HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-11-05, Page 3camps or lumber camps in Northern Ontario. Testing Recipes For Overseas Boxes Canada's Kitchen Had i3oys In Mind "Happy Christmas!" A little pre- mature" you think?, But it's not too' early to send Christmas greetings to the boys overseas, and a box of good things from home means more to them than words can tell, A Christ- mas cake and cookies are "musts' for these extra special parcels. The. family may have to go easy on the sugar ration fora week or two per-, ]taps,' but no one will mind that small sacrifice when by means of it they can provide a Christmas treat for Daddy or big brother. Drop or bar cookies are the most satisfactory types to include in over- seas parcels, for in spite of careful packing rolled cookies and short- breads are all too apt to arrive in the form of crumbs, Bar cookies can be scored in individual pieces before bak- ing. Wrap the bars in wax paper, pack carefully so they cannot jiggle, wrap the box in wax paper and the cookies will arrive in first class con- dition, Shredded . wax paper makes a good shock absorber to fill in the spaces. Small wrapped candies are WEAR YOUR COMMANDO DAGGER .., it is a symbol indicating that you have bought the new Victory Bonds. t • The Safest Way t n st Your Money VICTORY S "'EPAY avuiDottAst ijou• imeit ! When you buy Victory Bonds you are laying up for yourself the best of all investments, for back of each one is your country's solemn promise that every dollar you invest in Victory Bonds will be repaid to you in full, plus a fair rate of interest. You can borrow against them, and they are readily saleable when you need the cash. And that solemn promise of repayment in full is backed by all the yak resources of the Dominion of Canada. When the war is over, you will want to buy all the things we must deny ourselves now. Then, your Victory Bonds will give you the money to buy all these —and your purchases will provide new employment for our boys wheb. they come home again. What's your share of the savings job? Well, the average Canadian would have to lend to Canada to meet•Canada's need $1 in every $5 of income left after taxes and compulsory "NOTHING MATTERS savings have been collected. But the average may not fit your case. Your own circumstan- ces are distinctly your own. You may be able to do better both out of your current income and out of your accumulated savings in the bank—or you may not be able to reach the average. Your share of voluntary savings is every dollar you can possibly spare. HOW TO BUY Give your order to the Victory Loan salesman who calls on you. Or place it in the hands of any branch of any. bank, or give it to any trust company. Or send it to, your local Victory Loan Headquarters. Or you can. authorize your employer to start a regular payroll sal& ings plan for you. Bonds may be bought in denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and larger. Salesman, bank, trust company or your local Victory Loan Headquarters will be glad to give you every assistance in making out your order form. NOW BUT VICTORYI" National War Finance Corritnitit, o; BUY =VICTORY BONDS • "GET BACK.. INTO THE .FIGHT" No. 40 COMPANY VETERANS GUARD OF CANADA (Active Service) NOW BEING MOBILIZED AT STRATFORD, ONTARIO Those eligible for enlistment are Veterans of the War 1914-1918 — up to 55 years of age,— and down to C-1 medical category. Many Valuable Services Can Be Performed By Vets - - At Home and Overseas! For information regarding enlistment, apply to: NO. 1 DISTRICT DEPOT, WOLSELEY BARRACKS, LONDON NO. lA DISTRICT DEPOT, ST. LURES RD., BARRACKS, WINDSOR Or Contact the Mobile Recruiting Unit in Your District. 71.1)iut day, November Si 1942' WINGHANI ADVANCE-1110S PACE TP1133 1 tablespoon butter 1 egg 1 'c,sp milk cups flour 1 L caspoon salt .6 teaspoons baking mwders Cook ground orange skins, and water together till syrupy, J. - minutes. Add butter and let col.. Add half the dry ingredients to tbt egg and milk mixture, then add the orange mixture and the rest of dry ingredients and mix 144.9414. Bake in greased loaf tins or 1'1114 intney pails or coffee tins in a slow oven 325 degrees eibout 45 minitteP; This recipe rnalies 2 standard size& loaves, If making, for home use, let stand one or two. days before using. 13e sure the bread is perfeetly, coal before packing for overseas shipPirgi. Conant Says No Election Oshawa, — Premier Gordon Conant of Ontario said that he saw "no rea- son" for an immediate general pro:: vincial election as,iie outlined the 1)01- . icy of his administration in the first public speech since he succeeded Hon. Mitchell' F. Hepburn as premier of Ontario In an address prepared for delivery at a testimonial banquet held in his honor by the electors of his home riding of Ontario, the new pre- mier declared that the chief' aim of his Government would be to devote "the resources of Ontario in men, • money and materials Inward the achievement of victory." Says Shortage of Physicians Toronto, — Some rural sections of Ontario and other provinces are back to pioneer conditions So far as med- ical attention is. concerned, with no .physiCian available to attend at births, Dr, Stanley Ryerson, assistant dean of ,the Faculty of Medicine at the Uni- versity of,,Toronto, said. out en a lightly floured board making-, five strips 114 inches wide "44 inch thick and 12 inches long. Score the strips in individual pieces before 'bak- ing on a greased cookie sheet at 400 degrees for 18-20 minutes. Pack bars whole; if using at home allow to cool before breaking into pieces. Light Christmas Cake 1.14 cups butter 2 cups fine granulated s 6 eggs 2 cups blanched sultana resins cups chopped citron peel 2 cups chopped red glace .cherries 4 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon :bale* powder • Cream butter well, add sugar grad- ually and cream thoroughly, Add un- beaten eggs one at a time beating well between each addition. Dredge the prepared fruits with part of the flour. Sift salt and baking powder with the rest of the flour and add to the cream- ed mixture, Add fruit, Line a 9 x 9 inch fruit cake tin or two 4 pound, honey pails with two thicknesses of greased brown paper, bake in a slow oven 300 degrees.for approximately hours. Orange Bread 2 orange skins, put through the food chopper. 1 cup water 1 cup sugar gar . Predicts Socialized Medicine Wastage of public funds by dupli- cation and competition among hospit- als and lack of efficient public health -' doctorswas chat ged to Ontario by the provincial deputy minister of health, Di% B. T. McGhie, when he declared that the practice of medicine- is dtie for a change that wjll likely bring a leind of socialized medicine. ,lap Ships Hit Allied Headquarters, Australia, — Allied bombers probably damaged a Japanese aircraft carrier, scored two hits on a warship described as either a cruiser Or a battleship, probably damaged stilt another cruiser and left an unidentified ship ablaze in a raid on nuiu, the ,Itigh command annotine,: ed. To Restrict Newsprint Production Ottawa, ---- Restriction of rievesprint and tnagaeine paper production to the average rate of output of the six inotitlis April-September, 104.2, was announced officially coupled with a warning that there might be further curtailment. The output restriction is effective simultaneously in Canada and, the United States, and applies to the November output produeed for sale in ikith ebb n t Britain Free Picture Profits ,London, — Aro-und $60,000,000 in frozen profits of United film , States companies, from receipts in England during the past three war years, was released by the British Treasury. Jap Fleet Left Solomons. • Washington, — The Japanese fleet which has been menacing the Amer- ican forces on Guadalcanal Island in the Solomons "has retired from the scene," Navy Secretary Frank Knox said. Further, he told a press con- ference, "we are still in Guadalcanal, occupying every inch of 'ground we ever controlled." Hepburn Says Rubbish Mitchell F. Hepburn, termed as "absolute rubbish" a report he was heading back into the premiership "I am not heading back into the premier- ship at all," Mr. Hepburn said in com- menting upon the report which.had it. that he was taking midi a step cause of reported divided support be- ing given to Mr, Conant. Such a re- port„he said, was "an irresponsible tumor, spread to damage the Liberal party and embarrass Mt. Conant. Students Struck From Army List Halifax, Thtee Dalhousie Univer- sity students have been struck off the strength of the university's Canadian Officer's Training Corps for failing fo attend a satisfactory number of par- ades, it was learned at headquarters of Military District No. 6 here. Hepburn Gives Ilia Reason Toronto, ,--14 }ton, Mitchell F. Rep, bum, whose resignation as premier of Ontario Came 'With Startling sudden- ness, in a Statement said that "the intensification of partisan. pressure ieterferred With my administrative duties to a poitit where 1 was forced to choose between the party and the well-being of the nation; I have put my country first" U. S. Chief Called From Europe Washington, — Lt.-Gen. Dwight U. Eisenhower, commander of the 'Unit- ed States Army forces in the Europ- ean war theatre, was reported to have been called - home for "important con- sultations" with the high command. Alaskan Highway, Open Edmonton, — The announcement from Washington that the entire Al- askan highway now is open to, traffic indicates the United States army en- gineer troops have won their race to complete the "pioneer" roadway be- fore winter sets in. Nine Lost Airmen Found OttatVa, — After two nights and two dayS on the shore of a lonely North- ern Quebec lake, nine men of the Royal Canadian Air Force were found. They are the crew of a flying boat from an eastern air station which ran short of gas while on North Atlantic patrols and made a safe but emerg- ency landing on Lake Chanmonot. Saboteurs Had $153,000 Chicago,' — Ernest Peter Burger testified in Federal Court that lie and seven other Nazi saboteurs who land- ed in the United States from subs marines last June had approximately $153,000 in cash to finance their mis- sion of destruction. 20,000th Pupil Graduated St, Thomas,—The 20,000th mail to graduate from the re.C,A,V, Technical Training School at St Thomas re- ceived a special scroll at impressive ceremonies held on the school's parade grounds. A.C,2 J. M. Xing, a 21-year- old am-engine mechanic from Win- nipeg was the "milestone" graduate. To Close Ontario Jap Carhps All Japanese labor camps in West- ern Ontario will be closed shortly, it Was announced, The Jap-Canadians who spent the summer working on. Western Ontario farms will be given the choice of going to road Wilding 41•1.0.1•10.4=1.1 1.,11.0.11111.0.1111MOOMOMMO.M.O4MMI.M.011.E.M.M World Wide News In Brief Form namposmolomagnwolimp good travelling .companions for drop cookies as they fill in the spaces be- tween the cookies to good advantage. Honey pails lrld coffee tins make ox- cellcnt containers for fruit .breads and cakes, as they can be used both for baking and shipping, The staff of the Consumer Section, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa' had overseas boxes in mind when they tested these recipes; they are good travellers and guaranteed to make a hit with the boys. Overseas Fruit Bars 1 cup seedless raisins cup each — chopped candied. orange, lemon and citron peel cup chopped nuts, (optional) 1/2 cup syrup from canned fruit or orange juice 1 teaspoon vanilla 1h cup butter 1 cup sugar 1 egg 2% cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon 14 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/z teaspoon baking soda Wash raisins in hot water and. dry, Add peel, nuts, liquid and vanilla,' Cream the butter and sugar, add the beaten egg and beat well. Mix and sift the dry ingredients and add to the butter mixture. Add the fruit mixture last and mix thoroughly. Pat Manners. Elsie (aged six):. What's etiquette, Tommy? Tommy (aged seven): Etiquette Is the, noise you don't make when you're eating soup, • The Last Word Mrs, Murphy (concluding an ergo. ment): Every time I look at you,. Mrs. Patrick, I feel I'm 'doing the Government out of the entertainmeakt tax." Decision In Saboteur Cases Washington, -- The United. States Supreme Court ruled in its long-await- ed decision on the Nazi saboteur case that "the spy who secretly and with- out uniform passes The military lines of a belligerent in tithe of war seeking YO gather military information and ,communicate it to the enemy" or des- Hostile Mob Kills Canadian troy life or property is subject to trial Ottawa, — Pilot Officer Joseph and ,punishment by military tribunals, Henry Smith, of ICamloops, P, C., list-, ed by the R.C.A.F. last month as "killed on active service," died when a hostile mob in troubled India at- tacked a train, it was disclosed, Only meagre details of the incident were available at RC,A.F, headquarters.