTAVISH, B.A. Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer Office: Gof ton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone TeesWater 120J. Furniture and Funeral. Service Ambulance Service. Phones: Day 109W. Night 1093 ACROSS 1, Mineral , springs I 5. Needy P. Jason's ship (poss.) 11 Freight 12. To woo 13. Apish action 14. lot 16. Muse of lyric pbetry 17. 8upernatur- al being 20. Goddess of dawn 24. Viscous Bring into being 16. Mataw 27. To go to court for redress 28. Whirling toy 29. Mode of rubs Depression $2. prosy 23. Penile spots hi deserts 24. Shrimplike crUstacean 26, Feigned 40. Way 41. Young ea 43. Foretell 44. Pass it rope through 45, Titles of friars 48.Clip 1 42. Twilled fabric ts* •oust te414/4514 So,A.M01CA 000.1 FAcf-i• PROEM SUN." BURNi MieRfLE- A t1,5. ARMY MULE. Posl'HUAG thick i iko.3ZoNA, is 24 YEARS AND is A VEltft4.1,4 6F AMSkleAt4 VILLA. 14(01.51116N UNCAP. .,4441 ?4aSItitt4 id 1916.,441D 4:12.0y0a1.0.w_Aik. I2 MUGGS AM) SKEETER 24 V ,25 Sy -WALLY BISHOP, CAN Set-L YOU A GLASS OF .YOU OW LEMONADE? #4. (*AO 21 24y YOU R SOCIY IS JOST ONS SIG BLts-rekti,.. YOU'VE HAI" NOTHIt-0 TO CL ENCH YOUR 11410t,W' frog VIEM<S.,.,...tviONTI4Stt 11•411/4GINE ..rt4A-r` t)ms t‘i- r HEA-111,..ABOU'r AVE. HUNDRED) DEGREES IN /'HE SHADEIL, ANGS earn Httro Yotik 'TONGUE 4 MONUMENTS at first cost. Having our factory equipped with the most modern machinery for the exec cation of high-class work, we ask you to see the largest ,display of monu- ments of any retail factory in Ontario. All finished by sand blast machines. We import our granites from the Old Country quarries direct, in the sough. You can save all local deal. ers' agents' and middleman profits by seeing us. E. J. Skelton ec Son •t West End Bridge—WALKERTON We444W-AM'47" .'`e;tgA‘-eijM K. M. MacLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office—Victoria St., West. Formerly the H5yden residence. PHONE, 196 Wingham, Ontario YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION F. F. HOMUTH. Our 25 Point Scientific Examin- ation enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston CANADIAN NATIONAL Ar. Stratford „, 8.40 P.M. Ar. Guelph Ar, London ..... 9.45 P.M. Ar, Hamilton Ar. TORONTO 10.10 P,M. See Time Tables For Intermeriate Stops And All CROSSWORD PUZZLE q / le' n 18 Kt 5 4 Christmas Yes! We shall keep Christmas. This year we will celebrate it more quietly, more simply. But the boys across the world — on land, at sea or in the air — will be able to think of us, at home, keeping Christmas for them. The Christmas season will mean more to you if you follott these three simple rules: 1. Look back to your very happiest Christmas and say, "It will be that way this year — we've so much to be thankful for." 2. Decorate — even though the materials are simple. There may be no Christmas tree but there will be evergreen sprigs, popcorn, cranberries, red and silver streamers and lots of other things. 3, Plan special menus for Christmas, adding a festive touch to each meal. If this is something you haven't tried before, then it will be a surprise for the family and they'll .love it. * * * * RECIPES Liverwurst Canapes 3/4, lb. liverwurst, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. scraped onion, M. tsp. salt, 24 tsp, paprika, mayonnaise, crackers, 6 pickles. Remove the skin, and mash the liverwurst to a smooth paste. Add lemon juice, onion, salt and paprika; moisten with mayonnaise. Spread on crisp crackers. Top with pieces of pickle. (A tasty accompaniment with vegetables juices.) Savoury Dressing (without butter) 2 cups soft bread crumbs, V2 cup sliced cooked "prunes, 1 grat- ed apple, 1 tb, minced onion, 1 tsp. sage, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp, pap- rika, 1,, tsp, summer savoury, IA, tsp. thyme, % cup water. Mix- together lightly; do not mash. Enough for a 4-lb, fowl. Roast Turkey with Savoury Diessing One 12 to 15 pound turkey, salt, savoury dressing, baking fat. Prepare young turkey for roasting. (Reserve wing tips, neck and gizzard to cook fat' broth). Rub well with salt. Stuff with Savoury Dressing. Sew securely, Rub outside with bak- ing fat. Place on shallow pan and 10 / p I5 capouauk., • ammo C111)1121024 i211=12324.:: SUM RilE4 IMES Maw &WO - OMAR MOMUU0 OMB nra MDR 017111101190 LIDERA ©MIEN MEMO moo no© coo EMIIC11133 iii1C41511EIGI P1111 MEM R111021M1 Gli4181:1 DORM t 8,45 P.M. 10,55 P.M, 5 la -1 8 Other Services T,2-137 t\r- ,/jt 24 22 23 r TAKE A TIP: 1, Make red oilcloth place mats for the Christmas table, They may he placed on top of the linen cloth for everyone's plate — the cloth must do for the holiday week. 2, Where will Santa Claus put the presents this year? Around the fireplace, on the decorated buffet, or in a huge snow ball made by two hoops covered with sheets and sprinkled with artificial snow, open- ing at the side, 3, Trim the table with an idea in mind —a niinature church, an original floral arrangement, or tiny card- board uniformed girls or men, if one of your guests is in uniform, * * THE QUESTION BOX Mrs. 13. Your question has been. answered and mailed to you direct. Anne Allan says: May I thank each and every one of you for your Christ- mas messages and letters of apprec- iation received throughout the year. * Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o the Advance-Times. Send in' your questions on homemaking prob- lems and watch this column for re- plies. COTT'S SCRAP BOOK occasion of giving and receiving presents. It is a time of happiness but the task I am performing. tonight is not altogether a happy one. We are reading this and making thir presentation on behalf of your pupils at Belgrave Sdhool, to you Miss Bryan who is leaving us at this Chirtsmas time. You; Miss Bryan have won the confidence of your pup- ils, by your sincerity and Willingness' to help the boys and girls. The work of teaching is exacting, and difficult and we, by our thoughtlessnep and carelessness, have often made it more so, but in spite of this you invariably have shown a good sense of humour and radiated good cheer and sunshine. For all of us, the slow and the slower, the dull and duller you have posses- sed a never failing source of symp- athy. It is with a sense. of personal loss we have heard of your going,•wq would ask you to accept this gift as a token of our appreciation for your work and affection for yourself. Signed: Marguerite Young, Audrey McGuire. Miss Bryan, in a few well chosen remarks thanked the pupils for their gift and expressed the happiness she had enjoyed -during her two years in Belgrave and the plecasant memories . CLOTHES warm in color as well as in fabric help make the winter fashion scene a pleasing one, This comfy blouse is of brown wool jersey and is made with an. original neckline that is squared and then slashed down the front:, it is belted and cuffed in brown, yellow and green wool plaid which is used slantwise for the pock- ets and straight for the rest. It is a wrap around model with concealed hook and eye fastening. in Blunderland. The address to Miss Bryan was read by Marguerite Young, Audrey McGuire made the presentation: Dear Miss Bryan:— , Christmas time is the ...a- By R, J. SCOT T .,i WfliVrt4 ,14E NAME 41vat4 FISH WIIICd go FROM was' wA•retz,e0 f4tEskt Sn.se.br ? At4ADO4MOU5 FISH BoNes.Sent To Soldiers The Red -.Cross Society packed Christmas boxes for twenty locallmys in camp throughout the 1Dominion, Enlistment gifts of sweaters and socks were given several of the boys, others had already received them. .Each box contained homemade ,Christmas- cake, mince pies, mixed cookies and short- bread,,, als6 candies,- chocolate bars, gum, chocolate drink, tooth brush, tooth paste and .greeting card. No. 8, East Wawariosh entertainment A large crowd of parents and friends attended the 'Christmas eon- pert at School Section Nb, 8, East Wawanosb, where a very unique pro- gram was presented, under the direc- tion of the teacher, Miss Patricia Parker, Mrs. Arthur Scott wasp ac- companist, Waiter Scott acted as chairman. The. program opened by all tuning in to station CKPZ S. No. 8, East .Wawanosh to hear the Hour of School Charm, with Harold Vincent announcing. The first number heardovas a wel- come recitation by Alan McBurney, followed by a duet by Norma Bruce and Laura McBurney; recitation, The Woodpecker, by Elmer Bruce; song, Jingle Bells, by Jr, grades; recitation, Austin Cook song, Away in a manger, by Lillian Bruce; dance, Irish Jig, by 3. girls; recitation, Douglas Bruce; piano solo, Laura McBurney; recita- tion, Lillian Bruce; song, What Child is This and It Came upon the - Mid- night Clear, by the school; recitation, Arnold Bruce; piano duet, Audrey Cook and Norma Bruce; recitation, Laura McBurney; song, Silent Night, by the school; recitation, Wendell Mc-• Callum; song, 0 Conic all Ye Faithful by the -entire group including the and-' fence; recitations, Audrey Cook -and Norma Bruce, While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night, by the school, The second part of the program began with the chairman's . address; musical selection,. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce, Puppet Play, Henry's Old School Mate; selection by Ken- neth. Scott; Puppet Play, The Three Wishes; selection by. Kenneth Scott; music by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce; a short skit, Santa's Helpers. Tod. Save The King. Santa arrived just in time to present gifts to the children from the Christmas tree. A baby girl has arrived at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Tom Anderson of Sorel, Que., (Marilyn Dale). Mrs, Business and Professional Directory Frederick A. Parker OSTEOPATH OffiCes: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and giraffe . Treat- ments. Foot. Technique. ?Ilene 272. Winghani. WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy hold- ers for over a century. Head Office — TorontO COSENS & BOOTH, Agents Wingham DR. R. L. STEWART PHYSICIAN Telephone 29 •••,•••••••••••••••11.1 THOMAS FELLS AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE SOLD A Thorough Knowledge of Farm Stock. Phone 231, Wingham Anderson is a daughter of Rev, James and Mrs. Scobie formerly of Belgrave, Red Cross Shipments The Red Cross packed the follow- ing <sewing quotas on Friday-Hos- pital supplies, 59 handkerchiefs, 47 towels, 45 convalescent shirts, 70 triangular bandages, 14 bed gowns, 10 bed jackets. Refugee clothing, 10 pair boys shorts, 5 year size, 10 coats and caps, 10 pr. braces, 20 shirts, Miscel- laneous articles, 5 chills dresses, 6 pr. bloomers, 4 boys suits, 1 blouse, 1 suit of pyjamas. Stone School Held Concert A successful Christmas Concert was held in the StPne. School, ,,2nd Line of Morris, with a Christmas tree, San- ta Claus, gifts, carols and all that goes to make the Chirtsmas entertainment the most enjoyable event of the whole year for both young and old. The program was directed by the teacher, Miss Lauretta ;McBurney, with Mrs. J. M. Coultes as accompanist. Lyle Hopper acted as chairman and intro- duced the numbers which consisted of carols, dialogues, drills, recitations, W. A. CRAWFORD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Located at the office of the late Dr. J. P. Kennedy. Phone 150 Wingham DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 PLEASilgoterwait to he adeat War traffic makes heavy demands on railway accommodations... now more than ever, it is necessary to consider' the convenience of others. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Patterson and family of Auburn, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. A. Manning. Miss Louise McKenzie of Sudbury is home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R .E. McKenzie, for the gmas holidays. Miss Elaine Walsh of Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- aon Walsh. Something went wrong In the cook- house and_ the piecrust was as hard as a brick. The mesage wag sent it back with a message: "Give us the tools and we'll finish the job!" ,Izy' One especially pleasing number being- a Tableau entitled; Rendezvous, by- • Mary Procter and Mildred Higgins., Mrs. 'John Wickstead taking the solo part. M. The lucky ticket' was drawn on a quilt which was won by Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse of East Wawanosh. The proceeds will be devoted to war Mork. God Save The King closed the pro- `Ilr gram after which Santa. Clause dis-, tribute(' gifts to the' children from the Christmas tree, For Life Insurance and Pension Plans consult GEORGE R. MASON representative Canada Life Assurance Co. J. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, pc. Money To Loan. Office -- Meyer Block, Wingham COLL:n.How rr siikm is Woui...0 YOU COLD -TVA Y.. LAKE BE SKBETEfil DOWN oN -134' E441.4Voca, ?" Cog , • 40 10 3'2- 33 $4 I A ' `36.3'7 DOWN 1./nditin & Poke 2, Chills arid fever 4, Witchcraft 45 1/,Indian baby Matt 43 4