The Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-11-05, Page 2PAGE TWO
. irighi1m..t Mvituce"Tire,
'ublialted at
and saw her dahlias lipdpl:ina sicll • : actives and friends met at their home to
a►titl Mn$sed ural, She went outside to `: extend conga ttnlatione to then► un till'
ittreetirrate, pandering if the host had; SOt1t anniversary of their marriage.
lett then!. As she wag stroking the . During the evening art address was
stalke she notieed ;t ttueutita• tiear-1 read and tee•) oCC15kna1 el •• irs evere
>gtitbstw�ripticptt Rate - One Year $2,00 gates and money, partly boned in the ° presented to this .estimable couple.
Six 'Months, $1.00 to advance 1 1.
,, dahlia aped. `lits' tt•onuin called /wake,
'LQ U. S. A,,. x.,50 per year
Foroiga $&00 per year
,'ted alt tpfifcdr t5>>t up 4gosititpn in Incendiary Botntt Is Souvenir
rate., ,,
tivertasaatg rates ort aplplisat pr., f thud not:n.0. Ile waited � for less than MON; his mangy tear souvenirs Air.
.,..„.,.�- y
eiti ttettettt1atateateatettatiatetteteteeetteatte : nabbed.
d gww.n+n..wmr..
Soldier Brothers. In
▪ Same; Hospital , used it ie. tnaaet and is an unusual
tIA augurs When the Youths Walk- I., \V. Flynt 1prires very highly
4 ell up to the flower bed they we're; German iieencllary bomb which he re -
coated from 'tis sort -it► late, teunner
George Hicks, wile is now stationed in
of the
England, Although the bomb has been
t Mr. ;and airs. Finer Phillips. Dun- souvenir in Canada. Ltstowet Yam
• atmpn, have,rectaved word from their finer,
r two eons,.Ja lees and. Arelate now serv-
bag in England, that they are both in
;, hospital there. They are in etlieittittg
ZWggNNpItMN111UttttttllltltU,tttitltlAttUTANtIttAAtllltUttttltAtt$ kbedh, .anti as their les is *Flt of a
Gout to upttn Needs Dentist critical nature, are enjoying each
late serious situation created lw the'Father's company meanwldle.
►set that there as no resident demist FFl`e Df Fam:ly Servin
in $entham plea at the present titin`,
a brought to the , tttettti let of the The Village of Arthur can boast of
oc;.l au, ontttd,, ldat at t, 11e et. at o
emeials in the l,dplpe that ction family and Sly front uwtlier to the
si+tee a
can be taken to remedy Vi +itliatNpla, i:tr.ttedl fare s+ ?11r. and Mrs. Sheldon
Reports front the eeheoi inta.cate. that t,`�tuiil hate Etre its the armed i;gees,
'tire teeth of several public scltaipl t atr4 the sista:, Cliitdpril, utas just pas-
1 f saga his uat:dreel eeantinatitpn at I.on-
tebaltlren aref haply alt taeeil Fa•
Von but because their parents have no'
means of trau:pertation to an out -def- Former Warden Passes
town dentist, tteattnettt cannot be giv. Owen tieiger, ,prominent Heusall
e.n.- S,outhaaurptd?n ZenonZenonlaetinessnpan and former warden of
Huron County Fiicd late last night at
Two Arrested As Gaye Pound #Itis home there, Death resulted from
Discovery of -cache of cigarettes cltaart trouble. Surviving are six sorts
And motley in a bed of dahlias led to l, and one daughter, Edmund of Lon-,
the arrest of two Goelerictt youths, Bion, Sidney cif Gore Bay, Oliver,
Both are charged with taking cigar- Penelou Falls, Dr. William of Water -
cites and uronci `slued et less than loo. Rory of Kitchener, Ira at home
;5: from the Vellus restaurant on and ►airs, E. Kennedy of Hensall.
October 10. One is..alse% charged with
haVing given tive tttentbers from one
the theft of a bicycle. The arrest at1 Years. Married
carate about to an unusual manner Mr. and Mrs Robert Newcomb
:when a housewife looked out of het of Blyth were pleasantly surprised
living -room window in the morning ; when e number of their neighbors, rel. -
Creamery Broken Into
Ilnring the early hours of Friday
morning, entry was forced into the
office of the Wellington County
Creamery, A:pinch bar was used to
force the door. Beyond a few gas-
otine ration hooks malting of value
was obtained. — Arthur Enterprise
Battery Officers Ronor Col. Bennett
The officers and assoeiatp mem-
em-thers of the 100th Battery, Reserve
Army, honored Hon. Col. E. D. Ben-
nett, at a banquet at the armouries
Wednesday evening. Iueiucling the
waves about fifty were present at the
gathering, Major E M. Creighton
presented Col. E, D. Bennett with a
shot gun. Mrs. Bennett was presented
with a bouquet of rnunts by Lieut. W.
E. Sweet. Maier S, A. MacDonald,
recently returned from overseas, was
welcomed and ledlowing the speeches
t social time \vaS enjoyed. — Listowel.
Buys. Mitchell. Flax Mal
The Lorne Fire Engine Co., build-
ing, Mitchell, awned by the bondhold-
ers of that company and oecupied. now
More =tap steel and fart is urgently ueededd if we areto produce the ships,
teualce ploneae, Ids and munitions ztecctssary to win this war. Toe are asked to
do your part lay turning in every available Ounce of scrap metal you canfind in
you home 'err on, your farm,
T c=perigee is from November 1st to Decemxber 15th, 1942-
In order to facilitate the ; ystetttatiic oolleotdZ of scrap iron and steel in your
County,, Wartime Salvage Limited, a Government Company,, and. the Steel Con -
broiler, have complete arrangements trying, your Ciaunty iilb'arden. and Township
leve to supervise the oollectictra and sale of the scrap iron and steel, you, deliver,
Dig out every ounce of scrap iron and steel you con pat your hands on.
Township Groups have been formed. 'riina out front your Townships &eve
hoer attd where he viishes you. to take your scup.
The price to be paid, Fay? Wartime Salvage Limited, a Goirensment
Ceittpass ;r has been fixed by the Department of Munitions and supply as-
o'r =
1., Price at. Collection point will be S7SwO0' per net, ton on gid..
• For scrap loaded opt Cars containing less than 'ZS tans, price
will be OM per net ton,
• For scrap loaded on cars containing 25 tons or more :price
will be $10,00 per net r:o.$. cam.
'lute above prices veil: $ e poi . for ol fauns. of sosttp inan and steel excludizigr
o) Sheet Tof any kutdl, (b) Automobile Bodies and, lenders,. (c), Stogy, and
(d) Wooden Attachments.
When irate have delivered your ,scrap he the place designated f arc' year
up enterdenoevrith, the instructicets your Tata Iteatea yeti. con & t-*
Sell your scraps, metal to the Government Eigeran & ride the pcoreeds
of such sale among the ' tali , =anthem of your Gopa io which you.
will ' app jinted your Township Reeve, Or-
c arn xrtcty donate yob sotelp znetoI to the 'V , Stele Ojos tt
Contniiteet '." iruit Caraineraty, C `.
" xuciysee you scrap mal, to the 'Geri ent ;# ens and t e tum
et, all . of the p ee of .this tole tothe +alSolvage
or Cliarities.
tones war curt
by yon
Conch& nee, :. auto
tiOttixttl *tee fume& on
Tbursday, November $, I94
by R, Gibson, nlatltiniet, and. U. Seig
leer, implement dealer, has been sold,
the transection tacking place Manes -
day afternoon, placing it in the pos-
session of the l-lesky telae Products
Co., with atolls at Seaforth and head
office in Toronto. — Seaforth Huron
Town. Takes Over Park
The Mililntay Park and Rink Comp-
any, Limited, which purchased, and
derelo[ ed the local recreation ground
some thirty* -five years ago, and pro
vided a rink .for the amusement of the
village youth, has passed out of exist-
once. The park property, which in-
eludes three lots on the south side of
Absalom street, has been transferred
ret the village, subject to its free use
by the Agricultural Society and the
public school, --- aliltlntay Gazette,
Injured In Rall From. Roof
Mr. Robert Taint, caretaker of the
Seaforth public school and Lawn
Bowling Greens, met with a serious
accident. He was on the kitchen roof
working at a window on the main part
of the house,. wizen he slipped and fell
to the ground, alighting on his head,
and narrowly missing, the doorstep in
the fall. He was rendered uncon-
scious, but was discovered shortly':
efte> • by Mrs, Joint,. and medical aid
was 'immediately summoned, when it
was found that he had a crushed vert-
ebra and was badly cut and bruised,
but, fortunately, no bones were brok-
en, •-- Seaforth Huron Expositor. .
Teeswater Dentist Going To Elora
For nearly seventeen years Dr. G.
G, McKee has practised denistry %n
Teeswater, but the latter part of No-
vember will give up his :practise here
and go to Etora where he has pur-
chased a denistry office, Dr. McKee
has not disposed of his local office,
but is making arrangements for a den-
tist to visit here a couple of days each
week to take cute of the needs of
people of this community- -- Tees -
water N ews,
Enlists As Chaplain
Rev and Mrs, Douglas MacDonald
and Mary: Ellen visited the first of the
eveek. at The Manse. Douglas has en-
listed as 'a Chaplain., and wilt con-
clude his pastorate at St Thomas next
'Sunday, when he will proceed to
Brockville For training. While here
Douglas conducted the evening serv-
ice in the Presbyterian Church, --
Luclnow Sentinel.
:Groceries Stolen
.Although; Walkerton, has been prac,-
tie ally free of the nefarious activities
Machines such as these,powered by electricity,
produce .303 cartridges.
We have the men, andthey have the courage and the waft) win.
What is needed now is a steady increase in production of the weapons
of war that will make out forces invincible.
Hydro powered machines in hundreds of Ontario's .war platrts
produce weapons to provide greater fighting power For our men at
sea, in the air, onthe battle fields.
To train equip, transport and maintain our aimed forces, each: of us.
• must work train, equip,
save a little more and lend all we can to Canada.. The
more Bonds we buy, the greater is our investment in Victory.
To safeguard and conserve our vital supply of electricity.--'rn our
homes, offices and shops -is a paramount duty.
There we opportunities
every day, every night, for each of us to save 1 ydro for our war industries..
These plants need all the power they can get. Every Victory Bond
you buy and every "bit" of electricity you save are contributions: you
can make to Victoryt
of the petty thief in recent ntontl ,. WEEKLY, EDITOR and other places which have been bad- ing west the plane is meeting head -
proof that this type of individual is 'r Ty ` damaged. The lesson learned on winds all the time. Therefore the
ET.f..S OF TRP from `these visits was that early pre- • journey which took mine and a half
paration to take care of raids is es-
sential if the :damage is to be kept to
a minimum. Canadian cities should
carefully study the steps which have
been found to. deal successfully with
raid damage.
It was now drawing near to the
time that the return journey must be
trade While everything could not
possibly be seen in the time alloted,
yet a representative cross section had
been seen of the Canadian Army, Air
For.:e, Navy, the British Industrial
effort, Civilian Defence, and so on,
Before leaving England, the editors
had another opportunity of seeing
General a[cNatt;l'tton,, who again re-
ceived them in a most cordial manner
and freely answered all their ques-
But although the government was
prepared to bring the Canadians back
home,and the editors were reedy to
gag, nature stepped in and ruled other-
wise t nfavorabie weather prevented
a take -off, and there turas a week's de-
lay in which each member of the party
was left to explore whatever was of
greatest interest to haul.
During this week some of the eda-
t.s et.rtedl,
tu•tny of the most interest-
ing spots its England, including \,Veils,
Bristol, and ottte:r places, while others
visited such pores as Stratford -On -
Avon, Cardiff, Wales, Salisbury, Gtuu-
eester, etc.
But the best of times comes to an
end, and early one matting they were
off on their way home. First, auto-
mobiles took theta to the station, then
t train carried members of the party
to the embarking paint and motor
launches took them to the plane which
conveyed them to .Ireland.
After a stole of a few hottra only in
Ireland, they hoarded the tr'.ttts-atlan
tie flying boat and itt a short time then
were over the Attantie.
The return jdxtrney ort a passenger
plate was much more-t:otn£ortable
than the trip going over on a bomber.
Tile passenger plane carries a airttw of
eleven, including lett attractive hostess
who busies. he;self supplying. tite .pas-
Sengers with unto, ntagasineS, and cig-
arettes. She also serves the meals.
which are very palatable. The sight
of white rolls, real eggs, and other
ftttsde which they had not seen for
tstve sir weeks were tangible signs t
The westward trip is altways sloowtt
than the• reveres direction as in echy-
stilt in our midst was brought to light
when Mr. Herb: Meyer, an employee
a the local Hydro sett -station, who re-
sides in the southerly limits of the
form ,reported to Chief of Police
Sack. Ferguson that some Iight-finger-
ed gent had removed from his car a
£till week ; sp.4ly of groceries and
meat which he had'"just purchased,
while it was parked on Jackson Street,,
near the Bell Telephone cortter. --
Walkerton Harald -Fumes..
Barra Burned
Fire broke oust Wednesday about
6:00 p.m. on the farm of Albert Nes-
coueeasi-?u 7, Morris- Mr. Nes-
bitt and his sits were plowing- an the
fart¢ when a neigiabor noticed the;
blaze ceatd nt_ front use barn. The blaze
started on the inside of true barn but
its ariegirr is unknown_ AU the seas-
sones tree?, was lost besides a hay -
loader. wag+ . and ereatst separator.
Loss of s.?es included about 200 put-
s which ii,.$ been recently moved
t tl a barn, and a number of pigs.
Lrtinnately the wind was its the rig"a
d irectieta ail_ ging the house and t le
i~ tw shed to f e saved,
yr gars With Bran
3.,e• 2-.4 ,2 t r
truer. ... 1.
Ile a
d7c. , ik'B-. notable
a �a b;
far 3Lc t;: S Seswinii ex -Mayor
alkertzt, as it marked fifty years r
CCptatittae t3 employment Wa Cr the
techs el FWnaiture C+o npaay. It was;
Oettaher 25th, 1.592., eat Mr4
wheat began woes.' with et facet e
"rat as a hand carver.
�.�g,s"r . ,.;��Eha�rt nitre l p_
-Sgt. Salt y Simone, oinvae, rs, . ,fu Mr.
S.'1. ,ai, Sin:^.•rus of t;,pwtt, is a
i1 a
military iteseitail at Kizer
Africa.. TGs city is tae capital
'•e Aegte-Egatian. Sedate and; is
-of the
wears p C k��
`tr � -4` 3'�Ci�. itit
jv eticrs of the Waite and Blue
I Ran- , it caiue into, pre a tetsee
13 witett the city was soaked by-
tad:elate lea Gene "Chinese"
kited hi i1 .$, ire the stahse.l
Fe a tree titer Geneve.
trcmit Kite: ert tone i tede1: the
tteepete - " 1]urbans aisunkte.``
Thisis the fourth of a series written
by Walter R. Legge;,. Granby Editor,
for the Canadian Weekly News-
paper Association -
Following the inspection,iof the Air
Force stations, the editors were taken
to cne of the ports, where they had
an opportunity to go over ane of the
destroyers. They; also saw tite train-
ing of the future heroes of the navy,
and a parade of four thousand naval
White with the Navy, the editors
were taken to the "Victory'', the flag-
ship of one of England's greatest her-
oes,. Admiral Nelson. This was the
ship from which his fatnons message,.
"England expects that every man will
do his duty'. was flashed as he lea
the 2T English slaps against 33 French
and Spanish ..hips at the battle of Tra-
faigar in 1S0a.
This visit to the '►Victory",will be
a eecribed in greater detail its a' sub-
s -tweet article.
Returning 3., London, conferences
and meetings were held with Lord.,
n,3nt,. Minister of Food; Hon.
Arthur Bevan, 'Minister of Labour;
Hone; Herbert Morrison, Minister of
National. Service; Hon. 1. S. Amery,
Minister for irdia; Sir Stafford Cripps,
Rome Secretary; the Hon. Brendon
Bracken, Minister• of Information, and.
a mteetirig with the Hon. 'Winston
Churchill in lois office. It would be
iesste to tell muctr about these
meetings in orte article so they wilt
,be d' east with, tater.
All these= c.mferenees were arranged
ley talc: Hon. Vincent Massey, High
t F antisstotter for Canada, wife ace
ect ►partied: the editors on these oc-
easicts. He was indefatigable its try-
in to make the visit of the Canadian
Edsttrs both itefpfatt and interesting,
Dtariatg the last part of the tulle ht
Englas4 vast enelerground factories
were visited and also factories where
aerepianes attd other supplies were be.
lag stall:. 'nese visits here also of
great interest ani the problenes: of
easing, tratts,portatio1i, tn'attpower,
et4., were closely: studied. Those face
teres i.t ad t oa to being of huge
were just as tip to date, and cf.
ficient. as att�?t!t ttiw that could he found:
study of limb b dantage took tttt±
per: t+r Ew"i+tot,. Baths 'Portstntxutlt,
hours' tune going over took seventeen
hours for the return trip. However,
in the passenger plane there are berths
so that it is possible to sleep for a
good part of ttte way,
The trip is nearly all made above
the clouds; but the passengers could
not see the su)nri:e, Which is usually
a wonderful ;iglu from a plane, -as
the sun was directly behind thens.
One of the interesting sights front
the plane is ,Prince Edward Island
dvllacli .is partieulary beautiful from
the air, and rivals the views over
Early Saturday morning the Can-
adian editors were gently deposited at
an Eastern CanadiareFort, thus bring=
ing to an end a trig such as has been
made by few people and which will
be remembered by theas long as
they live.
lit the letter of ins truttions which
each editor teceivedbefore leaving
Canada, one sentence read, "Pott will
be allowed to see •thingswhich few
people have been permitted to see, and
yon -will be told things which few
people have heard." This prediction
was more than fulfilled.
During the six weeks, the editors
travelled More than eleven thousand
titles, made tip ni 1930 miles by bus,
1540 mites by train, 500 miles by auto-
mobile, 6400 and
ttsiles ley plane e
about 400 wiles ort foot This was the
record kept by the writer and is
probable- the averoge of the patty, but
some trot elled even store than that
by- taking; Special jouruews.
After this brief ►outline of the trip,
more eletaailed a.cpunts of the various
activities Vitt be given in articles to
An honest matt has a chance to
succeed} itttt elishaoest man has acechargee whateaver.
Point Scientific itrunhs,
usablesur to yam'
Mut, Comfortable 1i'Woo