HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-12-17, Page 4Thursday, Dec. 17th, 1942 AiAlWrro4201442000-20 daft get. the ,Plums of the liristmnas Complete Eye Comfort Awaits you by wearing Reid's Glasses. Banish headaches, see clearly any distance and read or sew with satisfaction. Consult— R. A. Reid, R.o. 11•111111111•111111111111111r EYESIGHT SPECIALIST—'' Stratford's Leading Optometrist for over 24 years. At Wingham Office, Williams Jewelry. Store every Wednesday morning 9.30 to 12.00 noon. Phone 5W for appointment. • NOTICE — All persons owing mon- ies to the estate of the late Andrew Gemini% must pay same by Jan- uary 2nd, 1942 or the bill will be placed for collection. Alex Fraser and James T. Wylie, executors, PIANO TUNING — tuning price $3,00, repairs extra. By Wingham Bandmaster, Geo. j. Wright. Must leave orders at Advance-Times. MONEY WANTED Twelve Hundred bollars Pirs Mortgage, Hundred acre , gilt edge security., five year term, Apply Thw S., Advaitee-Titnes, WANTED TO BUY — Collie pup, well marked, 2 months old, Lost black and white female dog, J. G. Simmons, Wingham. WANTED — Flocks all ;breeds to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1943 hatching season. Flocks culled and bloodtested under Gov- ernment Supervision free of charge. Guaranteed bonus over. Grade A large price -with additional hatching premiums, Your chance to make tip to 25e per , dozen premium over the price of Grade A large. Also turkey flocks wanted for hatching. Also wanted pullets all breeds and ages, yearling hens, cockerels suit- able for breeding. Write for full particular. Tweddle Chick Hatch. eries Limited, Fergtis, Ontario. Answer Your Gift Problems At -- IVIcKibbotit Drug Store (A Stare of Christmas Stsggestious) gottArgagoto447 --e4wfigigh r. WING:HAM ADVANCTINIES .4.tagototIttioofor',7krvmportokv-nw-vw Sunday school gnterairuocot The annual social evening of the teacher, officers and pupils of United Church Sunday. School will he held on Friday evening of this week in the church school room. Parents are ask. ed to contribute refreshments. .All are cordially invited to attend the annual S, S. concert And social evening. Xmas Tree. Sets Sleighs ^ Sleighs It You Shop at the Isard Stores Women's Institute The first W. I, meeting of the New 'Year will be held at the home of Mrs, J. FL Wylie on January. 7th, 3 p.m. Motto—Learn from your mistakes but don't cry over them, We best redeem the past by forgetting it, Current Events, Mrs, Burke. Roll call, House- hold economy for war-time. Topie--, China and its Leaders, guest speaker, Mrs, Gilbert Howes, Mrs. G, A, Wear- ring will be in charge pf music period,! Hostesses, Mrs, Sangster, Mrs. Denny, A great variety of fine .gifts for every member of the family. Douglas School Concert A capacity audience was on hand Friday night last at Douglas School, S. S. No. 1, Turnberry, when the teacher, Mrs. Wright and pupils put on their annual Christmas Concert. A splendid programme of music, read- ings, drills, etc., was enjoyed with Mr. D. Cassidy acting as chairman. Mr, Arnold Earls had charge of the music and favored with violin solos. A sho„tt play was put on by some pf the folks in the section entitled "The Three Applicants," At the close of the con- cert Santa Claus arrived and -distrib-• uted treats and gifts to the children, Refreshments were served by, the committee and the remainder of the evening in dancing which was enjoyed. Proceeds amounting to $28.00 will be used for war work. Plans were made to hold the next social evening New Yeats night. GIFTS FOR HER — House Coats—Fancy Sweat- ers — Pullovers — Gloves — Hosiery — Purses — Scarfs — Lingerie — Handkerchiefs — Dresses — Fur Coats. A good set for , . , . , ... . 75c 8 Series Sets $1.09 Multiple Sets $1.29 Bulbs 2 for 15c Special to Clear $1.50 Baby Sleighs .. , ..... $3.50 - $5.95 •••!••••••IR 4,14 Hockey Sticks 30c - 35c 50c - 75c - $1.00 vt Wooden Kiddie Cars $2.50 GIFTS FROM THE MEN'S AND BOY'S WEAR STORE — Dressing Gowns and House Coats — Ties — Handkerchiefs — Scarfs -- Shirts — Sweaters — Underwear — Braces — Gloves. Your boy would appreciate a new Suit or Overcoat. 0 Electric Heating Pads Heats—High, Med., Low $4.25 - $4.50 - $5.50 Carving Sets . .. .... • $2.95 - $3.95 Baby Spoons 39c Coffee Spoons (6 in set) .... $1.25 SEE OUR CHINAWARE AND GLASSWARE H. E. ISARD CO. THE STORE THAT HAS GIFTS FOR ALL Mifr,4g-AVAtWW.4--eAMW-1,4046%MiAMOZ-MMAKAKW - TOYS - GAMES DOLLS Wooden Toys 25c to $2.50 Ring Toss 39c Doctor Sets 98c Microscopic ,Sets $4.25 Horseshoes 39c of $500 damages to be awarded by the C.N.R. company to the plaintiff, Mr. Justice Plaxton, on a motion to dis- miss the action, had reserved judge- ment. At the time of the accident, Mr. Milne was employed by the shoe a repair department of the Willis Shoe Store. CALL AND SEE OUR LARGE STOCK OF GIFTS Reliable Wetums Dolls 50c Reliable Topsy Dolls 50c 18 inch Dolls 50c Full Dress Dolls, 21 inch $1.00 Novelty Stuffed Dolls . . 55c to $1.95 Red. Cross Notes The annual meeting of the local Red Cross society will be held on Dec, 29th, 8 p.m. in the Red Cross rooms, Everyone is urged to attend as the work will be received, Plans made for the coming year and the election of officers will also take place, Red Cross workers take notice. The work rooms will be closed ,December 23rd and 30th, and will reopen on January 6th. Dad Shaves," by Eileen Holmes; reci- tation, Clayton Wilkinson; play writ- ten by Donna VanCamp, by the Sr. grades; group songs by the Sr. grades; recitations, Ivy Campbell and Gene Tunney; mock wedding, Amy Smith and Michael Cummings; monologues, Muriel Anderson; playlet, Starlight; solo, Bernard Cummings; duet, Donna VanCamp and Bernard - Cummings; recitation, Grant Holmes; star drill by the Sr. girls; good night recitation, Charles Wilkinson; National Anthem, VVHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. W .R. Farrier and Carman and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier, spent Saturday with Mrs. Robt. Phillips of Goderich. Walter and Isabel Elliott started back to school this "week after their recent illness with chicken pox. Mr. and Mrs. Gershom Johnston and Kenneth, spent the week-end at the home of their son, Elliott at Wind- sor and with other relatives there. Mrs. Johnston Conn and Mrs. Wal- lace Conn spent a few days this week at London, where Mr. Will Conn is progressing favourably in Victoria Hospital. A.C.1 Clifford Purdon of the Cen- tralia airport, spent two clays this week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Frindon, Pte. Bob Ross and Pte. Donald Ross of Listowel Camp, spent the week-end with their parents here. This community extends congratu- lations to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mar- tin who were married on Saturday,. and who will make their home on his farm in East Wawanosh on the Div- ision Line. . Case Was Dismissed Holding the plaintiff to be the author of his own misfortune, Mr. Justice Plaxton dismissed with costs the action of Claire Milne who claim- ed $2,116 damages at Osgoode Hall for injuries received August 21, 1940, while assisting his father in unloading cement at a C.N.R. siding at Lucknow. After the jury returned with a verdict 41111.1111111111111111111M HIGH QUALITY-LOW PRICES sung,' The __president took charge of the business period. Members ans- wered to the roll call with a Christ- mas thought. The pastor, Mr. Cope- land took charge of the election of officers when the following officers were elected for the year 1943: Pres., Mrs, W. W. Strong; 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. Copeland; 2nd Vice-Pres„ Mrs. W. Whitfield; Recording Sec'y., Mrs. L. Ruttan; Treasurer, Mrs. R. H. Carson; Corres. Sec'y., Mr§. Alex Ed- gar, Sr.; Christian Stewardship Sec'y„ Mrs. R. Dane; Supply Sec'y., Mrs., Wylie; Temperance Sec'y., Mrs. W. Gamble; Strangers, Literature and Misisonary Monthly Sec'y., Mrs. Gal- laher; Pianist, Mrs.' Whitley; Assist. Rec. Sec'y., Mrs.. R. Ashton; Finance Committee, Mrs. R, Dane,•IVIrs. R. H. Carson, Mrs. Whitley, Mrs. H. Sparl- ing, Mrs. H. Ashton; Auditors, Mrs. Gallaher, Mrs. W. Whitfield. Meet- ing was closed with prayer. Mrs. Matthew Hastie The funeral of the late Mrs. Matt- hew Hastie was held on Monday after- noon from Mr. M. D. Irwin's funeral parlors with Rev. E. M. Caldwell of St. Stephen's Anglican church con- ducting the service. The deceased 'Whose maiden name was Margaret Harper, was in her 73rd year and had been in ill health for several months, passed away on Friday. The late Mrs. Hastie resided at Molesworth follow- ing her marriage, later moving to Har- riston where her husband passed away. She then went to . Western Canada where she has made her home until about two years ago. Since then she has lived in this community. Besides her husband, one son Howard, pre- deceaSed her. Two granddaughters, Dorothy and Helen, both of St. Cath- erines, two sister and two brothers survive. Interment in Harriston Cemetery. BELGRAVE if4rot-W,Z:(4g'0411W..-.4C--MOV—` -;;e4-- St. James Church Christmas Service will be held on Sunday evening next, December 20th, 7.30 p.m. ip St. James Anglican church and the rector, Rev. E. M. Caldwell, will have charge. Everyone cordially invited. Special Christmas music is being prepared. Stainton's Hardware to distribute the said estate, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Teeswater, Ontario, this 4th day of December, A. D., 1942. A. H. McTAVISH, Solicitor for the Executors, IN MEMORIAM -BABY'S SKIN AILMENTS — Ec- zema, cuts, etc., respond quickly to KLEEREX — "A Quick Healing Salve," Also heals Psoriasis, Im- petigo, Erythema, etc. 50c; $1.00; $2.00. (Medium and Strong). Rec- ommended and sold by McKibbon's Drug Store. United Church Rev. J. L. Foster will have charge of special Christmas services on Sun- day next, December 20th at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Special music will be given by the choir„ For the purpose of conserving fuel, services will be held in the church school room for the winter season. FOR SALE — Man's black fur coat in good condition, $5.00; also girls cloth coat, fur collar, chamois lined, size 13 to 14 for $3.00. Apply to Advanc-Times. SELI—In loving 'memory of our dear son and brother, William Harold, who passed away December 16th, 1939. Time speeds on, three years have passed Since death its gloom, its shadows cast, Within our home, where all seemed bright, And took from us a shining light. We miss that light, and ever will, His vacant place there's none to fill; Down here we mourn, but not in vain, For up in heaven we will meet again. Sadly missed by Mother,. Dad, Sis- ter and Brothers. FOR SALE —. Good Shorthorn Bull Calf, months old. Apply to Mel- vin. Taylor, 624R12, Belgrave, GORRIE Pte. I(enneth Underwood of Lon- don, spent Monday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stephens and family Bobby and Eleanor, spent Monday in Toronto. Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Ernest King upon holding the lucky ticket on the beautiful quilt made by Mrs. Alexander McKercher and donated to the Molesworth Patri- otic Society. Miss J. Pearl Stinson and nein, Miss Marlene Barton, spent a couple of days in Toronto this week. Lloyd 'Hockridge R.S.N.V.R., who baS been stationed in Torotito, spent a few days last week with his aunt, Mrs. Ethel Grainger before leaving to Vancouver to continue his training. NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR RENT—Duplex with hot water heating, completely modern. Apply Wm. Field. Phone 394. , WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Denny, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny. Mrs. Alex Wright is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gordon .Greig at Woodstock. Mr. John Adams spent the week-end in Toronto, visiting Mrs. Adams who is a patient in St. Michaels Hospital th ere. Mrs. A. L. Schatt of Cleveland, is a guest of her mother, Mrs. Beving- ton and Mrs. J. Stott. Mrs. Mary McKenitt is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Frank Sanderson spent the week-end with her daughter, Miss El- eanor Sanderson in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mercer of Markdale, Rev. A. L. Sanderson of Waterford, attended the funeral of their'uncle, the late Ab. Sanderson and spent the week end 'with friends, Rev. A, M. and Mrs. Grant and fam- ily of Kippen, spent Friday with friends in the village. , All persons having claims against the estates of Martha Forgie late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 29th day of June, 1939, and of Lancelot Forgie late of the said Township of Turnberry, farmer, who died on or about the 13th day of October, 1942, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the second clay of January, 1943, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said second day of January, the assets of the said Martha Forgie and Lancelot Forgie will be distributed amongst the part- ies entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this tenth day of December A. D., 1942. J'. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. FOR SALE — Brood sow due De- cember 24th; also young bulls, one ready for service. Apply G. N. Underwood. Ztfs'olVeret-ItArit-PAN IN WINGHAM IT'S FOR SALE — Purebred Shorthorn Bull, 11 months old. Stewart Proc- ter, 3rd. line of Morris. Phone Brus- sels 3242. Omar - limommat, Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP For — Magazines, Tobacco Smokers Sundries FOR SALE — Heavy mackinaw coat, size 16; also hockey 'outfit, shoes size 71/2 . Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE — 1 York Sow. Apply John R. Satter, Phone 618R11, KEEP HEALTHY — Take up skiing this winter. Full line of equipment at Campbell's Garage, Canadian Tire Corp. Store, Wingham, TEACHER WANTED — For No. 17, East Wawanosh (Belgrave). Apply to J. A. Young, Sec'y., Eel- grave, Ont. Women's. Missionary Society The December meeting of the W. M.S. which was held over from last week will be held at the home of Mrs. J. L. Foster, Wednesday evening of this week, at 8 p.m. This will be an all members programme. Rev. J. L, Foster will give an address. Roll call Thought for the Christmas sea- son Members kindly note change of clay and hour. What Shall I Give School Entertainment "Vestivel of the Months" is the title of the plays being prepared by the public school pupils which will be held in the Town Hall, Thursday evening of this week.. Added to the play will be music, readings, etc. High school pUpils will also assist. Everyone is cordially invited to the annual school entertainment. Proceeds in aid of the local Red Cross Work. • S. S. No. 5 Morris Concert The annual Christmas tree and en- tertainment of school section No. 5, Morris, was held in the school under the direction of the teacher, Miss Dor- othy Galley and music supervisor, Miss Elizabeth Mills. The school was beautifully decorated with" 4111.te and silver, and an excellent program was presented by the pupils of the school. Gordon Walsh acted as chairman. Santa Claus was there to distribute the gifts and over $13 was taken in at the door. All children were admitted free, The opening number was a group of songs by the school includ- ing patriotic numbers; welcome reci- tation by Keith Anderson; chairman's address; recitation, 'George Ttniney; Dialogue, Little Pitchers; duet, Donna VanCamp and Bernard Cummings— "I'm going to tell my Maw on you"; knitting song, by jr. girls; recitations, Lillian Armstrong and Irene Smith; dialogue, "The train to Belgrave"; Rhythm band by jr. grades; Irish song and dance, Donna VanCamp, Audrey and Muriel Anderson; playlet, Red Riding Hood, by the Jr, grades; recitation, Lorne Campbell; dialogue, "The Ministers Mistake"; recitation, Della Arnistrong; Indian drill by Ir. boys; recitation Jim and Keith And- erson; Rhythm band by Sr. grades; solo, Irene groith; recitatiori, "Wheo Office Girl Wanted tkperienced office .girl iivanted..to tOthriteriet ,TartUary 4,. 1943, for' industry in toton lit -Bruce Count making te.ittilde for War. and eiVillati piirpatee. Pleasant tOilditiOnaf Good Wages. Apply to llotiotiel: Selective Service -Office, 'Walkerton, W. A. Held Annual Meeting The annual meeting of St. Stephens W. At. was held at the home of Mrs: H. V. Holmes with a good attendance present, The rector, Rev. Caldwell, gave a very inspiring address, after which was the election of officers for the coming year. The old officers were all re-elected with Mrs, Holmes still keeping the presidents chair and Mrs, G. S, King, the secretary-treas- urer. The president in a few well chosen words thanked -the ladies for their help throughout the year which has been on of the most successful and asked for their continued co-op- oration in the coming year. —,---- Missionary Society Elect The annual meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church, Gorrie, was held hi the par- sonage on Dec. 10th. Mrs. R. 14. Carson had charge of the worship per- iod. Hymn, While Shepherds Watch. ed their flocks by Night, was sung, Prayer liy Mrs, Carson. Mrs, Wylie read the Scripture. reading Matt, 2; 141, Hymn, As with gladness men of old, was sung. Mrs. W. Whitfield gave A reading entitled, God still lives. Mrs. W. W, Strong then led in prayer. Mr. Copeland then gave an interest. ing talk on a chapter in the study book The Chitral, The City and -:—.001.11 1.111.111 Work. Silent Night, Ugly Night, was NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Eliza Marshall late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the 30th day of October, A. D. 1942, are notified to send to 5. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the second day of January, 1943, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said second clay of January, the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the -administratrtx shall then have notice, DATED this tenth day of Decem- ber, A. D. 1942, J. I3. CRAWPORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Adnninistratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter' of the Estate, of Andrew Gerntrall, late of the Town- ship of Turnberry, County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee, Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Es-, tate of the late Andrew Gemtnill, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to A. H. Me. Tavish, solicitor for the Executors or the said estate, on or before the second clay of Amory, A, l., 194 and, after such date the.Executors will proceed ,