HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-11-12, Page 3Thursday, NOV, 12th, 1942.. WINCHAM ADVANCE1.TIMES the Progressives a l loss of one. For Senate the Democrats elected 15, which with 41 holdovers, gave them a total of 56 in the new Senate starting January 3. Republicans elected 18 and with 20 incumbents not up for re=election gave them a total of 38. Large Convoy Lands Overseas A British Port,, — Thousands of Canadians, arriving just in time to help a jubilant Britain cheer -the great news from Egypt, were settling in military establishments throughout the country, increasing the menacing Allied force that is to strike one day at Hitler. Included in the latest draft .from Canada are thousand of rein- forcements for the field army as well as specialists, an R.C.A.F. contingent described at 25 per cent bigger than any previous air unit from Canada and the first detachment of the smartly- dressed Canadian Women's Army Corpsto set foot in Britain. War May Be Won In Turkey New York, — Wendell L. Wilkie declared tonight . that North Africa and the region around Turkey might well be "the area in which our war may be won or lost" and called on Prime Minister Churchill to define clearly Great Britain's stand on the Atlantic Charter. Berlin Anxious For Rommel A New York, — The German radio in a 'curious broadcast raised the pos- sibility of Marshal Edwin Rommel "being taken prisoner" In Africa, sag- A.. F. Strafe, Baltic London,—R.A.F. attacks 'have made the Baltic so •dangerour for German shipping that vessels now are being sent in .convoy, There is so much congestion in both German and Fin- nish ports that Nazi crews are being forced to act as stevedores—not only for their own ships but for any others that need, help in loading or unloading. Favors- Sunday Movies Toronto, .— A recommendation that motion picture theatres be permitted to remain open on -Sunday and that members of the armed forces and merchant marine be admitted without charge was adopted at the two-day meeting of the national executive ,com- mittee of the Imperial Order Daugh- ters of the Empire. Poles Executed For Rail Wreck Ottawa, .4- The Polish legation said that German authorities-in Poland-an- nounced on October 29 the execution of 55 Poles held as hostages in Pawiak prison, . for "great railway sabotage which occurred in the War- saw railway district simultaneously, at four different points." Germans Use Hit and Run Attacks London, — A single German raider blasted a village in Southern England with bombs, killing four persons .and. injuring several others. The raid. Was the latest in a series of hit-and-run attacks on England. Nazi Generals Liquidated 'General yen Stumme, senior Ger- man officer who replaced Field Mar- shal Erwin Rommel while he was in Berlin recently, has been reported kil- led in the Allied offensive against' Rommel's forces in Egypt. Gen Rit- ter Von Thoma, second in command to Nazi Field Marshal Romell, was capttired in the British desert drive when his armoured car was set on fire by British guns. Apply direct or SEND THE APPLICATION TO: Mr, W. A, McWilliams, Beal Technical, London Mr, Fred Pugh, Kitchener Vocational School Mr. Wm. Prudbam, Owen Sound Vocational School Mr.. Fuller, Stratford VOcational School Sign your name here Address .. ........... .. ... ..... NEW PLYWOOD PLASTIC SUB CHASER The sea skimmer, a new sub chaser Invented by Intolne Gazda of Providence, ft,IL, made almost en, iirely of plywood Plastid, loaded with four depth barges, a 2041M berlikoh cannon, and machine gun. . :a A Astonishingly Manoeuvrable, it cannot °tee #4,4 by subs, debt 50 Miles per liana, and iseasilrittattclike • It can be carried on is vessel ae easily at it ebosts,_ 01111111HIMNIK1111111.41.111100.1110111111.0, World Wide News In Brief Form 114•611.=011111110111.004111.1AINIM Stalin States Confidence Moscow, — Premier Stalin assured the Russians that the Allies would open a second front against Germany in Europe and declared eonTidently that the Allies would win the war. He spoke only to Moscow members Of the Communist party and other special organizations-in a secret meeting plaee, The Germans, he said, had been able to use 240 divisions' — "More than 3,000,000 men" — because !of the ab- sence .of a second front and thus were able .to penetrate 300 miles deeper into .Russia. Seven Women Killed In Blast Rochester, N. Y., — Seven women were killed and 10 ,other employees -of the Rochester Fireworks Company were injured in an ;explosion at the company plant in the town of Perin; ton, Sheriff Abert Skinner said. Republicans Made Great Gains Washington, — Nearly-complete re- turns from 'elections showed the Re- publicans had drained off the once- derrnidable Democratic majorities in Congress to a level that might ebb in •their favor on important legislation and had about divided the 48 state governorships equally with' the Denio- crats.. With only five House of Rep- resentatives races undecided, the Democrats had elected a bare majority of 218; the Republicans 208, Progres- sives two, and Farmer-Labor and .:American-Labor one each. The Re- iniblieans showed a net gain of 43, the Democrats a net loss of 42, and Clear telephone lines for ALL-OUT PRODUCTION Your telephone is 'part of a vast interlocking system now carrying an abnormalwartime load. Don't let needless delays hold up messages on which production efficiency may depend. Or//ER "WARTIME TtlEP110111 TACTICS" 0 0 SPEAK distinotly$ directly Into the mouthpiece. ANSWER promptly when the bell rings. 0 0 BE BRIEF. Clear your line for the heat call. IISE OFE.PEAIC home for yont Long Distance Calls. Mere Wogs may took' Orilliogibia 0 6,50,000 dolly telepone tails, they are very Warw.. ele401 04° . Sekte441 gesting that Berlin is anxious over the Axis commander's eventual fate or has neft heard from him recently in .the re. treat across Western Egypt" Quebec Cabinet Reshuffled Quebec, — Premier Godbout re- shuffled his Quebec Cabinet, giving portfolios to 'three ministers previous- ly without portfolio and bringing in three legislature members to. restore the Cabinet to full strength of 15 Alen, Suggests Party coalition Washington, — A. leading Senate Republican, Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan, 'proposed a Republican- Democratic victory- coalition—with "politics and , New Dealisni" out for the duration—as the solution to war- time prOblems arising from the close party alignments in House of Repre- sentatives and Senate. Government Takes, Plant. Over Ottawa, — Ownership and manage- ment of the National Steel Car air- craft plant at Mahon., one of Canada's most important aircraft producers, has been taken over by a specially formed crown company, the MualtionS De- partment announced, Canadian Wheat To Greece Montreal, ••-, Loaded with Canadian wheat for .3tarving Greece, three Swedish vessels sailed from here un- der the auspices of the International Red Cross and guaranteed safe con- duct by the British, German and Ital- ian Governments. • d,...•••••••••• Prime Minister Names Envoys Ottawa, — Prime Minister Mac- kenzie King :moulted the filling of four high diplomatic vacancies and in- dicated he would soon opee further new fields for Canadian diplomacy. He announced appointments oft Maj.- Gee, Victor Adlum, .62, former eon-I- nlander of the 2nd Division overseas and Canadian high commissioner fo Australia, as first Canadian minister to China, L, D. Wilgaess, 50, deputy minister of trade and commerce, as first Canadian minister to the Soviet Union, Warwick Unman, 6Z Mon- treal lawyer, as Canadiatt minister to Chile, Plaice C, Davis, •52, as, sociate,deputy minister of war servic- es, AS Canadian high etanitassioner to Australia, succeeding Gen, Odium, Canadian Air Power Plays Sig Role London, — Canadians flying in fighters, fighter,boaibers and torpedo. tarrying plants are playing a "Pavan , irtent part" la- the Middle East over- atidat Which liar's beaten Axis air- power in the dew( to a standstill and forced Rommel's army into 'full treat.' Organize New Rubber Board Ottawa, Withdrawal of rubber from the jurisdiction of the Munitions Department supplies control and es, tablishment of a new rubber control branch under Alan H. Williamson, formerly supplies controller, was an- nounced by the Munitions Depart- ment. NEED. TO LUBRICATE FARM MACHINERY •With farm machines noW rationed , and repair parts more difficult to get farmers would be well advised to pay more attention to .tire lubrication of farm machines and equipment, say the Agricultural Emgirfeers of the Domin- ion Department of Agriculture, The expense and time invested in good lubrication. pay big dividends. In addition to maintaining a lubri- cating film between the bearing sur- faces the oil or greasi that is on farm machines performs several other fune tions. The bearings are cleaned. Rust- ing and pitting of the bearings are pre- vented when the machine is idle. Ex- pOsed • metal surfaces during storage periods are protected. -The oil and grease used for lubri- cating should he kept clean so, keep the containers covered to exclude dust and dirt. Three or four different oils or greas- es meet the lubrication requirements of nearly all farm implements, Usually not more than two lubricants ate need- ed for any. one implement. Machines operating the year round may require lighter oil and grease for winter than for summef: Badly' worn bearings may need a heavier 'oil that is not thrown out so quickly. Oil of the same viscosity or stickness as is used in the tractor motor usually is suit- able. Crank case oil may contain grit and if used on bearings may lie harm- ful, Private (finding a wasp. in his stew): "Hi What's this?" • Mess Orderly— "Vitamin beer • GEN. McNAUGHTON WELCOMED EDITORS This is the fifth of a series by Walter R. Legge Altogether, the Canadian editors met the guiding genius of Canada's overseas forces three times, the first time just before we began our itiner- any in England, the second time at an inspection of new eatipment, and the third time just before we left for home, Department of Labour National War Labour Board GENERAL ORDER • ,The DominiOrt Bureau of Statistics has found that - the coat of living index number for October 1, 1942, is 117.8 (adjusted index 116.9) as compared with the cost of living index number for July 2, 1942, of 117.9 (adjusted index 117). The Wattime Wakes Control Order, P. C. 5963, provides in Section 48 (iv); "the amount of the bonus shall not be changed unless, the cost of living index number has changed one whole point or more since the last general order of the Board requiring an increase or decrease in the amount thereof." The in dex number not having changed by one whole point or more 'since July 2, 1942, pursuant to the provisions of P. C. 5963 as stated, the National War Labour Board orders that the terms of its General, Order dated August 4, 1942, shall continue to apply for the period November 15, 1942, to February 15, 1943, subject to the right of employers or employees to apply to a War Labour Board for authorization of payment of such an amount, of cost of living bonus as a Board may determine to be "fair and reasonable," under the provisions of the Order. , HUMPHREY MITCHELL Chairman, National War Labour Board Ottawa, Canada November 4, 1942 ROmmel's Force On The Run London, — The Axis army in Egypt "is busted and virtually helpless" and is being subjected to the grimmest kind of slaughter in a narrow trap along the Mediterranean coast, a high British official said. To Call 1400 In December About 1,400 more men in Western Ontario be called in December for compulsory military service in the Canadian Army, it was learned. Some people seem to think that the editors were only told part of the story, that something was hidden from us, or if we actually did see every- thing that we were told not to say `anything- about it. If these people could have beerupresent at these meet- ings, they would realize just .how far from correct their thoughts are. In general McNaaghton's own words, the editors were told to "tell- the people of Canada everything that will not give c-omfort to the enemy". Actually the trip itself came as a result of a suggestion from Hie Gen- eral that.it would be an excellent way to bring a true picture to the people of Canada of what is going on over- seas. Naturally the location of General McNaughton's 'Headquarters is not easy for strangers to find. Our bus proceeded to a "rendezvous", where We were met by dispatch riders on motorqycles who guided ttS in to the place. The meeting was held in a large conference room, from the wind- ows of which was a vista of peaceful English countryside. General McNaughton brought and sat down, but soon he was ,sitting on top of the desk in a most informal manner. Welcoming the Canadian editors, the general said that with young men away from Canada for months and years ,everything should be done to keep up their contacts with their own country. When they are out of touch, they are out of sympathy, and things go wrong, and it is difficult to find the reason, "Go back and 'interpret as to the people of Canada: We its the army ate the expression of the purpose of the people in Canada," He went on to say that 'we are up againSt an extremely serious business. We started with a tremendous lack of preparation, and are not out of the woods yet, but in spite of disasters, we are 41.0W on the up-grade. The mission of the press is to tell fully what is going on, and the people will give their backing materially and morally. The 'General believes in: tell- ing everything that cat) be told with- out hurting the Allied cause, Speaking of the Dieppe raid, Gen- eral MaNaughtoa said that his upper, most feeling 'vas pride hi our officers and Men, Replying to 'other tinestious, the General said that shipping was one of our greatest limiting -faCtOft; that the threat 'of bwaskin is not oven that Dominion • Provincial 'War Training Programme WE TRAIN YOU INDUSTRIALLY" Sponsored students are being trained and transferred to their War Job as quickly as required— WOMEN AND MEN mark the course desired; O —General Machine Shop, including Blue Print) Reading, practical work on all machines, Benet' Work, and IVIathetnatics—MicrometersJ • —Welding— Arc and Acetylene--London.. (:) —Aircraft Woodwork — Kitchener, London, Stratford, Owen Sound, O _Aircraft Mechanics—London School. All Schools listed below (except Stratford) the young officer policy would be continued; that the average age of Lieut-Colonels now- is about 33, which is much younger than in the last war. The last conference with General Mc-Naughton was just as informal, and was more like a friendly fireside chat. It opened in a mess room at head- quarters, with the General sitting on the broad sill of a bay. window with the editors grouped around him while all partook of• afternoon tea. After talking in a conversational manner about many matters, including' shipping problems, the manufacture of, weapons, especially those made in Canada, transatlantic air transport, training and equipping of troops, 'food and army medical services, he sud- denly leaned forward and asked, "Would you boys like to come up- stairs with me?" He then led the way upstairs to his office, Here the conversation was resumed for some time. After about an hour and a half had been spent in this ways an officer entered with a note and General McNaughton said he would have to confer with a. visiting Ameri- can officer but that if the editors car- ed to return later he would be glad to- talk further with them. Rising, he zhook hands with each one as they left. General McNaughton is tall, lean, and. speaks -in a quiet, confident tone that shows that he knows just what he is talking about. One cannot help but be impressed with his quiet, kind- ly manner, which at the same time shows his tremendous energy and ability. He is just as outstanding in his job as Prime- Minister Churchill is in his. Canadians may well feel confident that their army is in the best hands as long* as General ,McNaughton re- mains at its Ileac!, General McNaughton is a native of many other -honours. Saskatchewan, born there in 1887. Elej He was for several years head of 'Subsistence Paid, While Training Good Wages assured Transfers to Work when qualified. WE CONFORM TO ALL FEDERAL ORDERS-IN-COUNCIL RESPECTING ENLISTMENT—Military and Industrially For further information write to T. H. Scott, Field Representative, Hotel London, London Ontario. received his Master's degree in science from McGill University and studied at the Royal Staff College, and the Imperial Defence College in England. He served in the last war, and was wounded twice. He received the Dis- tinguished Service Order, the Order of St, ,Michael and St. George, and They're in the Army nowl Clarence Charters (left) and• Walter Legge, executives of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, who repre- sented Canada's weekly press in a, party of Canadian editors recently on CANADIAN EDITORS VISIT CANADIAN ARMY the National Research Council of Canada, and from 1929 to I93& was Chief of the Canadian General Staft- He was given command of the first division of the Canadian Expeditiou ary Force and since 1940' has been, Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Army Overseas. Canadians have every reason to fee/ proud of General McNaughton, a tour of Great Britain. The two' visiting Canadian newsmen are shown - here all decked out in protective cloth- ing and helmets after they had gone through the "booby trap" area at camp of Royal Canadian Engineers:'- • e. .. r Ott*. IIVA. I•to f.