HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-12-17, Page 6PAGE. $1X _4 WING/1AM ADVANCE-TIKES • Thuredayl Dec, 17th, front hall; the children will be delight- s:A to make a vine, with ,.paper poin- ,4ettias here and there, to twist down the stairway rail. A.n archway be- ween rooms makes a grand place for a display of „green and red nae.one large picture nail at the top and, tie the decorations to a heavy green cord cross the top and down the sides, lice mantel will stiff be the favourite tee to hang your stockings, But ne'ver do to hang precious rayon or lisle hetse this year — so 11144O bags rar socks of red netting for everyone, rmpty thread spools painted red with water paint wilt hold sprigs of pine upright like little trees for use on tables and window sills, Christmas liens -make gay decorations in door- ways or ,,stag front chandeliers. Red paper stars can be cut out to spangle your white ettrtains. Once started, all sorts of bright ideas will come flocking to you. WE ARE PAYINO • ithrough food chopper and pour 2 cups of water over it. Add brown sugar and stir it in; acid =Hoses. Sift flour —measure and sift pitrt over fruit and nuts;, sift remainder with spices and. salt, At.id dry ingredients to pork mixture, gradually stirring them in; add fruits and nut meats. 7-Curti into • greased and lined pan and bake 1 hour and 15 minutes in slow oven (325 de- grees F.). kig Cake raisins Special Announcement PROM Ontario's Oldest Tea House other place except "within the home." 2, Do not cover lamps with tissue paper — it may •calve a fire. .3. Save electricity — do not leave Christmas' decorative lights on long- er than necessary,, 4. Living room lights may be turned off while everyone is 'chatting, Dee- orative lights will give enough brightness and be pinch more ef- fective. * - THE QUESTION BOX Sorry! Due to lack of space this 1.43o. to be omitted, Answers have been mailed direct, * * ik Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o The Advance-Times,- Just send in your questions on homemaking problems and watch this column for replies, Ia 31/2% ON FIVE YEAR. GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES ISSUED IN ANY AMOUNT spuRPOSE MEDICINE An Ideal authorized investment for Individuals, companies, ceme- tery boards, executors and other irustees. (Esieblielhed 1650 wax GRANGg TEAS Limited, London, Ontario* take this opportunity of thanking their many thousands Of customers for valued patronage during Past , years, We now ant.ounce that yoU may PurOhase our Tea, Coffee, Cocoa and Pepper from your local store, Yom' grocer has them or can 9et them by ordering direct from DALY GRANGE TEAS Limited 64 Dundas Street, .London, Ontario Iferers .Quick. Relief from 'SINUS PAIL 3-Purpose .Medicine Helps Clear Out congested $inus Areas ONE best way to get relief from tertur, Train sinus pain is to clear congestion. $rara nasal passages .and give sinuses a chance to drain. .few drops of Ticks Vsrtro,noi .each -nostril is usually enough to bring this •comfort.- fug-relict • Listen to C-F-P-L 1:00 p,m. Tuesdays and Fridays VO,,.tx'a.nol is so successful be- cause it do e,s tluee importanttbings'; (1) shrinks swollen membranes of the nose; (2) helps clear out pain-causing congestion and (3) soothes irritation. Many sinus suf- ferers say Ws best relleftheY'Ve found. Try it! VMS _ VAIR0.1101, THIC STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 RAY IL TORONTO Hint* din Fashions RECIPES Christmas Pudding la cup butter; 14 cup corn syrup, i cup brown sugar, 2 eggs, 1i tsps. baking powder, tsp, soda, 1-b tsp. salt, 9 tsp. cin- namon, 11 tsp. cloves, .11 tsp. all— spice, II' tsp. mace, 11A cups flour, cup buttermilk; 1 cup chopped seedless raisins, cup chopped citron, Vs cup chopped nuts (if obtainable), Cream the butter, add the syrup and sugar gradually and cream thoroughly. Add the eggs and beat well. Mix and sift the baking powder, ' soda, salt, spices and 1 cup of the flour and add to the first mixture alternately with the buttermilk, Stir in the raisins, citron and nuts which have been mixed with the remaining 1/3 cup of flour, Pour into a greased mold, cover and steam for about 2 hours in well-cook- er of electric range. Serve with Red Currant Sauce made as follows: • 1 egg, 3 tbs. sugar, few grains salt, 4 tsps. red currant juice, V2. cup whipping cream. Beat the egg white until stiff and add the sugar' gradually, beating con- stantly after each addition. Add the salt' and red currant juice. Fold in the beaten egg yolk' and the whipped cream. Serves 6 to 8. Melting Moments 2 cups sifted pastry flour, 1 tsp, baking soda, 2 tsps. cream or tartar, V,t tsp. salt, 1 cup baking - fat, it cup (lightly packed) brown sugar, 1 egg, 1 tsp. pure vanilla, citron peel. Measure flour, and add baking soda, cream of tartar and salt. Cream baking fat slightly and gradually blend in brown sugar. Beat and add egg. Sift in dry ingredients, about a third at a time,, combining after each ad- dition. Add vanilla. Mix iv addition- al flour, if iTecessary, to make a dough which may be handled. Roll small porttions of mixture into balls and decorate with slices of citron peel and -cherries to represent holly. Bake on greased pan in itioderte electric oven, 350', about 20 minutes. * * TAKE A TIP: 1. The Dominion Power Controller has stated that ornamental lighting will be permitted WITHIN- THE HOME during the period of De- cember 24th to January 1st, inclus- ive, "Within the home" does not include lighting of Christmas Trees on the front lawn or any decorations . not strictly within the house. It does not permit Christmas tree or decorative lighting in stores or any THE MIXING BOWL by Mtn MAIM *are Nemo liseeeesia LET'S PLAN FOR A "WHITE CHRISTMAS" Hello Homemakers! Sparkling frost or gleaming white snowbanks put us in a different mood — yes, Christmas is in the air! Holidays are on us all of a sudden. And the happiest spot in all the world at Christmas should be the home. Candle-lit windows, wreathed door- ways, evergreen boughs — there are so many ideas for a homemade Christ- mas. Decorations can be simple and inexpensive yet lovely—and the whole family can have the fun of helping. Let's start at the front door! Tie a big red oilcloth how or a Christ- mas wreath on the door. Then the and citron, give you some inexpensive recipes that will be good anyhow. Here's a suggested menu, too, Today's Menu Pork Chops or Steaks Apple and Sweet Potato Casserole Buttered Brussels Sprouts Celery Carrot Salad Chocolate' Cornstarch Pudding Tea Apple and Sweet Potato Casserole 2 cups sliced cooked sweet potatoes % cup brown sugar or honey 1 cup thinly sliced apples 3 tablespoons butter or margarnie 13 teaspoon salt Scrub potatoes and 'cook with skins on until almost tender, drain, .peel, cut in slices. Put 1 layer in greased bak- ing dish, over it arrange a layer.- of apples, sprinkle with half sugar or• drizzle with half the honey, dot with half the butter and sprinkle with salt, Cover with remaining sweet potatoes, apples, sugar and salt. Bake 1 hour in 35,0 degree oven, covering during the first half hour,. then removing cover. Serve 3. Pork Fruit Cake 1 lb. raisins 1/2 lb. currants 1/2 lb, candied citron. 1 cup broken nut meats 1 lb. fresh fat pork 1 pint (2 cups) boiling water 2 cups dark brown sugar 1 cup molasses 4 cups flour 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon soda . 1/2 teaspoon salt Wash and drain raisins and currants and cut citron in pieces; add broken nut meats, Chop pork fine or put SALLY'S SALLIES keep 'our blood from becoming too- acid. Liberal quantities of milk and green:, vegetables are essential in the diet if our supply of calcium is' to be kept up to par, Milk is estimated to sup- ply about four-fifths of the calcium in_ the average diet. Whole milk cheese, carrots, peas, beans, celery, asparagus, cabbage and cauliflower all rank high in calcium content. Cereals are de,- ficient in calcium but high in phos- phorus. Milk, meat, eggs, cheese and. nuts furnish good supplies of phorus. Iron is necessary for the formation , of the red blood cells of the body and of hemiglobin, and to enable these cells, to carry oxygen to the -body tissues. • The daily adult reguirrnent of iron is 10 to 15 milligrams. Iron Content of Some Common Foods- are milligram per( 14:14,41Istitpriagsr.rtapAtEci: REptiar 1-Elu1ftt itASIt, 1.00 MINERALS ARE IMPORTANT! We hear so much these days about vitamins that all too often we arc prone to forget that minerals, too, are essential in our daily diet. Without these minerals, which are found in the foods we consume, our bones, teeth and tissues would become weak and diseased. • Of all the minerals, calcium and phosphorous are of the greatest prac- tical importance because they are needed in considerable quantities by the human body. Iron, too, is a vit- ally important mineral which is lack- ing in many diets. Besides building strong teeth and healthy bones, calcium prevents rick- ets in children and aids in coagulating the 'blood whenever the body sustains an injury. Phosphorus is an almost inseparable coinpanion of calcium as the latter cannot do its work efficient- ly without the help of this mineral. The human brain contains a large' amount of phorphorus which has a special affinity for the nervous sys- tem, It also is present in every body cell and helps, among other things, to YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION '00,011,10#11! 44 4h 1 cup Q figs 1 cup hot water 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup sngar 1/2 cup shortenipg 2 eggs 2 cups flour 1/2 cup nuts if you like Put raisins and figs through food chopper, then pour hot *ater over them after dissolving the baking soda in it. Let stand while you dream the shortening and sugar, add beaten eggs and flour, Mix all ingredients well and bake in 2 layers. You may add nuts if you desire. Economical Fruit Cake 1 lb. raisins 2 cups brown sugar 2 cups hot water 1 cap shortening 1 teapoons cinnamon 1 teaspOon nutmeg teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon soda 4 cups flour 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup each nut meats cut find Mix the first S ingredients, mix to- gether and boil for 5 minutes, then cool. Add flour, sifted with salt and last amount of soda, then. add vanilla, nut meats and citron, Bake in slow oven (325 degrees F,), Our 25 Point Scientific Examin- ation enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision It's warmth and comfort that regis- ters in these days of rationed fuel. This snug little bed jacket is of brush- ed rayon in pale rose and is made with a neat litte • turn-back collar..: The sleeve trimmed wtih a row of cable- stitched knit from shoulder to edge. The yoke dips down to a point in front where it is finished with a bow tie. The smart pullover sweater blouse is done in plain and stocking knit, The collar is casual and open at the throat. 'It is in one with the banding from which a slight sugges- tion of draping softens the bustline. F. F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phone 118 Harriston frigid winter months, was astounded to see among his feathered visitors a plump, full-grown robin. The bird was twittering as merrily as the prov- erbial robin in spring time. — Walk- erton,Herald-Times. K. M. MacLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office—Victoria St., 'West. Formerly the Hayden residence. PHONE 196 Wingham, Ontario Household Hints By MRS. MARY MORTON DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 J. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money To Loan. Office — Meyer Block, Wingham It's time to think of Christmas fruit cake. It may not be as rich a cake this year or so much of it, but let's make a fruit cake just the same .I'll Take care of your electrical home equipment, Keep the toaster free of. crumbs, oil according to manufacturer's directions when toasting mechanism' needs it, and see that wiring and heating imits Midi front ant of water. J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicithr, Notary, Etc.. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham Ontario SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK - :--- By R. J. DR. R. L. STEWART PHYSICIAN Telephone 29 CROSSWORD PUZZLE W. A. CRAWFORD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Located at the office of the late Dr. J. P. Kennedy. Phone 150 Wingham MONUMENTS at first cost Having our factory equipped with the most modern machinery for the exe cution of high-class work, we ask you to see the largest display of mom merits of any retail factory in Ontario All finished by sand blast machines We import our granites from the Old. Country, quarries direct, in the rough. You can save all local deal• ers' agents' and middleman profits bj seeing us. E. J. Skelton & Son at West End Bridge—WALKERTON Wile Preserveti A Winter Robin - On emerging from his home in the West Ward on Monday last, Mr. Jas. Gowanlock, who . like many others, provides the local sparrows and starl- ings with a morsel of food during the Business and Professional Directory An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy hold- ers for over a century. Head Office — Toronto COSENS & BOOTH, Agents Wingham WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 Figures given average serving. Lean Beef 3.6 Eggs (1 egg).,.... 1,6 Egg-yolk 5,2 Milk- 0.42 Oatmeal 1,2 Whole Wheat (1 slice) 0.65 Cabbage 0.4 Spinach 2.20 Black-strap molasses (1 oz,) 2,8 A post card request to the Health League of Canada, 1.1.1 Avenue Road, Toronto, will bring your our authori- tative, up-to-date Vitamin Chart. 7. Church part 29. Force 8. Recognised 31. Feeding 10. Honestly With coal 11. Student 34. Bone 16. Depart 35. Jumbled 19. Ruffle on shirt 20. Evade 21. Russian leader 22. Chinese J. ALVIN FOX ' Licensed Drugless Practitioner- CHIROPRACTIC - DRUGLESS THERAPY - RADIONIC EQUIPMENT Hours by Appointment. Phone 191 Wingham HARRY FRYFOGLE ,Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Furniture and Funeral Service Ambulance Service. Phones; Day 109W. Night 109J A. H. McTAVISH, • B.A. Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer Office: • Gofton House, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to 4.30 and by appointment. Phone Teeswater 120J. II For Life Insurance and Pension Plans consult GEORGE R. MASON representative , Canada Life Assurance Co. .BUDAPES-r- "At cAPy(44. oc ttusqoay - IS MADE uP of -ievio rrtiES - BUDA OH Wu< -tits ARP PIM" etc -reE. Edt.st* BMOC AO YEARS A40 forui.kriou" Plift.ELY. K AWAi I At't /41DAY c ftt -V 1.4341t? so( cster Aar of PlIti2..1 f(AWA.I t .131.44:11) 45, Adore 46, Sketched 48. Conjunction 6D: Linen vestment type 37, Chains of rocks in water 39, Nbrse god 40, Ready measure money 24. Aloft 41, Voided . 35. Wanderer escutcheon 26, Rasp 42, Part of 27. Chemical telephone compound 44, Elliptical THOMAS FELLS AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE SOLD A Thorough Knowledge of Farm Stock. Phone 231, Winghatn' . Witt. Ci" i5 41t., islEArtirtet '(!) loCeatt ? tArtrft( otts-r 43R- 'WES 1{11011STA141 Frederick A. Parker OSTEOPATH Offices; Centre St., 'Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat. ments. Foot Technique. Phone 212. Wingham. B WALLY BISHOP UGG AND SKEETER CH, WELL, t CAI44 WAIT' A PEW MORE 4.1eANRS „ CM1 YOL$ CEN-r-s!! PAY 'VOL.$ v1/41(464 I GET GOOD AN` 15:Alpoylt 01-A!. .01-111 H'EkE COMES "TOUGHY "GboK. ..I-1E oiniEs Mts A olme SINCE. LAst-r. 61.;"4 !' it/4 irateri A!) co d,c4i0;14-44 .t$4, 41..e .4( (((' Mt 0/s • 1. ft400,0 ACROSS (1. Kind of , bread 15. Flinch '9. Aside 11. Devil 12. Vacillate 13. Long for 14. Cunning 15. Expression 117. Chop '38. Card game 19. Thick fruit: sauce 23. Leap 28. Toward the lee 29. Mists 30, Kind of roll 31, Tree 32, Cushion. "23. Hateful 25. CroWn of head 36. Taut 27, Ainendment to a bill t.8.. Sheltered side 40, rood fish , 43. Anger 44, Antient 4/, Pertaining to Arius 49. TO oblige • 51.1s.i.gon 52, One in bondage 118, Contained, pc Puffed. DOWN 1. Animal's fe 2,Predieuit, stone S. Meg of natiori 4. Before 35„ Dhaka Weitern 4 sy•ndi ice *'.d,( ughtt rtkOtcil