HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-11-12, Page 4AUTHENTIC IN STYLE
Choose the coat you need now-
while values are still high, Select
your coat from this last-of-this-
quality lot. You may never again
be able to find high quality at these
moderate prices.
Special At
. $19.00 to $25.00
o*, Atd".
'11)014 I N ION 00
17.1761 WE EK
%niters*: OATMEAL •5 lbs. 23c
Shortening . . lb. print 19c
Baking Soda, lb pkg 2 - 19c
Wheatlets 3 lbs. 14c
Extracts .. 11/2-oz. bot. 5c
(Vanilla, Lemon, Almond)
Cake Flour, 44-oz. pkg. 29c
Cut Wax or Green Beans
20-oz. tins • 2 - 25c
Peas, 16-oz. tin . 3 - 29c
Sweet, Sour, Mustard
Picnic Pickles, 27-oz. jar ,29c
Tomato Juice, 47-oz. tin 19c
Washing Soda . pkg. 5c
11 c
f 1-lb. bag 39c-
C 0f
DOMINO (black or mixed)
Tea .. 1/2-1b. pkg. 40c
Instant Postum
4-oz. 33c 8-oz. 55c
(No Coupons Required)
Condensed Milk to 19c
Newport Fluffs
5 qt. pkg. 19c
8 qt. pkg. 25c
13 qt. pkg. 39c
7 lb. bag 27c
24 lb. bag 19c
fruits and Vegetables
CARROTS 5 lbs. 14c
APPLES ................. .......... Ii lbs. 28c
(Snows, McIntosh) Spy's)
ICEBERG ntAn LETTUCE 2 heads 23e
• 112's
4 for 19c
WINGIWYI ADVANCE-TIMES r R '11,11mrsclay, Noy; nth,. 104
.Stainton's Hardware
Westinghouse Mazda Lamps 25, 40, 60 watt
guaranteed for 3 months or 100 hours. Old
price 20c- New price now only . .... 15c
Protect Your Car With
No boil away at normal engine heat. A 25 to
30 degree F. margin of safety between normal op-
erating temperature of modern cars and the boiling
point of Super Pyro mixture for 10 deg. below zero
protection guards againt boil-away.
Quarts 43c, Gallon $1.69
Black . gallon $1.00 Grey quart 75c
Black ..... , quart 39c Grey gallon $1.98
FOR SALE-100 pullets, Apply to
George T. Robertson, Phone 152.
FOR SALE-Family sized wardrobe,
hall rack. Apply Mrs. A. M. Wall,,
Minnie Street.
FOR SALE-12 acres of pasture land,
Lots 59, 60, Wingham. Town Plot.
Well fenced with a spring on prop-
erty. Cheap for quick sale. Apply
Chris. Newman.
FOR SALE-A Winter Porch also
Lady's Coat and Suit, Apply to
Advance-Times. t
FOR SALE-Four registered hogs, 11
weeks old, one Durham bull calf
7 months old, 75 sucking pigs early
in December. Apply Riun Bros.,
LOST-Strayed from farm of Mrs.
George King, Culross two year-old
Hereford Steer. Notify Mrs. King,
Phone 606R3.
STRAYED - from Lot 1, Concession
1, Morris, red heifer about 750 lbs.
Please notify Norman McLaughlin.
WANTED PULLETS - all ages and
breeds, also yearling hens, also
White Leghorn and Black Minorca
cockerels suitable for breeders. Also
wanted flocks to supply us with
hatching eggs 'for 1943 season.
Flocks culled and bloodtested free.
Guaranteed bonus paid with addi-
tional premium. Write for full de-
tails. Tweddle. Chick Hatcheries
Limited, Fergus, Ontario.
WJIY SUFFER - needlessly from
indigestion or digestive ailments?
DER" brings relieif quickly, ef-
ficiently. Now 50c and $1.00 at
McAvoy's Drug Store,
Notice is hereby given that -a Court
of Revision for the Voters' List of the
Township of Turnberry for the year
1942 will .be held at the Town Hall,
Winghain, on Friday, November 20th,
1942 at 8 p.m, by His Honour Judge
Township Clerk,
Sealed Tenders will be received by
the undersigned up to 4 p.m. on Nov-
ember 14th., 1942 for the operation of
the Town snow plow for the winter
of 1942-43. The tenderer to supply a
suitable truck, driver ,and all gasoline,
oil and other supplies required. Tend-
ers to he at the stated rate per hour.
The lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted.--
Town Clerk.
ALL persons having claims against
the estate of William Franklyn George
Watson, late of the Town of Wingham
in the County of Huron, Grocer, who
died on or about the seventh day of
September, A.D. 1942, are eotified to
send to J, H. Crawford, Wingham,
Ontario, on or before the twenty-
eighth day of November, A,D, 1942,
full particulars of their claims fn
writing. Immediately after the said
twenty-eighth (lay of November, the
assets of the said testator will be dis-
tributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims
of which the executor shall then have
DA'rED this szventli day of Novem-
ber, A, D. 1942.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executor.
ALL persons having claims against
the estate of RebeccaJane Haines,
late of the Township of Morris in the
County of Huron, Widow, who died
on or about the second day of Nov-
ember, A. D. 1942, are notified t to
send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham,
Ontario,' on or before the twenty-
eighth day of November, A. D. 1942,
ful particulars of their claims in' writ-
ing. Immediately after the said
twenty-eighth day of November, the
assets of the said testatrix will be dis-
tributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims
of which the executor shall then have
DATED this seventh day of Nov-'
ember, A. D. 1942.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executor,
• In the matter of the Estate of Rob-
crt J. McKague, late of the Town of
Wingham, County of Huron, Gentle-
man, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
the Trustee Act that all creditors and
others having claims against the Es-
tate of the late Robert J. McKague,
are required to send particulars of
their claims, duly verified to A, H.
McTavish, solicitor for the Adminis-
tratrices of the said estate, on or be-
fore the twenty-first day of Novem-
ber, A. D., 1942, and after such date
the Administratrices will proceed to
Dated at Teeswater, 'Ontario, this
ALL persons having claims against
the estate of John William Gamble,
late of the Township of Howick in
the County of Huron', Farmer, deceas-
ed, who died on or about the third
day of October, A. D. 1942, are noti-
fied to send to J. H. Crawford, Wing-
ham, Ontario, on or before the twenty-
eighth day of November, A. D. 1942,
full particulars of their claims in writ-
ing. Immediately after the said
twenty-eighth day of November, the
assets of the said testator will be dis-
tributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims
of which the executors shall then
have notice,
DATED this seventh day of Nov-
ember, A, D. 1942,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the executors.
(Continued from page one)
capable of making his will at the time
he ,did.
The defendants, relatives, beneficiar-
ies, made the claim that he was un-
sound of mind and also elaims undue
Thomas R, Garrett, Wingham, for
the defendants stated he had known
Mr. .Currie from 1912 until bis death
and told of a will made by deceased
in 1928 which he and R. A, .Coutts had
witnessed. In this will he said there
was bequeathed to George Dey.ell,
nephew, the l'artn, contents and $1.0.,-
000; to his sister, Mrs. Deyell, a house
on John street and $10,000; to Annie
Linton and Lillian. Earl each $51500
and $7,000 in other legacies. The
residue to be left the then executors
and to be distributed to the Deyell
family. He :rated that in June 1939
Mr. Currie's memory was not so
good. -
Other witnesses for the defendants
were R. A. Coutts, Mrs. Mary Jane
Deyell, sister of the deceased; W. R,
Cruickshank, clerk of Turnberry; Mrs.
Isabella McKay, Grey township; Al-
bert Foxton of "town; Mrs. Annie
Sadie May Lutton, Toronto.
Solicitors for the plaintiffs were C,
W. Mason, K.C„. of Toronto and J,
H. Crawford of Wingliam, Solicitors
for the defendants were Campbell
Grant, Walkerton; J. W, Bustifield, of
Wingham, represented the public tells-
tee; D. Bowlhy, -of Toronto, repre-
sented the Salvation Army, and L. E.
Dancey, K. C., Goderich.
Large Number Attended Annual
The annul meeting of the Huron
Holstein Breeders' Club was held in
the agricultural board room, Clinton,
with a capacity turnout.. The presi-
dent, 5. W. VanEgmond, 'presided;
A complet report of the year's activ-
ities was given by the secretary, Hume
Clutton: president of: the Bayfield fall
fair, William Sparks and by the agri-
cultural representative, J. C. Shearer.
The following officers were elected:-
Honorary president, Colin C. Camp-
bell, Bayfield; president, Willis Van-
Egmond, Clinton; vice-president, Led-
nerd Leeming, Walton; second vice-
president, W. L, -Whyte, Seaforth, R.
R. 2; secretary; Hume Clutton, Gode-
rich, R.R. 5; directors, 'William Sparks,
Bayfield; Milton Wiltse, Clinton; Gor-
don Bisset, Goderich; Allan Betties,
Bayfield; Dr. „Ken Jackson, Blyth;
Norman Schade, Walton; press agent,
ALL persons having claims against
the estate of Andrew Taylor Shiell,
late of the Town, of Wingham in the
County of Huron, Carpenter, deceased,'
are notified to send to J. H. Crawford,
Wingham, Ontario, on or before the
twenty-eighth day of November, A.
D. 1942, full particulars of their
claims in wating. Immediately after
the said twenty-eighth clay of Novem-
ber, the assets of the said testator will
he distributed amongst the parties en-
titled thereto, having -regard only tp
claims of which the executor shall
then have notice.
DATED this seventh day of Nov-
ember, A. D. 1942.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executor.
Voters' Lists 1942, Municipality of
Ttirnberry, County of Huron
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with section 8 of the Voters'
List Act, and I have posted up at my
office in Turnberry on the 26th day
of October 1942,. the list of all persons
entitled to vote in the said Municipal-
ity at Municipal elections and that
sueh list remains -there for inspection,
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to have
any errors or omissions corrected ac-
cording to law, the last day for appeal
being the Seventeenth day of Novem-
ber, 1942.
Dated at 'Wingham this 26th day of
October, 1942,
Clerk of Turnberry Township,
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Johnston
wish to express their thanks to their
friends and neighbors of Wingham for
the many gestures of kindness receiv-
ed during their recent bereavement.
The family of the late Mts. lGert-
twill. M. Newman wish to take this
opportunity to Olaf* their friends and
neighbors for the kind expression of
sympathy e tended to them during
St. Lawrence Starch to. Limited
J. C. Shearer, Clinton; auditor, W. H.
The main speaker, George Clemons,
secretary of the Canadian Holstein
Association, Brantford, outlined the
advantages and disadvantages of arti-
ficial insemination. He mentioned the
fact that this scheme was gaining
favor in large herds and also in cer-
tain sections of the U.S.A. However,
in a herd of 20 females he recommend-
ed a continuance. of the present policy,
Byron Jenvey, Holstein
field 'man, outlined the increased
marketing prices for Holstein cattle
and dairy products. Moving pictures
were shown of outstanding Holstein
herd'S from coast to toast.. Lunch
was served at the end of the program.
The class composition was about
"Kings." One boy wrote tilts:
"The most powerful king on earth
is Wor-king; the laziest, Shir-king;
one of the worst kings, Smo-king; the
wittiest, Jo-king; the quietiest, Thin-
icing; the thirstiest, Drin-king; the
slyest, Win-king; and the noisiest,
Mr. and Mrs, Allister Green spent
Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs,
W. E. Weir.
Mr. Edwin Palmer of this locality,
and Wesley Palmer, of Wroxeter,
spent a few days last week-end with
friends in London.
Mary and Doris Johnston, of Wing-
ham, visited 'Minnie Linklater last
Mr.-0 and Mrs. Harold Weir and
children of London, spent the week-
end with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. It% L, Weir.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vegan from
near McIntosh's Church, spent 4atur-
day with Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy.
The November meeting of the
Wetnen's Institute was held in the
Community Hail with 18 ladies pres-
ent and with Miss Mary Murray pre-
siding. The roll call was responded
to by the naming of one form of
politeness I especially admire, It was
reported the Christmas parcels had
been mailed to 8 boys overseas. Fri-
day, November 20 was the date chose
for the Red Cross quilting and etn.,
mittees were named to arrange for an
At Horne. An interesting anti inform-
ative paper on "Cititeriship" was read
by Mrs. Lorne Woods. Lunch was
Served, the hostesses being WS, And-
rew Gaunt, Mrs, trtte$t Gaunt and
Mrs. Harold Gaunt,
Mr, and Mrs. James 'Douglas and
family of Mitchell, Sgmn, Donald Mc-
Aree of Kitchener, also Mr. and Mrs.
Callum of Detroit, were recent vests
of Mr, and. Mrs, John Cameron,
Mrs. -George Saikeld, of Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs, Graham Salkcld and
Charlotte 'Of Islam, Sask., were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W, A, Miller on Fri-
Week-end visitors at their homes
here included; Miss Mae McDonald
and Miss Louring Miller, of Wingham;
Miss Vera Taylor of London; Murray
Taylor and Allan lc iller, of Port Al-
bert and Ronald Cr nston of Listowel:
Mr. and Mrs, W, . Humphrey cele-
brated their golden-wedding on Mon-
day when they entertained their fain-
ily and other, guests from Goderich,
Auburn, And Whitechurch at dinner.
Their many friends 'wish them many
more happy years.
The annual meeting of the beef ring
will be held on Thursday evening,
November 19. All members should
attend. -
United States Forces Strike Hard In
North Africa
The sudden turn of war events over
the week-end has thrilled the United
Nations and heartened the people very
greatly, The -quick thrust by the
American forces at Algiers which
capitulated after twelve hours of
struggle. Oran has been entered and
Casablanca is being shelled and three
columns of troops are presSing to-
ward the. city. At Algiers Admiral
Jean Darlan was captured, He was
the head of the Vichy forces and re-
cently went to North Africa to bolster
the Vichy forces there. The American
troops are going toward Tunis and it
is expected that they will link up
there with the British Eighth Army
that chased Rommel's forces from
Egypt. It is reported that British
troops are reinforcing the United
States forces. The British Navy and
Airforce assisted with the landings in
North Africa.
The significance of these events
cannot be overlooked. It puts the
United Nations, if they win all of
North Africa, in a postion close to
the south of Europe and can make it
very uncomfortable for the Axis from
the Mediterranean in which case the
supplies to the east would not have
to be shipped around the long route
by way of the south end of Africa.
This also applies to Russia, Turkey
who are on a lend lease basis, and of
blitzkreig style and with great victory
course all the African ports on the
This latest move that was done in
blitbkreig style and with great victory
has Hitler talking and he says that
the return blows will be made at the
proper time. In the meantime the
Axis forces in Africa are crumbling as
are the Vichy forces. The happenings
ort fills North African front might well
be the forerunner of defeat of the
Axis, But this success must not lull
us into a complacent attitude as this
is only the beginning of things and
the road ahead will be very long and
full of trials and tribulations before
the job is completed,
'Vichy after time action of the Ameri-
can forces broke off diplomatic rela-
tions and Canada on Monday broke
with Vichy,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler, of
Belgrave, were recent guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Eldred Nichol.
Mrs. Lloyd Hipel and baby son,
John, of Milvertan, were recent guestS
of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown.
Mr. G. A. Wearring is confined to
his home with illness. His many
friends hope for a speedy recovery.
Mr. Alvin Moffat and family were
in London on Sunday to see Mrs.
Moffat who is now in Victoria Hos-
pital, London.
Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
D. S. MacNaughton on Thursday' last
were: Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Aikenhead,
Mrs. Jno. MaeNattghton, Mrs, A. 13.
Wearring and Miss Eleanor Wearring,
all of London.
Mrs. Harvey Timm, visited her sis-
ter, Mrs. Lloyd North at London, on
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Denny, Toronto,
were week-end guests of the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Denny.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ditrham and.
children. George and Margaret, Were
Week-end Visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Wtn, MacDonald.
Women's Missionary Society
The November meeting of the W.M.
S. will be held on Thursday of this
week, 8p.m., at the home of Mrs.
Allen. Munroe, Mrs. tt, S. Mae-
Naughton is in charge of the meeting,
Mrs. Gilbert Howes will introduce the
new Study Book. Roll call to be ans-
wered by a peace thought.
'United Church Service
Rev. C. Taverier of Innovate, was
guest speaker at the morning service
in United Church and took for his
text, "The fire shall ever be burning
on the Altar, it shall never go out."
Leviticus, 6th chapter, verse 13, The
tohoir contributed two splendid an-
Community Concert Success
There was a splendid atendance in
the Town Hall on Friday evening last
week, when the members of the Wo-
men's Institute sponsored a concert
and dance. Rev. E. M. Caldwell, of
Gorrie, presided over the first half
of the program and led community
singing. The concert opened with all
singing "0 Canada". An action'song
and several 3 and 3 part songs were
given by the vari ous groups of school
children, Mr. Arnold Earls in charge,
Soloists for the evening were Miss
Thelma Denny, Miss Mary MacDon-
ald, Rev. J. I. Foster, a duet 'by Mrs.
McCutcheon and Mr.,Vern Heipfer, a
quartette composed of Rev. J. L. Fos-
ter, Mr. Wm. Gibson, Gilbert Howes,
Art Gibson, Vern Hupfer gave two
numbers; Mrs. Walter Woods gave
two readings, "Levinsky at the wed-
ding" and the "Cattle Thief" from
Pauline Johnston; Mr, Earls favored
with two violin solos.
One of the highlights of the even:
ing was the debate, "Resolved that
women are necessary in Parliament."
Miss Mary Meighen and Miss. Isobel
MacEwen took the affirmative while
Miss Alice Howes and Miss Frances
Wylie the negative. The speakers
were introduced by Mr. Robertson, the
judges decision giving the negative
side a small margin. Miss Mary
Gib-son and Mr. Arnold. Earls were
the accompanists of the -evening.
Following the concert dancing was
enjoyed until 1 a.m, Mr. Sellers was
Caller with Gilbert Howes, Evart Mc-
Kercher, A. Hippel, Earl Ball, Art
1 Year Guarantee
1/2 Horsepower-25 cycle ..
1/2 Horsepower-25 cycle
1/2 Horsepower-25 cycle
% Horsepower-60 cycle .
1/2 Horsepower-60 cycle
Felt Weather Strip-20 feet 20c
6 or 7 inch-Light Weight length 20c
6 or 7 inch-Heavy Weight . .. length 25c
Elbows . each 25c
Royal Purple Poultry Conditioner .... 60c - $1.75
Royal Purple Hog Conditioner 60c - $1.75
$ 9.75
$ 8.75
Ingham Ontarr
distribute the said estate, having re-
gard only to claims of which they HURON COUNTY
shall then have notice, COUNCIL
17th day of November, A. D., 1942, The next meeting of the Huron A, H. IVICTAVISH, County Council will be held in the 'Solocitor for the Administratrices Council Chambers, Court House,
with the will attached. Goderich, commencing at 2 p.m., Tues-
day, November 17th., 1942.
All accounts, notices of deputations
and other business requiring the at-
tention of Council should be in the
hands of the County Clerk not later
than Saturday, November 14th., 1942.
County Clerk,
Goderich, Ont.
ALL persons having claims Against'
the estate of William Henry Woods,
late of the Township of West Wawan-
osh in the County of Hilton, Flamer,
who died on or about the third day
of November, A. I). 1942, are notified
to send to J. H. Crawford, Winghant,
Ontario, on or , before the twenty-
eighth day of November, A, D. 1942,,
full particulars of their claims hi writ-
;fig, Immediately after the said
twenty-eighth day of November, the
assets of the said intestate will be dis-
tributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims
of which the administrator shall then
have notice.
DATED this seventh day of Nov-
ember, A. D. 1942,
Solicitor for the Atinr'tiniSlsratbf, their recent treavetnent,
Desserts •
Gibson, Steuart Musgrove and Gladys'
Musgrove supplying 'excellent music.
A booth was well patronized proceeds-
of $55.00 will be used for Christmas
Remembrances for the men from the
community in the services. The mem-
bers of the W.. I. are deeply grateful;
to all who so- willingly gave of their-
time and tallent to make the evening,
such an enjoyable and successful one.
Dance At Douglas School'
.Turnberry S. S, No. 1 (Douglas.
School) are holding a social evening,:
on Ffiday of this week, NoveMber 13.,
Brussels orchestra in attendance, Pro-
ceeds for War 'Work.
Green - Weir
The Manse, Wroxeter, Ontario, was-
the -scene of a quiet but pretty wed-
ding on. Tuesday, November 3rd., at
nine a.m., when Gladys Winnifred,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Waldo.
Weir, became the bride of William
Allister, elder son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Green. Rev. J. L. Foster of.
United Church officiating.
The bride wore a becoming costume-
of british rose triple sheer with hat of
velvet in Queens blue and ac-
cessories to match, wearing a corsage'
of Talisman Roses. She was attend-
ed by the grooms sister, Mrs. George-
Harris, who wore a dress of Norway
green, triple sheer, a corsage of Ameri-
can Beatity Roses completing the cost-
Mr. Lloyd Weir, of Toronto, brother
of the bride, was the grooms attend-
Later Mr. and Mrs. Green left for
a trip to. Niagara Falls, Toronto and
Oshawa, the bride travelling in a
navy tailored suit with matching ac-
cessories, On their return they will
reside on- the grooms farm, 2nd line,