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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-11-12, Page 6
THE MIXIN BOWL G sr .etaw sinos Orem Woes ••••••••41 CONVOY OF APPLES FOR HEALTH Hello Homemakers! Canada is famous for apples and the apple is king of fruits whether fresh, dried, evaporated or canned --- a wholesome food, easily prepared, and jolly good eating at all times. An apple convoy of several millions bas just arrived from the orchards of the country, safely delivered at local market ports. Full of healthy, fight- ing spirit, these rosy-cheeked scildiers are here to bring us health and help us to balance our food budget, The apple army will be a big fac- tor on the food. • front this winter. Here's its duty roster, Sweet apple cider at breakfast a golden-crust- ed apple pie for dinner .. , a steaming platter of apple dumplings to top off the vegetable supper . . a satisfier during the ten minute morning rest, a juicy and appetizing dessert for the lunch box, and a crunchy bite at bed- time. Quite a list, isn't it? * * * * RECIPES Apple Cake 1 cup sifted cake flour, 11/2 tsps. baking powder, YI tsp. salt, 6 tbs. sugar, 2 tbs. shortening, 2 egg yolks, 3.‘ cup milk, 4 apples pared and sliced thin, Y2 tsp. cin- namon; 1 tsp. grated lemon rind, butter, i Sift flour, baking powder, salt and 2 tablespoons sugar together. Cut in shortening and mix well. Beat egg yolks, combine with milk, and stir into first mixture. Beat well. Pour into greased shallow pan and cover with apple slices. Sprinkle with remaining sugar, cinnamon and lemon rind and dot with butter. Bake in electric oven (400' F,) about 35 minutes. Serve with Lemon Sauce, for 8. Apple Fritters 1 egg, Y2 rup flour, 1 tsp. sugar, Ya cup water, 1 tb, melted fat, speck of salt. Beat egg. Add salt, sugar and .water. Acid flour, a little at a time, beating well.- .Then add melted bak- ing fat. Pare, quarter and core ap- ples. Dip quarters in batter and fry in deep fat. Misery Fast! When acute catarrh Makes breathing difficult-causes stuffy head, watery eyes, nasal irritation and distreas, put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol in each nostril and et9oy the relief it brings. Va-tro-nol is so •Successful because it does three very important things: (1) shrinks swollen membranes of cathuesinnoeSec, o(n2g)esctilellts aonudt discomfort-t irerfi tt ha et iyo,nv fiVio uanndy. v A.T *allot catarrh sufferers e soy it's the best re- VICO Try it1 w"" two pockets at the breastline and a slightly blouSed top that- terminates in a defined waistline achieved via a narrow waist insert and a narrow skirt. It features smart seamed detail and five green • snakeskin buttons, Eacirig the Blow A young widoW commissioned a monument -worker to inscribe on her husband's tombstone: "My sorrow is. more than I can bear." Before the work was finished the widow married again, and the mason asked her -if she still wanted the same inscription, "Yes" she replied, "but just add the word `alone' et the end." How Domestic Consumers - Can Save Electricity Conscientious. Adoption Of These Simple Suggestions Will Aid Can- ada's War Effort (Froth Hydro News)). Hydro lighting engineers have out- lined many simple .ways in which the half million domestic consumers in the power shortage areas of Ontario can save electricity which is a vital driving force -back of the war produc- tion programme. These suggestions followed con- scientiously by_ all these consumers, will effect a considerable saving of Power with the .minimum of inconven- ience to the 'consumers themselves. Briefly, the suggestions are as fol- lows; Home Lighting 1. Use only sufficient lamps to pro- vide eye-saving light. 2. Use one light or lamp in the living-room, rather than three or four, and -place so that the family may gather around the one light. • 3. Have the light source as near as possible to work, but avoid glare in the eyes. 4:: Keep lamp shades and fixtures clean; dusty fixtures absorb as much as one-quarter of the light; light- colored walls and ceilings reflect light into the room and absorb less than dark walls. 5. Eliminate cotorecb bulbs, they absorb approximately one-third of the light; replace dark shade linings with white or light colored lining, to re- flect more light. 6. Keep lights off in empty rooms and halls. Hints On Fashions HI Household Hints By MRS. MARY MORTON Win DR. W. M. CONNELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 19 J. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money To Loan. Office -- Meyer Block, Wingham htl..4.11). IL NM 011e• By R. J. SCOT1 :5COTT5 SCRAP BOOK J. ALVIN FOX Licensed Drugless Practitioner CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS THERAPY . RADIONIC EQUIPMENT Hours by Appointment. Phone 191 Wingham For Life Insurance and Pension Plans consult GEORGE R. MASON representative Carquia Life Assurance Co. 7.3 24 31 6% play 35. Crate 36. Kind of auto 38. Feminine name 40. Obtain 41. Managed 42. Pastel. 43. Apex 45, Blended 47. Austrian,edin 49. SeaWeede 50 Angry 51. Covered With ,green MA*, Stance Erased DOWN 1, gpartish hero 0. Snell S. Gua Against. 4. ROC* b. Pack t woliMmit 20 21 .MUGGS AND VErTM 7w? 26 27 3o 0, 34 .3 4-2 43 Thursday, Ncrit.„12th, 194z Apple- Tapioca, is cup fine tapioca (or sago .substitute) or 1.4.1 cup pearl tapi- oca, l tsp. salt, 8 cups milk, 0. small Apples, honey, Cook tapioca with salt and milk in top of double boiler until . tapioca is transparent, Core and pare apples. Stick three or four .cloves in each. Arrange apples greased baking dish. Fill ,cavities with honey and pour cooked tapioca over apples. Bake its a moderate elec- trie oven until apples are tender, Serves 6. If using pearl tapioca or sage, soak in some of the milk -for several hours before cooking. * TAKE A TIP: 1, For Turnip Apple Whip, simply acid thick apple sauce to whipped. mashed turnips, adding a dash or sugar, salt and pepper. " 2, Sweet-sour Cabbage! Mix 1 table- spoon vinegar, 2 tablespoons boiling water, 2 teaspoons sugar and 1 tablespoon butter. Pour over boiled cabbage. Makes a difference. 3. Make smaller sized pancakes, folks! Why?• Easier to flip and more quickly cooked, t. 4, Name the beets - serve large whole beets by first boiling, scoop out centre (and save to serve cold on the next day's salad plate); fill with the following mixture: chop 2 hard- cooked eggs and season with salt, Pepper, dash of curry powder and chutney sauce. * * * * THE QUESTION BOX .,'Nfrs. N. C. asks; "Recipe for cookies using mincemeat," Answer; Mincemeat Drop Cookies 1s cup butter; cup sugar, cup corn syrup, 1 egg, 1 cup mincemeat, 1Y4 cups flour, 2 tsps. baking powder. Cream butter, acid sugar and syrup. Blend well together. Beat in eggs. Mix in measured dry ingredients and mincemeat. Drop by spoonfuls on greased baking sheet. Bake in electric oven at 400' for 10 minutes. Mrs. R. C. asks: "We still -have some cucumbers that have kept well. Can we use saccharine for pickling?" Answer: Yes, but precautions must be taken. Pure saccharine (1 grain) tablets are very strong. The 1./a grain tablet is the equivalent of about 1 tea- spoon sugar. There are 48 teaspoons in a cup, therefore you would use twelve - Yr-grani saccharine tablets when 1 cup of *agar is called for. * * * Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o The Advance-Times. Send in your questions on ,homemaking problems and watch this column for replies. '7. Do 1,10t leave lights in garage burning longer than necessary, 3, Do not forget to turn off base- ment or attic lights, 9, Use porch or veranda lights only as needed; do not leave burning, 10. Watch lights in out-of-the-way places, such fruit cellar, coal roost, basement lavatory„ attic rooms, clos- ets, etc, Electric Range 1. When boiling water turn off ele- ment when kettle sings. 2. Do not heat more water than is necessary, and :keep kettle free from lime, 3. Do not neat the water before it is needed, 4. When cooking use "High" heat for as little time as possible, then turn tfo "Low" thus using stored heat. • 5, Use oven for cooking complete meals, rather than the cooking sur- face; only one element is required for the oven process while three or four elements are required when Using the cooking surface. 6. Use stored oven heat for further cooking after the oven meta is corn. pleted. 7. If cooking surface is being used in preparing a meal, cook with double boilers, using each utensil; which will cut down the number of .elements re, quired. 8. Use the correct size of utensil on the proper size element. 9. Use' flat-bottomed utensils with Today's. DOM; Broiled Halibut Steak French Fried Potatoes Stewed Tomatoes Cabbage-Apple Salad Apricot Bavarian-Crean' Tea Broiled. Halibut Steak Have halibut steaks cut 1 to 1..1/4 inches thickl wipe with damp cloth and sprinkle with salt and pepper, and squeeze lemon juice over them, Let • stand xfa hour, Put in .shallow pan,. clot with butter or brush with. oil, and place .under oven broiler. Broil on one side Until brown, then turn •on other side to finish cooking. Steaks 1 to 1% inches should cook in 15 to 20. minutes, When done, remove to hot platter and garnish with slices of to- mato, encrtrober or lemon, Apricot Bavarian Cream. Juice 14 lemon c, • apricot juice e, sugar Small pinch - salt 1 tbsp, gelatin 3 egg yolks, beaten % c, cold water 1 c, canned apricot c. cream 3 egg whites Mix fruit juices, sugar, salt and egg yolks in top of double boiler, stir con- stantly until mixture thickens. Re- move from fire and add gelatin, which has been soaked in the cold water, and the apricots which have been rubbed throUgh a sieve. Chill until mixture begins to thicken, then fold in stiffly beaten whites of eggs-.-and stiffly beat- en cream. Pour into a Mould and chill. Hits 'PURPOSE NIP MEUICItIL TAR One way of approaching the prob- lem of obtaining a proper diet is to consider the elimination of nonessent- ials. Some nutrition authorities have prepared a slogan-"First eat what you „should, ,and then eat what you want." The fact is however that if you really eat all the things yoti shoald in the course of a day, you simply won't have room, for much extra, So that-if you have been slip- ping in a few things .you want, but know you shouldn't, you are really crowding out some of the nutritional 2, High value breakfast Fruit juice Oatmeal porridge and milk Brown toast and batter Cocoa with sugar Either of these will feel like a per- fectly good breakfast, but breakfast number 2 gives you twice as much ,in minerals and vitamins • as the break- fast number 1, And obviously if you have •corn-flakes first, you're not go-' ing to have oatmeal porridge later, The same thing is true of the soft. drink menace. A child whose school lunch is accompanied by a carbonated drink is being deprived .of part of his vitamin requirement for the day. If instead he drank an equal quantity of he would be getting valuable amounts of calcium, Vitamin A and riboflavin. And' if he doesn't like milk, or thinks he doesn't, let him take- it the form of cocoa or chocolate milk. The latter can be bought in Ya. pint bottles at every. dairy and could be sold in any school cafeteria. For accurate information about vit-• amin rich foods write to the Health League of Canada, 111. Avenue Roard, Toronto, for a free copy of the leaflet "Do You Know Your Vitamins?" 144 "musts". These "musts" are foods- rich in Ininerals and vitamins. You will find yourself eating more of them if you deliberately cut out foods low in these essential elements.- Foods to boycott include refined white-bread and flour, packaged cereals of the no vitaminn no mineral type, and carbonated drinks. Consider for example two ways of close-fitting covers. beginning the day: 10. When cooking vegetables, use a minimum amount of water, 11. Arrange meals to serve all food cooked at one time-this eliminates reheating. 12. If range is equipped with warm- ing closet, turn off switch when heat is not needed. 13. Keep reflectors clean where us- ed under electric elements. Refrigerator 1. Open refrigerator door only when necessary, and close as quickly as possible. 2. Deftest refrigerator regularly - when Y/4-inch of frost has accumulated on the evaporator. 3. Operate refrigerator at temper- ature adequate for preservation of food; do not operate too cold. 4. If leaving home for two or three days, turn control on refrigerator to lowest operating point, but not neces- sarily to defrosting. 5. Locate refrigerator in order to obtain the best possible air circulation. 6. Do not place' hot foods. in refrig- erator; wait until they are cool. 7. Do not' load refrigerator with packages, bottles or cans that may be stored on paaitry shelves. 8. Clean condenser regularly. Water Heating 1. Use hot water sparingly. 1, Low value breakfast Fruit juice Cornflakes and milk White toast and butter Coffee with cream and sugar rOMMMM 2. When bathing ,temper the water as it flows into tub. 3: Turn hot taps off after using. 4. Repair leaking hot water taps. 5. Do not wash hands, dishes, or clothes under hot running water. 6. Use minimum =mint of hot water when washing dishes.- 1. Fill washing machine'to water line only. 2. Keep lid on the tub when wash- ing. 3. Use warm water far one rinse only when washing clothes. 4. Fre-soak badly soiled spots in clothes so as to reduce on washing time. 5. Use full-rated load of wash when- ever possible. Do not overload. 6. Whenever possible, use the wringer at the same time that clothes are being washed ih the tub. ' This saves time and electricty. 7. Do not leave washing machine operating for longer than necessary to wash clothes. Radio Turn the radio on only for -pro- grams desired; if not listening to the, radio, turn it off. Ironing 1. Press small, fine fabrics while' electric iron is ;heating to the point required for regular ironing. 2. Do not allow iron to get exces- sively .hot.' This wastes badly-needed power. Turn iron off before ironing is completed, and uSe stored heat to- press clothes that needonly dampness removed., Operate electric toaster as toast is• required; do not leave -on when not toasting. Turn off a cord switch on. toaster, or disconnect at wall plug. Small Appliances, ' Use -such electrical appliances as- coffee-makers, sandwich toasters, waf- fle irons, fans, etc., only when needed. Turn off electricity as soon as ,their function has been completed. Do not , use portable electric air heaters or grates at any time. • K. M. MacLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office-Victoria St., West. Formerly the Hayden residence. PHONE 196 Wingham, Ontario usiness and Professional Directory WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy hold- ers for over a century. Head Office a Toronto COSENS & BOOTH, 'Agents - Wingham The call today is for the simple but smart all-purpose coat rather than for the dress model. A coat-of the type depicted is at home over almost any suit or costutae, except the very form- al. And even that goes in many sec- tions of the country, especially at re- sorts. This coat is of soft wool cash- mere in a delicate beige tone. It has MONUMENTS at first cost Having our factory equipped with the most modern machinery for the exe- cution of high-class work, we ask you to see the largest display of monu- ments of any retail factory in Ontario. All finished by sand blast machines. We import our gFanites from the Old Country quarries direct, in the rough. You can save all local deal- ers' agents' and middleman profits by seeing us. E. J. Skelton & Son at West. End Bridge-WALKERTON Now for a tish dinner. Fish has a very important part to play hi the foods for winning the war.. • Do you remember the time, when it was thought fish was ,"brain. food"? Any good food that helps to keep us in good health is "brain food." Halibut steak is not the cheapest of the fish foods ,of course, but it is economical in that there is little waste. W. A. CRAWFORD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Located at the office of the late Dr. J. P. Kennedy. Phone ,150 Wingham . J. H. CRAWFORD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.. Bonds, Investments & Mortgages Wingham -Ontario DR. R. L. STEWART PHYSICIAN Telephone 29 WALL 4.1.1kEtf. I. NW Yell en?. A. Orr ra AMeis. WALK PoiA .1:‘ Stine A ,CIPE.HD kkliteE.RDAM ; .144.94tr 1 Acc•ApP CROSSWORD PUZZLE coo©m EM 1t-3 muUm L'458E:IN LAMMUN MMMMN LOOM MEM MUHMM COMM RIKOLEH CalM4121 MMU IZMIR OWN MRMORW CUM MUM MME1081 OMMUM MOM MUM IRMUMM OMOMD MINIUM ROM porgal 004M ACROSS 6. Decorated 27. Fabulous 1. Snake letter bird 6. Foam 7. Chop finely 33. Borders 11. Notions again 35. Fastidious 12. Eagle's nest 8. Speech 37. Chief de- 13. Treeless 9. Grow weary fender of tracts 10. Exclamation Troy 39. Full grown 42. Game on horseback 44. Crown of head 45. Head cov- ering 46. Ruler of Tunis A. H. McTAVISH; B.A. Teeswater, Ontario Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer Office: Goftnn HouSe, Wroxeter every Thursday afternoon 1.30 to " 4.30 and by appointment. Phone -- Teeswater 120J. HARRY FRYFOGLE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Funiiture and Funeral Service • Ambulance Service. Phones: Day 109W. Night 1.09J 14 Reluctant 18. A rustic 15. Roofing slate 19 Book of 16. Dined Psalms 17. A material 20. Toothed 19. Greek letter wheels 20. Webbed- 2L Follow footed birds 23. Kingly 22, Clipped 24, Poverty. 25. Half ems stricken 26. Constellation 28. Born 29, Like 30. The sun 31. Earth as 'a goddess 82. Regret 34. Part of a 47. Performed 48. Spread grass to dry THOMAS FELLS AUCTIONEER . REAL ESTATE SOLD A Thorough Knowledge of Farm Stock. Phone 231, Wingham Frederick A. Parker OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St., Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat- - ments. Foot Technique. Phone 272. 9 40 4 5 / 6 7 8 2 3 1 I 11-1 ' 13 kr* ts of Vitosi MEN Ib Is 41. WM CaosstuAllt.Engusti C 11404EL 6}4 Wkrt.R.-Sl.< I S &NAPO' t.0 4(EQ. 11 as- 2.9 32 • 38 39 3C; 37 40 ,\11/.74. 4/ 48 I 45 50 49 A 5' Lia