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With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News.
Single Copies Five Cents WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER i&t,, 1942 Subscriptions $2,00 Pa Yew,
'THIRD vicsroRy LOAN
county Organization Set Up. Com-
mittees and Canvassers To Be
.Appointed •Shortly
The Organization of Huron County
for the Third Victory Loan Campaign
is well under way.
A. J. McMurray, Mayor of Clinton,
has accepted the Chairmanship and
Frank Fingland, K.C., Clinton and
'Geo. H. Jeferson, Clinton, are the
..Joint Secretaries. Serving with them
as Vice-Chairman are, Robert Bow-
man, Brussels; Dr, A. R. Campbell,
Hensall; Jas. Kinkead, Goderich; J,
G. Mullen, Se:Worth; Victor Falconer,
Clinton; and H. C. MacLean, Wing-
ham. PI. J. Vandewater is back again
as Organizer With S. C. Hetherington
as Assistant • Organizer.
Under such strong leadership it is
assured that every effort will be made
to maintain Huron County's excellent
record of supporting the all-important
Victory Loan Campaigns.'
Headquarters for" the coming Cam-
paign will be located ,in Clinton, Suit-.
.able accommodation has been obtain-
ed at the main intersection. The
services of Miss E. Paterson have
'been secured for duty at these offices,
Committees and Canvassers fOr all
-district§ will be appointed shortly and
it is hoped that the hearty welcome
and .co-operation that is their due will
'be accorded them by all Huron Coun-
ty residents when called on during the
'Third Victory Loan Campaign which
is to open October 19th, 1942,
it Was a Dud
The fire siren went on a whistling
splurge Saturday afternoon but to the
relief of all it turned, out to be a false
alarm. The siren for some unknown
reason sent forth its wailing message
.on its own account.
'Transferred To Kingston
Cpl. John Berendt, who has been
stationed at No. 31 Air Navigation
School, Port Albert since the Airport
-was opened, has seen transferred to
Kingston. John is well-known here
as he spent much of his spare time
in Wingham and his friends here wish
him every success.
Engagement Announced
The engagement is announced of
Ethel Louise, eldest daughter of Cpl.
Frank Vanner (overseas) aand Mrs.
Tanner, 89 Mamelon St., London,
Ontario, to L.A.C. Maurice A. Need-
ham, R.A.F., Clinton, eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Needham, of
Southampton, England. The wedding
to take place October 10th, in St.
Paul's Anglican Church, Wingham.
Agricutlure Minister's Son Missing
Pilot Officer Edwin Gardiner, son
of Agriculture Minister Gardiner, is
missing after air operation overseas,
-the Royal Canadian Ar Force report-
od Saturday on its 380th casualty list
of the war. The operation from
which Pilot Officer Gardiner failed to
return took place about five weeks
.ago, That length of time is allowed
to elapse . before men are named as
missing in air force lists.
preached At Harvest Home Service
Rev. E.• 0, Gallagher conducted the
Harvest Festival Service at St. Thom-
as Church, Walkerton, on Sunday
morning, In the evening the choir
of St. Paul's, Wingham, attended the
Harvest Festival at Trinity Church,
Belgrave and was in charge of the
praise part of the thanksgiving service.
The two anthems were sung "Thou
openest Thine hand", and "0 give
thanks unto the Lord." Mr. C. A.
Roberts read evening prayer and Rev.
E, O. Gallagher preached the Festival
Will Interview Both Men and Wo-
men on Thursday, October 8th
According to information received
here from the R.C.A.F. Recruiting
Centre, London, young men between
the ages of 18 and 82 are urgently re-
quired for aircrew, observer and pilots.
Wireless operators (ale gunners) be-
tween the ages of 18 and 33 with two
years successful High School are also
needed. Women are required for the
following trades: general duties, clerk,
teleprinter operator, driver transport,
cooks, messwomen, fabric worker.
The unit will be here front 1 p.m.
to 8 p.m. On Thursday, October 8th
and the recruiting Staff 'will gladly
furnish arty information that is desk,
ELM.C.S. Ottawa, Canadian des-
troyer, • pictured ABOVE, has been
sunk by enemy action in the Atlantic,
according to an announcement by
Conference Will Be Held At Bayfield
The annual Fall Conference of the
Deanery of Huron, Chapter, Laymen's
Association and Woman's Auxiliary
to the M.S.C.C. will be held on Tues-
day, October 6, at Trinity Church, at
Bayfield. The Rural' Dean, Rev. E,
0, 'Gallagher will celebrate the Holy
Communion to the delegates at 10
o'clock. Group conferences will fol-
low with the W. A. commemorating
the twenty-fifth year of its Deanery
of Huron organization.
At a joint meeting in the afternoon,
Rev. C. Cooper Robinson of Algoma
will give the conference address.
Archdeacon W. J. Doherty will pre-
sant some of the high-lights of the
recent meeting of the Boards of the
General Synod held at Port Arthur.
The 'diocese of Huron has met all
its apportionments for Missionary and
Religious Education and Social Serv-
ice work for the first three quarters
of the year, with the deanery of Huron
well up in the list.
To Address Orangemen.
Rev. E. M. Caldwell of Gorrie, will
address the regular meeting of Wing-
ham L. 0. L. No. 794, on Friday
evening at 8.30 o'clock.
Attended Grand Lodge
Mrs. D. B. Porter, Worthy Matron
of Huron Chapter No. 89, O.E.S., at-
tended the grand lodge of the Eastern
Star held in the Royal York Hotel,
Hospital Auxiliary Meets Monday
The regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Auxiliary to Wingham General
Hospital, will be held in the Council
Chamber on Monday afternoon, °e-
tc:6er 5 at 3,45.
Injured Wrist Proved Serious
Sgt. George Fitzpatrick who had his
wrist injured.in a motorcycle accident
at Petawawa some weeks ago, is home
on leave. He will report to London
this week and he expects to be board-
ed out of the army due to this injury.
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Ferrier of Fer-
gus, wish to announce the engage-
ment of their only daughter, Marg-
aretta Jean, to George Keith, son of
Mr, and Mrs. M. S. Watson, Gorrie,
Ontario, The marriage will take plate
quietly about the middle of October.
Sunday School Held Rally Day
There was a splendid atendance at
the Rally Day, Service held by St,
Andrew's Sunday School, Sunday af-
ternoon, The superintendent, Mr. R.
H. Lloyd, was in charge, The scrip-
titre lesson was read by Jessie Clel-
land and Iona Henderson sang a solo.
The, special speaker was the Rev. T.
J. Robinson of Stratford.
Holidays Cut To Six
By order-in-council the Federal
Government declared that only six
statutory holidays should be observed
by employers and employees for the
duration of the war, apart from Sun-
days or weekly days of rest apart
from Sunday. The Government order
set forth the following as statutory
holidays: New Year's Day, Good Fri-
day, the first Monday in.July (in lieu
of July 1)', Libor Day, Thanksgiving
Day and Christmas Day, This means
two holidays are taken from the list
of those customarily . marked in Ont-
ario—the 24th of May and Civic Holi-
Hon,' Angus L. Macdonald, minister
of naval services, Four officers and
108 ratings are missing, believed killed.
The• casualties include Petty Officer
Evening C.N.R. Train Arrives 25
Minutes Later
New timetables were put into effect
on Sunday, September 27, on both the
C.N.R. and C.P.R., bi.lt on the latter
as far as Wingham is concerned there
were no changes.
On the C.N.R. two changes were
made. The afternoon train to Toron-
to leaves Wing-ham at the same hour
as formerly, but arrives in Toronto
ten .minutes later. The evening train
from Toronto leaves there twenty-five
minutes later 5,55 p.m. instead of 5.30
and arrives here at 10.44 instead of
10.19. The mot ning trains to and
from Toronto remain unchanged.
Preached at St. Paul's
Mr. K. Kiddel, of Huron College,
preached in St. Paul's Church on Sun-
day morning.
Attended Meetings In London
rev.. J. Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fal-
coner, Mrs. O. Pryce, Miss R. Lewis
and Mrs. F. Collar attended the
meetings of the Middlesex-Lambton
Association of the Baptist Church
which were held in London last week.
Col. Drew To Open Teeswater Fair
It has been announced by the Tees-
water Fall Fair Board that Col. George
A. Drew, Conservative leader for Ont-
ario, will officially open the Teeswater
Fair this year. The • fair dates are
October 6 and 7. The official open-
ing will be held at 1 p.m., on October
Now Prisoner-Of-War
Ken Pennington, manager of the
Dominion Store here, received word
Tuesday morning that his brother,
Ross of . Goderich, is a prisoner-of-
war. He was reported as missing
following the Dieppe raid, Lieut. R.
S, Stewart of Toronto, son of the late
William Stewart of Bluevale, who was
reported as missing after the same
raid, is now reported officially as a
Honoured At A Shower
Mrs, Robt. Laidlaw, asisted by Miss
Mary Cruickshank, was the hostess of
a shower on Wednesday evening last
week in honour of Miss Hazel Wilson
whose marriage took place on Satur-
day. The bride received many gifts
of kitchen utensils in white and blue
enamel. About fifteen neighbors and
friends were present. The gifts ar-
rived at the Laidlaw home in the ex-
press wagon of their son Billy, who
wore the uniform of an expressman,
During the evening games were play-
ed and lunch was served. The shower
room was decorated in a color scheme
of pink and white and the table cent-
red with a miniature wedding cake, ,
A contract for drilling rock near
Sydney, Cape Breton, has been receiv-
ed by Mr, Fred Davidson of town.
This contract will last for the duration
of the war, Mr, Davidson is sending
one of his machines to Cape Breton,
the other will carry on with work in
this district. The rock will be used
as a flux by the .steel mills of that
Mr, Davidson, his soil William, Ed.
Thompson and john Haines will leave
Toronto Thursday for the scene of
operations, but Mr. Davidson expects
to return in a few weeks.
Bluevale and Whitechurch Included
in ;opal Clinic
One of ' the most important war
services that the Red Cross Society
carries on is the preparation of blood
which will later be given by transfus-
sion to wounded soldiers, sailors or
airmen. Blood Donors Clinics have
been established in all the large
centres throughout the Dominion.
These clines of course due to their lo-
cation were not available to the large
numbers living in other parts so mo-
bile clines: have been established 'so
that most all can take part in this im-
portant service.
One of these mobile clines will visit
here in the near future and all males
from the ages of 18 to 55 are eligible
to donate blood. At least 130 donors
are required for the district cline that
is being held here which includes
Bluevale and Whitechurch. Leave
your name either at McKibbon's Drug
Store or Dr. Connell's Office.
A Ladies Bingo will be held in the
Armouries on Friday, OctOber 2nd at
85 sharp, under auspices of Ladies
Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion.
25 games for 25c. Specials 5c or 6 for
25c. Proceeds used for buying and
making clothing for refugee children.
Moved To Oshawa
Mrs. Ross Anderson and daughter
moved to Oshai:va today (Wednesday)
where Mr. Anderson is employed by
General Motors. Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Pennington will occupy the home the
Anderson's vacated,
Preached At Milverton
Rev. Kenneth MacLean preached
Anniversary Services in the Presby-
terian Church at Milverton on Sun-
day. Rev. T. J. Robinson of Strat-
ford conducted the services in St.
Andrew's Church here.
Celebrating 25th Wedding
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Dark will be at
home to their friends and neighbors
on Saturday afternoon and evening as
they will on that day celebrate their
25th wedding anniversary.
Killed In Motor Accident
Mrs. E. G. Code was instantly kill-
ed in an automobile accident near
Oshawa, Mrs. Code was a sister-in-
law of Mrs. Dr. R. L. Stewart and
was well-known here having visited in
Wingham on many occasions,
Back To One Year
The two-Year term experiment for
municipal councils is dead, At the
recent session of the Ontario Legis-
lature the so-styled "local government
decision" of 1940 was neither re-en-
acted nor amended, hence is now null
and void, In ,conseqttence municipal
elections will now be held yearly -in
all municipalities as of yore. This
information comes from Hon, T, B.
McQuesten in a summary of munici-
pal and school legislation passed at
the 1942 Sesion of the Legislature.
Mr. and Mrs. joint P. McKibbon
and baby, Mr, and Mrs. Alton Adams,
spent a few days in Toronto.
Major IL S, Hetherington, Officer
Commanding the 99th Battery, Ter-
race, 13.C., who is attending a senior
officers course in Xingstoh, was home'
for the weekend,
Firemen Donate $300 They Raised On
Salvage Collection
The Wingham Fire Brigade have
for some time now being looking after
the salvage collection here. Every so
often they turn the proceeds from
their work over to the local Red Cross
Society. Their latest donation is
$300—no mean figure.
The firemen are to be congratulated
on this effort which takes up a great
deal of time and entails a great
amount of work. The public are co-
operating splendidly also. The collec-
tions are made the last Monday 'of
each month.
Received Appointment As Officer
Mr, Archie M. Peebles, lccal' post-
master, has been appointed a 2nd.
Lieut. in the 99th Field Battery, R,
C.A. (Reserve Force),
Taking Course At Woodstock
Seli and Leslie -Buckman of'
the 99th Field Battery, R.C.A., (Re-
serve Force) are attending a Driver,
Maintainance and Truck Course at
Arrived In England
Mrs. Honry Ross 'has received word
that her son Harold, has arrived over-
seas. He is the third of this family
to be serving in England as his father
and brother Henry, are there also.
Purchased Residence
Mr. William Austin of Teeswater,
has purchased the residence of Pte.
William Johnston on Frances Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin will move to
Wingham shOrtly.
Formed Partnership
The Wallpaper Shop which has
been conducted here for some years
by Mr. Elmer Wilkinson is now•being
operated under the partnership of
Wilkinson and Mathers.
Joined U. S. Army
Mr. George Allen of Chicago has
been visiting with his- father, Mr.
Robert Allen for the past week. On
his return to the United States George
will report 'for army duty having en-
listed in Uncle Sam's Army.
More Enlistments
Several more of the young men of
town have enlisted in some branch of
the service, jack Orvis, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Orvis, has joiqed
the army; Wilbert Hogg, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Feed Hogg, is now connec-
ted with the mechanical transport;
Russel Zurbrigg had joined the R.C.
A.V., and will report at Gait, October
7th to take an 18 week's course, One
of the young men Ken Pollard, has
enlisted in the Royal .Canadian Navy.
Miss Bunyan Leaves This Week,
Miss Barfoot Next Week
On Sunday Miss H. Bunyan bade
farewell to the members of Grace
Chapel (City Mission), after serving
here for over two years. For the
present she is leaving the work to
care for her parents in Petrolia. Miss
W. I3arfoot, who bids farewell next
Sunday leaves 'to take up similar work
at Listowel.
The two new deaconesses who will
have charge here will be, Miss V.
Schwass of Listowel and Miss L.
Purdy, of Sarnia.
Told of His Interment in Japan and
His 'Trip Tome
A regular luncheon of Wingham
Lions Club was held last Friday ev-
ening at the Queen's Coffee Shop with
a good attendance. President Stan,
Hall called on members for the Roll
Call and the following guests were
introduced: Mr. Max Stewart, Mr.
Ed. Gibson,' LAC. Jack Herd, Mr.
Geo. Allen of Chicago and. Mr. Mc-
Farlane of Toronto.
The report of the Directors' Meet-
ing was presented for consideration by
the Club. Lions Jack McKibbon and
Gordon Buchanan introduced a mot-
ion that $200 be taken from the sur-
,plus from 1941 funds and invested in
Dominion of Canada bonds and these
be held as a fund toward a swimming
pool after war, This suggestion nmet
with time approval of the members and
this addition will bring the funds for
this purpose up to $400, Lion Bill
Hamilton reported that his Commit-
tee had been working on the arrange-
ments for holding the Blood Clinic
here and a canvas at four of the fac-
tories had brought in 80 promises of
one pint per man. Blanks were, plac-
ed on the tables and were well signed
by Lions. Lion Hamilton also expres-
sed appreciation to Lions Dr. Bill
Connell and Dr. Wilfred Crawford for
their addresses over CKNY on this
subject. It was felt that the required
130 names would be easily reached.
Lion Hal. MacLean reported that the
Directors recommended that $25 be
given to the Salvation Army Cam-
paign and this motion was seconded
by Lion Bill Hamilton and carried.
President Hall reported that Ladies
Night would be held eon the second
Friday in October and that a good
speaker had been arranged for. Lion
Geo. Northwood as Chairman of the
Membership Committee reported four
new members for approval of the
Club. These were accepted and will
be presented at the next meeting. A
sextette composed of Lions Spry, Tif-
fin, McCool, Gibson, Buchanan and
Northwood were summoned to the
'froni.-and led the Lions in singing
with a solo number featured by Lion
At the request of the President,
Lion Jack Hanna introduced the
guest speaker of the evening, Mr. Max
Stewart, Acting Commercial Secre-
tary, Canadian Legation at, Tokyo,
Japan. Mr. Stewart, and old Wing-
ham boy, expressed his pleasure at
meeting so many of his old friends
again and proceeded with his address.
Mr. Stewart told of being in Shang-
hai in 1937 and spending sonic three
years there. Early in 1940 he was
moved to Tokyo as a Commercial
Attache. The attack on Pearl Har-
bour came as a surprise, It was well
known that there was considerable
tension between Japan and the United
States but it was felt that some way
would be found to smooth over the
difficulties. He described the Japs
a hard ruthless people who could live
on very little and survive. They met
death fearlessly as their Shinto relig-
ion taught them that the life of a war-
rior after death would be glorious and
happy. All Japs killed in action were
supposed to have their names 'engrav-
ed on the columns around the entrance
to the shrines.. When casualties be-
came heavy, the authorities selected
an occasional name and later after it
had been engraved on a column, it
had been found that that person was
still alive. Under the •cireumstances,
he could not come home and his fam-
ily refused to recognize him as he was
"officially" dead, He was condemned
to wander about in China or some
foreign country the rest of his clays.
(Continued on page three)
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Chick, R.R.
No. 2, Teeswater, announce 'the en-
gagement of their only daughter,
Mary Averil to Mr. Herbert Freder-
ick Kelloway, of Toronto. The mar-
riage to take place at the bride's home
October 10th.
On Military Hospital Staff
Most of the Personnel of the new
military hospital unit, No. 10 General
Hospital, has been announced by
headquarters at Military District No.
1, The list includes Capt. J. Hardie.
Geddes, a former Winghamite, who
will be in charge of the medical
branch, also Nursing Sister Nora Bell,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Bell
of town. Prior to her drilistfeta Miss
Bell was superintendent of Walker-
ton General Hospital,
Institute Plan For Grandmother's
The regular 'monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute was held on Fri-
day afternon with the president, Mrs,
I. H. Crawford in the chair, The
meeting opened with the National
Anthem and the Lord's Prayer in un-
ison, The roll call was answered by
telling How the Holidays were spent..
An extensive business session was
lucid when plans, were made for cater-
ing at two- evrits in the near future,
A solo by Miss Lorraine Carter was
much enjoyed.
The special speaker was Mr. L. E.
Cardiff, member for Huron-North
who gave -a very interesting address
on "What relation are we to our corn-
munity." He told of the part the
farmers are taking in the community
and the importance of their task in
these times of stress, A vote of thanks
was tendered him on motion of Mrs,
A. R, DuVal and Mrs, W, J. Hend-
The next meeting will be Grand-
mother's meeting and all members-
are requested to bring something •ap-
propriate to this meeting which should
prove very interesting.
The.rneeting closed with the Insti,
tute Ode.
Shipments To Be Made Early In
October ,
As the Red Cross are asked to have
the ditty bags for the sailors pack-
ed and shipped early in the month,
they request that all donations of
money and supplies be handed in this
week if possible. As soon as these
donations are all received, the articles
will be purchased and the bags filled.
This all takes time, and, as these bags
must reach the boys of the navy for
Christmas, please give the Red Cross
your co-operation . This is a work in
which everyone should share, and any
gifts may be left at the Red Cross
Room. The Bluevale Branch hasi al-
ready sent in $40.00, a very- splendid
gift from that small unit. 1‘
To Hold Rally Day -
The United Church Sunday School.
will hold their annual Rally Day
service at 2.30 p.m. on Sunday next
in the Sunday School room. The
special speaker will be Mr. Fred
Beck of Harriston. A program by the
pupils will be given.
To Hold Shower For Ditty Bags
At the regular meeting of the- 9th
line of Turnberry Red Cross group
held last Thursday at Gilmour's
School, two quilts were quilted. They
also decided at that meeting to donate
$6.00 to the Wingham Red Cross for
ditty bags. The ladies are asked to
remember the shower for the sailor's
ditty bags to be held on Friday, Oc-
tober 9th. It was decided to hold a
euchre at a later date,
Season's First &lbw
The falling of snow early Monday
morning is a gentle reminder that old
man winter is not far around the
corner. An old timer made the re-
mark; "snow in September •heralds a
fine October.' Here's hoping that is
the case, The snow was not the var-
iety that made a white blanket as it_
disappeared as it fell, but the morn-
ing was plenty chilly and when the.
sun came out later it was truly wel-
Committee Looks For Objective To
Be Reached This Week
The Salvation Army Home Front
Appeal in this district is progressing
favorably according to reports from
the committee in charge, Although
no definite figures have been released
as yet, it is fully expected that the
objective twill be reached. The cam-
paign officially closed October 3rd,
but some parts of this district will
carry on after that date as organiz-
ation was not completed in time to
complete the canvass, during .the regu-
lar campaign dates,
If you have not as yet subscribed
to this worthy cause the committee
would appreciate your doing so with-
out delay as they are Very anxious
not only to have their objective over
subscribed but completed as quickly
as possible.
Gordon Ralph Crawford of Vancou- survive. The Ottawa was one of the
ver, brother of Dr, W. A, Crawford, destroyers which escorted the King
of town. Five officers and 65 men, and Queen between Vancouver and
and six ratings of the Royal navy Victoria, during the 1939 visit,