The Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-12-17, Page 7Thursday, Dec, 1.7th, 1942. Gifts, for the Family fa.,!•••••••••1. Beautiful Card Tables, scenery or floral designs, $3.95 - $4.95 English Bone China Cup and Saucers from 75c up. • ,•••••••,••-". Plastic Plaques 90c up. Pictures 50c to $2.25 What-not shelves from 55c to $1.25 Lovely Book-ends & Table Centres. The Wallpaper Shop MAKOkeoe' p.M..1....11•11111•1•MIAINIMOIMPI LIGHTING OF CHRISTMAS TREES IN HOMES— DURING THE PERIOD, December 24th to January 1st, inclusive Christmas trees & Christmas decorations MAY BE LIGHTED within the home, but not on front lawns, verandahs or in any place in connection with the home, except INSIDE THE HOUSE IN CHURCHES— DURING THE PERIOD, December 24th to January 1st, inclusive Christmas trees and Christmas decorations MAY BE LIGHTED in churches, Sunday schools, parish halls and other buildings in connection with churches and religious organizations; •also in. connection with hospitals, halls under the auspices of fra- ternal societies, service clubs, charitable institutions and other non- commercial organizations. IN STORES— LIGHTING OF Christmas trees or Christmas decorations IS NOT PERMITTED IN STORES or any other place except as above specified. Other Restrictions FLOOR LAMPS, table lamps, chandeliers, wall brackets, and other forms of lamp and lighting fixtures for sale, if lighted continuously, would be classed as "Indoor display or advertising"' and therefore MUST NOT be continuously lighted; but there would be no objection to'lighting these lamps individually while a customer is looking at them for the purpose of purchasing. SHOW WINDOWS shall not be lighted by flood lights located within the store nor shall additional lighting be installed in the store ,adjacent to the window for the purpose of lighting show windows; nor shall pendant fixtures in show windows be swung back into the store, SHOW-CASE LIGHTING SHALL NOT BE PERMIT- TED. This includes show-cases in the form of counters and wall cases. NO SUPPLIER SHALL SUPPLY el- ectricity for any purpose to any person who to the knowledge of 'such supplier uses electricity contrary to the provisions • of this order. THE LOCAL SYSTEM is equally responsible with the consumers to see that, they comply with the Power Controller's Order and is also liable, as well as the consumer, to the penalties imposed for non-complian ce, The above is an order from the DOMINION POWER CONTROLLER Wingham Utilities Commission WAR-7114E TRAVEL TIP NO. 4 There* nothing we like better than to see people enjoying their meals In the dining tar enough to linger over MOM. We wouldn't hurry' iron for angthing, but wartime travel IS heavy and others need your plates, PAGE 1T4:' TAION-20701*-r*PAIM-700-00r hristmas FLOWERS ANeDLPAONTTTsED Orders are now be,. ing taken for Dec- ember 24 delivery. Poinsettias Cycleman Begonias, On account of war- time delivery regu-, lations, we ask your co-operation, LEWIS FLORIST TELEPHONE 101 Ei§g-fira4' IteikAMM: 4' 0440 A Gift that is "Appreciated All Year' The Advance-Times is a year round gift. A gift that goes to the receipient 52 times a year. Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors would appreciate such a gift. IT IS ALSO A GREAT FAMILY GIFT SUBSCRIBE NOW! Win'thatn Adva4ceortines .11 {T NCHA ADVANCE-TIMES Val I UO71143.0'1 Wedding bells Are ringing, ringing, ringing, Mrs. Andrew Fox, left on Nfonday to spend the winter months at the borne of her ,darighter, Mrs, Roy Pat- ten, of St. Georges. The regular weekly meeting of the Y„/).1)`, of the United Church was held on Tuesday evening, with the young people of the Presbyterian Crumb as guests for the evening, and with the president, Mr. Carman Farrier, in the chair. The theme for the meeting was "All men are brothers" and Mr, Far- rier gave the call to worship, 0 broth- er, fold to thy heart, thy brother, Mr. Clifford Laidlaw read the Scripture lesson and Mr. Clarence McClenaghan led in prayer, Mrs. Jas. Falconer led the discussion period, with a talk on our racial prejudices. The male quartette sang, God never forgets, and Mrs. Robt. Mowbray, after giving a short outline of the life of Pauline Johnston, read several of her interest- ing poems. Mr.. Jas, Wilson sang, 'Beware, and Mrs. 5, D. Bee- croft read two of Edgar Guests poems, .Fellowship, and We are brothers all, Mr. Farrier was in charge of the rec- reation period that followed. Lunch. was served and a social time enjoyed by all. The meeting was closed by singing the National Anthem. - The annual Meeting of the W.M.S; of the United Church was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Duffy, when Mrs, J. G. Gilles- pie was in charge of the meeting. The program in the Missionary was followed, with Mrs. M. Moore taking the part of the Christian Per- sian Woman; Mrs. G. E. Farrier, the part of the Korean woman; Mrs. Scholtz, the part of the European wo- man; Mrs. Duffy, the part of the Jap- anese woman; Mrs. Coultes, the part of the Chinese woman and Mrs. Lott, the part of the African woman. All told of the desire they had to be of real Christian service in their own corner of the world. After the roll- call, the secretary's report of the last annual meeting was read and adopted. The nominating committee brought in their slate of officers which was ad- opted. The following are the officers appointed for next year: Past pres., Mrs. Victor Emerson; pies., Mrs. 5, G. Gillespie; 1st vice-pres„ Mrs. Jas. Falconer; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. Russel Gaunt; 3rd - vice-pres., Mrs, Herb. Laidlaw; sec'y., Mrs. Walter. Lott; treas., Mrs. Millan Moore; corres. sec., IVIrs. 3, D. Beecroft; pianists, (Mrs. G. E. Farrier, Mrs. J. B. Beecroft; music comm., Mrs. Emerson, Mrs. Mac Ross, Mrs. Geo. McClenaghan; study book sec'y., Mrs. A. Coultes; special, prayer comm., Mrs. T. H. Moore, Mrs. Mor- rison; missionary monthly, Mrs. Cox; mission band supt., Mrs. T. H. Moore; assist, Mrs. J. G. Gillespie; baby'band stmt., Mrs. A. Coultes; stranger sec'y., Mrs. ,Mac Ross, The „reports of the treasurers were given and each was pleased that plans were made for Teaching the allocation of $120. The mission band reported $11 and the baby band $2.50.. While the birthday fund was $11. The next meeting will be held in the home of the president, Mrs, J. G, Gillespie. Mrs. Garnet •Farrier gave an inter- esting talk on a chapter of the study book, The Home, The Family and the Church. Mrs. Mac Ross led in prayer for the missionary workers; MisS Wellwood and Miss Clarke. With • Mrs, Ezra Scholtz in charge of 'the W. A. meeting, the officers were re-ap- pointed: pres., Mrs. Scholtz; 1st vice- pres., Mrs, G. E. Farrier; sec,-treas., Mrs. J. D, Beecroft. Their report showed a balance of $40 on hand. Mrs, Scholtz closed the meeting with prayer, Ail in our community rejoiced with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Welwood, when word ,spread around "on Thursday, that they .had received word from the authorities that their son, Sgt. Nor- man Welwood, who had been reported missing after operations over Germ- any; was alive in ati interment camp in • that country, and some communi- cation from him -may be expected in the future. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the. Hall on Tuesday last with the nresi- dent, Mrs. Grain in charge. After the opening exercises, the roll-call was answered by Christmas Hints. The ladies decided to hold a euchre in the hall on Thursday, December 17 to make funds to buy card tables anti to serve lunch of sandwiches and cook- ies, The following program was then given: Christmas Carol, "0 Come ,Let Us Adore Him", was sung, An inter- esting talk was given by Mrs, J, G. 'Gillespie on the motto, 'Gifts for Mother, Gifts for Dad, Gifts fen. every Lass and Lad." Mrs, Duffy gave a reading, His First Marriage on Christ- mat Eve. Mrs. .Scholtz sang, through the. • night", and ' Mrs, Lott gave a Christmas reading, Mrs. G. Vatrier played a piano solo, and all sang, 0 God our 'help in ages past. The National Anthem brought the meeting to a close. The Sunday School pupils of Brick 'Church are holding their Christtnas Concert in the chureb. this Friday ev-! ening, with a play from the 13elgrave Church being presented, along with, the numbers from the :Church here, , The annual meeting of the W.M.S, of the Presbyterian Church, was held on Thursday last in the church with the 2nd vice-president, Miss Annie LalcilawIn charge of the meeting. The Scripture lesson was read responsive- ly and the prayer .for the missionaries was given by Mrs, Albert Paters'on, and Mrs. Mowbray also led in prayer.. The following gave Christmas read- ings; Mrs/Jas, Laidlaw, Mrs, Wel- wood, Mrs. McInnis, Mrs. J. S. -Craig, and Mrs. A, E, Purdon. For the elec- tion of officers, Mrs. Paterson acted as president and Mrs, Laidlaw as sec- retary. The following were elected for next year: Hon, Pres.., Mrs. D, Ken- nedy; past pres., Miss Merle Wilson; president (for next 3 months), Mrs. A. Paterson consented to act; 1st vice- pres„ Mrs. Robt. Ross, 2nd vice, Mrs. Jas. McInnis; hon. see., Mrs. A. Em- erson; .sec., Mrs, R. Mowbray; assist, sec., Mrs. A. McQuillan;- treas., Miss Annie Laidlaw; pianists, Mrs., R. Ross and Mrs, Laidlaw arid Annie Kennedy. The following committee convenors were appointed: Library and literature, Mrs. W. J. Coulter; welcome and wel- fare, Mrs. Welwood; supplies, Mrs; A. E. Purdon; glad tiding' sec., Mrs. A. Paterson. The meeting was closed with the Lords Prayer in unison. The Christmas Concert of the S, S. pupils of the United and the Presby- terian Churches will be, held in the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, December 23. All are cordially in- vited to attend this concert. IMPROVING FARMS BY LAND CLEARING (Experimental Farms News In the improvement of existing farms, amd in agricultural expansion, the clearing of land ,is an important problem. On many existing farms, the crop acreage and farm revenue can be increased by 'removing trees, brtish and stones from the land. On new land, the removal of timber and brush is the first step in preparing the land for cultivation and crop produc- tion. Various methods are used in the clearing of land according to the timber growth, soil drainage, , and other factors. The equipment used may vary from a common axe to a powerful tractor brush-cutter, In the removal of stones; dynamite may be used for breaking large boulders, and a .manure fork is often used for hand- ling small stones. A bulletin, entitled "Land Clearing", has been issued by the Dominion De- partment of Agriculture: In this pub- lication, information has been compil- ed on methods and equipment for the removal of timber, brush, and stones in land clearing operations. Among the topics dealt with .in this bulletin are : Clearing off timber and brush, Stump Removal;' Power machinery for land clearing', Disposal , of stumps, Blasting, Stone removal, Drainage and plowing. Copies of "Land Clearing" can be obtained from Publicity and Exten- sion Division, , Dominion Department of AgricultureE ,Ottawa. BELGRAVE United W. M. S. Elects The Christmas meeting of the Uni- ted Church. Women's Missionary So- ciety and Women's Astsociation was held in the basement of the church on Wednesday afternoon with, a good attendance. The missionary meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. J, 'Wheeler. The "First Newell," was sung, followed by prayer by the presi- dent. Minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. G. ;Martin, and Mrs. J. Miller gave the financial statement, which showed that the al- locattien had been exceeded again this year. Mrs. S. Procter and Mrs. H. Procter were appointed to conduct the January Meeting, Nine visits to the sick were reported. Mrs. Wheeler thanked all the members for their help during the year and expressed her pleasure in the work, Mrs, a Wheeler took the chair for the election of officers which resulted as follows: President, Mrs, J. Wheel- er; vice-presidents, Mrs, H. Wheeler; Mrs, R. Chanincy; reeretary, Mrs. George Martin; assistant secretary, Mrs. John Anderson; treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Miller; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. H, Campbell; temper- ance Secretary, ,Mrs. R. Chamney;' as- sociate helpers secretary, Mrs, A. yin- cent; Mission Band superintendent, Mrs. T. B., Johnson; assistant, Mrs, earl Anderson ; literature, life mein, bership and gift secretary, Mrs. J. Michie; supply secretary,. Mrs, J, A. Geddes; strangers and Christian stew- ardship secretary, Mrs, C Procter; pianists, Mrs. C. Wheeler and Mrs. 3, M. Conites; baby band superinten- dent, Mrs. S. Procter; auditors, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. M. Keating; press secretary, Mrs. N. Keating. Michie moved x vote Ot LIMAS to the officers for their effic- Avork during the past year. The group was arranged in a semi- circle for the Christmas, candle-light service which followed. The theme was "A Chirstian World as One In Prayer." The following ladies read prayers for various countries, light- ing a taper for each country, which were arranged before a map of the world; Mrs. N. Keating„Urs. J. And- erson, Mrs, G. Martin, Mrs, H. Proc- ter, Mrs. S. Procter, Mrs. R. Chamney. These prayers were interspersed with Christmas hymns. Time monthly of- fering was received and ANIrs. Wheeler closed with prayer. Mrs. S. Procter Heads W. • The Women's Association meeting of the United Church followed the W, M. S. with the president, Mrs, Stewart Procter, in charge, and open- ing with a hymn and prayer, Mrs. C. Procter read the nil:lutes and Mrs, J. Anderson gave the financial statement, The president thanked the members for their support throughout the year, making special mention of the co-op- eration given by all members of the congregation in/making the recent , fowl supper an outstanding success, It was decided to give $100 to the board of stewards. Rev. G. H. Dunlop conducted the election of officers which resulted as follows: President, Mrs. S. Procter; vice-presidents, Mrs. J. Michie, Mrs. J. N. Coultes, Mrs. A. Vincent; secre- tary,' Mrs. C. Procter; assistant secre- tary, Mrs, A. Manning; treasurer, Mrs. J. Anderson; press secretary, Mrs: N. Keating; pianists, Mrs. 5. M. Coultas, Mrs. C. Wheeler; committee in charge of church dishes, Mrs. H. Wheeler. Mrs. N. Keating; flower committee, Mrs. J. A. Geddes, Mrs. G. Jordan; auditors, Mrs. H. McGuire, Miss E. Procter. it was decided to have "Holiday Bells" again next year and a commit- tee was appointed to make and dis- tribute the bells. The meeting closed with the National Anthem and bene- diction by Mr, Dunlop. Mission Band Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Happy Hearts Mission Band of the United Church was held in the school room of the church with a fairly good at- tendance. The leader, Mrs. T. B. Johnston was in charge. This was also the Autumn Thankoffering meet- and the special envelopes were handed in, The members have been selling Christmas cards and this money was also received; also the Holiday Hearts the members have filled during the year, The following officers were elec- ted: President, Audrey McGuire; Vice-Pres., Audrey Anderson; Secre- tary, Florence Cook. The Scripture lesson was read by Muriel Anderson, Audrey Anderson led in prayer. Aud- rey McGuire was in charge of the ,study period which included stories. A reading was• given by Florence Cook. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. Plan Congregational Meeting The Ladies' Guild of Trinity Angli- can Church held a successful sale of home baking in the 'Orange Hall on Thursday afternoon, and followed with their regular meeting. The rector, Rev. P. H. Streeter opened the meeting with a short devotional service. The president, Mrs. J. McGill, conducted the business, Minutes of the last meeting were read by the acting sec- retary, Mrs. C. Wade in the absence of Mrs. R. Procter. Mrs. Streeter re- ported that the papering at the Rec- tory had been completed. Christmas cards are to be sent sick and shut-in members of the congregation. Holi- day Bells filled during the year were brought iii and it was decided to have the bells again next year, . Donations were made to the Birthday Copper Contest. A successful feature of the years' programs. Plans were made for a Congregational Social to be held in the Foresters Hall during the Christ- mas season, when treats would be giv- en to the children of the congregation. The annual meeting of the Guild will be held early in January. The meeting' closed with prayer by Mr. Streeter. Dance Well Attended A large crowd attended the dance in the Foresters' Hall held in aid of the Overseas Cigarette Fund. Caruth- ers Orchestra of Holyrood, supplied the music and a booth in the hall pro- vided represhments. Mrs. Milton Fraser, 3rd line Morris, attended the funeral of her sister, ,Mrs. Leonard Gates of Pickering. Mrs. Gates was a neice of Mrs. R. Nichol- son\ and Mrs. J. A. Geddes of this village. R. J. Scott spent the week-end at his home. Only $2.00 a year (except to the United States) A Christmas Card will be sent for each subscription. • ,1 steess44