HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1942-10-15, Page 4 40.1=10.0l1=t01"==:40)::Ol '411,Oil 0 tOlg1". AUCTION SALE — of farm stock and implements will be held at Lot 2, Concession 2, Turnberry, near Douglas School, at 1 p.m., on Friday, October 16th. Terms — Cash, Matt. Gaynor, auctioneer; Chas. W. Kitchen, proprietor. AUCTION SALE — of household effects, etc., will be held at Lang- side, Lot 26, Concession 4, Kinloss Township, at 1 p.m., on Thursday, October 15th, Terms — Cash. Well- ington Henderson, Auctioneer, Wal ter Scott, Proprietor. Miss Isabel Milligan, London, is spending a weeks vacation at her home tore. - Mr. .and Mrs. Neil Car, Wingham, were week-end guests of Mrs. H. Wal- ler, Dr, W. A, , and Mrs. Spence were holiday guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Rann, Thankoffering Meeting° The Autumn Thankoffering meet- ing of the W. M, S. United Church, will. he held on Sunday morning next at 11 'a.m. Rev, Hugh Wilson of Brussels will be guest speaker, All are cordially invited to be present at this special service. Home Helpers Meeting The October meeting of the W. M, S. United' Church was held 'in the church school room on Thursday of last week. It was the Home Helpers meeting with Mrs. D: W. Rae in charge, The meeting opened with the hymn, 0 Lord of Heaven and Earth and Sea. Then the scripture lesson and prayer by the leader, who also repeated a poem "Homes". All joined in repeating the General Thanksgiv- ing., During the business period plans were made to hold a business meeting Thursday evening o'f this week, Oct- ober 15th at the home of Mrs. G. A. Wearring. Happy the home when God is there, was the closing hymn, followed by the repeating of the Lord's Prayer. Induction Service St. James Anglican Church was the scene of aimost impressive service on Friday evening last, when the induc- tion of Rev, E, M. Caldwell took place. The chancel was attractively decorated with an arrangement of late summer flowers. Rev. E. 0. Gallag- her of Wingham, Rural Dean of Hur- on Diocese, was in charge of the serv- ice and was assisted by the following clergy: Rev. Mr. Oldham, Brussels, Dr. Hurford, Seaforth, Rev. Mr. Westrew, Mount Forest, Rev. P. Streeter of Myth, who preached the sermon, basing his address on , the words, Thou shalt be a good minister ,of Jesus Christ. Timothy 1, ch. 4, verse 6. The choir from Mount Forest Anglican Church led in the service of praise and contributed an anthem. Following the service a reception was held in the Town Hall. Mr. I. J. Gamble of Fordivich acted as chair- man and opened the program with everyone singing "0 Canada". Mrs. Frank King as pianist and John Gamble accompaning on the violin. Rev. Mr. Caldwell spoke words of welcome and also led in a sink-song. Mrs. Starlietz of Mount Forest, fav- ored with a piano solo, Racmormoff's prelude in C sharp Major. Mrs. Gil- storf also of Mount Forest sang a solo, The ninety and Nine. The fol- lowing ministers and laymen spoke briefly: The Rural Dean Gallagher; Rev. Oldham; Rev. Mr. Copeland; ReV. 5. L, Foster; Dr. Hurford; Mr. Roberts of Wingham; Rev. Westrew, each bringing greetings and good wishes to the •new Rector and his congregation. Refreshments were serv- ed by the ladies of St. James church, Wroxeter, St. Stephens Church, Gor- rie and Trinity Church, Fordwich, and a social hour enjoyed. The singing of the King and Auld Lang Syne brought the evening to a close. Red Cross Workers Attention The Work Committee of the Local Red Cross would like any work taken out before September 1st., to be com- pleted and returned not later than the last week 'in October in order that the shipment may be made early in November, Home Nursing Course ,.Those planning to take the Home Thursday, 'Oct, 141),* 194Z. Sale of Potatoes NO, 1 -ONTARIO 3 BAGS FOR ''$4.95 75 POTATOES, Domestic es $L 5 6 lbs. Appl 25c 'Cooking Bushel, for --- Campbell (Mary) predecea'sed him 19 years ago. The funeral held at the hoRd on Thursday was conducted by 'Rev. J. L. Foster of United Church where Mr. 'McMichael was a member, assist- ing at the graveside was Arch Deacon- Hartley of Kincardine. The pall- bearers were: Morley and Harvey-- McMichael, George and Wes. Paulin, Russel Rae and Jack Maclean, Inter- ment was made in Wroxeter Cem- eter. WEDDINGS Gold - Paulin St. James Anglican Church, Wrox- eter, was the scene of a lovely aut- umn wedding on Saturday, October- 10th, 4 p.m., when Jessie Isobel,, daughter of Mrs. George Paulin and. the late Mr. Paulin became the bride- of Harris Gold, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gold, Toronto. Rev. E. M. Caldwell was the officiating, clergyman. Given in marriage by her brother,. Mr. Robert Paulin, the bride wore a. becoming costume of Hunters green and brown with brown accessories, a corsage of Talisman roses was worn. Mrs. Albert Gold was her sisters at- tendant wearing a brown ensemble, her corsage was ophelia roses. Mr. Albert Gold supported ,the groom. Following the ceremony ,a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride's mother. Later the happy couple left for a short honeymoon, after which the groom will return to Petawawa where he is stationed with the Canadian Engineers, while. Mrs. Gold will return to Toronto where she is engaged in War Work, Dominion Provincial War Training - Programme WE TRAIN YOU "INDUSTRIALLY" Sponsored students are being trained and transferred to their War Job as quickly All Schools listed below (except Stratford) Apply direct or SEND THE APPLICATION TO: as requiraa— WOMEN AND MEN mark the course desired: • O --General Machine Shop, including Blue Print Reading, practical work on all machines, Bench Work and Mathematics—Micrometers, O —Welding— Arc and Atetylene--London. 0 —Aircraft Woodwork — Kitchener, London,. Stratford, Owen Sound. O —Aircraft lVfechanics—London School. Mr. W. A. McWilliams, 'Seal Technical, London Mr, Fred Pugh, Kitchener Vocational School Mr. Wm. Prildharn, Owen Sound Vocational School Mr. Fuller, Stratford Vocational School Subsistence Paid While Training Good Wages assured Transfers to Work when qUalified. Sign your name here .«....... ..,......._,,..,« --- Address "Liod • • o . 44.01 ....... •.,•••441:0191.10na .. .. ..... WE CONFORM TO ALL FEDERAL ORDERSNIN.COUNCIL RESPECTING ENLISTMENT—Military and. Industrially por further information write to T H. Scott, Field gepresetitative, Hotel London, London Ontario. -11011011110.1.111111110010111011, FOR SALE — Spy apples 50c bush- el on the tree. Apply George Ken- nedy, Lucknow, R. R. No. 1. FOR SALE — Two Leichester rams, also 3 Oxford Downs. Apply George Kennedy, R. R, No. 1, Luck- now. FOR SALE — 13 13. T. water bowls, piping and float box. Apply Joe Smith, Phone 600R31, Turnberry. LOST — Rubber Boot in vicinity of Morrisbank corner. Reward. Noti- fy Norman McLaughlin or Advance- Times, FILES — sufferers of bleeding and protruding piles should know Bunk- er's Herbal Pills treats the cause at its source. Money back if not satis- fied—at better Drug Stores. CLEARING AUCTION SALE — 'The property of the late J. W. Gamble of Howick, will be held at Lot 2 and part 3, Concession 9, one half mile West of Gorrie, on No. 87 Highway, on October 23rd, con- sisting of 62 head of Durham cat- tle and cows, 17 Oxford 'Down sheep, 11 pure bred ,,Clydesdale mares and colts, hens, hogs and a lull line of farm implements. No reserve as farn has been sold. Terms—Cash. Watch for bills. FOR RENT — Two apartments with hot water heating, also two horses and two used electric washing machines. Apply W. J. Clark, Phone 1415. FOR SALE — Young canaries. Apply Mrs. Geo. Sidling, Minnie St. FOR SALE — Two sows, one due in October, also a hog, Durham Bull, some cows and young cattle. Apply George Irwin, Wingham, FOR SALE — 15 ft, of well curbing tile. Apply to Geo* S. Cruick- shank, Lower Wingham. WAITRESSES—wanted for a private' hospital in ,Westerhi-' Ontario city. We provide single rooms and board. Good wages, permanent work. Ap- ply in first instance stating age. etc., I to National Selective Service Office, New Post Office Bldg., Guelph, Ontario. WANTED — to purchase pullets all ages and breeds. Get our paying prices before selling. Also wanted flocks to supply 415 with hatching eggs for 1943 season. Flocks culled and blood tested free\ Good pricey paid. Write for full details, — Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 'WILDER'S STOMACH POWDER' efficacious home remedy for indiges- tion, acid stomach, digestive ail- ments. World famous formula. 50r and $1.00 at McAvoY'S Drug Store. CARD OF THANKS The Officer and Comrades of the Wingham: Salvation Army Corps wish 'to extend heartiest thanks to all who have helped to put the /Zed Shiell Home Front Appeal over the top. Special thanks is due to Mr. R. H. Lloyd as Campaign Chairman, Mr, F, Howson as Vice-Chairman and Mr. G. E. Northwood as treasurer, We appreciate the publicity given to us by CKNX arid the Advance-Times, and all those who took part in the WANTED Young men and women for Air- craft assembly. A class, is start- ing at the Listowel plant of the Andrew Malcolm Furniture Company, for complete practical instruction en the emitttittion of aeroplane parts.. Good Wages paid while learning. Apply to Selective StoVite Of. flee, Listowel. ,•••11,,Fir 1".,TR WINGHAM ADVANCE .MMES AUCTION SALE — of farm stock and implements, will be held at Lot 31, Concession 3, Kinloss, three mileS north of Whitechurch, at 2 p,m., on. Wednesday, October 21st. Terms—All sums of $10.00 and 'inder cash, over that amount six, months credit will be given on bank approved notes bearing interest at 5 per cent per annum, Matt. Gay- nor, auctioneer; Alex. Cameron, proprietor. 0 IN MEMORIAM EDGAR — In loving memory of a • dear husband and father, George Henry Edgar, who passed away on October 18th.; 1939, We often sit' and think of him when we are all alone, For memory is the only friend that grief can call its own, Like ivy on the withered oak, when all other things decay, Our love for him will still keep green and never fade away. Sadly missed by his wife and family. FARM FOR SALE Tenders for the purchase of the farm •owned by the late Ernest W. Robinson, being Lot 32 in the 9th Concession of the Township of East Wawanosh, consisiting of 200 acres will be received by the undersigned until October 16, 1942, On this farm is situate a frame barn 50 ft, by 65 ft. on stone foundation and a cement veneer house. ^ The farm is supplied with water by a spring, well and windmill. There is. about 20 acres of bush consisting mostly of maple, beech and elm. The property is lo- cated on a county road four miles west of the Village of Belgrave and 1'/4 miles from school. The land is mostly clay loam. 12 acres has been sown in fall wheat and 38 acres fall plowed. The :highest, or any tender not necessarily accepted, J. H. CRAWFORD, Barrister, Wingham, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the estate of William Ernest Robin- son, late of the Township of East Wawanosh in the County. of Huron, Farmer, who died on or abopt the twenty-sixth day of September, A. D. 1942, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario,, on or before the twenty-fourth day of Oct- ober, A. D. 1942, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty-fourth day of October, the assets of the said intes- tate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the adminis- trator shall then have notice. DATED• this second day of Oct- ober, A. D. 1942. J. H..CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Eli Edgar Bolt late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the thirty-first day of July, A. D. 1942, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ont- ario, on or before the twenty-fourth day of October, A. D, 1942, full part- iculars of their claims in writing. Im- mediately after the said twenty-fourth day'of •October, the assets of Alm said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which the ex- ecutors shall then have notice. DATED this second day of Oct- ober, A. D. 1942., J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors . NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Robert Stocks late of the Village of Wroxeter in the County of Huron, Undertaker, who died on or about the twelfth day of August, A. 13. 1942; are notified to send to j, H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario,• on or before the twenty-fourth day of Oct- ober, A, D. 1942, full particulars of 'their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty-fourth day of October, the assets of the said test- ator will be -distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this second day of Oct- ober, A. D. 1942. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, MOLESWORTH Mr. and Mrs. john McIntosh are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Morphet and family at Windsor, Mrs, MeXnight Cumming is visit. ing her parents in Toronto. Miss Joyce Elliott of Guelph, spent the week-end at her home, We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Lambkin. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery, On Wednesday afternoon, Septem- ber Mil., Mrs, Altina Lambkin enter- tained about forty members of the War Waiters Auxiliary at her home. 'rhe ladies brought their knitting stud the. afternoon was spent in a social manner. A program' was math en- joyed of piano selections 'by Miss Etta MeXte: reading's by Miss „Acheson, and Mary Adair; paper on Current tveqtz by Mrs. Swart Utkerther; solo "ShePberdfa Serenade" by Miss Group Captain E. G. Fullerton, Commanding officer of the new R.C.A.P. No. 9 Service Flying Train- ing School, just opened at Centralia, Ontario. Jean Campbell and community sing- ing. Mrs. j, Dickson had charge of the program. Lunch was served and silver collection taken which amount- ed to $10.81.- Mrs. Clifford Elloatt, Mrs. Charlie Felker, Mr, Bert Elliott and Miss Jean Pearson of Ethel, spent Saturday at Kitchener and Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Case Black and Freda spent Sunday with friends at the Nile. LOCAL COMMITTEES FOR RATION SYSTEM These Groups Will Work Without Pay The Wartime Prices and Trade Board is taking steps to reorganize its ration system, the chairman, Don- ald Gordon, said this week. By en- listing local people with an intimate knowledge of community conditions, it is planned to set up local ration of- fices in the municipal •bulidings at some .500 centres across Canada. While final plans have not yet been announced, the Boards will be so lo- cated as to give representation to all areas. The local boards-will be staffed by volunteers chosen from among lead- ing citizens of the communities con- cerned, who'will work without pay as part of their War effort. Mayors and reeves are being asked to act as 'chair- men of the local ration boards and to submit nominations for board mem- bers. The boards will be made up of !people representing agriculture, trade and industry, labor, the professions, and women. "The move is designed to give bet- ter and more understanding service to the people of Canada with a min- imum of expense and inconvenience," Donald Gordon, chairman of the War-, ..inae Prices and Trade Board, explain- ed. "It will bring local knowledge to hear upon local ration problems." Tihe local boards will 'have wide poWers in administering local matters relating to rationing. This includes such work as issuance of ration books for new born babies, collection of the ration books of deceased persons, re placement of lost books, special al- Idwances to soldiers on leave, allow- ances and similar business, which it is believed can best be handled by persons familiar with local conditions. BLYTH H. C. Johnston In the passing of Mr. H. C. John- ston in Seaforth Hospital early Fri- day morning, Blyth lost one of its best known and youngest business- men. Mr. Johnston was the only son of Mr. Wm. Johnston and the late Mrs. Johnston and was born in this vicinity forty-six years ago. He serv- ed in the last Great War and was wounded in one of the major battles. He will be long remembered for the part Ile played from 1914 - 1918. Mr. Johnston is survived by his wife, the farmer Ruby Metcalfe, of Waterdown, one daughter Frances and a son Will- iam Ross. At the time of his death Mr. Johnston was proprietor of the Commercial Hotel in Blyth. He was highly esteemed by the travelling pub- lic who aiway had the best to say about the services rendered to them, His genial pleasant mariner in his place of business will be greatly mis- sed. A private service was held at his late home Sunday afternoon with Rev. Arthur Sinclair, pastor of the United Church in charge and' the members of the A.P. A,M, conduc- ted their service at the home and place of interment in the Union Cem- etery, The floral tributes 'were many and beautiful and bore mute testimony to the excellent quality of mind and heart of" the deceased. Pallbearers: Mr. Morritt, Prank Elliott, Chester Morrison, Kenneth Whitmore, Elmer Pollard, D. Philip, Mrs. Lloyd Wittiaufer spent over the week-end,with friends, in Toronto, Mr. Bettrani Elliott reetivtd word on Saturday from Ottawa granting hint a Commission as Pilot Officer. hhe leaves this week for'Halifax, Miss Gladys Fawcett, of Tomato, spent over the holiday with •her moth. dr. Mrs. Alice Fawcett. Mr, Reg, Arjent, schoOl. teacher at Welland, spent over the week-end with his parents, Eyed and Vern Ar- jent. The funeral service of the late Mrs. Wesley Farrow of Toronto, was held in the United Church, Monday afternoon, Mrs, Farrow before her marriage was Miss Annie Johnston of Westfield. Surviving are her husband and one daughter and a son, Inter- ment took place in the family plot in Union Cemetery, ASHFIELD Thanksgiving visitor$ at the homes of friends and relatives are as fol- lows: Miss Ina. Campbell, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Camp- bell; Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Wheeler, with her parents, Mr. and Mrg, Geo. Lane; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cameron and three small sons, with his parents, Mr. and Mr$. T. A. Cameron and brother, Mr? Ralph Cameron and sis- ter, Mrs. Robinson, East Wawanosh, Mrs. Ernie 'Wilkins, 4th con. near Dungannon, spent Snuday• with her daughter, Mrs. Bert Alton. Mr, Wilfred Farrish and Mr. Rollie Grant have• gone on the Harvester Excursion out West, Miss Pearl Caldwell, Leamington, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Caldwell at the home of Mrs, Sam Sherwood, 10th con. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sherwood and daughters, Shirley and Norma, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Sam Sherwood, We are pleased to say Mrs. Sherwood is able to get out of bed herself now without help. ' ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd, Mr. Stanley Todd, Mrs. D. Philips yere visitors at Stratford on Saturday. Thanksgiving visitors in the com- munity- included Mr. and Mrs. Neely Todd of Stratford with Mr. and ,Mrs. D. Todd; Mr. Mel, Brown of Kitch- ener with Mrs. Brown; Mrs. Bonnet of Winnipeg and Mrs. Kilpatrick of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mc- Donald; Misses, Annie and Donalda Clark of Guelph with Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Dougherty and Gwen of Guelph, were recent visitors with Mrs. R. J. Woods'. On there return they were accompanied by Mrs. Woods, who spent Thanksgiving with her son; Dr. Alvin Woods at Dundas.. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Salkelk, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Miller,. Miss Isobel Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Todd and Anne, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller and Mr. Allan Miller attended the funeral Of their uncle, Mr. J. W.' Salkelk at Gode- rich on Sunday. Mr. Ivan Magaffin has enlisted an an air-gunner and reported to Mann- ing Depot, Toronto. Miss Jean Thom who has spent the past few weeks at Flesherton, is a visitor at her home here. LETTERS FROM OVERSEAS A short time ago a' number of cit- izens of Nottingham,. England, open- ed The British Empire Club for men from overseas in .His Majesties Forc- es. Many prominent men of this city sponsor this club. Recently L.A.C. Charles ,McKibbon visited this club and as the result of this visit Mr. Mc- Kibbon received the following letter: Mr. J. W. McKibbon, Wingham, Ontario, Canada. Dear Mr. McKib:bon: I am writing to tell you that we re- cently had the pleasure of a visit from your son who is, in good health and spirits. Members of the Club' were very pleased to have the opportunity of meeting him and extending a warm welcome to him, and we sincerely hope he will be free.to pay us another visit in the very near future. It .is a real privilege for us' in the Old Country to meet our kinsmen from overseas and we are all deeply appreciative of the sacrifices they are making in the common cause. I send you my best greetings with the earnest hope that victory may soon be ours so that your dear one may re- turn speedily and safely to you. "Yours Sincerely, Louis Pilsworth, Lord Mayor, President WROXETER Rev. j. L. Foster was at Salem, (Teeswater District) conducting an. niversary services on Sunday last. Mr. Harry Hopper, Wingham, had charge of United Church services in the absence of Mr. Foster, Mr, and Mrs, H. Thrum and family were guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. nay. lot, rordwich one day recently. Mr. John ..Maellaughton. Spent the 'week end with his friend, Mr, ;Jack McLaughlin at Wingham. Mrs. Wilford Travis, Cornith, visit- ed last week with her parents, Rev, JW L. and Mrs. Potter. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Gold and ibaby of Toronto, were week -end guests of Mrs, George Paulin. RED TOKAY GRAPES .• • „ lb. 15c WASHED BULK CARROTS „ . 3 lbs. 10c PEPPER .SQUASH .... 3 for 140 DOMINION (White or Brown) , BREAD 2 24 oz. Loaves 17e NEW CANADIAN CHEESE pound ADO.. CLARKS TOMATO Vegetable or Scotch Broth SOUPS 10 oz. Tins.20c Nursing Course in the Red Cross Rooms will kindly note that arrange- ments have been made with the in- structor, Miss Helen Gardiner, of Niagara Falls, to,.have the classes in the afternoon and evening 2 to 4 and, 8 to 10 o'clock. It is hoped that ow- ing to' this arrangement, many more housewives will be able to take the course. Mrs. W. A. Sawtell can give all particulars to those interested. 'OBITUARY Archibald McMichael On Tuesday of last week, October 18th, there passed into the great be- yond a well known and highly es- teemed citizen in the person of 'Archie McMichael. Mr. McMichael had been in poor health for several months but had been able to go about so his sudden passing was a shock to his family and friends, Deceased who was in his 74th year, was a son of the late Archie Mc- Michael and Fanny Montgomery Mc- Michael, was born at Belmore. When a young man he came to Wroxeter Settling on the farm now owned by Harvey McMichael, later maving to the present home near the village. Mr. McMichael was a successful farmer, a loving husband, a ,kind friend and neighbor and will be great- ly missed in our community. He is survived by his wife, formerly Mary Harris, a grandson Harris Campbell, also five sisters, Mrs. G. Paulin; Mrs. D. L. Weir, of Wroxeter; Mrs. Mc- Tavish, Windsor; Mrs. Montgomery, Wawanosh; Mrs. Smith in the West; also 4 brothers, Tom, Robert and Dick of this place; William, of Blue- vale. A daughter, Mrs. Graham cents a word per insertion, with a Minimum charge of 25c. 1 0,) `IMO, 40.7101. 4011:401=1:101=10 APARTMENT or HOUSE WANT- Radio Broadcasts, We express our ED Apply Mrs. Thos. Irwin, R, appreciation to you who helped can. R., No. 4, Wingham, Phone 627R3, vass the town, and to all who gave. We appreciate all contributions large or small, and in return for your con- fidence will, try to carry on the work to which we have been appointed. JEWEL Shortening, 1.1b. pkg. 19c BULK MACARONI OR Spaghetti 3-lbs. 14c CLARKS TOMATO Juice ... 2-20 oz. tins 15c PURITAN TOILET Tissue 3 rolls 14c PRINCESS SOAP Flakes . • . large pkg. 23c Supersuds, reg.' pkg. 20c PALMOLIVE Soap, . .. reg. size bar 6c • .. 3 giant bars 25c FIVE ROSES 08 lb. ark 24 lb. .79c FLOUR • Bag " • 14UF ,Bag FRESHED MILLED' BULK 61 ibti• 25c ROLLED OATS NO. 2 ONTARIO 10-1b. bag ONIONS . 25c LARGE WHITE CELERY stalk 7c LARGE GREEN CABBAGE' . each 5c JUNIOR AYLMER INFANT 2tinsi9c FOODS Tin 7c