HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-12-03, Page 5Thursday, December 3, 1,942 *INGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
PreniChristmas Clearance
Ready to-Wear
Less - 25% • Less
Think of the savings when you still have a whole
winter ahead to wear them,
tris,',„"WV,,,,,,aIltfAVlso-tlekrotAvr ,rArr- rrropO7Or'lltp,,,:07.4 a,70,..,70! to lend his support to any worthwhile
I community effort,
• Surviving are his wife, four broth-
ers, Isaac of Gerrie, Orlauda and.
Thomas of Owen Sound and William
of Fordwich; also a sister, Mrs. Mel-
vin Porterfield of Owen Sound,
Ftmeral services were held on Mon-
day afternoon with private service at
the home followed by service in Trin-
ity Anglican Church. Rev, E. M,
Caldwell in charge. Members of the
local Masonic Lodge conducted the
service at the graveside, Interment
was made in Fordwich Cemetery,
Andrew Gemmill
The death occurred in Wingham
General Hospital on. Saturday, Nov-
ember 28th, of a pioneer of this dis-
trict, Andrew Gemmill, who spent his
entire life on the same farm on the
sixth of Turnberry, He was in his
87th year, He was the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. John Gemmill who
settled on the farm in Turnberry
when it was yet a wilderness. Al-
though poorly for some time, Mr.
Gemmill was only seriously ill for a
week. His wife, the former Louisa
Ellacott passed on ten years ago. He,
is the last of a family of seven.
The funeral service, was held in
Salem United -Church on Monday
afternoon and was 'conducted by Rev.
J. L. Foster, minister of the church.
Burial took place in Wroreter Cem-
etery, •
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. A.
A, C. Au Hamilton, of Exeter Fly.
ing School, spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. G,
Major R. S, Hetherington, Officer
Commanding the 99th Battery, Peta-
wawa, is spending a furlough at his
home here.
Mrs. jan'les Zeigler, of Guelph And
son, have returned home after spend-
ing two weeks with. her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. T. H. ;Gibson.
Miss Agnes MacLean,' of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her mother,
Mrs. John MacLean, who celebrated
her birthday on Friday.
Mr. 'George Northwood of the TeCh-
nical -School, Hamilton, spent the
week-end with his pa'rents, Mr. and
Mrs. -George Northwood.
Rfmn. Goriron and Mrs. Kelly, of
London, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. May-
berry, of Woodstock, spent Sfinday
with Mrs. Wm. Graham, Edward St.
Mrs. A. R. DuVal and Mrs, Fred
'Massey were in Toronto for 10 -days
and while there attended the Canadian
Authors November meeting at which
Mrs. Grace Campbell gave a talk on
her new book, "The Thorn Apple
Cpl, Bob. Chalmers of Guelph, spent
the week-end with his family in Blyth.
He called on several in town on1--it-
urday. Bob was here for a -part of
the hunting season and one one after-
noon shot four deer for his group.
Page Sgt. .York.
Shoe Skates designed and manufactured by
Canada's finest makers are here for your
selection. Don't wait—choose skates now
to be sure that you can give them for
Dress Clearance
At Bargain Prices
$4.95 values on sale 3.94
$3.94 values on sale 2.98
$2.98 values on sale 2.19
Coat Clearance
Usually 34.95' for $25.96
Usually 29.95 for 22.46
Usually 24.95 for 18.72
Usually 19.95 for 14.96
In our last issue we reported a baby
being accidentaly. strangled. It was
stated that the mother was at the time
preparing the evening meal. This was
in error as •the mother at the time .of
the accident was out of the home for
a few minutes.
Dunlop Shoe Store
ael's Hospital, Toronto, on Satur-
day, November 28th, to Mr, and
Mi's. Leslie J. Hetherington, a
daughter. •
DEYELL In Wingham, on Friday,
November 27th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Deyell, Wingham, a daugh-
"The Home of Good Shoes"
eZ- e WItkA&Si Mg glgj'WZ k rw4k Vdif Still Young
Heard on the street car: "How old
should you say she is?"
"Oh, somewhere in the middle flirt-
Comprising Fur Felts
Wool Felts
$2.50, 2.98, 3.98 Values
3 Tables Clearing at
$1.29 - , $1.79 - $2.39
Children's Coats
Lined and Interlined
Sizes 17 to 14x
Extra Special . . . $9.95
4 Only Children's Coats.
Sizes 7 and 10
Usually 10.95, for $5.95
McCracken sang a duet.
A car load of young people from the
Y.P.U. of the United Church, attended.
a Y.P.U. Rally of the United Church„,
Belgrave, on Friday evening.
Rev. C. Tavener attended a meeting
of the Huron Preabytery at Fordwicli.
on Tuesday,
Mr. and Mrs.. Bert Johnston, Wal-
ton, were Sunday visitors with Mr-
and Mrs. James Peacock.
Mrs. Bert Mann, of Fordwich, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Joe Redmond, who -has been in the:
employ of Black Bros. for a number'
of years, has., accepted a position at
the Western Foundry Ningliain, and'
moved his family on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tout of Kin-
cardine, Private Wm. Kennedy and
Mrs. Kennedy, of Wingham, with Mr.
and Mrs. Jdo, Hockridge,
Visitors with Vernon d
Mrs. Fred Churchill this week were„.
the former's uncles, George and john.,
Hamilton and Fred Hamilton, of :Res-
sevaine, Man.
vale, has returned to Canada after
spending over two years in overseas
service. He is taking a course in
navigation at Port Albert, He expects
to be in Canada for six months. Jack
was among the first of the young men
in the village to' enlist and attended
the Military school at Galt. -
At the morning service in Knox
Presbyterian Church, Rev, F. G.
Fowler in his series of sermons, spoke
of Jeremiah as an optimist, pointing
out that after facing the ugliest facts
in life, he did not desert his people.
Miss Ruth Lucas, Mrs. Stanley Mof-
fat and Miss Jean Elliott sang "Good
Night and Good Morning. •
Rev. F. G.. Fowler attended a meet-
ing of the Maitland Presbytery at St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wing-
ham, on Tuesday.
'At the morning service in the Uni-
ted Church, Rev. C. Tavener chose
for his text Judges 6-111 "and his-son,
Gideon threshed wheat .by the wine
press to hide it from the Midianites."
Mrs. W. j. Johnston and Mrs. Alex
lAs we are discontinuing Toys it would be to your advantage to shop
now and cash in on some of these wonderful bargains that we are offering.
Light Service or Silk Chiffon full-fashioned hose, irregulars of our 85c to
$1.19 qualities. Through some slight imperfections that will not impair their
wear we are able to offer them to you at these low prices.
69c pair 89c pair
Bemberg Silk Hosiery Specials
Mrs. MacEwen Presented With •
Mrs. R, F. Garniss was the hostess
for a meeting of sepcial interest to the
ladies of Knox Presbyterian Church,
Mrs. J. J. Elliott presided. A Scrip-
ture passage was read by Mrs. Roy
Turvey .and Mrs. Walter Smillie led
in prayer. Readings and instrumental
music was enjoyed,
The special feature was. the present-
ation of a Life Membership Certificate,
of the Woman's Missionary Society of
the Presbyterian Church in Canada, to
Mrs. Peter S. MacEwan. The secre-
tary, Mrs. Archie Messer read an ad-
dress and Mrs. J. J. Elliott, the presi-
dent made the presentation, The Wo-
man's Missionary Society was Organ-
ized in the church here over fifty
years ago and this is the first Life
Membership to be presented by the
There were over twenty ladies pres-
ent including Mrs. Nelson Cardiff and
Mrs. Andrew Lamont, sisters of Mrs.
MacEwan and Miss Jessie Strachan,
her cousin, all of Brussels.
Refreshments were served and all
enjoyed a social time. Telephone 36. Wingham, Ont.
- mm Ake AkA g
neckline and long full sleeves, She
wore a headdress of Vale Blue sheet
with flowing pink streamers and car-
ried a bouquet of American Beauty
roses and. fern, tied with long pink
streamers. They were unattended.
.The bridal party led the way to the
dining, room where the table was dec-
orated with pink candles in silver
holders and the brides -three tier cake.
Later the bride and groom left on a
short honeymoon. On their ,return
they will reside at Wroxeter.
Musgrove - Zurbrigg
The home of Mr.. and Mrs. Adam
Zurbrigg, Fordwith, was the scene of
a pretty, late autumn wedding, Satur-
day, Novelnber A:when their younger
daughter, Vera Barbara Angalina, be-
came the bride of Robert Stewart
Musgrove, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jeffry,
Musgrove, Wroxeter. The ceremony
Was performed at eleven o'clock in the
living room, beneath an arch of ever-
greens and roses. The Rev., F, Paul
Erb of , Wallace, was the Officiating
clergyman. ,Lohengrins wedding
march was played by the 'grooms sis-
ter, Miss Gladys Musgrove. The bride,
given in marriage by her father, was
pretty in a floor-length gown" of Vale
Blue sheer Made with an embroidered
Miss Anna May 'Carrick
Miss Anna May Carrick, daughter
of Mr. Robert Carrick of Whitechurch
and the late. Mrs, Carrick, passed
away Saturday evening, November
Red Cross • Made Another Shipment
The regular monthly meeting of the
Red Cross Unit was held this week
at the home of Miss Duff, with seven-
teen ladies in attendance, The presi-
dent, Mrs. W. J. Johnston, presided,
The treasurer's report showed cash on
hand to be $62.00, - During the month
rubber salvage was sold amounting to
$3.00, and a donation of $5,00, the
proceeds of a social sponsored by the
L.O.L. No. '766.
Miss Duff was elected tb draw the
ticket bn the "double wedding ring"
quilt. The lucky ticket was No. 168
and held ,by Mrs. Wm, 5. Robertson,
Bluevale Road. The sum of $15.65 was
realized from the sale of tickets. It
waS decided to withdraw the Decem-
ber meeting. During the afternoon a
quilt was quilted. A fine shipment of
knitted articles was returned to the
Wingham Red Cross this week: 10
pullover sweaters, 3 long sleeved
'sweaters; 4 girls' sweaters, 1 pr. sea-
man's, 2 pr. Childs socks,
'"*.rnw,;0:-21 70-41020-20210-20:20-20-2kret-VM
The lasting quality of
gift of jewelry will give the
recipient an added thrill
when he or she unwraps the
things that Santa has left.
Williams Jewelry Store of-
fers scores of ideas for gifts
in every price range.
In spite ofi Wartime con-
ditions we think that our dis-
play this year is as good as
ever. Caine and look
Wallpaper Shop
For Gifts' that are smart and different see our
complete line of Xmas goods. Prices from 15d up.
Plastic shelves, plaques, pictures, beautiful
screen taid tables with either scenery or floral pic-
ture tops, lamps, book-ends, etc.
A Gift For Every Member Of The Family.
Visitors Welcome.
Bulova, Roman, Westfield and Vadis Watches,
moderately priced,
- Rogers and Community Plate,--'-still some in
Glass, China, Bluebird Diamonds, Leather
Cools and a host of other suggestions too numer-
ous to mention. •
'Institute Meets Dec 8
The Monthly meeting of the Wo-
man's Institute will be held on Tues-
day, December 8th at the home of Mrs,
H. Smith, at 2,30 o'clock. This will
be a Christmas meeting,' Miss Curtis
and Miss F. Fowler having charge of
the programme,
Roll Call—Memories of atistmas
in childhood,
Motto Scatter gladness, joy and
mirth all along the way of Earth, by
Miss Margatet Curtis,
An address by Rev, C. Tavener,
Christmas Readings, Visitors are al-
ways welcome,
William's Jewellery Store
Mrs. John MacLean spent a few
days in Toronto last week.
Mr,. Russell Zurbrigg, of Galt, spent
the week-end at his home here.
Cpl. Harold Snarling of Jarvis, spent
the week-end at his hone here.
Mrs. J. H, Crawford was a Toronto
visitor for a few days last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Spry were in
Toronto for a few days last week.
Capt. W. L. Kress of Windsor, was
a week-end visitor with his family.
Flight Lieut. C. H, Magee, of Ot-
tawa, spent the week-end at his home
Miss Rae Dey left this, week for
Hamilton, where she will spend the
winter. •
Mrs. J. M. Howell, of Toronto, is
visiting with 'Mr. and Mrs. T. Y.
Pte. Stewart Ritchie, of Long
Branch, spent a few days leave at his
hoMe here.
Lieut. J. M. McKague, 99th Battery
(A.F.), PetawaWa, spent the week-end
at his home,
B.S.M. Alex Corrigan, 99th Battery,
Petawawa, spent the .week-end with
his wife beer.
Gnr. Ken Sinnamon, 99th Battery,
Petawawa, was a week-end visitor
with his family, •
Pte. Wm. Kennedy 'of the Veterans'
Guard, Bowmanville, spent the week-
,thd at his home here.
Sigm. Wm. Harris, of Kingston,
spent a furlough with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Pere. Harris.
Mrs. R. Beattie has' left for Inger-
soll where she will visit with her
daughter, Mrs. 0. Moffatt.
'Mr. and Mrs., A. M. Forbes, Mary
and Helen, of London, spent the week-
end with Mrs. H. Howard.
Mrs. Gerald Vanderburg of Athens,
spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. T.
Y. Smith and other relatives.
Siginn. Joe Falconer, of Toronto,
spent the weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer.
Mr. Rich. Bunbridge recently spent
a holiday with friends in Toronto and
with his sister, who is very
Pte. Vance Sanderson of the Vet-
erans' Guard of Espanola, spent a few
days at his home here last week,
Bdr. Jim Lee, 99th Battery, Pet-
awawa, spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wee Lee.
Sgt. Ted Elliott, 99th Battery, Pet-
awawa, spent .the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and :Mrs, A. Elliott,
A. C. Darrell Biggs, of Exeter:Air-
port, spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Biggs,
Miss Betty Frampton and Mr. Bill
Mitchell, of Toronto, were recent
guests of Mr, and Mrs, E, Webster.
Miss Mary $ari11, of Fergus, and
Helen Yuill, of Wawanosii, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Jos, NIB over the week-end,
Siginn. Frank Collar of Vimy Bar-
racks, Kingston, has returned after
spending a furlough at his home here.
Sgt. George Tervit, 99th Battery,
Petawawa, Spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Stewart Carter of the :Kent Regt,
Terrace, n.c., is spending a furlough
With his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred
tient Richard Roberts, 96th tat,
tery, Petawawa, is spending a furlough
28th, in Wingham General Hospital
after an hitless extending over the
past year. She was of a bright and
'happy disposition and was „respected
by all that knew here. Besides her
father she leaves to mourn her passing,
three sisters, Mrs. (Ida) Win. Wind-
sor of Detroit; Mrs. (Lavinia) Fred
Clarke of Amherstburg, and Susan at
The funeral • service was held on
Tuesday afternoon in Whitechurch
United Church, where she was a valu-
ed member of the choir for many
years. Rev, A. G. Ward officiated at
the service. Burial took place in
Witibham Cemetery.
Joseph Henry Wade
On Friday, November 27th, Ford-
with lost by death one of its best
known and highly esteemed citizens
in the person of Joseph Henry
Mn Wade, who suffered from a heart
condition, had been in poor health for
some time but the past few weeks
was able to be about.
Deceased who was in his 80th year,
was born on the homestead one and
one half miles west of Fordwich, and
Was a son of the late William and
Deborah Sotheth Wade. Thirty-five
years ago he was married to Mabel
Tuck, of Clifford.
For forty years, Mr, Wade emula-
ted a general store business in this
villages retiring over three years ago
owing to all. health. By his kindly
personality and integrity in' business
lie won the respect and admiration of
the whole community, He was
member of Trinity Anglican Church,
also h ehatter member of the local
10:atonic Lodge and Was always ready
tack Proirt Overseas,
LA*C. john Wettlaufer,
son 'of Mr. and Mrs. j„ Wettlaufer
of Burgessville and formerly of Blue-