HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-12-10, Page 12Two Shows Saturday Night Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 10, 11, 12. WALLACE BEERY MARJORIE MAIN - In - ‘-.Jackass Mail" The Mail must get through and Wallace Beery takes it via the Jackass Express. Also "Miniature" "Cartoon!' "News" Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December 14, 15, 16 - Double Bill - GUY KIBBEE & DOROTHY MOORE In "Scattergood Rides. High" - And - GEORGE SANDERS & LYNN BARI In "The Falcon Takes Over" LINENS LINENS / Trish Linens are still coming through. They're doubly precious be- cause of their scarcity. ..., Matching Place Mats, Serviettes - Peach, Blue, Embroidered 75c, $1.00 ea.. Colured Guest Towels Boxed Towels - Coloured Linen with fine embroidery . $ 265. 5590: Ecru Tea Napkins - With drawn work corners Breakfast Sets . $4.95 - $5.95 Bridge Sets $2.50 up. Damask Table Cloths Office Girl Wanted Experienced office girl wanted to confmence January 4, 1943, for industry in town in Bruce County wmaal:iens.g tex.t,iles for war and civilian purposes. Pleasant conditions, Good Apply to National Selective Service Office, Walkerton. 1811111100.1111111.111.1111111.1111M11611W Fot-ntonlikrom-mromtm-romn*o FREE DELIVERY PHONE 161 TASTES LIKE COFFEE - REQUIRES NO COUPON - N.00.5.! NodAmgZ3ZITIDT:EATIO;T -25c CRANBERRIES .... ...„„.. lb, 29c NMCiciNiTAOPSPHLERSEDS, *4 lbs.. 29c PACKED IN CHRISTMAS CARTONS PLUS DEPOSIT CANADA DRY GINGER ALE , qt. 24c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES GRAPES - LETTUCE . CELERY ORANGES LEMONS GRAPEFRPIT CRANBERRIES7-1 CAEBAGE EATINO APPLES - COOltINO APPLES ONIONS SPANISH ONIONS, PAU, TW WINGHAM ADVANCR-TIMS Thursday, Dec. 10th, 1942 0741$r7%-'7,4**-WW70-..7..20710-X4--,M$Attt7‘,10M .10tOMLIPW' ••• L'(F.C.PirigATRE.. It Can Be Something Attractive, Some- thing Which Will Give Years Of Practical Service. December 17th. and the concert will be held in Town Hall, Proceeds in aid of local Red Cross, Women's Missionary .0Soc.iety The December meeting of the W. S. will be held on, Thursday ing of this week, December kith, at the home of Mrs. 5,' L. Foster, at 8 'p.m. This will be an all members programme, The nominating commit- to will give their report, Rev, J, L. Foster will speak, Social Evening Douglas School Friday, December 11th is the date set for the next social in Douglas School, and will be of special interest as preceding the dance the annual Christmas Enteraiument will be given. Lunch will! be served., Children ad- mitted free-proceeds for War Work, Annual S. Entertainment United Church Sunday School are planning tb hold their annual concert and social evening on Friday, Decem- ber 18th, in the church school-room, Parents are asked to provide refresh- ments. A. cordial invitation is extend- ed to everyone to join with the S. S, in their annual Christmas Entertain- ment. r/017,404-200.04. A Gift for the House k Is a Gift. for Everyone k' MOTOR RUGS „ Heavy.A11-Wool Motor. Rugs have many uses around a house. The y're woven in beautiful plaids. $6.50 47.9$,. .Reversbile Smyrna Mats - Rose, Blue, Mauve, Green or Brown $5.39 - $7,50 Wool Coverlets - For Christmas We feature one,of our most popular lines of All Wool Blankets - Solid Colours, Satin Bound *640 Wabasso Sheets, Pillowcases - Unrivalled for their excellent quality, Wabasso welcome Gifts. Boxed Sets-White or Coloured Borders Prdducts are always . . $4.95 $1.50 to $2:75 ea,. $1.50 pr. 59c to11.00 $2.95 set Pillow Cases . . .... . $1.00 - $1.25 pr Sheets Fancy Boxed Pillow Cases - 13ath Towels - Many Smart Patterns and Colours De Luxe Towel Sets - Made in Scotland Peach, Green, Blue Bedspreads - Make your choice from RaYons, Satins, Chenilles, Homespuns $3.50 to $12.50 • ror-7 M IN WINGHAM IT'S Omar Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP - FOY Hamilton where she will join Mr. Mar- tin and. Edythe for the winter season. We welcome to our community Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Felker and family of Listowel, who are residing on the Timm farm, 4th concession, Mxs. Felker, the former 'Gladys Timm, is well known here and old friends will welcome her back. Mr. John Gemell of Pilot Mound, Manitoba, arrived in town Sunday and is a guest of his sister, Mrs. Eli Bolt. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and John, spent Sunday with Ford- wich friends, Mrs. Pete Fraser, Pilot Mound, Manitoba, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Muir and other friends rere. Mr, and Mrs. Neil Carr of Wing- ham were week-end guests of Mrs. H. Waller. • 1 Mrs. M. Seller leaves Wednesday of this week for Toronto where she Will visit her daughter, Mrs. L. Heth- erington. School Concert ' The staff and pupils of Wroreter Public School are busy preparing their Christmas Entertainment. The high- light of the evening is a play "The Festivel of the Months". The date is Magazines, Tobacco Smokers Sundries Women's Institute The December meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Vern Denny on Thurs- day afternoon of last week. In the absence of the president, Mrs. G, A. Wearring presided, Mrs. Denny gave her report of the second day of local project "Making the most of vege- tables," stressing salads for the health of the family. Rev. J. L, Foster was guest speaker, who gave splendid Christmas. thoughts opening his remarks by the lovely poem, "The Lighted Candle" by Edna Jaques. The Roll Call - Verses of Good Cheer, bropght an interesting response. During the business period plans were made for Christmas Boxes for Soldiers gone from the community. The following committee was appoint- ed: Mrs. Wylie, Mrs. J. N. Allen, Mrs. Denny, Mrs. Burke, all mem- bers are asked to help pack. A piano solo by Miss Helen Saw- tell was enjoyed. At the close refreshments KING'S - KING'S Willing War Workers Mrs. W. A. Cathers opened her home on Tuesday of last week to the Willing War Workers of Wroxeter ,NOrth. There was a good attendance. A quilt was quilted, also several quilt blocks completed. Refreshnients were served by the hostess assisted by MiS. Haw, Mrs, T. !McMichael and Mrs. Jim Harris. Mrs. Ed. Bennett offered her home for the next meeting, De- cember 15th. kiPAZ-IfEAKAV7:,,,ZWAK-rAglAke:4K-IPA :w4kAge4Oke-Itge WROXETER 'Crawford Gibson, who, has for some time been stationed at Barryfield, spent a short leave last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gib- son. Crawford has since left with a group for Vancouver. Mrs. B. Martin left last week for 'ADVANCE PROGRAM TO HELP FARMER that the greatest amount of work may be,r,done with the time and eneigy available. Unavoidable delays will occur with the best laid plans, but without such plans the delays, are certain to be much greater. happy gathering on Thursday evening last in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Allis- ter Green (nee Gladys Weir). The evening was spent in dancing. Following the serving of refresh- ments, Mr. and Mrs. Green were called forward. Mr. Harvey Robertson read the address, Miss Katheleen Nicklin making the presentation of an electric lamp, a library table, coffe table and a' sum of money. The following is the address': Dear Gladys and Allister: We, your friends and associates over a number of years, who, have grown to appreciate you, are gathered here tonight in honour of yout-recent mar- riage. It is our sincere wish that your journey through life together will be long and filled with health, wealth and happiness. We had become so accustomed to your obliging manner and pleasant voice at the switch board, Gladys, that it was with deep regret when we heard it no longer, However, we were pleased Allister that you were the fortunate man as you! have not taken her far away. We can still speak to her on the phone, and hope to see you both often. We now take great pleasure in presenting this lamp and these tables to yoti a,token of the high esteem with which you are held in the community. Signed on behalf of your community friends: Harold Elliott; Allen Griffith, Kath- leen Nicklin, Gladys Musgrove, Andy Gibson, Ed, Lambert, Doris Adams, IVIttriel Henning, Walter Willits. Mr. and Mrs. Green erpressed their deep appreciation of the kindness of their, friends and all joined in singing "For they are jolly good fellows." were served, the hostess being assisted by Mrs. Wylie and Mrs. Rae. Local Man Injured Jack Gibson of the Staff at Hemp- - Bride and-Groom Presented Town Hall was the scene of a ... MAKE ... hill's Mill, had the misfortune to break a bone in his leg ncar the ankle an Saturday night. Jack was leav- ing the home of his brother, Robert, whenhe slipped on the icy steps, the fall resulting in the fracture. He was taken to Wingham for X-Ray and was taken care of by Dr„F. H, Scherk. A carefully planned program for the farm at the beginning of the year, with a follow-up system of check the work from day tO day; has the advantage that it keeps before the operator the things that need to be clone, although it true that some field work on he farm can be planned only a few days in advance, and changes in weather may make re- planning necessaiy from .day to day, or even hour to hour. However, the 'advance plan will help ,the farmer to decide what to do first and to' fit the various jobs together in such a way MAIBBON S Headquarters For Christmas Shopping ,* * I. GIFTS FOR HER -V sr * *GIFTS FOR HIM: i1 /4.% Cosmetic Sets Adrienne Smartly designed in white and gold-Rich Looking. From $1.00 - $10.00 Perfumes & Bouquets Leviteric Tweed, Pink Party, A Bientot .and Miracle. $1.25 - $2.00 In Sets $3:25 - $7.00 Smith's Economy Food Store Shaving Sets Bachelor The Mannish Maroon and Grey Package. From $1.00 - $4.00 Billfolds In beautiful Morrocco or smooth Calf Leather - with or without zippers. 75c - 0.00 See the folds designed for Ladies. Leather Travelling Cases With Brushes and Shaving Accessories. $2.00 - $10.00 Smoking Accessories Cigars, Cigarettes, Pipes Pouches and Cut Tobaccos. Sheaffer Pen And Pencil Sets For Ladies or Men-Strearn. line design: Also Service Sets. $5.00 - $16.25 The lasting quality of a gift of jewelry will give the . recipient an -added thrill when he or she unwraps the things that Santa has left. Williams Jewelry Store of- fers scores of ideas for gifts in every price range. In spite a Wartime con- ditions we think that oar dis- play this year is as good as ever: Come in and look around. A FEW GIFT SUGGESTIONS tulova,,Roman, Westfield and Vadis Watches, moderately priced. EWING'S LEMON. CAMPBELL'S PIE FILLER tin 15c TOMATO SOUP tin 10c AYLMER TOMATO GARDEN PATCH JUICE 20-oz. tin 12c i CHOICE PEAS 2 tins 25c ,- FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS BAKING - SHELLED WALNUTS, lb. 75c GLACE RED CHERRIES lb. 49c SHELLED CASHEW NUTS lb. 75c GLACE GREEN' CHERRIES . .. lb. '59c CUT MIXED PEEL lb. 35c CITRON PEEL ...... lb. 45c TRIMETTES CUT MIXED • IVIAPLE. LEAF PURE LARD 1 lb. 19c PAT-A-PAN PASTRY FLOUR ... 244b. bag 83c CALUMET 13AKING POWDER 16-oz, tin 25c BAKING SODA /2-1b, 5c • 1.13. 10c Rubinstein Apple Blossom and Heaven Sent. $1.25 - $1.50 See the fancy soaps Elizabeth Arden Blue Grass Flower Mist $1.50 - $2.15 ;Dresser Sets Brush Comb & Mirror from $3.00 - $20.00 Keystone and Prophylactic Hair Bnishes - designed for .Pertuanenta. Comiacts Knglish and American. VA° $5.00 Be sure to see the model air- craft kits for the model builder. From 5c - $2,00 Paint Books and Story Books for the very young, 25c - 39c Canadian Girls In Training Mrs. Vern MacDonald lokned her borne for the December meeting of the on Thursday last. The president, Miss Lulu Gibson, was in the chair and opened the meeting with the singing of the hymn "Breathe on me breath of God". The purpose and prayer were recited, Lulu Gibson read the scripture lesson from Prov- erbs, chapt. 4, verses 22-27. Audrey Wade led tp. prayer, Helen Sawtell spoke on til% subject, "How our food is digested." "The wise may bring their learning," was the second hymn chosen. Shirley Dettntann spoke on "Facts about yawning." Bonny Gib- stql. and Mary Mealten favored with a vocal duet, The Roll Call-A Health Hint, brittght a fine response. Agnes Weateing aondtteted dented, The wetting' closed with the singing of the gational Anthern and Taps. Rogers and Community Plate-stin some in stock. Glass, China, tluebird Diamonds, Leather Goods and a host of othe;') suggestions too numer- ous to mention. For the Gift that is bothering you give a Magazine Sub. sctiption-they ate always appreeiated, Be sure to see our Xmas Card and Gift Wrapping Depart. ntents-4ts Most Complete. Vrieyll When in to town dottie in and browse aroutiti-You'll enjoy its e Glad See You, $6.95 up. William's Jewellery Store 1-010400$4tAM